The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, March 14, 1866, Image 1

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CHABLESTOX DAILY KEWS....DECEMBEB 9, 1865. _" The Daily lN"ews, LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TUE STATE. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE CITY. MW TKE LIST OF LETTBB8 re wiftiTiinp- in, the Postoffioe at the end of each weeli is published, officially fr? 'i'WHi PATT.V NEW8 every Fri? day morning. BT TELEGBAPH. Congressional News. WASHINGTON, March 12.-Senator SHEEHAN, of Ohio, presented to the United States Senate, to? day, a petition from a citizen of Columbia, S. C., asking indemnity for loss sustained by the do etrnc'^n of his house. He read a letter from Gen. SHEBHA*, a?ogiug tliat Columbia was not fired by Federal authority, but by order of Gen. WADE HAMPTON. Gen. SHEEHAN states that the town was on fire when he entered. The petition Was referred to the Committee on Claims. The bill to admit Colorado was discussed. Senator B?MNEB opposed it, because no provision was made in the Constitution to allow negro suffrage. In the United States House of Representatives r resolution declaring tho inexpediency of the scheme looking to a guarantee by this Government Of a Mexican or Fenian loan, was not allowed to be introduced. The Reciprocity bill was discussed. MABCH 13.-The United States Senate refused r.o pass a bill for the admission of Colorado. Thc Hjucr, ty a votn of 109 against 39. passod the Senate bill declaring all persons, white or black, born in the United States, to be citizens o the United States, and to protect them in their Civil rights and to furnish the means for their vin dication. Nothing in this act to be construed so as to affect the laws of any State concerning the rights of aufrage. From Canada. TOBONTO, March 12.-The number of troops volunteering in answer to a call from the Govern? ment, to repel the expected invasion from the Fenians, is greatly in excess of the number want? ed. An official military order has been published denouncing the Fenian raid, and relying for suc? cess upon tho volunteers in case an attack should take place, r The Reciprocity Treaty. WASHINGTON, March 12.-Several weeks ago, a delegation from the British Provinces visited Washington with a view to continue the reci? procity trade ; and a bill was reported to the House for this purpose, which, after some discus jop, wa* yojeetod last night. -Tho Foreign Tariff a?3t will, therefore, new apply to tho Provinces. From Mobile. IOBILE, March 13.-News from New Orleans report the election of JOHN F. MDNROE Mayor of tjiat city by 311 majority. The National Demo? cratic tickot was almost entirely successful. Judge KELLOGG, Collector of the Cus toms, has news that thc authorities at Washington havo dis? missed all persons engaged in the seizure of prop? erty in the South claimed as belonging to the Con? federate Government. All cotton now seized to be held until a full examination can be had. New York Market. NEWYOBK, March 13.-Tho cotton market is dull, and has declined from one to two cents. Ales 1000 bales at ll couts. Gjld 29j. ..SIGNS OF THE TIMES." Continuing our tour through Meeting street, we notice the house on the southeast corner of Meeting and Chalmers streets, commonly known M the FIBE PBOOF BUILDING, now uudergoing repairs, and shortly to be occupied by the U. S. Assistant Treasurer. CARTENS SC JACOBS, Saddlers, Harness Makers, etc., occupy the northeast corner of Meeting and Chalmers streets. Dr. G. B. COTTEB'S office is at No. 56 Meeting street. Louis OKTHANN & Co., No. 58 Meeting-street, dealer in Fruits, Segara, Tobacco, etc. THE South Carolina Society's Hall merits brief mention. The Society will celebrate their one hundred and thirtieth Anniversary on the first of April next. Ita funds, we learn, have been con? siderably lessened by the war,-but it has now over 250 members. The Hall has been .ore in? jured by shells than any building in tho city, but repaire are gradually being made, as the roof has already been covered, and other work will bo done as econ as the Society are in funds. The Society has been wealthy and has expended large amounts in charity. Ii. HEUES, on the northwest corner of Queen and Meeting streets, we know to be a most excel? lent barber. A. J. BURKE'S Printing Office is at No. 69 Meet? ing street. Mr. B. is the oldest printer ja this city nowactively engaged in the business. He is prepared to do all kinds of job work. Also keeps a good supply of stationery. BURKK A BOINEST, No. 69 Meeting street, havo a Periodical Depot. GEORGE CONNOB, No. 67, Merchant Tailor. Military aud Naval Uniforms made here. Mr. C., for a number of years, wan the foreman of Messrs. C. D. CA ur. A Co.'s establishment. The HIBERNI AN