The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 17, 1865, Image 9

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r-1 fi: \\e. T/XTIl?4,.r . ,,, , CHARLESTON DAILY. N? , . c. -II. (:ATllC?ln,,1F.i)i!To?u , CATtlGART*Mt?fllILAN & MOUTON, , ;;. j : rrUvrmirions. No. 0>v J TAYNE-ST^l^ErT. ; TKIO?S-CASH, i j -DAlLY-ON-t. YEAJt?.r ??. . . . .fWMIO .DAJLY-SIX-MONTHS....?.;..:.iy.&00 .DAILY- #11*1 ? MONTHS,. ..?.M? 0g-. Stngie Copies FIVE CENTSi *?- Nows Dealers supplied at a liberal discount.. - >?! t T . -r-j ?,? , i '. . News; :Sximxria,ry. ?We received laut night a mspa.tch giving: thc newe of the Liverpool cotton market of. thc 3d instant, as brought by the Belgian, flt Farther Point. Tliia dispatch is precisely tho earn? as one copied from a journal of a neighboring city, and published in thc News of Thursday morning under tho commercial hoad. Wc consequently have re frained from publishing it. Such telegrama arc of no usc to the pres? or the public .i A very interesting lotter from General WAUK HAMPTON, to the people of this State, lound in our columns to-day. . . .E^-FroHylent Birru ANAS'? book ou his Adminis tration will bc found noticed, tn another column, ?with bxlractb and communty : ; ? ' Our cx-Confederatc readers will be pleased to ?hake hands with Col. vox BOROKE, WIIOHC racy narrativo rin' liftx?tioi*) '. ?fc;rq>1p>r??$l i? another1 part of thc paper. Tho steamer W.n. Coil, well known in our oo?et?wai?rt?, narrowly escaped a serious disaster, aa mill be., seen io. oui-kieal column. . Tho Washington Star of Saturday, speaking of , TTee,ldcnY JOHNSON'S views with reference to. tho . pardon question, says : "flo designs pardoning lill except about ono thousand of thc civil and military leaders, whose fate will depond on the action." of "Congress. ! A goiuTar amnesty, except ing these cases,, js not deemed expedient, as thc announcement cf . a proscribed , li?t ? would not only create dissatisfaction throughout "thc coun try, but still further embarrass thc President by arraigning against hi? policy a powerful combina tion of thc friends and the aympathizers of the excepted applicants." Governor M A uv IN. of Florida, in his message to tho Convention, expresses .thc opinion that if thc colored raes in this country can-bt? fully and fairly protected in their persons alifl property, they may be stimulated to bc industrious and econoiu ' rn, in order to eduoatc themselves) irhd their children, and improve their physical, moral, and , . intellectual condition, and become, not many years hence, the best" free Agricultural peasantry for our soil and climate that tho world has over ?ecn. But if denied protection aud justice, they will bc deprived bf tho ordinary motives to indus try and economy. The Lynchburg Virginian, of tho 12th, says in Il reference to Gen. KIRBY SAUTU, that tiny distin j -, ghioh'cd gentlemen, lato Confederate commander of the Department of tho Trans-Mississippi, reach ed this city yesterday morning direct from Cuba, .where he baa beep sojourning for several months. His many friends will welcome him hack to thc "?ouhlry ii ? ; ie i f ;, Hp comee in purfcuiinci- of authority lromi General GBANT to do BO, to be .placed on the footing of other Confederate oflicors of his rank. ^From thc Marion (8. C.) Crescent wc learn that T ' ~<5ctl. CfW. Dt-nf-BT 4t*-a-o?ndidatbUoTepfc8ent thc first Congressional .District in Washington, at tho nextBesnion. From our knowledge of, this gentle man we can say, with thc fullest conviction, that if auy-pnblic, mau in. S.onfh Carol'hia can take tho rro^ifycrl oatty Col;Duni.HS is the mau-*ho having always been a coiisirityilt .Unioiij Viian. ! His worst encmiep. wa believe, never slandered him inr-eat er or secessionist.' ?'T?el Colonel has our Vest - eVishte."'- ' ?-?> ' _. ti . . . -'Front-tlrr oame? papou wo .also levam that a pv.b ... ! ,li?;7i??(r,tirtg \w'.'iH. hold at- Marlen Cwt ? House, . eNotomber ?,:Ao orgiuiixci a jjoljcc g'u:uvvl'io tnaiu "t^lnj'j^nce, pTT-^i-rvf1 ord.-r, and protect property in our midst. CoppniUyCjs.,'wer?i appointe-1, and thc meeting adjourned to meet again on the- 2!kl inst. . : Hi: J i li I \ ! ?ltf?l FroYo^Gr^?riail* TBare?