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flu? flai?j gfwg* T?E8DAY M011NI??, NOVEAIBER 20, 18CC. LARGEST CIIICULATIOS ?? THE STATE. LAMEST CIRCULATION IN THE CITY. jJSrTXIHa LIST O?* LKTTKRS SK-G jyiTVTN'IN'Cf in tlio Tostoilloo at tilt? ?ntl ol' each week in puliliislied otil oiully in n? II TC DAILY K K AV S every "KViila.y- lnorniii?. LOCAL MATTERS. Peosonal.-His Excellency Governor Orr ia in tho city, und ntopping at tho Mill? Hoiiao. P?BaER W. H. Lee, of the .sicamor Elua Hancox, has ftirni-hoa us with late Savannah paperu. MEOUAjnoAi, TiNKEiiii'a cannot arrest the ue oompoBition of tlio tooth. Not-ng will do this but that puro disinfectant and preservativo, which, under the namo of "Sozotlont," has beeonio a ataple of tho toilet throughout tho world. tu_2 The lovers of tue weed will be pleased to loam that Mr. A. rxntENTZ, of tho choap cigar ?toro, Iibb juBt received boiuo moro of his popular chowing tobacco. Au .early call on him will aocurc a sup ply, aa Mr. LonENrz'o brand is so well known and liked that it novcr becomes shop-worn. Special to tub Ladies.-At Mrs. S. J. CoTcn ETT _ Emporium of EoBbions, No. 203 King street, can ho found tho largest and meit choice selection of "mUlinory" in tho city, and at tho lowe st prices. Ladies buying for the country wUl do well to call and examino beforo purchasing olsowhoro. Particular attention givon to country orders. The Ohab-Estom Ai?n> Savannah Rah_io.'_). The Balo of thm property, which has boon exten t-lively advertised for eonio time past, wilL.talio placo at 12 M. to-day. In another column wo give a Synopsis of tho proceedings that wero hold in tho Unitod States Court of Equity in rogard to this Railroad, together with tho Judgo'a dooroo. ThiB salo ?b tho largest that has ever occurred in Charleston, and tho property being in good con dition, with tho excoption of that portion of tho road dostroyod during tho war, it will command the attention of capitalists. The road runs through a fertile country, abounding in rice and cotton plantations, and whon completed to Savannah will prove a paying enterprise. Messrs. W_nD_Aw & Cabew, the brokora who have chargo of the sale, will dispose of tho property at 13 M. procisoly, to tho highest bidder. The Chable-to- House.-To ladies purchasing dry goods for their country friends, MoBsra. Stoll, Webb & Co. will guaranteo to furnish them with a largor vari-ty to Bolcct from than any house in the city: also, to soil all articles at as low prices as they can he had anywhoro. Will furnish packing cases, any sizo, free of charge; will tako Bpecial caro in packing and shipping any ordors entrusted to thom, and will asauro all that will call at their Btoro of ovory accommodation and ovory attention. * AUCTION SALES. Positive Sale of Valuable Real Estate. BY li . St A. P. CAI.IHV !.. I.L. THIS DAY, tho 20th imiUnt, will bo sold, at 11 o'clock, near tbo Old Cuatom House, Those vol-ablo threo-atory BUICK STORES, Noa. 1 and 2, on tbo north sida of Bouth Atlantic Wharf street, formerly occupied by Mesara. Rhctt k Robson. These Stores, having entramaos on' both North and South Atlantic Wharf stree!? possess ?rent advantages for tbo storing of gooda, and aro bo well known as to re quire no further description. Condition--Ton thousand dollar? In cash; balance in one, two and thrco yearn, secured by mortgage of tho property; the buildiugH to bo insured and policy assign ed. Purchaser to pay for papera. NovembfrOO Shoulders, Hams, Sides, Strips, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Molasses, ?te, <?c. BY I. A UK I?' V & Al,I.;.VA*VllI_n. THIS DAY, _0th inst., will bo sold in our Store, No. 137 Kant Bay, at 10 o'clo?_t, 8 billa. N. Y. PIG SHOULDERS 219 8bonlders 235 Canvaacd Hams 275 Uncnna_Hcd Hams 172 Sides 273 Strips 6 bbls. Molasses 13 iegs Batter 20 boxes Cbeeso 6 bbls. Lord 15 kits Lard 18 kcgB Pigs* Feet 30 cases Mustard 315 roams Straw Paper, various sizo s Gail k Ax's Smoking Tobacco Lemon Syrup Letter Press, Cotton Sample raper, Ac., &c. Conditions ?cash. Novembor 20 Neat and OenteeL Resilience al the West End of Beaufain street al Auction. BY SMITH St McG.ILLIVI.AY. On TUESDAY next, the 27th instant, will bo sold, at 10>i o'clook, at tho Old Cuatom Hont/e, ALL TBAT LOT OF' LAND, togother with tho Dwell ing and Outbuildings thereon, lying on the north sido of iloaufaiii street, 3d weat of Smith, known as No. 60, measuring in front on Boaut-ln street 32 feet by 130 feet In depth, moro or teas; butting and bounding on the north by ?landa of Miss Bonncau, soutb by Boaufain street, oast by landa now or lato of-, and weat by lands of Lewis Oroniog. Tho DWELLING ia of wood, lu oxoollent condition, 2J? atorloe, with doublo piazza, four square rooms and two attica, with dr?_u-ng room, pantry, gaa, chitern and wator works, kitchen and outbuildings iu good order. Titles ladispatablo. Terms-One-half cash; balance in ono year. Pnr ebaaor to pay ?Smith & McQiBivray forpapora. Novembor 20 tuthB3rotu2 Horses, Hides. Carriancs, Bunnies, ?to., al Auction. BY 8BI1TII -? McCttLLIVI-AY, At tbo Red Si(?n, ??1?. .Al Jflroart-Strect. TO-MORROW, will bo sola, at half-past 10 o'clock, in iront of tbeir ofllco, HORSE-, MOLES AND VEHICLE?, received up to hour of Bale. November 20 Three Small and Neat Houses in Doughty street at Auction. BY SMITH ?Se MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneers. On TUESDAY next, tho 27th inst-, will bo sold, on tbo , 'steps of tho Old Cuitom-Home, All those THREE LOT- OF* LAND, oiob with a small and comfortablo two-story DWELLING*? tberoon, ?situat ed on tho south sido of Doughty st root, and bol ng tho 2d, 3d and 4th ho j??.? i o ut from Luoia s tro at. Thoy will be offored aoparatdy, ob foliow.i : HOUSE AND LOr No. -, tbo 3d from Lucas atroot Lot measuring 25 foot front by^O foot deep, moro or loss. HOUSE AND LOT No. -, tho 3d from Lucas street, next east of tho above--Lot 25 feet by 50 f?wt, more or loss. HOUSE AND LOT NO. -, tho 4th from Lucas street, next east of the above-Lot 23 feet by 60 foot, moro or lea*. Terms-Half cash; balanoo In ono year, ko cured by mortgage of property.. Purohaser to pay Smith k Mo Gillivray for papors.