The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 16, 1865, Image 7

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I CHARLESTON DAILY NE\VS....DECE-IBE__ 16, 1865. SOUTHERN INSURANCE. NATIONAL MARINE AM) Fire Insurance Company NEW ORLEANS, LA. CAPITAL.8300,000. WE ARE PREPAID*D Tt> TAKE MARINE, FIRE, BMil Hiver riakll ?in favorable terme. 1IKNKV CORIA k CO., Attenta. D-cmnbcrO vrfmlmo F?RE AND LIFE INSURANCE. BALTIC FIR.K INSDHANCK COMPANY OV KKW YORK. COMMONWKALTII FII'.i; IIV.S-KANCI. COMPANY OV NEW YOltlC. NORTH AMICItlCA LI FK INSURANCE COM PART? OF NEW YORK. RISKR AGAINST LOSS RY FIRE, ON DWELLINGS, 8TORE?, BT0CK3 OF GOODS, COTTON IN STORE OR IN LAND THASSl'OHTAT.ON,.Alien at low rates. AMO. LTFE, ANNUITY OR ENDOWMENT POLI01-81S SURD .or a whole life, or for a term of yean?. T. (Hum* Simon*. 3. DttA.TON Fono. SIMONS k FORD. Agent*. Dooombor 14 lmo * Ko. Ul) Hanoi wtrcet. 25-B. OjMZJ&&9 Insurance Agent, Corner Meeting and Hayno-sts., THE CltAllLi_STtL\ HOTEL. HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK, CAPITA--.$3 ,000,000 ADRIATIC INSURANCE COMPANY, KEW YOKE. 0_*____?I_-'_i_-_-..$?300,000 CROT?N INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW ?0112, c_?__-?i_c_?__r_.$200.000 RISKS TAKEN IN TEE ABOVE ITRS_T-CT-\S8 COU. PAN?1?8 at Ub.rul rates, I.omhch prora _i Uy adjusted. Motnal I?ciiclit Lile Insnranco Compiuiy, Newark, N. J., ASSETS O'VE-Ft.-S'T,000,000 National Iiifc and Frarolert' Acetdcnt Insur ance Coiu_i?my, New Yorlc. October 38 _ _ etutU A. L. TOBIAS' INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 100 EAST BAY, Next South Courier Cilice. Tbe Citizen's Fire Insurance Company, OF SKW YORK, CAPITAL ANO SURPLUS, $-10,000. Uarmouy Fire & Marino Ins. Company, OF NEW YORK, CAPITAL ANI> SURPLUS, S__0,000. Lorillard Fire Insurance Company, Or HEW YORK, CAPITAL AND BT.IUPI_1.S_ 8I,3ia,000. HAVING SECURED TUB AGENCY OF TUB ABOVE OLD ESTABLISHED COMPANIES, I .ollcit ti Bliaru o? Ute li..Bin??- of tlic public, and will lie glad to moo my fi-ii ii.l*t ul the Office formerly occupied by tbo Carolin- Inntrancfl (Jo . may. From lha liii.h reputation of Die above Cni-punie? for RELIABILITY. AND PROMPT AND LIBERAL ?ST. TLEMENTt?, I feo.l ns.uro I Unit perfect sutift?-clioii will be 1_ive.11 to <*iif.iii!in'i-_. RISKS TAKEN AT AS LOW HATES tin in otber (.nod Offlecii, an- LOSSEti PROMPTLY ADJUSTED ARD PAID. A. L. TOBIAS. Agent, Novoni'ier 28 3mo Ko. 100 East Boy. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS: FURNISH-NO GOODB FOR GEN IB' WEAR, IN AH. VARIETY. A. S. HULL, Agent, AND TAILOR, AT WELCH'S 8TAND, CORNER MEETING AND MARKET STiS. November 1 ljrr C_??__-_i_J?