The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 16, 1865, Image 8

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J_I_CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS....DECEMBER, 16, 1865. DAILY _N_-_^S. _ S?T I : I : DAY MORNING," _>__Cl___?l_tt 10, lSt?" COMMERC TAL. Import.-?. LIVIiUI'OOL?Per bark Iloborl Hay?4000 sacks Salt, to l; Muro k Co. New York Mnrkiti. MONKY MAKKKT. The World, of December 11, reports: Tho money market 1b easy at neveu per c?*nt. for rail loans, ami bu_ln< hh notes uro inoro inquired for since til?- publication of the Secretary'? report. In January Government will disburse about 110,000,00010 gold coin for Interest on bonds. Tho disbursements for the two yearn* r.iu|!<ui notes, due December L have nihleil largely t.i tin: Mirj.lus of loanable I'unilM on 111?, market MSJang employment in temporary loan.. 'I lie RoW murkut has been depCMMMl by tho salo of gold <-?ri ideates, or the now kind of paper ?-urrencycoii vertible into specie, and i.sueil by Govortinient. The lowc.-t i rico of the week was 141'j. opening <?u Monday .-.i ! it .. ami closing to-dny at n:>;r.. Tho foreign ex. Change market is lirmer, owing t?> the scarcity of pro duce mu? .-oltou Lilis. Primo bankers' n?_ty<laypt<*rl?n , blUs h m bold at 109... to 10.?, primo cmmei-clnl nt 10*.?, and Southern cotton mid produce bills at 108',' to 11)9. poovttcr. ?tARKirr. NEW VOrtK.Saturday. Dee. 2.?("o?ros.? The market was dull and heavy. .Sales 1500 bale:? at .8c.t_i.l_i*. for WddlinK?. ItttKAtM-rVFTM.?The market was ?lull, and prices ;. *io rally lower. 'I ha Common and Medium grades of Mate anil Western were Ac..? 13c. lower, ami very ?lull. Sales ctiiiii i.his. at st... 7 1.11 im* Kaper*; f7.8-f??8 for Extra Stab i: fS.10.i_.*..-? for Choice ?I..; .. S.*J.r.,. ?..Ou I... Ship, pin. l'ouinl-Hoon lll.i.?: .".Sin.? lit.:... for Extra Western; $tl'...0... I.', for Double Extra W. sb in ami ?St. Louis. Kaiit'u-rii II ?in* Wim dull nnd heavy. Sales HOD bids. at _s...??. 0.80 for S'ipers; *?loie l."> for K.ine.v and Extra. Canalla l'lour wan nominal at *.S'-. s.4o for Common; fH.fll..' It for i;.i?ul to 1-hulCC Extras! i'??-ii wax lower und unsettled, especially rnsound. Bales !' i.eon bushels, including Unsound at K.-c.r.j'Jii.*. ; Ooo.l to Prim?! Western Mixed ill._?:._> 91c ; Jersey Yel low ;il ?.v.. rH7c. Oats wir?* lower and dull. Kales 10,000 bii-liels, In cluding Western at 4..c.(<i,;.7e. ; Slat?: at G0c.(_ 01c. ; Je.r my "t Btc.oj.OBo. IT.. ?visions.?1'ork was without cwentlal change, but cloreil heavy. Sales 000 bbls. at ?*._) ?9 $2D<__._ for me. a, closing at $20 2.V, $20 Tor prime nio'S. Also 161)0 bills, now luess, under January, $37 GO 06 *-8. l'.Min was Irregular, and nuire activo. Sales, 700 pkgii. nt 10c. lg) 20c B-TTKR waH dull and heavy at 23c. ( ! 37c. for Western nnd Ohio-. 37c. t_M2c. for Slate; _.?o. fcj 09c, for Orango County pnils. Chkk.r was firm but quiet at lffo, <? 17c. for Ohio, 17e. (?I We. tor State, 18o. Oil 18.'_e. for factory made. Moi.isii: .?There was a moderate trad*, and prices wen* without essential chant;?*. !-al<*s, 80 hhds. at ?Oe. <iT. il."..-, for Muscovado, and 7?ic. @ Me. for Porto Kic. Con-'KK.?The market ?s strong on a gold liasiH, but tradt is dull. Haies 901 hags Hio, pi r Alert, at '20c, golil, du'y paid. HICK?Quiet und unchanged, at 0..,'c. 0 10,'ic. for Rangoon. S?.T.? There baa been n largo movement in Ashlon's, at -____ ttoUl, per sack. SI*, lit.?Oold prices are llnner, lint trade ?s quite in active, and currency price? unsettled by the declino in g ?M. Thu rialoa were restricted to 44 hints, und BO boxes. Hellt:?. 1, nominal. T.f.f.iw.? The market was dull. Sales 70,000 lbs., at l:i!_r<.i:i-.,e. for l'rlnio Western und City. Wi'iikkv?Was dull, with trilling sales ;it $2.34(<?.2.35. 1'ltKi.iiiTs.?There are less llreailsluffs and Coiton of ferii?;,'. and rates are drooping. To Liverpool, 3110 bales Cotton at B-32?. .?