%? jlies; 'hard. A corporal s guard nf clerks are engaged in settling {up tho affairs pf this once terrible branch of thc Government. ' ?t is supposed -thal-Congress wjU, . abohhh tho hurcau, apid Gen. Fits wiH return to his . . rank' a? Lientenant-Colonoi and Assistant Adju tant-Genera I, ' ; . Latost advices from Texas.represent the cotton fields ae repaaining unpicked-the negroes refns - j ing IQ work for love or money. X writer ih the Cincirtnati '/rreei?i-.'whohas njftdc , a,three months' tour through the Cotton States of tbeiiouth, as tho result of his observations, ad Ytsbs Northern men of capital and onterprieo to go South and engage in the culture of cotton, wli^cfy he thipks, for the next eight OT ten years, will pay better than any other i?vcstm?nt. ile speaks .krhaiy of the1 Southern pooplo,. and thinks^*!** Government might now safely withdraw the mili tary, and leave the States to manage their own atxairB. .- *. . "J * I :i Tho px i?eipa.l European Fowers favor a confiaa ' i .?'.nco to devine meuujj for cliecking the progress of . . 'i?i?'?h?lera. '-? . ? ....Gount MoiwiiO'ix>N,.vhS!;ra-eiicli.MiniBU}r, d*Ujrje% i. tb'at,'. there ts;or has been any tinf. icndlim i>. tween om1 Govornmc-ut-and that .which ho repce>* ' ?etite. * ' 1 ; . ' ; ? : . * ?J Tho Independence L'rtgr ksserts that Prancr'-wflV soon withdraw her troops from Mexico^and that tue speech of thc Ftupcrox OQ the opening ul the Ghambura wilt fteLOT.fOt.g.aflgC?a character aa*t^ . .. remove, all grounds for objection on tho part ot' : the United Stn-toti.. ' f -'l ?/. ., , " Tlioi lUebmand . Enquirer, of tho 13th inst., an nounces tho restoration of lands to mimerons parties in Loudoun and Fairfax Counties, Va., by ;t J a recent order of General FATON, Commissioner j M th?^ District, : Sonic of tlib turin!, have boon Held by Trcerifriih, ami'have -recoivifl Improve* , .; ..patios,.which aa-c to bo paid f?r upon delivery. As wc have eeen varl??fl eO?Qicting statcmonts in referenco'-to'tho ni?Vomonta -.r y\r. ",., we copy thc following from tho Richmond Enquirer, "|?wh may bc iyii<,d upon : ."This distingniSKoti gentleman, who'eamo" to thiM t-itV after his r?cent rel? ase from coirfinc?nvut in Fortress Monroe, Vi&> , . . i ted Washington city a few ilays ago, mid after a very short sojourn there, returned to this piare and immediately took passa'go^?or Ne w York on his wa^'(oj IYC^I^O. We are not advised as to whether fu; leaves thi3"country permanonUy Of ? only tc-mporarily. Whatever mp.y.l>e tho oaeo, .we 'il ,"ar?(suro ho. carries wiAli liifMhe good wishes of ., all ourciliicns." "* * * '. * Thc cattle (Use&se is riportefl:1o :haie broken out in Fortugul. ***.*.*?!.... rai : n ! :. \ J UA.-TTD 7-.. 1. I u"?' AU communicaiiotw intemwl for ?luiAlcal?on in this four/lui mutt ^wntWtjpyw h thv IZUtoy ?j thi ?Utiftj \Y< "?, ?\rorW iIHy w strei t. f}hnf'r*'?n. s. V. mustntrn ?rAnikMhvxittoHi* lo .i'taejfiifar tinily Xoirti. .' . c . j He I'omi'it HtHleritilv to iVfnMn ?'.0 tftd,iN>c.?.,?'? . - tiontut-. .. M-.-l . I . . . I. ... ? ; , A<lVr-rth*itt*in1i*ontsiri<'. vf tim vityttWtpl ?% ?v *wQ' Hird trith tUr r<i.- 't. ' ' ', ' " ? - - .j ii ? ? f.- - THE' SI ii J K< ? i ' < >I* ^??? r.^r' ?oliera I intere?d io ox?r citizens, j??t af present,' fa 'tho pa y iii em of direct taxen t the Generuit?oVeriwtonW; This requisition iooinee .with all ?be charm 'pf : at surprise upon Our people: They had Aot'lwen iiccustoujeU^i pa^jMii Uixcs to the Govcrn tucnt; they wore fll?U . lpsw propared to, .expect a direct' tux . on land.- When the act was parsed, there -wan nb acoess to;the proceedings cfjtJougr?ss; and when, therefore, nt-the OIOHC of thc war, and the resumption of intercourse, it appeared that we were, charged, not only with a tax, but interest often per cent. tlieTcou, for three years, there. was_ surprise; and it were, perhaps, hot- too rhuch -to say', that it was not agreeable. It w*?(i accepted, however, as a necessary incident of our'comlition. Our citizens were sadly without money, and are so yet; but tho Comhrii'idon was courteous . and -cbnsiderate the case was vital. vSome, at painful sacrifi ces, raised thc? f?ndig ' arime, nt ?iiy pbftsible sacrifice, could nof;, aud oonviiieeit of tho fact, the Cominisvioli did not, as it was authorized to do, proceed and sell; but closed their office, and suspended operations to the present time. That was an act pf inconvenience to some. Many residents of.',T?o city who hud failed, up tptjie time at \flbr^i.Jit^^iftice closed, to get thc money, soon aft?tfg?t it: many away, from thc perfect suspension of intercourse with the country, soon after returned, and they find il hard lo bc charged, with thc ten pty ?ont interest which was not paid at the opening ol the office. But, unquestionably, much good resulted-from the act. Muchea" thc.real es