_3S-_' CLOTHING HOUSE IN CHARLESTON. HAVE JUST RECEIVE? AND NOW OTENING A' our Htoro, No. 102 KiiiR-strect, a full .to?le c MEN'S AND BOYS' OI.OTRIXO. AIho, Gentlemen' Funitdhlug Goods, Ac, which we ?ell at a low price. D. STRAUSS ft BROS., November 23 lmo* No. I9_ Ringet., Charloston. BOGERT, DENNY k CO., 1STO- J30 HAYN?S-STRBBT STATIONERS, PRINTERS, LITHOOllAPHERS, ACCOUNT-BOOKMHUFACTURERS. ?TATIOM5UY, .VllAPPIN'O PAPERS, At? WHOLESALE AND RKTAII JOB AND CARD PRINTING AKi-iM.ri! to -with Dispatch. Kovembor 25 3tao? EOYAL HAVANA LOTTKRY.?PRI7.1C paid In (.olds Information fiiml-hed. rales paid for doubloons und 'ill kinds of {.old ami ?live TAYLOR A CO., B_?i_era, Sopte_ub_r 98 tmo? No. i<$ U'aU-et., Kcw York. HO! FOR THE HOLIDAYS! GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! now is TDK TIME TO i-lNi? our wur.i.i: you can SPEND YOUR MONKY TO TilE DE8T ADVANTAGE. a-r.____-__T _?s_TT_Ei_i_-oi-:o_sr AT THE CHARLESTON BAZA Alt AND toy _?.__v_c_eo]Rixj_cvi:. FORRESTON & M'LEAN, No. (321 King-street, NEAR THE UPPER GUARD HOUSE. TOYS, ALBUMS, BASKETS, FANCY GOODS, FIREWORKS, ko. GIFTS FOR OLD AND YOUNG. November -H litio HATS! HATS! HATS! Merchants of Charlesiou. aud Dealers ii. n .rally : "\XrE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL YOUR AT V V TENTION to our stock nf HATB. whteli .ire of our own manufacture, and cspcclull)- adapted to thl. section of country. We sell our <ionduat tb. same prlee. tliey enn be purchased for In New York by tlio ck.o or dozen. Having e\(i'tipjvu facilities for mannfacturln.;, vro defy competition, in prie??, style, and quality. All oro r__puct_iilly invited to cull and examino our stock. COKIUTT k CA8SIDY, No. 133 Mectlng-atreet, .liiulo'.t.iii, fc?. o. "Up Blairs." MniHifnctnry at Donlmry, CA. SALI MiOOll.l: No. 20- llroadway. New York. and N?>. 155-Icetliie-.treot, Charleston, & O. Novcmlier '.0 lruo SEGARS.PIPES Tobacco, etc. L . L O I_~E N Z T HAS RECEIVED A FULL SUPPLY OP AIXOOOD reipii.ite in hi. lino of busiiie.H, which ho offert, nu usual, cheap. HAVANA AND DOMESTIC SEOAR.S CIQARK.TOl.San.l LADIES' SKOARS LOEU.LAltU'-, SOLACE, and ?itlier branda .IlEWINU TOUAOCO, at re.iuced pi ices SNUFF, in Jam lloltlc.*, uiitl U1-uM**i-h TURKISH TO?ACCO. In liltwlder., end all other brand? in present ?lemand PIPES?Mfcr.ieliaum _u?l TmitaUon, Lava, Ciiiiia, lli'iur. Rosewood, lioxwiwd. ami all other kinds. A larga and well noicctcil stock. For aide, wholesnlo and retail, at tho CHEAP SEGAR STORE No. 392 KING-STREET, A fow doors above Ocorge-Btre?j_, December 4 HART & CO., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, CHARLESTON, S. C, OFFER FOR BALE AT TUEIR OLD STAND, CORNER KING AND MARKET STS, (inns, Revolvers, Shot anil Powder "Hoe's" Circular Saws, 8 ttf GO luch Agricultural Iinplcmculs Bar Iron ami Steel Metals of" ?11 ??nils Unlltling Materials Tin and vVooilv7aro Ho-sekceping Avtieles Hollo.vare of all Ltitids Turpentine and Coopers' Tools Brass aud Iron Wire Cloth Bolting: Clotli (Anchor Braud) Mill Rocks (18 to 40 in_li) Mill Irons Silver riated Goods llul.lis, Spokes, Axles, Spring? AND A LAROE VARIETY OF OTHER OO0D8 AT T7^_=_:0__-Be_f_J___3 SS R_E_T_i-_____,. Noveuiller 24 lino WUii__-_L_ DRUG ?B JOHN ASHHURST, SUPERINTENDENT, Formerly of No. 29 Hayne-Street. JUST RECEIVED AND NOW IN STORI A FULL SUPPLY OP Drugs, Patent Medicines