--_B?.; 14,000bushels Wheat, 0. ,,'d. : 260 this, l'lour nt Is. '.Id. ; and per steamer, 180 lioxes Bacon at'jr.*. To London, por. steamer, 7000 bushels Corn on private terms. To Bristol, 400 ton? assorted cargo at 20s. BALTIMORE, Decombcr tL?Coffee.?Hark May Queen arrived to-day, from Itio, with 1G00 bags. Stock now in fir-, hands about 8000 bags. Market is heavy; we have only to report eales of 200 bags ordinary Rio at 18',... gold, nnd 60 do. good at 20c. . Fuiun.?Tho market was excessively dull to-day. There was vory little inquiry on '('hange, nnd no sales reported. Wo heard a rumor of several thousand bbls. City Mills, shipping extra, having been gold for export to lira/il, but were unabl? to trace it satisfactorily. Choice Supera ure in rather light supply, and are main. t nil.?-il at *'.i ; coi union anil mixed brands aro unsaleable. ."Extras of all descriptions aro slow of aule, and prices favor buyers; some fair brands have been sold as low as $9 '_.">, and tho choicest shipping will not bring over $9 7.r? (/?'. $10 per bb). Wo repeat quotations, though mainly nominal, viz: Howard -street super and cut extra $8 BO ?... ?.I), do. extra $9 PO (Ta fill); do. family $l*_@$13; Ohio super and cut extra $8 50 ?_> $9; do. extra $9 CO <?_) $10; do. family $12 fei *?13; North restera super $8 _0.<?) $8 76; Chicago extra, choleo $'.? 60 (i_) $10; City Mills, go-id lo fancy brands super ?8 _0.5;$9; do. shipping brands extra $11 60 <_l $12; do. standard extra S9 50 (?) $10; Baltimore family fio; do. high grades extra $13 por i.iil. Cons* was In largo supply to-day, the offerings reported on 'Change footing up 40,000 bushels white and 20,000 bushels yellow; the market ?leolincil several cents, and induced un activo demand. Iucluded In tin* sales wore 25,50.) bushels white at 80(u?81<\, 20,1100 bushels do. at8.c, :iud 161.) bushels inferior nt 70_?78c?of yellow, 16,000 bushels .ild and new sold at 7?!r?.K0c., bulk at 77(i?78c; also, 4(100 busbclB old, fly cut, at 7?*5Ji7*_?-. per bushel. Oats.?700(1 bushels o-ereit, with sales of 0000 bushels nt 48. ? 60?*., weight, nnd 150 i bushels at -14c., measure; u lot Of 200 bushels prime brought Ole., weight. Molasses.?Nothing doing except small sales from job. hers, within our range, viz: for Porto Itlco, 7_c.(<_$l; Cuba Muscovado. 50(n,70e.; do. ?laved, 4ii..50c; and Eih'l'sh Island, M0M& per gallon, as' to quality. 1'iiovisioKfi.?fJogs nt the pens here were quite active .to-iluy, soiling from $13.25 to $14 net; some 1500 head Changea hands, and mostly taken by butchers. At Clu ctanatt to-day Hogs further declined: understood nbout $10 llPf, but subsequently reacted j_. Besides tho littlo activity noticed about some of the packing houses, onr market in exceedingly dull. There is no demand wor thy of remark for ony portlou of tho Hog product. A .mall lot of now Western Hulk Shoulders were sold on private terms, under .tood about 13}_|c. City Lard ia iflercd at 18e., without buyers; small lots from jobbers ;ire quoted at 21c. lincon is scarcely Inquired for; quote nominally Shoulders, old, at 16. (n. 1?,1 _c; Sides, old and oew, 20c, M ess Pork $30? $31 ft bid. Ruoaii.?Wo hoar ot no transactions. 12,\_ cents has been offered and for retlnlng. In tho absence of sales wo repeat previous quotation?, viz: For Cuba and ICngllsh Island, fair to good refining, 13@13.'? cunts, 4 no iths; do. grocery, 13__@14 cents, net: prime do., 14?_ cents, Porto Itlco, grocery, lSL_(?iVU.? cent?; prime to choice, 14>i@15 conts ?) lb. flA^x._With inodorato demand from dealers prices ro malu steady as beforo quoted, viz: ordinary fine, $3.76; Asbton'e. $4.25; Oround Alum, $2.35$ sack, and Turk's Island 60 cents $ bushel, in lots from atoro. Wh i h kt?Continues dull; we roport a small sale to-day -of Country, in second-hand packages, at $2.30; quote at $2.30.