The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, December 09, 1865, Image 4

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_ CHARLESTON DAILY' NEWS.:..DECEMBEK 9, 1865. . j THE CHARLESTON DULY NEWS, G. R. CATITCART, Editor. CATHCABT, Mc-IILLAK ?& MORTON, PROPRIETORS. No. 18 HAYNE-STREET. TEUaiS?CASH. DAILY?ONE YEAR.:.S10.00 DAILY?SIX MONTHS. .3.00 DAILY- -T?RKE MONTHS.?.SO aw Singlo Coptes FIVE CENTS. 4W Now. Deniers suppUotl at a liberal discount. ADVERTISING. Ono Square, Ten Linee, one Insertion, ONE DOL LAR. Each continuation, FIFTY CENTS. Lese than a square, TEN CENT8 PER LINE for tlret insertion ; HALF PRICE for ?sach continuation. The foUowlng a_o tho Agents for this paper: JOSEPH H. 8EAR8, " New 8outh," HUton Head. H. L. DARR, Sumter, S. C. THAD. C. ANDREWS, Orangcb-rg, *3. C. J. T. HERSHMAN, "Journal offlco," Camden, 8. C. J. M. BROWN, "Southerner office," Darlington, S. C. M. M. QUINN k BRO., Augusta, J. H*. E8TELL, Savannah, Oa. ISAAC DA VEGA, Agent in Now Yorx. Mr. AUG. BRENTANO, NO. 708 Broadway, New York, has always tho latest dates of tho Daily News, as he does of all tho other principal journals of tho country ?STews Summary. Official information received in Washington re presenta that there will bo great Buffering in Ala lwmft during tho presont winter, owing to tho small corn and grain crops, the result of i be want of noccsaary labor, and tho severe drouth which prevailed over most of the productive lauda of (he State. It is estimated that there areno leas than 200,000 persons, both black and white, who must ho furnished with food until they can raiae it for themselves. The FrecdmcnV; Bureau, however, is under instructions from the Secretary of "War taking tho necessary steps to relieve these people as far aB possible at an early day. A Hecond part of Cant. Hall"- report on his search for fuller information about Sir John Franklin's Arctic Expedition has been received. The wrecked ships of Franklin appear to have been visited, tho remains of a large number of their crews seen, frozen and mutilated, and the val uables left in the ships appropriated by the Esqui maux. They encourage Capt. Hall to behove that some of tho men may still he. living. Brigndicr-Gcncral Francis B. Shoot, of the late Confederate army, has been elected to tho chair of Physics, Astronomy and Civil Engineering of the University of Mississippi. The entire number of Indians inhabiting all parts of our country amounts to about four hun dred and eighteen thousand. Tho estimated number in tho unexplored territories is thirty thousand; in Texas, about twenty-four thousand; of the tribes living in New Mexico, ahout ninety - two thousand; in California, something over thirty-two thousand; in Oregon, about twenty three thousand; and in Utah, between eleven and twelve thousand. Many of the New Mexican Indians aro civilized, and have fixed habitation a and towns. There, will bo a proposition before the Finance ! Committee of tho Senate, and probably before the ; Committee of Ways and Means of the House, to roduce national taxation to a point that will yield no moro rovoimc than what is sufficient to pay tho expenses of the Government, including interest on tho public debt and a sinking fund for the princi pal. It is expected that tho proposed reduction will bo great enough to allow of tho repeal of the Income Tax. Thcro are many reasons why this particular form of tax should be withdrawn at the earliest possible opportunity. In its nature, its collection is vexations, because the means which the assessors arc obliged to use to get full and true returns are, to a large degree, Inquisitorial. It is, in fact, tho most objectionable form of tax, and it is only resorted to in Great Britain, from which country wo copied it, as a revenuo during tho continuance of war. As soon as tho pressure for money is over, this tax is taken off. The news that it is likely to be dispensed with in this coun try will, therefore, bo hailed with gnat pleasure. If any one desires to see a busy city he can find it in New York. The retail stores are crowded with cfa-tonicra, and the most expensive articles find ready and rapid Bale. There scorns to bo a mania for spending money, and nothing is too ex travagant for the tastCB and pnraeB of tho citizens of New York. These remarks apply not only to the luxuries of life, but to the necessities as well. The increase in prices docs not operate to chock sales, either in articles of food, clothing or