The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 16, 1865, Image 5

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_CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS....DEOEMBER 16, 1865 U-U-rjAJLi MATTERS. Tnr. WirF.ui.Y Kk.viui.?A new paper ol thin title, an linmcilUt? neighbor of Tin; Daily, makes ils to. pcarainc this luoruhig, and we wi.-h it nil tho success tliat publicationsil? voted lo religion and morality ilc sorvc, inul the (?oimI fortune to its proprietors (ha? cx cclleii'. and er--rgi lie m? ii arc entitled to. This paper i a weekly ol elftlll |'i;;?'J. edited with cons ii.<; ruble ability, and prettily gol up. ntVctfug much credit upon Uta Botr. Mr. MoodoimI tho Rev. Mr. Buto, Ute gcuUt-iueti who havo taken charge of it. aud who will spread thron-di its cohlliius tlioso moral IcMOtlH lint they both urc so capable ill tc idling. It contains, ?duo. oilier mnttor suitable i-tr a!' readers, being general news unit ntocaBoneotta Items selected expressly for It, mulling It nltoifcllur a Drat-rale family visitor, and an instructive journul. At this time, when the want of a paper of this kind is ho much felt by a largo portion of our -. imiuiii nity, mu feel that it iniiil bo successful, and that Iho thanks of its nuraeronN readers" will bo duo t?? the re vcrend gentlemen who have accepted the onerous duty of preparing Its columns forthc-lt* benefit anil Information. -e A PlBAKAMT RaoitJOM.?Tho members of tho ?Etna Piro Engino Company appeared on parado on Thursday last, their anuivcmiry, for Iho flr>l timo ??nee 1KG0, and after marching through the principal Directs, returned to tho Oorman Engine House, which had boon kbidly tendered them, iviul elected their officers for the euEiiiug year, as was published iu our paper of yesterday. At about 10 o'cloo-l; on the samo oveniug I hoy sat down to a most delightful supper, at which we, witb other guest*, wore cntortaine?! most hospitildy, and |iwbc?I hii ?greca blo time. The Presidents of the Vigilant, I'lio-nix and Palmetto Companies, who wero pr?sent, responded to complimentary toast? given them, anil the press, ns usual, hail a hoarin?-. The parly broke u|i ata very rea sonable hour, und wo left, convinced thottho hardy, stal wart men who one sees at a ?ro risking life and limb whllo batUhi'i with the devouring element, cannot only bo loft und plcas.uit among themselves, but can bo so . agrce-ib.o to th-ir gin-sis on an occasion of this kind as to make us feel mora than delighted at lining presold at ' Uni livi-t imi-.ii?! Mooting which they havo hud for several yesrs. Tut COKOttBo.mos ^ tho ClfoJel Snu&iv Baptist Churt^i, hj UjLj rily, havo bren lortiiiiate enough to fcuoufo bh their Pastor the rcrvice of tho Bow Lucius OtrranoBT, a native of Iho blab?, tod a grad?ale of her famed college. Ills obartvcterlsticfl ami o.nn-.itkm make him peculiarly suited to 1111 the pulpit k> the sitisfaction of his congregation. Ho baa been fur tome tuna con nootcd with a olmrch at Alken, where DC wen much re putation us a tsealooa and devoted minister. The church, whl?:h um ; dlUtlgcd by sheila, his been su??l cicntly reputreil to render It lit for service, and wa hope that tho mein cm of that church may BOOR have (tic satisfaction of listening, to then* new tache?. At tut: Anniversary Cniiiinunlcntiou of Washington Lodge, No. ?, A 1'. M.