-r_ $2.31 for new. Old Is scarce, and selling ?n small lots from jobbers, at $2.35 _. gallon. HALTI .TOItE, December 12.?Flour very heavy for common; high grades unchnnged. Wheat drooping. Com dull; whito 80 cents; yellow 77@78 cents. Clover need lower; sales at $8.12. Provisions dull. Rngars bave a downward tendency. Whiskey dull at $2.31. WILMINGTON, December 13.?Tho market Is iu ?cllvo und quiet. Sales to-day of 13 bales Oottou, at tho ...Hewing rates : Low Middling 40c. T" lb; Middling 42c. T* ft. SpiniTfi Tuni'K.s.iSK.?Sales of 75 bbls. at 60@65c. fl gallon. Cm; pi: Tuiipkntink.? TraiiBactlons light, und 42 bbls. ?old to-day nt $5.00. Tail?Wo notice sales of 02 bble. at $2.25, nnd an ex tra lot of 200 bbls. nt $2.30. Ho ?in.?Sales of 100 bbls. No. 2, lit $7 ; COO bbls. com mon ait $5, and 400 hblp. No. 2, on private ter.i s. TiMiiEit.? Two raits were sold as follows*. Ordinary $13. nnd good mill at $18 _) M. MARINE NEWS._ PORT OF CHARLESTON, Arrived Yesterday*. [Dec. 16 Hr barb Robert Hoy, Knslnko, Liverpool, 70 days. To R Mure k Co. llrig Henry Means, Hull, New York, 8 days. Md/.o and Bay. To W Hoach, 0 D Abren? k Co, J E Adger k Co, (? N Averlll fc Ron, O Beard, E Hates k Co, H lilschoff _c Co, ii'.Hiiniiiu Dros, E It Cowporthwail, 3 O Ilovcrson, .V M Bird k Co, W T llurge & Co, 8 O Courtenay, 3 Ceinmlns, W II Eastcrby, H Ocrdta k Co, Olblies k Thompson, w Gnr"?y. J Hunt? Hunt Uros, It J Jolin ?on, tleiinlngs. Thoniliiison k Co, 3 D Kavanagh, R It Manhall, W Marechor k Co, C O OatondoriT, B O'Neill, H Panz.ib?ltcr, South Carolina Railroad Co, T Street, T Sleiihouso k Co, Btyles k Carter, Wardlaw k Carow, E B Everett, Qoorge W Williams it Co. Blssell Bros, Ooo Vf King, and others. Sehr Amos Edwards, Somor', Philadelphia, G days. Coal and Mdzo. To n F Balcor k Co, L Chap?n k Co, Ravono |& Co, Jas Qiilnton, T Street, Oregg k Bowie, Cameron, I__r_Iey k Co, Charleston Gas Co, Nathan k Ottolengul, __ W Lloyd. Wm Lobby, BaiLroad Agent, W Phllson, Rlinck. Wickonberg k Co, Ebaugh k Malonoo, W Poach, > Hescuiaii, A Getty & Co, P Fogarty & Co, Hlaters of Merer, J Russell, R W Olbbes. Chlsolm Bros, D F Plcm lag _?* Co, W II Eastcrby, G W Williams k Co, B B Ithott A Sou, H T Peako, and Order. Kehr Eliza, Martin, Peo Doc. Shingles. To Fatrchuu Ac Ha ml In. RtcAiucr Gon'l Hooker, Long, Georgetown, B C. 0 tierce- nice, 9 bales Upland Cotton and Sundries. To Sbackclford k Fraser, J M CaldweU At Sod, J ._ F Daw ton, and others. Cleared for lltla Port. flcbr T J Frailer, Mitchell, at New York, Dec. 9. MESS BEEF. 25 /r HARREES MESS D1T.F. FOR HALE DY December lC 2 RAVENEL A CO. HAY. CyAf\ RALES HAY, LANDINO FROM 11I1IO 1IENRY ???ArK) MEANS, at Adger'B Wharf. For boIo by O. W. KINO. December Hi 1? Allantlc South Wharf. POTATOES, ONIONS A APPLES c ONSTANTLY ON HAND, AND FOR SALE HY D. J. 8TURGB8, December 1C No. 1C Vendue Rango. TURPENTINE BARRELS. 1 AA IMtlME PARRELS, FOR SALE CHEAP, IN JLUv" good order. AFPly to W. M. BUM) k CO., No. 203 East Hay. USO, GLUE for Hale. _ 2_Dceomber W_ CYPRESS SHINGLES. 4 l-\r\ AAA 1'ItIME PEE DEE SHINGLES December 10 1* FA1ROIHLP A HAMLIN. WOOD. Il EOT QUALITY OAK AND PINE WOOD. FOR > ?alo by PKKRR1TT A VENNING, At bontlH-rn Wharf Wood Yard. December IS a* GUNNY CLOTH AND ROPE. DALES HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH 10 ?roils Rope. Por salo by RAVENEL A DARN WELL. December 18 9 No. 177 Eaat Bay. 10 YARN'. YARN! Off DALES YARN, ASSORTED NUMBERS, JUST Jj*j received und tor sale by HENRY COPIA A CO., December 14 :i Om-i-n-slreet, near East Hay. COTTON SEED. rilO ARRIVE, mm BUSHELS POYA PROLIFIC COT J_ TON SEED, and for nal?: by LEE .?; SPENCER, December 12 fi North Allaniie Wbnrf. TIN! TIN! 1 K(I BOXES 1C AND IX CHARCOAL, ROOFING JLOv/ ami JiRUillTT'lN?best brand. Juni reeeiv ed. nud for Hide by T. TUPFER .