HALL escaped unscathed by fire sjrnn airten, %T. TKISSJ? tas?i? ?flatdud his pro? tection io the national emblema of harp and shamrock; to say nothing of FIN MAC C?LE, who, it was to be expected, would keep au eye ou the "basalt pillar from his own causeway. Madame A. FAVIEB, NO. 63 Meeting street, fceep? a very recherche Restaurant, Ice Cream 8aloon, and Confectionery generally. Uer cream pana aro nonpareil. In Hasel street, we omitted to mention Dr." J. R. SOLOMONS, Dentist, who Uves at No. 65. ? Passing on up to tho Pavilion Hotel, wo find that we neglected to mention LAWBENCE A QOASU, Barbers, under the Pavilion. Opposite this Hotel Uves J. MEITZ(,EB, Boot? maker. On the northeast corner of Meeting val Weut worth is the establishment knowi a- tie "Ar tcsian ;\ oil"-eigo, a long, perennial horse-trouirh Tho lot and appurtenances thereof in iv rVjcidod ]y seedy condition, making Btr-wg appeals'to ^omcbu ly to come and take charge of it. 8 S Dr. S. C. BROWN has his office on the southeast corner of Mooting and Society streets. Dr. CACLI.EE solis Drugs, Medicines, etc., at the northwest corner of Meeting and Society streets. A. DUNCAN, Jr., Meeting street, above George street, Gas and Steam Fitter. J. W. COCHEAN, NO. 180 Meeting street-Bocts and Shoes made to jorder. FORDHAM & BROS' Saloon, Liquors, etc., No. 182 Meeting street. MEACHEB & HALLIS, G as Fitting, Plumbing and Steam Fitting, No. 184 Meeting street. G. H. BROWN, NO. 188 Meeting street, wholesale and retail dealer in Crockery, Glassware, etc. OTTO SONNTAG, NO. 211 Meeting street, Dyer and Scourer. Department HEADQUABTEB??, at the King Man? sion, northwest corner of Mooting and George streets. The Provost Marshal's office is also in this building. Dr. R. -Lt EINLOOH'S office, No. 209 Meeting street. MIDDLETON MICHEL, M. D., Surgeon and Physi? cian, northwest corner of Meeting and Society streets. Dr. RODRIGUES, Dentist, northwest corner of Meeting and Society streets. F. H. PLOEOEB, southwest corner of Meeting and Society streets, Grocer. U. W. ZIEGLER, No. 181 Meeting street, Coach Maker. . P. HOGAN'S Livery Stable, No. 179 Meeting street. We find that tho poet was right, when he said, "'Tis pleasant, sure, to soe one's name in print." And when, by any accident, said name is omitted in our Directory, the owners do not like it ; and not unfrequontly attribute it to improper mo? tives. Wc Lavo uttemptod, on several occasions, bo forestall such complaints, but fear wo have not yet satisfied all parties. We will mention a few signs that have been brought to our attention, and we hopo that if, in the course of our investigations, we should be so unfortunate as to pass by any more,-the parties will not feel aggrieved, but send a note ar eard to the office, stating the fact, and it shall be prompt? ly and cheerfully remedied. In our notice of Meoting-stroet, wo neglected to mention Mi'. Z. B. OAKES, whose office is on tho cornor of Meeting and Hayne streets. Mr. 0. has a General Insurance Agency. ? We also should have mentioned ?. B. WHITE'S Marble Yard, in Meoting-streot, north of the site af the Theatre. Thia is an old establishment. In Hayne-streot, wo regrot to have beon guilty jf the apparent discourtosy of slighting our sts-a ois and up-stairs friend, "THE WEEKLY RECOUD," ?dited by Bova. F. A. MOOD and ?. S. BIRD. Of ;onrse tho omission was purely accidental, and lad escaped our attention, till brought to our no ico by a fiiond yostcrday. Bt. MARK'S Barber Shop, iii Hayno-strcet, under he Charleston Hotel, a popular tonseur and 'riseur, is too important an establishment to pass >y unnoticed. On East Bay, wo omitted to note Mr. W. H. ?ID?, Commission Merchant and Wholesale Dealer n Liquors, on tho uorthcabt corner of East Bay md Fraser's Wharf. In Market-street, JAS. COSGROVE was passed by mintontionally. Ho manufactures Soda Water at io. 37 Market-Street, and bottles Ale, Porter, Ci [er, otc. B. FOLEY, No. 85 Market-street, Clothing, Wholc alo and Retail. N. LEVIN, Jr., No. 104 Market-street, Groceries, liquors, etc. H. P. Ruoo, No. 103 Market street, dealer in iewspapors, Periodicals, Stationery, and Light literature of all kinds. D. & D. J. CANTER, No. 08 Market street, deal rs in Groceries and Liquors. JOHN SAYAS, NO. 9t5 Market stree*, dealer iu Se? ars, Tobacco, etc. L. SCHNELL A Co., No. 100 Market street, Fami f Grocers. N. F. PETIT, No. 93 Markot strcot, Tinner, etc. A. O'NEILL & T. H. BRODIE, Tailors. H. HAFKENSOHEIL, NO. 102, Gun and Locksmith. LE ZOUAVE, NO. 108, Choice Segar s and Fruits, old by JOSEPH COSTA. Mrs. M. FEREALL'S Millinery, at No. 112 Market treet, up stairs. J. LOMBARDO'S Barbershop is at No. 114 Market treet. B. MARTIN, NO. 117, dealer in Hats, Caps, Boote, Ihoes, etc P. DARCY, No. 117, Bootmaker. F. C. HEPP, NO. 115, Watchmaker. ANGELO MAURO, NO. 119 Market street, Fruits, egars, Baskets, etc. T. CLAFTY'S Saloon, No. 121 Market street. N. M. GILBSETH, NO. 101 Market street, House, ign and Ship Painting. PBXTBSTER A CO., Scissors Grinders, No. 99 Mar? et street. N. A. COHEN, NO. 93, Clothing, otc. THOMAS FLYNN, Dry Goods, etc., No. 93. 