( hold in Mus?ii?? Hall, onThura day cvining, the Mth hist., tho tallowing olllcers were elected for tho ensuing Masonic year : llro. W. B. BOWMAN, W. M. llro. A. J.!NI).Vr..OM, S. Vf. Uro. U. CLARKE, J. W. llro. H. BKo.-*:j, Trcaasrer. Bro. a WEBB, Secretary. B. PAlTiiOS, H. 1>. Hro. 3. D. PHESOOTT, ,1. D. Uro. T. ALLABON, Tyler. CorAnTNEJlRiin-.?Our readers willobsorru in tho Ihhiio of to?lny, that Mr. A. J. BOSKS und Mr. T. O. Jowirr havo entered Into a copartnership for tho purpose of car rying on Hi" Printing, Stationery and Buok Binding business iu all Its different brouohi?. They havo es tablished themselves In Meeting-street, in that flue build ing immediately next south of Iho Mills House, they wlU bo happy to receive oidora for any work iu their line, and which, wo ? an indorse, will be dono elegantly, promptly and punctually, The taska partner has for many years conducted this busbies? in Charleston, with much credit to himself, while (he junior (s well known for hia groat capability an a Job and general printer, and from Uio knowledge (hey both posma of tho "art pre servative of all aria," the public ran ?V pond on having their work doue as neatly, as quickly, and at as mod?r?t? prices as it can be done any v. here. Adams' Soutiif.ii:* EXfjum Company.?-An advert?an? ment of this Company, in our coIiuuub to-iluy, shows that it is in full blast, and as ready as ever lo accommodate the public iu the transportation toauy part of the coun try of all kiudn of freight or valuables. Tho reputation of thla company la world-wide, and its immense busl now baa been conducted for a ?Ties of years with a auvightfonvarducfB not to he excedod, with an industry unsurpassed, and with an boscety that never angered it for a moment to shrink from pecuniary rcs'iousibiuly. Gas Ronxnna.?Our rcadors will observe, the advert?an. raonlof "Dr. Oaki-anu'-? Improve?! C'hee!? Oan Huniers," as published In our paper today,and as in Ibaoe lime? a saving of 20 to ?10 per cent Is a consideration, will pay norm- attention to it. Wc of Tur. D.mi.v Ntws havo given this improved Burner a fair test, having hud it attached to about thirty jets in our establishment, and are per fectly satisfied that tho saving amounts to tho percent age claimed, with a clearer and bettor light, and mention the fact for tho benefit of nil who uso gas, that thoy may adopt Hie improvement. Curap Fautlv OitocKiuKM.?Ono of the -jrcat Hat*? ings of living in a city whore competition In trad?' I -exists, Is that you can purchuso where you please, aud 1 that r. dealer can always Insure costoui by selling good articles at a small protit. For instance, Messrs. O. W. Brr.Yrnmk Co. have at their establishment, at the cor ner of Gt orge and King streets, one of tho finest varlo tles and nsoorlmenls of groceries that we can meet with in a day's walk., aud an extensive patronago derived from tho fact that they oro satisfied with a small ad ' vane?. Thoy have just a large ?piautity of ?'