-c SONS, November 20 lino Brown's Wharf. WELSH SLATES. Q/"\ f\(~\(~\ SUPERIOR WELSH SLATES, AS OU.UUU SOP I ED Biers, just received per bark "Florence Chlpmau," from Liverpool, und for Kalo bv ROBERT MURK k CO., November 30 No. 0(5 Cburch-Htreet. YELLOW PINE BOARDS ANT? SCANTLING. ?A fl/^lf\ nSBI FOR SALIC, IN LOTS TO ?j \J . \J \_} (_/ suit pin chtisei-s, by TROUT k AMRRURY', Northwest corner East Ray and Market-street. December 12 FOR SALE. 1 ?fl A BAItES SEA ISL VND COTTON BAGGING JL" )\J *J bales Ranging Twiuo. OIBHES k CO., December 10 Adgcr's South Wharf. POR SAL?. T?f~VA BALES GUNNY RAGGING LKJKj ? cuits nope J Lulus Twine. By December 11 (.IBBI'.S ft CO. FOR SALE. AFINE BUGGY AND HARNESS. APPLY TO WM. H. DAW80N, November 29 No. 51 Rrcad-street, Fire Engine for Sale. PALMETTO FIRE ENGINE COMPANY OFFERS for eale a first class Engine, double break, in good onlcr. Messrs. Pino k Harlshom, of New York, makers. Apply to either of tho underftigued. ?IAS. COSOROVE, TIMOTHY* CLAFFY, JOHN DUNCAN, TH03. FLYNN. Dccembor 11 BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! THE SUBSCRIBER HAS REOPENED THE WELL known BAKERY No. 00 Tradi].street. Families wisbing a good article of well-baked Loaf Bread aro re quested to leave their orders at Bakery. Ho has procured competent cart drivers, and will de liver Bread to any part of tho eity. November 22_lmct_J. C. MARSHALL. GUANO ?l?lTANoT" PERUVIAN AND SWAN ISLAND GUANOS. SUPER PHOSPHATES, and tbo Briico Concentrated Fer tilizer, are offered to the trado at tho lowest wholesalo prices, by t GEO. E. WHITE k CO., No. 05 ClllT-strcct, Now Y'ork. Or, CHISOLM BROTHERS, Sole Agents, Novombcr 17 No. 70 East Bay, Charleston, S. O. L. S. UOIT^?PERPHOSPMTl?^F LIME. A SUPERIOR AND WELL APPROVED ARTICLE, which has been nxtensively used both North and South, and has met with unequivocal success. The subscribers aro prepared to take orders. TROUT k AMSBUBY, N. Vf. corner East Bay and Market street?. ALSO, PERUVIAN GUANO, BONE DUST, Ac, Ac. November 25 Sashes, Blinds, Saws, Cotton GINS, ETC. WE ARE PREPARED, UNDER RECENT ARRANGE MENTS, to furnish at prices beyond competition as follows : SASHES. BLINDS AND DOORS {on orders) Saw Mills, of all descriptions, Portable, A-c. Planing Mills Tongue and Groove Machines Circular Saws Scroll Saws Engines Stills, Gins Corn Shellers. And all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, upon sp?ciflcationf). Descriptions given at our office. TRODT k AMBBURY, November 7 Oor. East Bay and Market-streets. w LUMBER!^ LUMBER ! ! WHOLESALE AND RETAJEI,. IDE AND NARROW GROOVE AND' TONGUE F'LOORINO AND LINING Dressed Shelving Clear inch Hoards, dressed Olear }i inch, lji-f, inch, 1'? inch, and 3 inch Pino Rough Boards Joint, Scantlings, &o. Nails, Poors Hashes and Blinds. W. E. REEVES. Wharf foot Morket-Btreeh November 22 lino* Tie American Land Company, JOHN A. ANDREWS, PRESIDENT CENTRAL OFFICE : NO. 57 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, OFFERS ITS SERVICES FOR THE PURCHASE, SALE, LEASE or EXCHANGE of City or Country Proporty In tho South and West, or In procuring Work men, Superintendents, Tenants or Partners, from tho North or from Europe. Correspondents offering pro perty, will picoso forward description and terms. No churges made except in ceso of succoss. TRuRBER, SOULE &C0., Agents. NO. 4 STATE-STREET (UP STAIRS), CHARLESTON, 8, C. Novembor 27_toga "PUTTY UP MPUTTY UP ! N. M. GILBEETH, No. 101 Market-street, HOUSE, SIGN, AND SHIP VRTIST, RESPECTFULLY 80LIOITS ORD"?~ "Oil HIS old and now customers.. _ OLAZINGpromptly attended to. PUTTY for sals. November 13 SAVANN/?-T HERALD" CAN BB HAD AT Husk's Book and Periodical Store, No. IOS MAIfKFCT-STHJEKT. September 2b Cf?