8. A. WOODSIDE, No. 86, Groceries and Variety tore. A. BUERO, Provisions, Fruits, etc., No. 82 Mar? et street._ Two negro children atc now on exhibition at haleigh, North Carolina, that excito much curiosi f. They are fourteen years of ago, and were nm of slave parents in Anson County. The landard speaks of them as follows: "The connee on between these girls is closer than in the iamose twins, there being more of the physical ud mental organs common to each. The connec on begins below the neck and terminates at tho xtremity of the spine. To touch one at any point f her body below the connection sends a sensa ion to the brain of each; wh??o a touch til fANhftjf hove the connection ia felt by that one only. ?hey can talk to different persons at the same imo on entirely different subjects, and ono can iiigago in a game of whist while the other reads >r sings." in - The following st itemeut is made as to the atu l^ntB in the University of Virginia, at Charlottea ville : The largo majority of the students havo seen service iu tho Confederate army, as colonels, ma? jors, captains and lieutenants, few, or course, laving been in tho raukH. Among tho list of stu? dents I noticed the name* of the following : Ben? jamin Wood, Jr , soiLjaf Mr. Wood, of the New ?or?; Daily News; A. W. Pope, nephow of tho Fed? ora' General Pope; Hugh UavtH and R. Davia Far iah, nephews of Mr. Jefferson Dav.s; W. W. Foote son ?d' ex- eiiator Ponto, .f Mississippi: J. W. Wil? mer, h n of Bishop Wilmer, of Alabama, and Ch ir''-* 13. Rive?, ?on of Ihm. Alexander Rives, of Cliaftutb avilie, \ in? nit. Eu" r!H are making in No* Y-1:< ci>v to raise a sum i i relieve tho destitution in Alabama. PROCEEDINGS OP COUNCIL. TENTH REGULAR MEETING. MA YOB'S OFFICE, March 13, 1866. Present- His Honor the Mayor; Aldermen Ravenel, Marshall, Macbeth, Whilden. Trenholm, Steinmeyer, Honour, Enston, Cameron, Gerdts, Small, Oakes, Ryan, Butler, and Earle. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Applications were read from C. Cordes, C. F. Huneken, and J. C. H. Clansaen, for Licenses to keep and sell Gunpowder. Applications received from Mose8 Brothers, C. D. Owens, J. E. Hertz & Co., for Auctioneers' License. Application was read from H. Badenhop, for License to keep four Billiard Tables. Application was read from M. O'Connor, to have John Touhey's Junk Shop License transferred to him. Referred to Committee on Licenses. Petition of. Jacob Barrett, asking to be relieved from the payment of taxes on a store on East Bay. Referred to Committee on Relief. Petitition of the non-commissioned officers and privates of the City Police, praying advance in pay. Referred to the Mayor. Petition of C. N. Lovejoy, praying to be relieved from the payment of taxes on his Patent Cotton Press. Relerred to the Mayor. Application of S. N. Hart, Sr., for renewals of certificates of City Stock. Lay over till expiration of legal notice. Return of the Harbor Mastor, for Februar/, 1866, showing an amount of $200 paid into the City Treasury. Received as information. Bills of the Charleston Gas Light Company, amounting to $368. Referred to Committee on Accounts. Bill of J. E. Tobin, amounting to $162.50. Re? ferred to samo Committee. The Mayor read a communication of J. F. Orf. Upon motion of Alderman Ravenol, Mr. Orf was permitted to address Council. Mr. 0. then made somo romarks, touching the merits of the peti? tion. Postponed; to bo taken up at a later nour of the evening. Report of Board of Health, respecting a nuis? ance reported at a previous meeting, and opinion of City Attorney, was read. Received as informa? tion. Alderman Ravenel road the following report : The Committee of Ways aDd Means respectfully report to Council that, upon examination, they find there is an arrear of oity taxes, amounting to not less than $100,000, extending over a series of years, from 1859 to 1865, both inclusive. In the opinion of the Committee, it is but justice i to those who have paid promptly, that those who i have enjoyed a long forbearance should be re- < quired to take their share of the public burden, at the same time they are desirous of making as ; equitable an adjustment as the urgent necessities of the city will allow. . t Tho taxes due for the years 1859, I860 and 1861, the Committee think, should bo paid in full. There | was no sensible depreciation of thc currency dur- | inp three years, and tho parties in arrear have i certainly had a long indulgence. For the