Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 10, 1865, Image 4

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?fc TOriginnl.] Strtfcgtb. from Ovortb.row. ' t< i. Methinks 'twere easy from the strife, The cruel warfare now we wage, To pluok a lesson,aweet as sago, And find,'in loee, the strength for life. II. For, heritor? of thousand years, ^f^ng experience, toil and war, . .Ws'rssriser ss I think, b? fer Than if preserved from griefs and fears. in. " .. Tlie grief which hardens to the time . A nd shapes the soul for brave intent, _ Becomes the better aliment, *'' * Tiie Ireart to lift; thp soul aublime. ""rv. V. ; it's weil endured, is bread and meal; What's conquered, in ourselves, of ill, Becomes a fouat of nurture still, .\..d sorrow's, self shall, grow to sweet. MNGLASD AXD AUSTRALIA.-Horth?rn papers intimate that England will soon have trouble in A-U^ralia. Tlie people, we seo hy the Picayune, have determined that their country shall not be made a place of refuge' for all villaios of Great Britain, and r i c. persistent!y~urging the Home Govern? ment to abolish.'the system of transporta iiou. For many months petitions and re-^ monstrances, private and official, bare been .. sent forward against sending any more con? victs to Western Australia. Men of all shades of ?pinion, and of every class, have; taken a patt in the agitation and made ?' common cause of it. In fact, the feeling is unanimous and profound, that the soil of Australia shall no Longer be polluted hy? the filth of England, and that a persistency in the policy will inevitably .tend to e& trangemeut and- final , separation. Since the discov?ryof goldia better class af popu? lation has emigrated to Australia, and with the thrift and enterprise of its "people it is becoming wealthy and prosperous. Mel? bourne, the prihcinar'citVj which had" bm, a few thousand inhabitants ton ye?fcs a^o, lias more than 150,000 population.- With country three millions of square tr.iles in ex? tent, which embraces every tfarhKty of climate, from torrid -to ^temperate,- with arable soil, and enriched with the godden treasures of the earth, it is natural that the Australians should, seek to remove the, atigoia which rests on their., country as n convict land and strive for au honorable future. . ? END OP THE WARw-^The following is from a correspondent of the Macon Telegraph: Gen, Beauregard, when on a recent visit, to this city, v?as asked bf tx. pastor * of one the churches, General, have yoi anything which I eau; carry back, in these dark J days, to cheer th^ hearts of my prople? Assuredly ? have, li? replied. U.^ve you never traveled on a ?ark day, when. !o\v murky clouds overcast all tho lana wflh gloom? Aud have you not seen the sun ' ?uddenly break through those' cloud J , nut! light up the sceno with" glory? . Often, sir, was the#epii. * Jiegard my words as prophetic, ho con? tinued, tlws war will end suddauiv and' gloriously. . Lii??o*L*ts OKD?RS REGARDING/TUADE/ By ordsr of Liircoln, Seward ha> issued an ?rder, declaring that ni I persons now-or hereafter found in the JJnited States, who have been engaged in holding intercourse or trade "with the insu'rgests by sea, if| citizens of the United States, Shall be hsld j prisoners of war until the war closes, aub ?ject nevertheless to prosecution, trial .and i OO?viw?Ou iG? ?my oily nut; uommiued by . them as spies or otherwisesagainst the laws Ibfwar. Tiie order diiects that all non? residents and foreigners who are Or shrill be [found*T the-Unitod -State?, who.have been* I engaged in violating the blockade-of iomir [gent ports, shall leavi* within twelve days I f?rora the publication of this order, or from j itheir subsequent arrival in " the Uniledl [?States, if on the Atlantic aide, and- forty if on the Atlantic side, and forty ii' on the Pacifie% side of thu country, and shall not return during the war. ProvosFand civil marshals will arrest and co r?pait into mili tary custody ail offenders, who disregardJ this order, whether tbeyTiave passports or [ not,and detain them iu custody until the' ot?se of ?he war, or until they are discharg? ed by order of the Pr?sident. -E m . ? - TOTAL DEPRAVITY.