______._P FAMILY GROCERIES. G. W. ST_FF-i.S & CO., Corner King and Cfeorge street, charubsvoh. k. v., HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND A FRESH SUPPLY OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, and will sell at wholesale and retail, at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICE? COFFEE, tea, sugar, syrup, molasses Flour?Extra Family, Self-raising and Buckwheat Butter, Lard, Hams, Strip Bacon, Family lief!. Mess Pork, Tongues Bologna, Mai-kcrcl, Nos. 1, 2 ami 3?In barrels, half-barrels and hits Salmon. Lobsters ami Oyat? rs. In cans Sardinen?Whole, half and quarter boxes Cheese?English Dairy, GkMbCU, ldiiui, Pineapple and Sap Sngo Pickles, Preserved Ginger, Fruits, etc. Raisins, Almonds, Figs, Prunes, Currants and Citron Hwect oil, Mustard, Pepper, Spices, etc. brandies, Wlnea, Cordials Tobiieco, Regan Crockery and Glass Ware KiTiisine oil, and Lampa of all doscrinttoiis. H. W. STEFFENS i: CO. December 10_wttwg* THOHPSON & BROTHER, ISTO. 113 EAST _3 _ <_.-_T , WHOLESALE GROCERS AN? Commission Merchants. JUST RECEIVED, FOIL SALE AT LOWEST CASH PIUCE81 I f\r\ BAOS RIO COFFEE 1UU 50 mats Java Coden 100 bbls. Sugar, A, B. C and Coffee Mackerel in kits, .'_ bids., and bbls. r.oo boxes Herrings .0 tiei .-es Bacon, Slinuldei's, Sides and Hams Butter. Lard, and Cheese, Onions, Potatoes and Apples 100 bids. Whisky, from tho cheapest to the best article 5 casks lleiiuesey Brandy. ALK. ami WINKS, aud u general assortment of GROCERIES. December 1.1 "charles l. "guille?uS'?T No. Il3 IMoet?n^-street. Opposite Hnyii?-.s.i'cet, OFFFdtS POIl SALE?VIZ i (T{\(\ BARRELS B. SIIQAK tj \J \J 1O0 barrels A A Sugar 100 barrels A Sugar 100 barrels C Sugar (iO barrel? <! Coffee Sugar no barrels Crushed Sugar r.uo sacks Liverpool Salt _.i> sacks Turks' Island Salt OH cuses Tabl.i Salt f.0 Backs Rio Coff.o 25 sacks Laguayra CoCTce 25 sacks Old Government Javo Coffee 10 sai*ks Oinger 10 sacks Pimento 10 sacks Spices 100 boxes lllack Teas 100 boxes Oreen Teas _fiO barrels Flour 100 half-barrels Flour 26 barrels Sugar-house Molasse? v_ barrels Syrup 50 half-barrels Syrup 50 half-barrels No. 1 aud 2 Boston Mackerel SO quarter-barrels No. 1 aud 2 Boston Mackerel 100 kits No. land 2 Boston Mackerel 500 boxes No. 1 Herrings 600 boxea Scaled Herrings 250 barrels Potatoes 500 kegs Nails Spades, Shovels, Shot, H. 8. Nails Buckets, brooms. Pails, Tubs Blacking brushes. Mason's Blacking Matches, Willow and Ojster Baskets Selves, Pipes, A*e. 500 boxes Spices Mustard, Pepper, O In gar. Cassia, 4c. Cream of Tartar, Soda, ko. 100 boxes Copperas 100 boxes brimstone 100 boxes Alum 60 boxes Madder 100 cases Crackers, Ac, Ac, Ac. 500 boxes Soap 250 boxes Fancy Soap 1000 boxes Candles, Ac, kc, A.c. 600 coils Rope 250 colls Manilla Ropo?various sizes 150 bales Gunny Bagging 20 bales Sewing Twino, Ax., ko., kc. Now in storo, and arriving, at tho LOWEST MARKET PRICES._ _ December 6 "latest arrival 2Per and Sail. 1 f\f\ BBLS. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR X.\J\J 09 bbls. Extra Flonr 100 bbla. Superfine Flonr 145 bbls. 8upe. Flour 125 bbls. Fine Flour 60 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel 60 bbls. No. 2 Mackerel 45 half bbls. No. 1 Mackerel 40 half bbls. No. _ Mackerel 20 quarter bbla. No. 1 Mackerel 25 quarter bbls. No. 2 Mackerel 25 kite No. 1 Mackerel 200 bbls. Potatoes 25 kega Butter 25 hhda. Mola, sr_ 10 boxea Bacon Sidea 10 tierces Hams 10 hhda. Hams 6 hhda. Bacon Shoulders 6 tierces Bacon Strips 20 bbla. Crushed Sugar 25 bbls. Powdered Sugar 20 bbls. Clarified Coffee Sugar 20 bbls. Brown Sugar 20 sacks Coffee 400 sacks Liverpool Salt 10 sacks Spices 200 boxes assorted Family Soap 250 boxes Fancy Soap?Colgate's 75 boxes Candles 60 boxea Starch 20 dozen Brooms 60 boxes Mustard 25 boxea Black Tea 60 coila Manilla Ropo 25 colls Hemp Rope 200 boxea lin?assorted 100 coils Iron Wire 20 coils Lead Pipo 20 dozen Hatchets 15 dozen Hammers 6 dozen Wood-Saws 40 dozen Collins' Axes 15 dozen Looking Glasaoo?assorted ' 300 M Segars?assorted 75 reama Foolscap Paper 60 reama Latter Paper 75 reams Note