__No vom bor 20 Small House and Lot in Nassau Street at Auction. BY SMITH ?i McWILLtVIlAY. Auctioneers, No. Al Broad streeta On TUESDAY noxt, tho 27th instant, will bo sold at tho old Cualom iiousc, at half-past 10 o'cloo-, All that LOT OK I AND mean-ring 41 feet front by 71 feet deep, moro or teas, togother with the ?mall Wooden Building thoreon, aJt-itcd on tho east side of Nassau street, next north of South street. Torma- t5O0 cash; balance in one year, secured by mortgage. Purchaser to pay "Smith k McGllllvray for papers. Novembor 20 HALM-Oil* OOVKIlfWilKNT PROPERTY. Will bo sold at Public Auction, at tbo Quomiastor's 8tore housca, South commercial Wharf, Charleston, ti. C, at 10 A. M, on FRIDAY, Nov. 23d, 1860, A lot of UNHEItVIOEABLE QUARTERMASTER'S PROPERTY, consisting of HARNESS, Saddles, Toola, Shovels, Spados, Axes, Toni-, Tent Polos, Camp Kettles, Moss Pans, Stoves, Pipo, Machinery, ko., kc, &c" ??vc. ALSO, XT THI? 8AM- TIM- AND r_ ACE, 6C.00O 8HINGLB3 COO bbla. -?Wont Tcxmn eaab in flovornmont Fnnda. Goods to bo ro movod within flvo days after salo. \ R..O. TYLER, BrOTot Major-Oou'l o_ ?1 Chief Q. a?. ** November 10 7 AUCTION SALES. Dry doods, Ototktng, ?le. _ WY MILES ?IIA_CK. THIS MORNING, nt 10 o'clock, I will sell at my Slore, corner of ?Uni and Liberty streets, PIECES SHAKER FLANNEL Pieces Grey Twilled Flannel Pieces Red and Rino Twilled Flannel Pieces Due uki n mid Scotch Tweed Pieces Black Broadcloth Pieces Kentucky Jean und Satinet Pieces White Plains and Farmers' Jeau Pieces American and English LoiiR-loths, Brown Cot ton Flannel, Hickory Stripe. White Twilled .lean. Black _______ Cimbrii*. Brown Sheeting, trial) Linen. Dross Goods. Meriuopoplincts, Alpaca, Diaper, Ac. ?dozens 10. White Whitney Blanket., All-Wool Long Shawls, Uahuo ral Skirts, Ladles' Opera Hoods, Nubias, Kontags, Hoop Skirt?, ."lilies' Lambs* Wool lind Wlilto Cotton Hose. Gents' Groy Wool and Brown and Mixed Cotton Hull" Uoso, Hickory Shirts, Colored Flannel Shirts, Brocho Shawls, L. ('. Handkerchiefs, Groy and White Merino Shirts and Drawers, Tablecloths, Towels, Grecian Coils, pots Cuffi and Collars, Lidies' und llentii' Cloth Gloves, Neck Ties, Suspender-, Doeskin, Satinet nnd Kentucky Jean I-Uts, Velvet Vests, Cusslinoro und Jean Sacks, _c. ALSO, I wlU sell for account of all concerned, 50 PIECES ALL-WOOL GREY FLANNEL, hcovy. Tenus cash. November 20 Farm al WXiamston. on Greenville and Votum bia Railroad. BY CLIFFORD __ MATIIEWK-, Ural l?st nfc A cents, 31 I-- Hi-mi ii street. THIS DAY, at-11 o'clock, at tho Old CuBtom House, will bo sold, 12 ACRES OF LAND, in tho vlUago of WiUinnuton, S. C. ? C acres cleared, 0 in woods, one-story Dwelling, cot tage style, kitchen, Ac, situated on tho road leading to Anderson Court Houbc. Tho abovo location is most dcslrablo for hoalth and climate. * Terni, cash. Purchaser to pay C. k M. for impera. November 20_ Extensive Stores. Lol and Residence on Rusmess Part of East Hay. BY CL11-ORD & MATI-I-AVES, Real-Batata Agents, Ko. 31 i-. Broad Street. THIS DAY, 2Jth November, at 11 o'clock, at tho Old Custom House, will bo sold, l AU that well-known BUSINESS ST NND and vahinblo LOT OF LAND, with the ostensivo STORES and WARE HOUSES, Dwelliui; ol' six rooms, or.d outbuildinas Uicro on, known as No. 73 EAST BAY, being on tlio west side, between Tradd and Elliott Htrc-ts, aud extending from East Bay to Bcdon's Alley, with entrance from each, having a front on I'ast Bay of thirty-eight feet eight inches, and a depth of three hundred and twelve feet six inches to Union's Alley, and a width on tlio samo of thir ty-live feet six luchen. Tho abovo location is ono of tlio best for businesa on East Bay. Possession of tho Stores and Lot can bo given immediately. Terms.-One-half cash; balance in three equal instal ment? of four, eight and twolvo months, with interest, and secured by bond and mortgage of tho properly. Pur chaser to pay CLIFFORD & MATHEWES for popcre. November 20 At Auction. CHARLESTON AND SAYA?M RAILROAD. BY WAI-DLAW _. CAREW. Under tho direction of tho Trustee-, will bo sold, THIS DAY, 20th Novembor, 1800, at 12 M., at Uio north sido of Uio Exchango, in Charleston, S. C., THE CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD, with all the property and appurtenances thereunto bo longing. For full information boc advertisement below of Trus tees, and for further particulars apply to WARDLAW & CAREW, Brokers and Auctioneers, No. 14 Brood, corner of Stato st., Charleston, H. C. SALS OF RAILROAD IN SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA. WHEREAS, BY AN INDENTURE MADE ON THE first day of January, in tho yoar of our Lord eighteen hundred and flity-eight, between tho Charleston and Sa vannah Railroad Company, a body corporato under the laws of South Caroliua and Georgia, of the first part, and certain Trustees therein named, of tlio second pari, for tho purpose of securing two thousand bonds, in the sum of fivo hundred dollars each, payable on tho first day of January, eighteen hundred and ?seventy-eight, bearing Boven per cent, interest, payable scmi-aBuually, which woro about to ho and have nineo been issued by said Com pany, the said party of Uio first part conveyed to the party of tho second part "all Uio following present and In future to be acquired property of the party of tho first part, that is to say, Uio Railroad to bo constructed by Uio Charleston and fcavaiuinn Railroad Company, including all Uio rights of way, and lands occupied by or belonging to too said party of tho first part, together with the L?ve rai superstructures and tracks thereon, and all rails and other material? used on Uio samo, or procured for Uio uso and construction of Uio same, and all and singular Uio several bridges, viaducts, culverts, fences, depot, grounds and buildings thereon, station houses of aU kinds aud grounds, engines, tenders, cars, tools, materials and machinery, and all other personal property appertaining to, or in any manner connecte- with, or forming a part of the Bald Charleston and Savannah Railroad Company, and all franchises, right? and privilege? of tho Bald party of Uio first part of, in, to, or concerning Uio same." Tho said party of tbo first part further covcnanUng "to execute und deliver any further reasonable and neces sary convenience of^the promises, or any part there of, to too said party of too second part, their successors or assigns, for moro fully carrying in to effect toe objects hereof, particularly for too con veyance of any property subsoquenUy to too date (of too indenture) acquired by Uio said party of tho first part, and comprehended In Uio description con tained in tho indenture" Tho said conveyance to tho Trust?es as aforesaid being, among others, upon too trusts following: "That is to say, in caso tho said party of too first part shall fail to pay too principal, or any part thereof, or any of tho interest on any of too said bonds, at any timo when the same may become duo and paya ble, according to too tenor thereof, when demanded, then after sixty days after such default, Uio said party of toe -econd part, Uieir succe-Bors and assigns, at their direction, may, or on tho written request of tho holders of at least one-half of too bonds toon unpaid, sholl cause toe said premises, er such part? of thom, or so much thereof as shall bo necessary to pay and discharge too principal and interest of all such bonds as may bo thon unpaid, to bo sold at public unction, regard being hod to too interest of tho party of too first part, and the location or situation of too mortgaged premises so to bo sold, giv ing at least sixty days' notice of too time, place and terms of solo, and of Uio sp?cifia property to be sold, by publishing the eamo in two newspapers of good circula tion In too Stales of South Carolina and Georgia, and oxecute to too purchaser or purchase!