PERFUMERY BRUSHES PAINTS OILS WINDOW GLASS KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, At AGENTS POR DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTER! STERLING'S AMBROSIA, AND ALL THE PATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAI MORGAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Drxi-cgists, No. 153 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CHARIiESTON HOTEL. December 4 I. _-__.A7"__<_i-__.'S PURCHASING BUREAU Nos. 39 and 40 Park Row. ALL KENT) OF MERCHANDI?B P?RCnAflEl Experienced And competent boyera engaged. Order* filled promptly and faithfully at the low? priem, tad piucli_BC- made only (mm firat-elas. ai reliable hons.s. Orders -will bo mied, PAYABLE ON DELIVERY, vtb a ?u?Brlcnt sum Is remitted to oover Freight and Coi missions. Commission? on Bums not e icoodlng $100.... S per i Commission- on .tuna exoeeding $100._ v. per ? Addxw s LSAAO DAVLOA. NoTCmbcr _ P. O. Box 1103 Ne tv Yoi EEMOVAL . EPST? 37S to 368 CORNER Killtt AND WEHTWORIH-STS. H HAVING 11EKN A CITIZEN OF CHARLESTON, H. C, lor tlio last fourteen year?, nuil extensively lugaged in tho iiiereautlle line, I now take this oppor niuty of returning my thanks to the public for the ?ATRONAQE WHICH THEY HAVE EXTENDED, with tope? for a coutlntmuco of the same. REOPENIN? OF P. EPSTIN, IT THE WELL KNOWN STAND UNLEIt TELE MASONIC HALL, KNOWN AS THE OLD BAZAAR. ?168, Corner of King and Wentworth-Sis. iMror.Tim. and jobber of FOREIGN, DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, THO HAS ON HAND AND 18 NOW RECEIVING BY EVERY STEAMER, AT THE ABOVE STAND, i SPLENDID FALL STOCK, OON8ISXIN?:? OF ; iU?SIMERE?, CIOTHfl, BLANKETS, KIIAWLH, FLANNELS, DELAINEB, PB1NTS, UOKLERY, 3L07BS, HANDKERCHIEFS, HATS, \nTU YANKEE NOTIONS, OF EVERY DEHC11LPTION, ii\ WODld invite Country and Cily Merchr.nt-s to all and ?xaivtiuo my BtookbofoM pnrchatlng oIhc -rherc, no I will ?11 them at tho LOWEST ffHOLESALB AND RETAIL PRICES. IP. EPSTIN. Novttmbc-r 03 lmo BHBilP GOODSUIIfiAP GOODS ! CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, P. EPSTIN'S, No. ?'373 King-street. AJTERCHAHTfl OP CHARLESTON' AND DEALERS JA. OEM- RALLY?I would rvSRiict-lfully cull your st outiou tu my ?Ux:k of tho abovo named Uooda, CLOTHIM, SHOES, HATS, vhlch aro sdaptefl to all Hcetlons of tbc country, nuil I -will -s-Al AT THE LOWEST WHOLESALE ANE ItETAIL I'lllCliS. All aro respectfully invite?! to call anil examino my Goods, both tit No. U72, TWO DOORS ABOVE OEORQE 3TREET. un.l No. 2C3, CORNER OF KINO AND WENT WORTH KITIEET8. ?>. EPSTIN. November 2? lmo AITKIN, NOTES JOHNSTON, NO. 159 MEETING-STREET, llU'dlt'i'KHS AND IOBBEBK, DET GOODS CLOTHS AND CAMIMIUIBS BL.VMCRTS AMI FLaYNNULS CLOAKS AND SHAWLS DELAINES AND PRINTS. PRESCH MERINOS PLAIN AND PLAID LI.YSEY! ENGLISH DRESS GOODS IRISH LINENS BROWN Si BLEACHED SHIRTING OPERA FLANNELS SATINETS AND KERSEYS TICKS AND STRIPES. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF OPERA HOODS, SCABFS, SHAWLS, Sontags and Nubias. ALSO, A COMPLETE STOCK OF FANCY GOODS, TO WHICH WE INVITE THE ATTENTIO OF THE TRADE. October If TJPHOLSTEKER, No. 17 Q.UEEX-ST., NEAR STATE-ST BEOS TO INFORM ni8 FRIENDS AND THE P?: LIO in general that bo In prepared to make an?) repair all kind of Furniture, to lay Carpets and C Clotb, to Tu pur Rooms, to limit; "Window Hh.ules anden tain*?, fee?, kc, at very reasonable terms. November 24 lmo* R. WUERGLAR. RAILROAD A3 SUPPLIES, COAI KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A PC IRON NAILS AND SPIKES, EVE Belting, Circular Saws, ILLL SAW FILKH, AND BVEBTTHINO Nore-mber 1 DRY GOODS. "lirii ABB NOW RECElVrNO A LMIOK AND AU \ t TUACT1VH *. COOK OF STAPLE AND FANCT DRY GOODS Which wc mo oirorln.t ?I UIUHFCKD PUKES, consist? iu part ?i : PRINTS ALPACA llel.aincH -ten's(UKl* Merln Froncti Merinos? Vests LonKClotii Kentucky Jeuu.i I'oplinn Tweeds lltmlvry -tit nut? (?Iov.h ('nHsiiiicre Itlbbon. Olotll? IlmnlkerclileLi ?S-irtB Blankets Stella ami Wool BtawlS Irish Linen? Cloaks White Good? Linen Ilueknba.k Towels Iliril-I _re Diapers Linen Dama."- Tabla Cloths. Together with a (_i.nt.rnl anuortment ot SMALL WARE GOODS: COMDH BUTTONS PIN NEEDLES TAPES BRAIDfl LUTTER an?! FOOL80A1* PAPER ENVELOPEH, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, etc. Wo invito the inspection of otir STOCK. W. T. B?RGE & CO., l. II'OKTints AND JOUBBRf, HotWnbW 2__ NO. 2 nAYNE-STREET. _ CLOUS, SBAm BLANKETS. .29 KING-ST. 229 KING-ST S. Scott & Co., _0_.J__.nS IN L-PflRTBD DRY GOODS, lavojwrt receive?! by laut steamers, a full .iHsi>rtmon t o -.MEIU.'AN AS? F.NOL?6II FANCY PB1NT8 i'auey Fiintetl Ditelnet French mu? English Merinos, various ahailoa Bi-Ck Donib.-izlnes and Alpucaii Dlacl; mid _>ri*6R biliB drown and bleached Lou;. Cloth, ?-_, 0-4, S-t, 9-4, 10-4 Drown and bleached Table Cloth Drown und btawbad Clinton Flannels Fino Opera and Welsh Flannel., ass. relor Eentucky Jeiuis nnd Fancy Tweed. Black aud colored Satinets Brou-Clo?) and fancy Cas- : me re AI-HO A HANDSOME HTOOK OF THE LATEST STYLE ULDIEB' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Orey anil brown H1.ii_.ih White and fancy Elankets L-dio...' and Gentlemen"h llosl.'iy, fcc. To which they cull the attcnUou of their flnendl and tin public in general, uu?l most r-spoctfully solicit a call. E. SCOTT & CO., no. ... KiNO-srr.i-j-vr, Opposite Porter'*? Old -t.uul. November 20 lino ONE PRICE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -o HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND SHALL CON TIN Uli TO KEEP AT OUR STORE Cor. King and Hasel Sts., A FULL STOCK OF FINE AND COAI.SE CLOTHING, JSlllllU uVum., ETC., ETC., Which wo will soil as low an can be bought in an; NORTHERN MARKET. RETAIL PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES From which thero will bo no deviation. Tho fricudfl of Captain B. .V. M-TUllllOUfi, for nicrly of tho houeo of Moss. Matthiesskn, 0'IIar S? Co., will find him at this hou?., ready to eei v thorn at all times. MACOLLAR, WILLIAMS I PARKER No. 270 King, . t'lllll? I' Of III? ,? 