orna ment. The manufacturers of furniture are press ed to their, utmost ability to meet their orders. The importers of rare and costly works of art arc notable to supply the demand. The carpet ftores have been reduced to the lowest btocka, and could not open goods with sufficient rapidity to supply their customers. It ?b certain that Now York never know such prices as have boon paid this fall, and wo only echo what wc hoar from all the retail dealers in saying that there was never such a busy eoason. Governor Brownlow's late course in rejecting tho votes of several counties, on the ground ol their illegality, canses much oxcitomont in Tenncs Bee. In tho Legislature an excited discussion arose on .a resolution offered by Mr. Brandon, oi Stewart county, which was intonded as a censure of Governor Brownlow. Mr. Brandon waB a reb el Colonol, and was wonnded at Fort Donelson. Ho was sustained in his assault on tho Governor by Herod, Steels, Garrett and other copper heads. Tho resolution was tahlod by a decisive voto. Brandon and others wore very hitter ir their denunciation of the Governor. On the evening of Novembor 2d, a carpot bafi was stolon from Albert Tike, at tho depot of the Richmond and Fredorickaburg Railroad, in the formor city. It contained all tho original trcatiee made by tho Confodoratoa with tho different In dian tribes, and a number of Masonic documents? the formor being of groat importance to our Go vernment. Secretary Stanton has ordered Gen. Terbv to mako all diligent search far the stolen documenta. It is stated that Secretary Stanton, in his forth coming report, will recommend that hy the 1st oi January noxt tho army ho reduced to 50,000 mon. It is now about 175,000. In May last it numbered 1,000,503. Advice? from Nassau, N. P., announce tho pre aonco of Lioutonant-General Jubal A. Early in that place, whoro ho is roaiding for tho present, and is engaged in writing a history of his cam paigns. General Sterling Trice has applied for par don. . . jj?- AU communications intended for publication in this journal must be addressed to the IMlor of the Daily Nett?, No. 18 llaync-slrert, Charleston, S. C. Business Communications to Publisher of Daily Nctes. We cannot undertake to return rejected communica tions. Advert ittcmmlaoulavle of the city must be accompa nied with the car,h. CHARLESTON. ? ? ? 8?VTURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER i\ 1866. It is apparent, from the lato Washington newt*, that the subject of the restoration of the Southern Statoa is as prominent ninong politicians there as it is in our own minds. It will ho seen that, beforo Congress met, a Republican caucus had settled the immediate course of action of that party in relation to the subject. Tho resolution presented by tho -committee, of which Thaddeus Stevkns was chairman, does not indicato the ultimate poli cy of tho Black Republicans, but is important in showing two things?that, in their view, tho ?Southern StatoB aro not mombers of tho Fedornl Union; and that their readmission, if not denied, is to bo dolayed. Tho oloction of Mr. Colfa-x, as Spoakor, dangerously betokens opposition to President Johnson's views, and no circumstances of en couragement appear but tho fact, hardly wor thy of notice, th?it Senators Doolittle and Dixon will oppose tho resolution of .Stevens, and tho important one that tho President has not yielded his moderato views to tho demands of the Congressional majority. Moreover, wo are not to forget that the Justice of our claim to readmission is a strong ground for predi cating its ultimate success. Two classes of objections can bo urged against the restoration to this State of its rights under the Federal Constitution?tho one addressed to tho insufficiency of tho de mands made upon it by President Johxson, and the other to the manner in which those demands havo been responded to. To tho for mer belong tho manifestoes of Stevkns and Lane, whoso violence and unreasonableness will, wo trust, destroy, in the minds of mode rate Northern men, tho respect they might otherwise ho disposed to attach to tho utter ances of so prominent and able leaders. Tho task of President Johnson, in prescribing the conditions upon which the restoration of the Southern States is to be effected, has been pe culiarly difficult. No Codo of Revolutions exist. Law does not contemplate tho possi bility of their occurrence, and II?Btory record? no precedent for tho treatment of sovereign and corporato traitors. President