- thereof a good and sufficient deed or deeds of conveyance In fee simplo for toe same, which shall bo u bar against too parly of (he first part, their successors and -saigus, and all par sons claiming under thom, or eiUicr of thom, of all righi, interest or claim in or to the said premises so sold, of any jiurt thereof;" it being expressed in said Indenture toatuo "iniuncUon or stay of proceeding, or any pro cess, bo applied for or obtained by too said party of too first part to prevent entry or sale n4 uforesald." And where as, a large arrear of interest, to wit: abont two hundred thousand dollars, is duo aud unpaid upon too bonds aforesaid, intended to bo secured by Uio said convey ance, and default of payment of Bald interest has con tinued moro toan sixty days from demand made; and whereas, too holders of more than one-half of too said two thousand bonds intended to bo tecured by tho .aid Indenture, all of which are now unpaid, have signified in writing their request tout toe Trustees under said in denture do cause toe premises convoye- as aforesaid, or so much thereof as may bo necessary, to bo sold at pub lic aucUon to pay and discharge the unpaid bonds, pur suant to too terms of too provisions of said indenture. Tho undersigned, by virtue and in pui-uanca of toe power and authority of too indenture above referred to, which has bcou rcgiatored to toe proper offices of Record in too Staten of South Carolina and Oeorgia, do lier cb givo notice that they will, on too third Tuesday, to wlv on too twentieth day of November, now next ensuing, in too City of Charleston, in tho State of 8outh Carolina, at too north of too Exchange, at too hour of twolvi o'clock Meridian, nell at Public Auction, to too highest bidder, FOR CASH, all and singular, toe premises con veyod, by Uio indonturo horolnboforo referred to, to tot Trustee- therein named. The salo aforesaid to take place on too said twentieth of Novembor noxt, to bo subject novortoclosa, to a prior Bon on the premises sold, created by an Act of Assembly of toe Stato of South Carolina, entitled "An Act to aid in too construction of too Charleston and Savannah Itali rood," passed in too year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, toe aaid Ben being intend ed to Bocnro c ort Un bonds of toe said Company, en dorsed by toe Comptroller-General in behalf of toe gjtoto of South Carolina, amounting in all to the sum of fivo hundred and fivo thousand dollars, bearing an Interest of six per centum per annum, payablo .cmi-ann nally, and liavi-g an arrear of interest duo and unpaid Of about ono hundred and forty thousand dollars, too principal of aaid bonds boing payable on the first day of March, In the year of our Lord oightoen hundred and seventy aoven. The aale will be conducted by Messrs. WARDLAW k CAREW,, No. 11 Broad ?treot, Charleston, 8. O., and to these gonUemcn partlos desiring lo pur chase aro referred for moro full and dotailod injormaUon in regard to tho premises. ISAAC W. HAYNE, 1 EDWARD 8EBRING, J Trust-eu. JOHN E. CAREW, J Novomber 19_ b14 ral UNITED STATICS BALKS OF LAND IS ST. J1I.L1-NA PAItlSII, SOUTH CAROLINA. Notlco is hereby given that at 10 o'clock A. M., on MON DAY, December 3d, IBS-, at too of ti co of tho United States Direct Tax Commissioners, in Beaufort, South Carolina, wo shall offer for salo, to the highest bid der (too minimum price being ton dollars an acre), AU toe GOVERNMENT SCHOOL FARMS (numbered from one to thirty-throe, inclusive) in St. Holona Parish, Beaufort District, Stato aforesaid, each, cither, entire, or In two or moro divlalong, aa the Commissioners may doom expedient. Terms caah. For further particulars, nee tho notlca In too Charles ton Courier, dated October 1st, 18/10. WILLIAM HENRY BRISBANE, W. B. WORDING, Unite- QUtca Direct Tax Comxnto-Jonors for Routh Carolina. Novembor l8 AUCTION SALES. Balance of a tVaolcsalo Liquor and Grocery Store, Olatjtware, Crockeru. ?Vc. McKAY ?.St CAMPBELL, Crinia Auction House, No. r,r, IIu<rel strcci, opposite tllO Now a*WtOflaCCi ".Till sell THIS DAY, comn'oiiciil" at lovelock, Bbls. BRANDY, OIN, SCOTCH AND IlilMli WIIIS K Y, Port, Sherry, Kimmel, Peppermint, Bitten?, Cider, Vinn-Vflliiv, Claret, Vinegar, Ac. Canes Champaign?.?, Sherry, Rhtncwlnc, Vieo-Vellio, Popiierinlnl, fee, Box?iB Cocoa, Java ColTeo, Mustard, Farina, Champion Collei-, Blacking. OL.\SS\VARE. ('ROCKERY, Ac. GO dozen /assorted TUMHLl'US, WHITE OBAN1TK HU I TER DI.SUEH, Kilgin- i!o\vln, Water und Mille Pitchers, Gravy Doaui, Soup Tureens, Side Diohefl, Pieklo Dishes, Mu?p, Soap Dishes, ?ic. A-SOj 9 Tuha lUrrTEIt, 3 Pl-tliii-ui Stales, Ac. AND ON ACCOUNT OK USDEIlwillTtHB AND AJJ. CONC-nSHD 10 Kiln MACKEREL. Condition i cash._November 20 Catalogue Sate of Dry (foods, Clothing, Hats, Sta tionery, Notions, ?ire, ?I-f. Mckay ?.*- cam puk ll, Casia Auction Ilou.c-, IWo. ti*> lins?! street, op posite Ne-tv !'.. li Olli??? . Will sill, TO-MORROW, 21st Instant, al 10 o'clock. DRY OOUDH, viz. : Merino?-!?, Plaids, Alpaca. Printa, Longjlolhs, Sliirts, DulmoralH, Hoop Skhts, Hosiery, CLOTHING AND CLOTHS, viz. : Black Frock Coota, Business Suits, Coala, Panta, Veatu, HoBlcry, black and Tricot Colored Cloths, Caaalmcors, Plain and l-'auey ?Sati nets, Tweeds, Ac, Ac. HATS-Gent?' and Youtba* Fell and Wool, Black, Fan cy und Colored, in all stylet?. STATIONERY-Paper, Portfolios, Pons, Iuk, Memoran da Books, Diaries, Ac., Ac. NOTIONS-Tauet Soaps, Perfumery, Buttons, Thread, Spool Colton, Ac, Ac. A LSD, AT 12 O'CLOCK, ON ACOOUST Ol' .Mil. CONOK11NEP, 1 esm? assorted BLACK AND FANCY PRINTS. 1 cose 8iuldlo nuil Harneas Makers' Materials. Conditions i*~h. _ _Novembor 20 Cheese.' Cheese! Cheese! forttccount of the Un derwriters and aU concerned. MY .T. A. EN.SL.OYt/ Si CO. THIS MORNING, thu 20th im-taut. at 11 o'clock, vlU be sold, in frout of our Store, No. 12."> East lluy, 45 BOXES EXTRA CREAM CHEESE, elightlydomagcd. November 20 _ Havana Sugar. BY .T. A. ENSLOIV Si CO. THIS MORNING, tho 20th instnut, at 11 o'clock, will bo sold, in front of our Storo, No. 125 EaBt Bay, GO BOXES HAVANA SUGAR. November 20_ Direct Importation.-Choice Cuba Molasses. BY .1. A. ENSLOW ?Si CO. THIS DAY, tho 20th instant, will bo sold, before our Bloi-o. No. 12*> East Bay, at 11 o'clock, Tho CARGO ol'Bi i Uah i.ehr. Alert, jual arrived from Cabarian, Cuba, CONSISTING or: U -crees } MUSCOVADO MOLASSES. November 20 Building Lots. 11V tv. Y. LICIT? li ?Si II. 8. BRUNS, Auctioneers. THIS DAY, tho 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, at tbo old Custom Hoiibo, will bo ofluri^d for sale, Thoeu FOUR BUILDING LOTS, situato in President, beyond Spring streot, each containing 7G feet by 'Kir, feet in depth-tho property formerly known as a part of tho ?.Gmlnden Farm." Terms cash. Purchasers to pay ua for papers. Diagram of Property can be seen on application at November 20 _. No. 25 BROAD STREET. Desirable Residence in Spring Street. BY JACOB COHEN ?Si CO. THIS DAY, 20th November, ot 11 o'clock A. M., ot the north of tho Exchange, will bo Bold, without re servo, AU that LOT OF LAND, with - two-atory wooden DWELLING tbereon, situated on tho south side of Spring atrcct, known os No. 71, measuring 42 feet front by 112 feet in depth. Tbo bouso contains four (!)squareroom?, pantry and dressing room, with doublo piazza- and gss fixtures complete. On