1-ntl! ? !, ClfAni.K'iTON*, S. 13. Notember I? lmo ZstT??Sxv ?FXF_-_ti7i-5 ho?k ?fTi? km al? Mi?, et., Northern nnd Soiitli_.ii, _*._.. ami uerhundred. at this O?ic?. October 10 k <?T> ST_I_A_V___.O.A.T , OIL AND PAINTS IX SUPPLY OP Til I. AROVB ARTICLICS. ALSO, RY SIZE AND QUALITY?-LEATHE1 and Machiner)' in General, CONNECTED WITH E^amE-U-.' BVVPIAEH. AHCiri) CAMKItOL It. C. B,litKi,r.V. FEKM I'KOK. N. York Advertisements. ?A. im:a imTa c< >., >*\M'l*.UTPl:i.lts OV SMOKING TOBACCO. RICHMOND, VA. DEPOT, No. ?."> FULTON-STREET, K . "i . I'ri.*.- List nul free. ADOL1-1I PEARL.II. |j. M .n,.NT November ?I u. ,?r.m<,B HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c? TOG 1.1,1 IE WITH A LA ROE ASSORTMLNI OF GENTS' FVRIKISlllK-fl ?OODS. Fancy Woollens, farm, Italia, tV.-Klilim?. ?vc. W. II. A L. O. TIIGHNE k CO., itni'ui-n m ?uni Jobbers. No. atiCbuicb-streit, New Vwrk. Jsovenilicr 21) __ _ wiiil.'lnio PUMPS! F?MPS! PUMPS! Steam, Force, Suction auft Lifting Pnuius OF EVERY DESCRIPTION : STEAM AND O A S PIPES. Pipe and Steam Fillings, .\?"D STEHT UEUCRtlTIt*? Or Plumbers', Gas u:.d Steam Fitters' GOODS, FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES. DY JOHN B. FULLER, N?. 8 DEY-STREET. NEW YORK. November 10 f-nwlyr TO WHOLESALE GROCERS LIOUOR DEALER?, DISTILLERS HDDRTJCS-iG?-IS'rS, AXU 8 o; v p jVI arm ? ? ictui < . i .--. . I7-I88ENTMT. 01I.K TOR ILA VO III No AM) 1 A*> U PROVING UltANl)?. ill M, PORT WINE .SOUR ?UN, RYE, SCOTCH and IRISH W1I18K1K8 ?Ago and Uody Prcparalioti l?-?r nrutraliiting -.nul mollifying Whts lijr and Striiit ; CnhirltiRN, Kyrups ;>tnl Jiiu-ch for Draiidy, Wlifcby Slid Will?-*; O?!:? nilll KxtlticlS of Cog nu? nnd oilier llinndlrs, Ilniluinl ; mi l.ot.thjii (?lit, Ac. Dr. T'? TreailM! mi Fermented Liquors, Vrltli One Thousand Rcrliies. mi DnvfioisT's use PERUVIAN'INSECT I'OWHKll, FLV PAPER, LOAD? STONE, Eliiornpiir end Hnvrlc Acid, Magancee, ond all run- Chemieals ami llrnga. POW ROAP JlAXl"K.\n'l"UI",It*?? HILLICATE OK SODA LN CRYSTAL*-*, Ll'Mll? AND JELLY, t.'hliiu, Clay and Terra ahm, ffoopsloiit-, Rosin, .Soda Aoll, k&, ko. Jos. av. FKUOHTWAN'::'.'.:, N?>. DB Cedar-street, New Yorl:. November 1 mwf Bino AGUA de MAGNOLIA. A TOILET DKLI01ITI Till". LADIES' TRKASl UB and Htntlrman's bonnl Tim "swtsetest thing" and largest quantity. Huninfueture?! Iroro the riiD BoaUicru Magnolia. Uatil For tattling Ihu fne? mi?! (?>r nm, to render tha ?tin aofl and fresh, to i>r?-v?-i?l ?.-vup tloiiH, to parfuma clothing, (to. It overcome? llio unnlcantnt odor of nersnirstiou. It removes redness, tan. blotch?-?. Ute. it cures nervous headache nml allays hiflunimitton. It ?-??(ils. softens, and adds delicacy to the *'-.'_: .. It yield" B subdued and lasting pe? l'unie. It curen mosquito bites nnd stings of Insecto. It contain* no to the akin. Patronized by Actresses ami Opera s?utt.-?. it what every lady Khoulil bavc. Sold i'very.shi r?>. Try tin- Mai;n?ili:i Water om-e, and you will une no other < 'o - logne, Perfumery, or 'J'ollet Water afterward!