Johnson has had tho task of supplementing the Fedora! system with a scries of rules for tho adjust ment of difficulties, which that Bystem did not provide for. The result has been tho "Re. construction Policy," to which tho merits ot good sonso, and of being as little exacting at might bo expected under tho circumstances can be readily conceded. It is a very simple scheme, and its distinctive featuro consists ir. restricting tho conditions on which tho read mission to tho Federal Union of the States ol tho late Confederacy is to depend?to th( official expression by them of their loyalty tc tho Constitution of tho United States, and tc tho proof of the sincerity of that loyalty 1)} certain prescribed concessions. The second question which arises is, whothei those conditions havo been performed by the States of tho lato Confederacy ? We under take to answer for tho iStato of South Caro lina, that they have been. Sho has performec tho penance prescribed by a ritual whoso au thority sho has not questioned, and she now claims tho promised shrift. Late events ren der it doubtful whether our hopes aro to b( realized; but wo are of those who believo tha moderate views and tho sense of justice will ero long, prevail, and secure tho blessings o self-government. Malignant men there are however, whom we cannot satisfy?political pathologist?, keen to dotect symptoms of dis caso in our body politic; and by such tho enact mont of the Negro Code, and tho election t< CongresB of men prominent in support of thl lost cause, have been urged as evidences oi bad faith on the part of the State. Now, U yield the right of enacting such a Codo woulc bo Bimply an abdication by the State of iti sovereignty?the destruction of which is n( part of the President's Bchome?and the Codt itself is no revocation of tho concessions madt in relation to ?lavery. Special legislation foi classes in a community is no novolty, and that now proposed for the negro is just to hi ir and absolutely nocessary to the rosuscitatioc of production. As regards tho lato election, it would be nB useless to deny that moii'i minds are influonced by the recollections of the past four years, ne it is captious and unjust 1 to make that met a ground for disfranchise ' ment. There is no Lethe but timo to wash oui ( our memories; there is no contingency, shor: , of a miracle, that can make them dangerous i There is no attempt to l'eward services ren i derod against tho Federal Govemmont: bui ' those services, as proofB of human character cannot be entirely ignored, and it may safoly bo asserted that fidelity to past obligations u i the best gumanteo for tho performance of those newly hki-.ii mod. Tho political notion of this Stato has boon persistently directed, during tho past few I months, to tho purposes of obtaining tho res toration of civil rights ?md'a relief (rum mili t?ry oocupation. To attain this object, it hot dono all that was loft to it to do; it (has made 'sacrifices of opinion and pride, and juried in a grave, around which hover no hopes of res urrection, it- traditions and hopeo. It is fuir that tho <'!*ii<*iduration should now ho paid, and that tho P.ottlomont of political affairs should leavo ?jur pooplo to turn undivided at tention to thoirprcsBitig wants. Ti:o Southern States n.r_ ready to assume tho duties, as they havo ah-otidy boon performing the obligations, of members of tbo Fedort.l Union; and they have given pledges of tbo spirit in which thoy propose to act, bv yielding, in the way of con cession, all that lins been asked. Wo pray that no moro will bo domanded, lest that bo required which honor cannot yield to policy; and that our rights will be no longor with held, lost tho spirit of conciliation give place to n conviction that its cxerciso is useless. NARRIRD. In Richmond, Va., Novomber 8. 18(15. Colonel D. O. McINTOSH, or South Carolina, to Mips VIRGINIA i. PEGRAM, of Virginia. OUITUARY. DIED, on tho 8th inHtant, of membraneous croup, MARY 3LAUDIA, third ?luughterof Cuaiileh P. and M. Octavia Aimab, aged seven year?, two months and one ?lay. OS- Tl.o Relative? and Friends of tlic respectivo f ?milieu arc Invited to attend the Funeral Services, at St. Mary's Church, Hasel street. This Day, at 12.30 P. M. 1* December ?I MS- SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH? Tho Pastor (Rev. THOMAS 8MYTH, D. D.) having re turned to the city, there will be preaching in this Church To-Morrow. Scats free. December 0 AS- BELIGIOUS NOTICE.?DIVINE SERVICE will be held by tho Rector, for St. Mark's congregation, at tbo Public School llousc, Meetlng-Btrcct, near Mary, To-Morrmo, at half-past 10 o'clock in tho morning, an?l half-past 1) o'clock in tho afternoon. Decembers l* ear religious notice.?the rev. j. l GIRARDEAU will preach, Providence permitting, nt Olebc-strctt Presbyterian Church, -"n-J/orroi?', at half. punt 10 A. _f.