years I 1862, '63, '61 and '65, the Committee think, that os j the amounts due wero levied in a depreciated cur- i renoy, they should bo reduced to tho average of the standard of gold during tho month of May in i each of the said years respectively. The parties < would then be required to pay only the equivalent y of what was paid by those who settled promptly, j Tho Committee, therefore, recommend that tho City Sheriff be authorized to settle the taxes in' \ arrear iu his office upon tho basis just stated, J until tho first dav of July next, and tl?afc oft*>r"is( that time effectual moamireB bo takeu for tho en? forcement of the execution. j Alderman Steinmeyer reported from the Com- | mittee on Wooden Building?, in referenco to im? provements of the house on tho corner of Moot- ( mg and Calhoun streets, that thoy rocommond that the petitionor bo allowod to mako the im- ? provemonts, provided a brick wall is built around i tho building tho entire height. < Alderman Tronholm, from tho Committee on Accounts, reported favorably on tho following ac? counts: Charleston Gas Light Company, $1957.17; < Orphan House, $3250.83; for City Police, D. H. Silcox's bill, $451, Cantons t Jacobs'. $652; Fire ( Department, ?318.5G; Department Streets, $312.50; CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, advertising, &c, $397.81. ] Total, $7339.90. t Alderman Oakes, from Committee on Licenses, t reported that they have examined the several ap? plications for retail and tavern licenses, referred ( to them by tho Clerk of Council, and recommend t that licenses be granted to persons whoso names have already been advertised in the papers, 1 they having complied with tue requirements of i the law; the same to take dato from Januarv 1, \ 1866. Alderman Oakes, from the same Committee, re- ( ported on tho applications referred to them at tho last regular meeting of Council, and recommend < that licenses bo granted to the following per- ( sons: ? Auctioneer's Licenses: Z. B. Oakes, F. Backus, ] and Philip J. Porcher. Junk Shop Licenses: Margaret Baggett and 1 T. Tiencken. * i Licenses to keep and sell Gunpowder: C. Grave ley and A. Lindstedc. i License to pack Loose Cotton: C. N. Lovejoy, < Union Wharf. The Mayor read tho Report of tho City Regis- ( trar, accompanied by Mortuary and Moteorologi- i cal Tables, for the yoar 1865. Total number of i deaths during 1865, 2061. Of theao 281 were malo t whites, 278 female whites; male blacks and colored, \ 721; female blacks and colorod, 780. On motion of Alderman Trenholm, it was or- t dered that this Report, with statistics, be printed ] in pamphlet form. j Alderman Marshall moved that the Mayor ap? point a Committee of five Aldermen, of which ho shall bu Chairman, to confer with Mr. Orf, and to j aiF rd him such opportunities as may bo in their t power, to bring his proposed measures to the c notice of thc commercial portion of the com- c inanity. [Mr. Orf proposes to establish agencies in Eu- 1 rope, by which to encourage immigration to 1 Charleston, 8. C.] The Mayor appointed on this 1 Committee Aldermen Marshall, Macbeth, Small, Trenholm and Oakea. t Alderman Trenholm offered the following reso- t lutions : t L That his Honor the Mayor be requested to 1 call in all existing proxies to represont railroad c stock owned by the city. a Resolved 2. That it is the duty of the Commit- i tee on Railroads to vest the proxies of the city in i ono or moro members of that Committee; and e that, in tho absence of specific resolves of the 3 Council, it is tho duty of the Committee on Rail- c roads to decide ln<w thc vote of the city shall be I cast in any contested election for officers of any Railroad Company in which thu city owns stock. t First resolution agreed to; second lost. f Alderman Gerdts, from Committee on Streets, a offered the following resolution: ( Whereas, many of the lot holders in the burnt t district, on the west side of King-street, between f Clifford und Broad-streets, have offered to cede f the portion required to the city for the considera? tion that they be exempted from city tax on that t property this year, and from the assessment of t any expenses arising from widening of said streets: c Resolved, That Council will accept the forego- 1 ing, provided the same can be cari ied out gene? rally iu tho course of the next thirty days. i Adopted. 1 The Mayor brought to the notice of Council the < election, appointed for this evening, of two Direc? tors of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad \ Company. Upon ballet, H. Cobia, E*q., and ? Alderman Thomas Ryan, were declared duly elected. , 1 Alderman Oakes gave notioe of a bill to amend i an Ordinance to establish rates of fare for hacks, carriages and omnibuses (other than line omni? buses), ratified I ?ctober 31,1851 * Also, to introduce a bill regulating the charges t of drays, carts, eto.,-and that tbi* notice be con- l siderod tho first rending of both thee o bills, i Granted. 