tate of thc city must certainly have been gold and as there were no funds among our people it must have been sold to persons abroad a just thc price they might have hud the charity to give for it. The provisions of the act under which ihesi taxes are collected are not now, perhaps, gen I orally understood. An act was passed in Au gust, 1KG1, impoeing a direct tax of $20,000,00? on thc landed property of the Union, of whicl the portion fulling to South Carolina wa $363,000/ This was not collected, of course but, to facilitate the process, anotllur act wa passed, in the June following, tb ibo efififi thai this tax should be a lien on the lands < the State, and that as fast as thc territory ? any State in insurrection should ?om? wi ?hi the military occupation of tlu? Qoycrnme? Commissioners, appointed for that purpose should proceed to eollect the tax: and, ?o ihi end. should take the valuations .of property ? they had be.en made in the'Stat* AS^ssmeii of 18Q0, and from, each piece of prnporty Ct? lect that portion of the . ttwir. whtehvpxQpcri foll to it from,thc proportion of, ?(4 .'Value i j the whole value of landein. thc .Stif te,' 'and, i j addi lion,'a'penal fy of fifi y per rout, of-naiil tn: The owners <>? sahl property have sixty dni from the .-time tho tax wa-s aH-eK-^dMiy ?jj Commissioners within yrhiuh torjjjiy, and, M< paying Hie amount, thc ConiihrvsionerH wej j to advertise and sell, for thc tnx, penalty ni j costs, with jen per cent, per annum paid < : said tax, and if that sum .should uol lie onere I to strike thc proper ty ytt\ to jf|io < ?ovcmm?i for suf-h further fSspiismiiii a-7 ii might-St proper to make-pf it. At??fuyi-iinip, howov" before .actual Siliej( tho owner might redeei I upon payment r?f k charges;' and, 'after <n] within sixty days, upon the payment of pri cipalj penalty and interest.- thereon, from tl dute pf the Presidents Proclamation, at tl rate of fifteen per cent, per annum, and e . pcrise>. Such aro tho principal provisions;: and, n cessarily, they yet 'bear "with severity upi pur citizen^;- but ^ikjnore, of course, upi Th'pse . of ibo 'bumToMrict. Their proper wits imrnc*d in December, 1801, and this ts : ^HrK^^rorriWtV.ed irj^M?W-,' 1^1, was n mistaia Ji?Siapon hl^smS\^)?}^ ^02, ai .the?.??upon those li^M??r^S'fy???p estim?t] .diBtried .iare ..assesse?P^ in 18( ? '?noV '?nlsrcsti''?i?t>?on ?f?r-'?'vVe? '"f'^tirs, whii rankes A'sum ii?- l?rg?, ?th?.ujt,.ab ii'vi'-li of t! ?!property w uowi.-wortlit aud'.-wbl?ii, as tl pr?jiorty liaKiyic?ded-.u'othiu|; for. four yoa dmpniieft m - yory ^?a-vy .b?rthou.'?m'ihe owut I -"^a burthen, in' iraot,?whteh/nuiiMfttcannot bei T . i . '"/i' i' *" ' ' ? " '" ..."i"'--' s 'juta.., ? rtnd of this prt(p*>jrtij?;nt, loa?t,Mnuob mus?. ^sold, unless-soine mod?ficftUo? . in-j'ibe ass? ;?nent sMiTTTuke made. This is hoped for. Upon a memorial of o J citizens, tho Commission bas forwarded a ; 1 presentation of tho case to the Secretary of t 'freasury, and it is tobe hoped lu- may lui j thc power to give relief, in tymc mcasu adequate to the wants of this ?nf?ctod class .our eiti^ensi For the information of our citizeps^ ii wi propor to remark that this ?omm?8/>jpn, Kitti I luiw irroguliii ly, ii- ut liberty to close itsofl .at any lin?^ and advertise nil property, uj which taxes haye not been paid, for sale; a to avoid -thc capeones and ijiionvtoionces tl moy thence r?s'ul'l, it were well to corm? ? ward at ouce aird Ix? discharged. To the i 'j island plantare it were well, particularly, give this notice* na it w&m?Mtpv be genera i UO<lCM?P?>d ^hiit the opportunity for the pi j ment of taxes upon this pro per. ty , if now p seuted. ~t;'?-?T?*- -4<V?V?id-i ? rt?l1 -iXt <|tV.?JtjM'.t. . -r.f Mr. and ?ra/TmoTUY M'OM; 'I i I ta at n-ii? iii?- ? im -i?? x-i ti ? '! .... t. 'ui i. v'ht?' r*vi lenee, N... ! ?h..i':t.|>. R\-..M,ik- : ..' .? ?Y< !?H k r*?? ? '...--' ' * S*' ' ? . . . .:..-.< ;..'.? n ' ? OMHIA?AUY? j , J? lill i' ii i...-. ?Hy, ot <?jir u.^i... Mi? Kl.!/A I? TAVUUi.-C-.' . ... .i ' :.:T. ot Ol* ?at' ?Vinuv M. T?T??II. ' '--<.' A \\s \ PAD DI r I., tin iiniT-daiiKlitcr V?' LL i.;**-: .-.o.; A-S -. MMr.'i . ?I wi at Suinter C. II.. Uctfeber Hit?. While ti licautllul bloom, in lift "s moot joy?n* nitmon, -..i th- Arri years ul ?oioajibo?tl. -I?. li?- boen oui il? and. itt-ii..-- awaj ftSilu IT*!. TholOolol herpan-iitx, to whoi? sb- hin) ii? VU ?.'fttWt?