Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 08, 1865, Image 1

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Daily Paper ip^O a Month. ^ , "Let oar iast censure j Trj-"W<-tki.y a ?.?OMIII. Payable ia/ "rance. J Attend the trae ovont."-SXaktpettrc* t { Fa*. ~V>i? Ad BY J. A. SMUBY. COLUMBIA, S. C., SATUEDAY. APRIL 8, 1865. VtL. l.-l\0. 9 THE COLUMBIA PHON1X i is rUBUsuKu HAILY ASO TEI-WKKKLY, B?Y JULIAN A. SELBY.I The Daiiy is issued every monning, except, donday, ut. $?0 a mouth. Tri-Weekly, Tuesday, ! Thuisday and Saturday, at $10 a month, m va- | riably in advance. Siuglc copies $1. Advertisements inserted at $5 per square (ten j lines) for each insertion. Oar Refuged ism. e , fe ? Wa found Lincolnton tilled with refugee from Columbia, some keeping house on a small scale, -some boarding on a large one. All the three Weeks'we were there^ it rained almost laces, saut ly; thc streets so impassable from the mud, . one tumid it impossible to go lo se! an opposite ? neighbor. LiueohiloD ia? by no mean: a fist place, the verd'antiqu* on tome of the houses gives signs of.age and still standing. The Court rio lue is a tine,, one, and beautifully situated, ou a centra! eminence, thc principal streets radiating front it. The churches are good; tile new Methodist .?nildiikg is a very tine ' one, that d?nomination baying -in? luck to have . their church completed "just before thc war. * We ri lid the spiriteof extortion lins reached thu? far and Confederate money almost useless. Om; retugoes seem generally cheerful; for our own part, wheu believing that all worldly posees w eious wer? swept away, wc lelt we could take "U-od for our portion.". Among the refugees wno has lost most heavily by the fire in Colum? bia, is Cel. C-; but he cannot get out of his old habit of giving, and continues lo distribute just as if he had not loot several millions, ile regretted, he said, the loss of his cotton factory most, bf cause it threw 600 poor operatives out of employment. My neighbor refugee over th? tray, *wno has been reduced suddenly from afflueuee te poverty, and made, willi her five little children, houseless, says: "W hy should 1 be exempt, wheo so many better people have Buffered," Yes, we have many sana tor which to answer, bul we are a batter people than the Yankee?. 1 Uk? Liucointun, all bat its Basse, which mast ever bc distasteful te a Southron. We advise the good people to chang? it-call it, for in? stance, Leesville-but 1 digress. In spits of the reads, that make it hera almost impossible to travel, we must back ie ear poor sacked and ?burned city; we must 540 back and "weep with those that weep." i Dreadful, indeed, we proved thc road to j Dailae-r-our first day's journey, and tho ?ext j having ^iven one of our mules "the-scratchea," made the poor creature more mulish than ever. Tuesday night finds us at Dallas. In the morn? ing, the threatening aspect of the- weather would have kept withindoors, any but des? perate travelers bent home. Oh! such "h?ls of difficulty. ' Oh! such "sloughs of despoud" os wt- encountered, with the rain beating m our face* all the way; but, at night, Mr. li.'s com? fortable home made amends to us for all the toils and discomfertof the day. The next day (Wednesday} the road? grV-w worse instead of better; there one oj*thermales had to be prized by malu force ont of tho''mud, where it lay helplessly imbedded, and theraiu again pouted upon tis. Called for a night's lodging at a lordly mansion-said, we only desired a shelter, haying pro visions for man and beast alon, with us-puitiug'iu our plea as refugees, frsra Columbia. It was of no avail. We were directe d to another houie, about a mile or oi- two ahead. A large handsome brick bouse thia wa?, lt was nearly night, now, and .the rain still pouring. We urged ?very plea to gain admittance. Mr. M-told them he feared the creek between their's aud the next house, to which they directed us, would be swimming. It weighed nothing with them, go we must. Wo went on, sad and gloomy, and -fearful enougn. When we neared the creek, found it a sta; kuew nothing of its depth, and in the darkness and raiu it would have been suicidal lo attempt its passage. We turned baek again to petition, by every -plea of humanity, for s shelter-a ru ere molter for night. Again, per? emptorily refuted. I then made a personal appeal iu this fashion-God has bean merciful to you in keeping the enemy fi om your home. But, supposing you w%re driven from it, as we, and under suen circumstances as we arc now, yon were refused even a shelter from the rain. Oh! have you no mercy! Mr. M. took tuen hu seat ou a bench in the piazza, and said: "lier? I slay all night, and will here, al least, have t covering over our heads. Whether hie resolv? or my appeal, moved her woraau's heart; w. know not; but, after going into the house fo a eouboitatiou, shu caine aud told tu to conic III aud treated us then respec'lolly, ;it :ea?.i There were none but ladled in th? louse-th were lari ag sumptuously; everything J. b< tb? wari the home wee an ?antun? ?> - i MBH ? ???? H mm ii.ii-w i ia-r*-< -nio-. could iiave given room Lo fi d >z-;.i \> ..> .. . lerad refugees-h.sides whicli, it, hud 1? . been a stoppiSK place fur travel, i s and thu* had a right to call." Wo paid our bill, nut ix orbitant, but a very ^respectable one tor one bight's grudged entertainment of us-$65 Before having, I took occasion to s?y to the lad\', our hostess. **There will b? no hotels m Columbia, now. You may have occasion to visit there; if so, I hop? you will come to my bouse " [TO Bi. tONTlSCUD J JH. J2-?L IO : QEVERAL hundred fine CABBAGE aud 0 BEET PLANT? to exchange for pi o visions or to sell for specie, at the Cemetery. f f Notice. ALL persons having demauds against the late SAMUEL W. DIBBLE, will imiae 1 diatelv present them, duly certified, to I April S 1* W. JASPER DIBBLE, Columbia, %%?., April 7, 1363._ ~ Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate of Mrs. IL M. DIBBLE, deceased, will present their accounts, duly certified, im? mediately to . W. JASPER D?BBLE, Atty of Ex'r Estate Mrs. H. M. Dibole. Columbia, April 7, 1865. ' April 8 1? Notice-Stocks and Bonds Stolen, Lost or Burnt on tito Night ol' 17 tn feor^ary. -j f\f \ SHAKES UNION BANK OF S. C. iyU 20 " Farmer's and Exchange Bank of S. C. 63 shares Planter's aud Meehan ?e's Bank. 13 " " State Bank. 23 " South Carolina Railroad and Bank. 23 half shares " " 10 aliares People's Bank. 3 whole and o half shares Charleston Bank. 20 shares Trust and Insurance Company, Charleston. * ?356 fttate S. C- 7 percent. Bond, * ALSO, . . $500 7 per cent. Bond Charleston and Savan? nah Railroad. 55161) Confederate States 8 per cent. Beads. The above securities staun in the name of tba Ancient Artillery Society. ia ii .persons ate nouben uot to trade for any of iht ab:'. c kccunties. a<< implication will be rn-l thv reli?wai ; i th'**. v. ?l.'o f. i&A2LA, . ..' \ i* ?C'ety,