| nntl half-past 3 P. M. Scats free. December 9 1 ?-DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE CONDUCTED In tho Orphan's Chapel, on next Sabbath Afternoon, at half-past 3 o'clock, by Rev. W. S. BOWMAN, December 9 1 itu- NO TICE.-CONSIGNEES PJilt BRIG ROLERSON, from IloHton. nrc hereby notified that ?he is This Day discharging cargo at Kcrr's Whaif. All Goods remaining on wharf ut sunset will be store?! ?it CNpcnso and risk of owner-. P. P. LOCKE. December 9 1 ?OP ORDERS ItECELVED FOB CANCELLING STAMPS?Hudson's Patent?by THURHER, SOULE k CO., No. 4 State-strict (Up Stairs), December 5 C Charleston, S. C. ?IT BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.?This Rank will, on Tuesday, the ?thinst., open a SPECIAL OFFICE in Charleston for deposit of COIN and UNITED STATES CURRENCY, to bo repaid accordingly. All such ?lepo? its will be received and tlealt with separately and apart from the previous busi ness of tho B-uk, and will be held subject tu th. draft of tho depositors only. THOS. R. WARINO, Dccojabnr 4 C C'as-ier. ?3- MEDICAL NOTICE?DR. J. F. M. GED DINGS has returned to the city, and resumed the prac tice of his profession. Office, No. 100 BROAD STREET. December 5 tutbs3* MS- NOTICE TO LOTHOLDERS?IN CONSE QUENCE of tho depredations being committed on tho Grounds, no ono will bo allowed to attend to any lot ex cept those employed by the Company. J. J. 8TROUD, December 1 Secretary. MS- NOTICE?A L L PERSONS HAVING claims against tho Estate of tho late Mrs. MARY CLYDE, will hand them in duly attested; and all those indebted to the same will make immediate payment to JAS. SILCOX, December- s3 Administrator. ?3- OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES DI nKCT Tax Commissioners, second Door northeast corner Pavilion Hotel. Taxes received between tho hours of 1C o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. November 14 Ha~ NOTICE?DR. JAS. R. MOOD HAS RE TURNED to tho city. Offlco and resideuco. No. 4U WENTWORTH STREET, north side, ono door west oi .Meeting. 0* December 2 OS- DR. R. LEBBY, JR.?OFFICE AND RESI DENCE No. 59 Tradd-street, between King and Meet ing-streets. 12 Novvmbor 23 MS- DR. H. BAER?OFFICE AT THE DRUG STORE of Mr. A. C.PHIN, Meeting street, near Mar ket. . November 22 MS- MEDICAL CARD?Dn. F. LeJAU PAR KER?Office, No. 79 Broad-street. Residence for the present, corner of Logan and Tradd-Btreets. Novomber 4 lmo* /?-NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OF C HARLE8 TON?Dr. WM. L. FOSS offers his PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of Charleston, and calls their attention to bis treatment of Chronic Diseases gci_**ra_y, especially Chronic Cutaneous Diseases, delicnto affec tions and Carbuncle?as hiB treatment in thoso diseasee is far superior and entirely different to th? old mode ol practice, and based on a successful experience of mort than twelv?? years' standing. No mercury, arsenic, iodine, caustic nor acids used, and no particular restric tions requisite as to diet I have been practising medicine in Barn well District foi sixteen years, and am web acquainted with the effects and treatment of that protean and morbific agent, miasm? also typhoid fever, convulsions, chorea, and other dis eases to wbjch tho human system is Hablo; and have cured Inveterato cases of cutaneous diseases in a fun weeks that had existed for years and baffled ail previous treatment. Office and residence, No. 183 KING-BTREET. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, DecembirO mwfI7? WM. L. FOSS. M. P. TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, AND OTHEIIS. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER THEIR SERVICES TO tbo b siness community as ADJUSTERS OF BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS. Will attend to OPENING, WRITING UP, and BALANC ING ROOKS, wilh accuracy and dispatch. Single Entry Books transformed to Double Entry, without tho la borious processes and oxpenso of trmsfcrr lug accounts to a uew Led ?er. Apply at the Charleston Commercial Academy, or at No. 49 Broad-st eet, to WM. M. PELOT. December . 