. i il I :. ' -. ,goods,, which thoy havo iu ?tore, aud which they exhibit In our advertising columns to-iluy, for the benefit of ?heir fellow citizens, whom they would be glad to rc f ?seivo a. visit from ot any time. Cbaiu-bstos Bavikob IssmuTiOK_We ore gratified . to hear that this beneficial institution will again bo soon in operation in our city, nud that that line buildii g in Church, between Chalmers and broad streets, formerly the resldeuco of Mr. John Klisk, line been engaged by tho President and Directors as a banking houeo and business place fer thin excellent association! L. Chamn k Co. -'.'chicles ef every description and quality, from tho imigui?ccnt coach to tho plain wheel. barrow, can be obtained at this celablitdiment, as can children's chaises, rarrlagas, te. Those who muy bo in want of agricultural implemetils, can also bo supplied with every kind by calline; ut so. 20 llayiic-etrcct, or No. 3.1 rinckieystioct. La Cjijolla.?Juki: Jaiia hot ju?l received, at Jfo. 312 King-street, 20,003 Havana eiR-irs, of tho most celebra ted brand?-, and also has on hand plpai, chewing to bacco, walking cim< -, nun cips, Ac., which he wishes ?bopublic to caU and c.'iainiac. See his advertisement. -o A Tailoh I?i bcU-*i.i f-iund who <vm ploaso a erybody. But wo ore assured t';'. Y. \om:?ias, Mcrvbuut Tuilor, Ko. 58 Broaxl-?troct, c* n ratify < very one on that point, and will guorant-.'-i u fit, nudo of tho host material, with moderato charge. Bacon akd Lif-poits.?Several hogphcads of primo bams, shoulders and sides, as also cases of brandlon, wines, .gins.-whlRl.-ies and ether lftpiors. have been rc celvod by O'Drikh k Aiuab, Uo. 10 Market h tree t. and are for ?alo by thorn. I ,. . i ?<? . . Astotma. which is so distressing at this season, eau be relieve?! and cured byuelng .VI AIWOEN'd PECTORAL BALM. Physicians rroommend It as a reliable, safo and prompt remedy. For aale by ?11 Druggists. A GRAND OO-ISrOE-RT OF INSTMJIB-TAL A-B VOCAL m u 81 o, WILL UK GIVEN AT /AON CHURCH, ON Monday Evening, Dec. 18, at 7 1-2 o'clock FOR THF BENEFIT OF THE MISSION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. J. ADAMS, Putar, December If, ? HIBERNIAN HALL, STYLED THE NEW CANTERBURY, WILL OPEN ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15. 18?, with tho GREAT COMBINATION COMPANY. embracing JENKINS' DRAMATIC CORPS ANO CHARLEY WHITE'S BOUTHERN IRON CLAD MINSTREL TROUPE FUN1 FUN 11 FUN M I DRAMAS, COMEDY, FARCE?, AMO SINOINO, DANCING, fto. NEGRO DELINEATIONS, WITH SONGS AND PLANTATION DANCES, Ac. Something to please ?ill. Come and BEE FOR YOURSELVES. ADMISSION. Front Seat?.51 00 Item* Seats. 76 Colored People. 60 An efficient Police Iiqj boon engaged, and tho strictest arder will be maintained? ??&or- open at C}? o'clock ; Perfornuutee to commonoa it 7!; ojeli*.