the lot In a elstern, a two-story wooden kitchen, lathed and plastered, and all necessary outbuildings. TcrmH-One-third (f^) c?bIi; balance in ono and two years, secured by mortgogo of the property. Premises to bo kept insured and policy as-Igncd. Purchaser to pay us for papers Novembor 20 Orangeburg Female Seminaru. BY JACOB COHEN Si CO. Ou THURSDAY, the 29th of November, at 11 o'clock, at the north of tho Exchango, will bo sold, THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY, Hltuated in the town of Orangcburg, and known as the Orongchurg Femalo College. Tho building is large, and suitable for a 1 lot? 1 or Boarding School, being capablo of accommodating about two hundred (200) persona. Ou tho premises are gas worksfor supplying tho building with gas; and a fino orchard and garden. Tho grounds aro ample and eligibly located, being near tho railroad depot. Terms-One-tenth (1-10) cash ; bataneo by bond, paya ble in live (0) equal annual Instalment???, secured by mort gogo of tho property. Premises to bo kept insured and policy unsigned. Purcbasscr to pay us for papers. The above property can bo treated for at private sale. November 20_ Large and Extensive Sale of Horses, Mules, Drays, Caris, lYucks, Harness, ?fee. .TEFrOI?D?! ab CO., Auctioneers, W1U soU TO-MORROW, tho 21at inst., at 11 o'clock, at Mr. Williams' Yard, Spring-street, near Bing, tho fol lowing valuab'o property, viz: l8 HORSES AND MULES A largo number of Drays, Carts, Trucks, Ac. A quantity of Harneas, singlo and doublo. Conditions cash on delivory. Novomber 20 A Valuable Wood Yard and Wharf Property, at die fool of Chestnut, near Spring street, at Auc tion. BY I. S. K. BENNETT. On THURSDAY next, the 22d inst, at 11 o'clock, near tho Old Custom House, at tho corner of Broad and East Bay atrcots, I will s?_l at Auction, All that VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY AND WOOD YARD, located at tho foot of Chestnut street, near tbo Toll Iliiii-.u of the Now Bridge Company. This property, which measures 70 foot in width by 142 feet in depth, is all enclosed, with a substantial wharf, built of palmetto logs and pino timbor. It has a depth of water nt low title of 4J_ to 0 feet. On tho prendaos thoro lu a com fortablo building, with stables and cart houses. It Is at present usod successfully as a wood yard, and is an ex ceedingly vuluable site for mill purposes. Conditions-One-third cash; balance In T, 2 and 3 years, secured by bond and mortgage of the property, bearing legal interest, pnyablo semt-annually; buildings to bo kept Insured and policy assigned. Purchasers IS pay me for all necessary papers. Novomber 10_W,17?20,21&22_ House and Lot on AUway, near Spring street, at Auction. BY I. 8. It. BENNETT. On THURSDAY next, tho 22d inst., at 11 o'clock, near the old Cuatom House, at corner of Broad und East Bay streets, I will sell at auction. That LOT OF LAND, with socond story BUILDING tboreou, containing four rooms, located on AlKvuy, near Spring street, known as No. 12 on tho Gadadou plat, measuring 00 feet front by 115 fcot in dopth. ? Conditions.-One-third cudi; bal ?neo in one, two and years, securod by a - ond and mortgago of the propei ty bullring legal intercut, paysblo soml-uimually. Building to bo kopt insured and policy aasig ii? ii. Pur chaser to pay me for all neoossary papera. November 10 fatuwthB _7ie Lot, willi New Brick Buildings thereon, al the ^oiUIicasl corner of Callioun and Wau streets, at Auction. BY I. 8. K. BENNETT. On THURSDAY next, tho 22d inst., at 11 o'clock, near tho Old Custom lions*, at tho corner of Broad and East Bay streets, I will Boll at Auction, All that LOT OF LAND located at tho southeast corner of Calboun and Wall streets, measuring on Callioun streot 60 feet; on Wall otroot B3 feet; on tho south Uno 00 foot, and on the west lino 103 feet, be tho samo moro or loss. On this Lot thoro is a now substantial two and a hau* story Brick Building, containing 7 rooms, with slate roof, guttering, and uno cistern. ' It la finished as a store and barroom on tho first story, and on tho socoud story and attics as a dwell big. Thoro ia also on tho Lot another two story Brick Building, containing 4 rooms, opening on Wall street, which can be occupied an distinct promliie-, if de sired. Altogether, this is an oicoodingly valuable busi ness stand, and worthy tho attention of persons In. vesting. Conaltie_B-'$3?00 cash; balaceo by baud and mort gago of the proporty, with legal interest, payable in ono and two years; property to bo kept insured and policy asslguod. Purchaser to pay mo for all necessary papers. November 10_fstnwthS A Lot of Land, xciOi Buildings thereon, al Vie northeast corner of Radotij?e and Jasper streets, at Auction. _ BY I. 8. K. BENNETT. On THURSDAY next, tho 22d inst?, at 11 o'clock, near tho Old Custom House, at tho corner of Broad and "Estai Bay streets, I will sell, That LOT OP LAND.-with tho BUILDINOS thereon, situato at tho northeast corner of Rodcll-b and Jasper Btrocts. The Lot nioiunircs 40 fcot front on RadolilTo street by 60 foot 6 Inches on Jasper stroot, bo the samo moro or less. Tho llouuo la a two and a half otory Wooden Building, 40 by l8 feet. Tho first floor is usod as a grocery storo; the second story and attics have o hall, 2 largo bed rooms, and 2 largo garret rooms; b anides pantry and dressing room, and a double plo/.za, a two-atory kitchen, stablo, and all necessary outbulldiugs, and an excellent well of water oro ou tho lot. This property is located lu a hu-l th v, respectable and thriving portion of tho city. It la In good repair. Porsonu aro invited to tall and ox* omino tho samo. C*ondi_onn--**-M0 cash ; balance in ono and two years, with intorost from day of sale; payablo scmi-annually, securod by a bond and mortgage of tbo proporty; build ings to be kept ibanrcd and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay mo for all necessary papers. Novembor 17 . ?--tuwth4 AUC?TON SALES. Sale of Dry Gooda, ok account of underwriters and all concerned. BY JOHN U. MILNOK __ CO. THIS DAY. 20th itiHlnnt, nt 10 o'clock, will be. ??old tit our Auction Sales Room, No. 13. Mectlug-Ktre.t, On account ol Underwriter, and all concerned, damaged on board ftcamer on the voyage from New York to toll port, viz: 1 tun, 25 pieces, UNION -A-SIURBl. 1 ea_-, CO pieces, Pacifia Purple Prltils 1 cane, 01 pieces, Printed Delniiio 1 case containing 12 Black (-sHiniere Frock Coala _l t-ooy Satinet Badta 19 pair i-m'y Batlnet I-n?*, AN INVOIli:, OINSIHTINO Ol' : 11 pi?ces EMPIRE PJilNTS; 17 pieces WAMSUTTA PRINTS C pieces Arnold's Print-;; 3 pieces Nauinkca;; Prints 2 pieces Iluauokn Gingham; 4 pieces Apron Checkt* 0 piocoH Foi Do Cliovo AM INVOICE, CONSIST-SO OK : 21 ptocoa Fancy Colored VELVET BIBIlUN 6 dozen LaiUea' Merino Vents 4?i gro.-m Embroidery Cotton Gilt Belt Buckles 5 groaa Round Slay Lacets; 16,000 Gun Caps Colored and Block Alpaca, EugUsh Merino, English Do Boko Colored DoLalne, Rlpka Plaid, Casslmercs, Satinets Linen Huckaback, Brown Canton Flannels 6 dozen Moii'b superior quaUly Felt Uu?h. Couditlona cash, Novoml or 20 Planters' Barony Wool Hat.