1 Thu amendment, proposed some timo sioce, to i tho Rules of Council, came up in order, and, ?he 1 vote being put, it was lost. i On motion, Council adjourned. I A Cincinnati paper says that Idaho has a popu- i lation of 30,000, ami not a miuistor of the gospel t in the whole territory. I * CANADA. ~~?mr THE ^j?IAN; ESCrrElfE^T-EKTHrEIAST7C - RECEPTION (. &t !<3F .CALL FOB VOLUNTEERS. MoatBSAE, Friday, March 9.-The call for 10,000 menMthe Canadian, militia for active duty, made 2?J^dne8day .eVbhing, was enthusiastically respofcdM to, arid early on Thursday morning newsFwJ&received. from all part?fbf the country *"a* WiKkuutii werS ready for-ictive, service at a mc^awjl's notice; ? . ?Lw Therfcaeems to be no doubt that three.AWfour timeavthe1 number could be had at a day's notice. Tu?^whol? volunteer force of this city paraded last evening. Strong guards were posted at all the armories, and patrols kept moving through tho city ail night. va* Everyvpreparation is being, made to guard agwuB^y?fen^?tuipri?fe^ ,.: ToBovrr., c.^vf^'pr5aty,-.>t??ai: a.-^Tho' w sponse?PRterday for volunteers from all parts of , the ...v ffflB very enthusiastic. . A much larg er flHp offered their services than was re- . The Globe of to-day has a report that the plot of tho Fenians is for a body of them to cross into Canada to take part in the public procession on St. Patrick's Day, who will disturb tue peace and distract attention, while armed Fenian bands will make raids on the border. TOBONTO, C. W., Friday, March 9.-The crisis has arrived. All the Canadian militia are being enrolled, and it is expected they will be called out immediately. Volunteers in companies and squads are rally? ing from all the back towns for the defence of the frontier. Over 2000 volunteers arrived hero to-night, and were billeted on the citizens. Tho people are fully aroused, and no man shirks duty, although a few have been arrosted through a misconception of the order calling them out. All the railways on the lines of the frontier aro keeping cn^ne-- fired up to run off trains. It is esM* i i that S0.W?. .roopB are now armed and rp'', i \ arch if invasion takes place. T hies are sanguine of their ability to drive uack aud defend their homes against any Fenian invaders. AMI the troops havo been drilling since two o'clook this morning. Aiull supply of ammunition has been issued to tho.croops, and tho railway trains are mado up and ready to move them at a moment's notice to any point of attack. Many reports are current, and one pretty gene rally.circulated is that Parliament will be called to assemble immediately, and that the writ of habeas corak will be suspended, and martial law pro? clamad before the 17th of March. The Government has taken possession of the Mutual Tehgraph Line. The Globe calls upon President Johnson to in? terfere. It says : .'Tho people of Canada are abundantly able to pre the ruffians a warm reception, but it is a poor repayment to the Canadian Government for its ictipn during the rebellion in the Southern 8tates :o be-now co'mpellod to spend money and blood in resisting outrages planned in the States of the ?o^hboring Republic." Theeity papers this morning contain two col lrnns'of special dispatches from all parts of Cana la, giving news of military preparations, from vhlcJjit appears that every town and city is tuni? ng oat in full strength. ^-tobps wore arriving all last night from the in gaB^towns, and were billeted on the citizens. I^^P^-them woMk-hilUtfld noon allerreri TTAarT ' sBBfro Murphy. As fast as tho troops arrive they are organized nto battalions. They aro to be drilled five hours ier day. i To-day thero was a turn-out, en masse, of tho , ? make a demonstration of strength. From til o alacrity with which tho call has been inswercd, it seems that annexation to the United States and all other differences ol' opinion suc :amb to thc dangers of tho hour. The excitement is hourly increasing. The troops aro held in readiness for immcdiato imbarkation. Volunteere get tivcntv-fivo cents and rations per lay. Tho Oranrjo Watchman of to-day says that tho fenians of this city will walk on St.' Patrick's Day, irmed with pikes and revolvers, aild it calls upon ho Mayor to prevent their walking. It is believed that tho influence of peaco-loving Catholics will restrain tho moro violent men, and hat the processions will bo abandoned. The Watchman also asserts that Bishop Lynch ?aa declared his iutention of leaving Canada to ivoid tho danger and responsibility of a battlo vhich may occur on the Irish national day. OITAWA, Friday, March 9.