Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 10, 1865, Image 1

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Daily Paper $L0 a Montbr) .' "Let oar just centre v J Tri-Woekly $10 a MOD th. ' Payr.!:! J ?n Advance. j" ' Attend the .true event."-Sh?kspcare. ^ { Payable ia Advance. BY J. A. SELBY COLUMBIA, S. C., JONDAY, APRIL IO, 1865. VOL. 1.-NO. IO. THE COLUMBIA PHOKIX ia FU HUSHED DAILY AND TM-WEKXI.Y. BY JULIAN ?. SELBY. P The Daily ia issued every morn i up, except. Suaday, at |20 a mon th. Tri-Weekly, Tuesday, Thuieday and Saturday, at $10 a mont li, inva? riably in advance. Pingle copies $1. Advertisement ? inserted ot $5 pei HJU:U'? (iii) lines) for *?ef?-h?eei'tion. THE COLUMBIA PHON1X, ?- j PT7BTJSIIXD * D-A1LY A2?D TUI WKEKL^ THE undersigned b?gs to inform the til in ns of Columbia and of tne State of South Carolina at large, that he has commenced the daily publication of the COLUMBIA PBONIX, and trusta that this additional contribution to the sources of public,^fst will t e os grutc ful to his readers, BS he ti nits lo itiwVe it yalu- ' able both to them and to himself. Th?- tele 1 * pasha of the AssoeiiJe? Press will bo regulativ I published each morning, a? will j6v?i??* *T? mattara of interact received by tin- maila. -The ? p?p?sr will Be delivered regularly to city sub? scribers by faithful carriers. Terms ?f2U fer I month, in ad ranee. I The TRI-WEEKLY PKONTX-published ; every Tuesday^ Thursday and Saturday-will be mailed to subscribers in thc coan try at. $10 a month, in advance. \Ko subscription received for a Unger period than three rao nibs. yy* Postmasters are authorized to act a? agents, and will"reserve ten per cent, as com- j missions. . JULIAN A- SELBY, - - . Publisher and Proprietor. COLOMBIA, B. C., April 10, 1865. _ Proclamation. IT. J. GOODWYN, Mayor of the. city o; ? Columbia, H. C., call earnestly upon the cit i^eus to aid the municipal- authorities in the preservation of order, peace and law..' The laws made and provided fop their maintenance will be strictly enforced, lt ia, therefore, ear? nestly w-queeted that any and every encroach? ment be promptly reported to the proper officers. lt isa source, of deep^ regtet to the executive that a laxity of morals exists among - * sonic portions of our inhabitants, inasmuch as - they are daily trespassing' on the rights ot otKere, whose enclosures are'not secure by pro? per fencing; also, on the shade trees on the pub lit- tl reels- The law in these instances, as well e- all fawa for the prctection.of poblic and pri-, vate-property, will be enforced. j lt Jins siso been reported that parties are" ?frbi ii '?ring into the etty spirituous liquors for sole. , ! I i- mi*]* tobe deprecated that, this source of, IPTJSC .-honld nt such a time, when our . itsnr< eland in daily want of food. Se .y i, mettsUies against the retailing of liquors. H -,n-> l e r?.-?or!ed to, in order to stop the sprend . : C?? ?ri- vous erft; .Ousting on an All-wise pk,.vi *! ?<<." to kuMain me in this our time of : LT?-IJ<:H,,.???'3 >tl\ing-on all good ftitizena to . j->.-i:'.*.!i. ivjiliortirc-s in maintaining order in Siren under my iiacd, this l?v.rth day of Avi ii, lb65. ' jgi . T. J. .GOODWTxi. ; April 6 - . ' . . - COLUMBIA, > ' ?ta- . . .i-W-. _ - M. '_?? 1 g\ ?J OiTC faa ?-e '-= Conflagration of Colombia. The reader y ill have Been that wo have bi ought to a close our narrative of Ure most iVouppiouotts events, in the "?aptore, pack, and hum ing of the city of Columbia." "We have been at gi eat paine to mnke the statements amp]e, and to justify them'by reference to the best authorities and witnesses to be found. We believe that the facts are substantially com. plete. and so, true in all respects. There are no*d?>ul t many emissions iff ? interesting inci? dent*, which, airthey are reported to us, "we maj* supply hereafter in^ a supplement. Thc incident!" given ore selected as typical of-large" uJ' of ii.cts^TepreMntntive anecdotes, uni !nn>i in their variety, and quit? too numerous for separat?