Paper 10 boxea Ink And a desirable lot Carriage Trimmings. Por aale by ARCHIBALD aETTY k CO., Nos. 120 and 12S Meeting-street, December C Warehouses Nob. 63 and 65 Hasol-st. LIQUORS! MQ^HDIRS? INOLUDINO A MOST EXTEN8IVE SUPPLY OP everything in the LIQUOR BUSINESS, buch ab : 200 bbla. WHISKY, ?omo old, eomo eplondld, and eorao very cheap 10 quarter casks BRANDY 100 packages WINES, CHERRY BRANDY, ST. CROIX RUM, PORT WINE, Ac, 4c. 8000 caaoB WHISKY, BRANDY, GIN, Ac, ?to. Call at our large ?falca Rooms, No. 146 MEETINQ -TREET. G KO. IV. CLARK ?St CO. October 13_ SALT, FLOUR, ETC. 1 '?OO 8A0KB LIVERPOOL SALT 60 BACKS TURK'S .ISLAND SALT 100 BBLS. BEEP 100 BBLS. AND HALF BBLS. PORK 200 BBLS. EXTRA FLOUR 800 BBLS. SUPERFINE FLOUR 200 CHEESE?DIFFERENT KINDS. For talo cheap for cash by O ICO. XV. CLARK ?If CO., October 13 No. 145 M..ttlng-.trcat. CHAMPAGNE, ?LAI.I.T. NlIlMtltV, &c. THE SIMISCRIDKES, HOLE AGENTS IN TUE STATE ut South Carolina for thu colebratod Charles Farre Champagnes, are preparod to reeelvo ortlcrs troni ilciilvr? mill hotels i for thu a-uno. ?Ilse, Agents for lite following well known WINKS: C. s. Ctampbell .< <:o's. Kiir.ititv winks Welsh Brothers' ?Madeira Wines Her/.nnuiit's Clor?la Herzoiiatit'H Bantam Klemon ?v Co'h Hheuish Wines Rebollo, ValentQ ft tro'n. I'orl Wines. Orders reeeivt-d for Ihn direct importation of the above. Now In Store of MATHEWES ?t FORD, No. :u Broad street? Cases elf. FAHRE champagne Quarter ?*nsks CanipbnB's Sherry Cases Iler/.onunt'H Clarets. December 1? swlmo ROPER k STONEY. NAILS, SALT, HAY, FLOUR, &c. -| ? * f~\ KEGS NAILS. ASSORTED SIZES JLOVJ ano sneks Ground Alum suit ?mi bales N. it. aud Eastern Kay Hill bids. Extra nuil Super Flour Ml bids. Pure Ciller Vinegar in Mils. Planter Paris m Content. Landing and in slor?-, and for sale by II. F. BAKER ?A: CO., Cnal Y-mi, No. 20 Ciimbcrlnud-strcct. December l<; a EXTRA SUGAR CURED CITY I?KJ HAMS AM) SIIOULDHllS. 1>ARUKLS II \M>? I , . ,.. > Barrols Khoutdera I"??1.I?*>?> For sali- low by J. \. ENSLOW ?V CO. De<*('tiiIiiT I<i :i CORN, HAY, SALT, &c. O'"/ \i i IMlHltKLH PRIME WHITE COHN ^ )\ /\ J Am bales Prim? North River llav SHO sacks Ll.erj.o- I tilt lou bids. Super and Extra Flour. ALSO, UUOCKHIEV, LIQUORS, ?Ve. For sab-by JOHN OAM.SICN ?fc CO., No. 11 Market, Opposite btato-strei-t. December ir. 'I CANNED GOODS?JELLIES, &c. 1 ?f? DOZEN FRESH SALMON, 3LBS. X* " 20 dozen Fresh Salmon, 1 lb. 10 riozeu Fresh Lobsters, '_' lbs. 21) do/ju Fresh Lobsters, 1 lb. 40 doaeil Fresh Tomatoes. II lbs. 21) dozen Jellies, in tumblers lo boxea Pickle??mixed, quarts '20 boxes Pickles?mixed, iiitits. AI.KI1 SARDINES, OLIVES, SOAP, STARCH, LARD, Miukcnl, Ac. At JULIUS II. OPPENHEIM'?, December I? 19 No. 114 Eust Bnv. 10 GROCERIES! GROCERIES! IT*. RES H ?SUPPLY OF GROCERIES. JUST RECEIV ? ED. AI.KO, FRESH ROASTED AND G HOUND COFFEE, of the best quality, iilwuvs on hand, and for salo low by H. W. KH1?TE, No. 173 Eini; street, comer of CliiTord. N. 11. Goods sent to any purl of the city FREE OF CHARGE. 0* Dccoiuber 15 BACON AND LIQUORS. SEVERAL HDDS. HAMS, PRIME Keveral hhds. ShouIdcrH, Prime Several lihils. Sides, Primo Severs! eaf-es Brandies, Wines, Gins, Chunipagtie Ciller, Bourbon Whiskies, Ales, Ac. For sale by O'BRIEN k A1MAR, December IS No. 10 Marliet-Hlceet. WHISKY?TOBACCO. BHL8. OLD BOND BOURBON WHISKY 10 bblii. Mountain Dow Whisky 20 bbls. Ryo Whisky 100 cases Udolph Woolfo's Whisky 15 boxes Chewing Tobacco. For salo low, by T. SAVAGE HEYWARD k 80NS, December il stuthO No. 123 East Riy. LIVERPOOL SALT. CARGO OF BRITISH BRIG RAVEN, NOW DIS CHARGING at Atlantic Wharf, for sale by W. B. SMITH k CO., December IS Gillon-strcct, near old PostofBco. SALT! SALT!! JUST ARRIVED AND NOW LANDING FROM BR. BARK ROBERT HAYES? 