<l au amitoUH cane, ?iud from Mr\inu] flu iiev/er iieedoXI ?; toprovin? won!, abo lins been sud.It i?ly matched trorti rn? ir view, u chili! of the ?Tor uant. Sb? remembered lo r creator in tho ilays >?f her | youth, an.I in Ipr short. Rfc adorned with sweet meek ness lier <hri?rtinn profersioii. Her pun- soul has wing ed its way tin- bosom 6t lier ?ind. where daners thr?-ut ami lear-" alarm nu moiV. * W. .-"?^.-.?""?"""?.'^rr"^T*-?"?T"-^< MST FOit CONT.RUSS.-UENKRAL BTETHBNJ ELLIOTT, Jr.-l/t?r?. Editer*: Yow are authorized to ^nouneo tieneral STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr., an a landi da'to to represent*, in Congrus, the Second Couirri'Mloual District, composed of Charleston, (Joiletou, Boan fe? rt, and Barnwell. SUMTER. November 8 WV WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Bon. WILLIAM AIKEN as a Candidate to rtrp^r-ut Hie Beconrl Congreattona! Diutrkt, nt the next- .Stolon ol Congres:.. MANY FRI EN L'S. Ootobor 28 M* WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE thc Hon. WILLIAM WHALEY as a Candidate to repre sent thc Second Congressional District In Congreve. October '.-1 ' ' I " ' ? . . . ?- W? ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Dr. U.^v;nh.auJr:y,.oi WUlt?msburg, Ajt candidate to represent th?.- First Congressional District. November t . .tf*T WE. ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE '(V?neral J?TIN D.' K EN-NED V "as a fVaiflldat? Jot ben grcss to represent (hy Tirst Congressional DlsU-iet. October 30 . Wiy COLLEGE ?F CHARLESTON. THERE will Lc a meeting of the Board Ol' Trust?e?., thii DajtV 17th insunt, at 12 . vi... k M." at the city Hall. Punctual attendance .is- reipi.-t.-d, ou important busint-s*. Tftfi following gentlemen comprise thc Hoard: 1) YNIEL RAVENEL, Ken, Hon. II D LESE8NE, RICHARD YEADON, Es<i, Hon. W r MILES, non. W A PRINOLF, Hon. W D PORTEE, Hon. P O G A ILLA It I?, C M TURMAS, Esr,. WU RAVIVEE. E-.j, II A Dr.S.U'HSUHK. Etti, H R BANKS. Rs'|, GEOROB BUIST, Em|, Re v C RANCH Kl.. EDWARD B WHITE, Esq, I WILLIAM JERVEY, Esq, ,I)r L A FRAMPTON. I A .T WHITE, Es.j, |a S BRYAN, Esq. November 11 JACOB WIRLIMAN Beeret aj y. af CONSIGNEES' NOTICE!- THE MER CHANTS' Regular Line Schooner B. N. HAWKIN* will eounciiiH! discharging c.irg.-. al Adger's Wharves TM*. ?h>y. All goods remain lng on the wharf at sunset will l..- st?rc'd nt their rn-k and expense. NkiveuibeeVI l . WILLIAM ROACH. DR. J. L. DAWSON. HAS REMOVED HIS ofrk-ir an.i residence U> So. ? Judith-street. November bi fi* atm' CENTRAL WHARVES ARE READY TO receive COTTON ON STORAGE. Apply nt Wharf Onice. H. MASB?T, Wharfinger. ' November IC J* t*?- NOTICE.-AT THE ENSUING SESSION Of the LegiMature, apylication will bo made ?ir rtiiew?.l oi the Charter of the VIGILANT PIRE ENGINE COM PANY of Charleston. t November 10 j rn- HOUSE OT INDUSTRY, CHARLESTON, j November IT; 11^05.- The Mt ir.Vers o? tho Board pl TruKtees <tf this lEsuiate,r> are, earnestly relueeted to I attt-tid a meeting f i; Friday, at 4 o'clt^k.P. M-..aT' Imsi. net?! of the Utmost unpc rtnr.r.; w?l) bel^roiiijht forward. <|. K. L??QVIRT, Nov. rober IC 2 f'L^rrrjari Trri-tws H. of I. , ii- OFFICE. OF THE UNITED STATES IU RE? "i" Tax Conimi.-itjuuifi'g, second n?>ov northeast eorp?r Pavilion HbM. TIM S lvierive?!.between tin-hours ei. ^ O'cl?ck', A. M.; and 1 oVlo-i.T. M*. . s. vom ber lt Ki- 'SUtXTI?^^UTICE. STATU OF SOUTH ?. A R OTJP-N*???OTARLESTON'rtlSTRlCT.-OFFICE cntriiT Ol" (?ENERAt >SES?10>'S ASP COMMON j?l.i: JOHN >Y. BROWNFIELD. Clerk pf Kaia I Court, lu pij'niuaiiee of ?Rr'..'tlons or'fi ^fm'm4olutlon j oj IhfeWeWat?*!,??> f,^'?r!heIT.-e nt..;... .. ptSHe?l^aJ hi.C '; r -;'nt itrssfoirJdo '-Kv'rfby, ?t|MJ?"t/-t;.-e that vaniEiri-.tion ?or ?"i.-'tk.oi tb-: /'o-irt fIj.Uen?-j-i| S< fi-ions an(LC(>mni(in El, j- for <"hAr?( K.on lustnct. ?-iii b.- Luid I?Ai^trn?Ktia'Y. thc..lal inst.^?litM-O?i*?0 place?.o'| . '.' li? rtjTouWirrit tht>-t|in<i-Sistri t. I Witncif TrnyTnrlfO .?J^.4rtr-t?>n this I3tb -lay ol Ko V?*liiber,v18iJ*V*<' .-<.:..- *? w. JUtoWAFltU-i-. J;*j ?rf;mWt 14 . ' i : ; . .' . Ck'Hk: G.?(ti C. P.( jc*i-;WU ARK AU'lTR.Ifiy.l.Df'io ANNOUNCU J. AV.' BROWNFD??fV, F.- j.,;^imdj<V:y'fi\r re-'el. e vtii.;i loihtjiJOfJlce.o/ff^rk of tho Couti forChnrtreton Bia tiflet at1 tirf'n-nibg 1 lecion. '?'."..-.'Nov.-mlier li itis- NOTICE;*-IN A C ? .0 R D A N C E W I T H l'i-o. ;..i.iuuu ir e. iii Goyrnor-PKURV iuid General RP.N NETT, authorising the.forniation ui.M.iiit.iry Companies, ? Meeting will btv held at Black. Osi-(St. John's Berkley), on X /"< ri Ja ff, ICth November, for lie . ] >mv,,v."ii of ORGAN IZING A COMPANY, Electing Qtfi?era, icc. A full atten dance of the : citizens 'of Berkley District 4? earnestly " reiiiicate'a. ' - MANY CITIZENS. November 10 ?J*.