* con?id*>rat:on. But the very uni fi? mit}*, amidst such, fe wanter* ria coiiection, is in confiimntion of the general authenticity of Jho whole.;4-and we repeat the "conviction that the narrative is wholly true withal, and to be relied on as ? history. . We have seen, with come surprise, some attempts, in sundry quarters, to account for the deftiuctioa of Columbia, by ascribing il to accident, to the drunkenness of straggling parlies, to our negroes, and, indeed, to any but thc proper cause, lt is evidently the design ol these writers, without inquiring into the mo? tives hy which they were governed, to relieve the Yankee Genera! and his array from the imputation, li it could be shown that one fealf of Sherman's army were not actually en* gaged in firir.g the houses in twenty places at once, whHe the other half were not quiet spec '"la.tors'indifferently looking on, there might be some shrewdness in this suggestion. If ii. coule be shown that the whiskey found its way out of Rtores r.nd cellars, grappled with the inno? cent Yankees, and poured itself down theil - throat?, then tba Yankees are relieved of tb? responsibility. If .it .can.bc proved that-th? negroes were not terrified by the presence o; these infuriate enemies, in such large num bera, and did not, (as they almost invariably did.) on'the night of the fire, akulk away int< their'cabins, lying quite low, and keeping ai dark as possible; we might listen to this sug gestion, and perhaps admit its plausibility .But why did the Yankees prevent the firemei from.extinguishing the fire in ifs firsf outbreak as they strove te do? Why did I hey ?ut th? hose, as soon as ft waa brought ?uta the streets Why did they not assist is ssthiguirhing th: flames! Why, with 20,000 men encamped ii the streets, did they suffer the stragglers U i sucked in a work of soon extensive and o*ia ? bolieal mischief? Why did they suffer the pn>u? wretches te bre^k ir?*rt lb* ?tores and drink the liquor wbercver-it was found? , And what sholl we say to theuniversal plundering, which was a part of the object attained througji the means of fire? TV hy, above all, did they, with their guards massed at every corner, suffer the negroes to do this work? These questions answered, it will be seen that all these suggestions are Fheer nonsense. Togr.e them plausibility, w? have been told, among other falsehoods, that G eu eral Sharman himself was burned ont of his own selected quarters, no less than four time* This is simply la lea He was burned out in no eingle instance: None of. bia Generals waa burned ont The h ous?>6 cbosenior their abodes, were careful^ selected, and the fire, was ?udie^sly kept from approaching them in any single instance. But we ?are pursued our narrative very imperfectly, if our array of facts be not such as conclusively to *ahow that ?the destruction of the city was a deliberately designed thng, in- , ? flexibly fixed from the beginning, and ita fate sufficiently well? koowa to be conceived and" comprehended by all the army Long before the enemy left Savannah, a lady inquired of one of the Yankee Generals in that city, .whither ehe ihoo??V retire~m?ntionin|.'; her preference of Columbia. His reply was significant-"Go anywhere but to Columbio." We- hare ?tated the conference between the lady superior of the Ursuline Convent, and a certain Major of the Yankees, who originally bel?ng^dto the press gang of Detroit He warn? ed her at ll o'clock of Friday,- "that she would nj&ed all the guard he had-brought, af C?lwnbia vas a doomed city." A lady in one -of our upper districts, express? ing surprise at the treatment of Columbia in this nineteenth, or boasted century of civiliza . tionxwa8 answered: "South- Carolina has been" long since the promised boon of-Sherman s army." And it is well known that 'an order was issued to his troops before they . crossed the river, giving them license to sack, plunder and destroy for the ; pace of thirty six hours. .... - Masonic brethren told others in the eitj-, that thia order had been issued, and that Co- _ lumbia WAS destined to destruction. A sick Yankee soldier, who had been fed, nursed and kindly treated by a city lady, 'old her, on Fri? day morning, that the place would b,o destroyed that night; and the fa4t already glimpsed at, that the officers quaitered themselves in the I' suburbs, and contd not be feusd when the fire * commenced, is snffieiently signifie ,nt of tb?" well underalood design. The simultaneous