-. No ixixtpoiKinietttou account of weather. December 13 A. HUNTER, Apent. SAVE YOUR GAS ! Dr. G-VRT-A^jSHD'S \m\rnm CKBGK gas mwmw W'lLl. SAVE ITIOM TWENTY TO THIRTY PER CENT, over any hollow burner now in use. giving equally aa good if not a bettor light. ItcoinpleUilyelieeli Iho force, prove, t-? Irfuwlnu or wantlug ? ?1er any pre_ mire, and, by fully expanding Uie Kite, cann?e ? mm h innre even coinbus'lon. Orden left at D. STRAUS k BROS.' Store, No. 102 Ring-street, will receive prompt attention. December 10 A. .T. IIC1.I-I-.THAI?. C. JOWITT. BURKE & JOWITT, STATIONERS, PRINTERS AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURERS, No. 69 MEETING-STREET, NEXT TO KILLS HOUSE. December It! n I THIRST CLASS RESTAURANT, WnERK THE OOOD .' thins- of life uro dbmanaed t.i all, at moderate price-?where, on Uio examination of each mammoth oj-Rtci*, wo involuntarily C-ululin, what a BIG THING Can be fonntl in Meeting street, near Market, at the SOUTHERN EXCHANUE, whero thero ia olwav? ON Hand a choice supply of Li innre, artistically made Into palatc-tickliu.; driuka; aome "atralgkta" of moderate temperature, in the '-)_iiiii?-h-?s" eteamlng hot, and doll clou? "colil.Ts" mado with be.t ingrediente, and nicely po-kid with ICE. December 14 L. CHAP?N & CO. C yoiXLiTiis?-ion -&_Ceroliai_.ts AND.DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AND HABNESS, COACHES ROCKAWAY8 BUGGIES EXPRESS WAGONS GROOER WAGONS SPRING CARTS WHEELBARROWS STORE TRUCKS. AIJIO, A OBRAT VARIETY CHILDREN'S OH AI8ES, OAR HI AG? 8, kc. AGRICULTURAL I-IPL-._I_.VTS. PLOUGHS 8HOVEL8 HOES FORKS HARROWS SEED SOWER8 GRAIN CRADLES CORN SUELLEE8 FAN MILLS HIDE BOLUS CUTTERS THERMOMETER CHURNS WRINOINU MACHINES. ____. ci_t^_._pi_Nr &, co. No.. SO Hayne-atreet, AitV _N"o. 33 -Pinclt_ley-?treet, CIIAULKSTO.V, S. C. December 15 3 (Lato Foreman for Edgerton A? Richard-) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 53 BROAD-STREET, CHA IlLl-MT HT. S. C. N. B?FRENCH AND ENGLISH GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND._ _2iovwubcr25 _-ELI__R'S ALMANAC POR I860, IS NOW IN PRESS AND WILL BE ISSUED ABOUT tUo ?rat week in Decemhcr. It Mill contain the - i -SHEW CJO-STSTiaTXTXIO-Sr, A? amended by the late Convention, and all Officers who lmvu been elected or appointed at Uia timo of -publica tion, together with Uiobo Offlccra who aro permanently .sta-llMicd by tho United States for the purpose of COl looting Custom House ?Uiticu and tbe Internal Revenue. Bcsidea'the usual astronomical calculation?, th?ro will bo also a variety of other useful matter. Thie Almanac, the. iOth year of pub n cat ion, presenta a line medium for advertising at r. uuouablo raten. Those wlfiliiiiR to advertise, or to be supplied with Almanacs Id insulitlcs, will please address HIRAM HARRIS. Publisher. Novembar 10 theto No. 6? Bro-d-strcot. SOUTHERN NO. 147 MEETING-ST., EXPRESS FORWARDERS. THE BODTIIEltN EXPREH3 OOafPAHX 19 NOW prepared to forward, by INLAND BOOTES. ON PA.SSENOEU AND MAIL