Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 06, 1865, Image 1

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"Let our just ce "fluir* w Attend the true event."-UShdkfpeare: L BY J. A. SELBY, COLUMBIA, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1865* VOL. 1.-NO. 8. THE COLUMBIA PHON?X IS FUBUSUB? Every tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, ? BT JULIAN A. SELBY. Single copit^$l. ' . Advertisements inserted at $5 per square (ten linet-) for each ins?? lion. . TelegrapMo. REPORTS OF PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year l?t?3, bg J. S. J'h/usber, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Confederate States for Ute E'ort/tem District, of Georgia Evacuation of Richmond. D'ANVILLE, Aprii.^.-Tliu evacuation of Rich? mond was cOuuac-hced on Saturday afternoon. President Davis ?nd Cabinet arrive?! here an ilonday. Very rb? persona Were*able to leave ille city, except Government offieera, iii conse cutiuee of the auddeuuesi of the movement. Th? enemy broke through Lee's -lines on Satur day'uiglit, near Petersburg, after several day?' Y-wl righting, and made it necessary? for bira ?p withdraw, so as to uncover the Capitol. The I po?nk>u cf the army is now unknown.. So telegraph bcyondr-the* Junction. Th* Riuhuioud arsenal imd been removed. Ti?e valuables ot the banks in Richmond were brought away ami the specie 'belonging to the Government. The laet passengers report a great mob in tho city, burning ot mills sud warehouses and plundering stores. This was u-me by foreign eta and low^alftSses. The rolling stock of the Richmond and Danville Railroad yt?m all saved, ft'fhe enemy had not occupied the city at last BccoasU. The President will probably remaiti here for the present. All th? ?ichmoad news? papers were left in th? city. Goveraor Smith went towards Lynchburg, Virginia. Archives of tba Stat? Government wera left behind. _ ._ * ? From th? Souti\ and West. AaaubTA, April o.-Mobii? papen of th? latest dat? represent the negroes enlistiag in j large numbers and very enthusiastic ia tliai : 'city. j Thc traiu captured on the 27Vi ult, on thc | ?Florida Road, had several Sags of delayed mail j ;from Richmond for; Mobile an-:' the West. | j $'.?0,000 worth of postage stamps for Mobile j were captured. The Southern Express lost the 1 contents of their safe and the packages of the j trip. > Thos. Barrett, President of the City Bank of j Augusta, died in this city on.Sunday morning,, April ii. He wjis a prominent backer and etti- j zen, and well known in financial eirde* North , aud South. Gen. Imboden ia ia thi? city to-day, very anxious to get to the field io the Valley of Vir giuia and begin the enm^aign. Selma was attacked by the -nemy, 0,000 strong, whp drove in our forces from their en? trenchments and turned the left ?L.c?- on Sun? day evening. Our, loss is large tn prisoners. The city was captured and occupied by the Yankees. J * AUGUSTA, April 4.-Lat^ Montgomery papers state thal Gen. Clan ton was wounded three times in the late tights with thc Yankees around Pollard, and was captured, and died in the h.-iud:i of the enemy. A ter. ible accident occurred on the Mftecogec Railroad, near Columbus, Ga. A freight train ran off the track and ?,Gut) pounds of powder exploded with terribie effect. Five of the se ven cars attached to the eugine vere kuocked to pieces; the clay beneath the cars waa plough? ed to the depth of four or five feet.* Henrv Ralston, of Macon, and bis negro were killed. The explosion was caused by tb? concussion of Several thousand pounds torpedo, fuses, sub? jected to friction, when the car tan off. The report was heard at a distauce of fifty miles. Several persons were wounded. ?Sewu ffoia Savanah report-that a large ?uantity of goodi was being reshipped to New O? d. from want of a market. A large number of runaway negroes are shot daily by scouts in the vicinity of havannah and Charlestan. There is Utile ciianpe for any of them to get into Savannah. Th - garrison of tho city is 2,500 troops, two-thin?, negroes' The Yankees took from Mr. Ls. uar bis Con? fed?rate money and securities, a id paid bim I fer it with his own cotton, a fatal epidemic [it prevailing amongst negroes in the city, thirty dying daily. The Yankees have erected a u?<w linc within thc old line of fortifications: they ~%n them through the Catholic cejnetery an<l have not permitted the removal of remains by the gelations of thc buried. mt .-. - - Council Proceedings. ' Coi.niBiA, April 4, 186B. ' A regular meeting of Council was held this day. Presen1-His Honor the Mayor; Assist, ant Mayor/ .1. G. Gibbes; Aldermen Bates, Blakcly, Glass, Harris. Hope, McKenzie. Stork, Waring and Wells. The Gounod being called to order, proceeded to business. His Honor the Maj or stated, for the informa* tion of Council, that the agent appointed under resolution to go to Charlotte, N. C., for th? books, dre* belonging co tho eily, had not re? turned. A resolution was adop'.cd, permitting Mr. W. A. Harris to have tho tassisthnec of two of thc pol k o for in seting ilcv;s ant prcp*-"'y be? longing to tue city; ?aid slave.- . 0% lt.ftugat before the Mayor when so arrested. Assistant Mayor Gibb's, from the committee appointed to advise with the Governor in refer? ence to getting transportation foi the supplies accumulated along the, line of the Greenville Railroad, stated he hud bad an. interview with hie Excellency, aud . sonic arrangements w?ie made, but that a inti report would be made at a future meeting. Received aa information. The committee appointed io rnakr arrange? ments for placing tu the charge of pm ate bauds, the terry over Broad Uiver, Hakea tor further time. Granted. On motion, it was ordered that N;e eiecildi. for City Clerk be postponed till the UeXt legn lar meeting of Council, for the pur, OM ol a*e< . - tain mg if an Alderman is ehgib.e to thc itiio-. The following resiCiiiun, offered by Aioei man Stork, was adopted: Jio??Ued, That thirty thousand dollars m Confederate bonds belonging to t e city, br disposed of; provided, they bring pal vaiur, or nearly ao. 1 The following was ordered to be embodied in the j roeeodingo of CoUuelh - all ci;y odicei-s having demands against the sity, will pieseut their accounts to ..ICC:::.MI Hope for payment. ?o turi her business. Council adjourned. 1?. B. GLASS, Acting City Cteik.