2 Or_B. E. PELOT._ PRIViTE no.AItn CAN BE HAU AT No. _40 Var dorhorst-strcct. mwf3* December 4 PRIVATE BUAIt?lNU l.*AN~???TtWvX?sZ ED at Nu. 0 George-street, three doors west of An Day boarders can also be accommodated. Terms reasonable. ths* ., ;; ; '?IP0 ?'bcr 7 I")R?VATE UOARD1NU.?A W HW U E N TLKMEN cau be oceommodated at the CORNER OF KING AND TltADD-STREhTS; also, a pleasant ROOM, miit-t.lo for man and wife. DAY BOARDERS taken._ October 20 ST?L.BN, FROM MAU ?MOL?A CEMKTKRY, from tho Orphin House lot, uid others, some very flno Jap.Helena ami Roso trees. ? , December 2 Sil i I. X ''lO-Vl-Ill Af-HeNY'? WAJKT-BO arsm MD ? / \J six entirety new article* Just out.. 'Address O. T, GAREY. City Duilding. Blddeford. Maine? Sniiteinlier IS nios UN *> ff A IIAVI At-ENTS \V,\VIKO TO ID -S O "ell a new and wonderful 8KW1NO MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW k CLARK, iiliiilcinrii. Mah, amo* ' September IS STRAYED INTO I?I Y PREMISES, ON THE 4th Instant, a BED COW, which tht> owner ?an lur-rfl by proving property and paying expenses, by ?ailing at No. au Meeting-street, s? p? .iniur 7 WANTED, A ?OOD COOK. TO UK WKLI, , recommended. Apply at No. 47 wentworth STREET, opposite Baptist Church. December 7_?" _ iWirtTKII-AOI'A TO SEW. WKI ? I. s \V l'atent Self-feeding Circular Hand Saw?, a ?nut lubur aavl i|? machine. A raro opportunity for activo mon (o mull?- a fortune. Extra premium Inducements? large salts certain. r??r terms, enclose stamp to T. .1. WELLS, No. Bl Li ckinaii-strcet. New York. December 7 C W?\NTKD, A SUITE OF" ROOMS?A RE HPECTABLE private family, centrally locuteil, may find a good tenant, by addressing "Native," Key Hoi 60. mwf December h WAKTED, IN A GENTEEL. NEIOIlltOR HUOD, one medium ami two fmull, plainly fur nished CHAMBERS, with \me of parlor ami kituhon. References exchanged. Apply at N?>. Ilayni'-stre.ct, oiiice National Express and Transportation Company. December I. ?1* WASTED, A GOOD COOK. WHITE profurrcd. Apply at No. 11 Kiitlcdge street. De?*cmbcr G 3 W"?NTKD. A OAKS BAKBRr-APPIYV ?VT No. 279 KliiR-Htrcct. December 6 WANTED. TWO OVEI?S?lS'llS^--LIHEHAL wages will be paid to suchas can give good refcr ? iii'.eK as to character ami capacity as planters. Api>)y to W. Vf. WANNAMAKER, St. Matthew's, S. C. December 4 10 ^J?7XNT?~D~T0 RENT, A_MOD?i?ATE VV SIZED RESIDENCE in u respeotablo portion of tho city?having all modern improvement?. ?Vildross C. K., Now? OfUco. November 20 gentL"e1?ian"?1p some experience ae a Teacher will give privato lessous in LATIN, FRENCH, SPANISH and MATHEMATICS. For terms, kc, apply at tho Book-store of Mr. John Russell, No. 285 Ktng-Btroet. October 17 ITtOR SAL?T^?iT?VEIvI?U^OI??iXacities ' ?SPLENDID TIMBERED LANDS, including both cypress and pine, lying in Beaufort District, S. C, on tho Haltkctchio road, llftcen miles above Patterson's Bridgo, on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad, also within threo miles of the intended 1'ort Koyal Bond. IlaftH can be carried down the said stream at any time with facility. ALSO, TUBESHUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES la Darnwcll District, into and u quarter miles from the Court House, ly i ni; on the Charleston ro.-ul. For particular? inquire of E. A. UAQOOD, Daruwoll Court House, K. C. Dci-cinbcrO_ _ stuthlino_ I~^t?R"~SALE, RENT. O?t LEASE, A WELL 1 settled Plantation of 1300 acres. Situated a lew I miles from Ihe city, on tho east side of Ashley river; :i00 acres ol the above are cleared, highly manured, and under thorough superficial an?l subsoil drainage. A commodious ?Iwelliuu*. ?extensivo cotton bOOJn, with ever/ requisite outbuilding, and quarters for GO labor ers, are attached to the santo, witli cotton ?ins, liorna powers, buckeye mowing machine, kc, including a large quantity of well cured hay and blades? AIm), a FARM of shout 7 acres, a short distance above Linc-slrcot (on Kutlcdge avenuol, in this city. On Ihe abovu Is a two and a half ?tor} dwelling, with requisito outbuildings; Ihe soil has been well prepared, and is ?if the moet fertile Character, and may be made Utoat lucra tive as a market farm. Also, a LOT OF LAND in Hie neighborhood of the a'iove, property fenced, and now ander cultivation. The above r.