--. 'tvr StEDlC.AL' CARD.-TM F. LEJAU FAR KER-Ornee, No. "79 Broad-itu-set. Residence for th? present, Confer of Logan anchTTaddistcr^ets.. Ncrivii&er 4 I J. ?li J i .', J.? ? j ' ! lm0* ?iWL-V?tRtAGE -/i N D -?E LI RAI ! Y, AN ESSA? f)F WARNING ANp INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNO MEN. ?irst.prtt^iKkfjO- by the H?>w?u J? JUspcJatii^n, and Beut tn 's^?tecrTf ttcT-Wvtl^??X-^ .- A*?lt?K.HK i 11 *"V'i -? .. -ET? J.' 8KU.WI*,HOUGHTON, U Howard Association, Philadelphia, pp; Novcanber-4 . .. :imo ' ' .?'tr' AWAY WITII srECTACIxES.-OlJ> ^?ES made now, without Spectacles, Doctor. or Me?tlcine. i Painphlet mailed free on receipt ol Un ct'MW. AddreM I E. B. FOOTE, M. D., No. 1130 Broadway, Nrw York, ,., November i) V ;' . .L-L t .iL. ....?a- >;EJIM?.?NS' URAZILIAr?'.1 FERULE SPEC tatilts, to. fetruugthen and improve the s'ight of old^td yatuue. I.y ?lay or night, with euge and comfort tv thc ?(ye, w iGiOut, tu<kilistr??ising result? ol frxgpent cLan?j!C9, These celt l^aiv' too ??-21 known'thrf>UKbout tho Seu?i tv si ew of tin ir supcrie rity ov? r al) ethwrH.' lJ<>i?l-ln,'-nd .singje Telt^ctipvs of irim^nse power and held.. Catalogues ??nt fr-.<-4 by (ncl?Witgsi?inp. ? . . sKMMl^'NS. ?XTL?ST^OPTICIAN, G09 Br? adway, untb r Lal?t?f* House, tl. Y. Nc-verr.bcr lt; . . , ?. 2mo ux>- NOTICE TO FII.?TS.'-tiFFHT; CL??lk i : t ounoil, N'vt-jiber Jl. IgjiU.-rTBaM Pilotsttrhq bavo not?renewed th? lr tionds und ukun.c.i.t new ucenses, are hereby i,oti?>d M rall at this office'.md tlo'thc same. W. H. SMITH. November Ll Clerk of t-ouncJI. at- OFFICE CLERK OF COtTNCtt, NOVEM BER lu, IHCf.. -I'ffer* fer doing tue SCU VENA KR'S W.ORU c f lbj- < ;ly; agrHAliU- to the City Ordinance rc-frulatiug the rvame, will be r<-eeivt-il at this Office up to MONDAY, 20U> inst., at 12 o iJoti M.. . ',1 Ea?h-p-rrrjo-iil raes? ?tpooify 'tlie particular ward- or ward* offerod /or, ruid be acvompanicd with the haiaes of the persons proposetl as Pureties to thc Contract Bond ; ike amount of the bo nil to be -glyen is one-nab* the t-um of mtitcy to be received feT'domf;'thc work1. 'By (-order. ' ;- ' . I l|(1W,,B. 81?,-,; November ll Clerk of Council. WANTED,. A i GOOD, COOH. M'PLY AT i "?o. -TorvMrrtfig^rrcH.-iYppmit.- M*aj*o?Aie. white ! i.r.'fi prwl. ?i* November 17 I i i ..t I: ? II'ANTKD, UV A GERMAN WOMAN, A] \\ situation lo <<?<iii an'dwnsh foi a mn ill tamil;. Can IM .IIII.I nt-rhe hbruoe nf Wnnrjitmi: -.t. I'll il in -liv, f.. Nu.'?7. 2* New-nils r 17 iirAWED_A ur.spncTAiaic WIIITK \\ YVO?TAN; fo-d(> cc*>fcing; Wssl?iir. and iroi,iug. Applv at No, Kan! Bav, opposite southern Wharf. .{N?VrnW ., .-.-.?.*,.? Xjff \ VT B i?.' A IVET-NUHSU KOR A \V ebikl tL. .. moulin! old. Tho beat nf rcrommun dation* a- to ohatevtcr required. Apply te No. 2 ATLANTIC-SI ltEKT, Koveitjb?r 17 i Hoyt to corner efttht Battery. 1IMWKI). A-UAKiN'KIt. ?HI RT Ii 12 AUC VV TION AND GENERAL ooMMIssh S ?r.'Sl NKss. ll? muat b>- a mau of gi*>d liuiu^tar ..apjp"ty, energy anti Industry, ami will bi r..iU>.i U ?f. ;"' equal aiununt of capital. A N?rthi?ji mau j referred. Aihlr. ni ' A,' at tmt tlfftr^ - i j 6 ? Noveiaher 16 YS f ANTED? A <;<?<?li COOK. A (t)MPE. i iVj J TipyP-mirBo, and a ?nod house servant. Proper ?fi'Minnenrtirflotia required. Inqnirv at :bc northwest corner of Macing ami Socicty-streets Novomlwr 1*5 3* WW TKO.-A PRACTICAL PAPER HANGER, ol New York. wishes a situation in nonie first .Joss house in this'city. Address *\7 ~T"T ?? Ll ti ' j 1 ?AMUi?L.P.-IMVia, ..fl ? i .~.LJ. Ll No- lil Naisau-BtreotvNtf* tefl eity. November ir, - - J * 3 S' ITU?T?ON \VANTEDT-^A^GBNT?P?!?IAN, who has bod fifteen years experience in the Grocery and Liquor boniness, de?lrcs a SITUATION an LoJcal or Traveling Clerk ; posaessoa a very larg? city and country acquaintance. Refers to Mr. OSCAR .?. JOHNSON, King, Btrcet, opposite Herid> Btreet. november ll . _C 'j? ! GENTLEMAN OF HOME EXPERIENCE J\. aa a TetfcneY Viii give private leeson*.*rn1 LATIN, KUENCH, SPANISH and M AT ll KM ATI < 'H. Eor terms, Ac., apply at the Book-stone uf Mr; Jolm Russell, No. 285 Krag-atreeti / . ,. October 17 RRKNT_A FURNISHED ROOM-AF ply at No. 220 MEETING-STREET. Abm a Stable. 1? November lt TO RENT.-A FURNISHED^ JrtOOl?,SXJITA IlLE FOR TWO YOUNO MEN- .Apply at No. 21 Society-street. 1* November 17 TITO RE-VT.