Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 24, 1865, Image 1

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Tinily Paper ?ar ? Month. ) "Let oof?jnst ceararo ( Tri-Weekly $10 a Menth .Payable ?a Ajivance. f '-' Attend tba tree event.'--?Aaljt-wr?-. } Payable in Advacce. BY J, A. SEx?nr. COLUMBIA, S. C., SOHDAY, APRIL 24, 1865, YOL. L-KO: 22, THE COLUMBIA PHONIX ti PtTB?SHID DAIIT A WD TU-WBKKIT, Bf JU LI A A ? S EE, B Ti Th? Daily is issued' avery morning, ejpeept $20 a month. Tr> Weekly, Tu ?a ay; Thuraday and Saturday, at S IO a month, iata riably in adran ec. Single copies $1. - Advertisements inserted at $5 pur square ((en lines) for each insertion. .> Votice. rf pursuance of the authority Tested in me by Section S Article II of the Constitution of the Episcopal Church in thia Diocese, I "hereby change the place of the meeting of the next Diocesan Council frota the eity of Colum? bia to Camden; and the tithe from the 10th tc the 94th of May next. ? The Council will, there? fore, be held in Grace Church, Camden, on the 24th of May. The necessities lor these changes are so obvious that thev need not be stated, and I earnestly request the atteadance of the members of the Council. THOS. F. DAVIS,. Bishop of-the Diocese of S. C. The attention*of the Clergy ?nd Pariahes of y>e Diocese *is called to the above, and those who may fail to receive the usual notification, are requested to consider it in lieu thereof! J. D'. MoCOLLOiJGH, April lg Secretary of Council. A Card. IWILL continue to attend to sales of FURNI? TURE, MERCHANDIZE, BEAL ESTATE ead STOCKS, at Private Sale and at 'Auction. Liberal advances made upon wu articles sent to me for sale. For the present, apply - at my residence. Bridge street. VW rs left with Mr. Di C. PEIXOTT?.'at Mr. Walter's residence; next to Shiver House, will be promptly attended to. "** Ape! 8 FRANCIS LANCE. S260 Keward t?K?fc STOLEN, on - the night of'the 14th ?x?Ti i tu*., from the stable- ur rear<of~Head quart. a ehoct SORREL. STALLION, about lour ye; ?a old. .? Said animal bas a sore on eaeh side of h s hack, and bair trimmed very ebert f?n b*>?>> hind fetlocks.* Tb? above reward will 'be paid, nod no questions naked, if the horse-is delivf red ?t Headquarters Pent. April 1? _ Lost-and Found Bible Al A M1 LY Bl BLE, 1 oat by somebody dar- ! i?.?i it"- ure, has been found, and will be j cheerfr'-v.delivered to any party proving pro? perty ai.d jm??-g ?qg this advertisement. It cont?m?*%o name of the owner; but in the "family ireiird there afc names of children, by which she r~al owner can readily identify the i j?roperry. A^ply at this office. April lt " Headquarters. . CUJLtfoBlA, S. C., M Anon SI, Uti. JSJPE?i A U ORDER 2??, -Copy. . J") i ?S" t'nl?STBN ia Hereby appointed Anting1 >H? MttrsUal'of this eity antil farther -arder*. I- will be obeyed and respected ne eordinglv. By order A. F. RUDLER, Cal. Comm'df . W. i. Maauae; A. A. A. Cl. April A \ Headquarter"*, COLUMBIA, & C.. Arin. 19, 1886* j "f4j 0T1CE is hereby giren that no PASSES I i 131 yr M be granted et these headquarters, to . any on?, for the pnrpose of entering th? ene Ln>r? lines. Passes lor shea' purpose saust be j fohtaiaed frcm the Secretary of-War. By order A. F. RUDLER, Col. ConVg. W. JL H KAUTO, A. A. A. G. Ap? il 20 ~w For Sale, A??US? and' LOT, fine VEGETABLE ! G A R??ir;. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,1 PIANO, ?fcc ; in ftet, a complete ?od comfort--j i able homestead. Henris accommodating. Ap- ' ply to 27S Richardson street, below State Hon**-._ April 81 fS? MISS E. A. KELLY, a -graduate of the Charleston Sera al School, intends form-1 ing s CLASS of YOUNG LADIES, to teach Arithmetic, Algebra, Grammar apd Writing. The pupils will be taaght with the view of pre? paring them lo teaed. They will not only re I ceive t borough instruction in all the funda? mental rules of thc above mentioned branches, i hu tl his 'instruction will be 'imparted to them j j in such a systematic manner, that they will find it-ensy and pie* ss rt to convey it to others. *No pupil under fourteen desired. The class will i I meet at the Male Academy, oa Laurel atreet, erery Monday, rnesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. The best of references can be given. For farther particulars, apply at Mr. WM. KELLY'S, Cn md en etre?t, two doorsEast of Bull atreet April 21 For Sale or Bent. COTTAGE HOUSE containing five rooms and necessary out-buildings, with sixty seres of land attached, two m ilea and a half from the city. Inquire at this office. April IT ' . .._. THE subscriber having resumed business aa a Commission Merchant, is now prepared to receive consignments end make liberal ad? vance? on all tunda of PRODUCE and MER? CHANDIZE. Thankful for paat favors, he re I spectfolly solicits a continuance of sam?. Al business' entrusted to my core shall hare my usual prompt attention. A. L. SOLOMON, Commission Merchant, Plain atreet, second door from Assembly. Adril SO_V_ta Headquarters MIL Div. of tho Wost, " AU6U3TA, Masca 4, 18?. I SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS HO* lg. Lffirfret*.] T COL A P. RUDLER ia hereby assigned li sa Commandant of tho Post at Columbia, IS. C. ?''>'..:.. By command Gea BEAU REG ARD. Official: Gsa. W. Bam, Cel. and A. A. G. HEADQUARTERS, OOWUBJA, 8." C., Marah ia. 186ft, GENERAL ORDERS NO. 1. * In obedience to the above order, I hereby ?OtMSao command of this Post, i By order of A. F RUDLER, i jr> Colonel Commanding. W. J. Mature, A. A. A. G. marah 21 BB ?NOT DISCOURAGED.-Hope tm, lioj> . ever. Life's prospects may appear to yon dreary and uninviting; life's realities nrfty be painfully oppressive to your sensi? tive feelings; but "with trustful cr/?adenco believe that He who made a way through I th? Red Sea for his redef ined ones to pass lover, eau easily light upvyour path with sunshine anti strew it with fail est flowers: He who forms the night creates also the tiny. He who direct? the course ol the storm cloud also sends the Fair -weather out in the North. The railway of life does not always ! lie through tua nell. A not lier moment and your gladdened spirit may be enjoying the fine balmy air and reveling in the beauties of earth and sky, It may be that you are even just now upon the verge of God's choicest blessing. ' A man who cheats in short measure is a ; measureless rogue. If- he gives short measure in wheat, then he ts a rogue in grain.. If iu whiskey, then he is a rogue in spirit. If he gives a bad title to|land, then he is a rogue in deed. And if be cheats whenever he can, he ia in deed, in spirit, in grain, a measureless, scoundrel. .Mr. Morris, one day asked his lawyer hew an heiree?-might be caned off. .Yetti cannot do it with' safety, sai d, the adyisfi; but I will tell you what you may do" >j?t her mount a horse and bold a I ridle-whip; do you then mount bohind ber, and you are safe,, for she runs away with yan. Th* next day the lawyer found that it was his own daughter, who had run away with hie. client. The English House of "Peera at present consists of one Prince, two Boyal Dukes, three Archbishops, twenty-four Dukes, thirty-one Marquises,' 158 Earls, thirty one V lacou nts, tw** ty-eight Bishop1;, and 158 Barons. As the Bishop of Bath and Wells sits also as Baron of Auckland, the total number of peers ia 43?* What mother bas the fairest daughter? Motber?of pearl. Speaking of corporal punishment in schooig, what pupil is the most to be pitied? The pupil of the eye,, because it is always under the lash! PUNCH'S MENTAL PHILOSOPHY.--What is mind? No m?Uer. What is matter? Never mind. What ia the nature of the .oui? lt isjmrnatc-rial.