4600 sackH LIVERPOOL SALT. For sale at the lowct?t cash price, by J. N. M. WOnLTMANN, Agent, December 1(1 5 No. 187 Eust Hay. LIVERPOOL SALT. A I\i~\f\ SACKS LIVERPOOL 8ALT, PER BRIG -fljijl t RAVEN, for solo by the cargo, or in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to W. C. TILTON, December 13 -3* Atlantic South Wharf. LIVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. Zf\f\ SACKS IN SPLENDID SHIPPING ORDER. tJ\J\J Landing this day and for sale from the wharf, by THADDEU8 STREET, December 0 No. 74 East Bay. Heidsieck & Go's. Champagne. THE PUREST, BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE market. Call and pnrcliaso of ?BO. W. CLARK Si CO., October 13 No. 145 I>I?< t Injj-st re? t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, \ CiiAitLKHToi*, B. C Dec. 13th, 1865. } I?PS? ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, THE 15TH INST.. THE Passenger Trains of this Company wiH leave from tho Depot, in Llnc-stroet, at 0 o'clock A. M. T H. T. PEAKE, December 14 3 Gonoral Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Cuahxestok, S. C, December 13,1865. j SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEFVED AT this office until the 24th lust., for Building and Keeping tho Hotel at KingviUe. Plans and Specifica tions CMi bo seen at this office. Also any information connected with tho nonio can bo had by applying to HENRY T. PEAKE, December 14 4 Geni. Supt. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 OiiAiiLEhToN, 8. 0., Nov. Cth, 1865. J O N AND AFTER THURSDAY, OTdT INST., THE Passenger Train will run the following Si-bcdulo: Leave Charleston.8 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.15 P. M. Leave Hopkins' Tuni-out.7 A. M. Arrivo at Uoplilus' Turn-out.3.30 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, Novomber 7 Superintendent. FOR SAVANNAH. " RTCGTJX. AR LINE." THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP OIT"5fT POINT, CAPTAn-I E. 8. TALBOT, WILL LEAVE COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLES TON, 8. O., every Wednesday Morning, at Six o'clock, and returning will leave Savannah every Satur day Morning, at Eight o'clock. The CITY POINT waa built by her present owners without regard to cost?her State-Rooms and Cabins bo ing furnished in the most luxurious manner. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVENEZ A 00., Corner East Bay and Vanderhorat'a Wharf. December 11 -r-rv. l'Oit l.H'Klt l'ihii._TUR ENTIRELY jEQaOnew and Urst-clas- Amerknn u-irk TDHOANO. /Y_F5^J>Hlilllliig. Muster, having ? !_.?. i.ortlon of nor -*= =-_>*cargo cngagiMl, will Imv.Mll. tor tlionbore port. For I i-i-lght cngugciurnti; at lowest market rutes, ap ply to TUADDKUH STREET, Decenilier . No. 7. Kasi Hoy. . VOtt LIVI-KIMIOL. ?Till. KKXV AM J^Hurh PEAItLKSH, t?v?> months old,*W__ hara quick dlapateb for tho above port. For Freight ( engagements, apply to i: p. locks, December 7 Kerr's Wharf. l?'OU I.IVEUl'ORb_TUB A 1 'Clipper Ship TAMERLANE. Jackson Master, ?ivnnls um BALKS COTTON, and will have immediate <liH_-atch. "Xtbeotl advance? made on coimlgiiin. nt-. For Freight engagement?, apply to December 2 WILLIS .V CIUHOLM. -c-rv FOU LlVISUPOOLr?TUR FIKST r?kt?v111" UHpper H-rk KILLE DE L'AI?, (?rabana _!j_ff_3SS_>niastor, will meet with dispatch. For Freight _V_ ___&.,?ppiy to ?AVENEL k OO. December 1 KOK ROSTO!.?Till. FINK IlllIG ItOLBUSON, Hctt, Ma-trr, having n larga por .tlou of her cargo engaged, ?rill bave??_ulrk ?de spatch f?ir allow ]>m t. For freight engagement!?, apply In Drc'iub?*!*'J stullil P. P. LOCKE, Kerr's Wharf. FOU N1.1V YOIIK?MKUC'II/VNT?? ,. .;i*i*iih'.r Line?Th.- faut .Upper Kchovncr WIDE r ??WORLD. Cliaa. K. Iltldroth, maxier, wants .50,.. c,.non to ill! up; will i?- .1:?patched iiu.-li ly. Apply to WILLIAM ItOAl'lI, Conn i- 1*__M Day and Adgcr's Smith Wharf December 19 rj-TN_ STAU 1.1X1.-COU KKW l'OllIC_ X?i?V'fl'? first class bark T..IUCA, Captain liant. /If?XS&inan, havingtiportion nf lier eargu engaged, ^=- t.