-THAT COMMODIOUS A (WU L ploaaani DWELLING, No. 22? East Bay; corner ol Inspe^tlon-qtreet, having ' ab -modern improvement*, and recently been renovate?lr'and repaired, will be rcnte<l "raafcihahi'ejo otf ? r--, Several AIRY ROf)?MH^^l''broaT?.Vlf.^'?^, Whiblo an ^tn(Jtjucu.'a apartnii-nts. Apply to ll. Mi.CALL, - J . T. -. ' Rca?"?rtUti- Alten?, No,'!? I ?raid ntre-et. November 17 . nn...;i T> HKlDRSt?ES ANO STCRlKs" TO REIMT. IX The thru-?tory Brick RESIDENTE, No. 220 East bay.. . . . Tho.'three-stnry Resi'dcnee, t northwest corner Tradil ami Orange streute. Thc large . Riv-ideoro, Np. 72 Basel Street. Suitable fur Boarding House. sheds Nos. a and 6 Pinckney street. Suitable foi Workshops ur Storehouses. FOR SALE. That pleasantly-situated BOUSE, with extensive lot, at northwest corner Lynch und bull street*. Apply to THEODORE STONEY, November 17 Vanderbilt's Wharf. TO RENT_A SPLENDID DWELLING O HAMPSTEAD MAI.L-just put In complete rcpaii -a delightful Residence. Applv at No. 141 MEETING STREET._;_3_N? vemlfcir ir? 'pO^RI-INT, TH AT SU PERIOR FOUR HTOR1 L STORE, KO.J*J8 Hayno-strcct, to completo order PORHOBB?IIU can bc hail immediately. Inquire at No. 27 King street. 1 tun* November 14 TO RENT. THE DWELLING ON NORTH , EAST corner Calhoun and Pitt stn cts. It contain: fix upright and two attic room?, Ac. Apply to Dr. A. B PEVKIFOY, No. 24, next to Uppei Market. 5 -November 13 rpo RENT, THE THREE STORY BRICH X DWELLTNii, Northeast corner King and TraoV streets, in good repair, containing fix large aud twi smaller upright rooius, besides two dreaaing roinn?, om pantry, and two attics, with commodious outbuilding* carriage house and stable: gas fixtures complete. Ap ply on premises. inwf3* November 13 rpo RENT.-THAT RESIDENCE No. Ill J CoirutlgSt|Teet.-opposite St. Paul's Chi..-eh, contain mg foiir Bijuarc RoimiR, 'two Garrets, huiebed Base weals, Ave. .with eomnodiout aeco mm ods tiona for ser "vam*; ??tMjro and Carriage Hniif?, large lard and Flowe ti.inli ii, (?as. throughout. ? l or. terms, app?y to WM. U DAWS(iN. Np. 51 Broad btrW?. November ll ' ' ' 1 rpo RENT_A LARGE AND COMMOIIIOO .X UGl'sE ?? thc. (own of Aiken, s. c.. containing11 rooms, on?; rf Which' is a large dining roonl. ' The loco lion N ono i f tb'. Bleat ip the town, and, ns tneveMa uov .no hotel in the j?lace. and it is nrnrlr iv:sc,rtcd to by in Valida, it would bc suitable for a large p ri vii I?-, boarding bous?--. Possi^tiuKivvnou lin ??iv! January, Irifii, ? HOOnerlt waii'tv<>,"= ^vpply'iioi-aiildbfof Mary, ti Tl li houB east ol Niissau-strert. rowi'.i* November l? Qf- tl ?-. -- . ,-. fpo ItlCNT.i-TH AT tmsiltS?H/E-'TlIKEI-:. - i eton* BRICK DWELLING. No. :i:i Dull-sUc.-t, ms j.j pipUraei diil-ynVi stn rt. 'jUe'biius?; us in perfet onler, andmid all thc moddrli inrprom'menwwitli ever; nc?muiir><tatxon.foris. large fajaipy. Thc oul-^uihltt|( are uniu-vu^JJy..v'omuioiUoii?; thc Usa Fixture's complete 1 here is a l.'irge "CiSl.-rn on the ilreinises. Applv throng) lhi? IVtstefl?re. v.r pe'rsoiiiUly to JOHN raCl.HBi.Jli'. U '< Ml Uttnk of Charleston Buihliug?, corner .stile, and Broai r-Mctf*-r . . SoV?mlierO twflEJrtii FINELY KSTTI.KI) PLAN ii -X-j.-TAUTUN. with jdi necessary outbuilding*, barns ' rottbiV liouwV,'L"rtfiH*-b*on,sf< "mifl n?tohiriftry. gins, gris" ?ilir^iA?c,' /Abid.-a Jiirgu body ?>i riue lund ..under bajik 1 and t^une SOU act rfc ol cotton and.c<*rn land-?ndur 1er. ci I Also, nr&iaa dwelttnc houee, containing 10 rooina, all ii good order, with all n.-.-e^s.iry .(iut\niiUliii(,-t?. Also, tine range t'-.r cattle and bogs? and all ?dAuta??n utensil ? if.requiitid..;" : , :. . . . There are also on the tract, rontaiuiug. 1500 acres o . Jan(\, rPCVcral fran lakes, continuing the ?nest kind o tish, which may be. made {available to tb?- Charleetoi market, aqd those of tho town ol'Summerville. Also, ac comntodarioft 'for 60 nagroea. Distant from Summer ! vQ7i01WJJfU.Ue8^tv^lacqn's Bridge, bead ol'navigation oi " )WMi^ICfverT four milW?. For further particulars ap ply to Owner-ott the place,- .or Messrs. .1ENKIN?9 i U?U.1.?, Sunxm,erviRe.F, SCHULTZ. November II 12 "PRIVATE BOARDING.-A FEW G K V 'jr ! TL?MEN ran be aerommoaated at the CORNEI OF KINO AND TRADD-ftTHHETS; also-, a pleasan iu;o.M, suitable for man aud wife. DAY BOARDER! Mien: _.": ?? ::: ? . . . -j _A)ctobcr 2i. STRAYED INTO MY YARD, 17ft COIMIN (. STlfEET, on the night qf the 14th iuat.. a DONKE1 AND COIITA The Qvmcr y> iU please call for them, pa; expenses, and take them away. ' roUhrember 17 TTTO ri rn i > . ? ! 