*. uy .sou \ a. ?riiLt-oi. at co. THIS DAY, 20lh instant, at 10 o'clock, wlB bo sold, at our Auction Salesroom, No. 133 Meeting street, 20 DO/. PLANTERS' SAXONY WOOL HATS. Conditions cash. November 20 Undcrtcrilcrs' Sale -Swjar, Sugar. ii v m. r. ii y tom a a_ co. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, in front of our Store, will bo sold, 1 hhd. ) SUGAB, damaged on board steamer-, on 4 bbls. J her voyago from New York to this port, aud sold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. Condition)' cash. November 20 Butter, Lard and liants. BY HENRY COUIA _. CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, in front of our Store, will bo Bold, i 15 KEGS BUTTER 20 TUBS PURE LARD 5 Uerccs Puro Lard 10 1u?i;h Puro Lard 200 Hame 60 boxes Candles. Conditions cash. v November 20 Underwriters' Sale-Black atid Green Teas and Cheese. BY HENRY COBIA ?ti CO. THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock} in front of our store, will bo sold. 4 chests BLACK TEA 8 chCBt- Hyson Tea 30 boxes E. D. Cheese. Damaged on board steamer-, on voyage from Now York to this port, and sold for account of aU con cerned. Conditions cash. November 20 Butte)', Shoulders, Hams, Lard and Cheese. BY T. M. CATER. WH1 bo sold THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at 10 o'clock, 60 tubs choico Now York Stato BUTTER, landing from Steamers Moneka and Granada CO firkins choke Western Butter, now landing 800 Bacon Shoulders 400 Hams 50 tubs Lard 20 boxes Cheese. Conditions cash. November 20 BY Ra HI. MARSHALL. TO-MORROW, 21st instant, at half-past 10 o'clock, w?l bo sold, beforo my OiUre, An assortment of FURNITURE, and one Singer's Ssw ing Machine, and one. Shot Gun. ALSO, 1 MULE and BUGGY 1 handsomo Horso _1 Buggy and Harnes.._ November 20 UNDER DECREE I1V EQUITY. Roulaiavs. Goodrich. Will bo sold, under too direcUon of too undersigned, at too old Custon! Uouso in this City, THIS DAY, toe 20th of November, 1866, at 11 o'clock, A. M., All that LOT OF LAND nitunto, lying, and being on Uio east eldo of MocUng street, in toe City of Charleston, near Market street, measuring and containing on Meeting Btroct tolrty-flvo (35) foot moro or less, in depth ono hundred and siity-ucven (167) feet, and on tho back Uno forty-two (42) feet moro or loss. Bounding north on lands of-Moses, souUi on lands of-, and cast on lands of Charleston Gas Light Company. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, Novomber 20 tutos Masterin Equity. UN DER DECREE IN EQUITY. Rrown vs. Estabrook. WU1 bo sold, under too direcUon of tho nndoreigned, at too old Custom House, on TUESDAY, too 27th day of Novembor, I860, at 11 o'clock A. M., _, ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND situate in St. Paul's Parish, CoUeton District, containing twolvo hundred 11200) acre-, moro or leas; bounded north by Caw-Caw Swamp, south by lands of Thomas Farr and Lt. Lo. Mel lichamp, cast by lands late of James Stanyamo, and west by lands of Colonel Roper. AXSO, 2. ALL THAT LOT OF LAND in the village of Sum morville, bounding north on Ianda of Carrington _ Co,, and measuring on that Uno li vo hundred and twenty eight feet; cast on Young-street, running from lands of said Carrington down to Saw Mill Branch; south on Saw Mill Branch, and west on lands of Mrs. L. 6. Gilh-Ore, containing in the whole about ton (10) acres. Terms--One-half cash ; balanco In two equal, succes sive, annual instalmonls, secured by boud of too pur chaser and mortgage ol' toe promises, with interest from day of sale, payablo annually. PurchaBor to pay for pa pers. JAMES TUPPER, Master in Equity. Novembor 10 stuUi. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Royce vs. Executor of R. Royce. Will bo sold under toe dirocUon of Uio nndorsigned, at too Old Custom House, in this city, on TUESDAY, too 27th day of Novombor, 18GC, at 11 o'clock, 1. ALL THAT VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, with too buildings thereon, in Charleston, known as "Tivoli Gar den," situato on too caBt sido of Meeting street, and known by too number -, measuring in front on Meeting atreot eighty (80) feet, Uio same on the back Uno, and to depth ono hundred and forty-three (143) feet nino (9) inches, bo toe said lacasurcinents moro or leas; bound ing to the west on Meeting street, to too north on lands now or lato of James Murphy, to too east on lots 9 aud 3, hereinafter described, and to too south on land now or late of John Burk. 2. All that LOT OF LAND, aituate on Nassau street, measuring in front on Nassau strcot forty (40) feet, toe same on too hack Uno, and in depth, ou too north line, ono hundro- and forty (140) foot two (2) inches, and on too sonto Uno ono hundred and thirty .oven (137) foot nix inches, bo too said measurements more or loss; bounding to the oast on Nassau street, to toe north on lot No. 3, hereinafter described, to too west on lot number 1, abovo, and to" the south on lands now or lato of John Burk. 3. All that LOT OF LAND, north of too abovo, meas uring in iront on Nassau street forty (40) foot, toe same on too back Uno, and in dopth on too north Uno one hun dred and forty-two (142) feet four (4) inches, and on toe south Uno ono hundred and forty (140) feet two (2) luches, be too said mcasurcments more or loas; bounding to too cast on Nassau street, to too north on lands lately of John Phillip?, and two lots of land of C. I). Sigwald and R. F. Reynolds, to toe west on lot No. 1, abovo, and to toe south on lol lost abovo dos-ribed. A plat of tho above throe lots can bo soon at toe o?lco of too undor-Urnod. 4. All that LOT OF LAND, with too two and a half story Dwelling House, togotliur with a rango of out-build ings, ?table, ko., on tho south sido of Ann street, bctwo.ii Meeting and EU.aboUi streets, and known as too real dence of too late Patrick J. Boyce, measuring in fronton Ann street ?ily-ono foot two Inchon (61 fcot . inches), on tho back Uno lifty foot four inches (60 feet 4 inches), and lu depth two hundred foot (_-0 feet), bo tho said measure monts more or less; bounding to north on Ann street, to too cast on lauds now or lato of Mrs.-Carsten, to too south on lands now or late o?- McDowaU, and to too west on lands late of Rov. P. O'Neal. A plat of Uiis lot can bo scon at too office of the undor algncd. 