TKAlNd? GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY, LETTE?S, PARCELS & FREIGHT, TO BOSTON LYNCIlBUna NEW YORK DANVILLE PHILADELPHIA BRISTOL fiALTTnlOBE nniiEMSBORO' WASHINGTON HALI3RURY RICHMOND WILMINGTON rETfiRanuRG newuern CHARLOTTE BEAUFORT RALETOn MUREni'.AD CITY WELDON MORGANTON GOLDSRORO' C?IEEAW COLUMP>L\ ATLANTA AUGUSTA II?NT8VILLE C i 1ATTANOOG A N ASI 1V i I .US .MEMPHIS LOUISVILLE ?ST. LOUIS M A CON CINCINNATI UOJmXU COLUMBUS HELM/ MONTGOMERY VIOKSRURU JACKSON MEM PI IIH NEW ORLEANS. AND ALL STATIONS OS TUB VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD CENTRAL RAILRO.VD RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RAILROAD PIEDMONT RAILROAD SOUTH SIDE RAILROAD PETERSBURG RAILROAD NORTH CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD WILMINGTON AND WELDON R.VILRO.YD ATLANTIC AND NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD WESTEhN NORTH CAROLINA RAILRO?VD WILMINGTON, "CHARLOTTE AND RALEIG RAILROAD WILMINGTON AND MANCHESTER RAILROAD NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD CHER AW AND DARLINGTON RAILROAD CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH RAILROAD MEMPHIS AND CITARLES TON RAILROAD LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD NASHVILLE AND CHATTANOOGA RAILROAD EAST TENNESSEE AND VIRGINIA RAILROAD EAST TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA RAILROAD WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD MOD1LE AND OHIO RAILROAD CHARLOTTE AND SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL- | ROAD SOUTH CAROLINA RAHiROA D j SAVANNAH, ALBANY AND GULP ILYILROAD ! GEORGIA RAILROAD MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD ATLANTA AND WEST POINT RAILROAD WEST POINT AND MONTGOMERY RAILROAD SOUTHERN RAILROAD MISSISSIPPI AND CENTRAL RAILROAD NEW ORLEANS, JACKSON AND GREAT NORTH ERN RAILROAD MISSISSH'PI AND TENNESSEE IL?.LLROAD ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI RA? LBOAD FLORIDA CENTRAL RAILROAD FLORIDA XSD GULF RAILROAD PENS.VC?LA AND OEORGIA RAILROAD. All Gooda shipped by ADAMS' or HARNDEN'S EXPRESS COM PANIES, and marked to the care of tho SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., will be promptly forwarded to destination. FREIGHTS shipped by Steamships to our rare, will be forwarded inland Co destination. WITHOUT CHARGE FOR COMMISSION, hTORAGE.OR DRAYAGE. If orders aro left at our Office, Packages aud Freight will be called for by our wagons, in any part of the City? and go forward by first Express? ?.B. BULLOCK, SUP'!. SO. EX. CO. D-?cembcr 10 lmo WILLIAM M. BIRD & CO., ACH-NTH l'Oit HOWE'S STANDARD SCALES, No. 203 East Bay street, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A PINE STOCK OP GROCER'S COUNTER, 30 to 240 lbs. GROCER'S AND DRUGGIST'S EVEN BALANCE, WAREHOUSE, 400 TO 4000. g WEIGttMASTBE'S BEAMS,' AND EVERV DESCRIPTION ?l? SCALES, THESE SCALES AUE THE STANDARD FOR THE U..ITKD STATES C.OVEKNM1.KT, niui ure in Rencral uso in tho AttMY, NAVY, and custom houses. Eta well tin the principal Cttioe o? the rauutry. At-tO, AGENTS FOR