^&? ,.i,| liave un. ?'d?ale llisjmtch l?*r t lie ab?.vu port. For Freight or Passage, apply to D. .1. HT UROES, December 13 N?>. ic. Vendue Itaiij-. ,-jrrv '?ICMPIItl. UNI.."? I-tlK PMII.A I JQ^ DBU'UIA.?The lit llrlg " LLLLN 1'. STE , J^f-v-iWAUl'," Iloiliiiul mauler, will mu? fer the abo va ?-ftAaaSS named city la a t.-.v ?laya with ?hat freight ! may .>lV<-r. Apply to T- ?. f_ *j*. u. T.VhTi, ! Agenta it Charleston. LATIIIUIUY, WICKEHIlil.Ul .?.* CO., Iii-ceiuber 13 Philadelphia. ?-^rv. FOIt PIULA ?ICI.-MII...? KKY _3??_RTOI'li LINK.?(FIRST AND ONLY VIS*. tA'-TVl'-^LL LOADING).?The Bark OIN. WM. T. ?- ^ > ?II BUM AN, Welsh Mauler, will:?nil a? above. For balance of Freight, apply t<> H. F. BAKER ft CO., No. 20 Ciimberkiiul-Htivet. aw Vessels "f this line guaranteed to Insure nt the lowest rale.. Deci-ntbcr 1. FOU FUF.ItillT OK CMARTKl.. The fin.*- new t?.i-,- HAVEN, Ja8. Hayos, ?faster, 312 tonn linrthen, and in condition for any voyage. Apply to W. U. SMITH A CO.. December 10 Oillon-Htrcet, near Old Pnatoflice. i f"-t. , FOU IL-LTIMOKl.?TO SAIL '-. *;'. ?_- 0N SATURDAY, lns_?The fctouin. __l_ayi_. ?hip CUMBERLAND, Cantata. Win. Den .?:__.?"if- *_-.. liin, will leave Kcrr'a Wharf, on Satur day, ICtli December, at 4 I?. M. No Freight received after 1 o'clock, P. M. on the ?lay of calling. For Freight or PuRsage, apply to MORDKOA1 k CO., December 11 No. Ill) I__st liay. FOR NEW YORK. THE REGULAR UNITED OTATES MAIL UNE OF FIR.ST-CIi._8S STEAMSHIPS: OI-i-.VAU.., I -_M.LV1_.KU CITY. A 1.11.-MHIl A | ANDALUSIA, THE AlsTDALUSIA. CAPTAIN nURSLEY. WILL LEAVE IIHOWN k CO.'S WHARF OR SATURDAY. December ltith, at Three o'clock precisely. For Freight or Paanage, apply to RAVENEL k CO., Agents. South corner of Eoat Ray anil Vandcrborat'a Wharf, December 14 New York and Charleston PEOPLE'S STEAMSHIP COMPART. Leaving each Port every Alternate Tluir. tiny. 8TEAMBHIP EMILY R. SOUDER, Oapt. R. W. Lockwood. STEAMSHIP MONEKA, C'AIT. O. P. M AU. H.-AN. THESE STEAMSHIP, OFFEIUNQ EVERY INDUOE. MENT TO SHIPPERS AND THE TRAVELING PUBLIC, having suportar aceommodationH for Pan_.<___ gers, with tablea suppUod by every luxury the Now York und Charleaton raarkota can aflora; and for safety, apeed and comfort are unrivalled on tho count. THE NEW STEAMSHIP _B__v?CIXj^_T _b. stji_._b_r_ OAPTAIN It. Vf. LOCKWOOD, WILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF OH THURSDAY, December 21, at ? o'clock. Libers] advances made on consignments to New York. For Freight or Passago apply at tho office of tho Agents, WILLIS k CHISOLM, December IS North Atlantic Wharf. FOB PALATKA, FLORIDA. " j_iist__i." THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP CITY POIISTT, CAPTAIN E. S. TALBOT, WILL LEAVE COMMERCIAL WHARF, CHARLES TON, 8, C, every IF.dnwday Morning, at Six o'clock, touching at Savannah, Fcrnandlna, and the Landings on St. _ oiin'ti River?leaving Savannah every Wednesday Afternoon at Four o'clock. _a_BXT_T_R->XI2SrG._ WU1 leave Palatka overy Tkursday Evening, at Nine o'clock, Jae.lf__nv_tle every Friday Morning, at Klght o'cl"*:-. Fernandlna Friday Afternoon, at Four o'clock, and Savannah every Saturday Morning, at Eight o'clock. The CITY POINT was built by hor proauut owner* without rogard to coat?her Stato-Rooma and Cabina be ing furnished In the most luxuriouB luonuor. For Froi?ht or Passage, apply to RAVENEL k OO., Corner East Bay and Vandorhorat'B Wharf. December 1 E Bar Iron. OUND, SQUARE AND FLAT. For sale by ? H. EASON, No. 9 Exchange-street, November 3 Bear of old Pon to Aloe Stoves! Stoves! O/kA 8TOVE8, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES OR 0\J\J BOOMS. For sale at Manufacturor'S Prlooa, by HOPKIN8, MoPHEIlSON k Oa, October 31_No. 165 Meeting-street. Wo. 9. MACHINE BELTING. No. 0. ALL WIDTHS, IN LEATHER AND RUBBER. For sale by 3. M. EASON, No 9 Kxohango street, rear of Old 1". atoflloo. December 4