-Parliament has beeu sailed to meet on tho 10th of April. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will ?mme liately accedo to a Confederation with thu Janadian Provinces, and a common tariff will bo macted, to include Newfoundland, and perhaps .Vince Edward's Island. Large reinforcements will be sent out from Eng nnd immediately on the opening of navigation to neet the threatened Fenian inroads. English gunboats havo been ordered to the fish ng grounds, in view of tho abrogation of the Re uprocity treaty. The government buildings and all tho banks in )ttawa have been placod under military guard at tight. Thore has been a most enthusiastic esponse throughout Canada to the call for volun eers, and 10,000 men are already marching to vard the frontier. Arrangements have been entered into for 1 .eciprocal froo trade between Canada and the : 3ritish West Indies, and a direct mail line from ? Montreal thither is to be immediately established LATEE ACCOUNTS. TOBONTO, Friday, March 9-8 P. M.-The excite nent is unabated in the Provinces. Troops are dill pouring in from the rural districts by hun Ireds. Tho moment they arrive they aro organiz id into companies and squads for drill. So great has been tho drain upou some of thc arge business houses in the city, that they havo >eon compelled to Buspeud business during drill lours. ' News from the frontier indicates no cause for ? ho extraordinary movement, but the military au- t horitiea and the whole party approve the action , if the Government in preparing for an emergency. , ilany assert that this hubbuu is got up for politi? cal reasons to unite tho opposing factions to a 1 ense of their danger, so that the Aunexationists nay be silenced and confederation carried next nonth in Parliament. This alarm being sounded o soon after the meeting of the Governors in Montreal is significant, and the belief that the ailing out of volunteers is for this purpose, is lourly taking hold of the public mind. It is singular that no troops have been sent to < hu frontier, notwithstanding that all the military t orcos were called from beda yesterday morning ( ,t two o'clock. If thia be the real object of the . roverntnout it will probably be aucccsaful, for all lartiea seem to have forgotten their political dif- ' ereuccs, aud rally for united and determined de- 1 euee. ( HAMILTON, C. W., March 9.-From eight to ton ( houaand volunteers have responded to tho call of . ho Canadian Government. The excitement is in reaaiug and volunteers are constantly drilling, I nd hourly expect to be ordered to points on the e irontiei. i Nothing definite is known as to tho information n the possession of Government which prompted his action, but tho wildest surmises are still in iulged. Tbe feeling throughout Western Canada runs ,-ery high, and displays a determination to oppose my euemy, from whatever quarter he may come, i lt is believed that the regulars in Toronto, , Hamilton and Loudon are under orders, but no movements have yet taken place. 1 8PAIN, PERU, AND L-HILI.-The Loudon Times, < :omuienting on the uewa that Peru bas declared t var against Spain, says the Chilian fleer, has by ? ;his time been Joiuod by the Peruvian squadron, t n overt opposition to tue forces of Spain. Spain las by far the moro powerful fleet, but she ia ope- ( .ating from un enormous distance. The coat of ( he Pacinc Squadron will be ruiuous to her bank- < ?upt exchequer, and ita commanders will ba put c o extreme Bernita tor supplies. Coals, water, and jroviaiouB of ah kin Is will bo virtually out of their each, while the difficulties of thu case will he in !rea8ud by tho imp'<asil>ility of striking any deci ' live blow. The eoaat of Peru has been added td the coast of Chili, and the forces of Spain, con? siderable as the; are, moat obviously be unequal to the blockade of such a seaboard. Not only may the other States of South America cast in their lot with the belligerent Republic, but behind ail these looms the ominous figuro of the great American Union. At present the Government of the United States is honestly neutral, but an American squadron has been dispatched to the Pacific, and it is impossible to eay what complica? tions may arise from the incident's of war. The Paris Patrie says that orders had been sent to Brest to continue to watch the new Peruvian iron-clad Huesear, and at the same timo to ob? serve the movements of an English vessel, sus? pected of carrying arms and ammunition to tL.^pj Huesear. A late telegram from Brest says the captain o?p, the English vessel which had been lying in that port, laden with war stores, bad been sentenced to six days' imprisonment and fined 50 francs. The Chilian croiser Independencia had arrived at Brest from the Scheldt. MARRIED, At Gainesville, Fla., Wednesday, February 28, ls fi 5, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev, J. H. TONKINS, Mr. E. F. O'NEILL, formerly of Charleston, 8. 