-.. DEM A S BARNES U CO. Props. ExelUHlva A>;culs. N. Y October "o mwflyr ELLY, Z.lCIIARIti & CO., NO. SIO BOViT-ES-^SiT, 1ST, Y. EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTUREES OF TOI L E T SOA I > B AN? j?tg- Calolognoa sent free, November 10 toiwihuua HAVE DROVED TIIEIlt EXTRAORDINARY CURA TiVE powers In Pulmonary and Nervous dis ? usc??, daring a period of nearly seven years, both in th-> bands of tliu Medical profession and the people. No remedy has ever eallcd fnith such unqualified testimo nial? of its effleacy as thin. The following extract is given from a letter dated * ? > Tim HrporiiONiMiiTK? bave become s?> I'.ru? ly estabUahed In myeatfamatton, throunh year?of kkn 'Miny, a? an INFALLIBLE REMEDY (it is mj in;; much. I know) FOR CONSUMPTION, even in almost hopelctt ases, that I do not hesitate to assort that AX!, roses of .eneral consumption AUK 1NCURAULE WITHOUT IT. "Amufjikiiumo, C. W., Feb. t>, IB?*..'.. -M. A. RICE. M. D." PldCES.?In 7 oz. and 10 oz. bottles, fl and 9 each, ?old by nil elablu DruiTulHts, uud ut the .Side Oen-v Depot, wlioleaalo and retail, by 3. WINCHESTER ?t CO.. No. AH Jtbn-strect, New York. September *J9 _hnwly .THE WORLD'S FAIR IN L0?D0H, THE OREAT FAIR OF THE American Institute, und tliu Htato Etlirs of Vermont, New York, Illi nois, Ohio, Indiana, Wi.seonii?u, Kentucky and Pennsylvania, havu decided that Uto UnU. ;.-ul ^ CLOTHES WRINGER, _^rw.ITH COO WHEELS, ii- tln> &&* bent. o^7".E.:e, soo3ooo Of them bave been Hold and nre now l?i use bi tl?o United State:*. They nave Cintiles, Labor ui:d Tune. EVERX WR1N0ER IS WARRANTED. Dealer* and Ctavaasf-ro con make uiisj?r/?isl KcUing them In Otei y town. Exclusive i^ali- ?ivcu t-> th--:lr?* r?*-?i>otiHib!ii ap))Ucaiil. Illustrate?! like Ltnl and Terms Circular t-ou'. tree. R. G. BROWNING, Gen'l Ag't, No. :J17 BBOADWAY, N. Y. November l _wfm'.'iao HU?JN & ?OR?WEli^ No. 234 Pearl-st, New York, STATIONERS, PRINTKRS, LITHOORAPnERS AM) lif.A.N'K UUOK U?\NUKACTURIC1U. ALSO DKALERD IN P110TOORAPH ALRUMg, School end Misrellanconr. Hoolts. The inid.* Miip plied at publish?-?' prioes. orders from D..:.k". Rail roads and Insurance Coni)?aniessolicited. Novoiuber 20 rnivf3iiio HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALSI. THIN IB TUE M0.1T DELXOHTPUL A.Nl? EXTUv l)RDI.\A!5Y ai-tii-1?'- ever lllscovcrod. :t rb-*ui(-en? the sim-biirnt Lice a*id h-uidi* t?? a pearly satin ttxturo ?>f raviahinii beauty, Impartlnil Uie marbl? poritjr ?>t youth, ami the tUtttsgse Hj.|'<-ara.?cc no Invl'hig ill Hi? city belle of f?hlen. It removes Ian, i;-c?-!. . piciple? anarrttgbnesa fro:i! Cio ikni,Irmhigthe iviupu-iiun freuh. trani'pnroat and niunli. It contains i > ir.t.terinl Injurious *<? the h?.iti. Patronized by ActM*?.-.?* un<1 Opera Blngers. It Is wb-tt every lady suoubl l?;.*.e. hold Rverj-ivbere. Ilctail jirn-e fiO certs. r-renared by W. E. .'lAOA^, Troy, N. V. AiVlrc?-? nil orders to DUMAS BARNES A* CO.. Ociob<ira*J ta?fl>r Now Y?.ii..