MARVIN'S FIRE BURGLAR AND DAMP PROOF SAFES, A.ND I)__\3__IW LN PAINTS OILS GLASS RA8HBA DOORS BLIND? KEROSENE LAMPS an.l FIXTURES. KEROSENE OH, cocst.intly on hand in earn and bar rel*. December 10 33. FOLEYr No. 8? Market-street, CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT STORE, Would c\ll the attention or old and new ft lcn.':_ to hii fine 8tec_ of OVERCOATS FROCK AND DRESS COATS VESTS AND PANTALOONS SHIRTS AND UNDER-SHIRT-? DRAWERS AND ROCKS BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS VALISES, Ac, he. All of which will bo aold at the SMALLEST POSSI1H.E PROFITS. Call and hco. C December 12 _____ __________ WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE, FOR THE PRESENT AT FARMERS* AND EXCHANGE BANK. INFORMS HIS FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC THAT lie lias retnrned from tho North, and wocld cell the attention of hi. cu-toniem to the following eelebratud brands of Ales, Whiskies and Gin JOHN TAYLOR & SONS' ALBANY IMPERIAL CREAM ALE _Pale and Amber _A.le ALSO, THEIR CELEBRATED BRAND OF A8TOR PALE XX For Family and Medical BM_ in butte, cimUa, und lilil? cask., for liottlin?_ and Shipping MASSE Y, COLLINS & CO.'S PHILADELPHIA ALE (AND THE SOLE AOENT FOR CHARLESTON) Whtcli will nlwaya hu aupplied treib. Also, the following LIQUORS : OLD NECTAR WHISKEY?1840 OLD KVE WHISKY?1S1? OLD R?UUDON?X?XX?XXX HOLLAND OIN?Ann quality. AU of which will bo (told at ?mall advtiuco on former pri?e?. Call and ?eo at the bonne of tlio FARMERS' AND EXCHANGE BANK, EAST _B_A_Y. December 1 _ 0 ?^?CULTUR-\?_ WAREHOUSE SEED STORE, AT THE OLD STAND, No. 2.7 KINO-HTHEET? NEW NUMBF.n, 353?vit: n.OWS, BARROWS, CULTIVATORS. Homo Itof?. Road Scrapers, Corn Shelter*, Straw Cultera, Corn and Coffeo Milla, Sj._?le_aiid shovel ., Hay und Manure F??i ks, Rake*. Hoe?, Meat Cuttern and Htuflfi>r_, Iiurl< Mill*, and Weed, Willow at_d Stone Ware. Also, a fresh eiioply o? Landrelh'a OARDEN SEEDS, aa uaual, and .Obushils Onion Seta, for planting. For aale by O. ItINO, November 14 tu ______ o 9 Litte D. L__dret_ k Co. y AUCTION gALKS. Christmas and New )'( * (;<n,d* AT Mi ?i it lie i ion. ?v ii. <r"'i'i:M!Ki,'.:. Oil MONDAY I.VI.SINli. imli ??.t., ,,i ?;i. ,. ,*.,;.. ,. Ni>. i:u KiiiiM.m-?i?,?.;,)??? |ii,?:?m-nlr?? :. will bo hiiI.I. H Im-;;.- ?.I Tul* AND 1A.\( V i.iiODS, CtiltHl-dltl,! in [i.iri ?>!': CHINA VASES, China, **,. ;,,? [m|.|a j-,,1,1,. r .,.! ? ?u?I ISabhll r-KlLM1 Work Itoxas, Uart-gnmiuoii Hoard? Alliumi', M> L'limikiil Toy? si-;:.r KUnilm ke??Ice. }>, , ni??-- ir, Fire Crackers. IIV JVt?lVH 11. oi>i?K.\ii|.:i*?i. Will i ?-II. ...i MUMM V EVENI NU. Util in-.i.. :,t * ' lock, al Nil. Ctl Kill)! OIlO UlKir I KiV.i Iluda?? -?llt-ltta fid Bux?h No. 1 FlUli CHA.JK1-.KS. Pecrmbi-r ir, H Cfiristmas! Christinas! Fireworks, Fire Crackers, ito., d}v.?Another Arrival pur steamer .L?'?i lusia. .BY KATIIAM AM? ?TTOI.KMJll. W ill tic- sohl, on TUK.SU v y, Hi?, Huh itwt?, (it mir sturo. RontllpMlt ?oi-m-r MccUn,; ???i vv.iilwoith itrtil'tA lit 10 o clock, A litr,*u anil well Bvteetod invoice of tin.