Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, March 21, 1865, Image 5

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East. , \ ?*. . Bi?l;op Lyneh.^ Ursuline Convent nud Acad " ' Store coen i de?! by A'Traeger - " " '? J Blank ? f5 Pearse. Residence " Store occupied Ly-F A Jacobs " il . f- PO McGregor ll K McGow an. Store Occupied by V Heidt " . .' Miss Evans " Dwelling oec'd by W iL Scssford Fisher ?fc Hehiitsh. Store - v. *L Dwelling oec'd by E Kgg S GanmerJr^More a:id*?osiiionee " Store occupied by -0 S Perrse. Store; dweihng oe by J Carry " . House cccup'd by color?d families li HsnBchson. Stote >' Gardner. Stoic occupied 1.?v J J Browne tad "?? Ashton Gavduer. Dwel'ing.uecuo'd by J Burnside v " ' *Exc'u?ne*eJBank f - jr . .* Blond?n<j to Plain.- West.. "'*.v4urTuci'ciai Bank, dwelling bce'd i?y li Scott Store oe by r armer's, ?fe F.x'e VA ''tenias Davis. M t< Bony and .l J Cohen, dwdrh?g by A da: sis Y.iomr.s Davis.* Dwelling ?? lr;,- A !Loek.i::< H Davis. Store occupied Sj Sib-ox, Bro j ('...drolling by Cc J Smith , EJtMvis. Store oec'd by Hopsort A Sufcphen rvetns uu>>ve as War Tux ( ?iiie-- . ilwr*v Davie. Store oe bv T ?fc lt Finnigan i " " J S Bird ?tc , coud'floor J? J??alv^ tV^uerresn ro?nns UtenrjtD?vfs. Store wceuptccMty Mad A*F?1 fte, residence by DriSolomoni? fleury ?Davis. Store occupied by R Swaff?el . r -id P Wmcman ? C. > Henry Davis. B'ftnTc ot Charleston il C Atlders?u. St-?re oce'ed by D Goidstei . ?" S WAV R ll ??a-nk f* t " Transportation ofiice, scc..-i: . toi'^' cs Government ornees *. \ ? ? Fast. Southew Express tJ%=> oflicc, second and t'/ii oor?ocenp?ed by MaaRntjesas boarding hoin So Lx Co. Store occupied by John Veal lis?ale G Beck. Store oe J by Ii J rs D Jaco! , Residence r.nd s'iore occ ist? by Mrs^frSCooper, \>iss ;.i i, Poindextc W (-aitiier *fi 1 family and others ls.w.c Odien. Store occupied by T J Hui . ''. . .id t G Jacobs / * Isa-ic C'.ibcn. Store ai^d residence oe. upi< / . j John McKenzie G V Antwerp. Store occupied by T." Mdt Z Marlin, People's Bank and Reynolds &.Y.1 f u9l? i", re; ?dence by Dr Wm L Reynolds G Y AntwferpASt?re occupied by. Dr P ^ ' dier., t; DierekWuid Geo Bruns Chas Black. Store occupied by W S Han 1 Wtd J Mandi, residence by J Chrfetzberg ^ 3 'j- M M Sams , Store occupied by J B Dm i Son, 1 i-F.idcingt; by Wm Watson Dr 11 M Sams, Store occupied by J F Fisi - un tt Co, residence by G V Antwerp Thos Davis. Store ocoupi?d by John Heise, 2d and 3d floors by J^N Roach and J Richard Thos Davis. Store by Mrs S A Smith, rooms j by I C Morgan / i Thoa Dl?vis. Store occupied by R Henning, residence by Misses Saunders ** Dr C W?ils. titore occupied by Townsend & North, residence by J B Duval and W Lalloo Dr O Wells. Vmon Bank [CONTINOE? IN "our. NEXT.] Tuesday DCcrning, March 21, 1865. Colombia Phoenix, j We, this day, present, to our readers the ! number ol' a newspaper. ive trust that tue I advent of the Coli?nbiaiPIiOittlx will prove nn Paiigtfry favorable, to til-.: resuscitation of our brave old cityTroni her ashes. . ?Ve are full of iiope ourselves, and"trust that'fcur-people wiii sharg thc.hope wi?h u ?. . V?*s most, uot despond, i.utlet our eil.?zen.-, rising, ?villi heart and faith firmly rixcd on that Pt^m* Bro vi douce which j i sparrow to'fid i unnoticed to the' ground?'proceed to their labors nsanlulh/, each I iii his vocation, and ?. ail working together; ! until our citv is renovated, reviewed, retiene j rated, andJBprkit^ wtVh . ::.r temples and palaces, her shrines of arl uud in.lust ry, into a strengUi and splendor superior <^ eu to the past. Wc r.iu.;- not sit and \v.