6. AU that LOT OF LAND, wito too Dwelling Houso and outbuilding!! tooroot), situate at too northwest corner of Marsh and Vernon street-, measuring in front on Ver non strcot toirty-ono (31) feet six (C) luchos, toe samo an the back lino, and in dapto one hundred and ton (110) foot, bo Uio said mo-Buremoitta inore or less. Bounding to too south on Vernon streut, to too north on land of D. P. La-do-shin o, to toe east on Marah street, and to too west ou land of - Brandt G. AU that valoablo FARM, altuato on Ashley River, Charlo.ton Nock,' known by tho No. 0 in too division of toe Farm, commonly called Harris' Farm, among too heirs ot too lato Dr. Tucker Harris, having such ahapo, form, anti marks as are deUnoatc- and set forth in a plat thereof, rnade by R. Q. Piucknoy, tho 20th Novembor, 1HJ1, bounding to toe north on that portion of too samo Farm of Dr. Tucker Harrin uUottod to Mrs. C. B. Mazyck, to Uio east on tho high road, to too south on too portion of toe samo Farm allotted to too children of Mrs. Sarah T. Simons, and to too weet partly on too portion allotted to Mrs. O. B. Mazyck, and principally on Ashley River, containing sixteen and a half (liS?) .acres of high land, and seventeen (17) acres or mamu land, bo ino rame moro or leas, sub ject, nOYCrtoelcBS, to.nch alteration of too eliapo, form, and dimonalons of too auld Farm as is modo by a certain strip of land about thirty CM) feet in width, running across tho said Farm in a northwardly and southwardly direcUon, and owned and occupied by Uio South Carolina rUUroad Company ; and, alao, toondi further alteration of tho ahapo, lorm, and dime--omi as Is malla by a cer tain other btrip of land abont fifty (60) foot In width, run ning parallel with and immediately adjoining that herein before described, and now owned and occupied by too Northeastern Ballroad Company. Terms.-One-fourth cash; the payablo In Jour equal, aucoosaivo annual Instalments, secured by bond of too purchaser and mortgage of too premise-, wito interest from day of a_to,payabla annually, Tlio hnUdlngs to bo Insure- and policy aaaicned. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES TUPPER, November 10 st_t_9 Master In Equity. / AUCTION SALES. MILLK1AN, M-SLCllEHN ?Si CO. Will sell, THIH DAY, 20th Ins?., at No. 22 Vendue Bingo, at 10 o'clock, TEN DOZES FEET HATS, Mellon mid Broadcloth?. (.iinhiuer.-H, satin?'*?. Tricot, C-evtota, S!t-wh>, Heady nia-lo Clothing, Linen and (Innis Shirts. Hickory Suirls, Wool ?Shirts ?naDrawcn, Spool colton, Buttoutt, Uo-icry. Cullery, Ac. - AU??), COOKING and PABLOS! STOVES and FURNITURE, AK1> TWO SUBSTANTIAL CARTS (nearly new?. November '?li Dry Gooda. Clothing, Ac. iiv nr. L. ai-.iai*. THIS DAY, the 20th last,, at Id o'clock, at No. 10 V? uduc Rango, will be sold A QUANTITY OF DRY GOODS, CONHISTINl? 1111 ENGLISH CASSIM EUES, Tricot's Unions, Plush, Silk Dresses, ko. A US'), READY MADE CLOTHING of ever-,- description. Ho siery, Collars, Handkerchief*, Neck Ties, ?Vc, anil a lot of fine WATCHES. Al-SO, A LOT OF FURNITURE mid 10,000 Spanish Segarr.. Conditions cash. November 20 Estate Sale for Division- Valuable Real Estate in the City and Pro uclive Rice, Cotton and Pro vision Plantations. ii* B. mccall. Will be sold nt public outcry, by order of the Executrix, for division union;; the heirs, on TUESDAY, til? Uti] day of December, ut 11 o'clock, nt the Old Custom House, lu this city, ALL THE REAL ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN T. e MARSHALL, DECEASED, CON?lBTINU OF: let. All that LOT OF LAND on the soulh sido of Trudd strcct, near Mccting-Btrcot, bounded to tho north on Tradd-street, SO feet ; to Iho south ou lands now or late of Ford, deceased, :?0 feet; to tbo cast on lands bdaoglus to the estate of John T. Marshall, 108 feet 8 inches; and to tho weat on lands now or luto ?if Ford, deceased, V)$ fcet 8 inches, moro or less, with all that three-story Brick Resilience thereon, ki town na No. Bl, containing thirteen large, well finished upright rooms, largo pantry, dressing rooms, three piazzas, private stairs, gas uiid grates throughout, largo cook and wash kitchen, store rooms, and ample accommodations for servautii, cis tern, Ac. 1 . 2d. All that LOT OF LAND on the south nido of Traild atrcet, next cant of tlio above, bounded to tho uorili on Tradd-atroct, 43 feet; lo the southon" of Ford, deceased, 35 feet 11 Inches; to the cast on lands now or late of Grealon, deceased. 103 feet 8 inches; ami to tho weet ou lands abovo described, 103 feet 8 inch.?s, moro or less, having thcrcou a commodious two-story Brick Storo aud Stables, and known i-.s No. 4'J. 13d. All that LOT OF LAND on the north side of Tradd Btrcct, bounded to tim north on Linds of the Estate of J. T. Marshall 35 feet, lo the south on Tradd street!** feet ti luchos, to the cast on lands now or late of- Ma honey 147 fcot, mid to the weat on Ianda of tho Estate of John T. Marshall 147 fcot. moro or loaa; together with all that three story Brick Residence, known as No. 50, having eight well uni died upright rooms, pantry, drcas iugrooms, double piazza, private stairs, and all* modern improvement- and conveniences, extensivo servants' apartmnnls, cook and wash kitchens, large elstern and well of water, yard paved with ling atones, ah in good order. 4th. All that LOT OF LAND on the north sido of Tradd street, next west of the above, known as No. 08, bounded to tho north ou lands of the Estate of Alexander England 40 feet, to the south on Tradd street 40 feet, to the eaat on lands last above dcucribcd 100 feet, nnd to tho weat on lands/jf the Eatate of John T. Marshall 100 feet, Aiorc or leas, with all that three and a half story Brick llcaidcnco thereon, consisting of eixteeu woll arranged upright room a, doublo piazzaa, private stairs, goa, grates, aud bolla throughout, cook and wash kitchens, ample ser vante', brick Btablce, carriage house?, cistern and two weUa of water, all lu complote order. 6th. All those TWO LOTS OF LAND on the north aide of Trodd street, next west of the abovo, known as Noa. GO and G2. Bounded to the north on lands now or late of the Eatate of Alexander England 00 feet, to the aouth on Tradd street SO feet, to the oast on land abovo describ ed 100 feet, and to the west on landa now or late of Col. E. B. White 100 feet, more or lusa. Having thereon a tene ment threc-Btory Brick Residence of six well finished up right rooms, pantry and doublo piazza, kitchen, and oth er outbuildings, largo cistern and well of water. Als?-, adjoining tbo abovo, that old established and well-known Bakery, with all the appurtenances attached for conduct ing tho business upon a large scale, consisting of a two story Brick Storo and Dwelling of four largo well finish ed rooms and doublo piazza, a two-atory brick b-Uo house, with four ovens, largo loft? for storage and Bleep ing apartment? for workmen. The yard is paved with flag-stones, and the ontire premises in complete order. Gtli. All that LOT OF LAND on the south sido of Ro per's Court, and in the rear of No. 50 Trodd street, aud known as No. 1. Bounded to the north on Roper's Court 40 feet, to the aouth on lands of the Estate of John T. Marshall 40 feet, to tho east on lands now or lato of Mahoney 25 feet, and to the weat on lands now or late of tbo Estate of Alexander England 25 feet, moro or leas, with all that two ond-a-balf story framed residence, on high brick hascmont, containing nine large rooina and smaller npartmeuts; piazza to tho aouth, aci-vants' upurt zncnts, Ac. 7th. AD that LOT OF LAND on the aouth side of S toll's Alloy, known as No. 3, bounded on tbo north on Stoll's Alley G2 feet, to tho aouth on land now or late of Thomas Rivers 77 feet, to tho east on land now or late of Thomas Rivers 110 feet, and to the west on lands now or late of Peter Tr.vzcvnnt 110 feet, moro or loaa, with all that two story framed Dwelling of eight rooms anil piazza to the south, largo kitchen and other improvements. 