- above irtk'loo. ouNKinnKa in l'Ain* or: i? boxet r;ui-: <*h,u*i;kuh 60 jbosm TOitPKUUEtl i uroea funny taper Lanterns TOO Rroa-l I'ircworki?, M follow : Hiiiuan Can lk-n, 2, :>. 4. 0 iiiid B ball Rockute, 2. A, 4, i; anil H ball torpente, IMacs, Happen, Piu-wlieola l'nlirir, Trhuiglea, Comets Plowor Pot?. Heiignlas, fcc. D<*<v>n]bcr m HY NATHAN AN? OTTOL.K.\Gl7I. Will be wild, ?m TUESDAY, 19th lust., at our Stor<-, n\ 10 A. M., 23 lio\r? FAMILY SOAP IS boxi-H Extra H?ap ? ?.Tit-KtH lljioti and lilnck Tea 20 mata Cumin 10 box?-? Tobacco 20 liaH'bnxeB Tobncco 6 bales Steam Packing io n? ?-H Ship Spikes. AI.H!.?, A variety of WINES, ALLS, 8EOAR8, kc, Ac. Dcuotnbcr 10 JtnitHC nnil I.nt in Sum mere?Ifr, I?V Hon ICHS ?-i siLtOX. Win bo nokl, on T?i.s'.'AY, 18th irmt., lu Iront of ilio Exchange, lli-oail Ktrcct. AU that l.OT OV LAND. tuRt-tWi' with the buildings thereon, attnaled lu summci ville, mi Hit; n?:-.> -treck from tin-1>< pot, about Ihroo-ipiiirterH or? mil? in in tin* Itetlnail; IajI r?i?i*ilulii(( olio art?, with a ?>n? ......t-itindC ulcrv* lloii.i?) containing two Komi!?, with ( lilry bo?. twteit, and outuutkltnua, and a lino Will of Water '?a llu- Lot. Conditions?Half taub: balance in Ihrco month*. K? I?. The above land adjoins land of William ("*ur-> rin*.:t'>' , and now owned by the widow I'.ivi.?. Purcbaacr to pay 11. anil S. lor papera. I). ?-ember 10 ??T?nxu-!rT?tH^i-m.--?.? iHr'i.?p?m?j?tw'Aim??.'Pi'?^nn.;-?i?-r?iai PRIVATE SALES, Valnab'c Form, M Miles /'com thn Otto, to f.i'ttse. iiv i?..?. pouch tstt ?!t mi -. TO LEASE Ol? LENT. THAT WEM, -KNOWN PLANTATION, i Itlialu on Uni Noiibc ml,m 11 .?, 1* nittc-Rfrom tin-,?ity,conluiuiug '.it aire-? of Primo l?leo Lande, and about CU aeren of High I.ami. well adapted to the cultivation itf I?oHk anil Kliorl lAittouau?d VtwU Mona, oa Ura prpiutaei arc a (jood Dwallittn and all noce- -.try DiiUiHildin;iM. AI?SO THAT OTHER PLANTATION adjoinlni. thenltovo, ?alli-il ItniOIITON', coutatuing aS aeren of Triiiio llico Laud, and r?l n<:r??a of lllgli Lund, well adapieii to tbo cullivatioii of Lonu and Short Uultena and l*rovWloue. On tills? jilai-i! is ;t iwi'lniij' und .1 fi.-iv Olitliuil?iii!'-'. Tin-pi-ii::iniity of llu-mi piar?-?? to the city, being lIU niedl.itely on tbo NoriliPiwtc-rn Rallmad, and having water ?-OII1I1IU ideation, iMKkii!? tln-m ilat-trubta I'huibV tloiiF for planting or fnrniin-l. 11m RrOttk obouuds will? tbe lliw?.-<t livsb water Sab, and the wood.? With game. Doccnibur Hi Hth-I House und Tsil in Cordesville. HY I?. PT. MAICSIIAf.I.? At JVIrat" Sale, a eomfortublo II BI?KKCE. ? 'iitnin iii(! livti rooiu-*. in Ulis Vllkuje of Cordi-svii'e. On tbo preiniaeM are a kitchen, itnblp, tnrrlugO liouyo and nther OUt'bulhllnga, lOfp-thtr With a lar^-.i mm.l.r ?if ?leo peach trcon. Tim lot iuensUK'1 one acre, n!?l is the bigh c?t and ilrycat in the vHInnje, It will bn so!?l ?or ?'as-hi tor further partbiUlara, apply at my .Salesroom, December ic 4 No. :i:i hk?au?stui.I'T. Ia'osc of Cil ii i.nuds. nv Win;ON8 AS?D FUI ?OllD. Will b?' leoaed, tor the term of two fcara, frmu tbo lat ?l.iv "i ?January, IHilO, ut tbe north oftlio Exchange, on TtlbKSIMY, the2Ut inat, at II o'.loc:.