-ul esuto will be sold on a liberal credit, or exchanged for any other property or tumis, ut present more available. Address "Heal Estate," Charleston Post?nico. Dcccinlior R 2* fp6 HEIbT, THAT PLEAMMT AND CO?V JL VhNlENT DWELLING on East Day, No. 224. con taining six upright room?, tu*o fine attics, dressing room, pantry ami storeroom*, three story piazza enclosed by blinds; double kitchen, stables, carriage house, front and buck garden! gas and prates throughout the house. All in thorough repair? To an approved tenant the rent will be moderate. Apply to 11. McCALL, Itenl ?sta!o and Land Agent, December 9 sintu't No. 51 Broad-street. 1~710? M AltB ?R~'?-?rTtEXT,~1UlT?t?c'sr * PENCE AND FAHM of ten acre?, pleasantly situ ated, wilhin thirty minutes' ride of Ihn Charleston Ho tel ; near tho water, ccniiiiaiM'iLg a line view of Cooper River and tho atljacent country. There arc ample accommodations for a large family, ami lor farm lauorers as well as household servants. Tho Orchard contains a variety of choice trees, grape vinca, ?te. ; also a number of remarkably tine sweet orange, which bear abundantly every year. There is a line Bbeephcad ground in frout o? the house; also a fish poud. In which fish did well. Tho Laud has been Underground! till drained, and is in the bcBt pofslide condition. Apply to me, nt Mr. Jos. Walker's, corner of Meeting and Market strectH. LEWIS M. HATCH. Doemubor 7 2* HABDSOZVEl MKUIMCWCIG TO ltKfff.^ Tho RESIDENCE No. 43 Meeting-street, opposite tho South Carolina Hall. The buildings have all under gone thorough repairs, nn?l handsomely fitted up with ull tho conveniences lor a large family. Tho lot is a large one, with handsome shrubbery and fruit treep, and oltt> getlicr combines one of the most desirable locations in the city. Apply to MORDECAI k CO., No. HO East Bay. 2 December 7 rpO URNT.? ?ItTOlii? OK WEST S?D eea"st J_ 11AY, between Hroail and Queen streets. Enquire of W. 1". CURTIS, uorti side Cannon-street, December 9 S* Refond door from King. rru* Hfc.t-x-, the du*41Raui?i>} owkiiaino X. HOUSE N?>. UU Coming-street, opposite Duncan street, having soven equoro rooms, aille rooms, pantry, A-c., with requisito outbuildings, in gold repair. Apply on the premises, or No. 7 Ueorgc-strect. December 0 wfm* mo RENT, A D1CSI11A1ILE DWELLING _L on South Uattery, containing four square rooms, dressing room and two titties. Rent $11)0. Apply t? THEO. 8TONEY, Vanderhorst's Wharf. December 7 2* r TATION, situated on the Coiibahee River, Collcton Dietrict, containing 600 acres of tide land under bank, and about 'ton ucres cleared upland. For further parti cular, apply to l'OKCHEK ?fc UENItY, December 7 3* Vanderhorst's Wharf. TO RENT. SEVERAL. FIRST CLASS SEA ISLAND PLANTATIONS on John's Island, where tho finest cottons have been produced abundantly. These Plantations offer unprecedented advantages, a? strangers to tho climate can remain on tin m the entire year. Apply to ROPER k 8TONEY, December 0 Vsndcrhorst Wharf. rnO REST, THE THREE STORY WOODEN JL DWELLING, Northwest corner Smith and Monta guo-etrcets. Large kitchen and servants' quarters, coach house, stable, kc. One of tho largest lots and most desirable locations In the city. Apply to OEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., De ember 2 G Nos. loud3 Hayne-streeL TO RENT?Til AT COMMODIOUS THREE STORY DWELLING HOUSE, No. 14 Legare street Apply to JAMES It. pnrNGLE, Vandorhorst Wharf. November 22_ ESIOKNCES AND 8TOHES~T? RENT.? The three-story Residence, northwest cornel Tmdd and Orange streets. Shed No. 5 llucknoy-strcet. Suitable for Work-shop or Store-house. FOR SALE. That pleasantly-situated HOUSE, with oxtensive lot, at northwest corner Lynch and Hull streets. Apply to THEODORE 8TONEY, November 17 Vanderhorst's Wharf. F?H?IENT, THE XHRlBE^TO?fwlmliXlC DWELLING, with oxlensive outbuildings, Ac, at .-..'. f.icast corner of Bull and Pitt streets. Apply to ROBERT80N, DLACKLOCK. k CO. November 14 tuths HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOR SALE.? That handsome RESIDENCE at the Northwest corner of Lynch and Wentworth streets. The premises contain every convenieuco required for the com form of a genteel family. Tho promises can be examined any day exce pt Sunday, between the heure of 9 A. M. aud 3 P. M. Apply to WM. D. HEttlOT it ? O.. December 7 3 No. 2-19 Klng-8treut. H~ ?RS?S^VN D M U ?r?"S~F O It1. lAEiV*? Twenty MULES, in iir.c condition. Olio Sorrel Mare, nlno years old. A HD. Oao DARK BAY GELDING, olght years old, both good under tho saddle and in single or double barucas. One four-horso Wagon. Twenty sets Team Harness. For salo at reasonable prices, at No. 68 Cannon-stroot. 