-J). F. Bivens, a wretch who df liberately murdered his wife, mother and father, in Michigan,--a few weeks ago,^i?stead of occupying his mind with matters suitable to his case, seems to be study in <; and planning how "he can-marc the most money out of the morbid curio ? sity created l>v Ins unparalleled crimes! To ?this end, i.e advertises that hu is engaged io [?getting ont n? autobiojgraptty, ' o include^a full account ot" his Me, all tli?: CHVUAjststtt?jes of his ai ii rdn rs, etc., etc; lt i j reported thal lie has applied to liam uv; ?o boy lao . 1 - ? L li - itigin which hu murdered his p-i:vut Vu I wi e! An Adrian pat ?er pubhsho- a ?;-.rd, [signed by him, wanting lie- public ag? i'i-i pu relias: ?g ci?itiin photography of him. ' b';c?;Us;: hu w> abon? ./?-IM :;' out son te je y niue ou e.?, tnken. ?vj;l-.the c~>--t V.-- h . l?:d ion nt the L:IIH: o\ tho pa ti d. r. lie a's.' savsha ivill soon have the pie?ti es o?botn .of h?> \V?\#LT-, and advert i?.< s tut; agen is. Tjforlhern pnp v. .** - r . ->-? Hcadcpiaiteis. GOLf?MI>r?-, S. C.. ?huivsl, lSt5?. I SPECTAL ORD i::: .vo -(y-,,*... JOHNNA U?T EX- i? hewby upphiated A ?lina Provost Muiphul of ibis fi tr imf ?I .furihei orders, lie will be obeyed, and respected ac? cording]?* By or?fr A*. F. I?VDI.E1?, Cid. ?.. li.'nT.'g. W. J. MJEAUXO, A_A. A C. Aoiil -t Brr.? Formilrj/. 'pilE ppl ?erHi*?r. f.K- r->. JL WO'Uid tnfoim hist frh?! ids ar:-- vii- ? nhl ic that be is still prop; red ts .'<?. r.-vi. ajj fejt.d? of BRASS CAST!NC hi :. sforkiimnlik) tuounep and with i!e*pii!cli. Rt'l?'T Mel'Ul'O AuL, mareil 2? ia*'li$*iih?desi -ar W-.-l.? . i- st. " L uol'oi.iion oi i*it-"i'? . .; '. AX? nuu Pict-ttial ana Qi Pt Boo 1\. GI VT liOOK-v beaut h ni ly il ??st ra ted, .suitable aa merufSTito^-i o/ fri ndi?iip^.i.J ?Mic?. ! ii i.) a and a* rewiirtls ui merit an<j exe-. Hence in ! academies, including ;!*<. writings oi'*omc? of ?the most famous pocus. Apply at '?hi? oriioo. [v * Notice. ALL ferrymen throughout the District are respectfolby requested to cross no slave over the river, either by fiats or ?mill bo*ts, withoutfiis pas?, is endor,*?d by either Mr. J. G. GIBBES. Cap'u JOHN CARSTE.N'or myself. marcoo ' T, J. GOODWYN/ Mayor. Headquarters, ; DET^CHM'T BUTLER'S CAV. BRIGADE, ! _CHARLOTTE, N. C., March 28. 1^5 ALL absentees from Butler's Cavalry Bri gade are hereby'required to report to me .Chesterville, S. C., or to Capt. Mci VER, at Cheraw, ??. C,, without delay. To such aa Ito; ' 'report promptly, the clemency offered m the . ?soe nt order from Gen. Lee will be extended. Those who du not avail ibo ma elves of this last opportunity may'ejyjfecf thc extremest penabry of the military law. This ordec-to remain in force for twenty days from this date By order B. H. RUTLEDGE, _ro?rr>.h 23 Col. Gomm'?Lr Det achment. Headquarters. Mil. Div. of the West, ' I x ' -AUGUSTA, MAROU 4, 1865. SPEC I A L FIELD O RD EUS NO. 18. '[Extract.] > f T COL. A. t. RUDLER ia hereby assigned JLe ns Coofuiandaut of the Post al Columbia, S. C. * * '* .? "* By command G en. BEAUREGARD. " - \ Official: Gao. W. Bsjn?x, Col, and A. A. G. HEADQUARTERS, COLUMBIA. 8. CL, ! ' March 15, 1865. GENERAL ORDERS NO. h , lu obedience to the abov* order, I hereby assume of thia Post. By order of A. P. RUDLER, Colqnel Commanding. w. j. MKALIMO, A: A. A^G. march ai Headquarters, C? LUMBLA, a.. C., MARCH ?0, 1861. * SP EVI A L OR3ER NO IA LL "officers and mea now in the city . who are un attached, will report to these i iicndq iartci s for organisation ?s a guard for |>OHt tjllly. il Detailed men who ara unassigned ara M <|im-c<l to report at these headquarters for l?siijunie-nl tri duty without d^lay. ill. Th? pylioe and citizens generally ara "* rcqinyted to nid in the arrest of absentees and' IrSt-rteis. By order of \. F. RUDLER, Colonel Commanding. 1 W. .1. MILING. A. A. A. G. march 21 ^ The State of South Carolina. ^^^^^^ . " EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, COLOMBIA, March 2?, 1865: rpjli: invasion of tho Stale has rendered it 1 P1 ?!>er 'bat th? Legislative Department of the* Government of ibo State should be coa v. iM-.l. that snob measures may be adopted as the welfare of the Stale may require. And far i h:.v purpose, tho members* of the Senate *nd , the i louse of Representatives of thc State of South Carolina are hereby" invited to assembla at-Gre*u'vitl?, ou TUESDAY, the 25th day of ( Anti). 1865, at l&u'closk m. Uv bo Governor: A. G. MAGRATH. Official: W. S. ELLIOTT, Privet? Ssareiary. April 1 Ali papers'in thc State will copy until Use tiaierfor the meeting, of. the Legislature^ i