1* ?TRAYED, FROM No. 10 HOSE LANE, Of or aboutj-tOe-lSUi. a StmitEL-UGLT. with blas; ?; auitai-DO^IrfflY- -Any ^r.e retuwaidg them to th" / above ifuiubeTJ yf?i bo rewardti} for the same, , NovemberTj ' ?.. ?' 2* STRAYED, ?>R STOLEN, ON SATtRD^l night last, a largo YIh?i?.O?W DOG. wbWhreaat, loni . ar*. :s u cross botwoeu aniistilf and a bull' dog. An -8wer4 to. Lbw nanu? !.! ."Gitrlo." Hac. ou.a'cbain e.-ilar . A liberoXruwaril will bu ^>i.d cu bis delivery iit' , . . .' ; , . '. MnK?Y. ? CAMPBELt'? , November lt! Qis?l-at? et, next 10 JPjOIW QC ? ST RA Y 'S p: Uli STObESf. PRO? Tili suiiscriber. in Coming ' '.riot, on Siir?l?y r:i*h?l???t I s -tiay borse Mule, ?bout o years ol.i, arith wliitfsl r n<M alni <li-lV.Ri4>v4u.rigljt iront foot.. A reward ol ;'J( > will-bdij.aid fvr tha ilfiu rv oi saul Mule to '< ' November rti" '' : ".(* ' No. 1H COMlNG-sfrUY.VT. I tnt\.>r. RKWARDJ-LOST, OV THE NI<PH-J IIP?U -of lb?;., lltb. Knturday, a .BUNDLE fl f. talnlugime.suit (>f 4'4otbeJ?- bael;, Pants, Vestr-bl lw< i.: .<:alhoun and Mary atreobs. If Urouybt to. uil.'.e the above rewurd w:ll be given. ? NmejnbcT ld AH ',. C * AAA A MONTH 1 AGENTS WANTED FOB lT)?'lf fix *nt\rr\\i mai arl?lts just out Address 0. T GA11DV. City BUlldiDg, Biddi ford, Maine, . September 15 , j .linc? 1IUHLIC WEIGHER'S OKFKE! MAR KET-STREET, CUARLEBTON, NOVIiMllEJL 6 lht?r,.-Tbe. attention of Coal Dealer.- is rn;;:? st? th? City Ordinanec.regulating the sale of Coal I.-. w<ight: li,p)iul) not be fuwfol for any j,elson to s. il CT manner ilishosc-of Coale within the liir?ts of tLi*<nty . uUUcrwiac than by weight, atti;, rat- of two- 'Jionsuni) two hundred urta forty potindfl of the av?irdnpoSse stau ! ihtrd to euell (on. 'TBe (Vrtidcate of tho iMbllc Weiphw I shall he d? livered, with the Coals, tc the purchaser b? fore the carts containing the same shsll be unloaded. 'Il any person shah sell, or in any manner dispose of Coals ;;whii h shall not bo wftigLcd upon qpe of the public bal arleen piV-viods toftBaJ ? livery/ fher?af.iind nm nhhdi' ? suitable nU<rwe.uo<\ shall not have been made, if the coals Ix-wet or^lanSp,.a,nd.whicn miall no^ibtvJacccimpaliii.d ?with the,IkubHu,Wotgbr?'a Certificate, such person ?hall forfeit thc CqaJ.H so sold, and in addition puy for each offence the sum'of flfty dollars. . The Seale at Ibo loot of MArkoVatreet and thc Ot?houn' flirtet i*Hde Ara ready for nunile service, . ... . JN0. P. f>Ati.iAKD: .. November 6 " ' .Public'WVighVir. .WAJ?lUrY<i'ro?i LODOR, No. ."?, /?. F. EUT V?;<^TI^?WAy>l!Mr:sU?A.'i ION ?FTHIS LOU?E will IM- rr?IU"ui JDaSoiiif ?tiTTHh ttr+ntirff, Ul? lilli '?Ma.ii*. at 7 o'clock JIT?"ricely... Candidates for ll.-./ ?#vl\ rdrasc be ia ativl'J1"" ' ' . > '" ' P Ky order of tko w 51. " " ' ^nr^PATeta?': .?' ;vvm?)?.r 17 ' ii' IfJDAlt?'?IF ii xs yin (ff",itis ri'I A'd/'J l?-Kf. TMINK. AN Ali.fOCtCNKD MK??I'fNC ul" "HITS DOA Kl) i'V will uk., pla.--., rc..* Afternoon, at Masonic Hall, i halt past i o'? lock. . ? . Thom- of th?: pr.V./ut' \tai.aj.?rs whovr.IJ iK"t b??H.ri.i # ervo al the ensniii'- .I,.,((..n. will plc-rte? nOtlfv n., ..' the mime previous to the meeting, HO that t'Vlloy'?n't<>n / tho B^RlTOipliuth>r*-vpTx?<l lOr*U U?*ir.-plat civ N overo br-rn7- 2 '--CHARLES LOVE, Unuirniae. LI M ITRO P^RTVE?1??*?*. rriHi: UNPJ>U?U<?NED BAYi, IN ACCOKDASI F .H -?rilli thk Jf?'?i. of'Ailtt.iiil.|yiV..rm;*lrt? LEHrTI.l? PARTNERSHIP, limier th- name or finn ofW.OVi: NEY, for th? transaction nf aOcu*ral Cuinuitssioq. eUup piDtf, And Jobbing business, in the Otto of Charleston, Whereof W. Ourney.'of tbs (llty of chiu-lewtoo sud HUd>: of South Carolina, in th? n- neral I'sirlBe.r. sod J, I.. Adams, of the City nf yew Y,.rk an* Hat? of. New York, lu tti?'Wpocr?l Partner. The said .1. L..Adam*,.the Sj.t. e.ial Partner, bas contributed to the common stork ll>o nurn of Ten Thousand Dollars. The said Parteorshi]' tu comrin ncc on the nrirt day of October, A4dh .lHtt, ami iw determine on thc first day of December, A. D. IKCH. WM. GURNEY. November 17 ffl_JAY 1.. ADAMS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THF UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY ASSOCIAI KD with hin? QEO. CHAS. SCHMKTZEll, in'thc luth er and Finding jinnfhes?, at NO. 13' nsjrno uu?i. ? thc name of CV D. III:.VHF. A CO. ; . ..... .. . . . c.iD. io:AH. With strict attention to our business, we bom' to iv I ceire a anare, of. that patronage heretofore so liberally i bestowed on tVr old timi. . . ; O. D. BRAHE. .. . Novembern.. .6 : PEP..CHAS. SCrnMETZBtt. -' C?PARTKERSUIP NOTRE. THE