3* December 7 STOEtBtf sEtaMOI?toa~MrTi??D?ON Fl?b^VV night, the 1st mm., six new hiding BRIDLES were dropped by the thief when pursued by tin* Police. Tho owner can havo the tamo by calling at OIHco Mili tary Police, Citadel. 3 December 7 ??mTWA .V-a'1'.O.r-WANTED 'I oTllUE, A jjood Piano, 7 octaves. Address Koy Box No. loa, CliurleBton PostoOlce. 3* December 6 OTICE qOT?ECH * .\?CS.- C H ^-rR?T?S^ TON ORPHAN HOUSE.?The Commissioners of the above Institution ?re desirous of binding out to va rious trades SIXTEEN BOYS of suitable agu and ol good character. Application to bo mado to the Steward at tho House, who will furnish all requisito info, nutlon. ? Doci-niber 0. C IfV?? SALEGA OKNTLEi>IAN> ?ADUL? . HABE.?A flno SORREL MARE, fourteen hands hlHi, and lu splendid condtWou. PricO moderate. Ap ply at CHARLESTON HOTEL STAHLES, November 23 pincknoy.strvet. SOUTH CAROLINA SOCIETV. t REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOCIETY WILL HE A. held at tho Hall, on Tuesday Aft. moan, 13th inst.. at 4 o'clock. Punctual Rttoinlauco is particularly re quested, as tho Society will go into an election t<? nil tho va?aut offices. FRANCIS LANCE. December6 wfmtul Clerk pro teia. MRS. It. V. XV. ALLSTON 1 PROPOSES (I). V.)TO OPEN, THE FIRST MONDAY in January, at her residence, N<>. ?7 Meeting-street, a HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL lor Young h. It will bo Mtk. Allsten'? earnest desiro to merit Um confi dence of parents and guardians. For terms and circu lare, apply ?is above. ItTr Columbia Plurnlx, Greenville Mountaineer, nutl Sumter Watchiiiaii, insert twico ?i week until Jan. I, and send bill t?j this otile?*. tullisl?* December 5 MISS MURDEN'S O.VY SCHOOL FOR YOU NO LADIES, Xo. 1? Lcfcnn-sircrt. rpiIE EXERCISES OF THIS SEMINARY. WILI, (D. JL V.) bo resumed on Monday, January 1st, at tho abovo location, when* It willbc permanently established. Tho French Class will be under the charg" of Miiilamo POSI. stu December a__ FRENCH ANO ENGLISH iidmiihm. AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. NO. 79 BROAD-STREET. MADAME VICTOR PETIT WILL REOPEN HEK SCHOOL on the 1st of De? ember next. She will huvo chargo herself of the French Department, and will bu assisted by tho foUowlug eilieieut IcnobeTH: Englisl.Mrs. WOTTON. Latin and Algebra.Mr. W. M. LAWTON, Jn. Piano and Vocal Music, Drawing, Ac. Mrs. P i, BAUDOT. Drawing and Painting.Prof. F. GAUTHIER. Dancing.Mons. BERGER. For terms and particulars, apply as abovo. November 2? iuwh lmo MRS.E. -.WHITE'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. MRS. EDWARD B. WHITE WILL, ON THE FIRST of JANUARY, open in the City of Charleston, an English and French Boarding and Day School lor young ladies, at her residence, No. 5 Legarc-Rtrcet, opposite to Lamboll-strcct. Music, vo?*al und instrumental, also Italian and Drawing, will bo taught if ? For terms, apply as above, after the i">tli of December! and until that timo for information to Mr. EMERY, S. 0. R. R. ofBco, John-street._ws4* m _ November 20_ DANCING SCHOOL?A GOOD CIIAlfCB. MONS. BERGER INFORMS THOSE PUPILS WHO in tend to join his SCHOOL FOR Till) JANUARY SESSION, that they will be taught during December without any extra charges. Apply at No. 202 MEETING-STREET, N?>vetnbcr 29 wsG* Opposite Citadel Urten. ?^? .., . -- WRITE LABORERS.. HAVING MADE DEFINITE ARRANGEMENTS FOR tho Introduction or immigrants Into this St it?*, wo would inform all parties Interested that wc aru ready to receive and till orders for laborers, or skilled workmen, of any nationality. Particulars as to method ami expense furnished bv TIlUltBEH, SOULE ."? CO.) No.-I Statc-Htre. t (up stairs.) December 9 7* NOTICE. THE UNDERRK5NF.D HAVE FORMED A COI'ART NERSHIl'for the trnuBactioii of tho wholesale AND RETAIL HARDWARE BUSINESS, under theuaiuo o' .T. t. \DGEU ?. CO., at their okl Stand. No. iVJ EAST Bay, immediately north of tho old Ulislom House. J. E. AUGER. ANDREW McP. BROWN. EDWARD D. ROBINSON. GEORGE H. MOFFKTT. J. AUGER SMYTH. December fl 2 LAW NOTICE. THE COPARTNERSHIP OF HAYNE k MILES HAS been dissolved. For information as to uiiliiiisliod business, apply to ?.ither partner. I. W. HAYNE. CH. RICHARDSON MILES. LAW NOTICE. TnE SUBSCRIBER HAS RETURNED TO CHARLES TON and resumed the practice of his profession. He has associat?