0., to Miss MALVINA, eldest daughter of Capt. J. A. Maso*. Wilmington papers please copy. * SPECIAL N?TIGES. tar FROM TEN TO FIFTEEN TONS OF Freight can be secured to Jacksonville, Florida. Apply at No. 353 Meeting-street, botween Thu and Monday Next. 3* March H SS- NOTICE. -ALL PERSONS HAVING claims against the EB Uto of Mrs. SARAH N. NATHANS, deceased, will present them, properly attested, and all indebted to the same will make payment to - ' JACOB N. NATHANS, Administrator, March 14 w3* No. 9ff Broad-street. S3~ CONSIGNEES PER STEAMER " KING? FISHER," from Baltimore, are hereby notified that her cargo is being This Day discharged at North Atlantio Whrirf. All goods left upon the wharf at sunset, will be stored at the expense and risk of the owner. WILLLY k CHISOLM. March 13 ts- CONSIGNEES PER .SCHOONER "YAN? KEE BLADE," from Baltimoro,; a? aereby notified that ber cargo is being This Day discharged at South Atlantic Wharf. AH goods left upon the wharf at sunset will bo a to tod at the expenso and risk of the owner. *' WILLIS k CHISOLM. March BN ta- CALHOUN INSURANCE COMPANY-IN "PLANTERS' AND.MECHAN ICS' BANK" BUILDING, NO. 133 EAST BAY STREET,-Notice is hereby given thatthis Company, having eompUed with the requisitions of its amended Charter, by authority of the Hon. Comp? troller General of the State, ls now prepared to take risks on Buildings, Merchandise and Produce on reason able terms. By order of the Board. , March 10 8. V. TUPPER, President mm ?vv r*vw1 ?.-^?tsuna ja5y555T ? :lalms against the Kauto ot JAMi.? WALKER, deceased, lato Merchant on East Bay-street, are requested to ron? ler them in, legally attested; and those indebted to the ?id Estate will make Immediate payment to JOHN 1 PHILLIPS, No. 88 Church-street. { SEBEA C. WALKER, Executrix. ] Fobruary 28 w3* ??T-ESTATE NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAV? ING demands against tho Estate of PETER P. MAT IHEWES (colored), deceased, wUl prosent tho same, duly attosted, to Messrs. MACBETH k BUIST, Solici? tors, No. 41 Broad-street; aud those Indebted will mako payment to tho undersigned. RICHARD GREGOBIE, March 7 w5* Qualified Administrator. 49"MESSRS. EDITORS :-MAY I ASK THE favor of you to glvo the enclosed card to my coustits ente a prominent insertion in your paper, and to con? tinue to do so sufficient number of times to Insure ttl thorough publicity. Ignorant myself of the exemption clause in the Act of Congress referred to, I paid the tax of a party not table, and upon coking over the books at the Tax Onice, ound that other parties had paid tor their ignorance of thal aw. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. P. SHINGLES. ??TO THE CITIZENS OF BERKLEY DIS? TRICT.-The United States Tax Commissioners for thc District of South Carolina, under tho Act of 1362, have not considered it their duty, in all oases, to inform parties ol the provision of the Act which exempts ?rom taxation a Homestead, where the assessed value of the Lot or Traci doea not exceed five hundred dollars, and on which the owner resided at the passage of the Act of 1862. It having come to my knowledge that Taxes have been xi ll ec ted on Homesteads, I have felt it my duty to glvt publicity to the information, that persons who have been illegally Taxed may make reclamation, and to prevent hirther imposition. W. P. SHINGLER. Fobruary 17 AW JAMES 8. BELL et al vs. WILLIAM BELL, et we. -COLLETON DI8TRICT-IN EQUITY BILL FOB PARTITION OF BEAL ESTATE-It ap? pearing to my satisfaction that WILLIAM BELL and ELIZABETH C. BULL, Defendants in above cause, are kbsent from and without the limits of this State, on motion of TBACY, Solicitor for Plaintiffs, it is ordered that the said WILLIAM BELL and ELIZABETH 0. DELL do ippear and plead, answer or demur to the said BiU, within three months from the date hereof, or a decree no conftuo wUl be entered of record against them. BENJ. STORKS, 0. E. C. D. Coramisslonor's Omeo, CoUeton Dist, Feb. 10,1806. March 14 (Feb. 12] la LU o i m J ??STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON DI3TRICT.-By GEORGE BUIST, Esq., Drdinary.- Whereas WILLIAM T. BUGER, of Charles on, Merchant, mado ault to me to grant him Letters >f Administration of the Estate and Effects of AMY DURNBULL, late of Charleston, Widow : These are, hcrcfore, to cite and admonish aU and singular the tindrcd and creditors of the said AMT TUUNBOLL, teceased, that they be and appear beforo me, in the lourt of Ordinary, to be held at Charleston, at No. 3 tutlcdgo-street, on the 21st day of March, 1866, after mblication hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to how cause, if any they have, why tho said Admin r.ratiou should not bo granted. Given under my hand, this sixth day ot March, Anno Domini 1866. GEORGE BUIST, March 7 w2 Judge of Probates ter STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA 3HVBLESTON DISTRICT.