8th. All that very valuable RICE, COTTON and PRO VISION PLANTATION, known as Foirviow, airuatc. ly ing and being in St Paul's Parish, Colinton District, 28 miles from tho city, on tbo waters of the Dalio River, Filings' and Toogoidoo Creeks, containing in tlio wholo 1300 acres of land, moro or less. Bounded to tlio north on landa now or late of Swinton and others, to tho aouth on Dab o and Edings' Creeks, to tho cast on Toogoodoo Creek and tho public road, and to tho weat on Skin's Island road. There aro about 300 acres of river swamp Rico land of superior quality, and about 600 aerea of oxcellont Cotton and Provision laud cloarcd and under bank ; tho balance of the. land is heavily timbered with Oak and Hickory, Ash, Poplar and Yellow Pine. The banks aro in fair condition. Tho rango for cattle ami stock of all kind is excoBcnt. Tho improvement? consist of dwell ing, lifteeu negro houses, barn, otc. Tho place has bcou recently cultivated. 9th. AB that other most valuable River 8wanip, BICE, COTTON, AND PROVISION PLANTATION, known as "ltichlleld," situate, lying and being In St Paul's Pariah, CoUoton District, 28 mil?, from tho city, 3 miles from tho healthy village of Adam's Run, and 4 miles from the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, and on tho waters of Pon Pon River, containing in tlio whole 989 acres of su perior Rice, Cotton, and Provision lands, more or less ; bounded to tho north by Penny Crook, and lands now, or late of tho estate of Allston, to tho aoutb on landa of Ed ward Barnwell, to tho East on lands now and late of Au ston, and to tho West on Edisto River. There aro about 400 acres of prime River Swamp Rice land, and 200 acres of superior Provision land, cleared and under bank, the balance is well timbered with every variety of growth, is a good range for Stock of aU kinds, and has accommoda tions for a fuU force of laborers, good landing on the river for vessels of 12 feet of wator. Dwelling, ko. 10th. AU that PINE LAND 8E'rTLEM_*NT, consisting of 100 acres, moro or loss, comprising a part of the Vil lage of Adam's Run, in St. Paul's Parish, Colleton Dis trict, and suitable as a summer resort for um planters of tho neighborhood. Can with advantage be sub divided into acre lots, and disposed of as such, the loca tion being remarkably healthy tho year through. Plats of the above lands eon bo seen at my OUlco, No. 61 BROAD STREET, previous to doy of sale, and will bo exhibited at solo. Conditions-Ono-tbird of tho purchaso money cash; two-thirds on a crcnUt of ono and two years, securod by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the proporty aold, with legal interest from day of salo, payablo scml-an nually, buildings to bo inured aud policy assigned, Purchasers to pay B. MoCALL for all necessary papers. November 15 Novl6.17,2O,22.24,27A29Doc.4.0,8,10.Vll UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Chafcevs. Cohen, Administrator, et al. On TUESDAY, llth December next, at li o'clock, will bo sold In front of tho Exchange, Alt that LOT OF LAND, with tho three-story BRICIC BUDIiDING thereon, situate on tho north side o? Hie street leading down to North Commercial Wharf, and be ing tho second tenement of the rango commencing on East Bay ?trott. Terms-One-third cash; the balanco on a credit of ono and two years, with interest on tho wholo amount, pay ablo Bomi-annuaUy until the principal is puid in full. The bullo.n,?{ to bo insured and tho policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers. JAMES W. GBAY, November 10 ml ruth Master in Equity. SIXTY FINE MULE? FOR SALE. The Kalmia Mills Company, having no further uso for their Teams, will oller for solo (at their Works on tho South Carolina Railroad), eight mllot from Augusta, Go., on tho FIRST TUESDAY in December, SIXTY (60) PINE MULES an**. TWQ (2) HORSES, with LOO GARTH, WAGONS. HARNESS, Ac., Ac. Most of these Mules were brought from Kentucky Inet winter, and aro very superior animals; they aro nil in excoUent order, after working hard Uio entire summer. There is no finor lot of Mules in tho country. Terms cash. BENJAMIN F. EVANS, President Kalmia Mills. J6f?r Augusta Constitutionalist, Savannah Republican, Mtvcon Telegraph, and Montgomery Advertiser, publish daily till -Mil imitant, and send bUl to this ofilco. Novembor 12_ PRIVATE SALES. First Quality fitcc Plantation to be Rented. - BY J. DRAYTON FORD, Broker nnd Comm Isa Ion Agent. , Ti ovory desirablo RIOE PLANTATION, known as "South Chachan," situated on the western branch of tho Cooper Rivor. This Plantattou 1b located at tho best pitch of tho tides; is fife from salts; has been ander un interrupted cup uro, and is in complete order. It em taraces 262 acres prime swamp land which is cultivated; bao a largo tract of upland field? suited for cotton or pro visions, and an abundance of wood for fuel. It boa ex tensivo accommodations for laborera, barn, and every thing auihiblo for Its successful management. Posses sion given as soon as roqulrcd. For particulars inquire on above, at No. 40 BROAD STREET. November 10 "TO 3 tnths Charleston. a_r H PRIVATE S_?_E8. - -- "*. - -- , An K'rinnl and Umaminlul Di.mer Party and Tea Arf. WY W. II-CAtalf. I At Private Bale a most beautiful and ?rnamontal set or highly-piaied I 8LLVEU WARE and English CROWN GLASS, suitablo I for Dinner and Tea Parlies. Mantle Orii::tre -it-, fcc, coa I-Isliug lu pul of : ChandcUcra, Fruit. Cake mid Cou. f.. 'tiouerv -tanda, Upright Fruit tin.I Cal?? ii.?.-??is. Ok. Hint Pudding ICmve?, Wine anil Cordial Waller.. :. ,.;ii:ih Crinvii (?lass llov?a, Ac, all of which will It? h -d much In-low their value, on application BS above, al November 20 3 No. M DltOADSTREET. Valuable Farm on Charleston Neck, 1 Miles front Vita, fur Stile or Li-atu: UY C_.-FFOI._- At MATIIEWES, Real Est n te Agents, Ko. -I,. Brou ?ii-direct. At Pr?vala ?-?.ile For Kalo o. lea?., a VALUABLE FARM on CharVriou Keck, lour miles front too Court House, du ?ship-yard Creek, containing 180 acres-one-holf cultivated, balam . ?Dil wooded; good Sen Island cotton land, Dw< Hue.;, Nc. ?ro Bouses, ?Vc. luth.. November 20 Handsome llnshlence in Wcntteorth-s/reet. MY CLIFFORD .._ lHATIIE ..-.:.., l?tnl Katata Agent-, No. _l"j Broi-lNatreet. At Private Hale A liaudnnimi throo story BRICK RESIDENCE, do lii:htiu ly initiated, and convenient lo boata-M localities, coiitnining six Ktpiaro Booms, laigo I'antrv ami Store Room, Bathing Boom, Attic and nil modern imp.-ovc incnta. - Tho House is handsomely lnniished ILronub-Ut. and ornamental and ninnie J rees uro (?rowing in front. Lot measures UG foet front by ISO feet deep". Terms iiccoiiiinodaliiig. " tutbsti November 20 Al Private Sate. Ii Y CLIFFORD di ?BATHE IVES, .Vii. -1 1-? ?li ..;i.. uli eel. REA ISLAND COTTON PLANTATION? UI'LANI) COTTON PLANTA'! IONS ?ICE PLANTATIONS FARM-, FIRST-CLASS WATEB-POWER-S, SUMMER KEKORTS, -c, Ac, in this Stato and Georgia. ALSO, DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS in every part of the cjty. 3nn> September 21 Valuable Sea Island Coll?n Plantation al Private Sole. HY CLIFFORD at BlATIIEWES, Ut ni Estute A^cuis No. 31 1. . Hu.a.I street. For Sale SVDNEY GBOVE, situated at Port Boyal Ferry, on Uio C-oaaw River, ten miles from Bcauiort, in Priucc W? liam's Parish, con iiiniug P?l ncres, ;t30 clear. 