-. A. ?I., under direetton of iiu? Cnminitteo ?it City i.m.r.-?, Tliu LlIMUKH l'ONT) in tin; -tveaturu part of Iboi-ity, beJUtf went of I.yneli-Hlioet, andnortli of Uroi.l-strept. .'.1MO, Tbe LOT known as BIOKLKV'S WOO? YAt?> OU Uio I went side of l.yneli street, near neaufatn-etivu!. UJSO, The I.ANDfKa at tbe east end of Vi-mino Kau??-. Coudltioiifl?Kent payable quarterly; lenices to (rtvo approved personal sccurily, anil to pay for till papen? Dreeiulier 11 Various Chances fur IneestmeuL V.\ 'ITILHHi:?, HUtlXiB AM? CO.. Ifo, 4 stutc-sii-fct, up atnlru. P.,r nain at prices from ?DUO IO *?i">0,000? PACTOItV mu? MILLS near Columbia llOUSl'.S and LOIS in t'hnrlcnton, Wount l'leasant; draliannillc, oTonuIng ?mil (ireonw- od VAll.M.s ??carCbarkhton, in Abbeville Di?lr.ct, lu Nortl? COTPOS PLANTATION'S in Abbeville. Eeanfor?t, ci.u !' i(.n:i. Olarendon, Coilclou, DorlragUm, KnirOold, I.auronB, Nlarlborn' and Oraunidmrj- lilatrl? lit, on Wad malaw and KlUatO Inlauils, S. C. in Sorti? Carolina, Ocorsia and M?iiH?.sRippi ftICE PLANTATlO?a on tlioco.tft MININO LANDS in North Carolina LIVE-OAK TIM BEE nt I?uII'h Ilay For Leano or Kent? I-'ARJIS nein* Columbia, and In North Carolina COTTON PLANTATION??inland : SKA I8LANLCOT TON PLANTATIONS?to leuM for from $2 to f? per acre, or fur Hhurea of the crop only MONEY WANTED, lu mima from $i00 to -r??.OOO, on gaud lb al Batate acotirily, or advance? to experienced planteiTi on tiu-ir crops. December 11 A Fine Chance for Investment or Speculation, etc. . HY "UtVWlCttS AND SILCOX. Will be Hold, nt Private flal??. a millibar of l'A Elf K, PLANTATIONS, 1IOCHE8 AND LOT? : POOR SMALL I'AEMS, within twelve niilen of the City. THREE LALOH TKAC'TS, twenty-slx, twenly-eight, ami thirtv-fix mile? from tbo City. 1*IV}'. HOUSES AND LOTS In the Upper Wat.1?. SIXTY THOUSAND ACHES OP LAND hi South Ucorjilii. SIX THOUSAND ACKES, in one body, near ?Vuijusta, with (111?; EKSlDEXCKoll it. ONE HUNDKKD LOTS, for small farm? of Forty Aeree oai'li, in tlio Kohl r(}-ion of Oeorgia. j SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS In the Cpp-r Ward?. Apply ax above, at No. 210 KINQ-STKEET. Iieci-iubir 2 Im? O SIGHT EXCHANGE N NEW YOUR, IN SUAIS TJ SUIT I'lP.CtlAS ELS. For Mle liy W. O. WIIIIDEN k CO., Corner Kin? und ?iaiilulu etreela. Deceuib? r fi jElh''_ GOLD AND SILVER COIN. 17XCILAKG8 ON THE KORTI1 M*4 ?O?TUKKS HANK DILLfl UNCUlllttNT NOT1CS IliMi?tit and hold by W. ft. WU1LDEN k CO.. Corner Klug cud Il.:.iuf?tlii str.etH. DorwnbCT "<_ tuths Checks" ON NEW YOEK, 1 PAYABLE ON PBESEISTATIOK. ?OR 8.U.E BY WILLI '.AI U. HEK10T.V CO., i)eco")ber H A _No. 24'J King atroet. GOLD, SILVER" AN'? SIC3-KCT I33=i,A.^TS3 ON NewYor?r,Philade?phia & Boston. For aale by 1?. II. KEGLER, flanker. Oo.Ticr of Kiug and HaaeLatreeU. AUo lioctioua on all th?t oiUtw in Hin Unit?1 fftat-?.-?, Ouitiida, Kuiuiu, kc, fcc Noreiulicr 10