-By GEORGE BUIST, Esq., Dr.linary.-Whoreas, HETTY W. JACOBI, of Obarles ,un, Widow, made suit to me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of W?LPE JA? COB JACOBI, late of Charleston, Merchant: These are, .herofore, to cito and admonish aU and singular tho dndred and crediiors of the said W?LPE JACOB JACOBI, leccased, that they be and appear before mo, in tho Court if Ordinary, to be held at Charleston, at No. 3 Butted (C itreet, on the 2l?t day of March, 186?, nett after puls? ation hereof, at II o'clock in tho forenoou, to show ?use, if any they have, why the said Administration itiould not be granted. Given nuder my hand, this siith day of March, L D. IHM. ?BOUG? BUIST, .bi Mai ch 7 w2 Judge of Probates. | it FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE C0MPA3IY, No. 18 WALL-STREET, NEW?OBK. Capital and Assets, of er---Jl^OOf CHARLESTON AGENCY: J,-. ^ JPCKELFO?^ & FRASER, ? Boyce & Co/a Wharf? March-1* : . ' " "... ,_.> wfmg _ Life Insurance. THE UNIVERSAL LIFE EMM& AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,-$2,000,000 AS A SPECIAL PEATURB, TAKES RISES ON IMPAIRED LIVES; Including their regular line of business. HOME OFFICE, No. 69 LIBEBTY-STBEET, KEW roBx. P. H. KEGLER, Agent, March 13_Imo_CHARLES,TOW, B. O. PEA7ELERS' INSURANCE COMPAUT HARTFORD, CONN., INSURES AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. Casa CAPITAL..9500,000. P. H. KEGLER, Agent, CHARLESTON', S. C. A3-Accidenta will happen in the best regulated tami? les. Insure, and your mind will be at ease. March 13_line ELMORE CHABLESTON, March 13,180ft THIS COMPANY IS NOW PREPARED TO TAD ?I3KS AGAINST FIRE ON BUILDINGS AND MER? CHANDISE, at their office, First National Bank, COB? SER BROAD AND STATE STREETS. By order of tho Board of Directora. JOSEPH WH ELDEN, March 12 Secretary. WANTED TO PURCHASE, (th Pf ff\ j*\ f \ WORTH OF FIRST-CLASS NEGOTT i W VJ VJ ABLE PAPER. For further particu? lars, apply to G. MCBRIDE SMITH, March 12 No. 31 Broad street, up stairs. MUTILATED CURRENCY BOUGHT BY P H. KEGLEB, Corner King and Hasol-etreets. Feb rua ry 14_ THE HIGHEST PRICE FAID FOR GOLD, SILVER and EXCHANGE; AT P. H. Ii EG LE R'S EXCHANGE OFFICE, CORNER OF KING AND HASEL-STREETS, Oct ober 45 _mwf CHECKS ON NEW YORK, POR SALE BY ?MULES T. LOWNDES & CO, February 19 imo lostetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters. READ REY.: Wi B. LEE'S LETTER. BBOOXLTN, N. Y., May 18,1563. Meurt. HotttetUr <* Smith: ' GENTLEMEN-I hare UBOd your Bitten during the Hat ix weeks, and feel it due to you and to tho public to izpress my hearty approval of their effect upon me. E lever wrote a " puff " for any one, and I aohor overy b Lug that savo ra of quackery. But your Bitters ar? ntirely removed from the level of the mere eeitrusu ot be day, being patent alike to all, and exactly what they irofesa to ba. They are not advertised te cure overy blng, but they are recommended to aeaist Mature in tte lleviatlon and ultimate healing of many of the moat ommon Infirmities of the body^abdihl* they iB ccompliah. I had been unwell for two month*, as i usual with me during the spring. I waa bflioua, andi ?jeering frora indigestion and a general dlae&ae of tte JUCO aa membrane, and though compelled to keep at ,-ort in the discharge of my professional duties, wa* ery weak, of a yeBow complexion, no appetite, andi luch of the time confined to my bed. Wh< n I had bees ikiog your Bitters a week my vigor ie turn ed, the sal? )w complexion waa all gone, I relished my food, and ow I enjoy the duties of the mental application, whick 0 recently were so very irksome and burdensome tome. Chen I used your Bitters, I felt a change every dey 'hese are facts. All inference must be mad? by eaahv idividual for himself. Yours, respectfully, W. B. LEE, Pastor of Green Avenue Presbyterian Church. T&KTta?, e JO" NOTICE.-ALL PEKSONS HAVLNGr kima against the estate of NATHANIEL GIST, Se* AS. D. GIST, and i. D. and N. GIST, wiU pr?tent them, iroperly attested, to the subsoriber. W. O. GIST, EXT. and Adm. Jonesville P. O.. Union DUt, 8. OL Marchi_2moe? J?3- THE WEEKLY RECORD CAN BE PUB? IUASED at H. P. RDGG'S, Market-street, and M. M. JUIN N'S, King-street, at which places newaboya caa be applied, C?- so napers will be sold from me O Aloe Hayne? ;r .'. ' ~-*rnH?r 1* "?-NOTICE - THREE MO.NTHS AFTER ?te, applteatiou will be made tn ihe ; lmore Mutual In- - iranee Company for rou wal of Certificate No. 138, for 1 Share? iu said Company-Maid C rtiQoato harina? >en destroyed or lost by thj fire iu Columbia. March? tu3mo CHAS. P. SHIERS?