1, balance in WOOdH. 'Tho land is kuovni to bo very prod ctivo, and the location admirably adapted fur a store and a lumber yard for the palo of lumber on comm!-sion. Wat r transportation abundant. November 1U tuthsC Rrsidence in Meeting street, opposite Water. UY ALONZO J. WHITE & SON, Brohrr?, Auctioneers, n ml Real -.state Ag'ts. At Private Salo That elegant three-story WOODEN RESIDENCE, with extensive LOT attache-, siluato on the west sido of Meeting street, immediately north of the residence of the lato Henry A. DeSaiuwuro, Esq., and known by the No. ?15. Tho House contains ten 10) squaro rooms, be nielen 2 attics, pantries, storo rooms, Ac, Ac. On the premises aro two flue ciBtcrns and a well of water, stables, carrluRo room, and uno brick outbuildings for servants, gas and water. Pipes are run throughout the house. The Lot measures 110 feet front by 107 feet deep. This is ono ol' the largest, moat convenient and eligibly situated residences in the city. Tho Lot is capable of sub-division, as it covers the front formerly occupied bj throe residence?. This property will ho sold on accommodating terms, aa tho owner only desires to chango investment. For particulars, apply ob above, at November 20 1 No. S8 EAST BAY STREET. Estate Sale, by order of tac Executor. BY ALONZO J. WBlTE _t SON, Brokers, Auctioneers and Real Estate Ag'ta. At Privnto Sale That elegant MANSION, with considerable Lot attach* ed, situate at tho corner of Society, Wentworth aud East Bay streets, recently tho residence of Charles Boy ward, __q., deceased; measuring on East Bay street 211 feet; on Wentworth iitrcot 102 feet, and on Society strcot 291 feet. Tho property has boen recently surveyed and sub-divid ed into six parts, as can be seen by a descriptivo Plat upon appUcation. Tho Mansion is so wcU known aa not to need description; it has a lot measuring 107 feet on East Bay, and on Society street 250 foot. One Lot on So ciety street with a two-story Brick Building attached, measures 10 feet on Society street by 103 feet deep. Also 3 Lots on Wentworth street meae-ring 38 feet front by 10. feet deep; and ono Lot at tho corner of East Bay and Wentworth streets measuring 10 feut front by 104 feet deep. Two of tho abovo Lots havo Brick Buildings upon ti?em. This property ia admirably located for building purposes, and also has a prospectivo value for mercanlilo uae, boing situated on tho main avenue of travel to tho principal raUroads. For particulars apply as abovo, at November 20 1 No. 68 EAST BAY STREET. Estate Sale, by Order of the Execittor. BY ALONZO J. WHITE Se SON, Brokers, Auctioneers, ?St Heal Estate Agent-. At Private Sale That vory valuable and eligibly located FARM, belong ing to tho estate of Charles Heyward, deceased, situate on Ashley River. -J. miles from Charleston, and imme diately on tlio Uno of tho Sonth Carolina and Northeast ern RaUroads. The Tract contains 121 acres, 10O of which is high land and now undi.? cultivation. The place ia well settled, having a neat Cottage upon it, and all other requisite Farm Buildings. Its proximity and ac cossibUity to the city renders It a most desirable placo for farming purposes. For Plats and other particulars, apply as above, at November 20_P No. 58 EAST BAY STREET. One of the most Valuable Mills, with Wharves at tached, in Ote City of Charleston. BY ALONZO J. WHITE Si SON, Brokers, Auctioneer. _. Real Estate Agenta. At Private 8alc ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE MILLS, driven by tho heaviest steam power and most approved machinery, adaptable for any manufactory, with Wharves attached, in the City of Charleston. For particulars, apply as abovo, at No. 68 EAST BAY. Novembor 20 _ 1 Machine Shops and Foundry. BY ALONZO J. WHITE St SON, Broker-, Auctioneers, _. Real Estate Agents. At Private Sale That extensive and valuable FOUNDRY, sit?ate one door south of Uaeelet-, lnrcar of Marsh's Wharf and Dry Dook, . known as LOCKWOOD A JOHNSON'S FOUNDRY. On the premisos aro two (2) Buildings, one largo Wooden BuBd ing on tho front, and a Brick Building, in good order, in year of tho samo, no,v vsed as a Machine Bhop. The Lot m.asurcs 110 fcot on Concord street, by 115 feet docp. The Lease of tho premises having expired, possession can bo immediately given. For particulars, apply as above, at November 20_1_NO. 68 EAST BAY ST. Handsome Brick Residence, corner of Bud and Pub-streets. BY ALONZO J. WHITE de SON, Brokers, Auctioneers Si Real Estate Agenta. * At Private Sale A handsome three-story BRICK RESIDENCE, situated at tho corner of Bull and Pitt-street-, with Ano Lot at tached. The Houso contains ten (10) square Rooina, to gether with pantry, Bathing Room, Ac. On tho promises are largo accommodations for servants, extensivo Stable Room for can-la :cs and horses, Ac. The Lot measures abont 87 feet front by about 170 foot deep. For particulars apply as above, at November 20 1 NO. 68 EAST BAY STREET. Comfortable Residence near South Ratteru. BY ALONZO J. 1YHITE ?Se SON Brokers, Auctioneer- & Real Estate Agenta. At Priv?te Salo A comfortable two-story WOODEN RESIDENCE, situato on King-street, a fow doors from South Battery, and known by tho number "23." The houso contains five (Q) rooms, besides attics and pantry. On tho premises aro all roqulsi-? buildings. For particulars apply aa abovo, at Novembor 20 1 No. 68 EAST BAY-STREET. Rice Plantation on Sanies River. BY ALONZO J. WHITE Si SON, BROKERS, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. At Private Salo "DELLE ISLE" PLANTATION, altuftto on North Santee River, at excellent pitch of tho tide, and about throo (3) miles from tho healthy Bummer resort on South -aland. Tho Plantation contains 250 acres of Rice Land and ?100 acres High Land. On the promises aro a 8tcam Thrash er and Grist Mill, comfortablo DweUing and all necessary Outbuildings. This place adjoins the plantations of Mesara. Lowndes and Maxwell, and was under cultivation tho past year. prico reasonable, and terma will bo made accommoda ting. For further part?culara apply aa above, -at ' 0 No. 68 EAST BAY STREET. Novembor 17_^^^^ bIti_ At Private Bate. BY L. BUNCH __ SON. At Private Salo A woU settled FARM of fifty aerea, near Sonth CaroUn* Railroad, ono mUo below Summerville Depot Location perfectly healthy. Terma oocommodaUng. -My A PLANTATION on Foater^a Creek, ad_pt__ to cotton raising or brick making. I Thirty BUILDING LOTS on Oharleeton Neck. JURD Other PLANTATIONS to aoU, or lease, or work on abares. Two HOUSES AND LOTS hi upper portion of the city. At our rooms we havo ono RACE BOAT, Corn Mill and Bolting, one Steam MlU. ata_November 17 Furniture, Horse?, Vehicles, ?__., al Auction. by smith de Mcgillivray, No. 9*1 Brosd atrcet, an ntl- afile, near St-tte atrcct. Salea of FURNITURE, Ac, at private realda-oea at tended to at moderate (--argea. Auction every WEDNESDAY for HORSES, VEHICLE-'. FURNITURE, Ac, at half-past 10 o'clock, at our offloe. October _