*<l with him his son, ISAAC HAYNE. They will be found at their old office. No. 23 Hroad-st.? Law Range. ISAAC W. HAYNE. LAW NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER UA8 RETURNED TO CHARLES TON and resumed the practice of his profession. Ho will bo found for tho present at the office of Messrs. EDWARD McCRADY k SON. CH. RICHARDSON MILES. December 7 thstttS DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM OF HERIOT BROTHERS WAR, BY mutual consent, dissolved on the lpt nut. Either partner is authorized to sign in liquidation. They may be found, ill future, at the Office of Messrs, W. B. HERIOT A CO., No. 219 King street. JOHN R. HKRIOT, Jr. December 0_ 3 B. M. HERIOT. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE FIRM OF LEE k DUFFUS IS THIS BAY DIS? SOLVED by mutual consent. HUTSON LEE. A. W. DUFFUS. Charleston, December 4. lfif?5. ?3 Decembers COPARTNERSHIP NOTICIO. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE ASSUCIATED oureelvcp in partnership, under Mm lir n of CRAI-, TUOMEY .fc CO., for tho transaction of the Ship Chandlery and Shipping and Commission Business, at No. 48 EnRt Bay-street, between Boyco .V Co.'s North and South Wharves, to commence froiii 1st December. CHAS. T. CRAIO, JNO. TUOMEY. December 5 ROBT. W. LOCKWOOD. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED a Copartnership under the name nnd firm of THOMPSON A BROTHER, for ?Ok* transaction of n. WHOLESALE GROCERY AND GENERAL COMMIS SION BUSINESS at Charleston, S. C. HENRY T. THOMPSON, Jr., and JNO. M.THOMP SON aro the general partners, and JAS.CABL1N, o? Charleston, is (lie special partner, and has contributed to tho common stock of said firm tho sntn of Ion thou sand dollars in gold. The Copartnership if to continuo for two years from this date. JAMES CARLIN. * HENRY T. THOMPSON, Jr. JNO. M. THOMPSON. Charleston. November 5, 18G5. November 29 . ' I wslmo LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. TH E UNDERSIGNED HAVE, IN ACCORDANCE, with the Acts of Assembly, formed a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, under the name or firm of W. OUR NEY, for the transaction of a General Commission. Ship ping, and Jobbing business, lu the City of Charleston, whereof W. Gurney, of the City of Charleston and State of South Carolina, la tho General Partner, and J. L. Adams, of the City of New York an?l State of New York,. Is the Special Partner. The said J. L. Adams, the Spe cial Partner, has contributed t. the common Mock tho Bum of Ten Thousand Dollars. The said Partnership to commence on the first day of October, A. D. lHt>5. and te determine on the first day of December, A. D. 1808. WM. GURNEY. November 17 f6 JAY L. ADAMS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED With them in business ('apt. FENN PECK. Here after the name and style of the Firm wiU be CAMERON,. BARKLEY k CO. CAMERON A: BARKJ-JcY. Charleston, November 1, 186a. THE SUDSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSI NESS to merit a share of that patronage hereto? foro so liberally bestowed on the old concern. ABCH'D CAMERON. R. O. BARKLEY. November 1 FENN sMcK. COPARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORMED A CO PARTNERSHIP for tho transaction of a GENE RAL COMMISSION BUSINESS In the City of Now York, under the firm of J. II. BROWER A CO., and aro prepared to afford fair facilities on consignments. JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM H. SELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBUROH. New York, October 2, lRf.5. 3mns '? October 9 THE COPARTNERS?IP HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER THE NAME of NEWMAN & FOWLER, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. A. F. NEWMAN. November 33 EDWARD FOWLER. THE UNDERSIGNED, COLORED PERSONS, TAKE THIS METHOD OF informing their friends, and others, that they havo formed a Copartnership, lor the purpose of transacting a GENERAL PURCHASING, COMMISSION AND SHIP PING BUSINESS in this city. C. J. HOUSTON.TH09. H. BOL1NG. T. E. CHION, Agont. No. 474 Klng-stroct, opposlto Radcllffe.. November 28_la* PROSPECTUS OF THE GEORGETOWN TIMES. THE UNDERSIGNED PURPOSES PUBLISHING, ON or before tho 1st of January, 1866, ar Weekly Jour nal, to be called the GEORGETOWN TIMES. It la Intended tlntt the paper shall he strictly IdontifloA with the town and surrounding districts;. and while of fering aO advertising medium, it will bo toe endeavor of the proprietor to Mn it equally acceptable an u parlor and iirpeido companion. Term? of subscription, $3 per year. Advertisement?, will bo Inserted at f 1.50 per square for the flrat inser tion, and $1 lor each subsequent luscrtion. JOHN W. TARBOX, Proprietor. November 25 , , atuthO