-;:;g our bauds idiy, but go at euee tcPonr duties. The toil alone, hu? Inesyiy pursued, will Leid? all the hurts of for tune. Bc o? good ebccr?4>reth?eu--ach huv.irfg j faith ia tho oi.her and ali ia God, ?iud let us i woos out our deliverance like men. There is I no laue bi> long ?hat il .hath %o turning-no j fortune, so tenacious of its iii aspect as will not ! ?cuii?: at la?t uno;: the coiilirfuig faith w hit h labors and prays together. . i.ike the Phoenix; our city shall spring, from her ashes, .and our PJiceaie, we hope and l?jst, shall announce the j glorious rising! God ?avo thu State!, * Od the Tramp. We iiave had a terrible time of toil and weariness in our tramp after a press and type and paper. Such ro.-i?s^Hfeh u route, such mud, such water, ?uch cla^abd bitter weather. But, through the Oiessings of the good God, we have succeeded, and the result is before our pleasaut public We* owe 'much to the gcod (irienda who cheered us and helped us along the road. Verily, we found many Samaritans, who ! never felt the itch of gain so keenly as to sacri y . Wg??? mn TIM ? I i i II i II IMO m ii i linn il i inn B** fice humanity for the sake of "Mammon. Every- ? where did they receive thc foot-sore pilgiini with hospitality. They 6pread the board and the bed with willing kindness; killed for us the fatted lamb, and set the wheaten loaf upon the table, and in but a single instance would any jone receive a*single copper in compensation ; from.tne wallet of the wayfarer. And ours was the experience of many along the route from Columbia to Newberry, from Newberry to I Abbeville, and from Abbeville- to Greenville; Wc shali lpng remember the patriarchal kind I ness of Mr. J. S. Bowers and several other gen? tlemen connected with the Greenville Railroad; Col. t?. Fair, Messrs. M. Ban* and R. Greneker?. of Newberry); Mrs. Dr. .Service, "Mrs. John Sas sard, Mrs. Wi er, Messrs. Hugh \V"i)sou and Wm. fifoore, of Abbeville; Messrs. J.'S. Bailey and G. W. Hoff, of Greenville. The Mails. WP are glad ro learn from Mr. Heart,Spe? cial Agent bf tUv Post Office Department," that an arrangement Ita* becu rqpdejwith the South? ern Express Company, by which the letter .mails will hereafter be regularly transmitted between the present terminus of the Charlotte Railroad ut Blackstocks, by way of this city, to Augusta and back twice a week. Much credit is due to. the Southern Express Company, for the piomptitudeand liberality with which they have glaced their large and efncieutj establish? ment at the service of the Government, for the acconmiodaflSeri of the public during the tem? porary suspension of 'oun^railroad facilities. We*are highly gratified nt being able to state that t?l?graphi? communication has heen re? opened with the East and West. MAJ. Joux JENKINS.-We are greatly pleased to hear that thisiruly able soldier, who, if his own merits and tho good of thc service had been objoets in the sight,of our authorities, would have been long since made a brigadier, has reached oar city on hu way to a commend of cavalry belov? us. H?. duties will be of A partisan character-a service too much neglect? ed, and the'one over all others most proper to ethe forest and swamp country in which he is .to operate. It is probable that, wheu the par? tisans of Major Jenkins are once fairly in the saddle, be will soon find his way into the sad? dles of Borne of Foster's raiding parties. The movements of the Federals indicate an early attack on Mobile.