tTNDElwrONFJ) HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA TED themselves, in copartnership, uniter the nun ti of ERAtJOH ? MAIXUNEE, for the transaction of tho LUMBER, LIME, LATH AND. s ll I NO-LE BUSTHESH. OnVo OR HorlbtKk'rt Wharr. uoar thc Northtasteru Itellroad. D. C. EH AU" H. . NoTcmbor 1, 18?. JNO. C. MAIXONHK. November 10' ? . . " . NOTICE. THF. SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY FORM HD A Partnership for. transacting a (-HIPPING AND COMMISSION DCKINESS. under thelstylcof MOHI'E CAI A CO. M. C. MORDECAI. J. L. TOMAS. Charleston, November 1, lfi?V>. Imo JNovembi-r I COPARTXERSHIP NOTICE. rruiE SL'BsriuiiEits HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCI?T L ED with them L. J. MYERS, and Will continue their businces under Un- same name. : ' A. TOBIAS' SONS. Charleston, S. C., Nov? mW 1, 1603. November 4 13 - ' . . COPARTNEItSnjP NOTICE. riIHE HUBSCBIRERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED X with them in business Capt. FENN PECK. H? r- - niter Hie name and style of th?- Firm will bil CAMRHI ?N , BAKKLEY Jt CO. CAMERON fc BARKLr.Y. Charleston, November l. 1HG5. THE SUBSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO Ul M NESS to merit a share' of that patronage lu-r.-to fore ?to liberally bestowed on the old concern. ARCU D CAMERON. , ' lt. c. BARKLEY. November 1 FENN PECK. t'OFA IlTNER?RIP. THF. UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED V. COPARTNERSHIP under the style or timi of HOP KINS, McPHKKKON .li CO.. for th- transaction of a GENERAL COMMISSI(?N BUSINESS. E. A. HOPKINS, Ntrw York. S. W. HOPKINS, Nev: York. D. MCPHERSON, charleston, ? c.. No. ICC Meeting-street, Charleston, s. c., Oct. 1, 180.1. Represented by E. A. A S W. HOPKINS, No. 70 Gea. ver-street. New York. Imo October 31 COPARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVE FORMED A CO PARTNERSHIP for the transaction of a GEN E RAL COMMISSION BUSINESS iu the City of New York, tinder the firm of J. II. BRO WER A CO., am? ar?, prepared to afford fair facilities on consignments. JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM.IL SELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BEYDENBUROH. New York. October 3, lKtUi. . amos , October 0 . COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Brien, ROOT A Co., MALSUALX, BK.ICU k ?'<. Liverpool, Eng. Charleisteu, S C. .i SAIXIMON, ROOT j; Co.. TCK mmerciaJ-Bii?d;ng, No. 42 Brc.a<lway. N. Y. WE H A YE.TH LS DAY ENTEREjj. INTO COl'AItT NEItSHIP. for the- purpose of conducting a G KS EBAL C()M.YUSSI<>N AND BANK^NQ BUSINESS at each ?if the points above UUIU?H1. ; om- attention ?viii a!*-.? ur devot-v'. jo filling ord fra ?nd rii.ikio?: d.'tV'?tVfh'* tor oanSoatki rh i.-ienfls. A.IWunt' tin.J.- on . Product: to ell'. Firm. .. J. N. BEACH, ol Liverpool. E. tv. AAlUaiAI.T.. of Cliarlexlou. . . S.' Rt 'OT. of Atlanta. Ga. E. S.v: OMON, KI New OIIUHIIH Kew York, September 3, lStw! ? ' UtARSHALIit-RKACU & < (). "TTAVK .'ESTABLISHED -THEIR VfFt?E.JS TUN I 1 .'itv at Nu. a2.JJROAIl-STi:i?ET a ud uro prepare' t... mike. ABVANfT.S ON C?TTO?1 -eifslgmd to -\. -. YVrk w Efrcrpool. ? :>Kti ? .?. . fnrn-a .. b^rrrr.-TC.: Mesara JAMI:? Atv.KU A> CO., e'.j.^;y,^tou. Mr. HIKVM KORKRTII, Savannah. 1 r fTlrnmi-ritp*^ I.ivttB tHih T . t r- . ? i bU?v?m* BanJ^ti'?!?- L 1 OctoniT U ^ '- " mivf Imo ' I- " LAW PtRTXERUUlP. TUE UNDSUBKK4ED--HAYE ASSOCIATED TH KV SELVJS^ und. r the E.vnlc of PORTER A CONN El;. lor the practice ofiAW AND EQUITY JU tb? C.t - tlusStateaud of .the Cnited. Staten < 'f?c? No. 10 BROA Li s'i'ItEET, over Dawsen K L.ackuiAn fa? 1 * . ? v? - i . v.. D. PORTER? .1 . . ; ; JAMES.'CONM:I;. November fr . . . nwljj . - SELECT .SCHOOL, i. ^T\N THE .JL6TH OF ?<$VEMiD?lt" ?gRB.' nOPSDN VJ PEN CK NEY will open a SEEECT SCHOO ly for Yo.iori Iailti-s, at/'ld-r a? sidence,.i1-e<:trt house Aiken .-: Row, where instruction will be elven in all the li-;.ur!. ~ -:' Ctf a tberpmxh BiwrjHsh .Edujcatiop. *tnl in thu lloileru t Languages. For terms inti ?Iber panic uiarH, iippr> ag t above. - Imo Octolier l'.l . CLASSICAL, SCHOOL, POR TOlMi LADIES.. THE REV.'DTt. IiOHD PROPOSES TO'OPKN A CLAS SICAL SCHOOL, for a limited number of youni: i Jadif-p. in the Le.?-ture Room ot SI. paul's Church, Rad I cbffeboro"', on the f.'rst A/un.fiiv nf S'?eember ncr..'. Fferjch and German'without additional charge. Dr. LORD begs leave ttl rei?* to the Rt. Rev. T. C. Davis, the Rev. Dr. C. Hanck.-l. the Hon. Wm. Aiken ?. I?r. ?ies.Horlberk, Dr. VV. Jj Wru^g. Oom Jan Simon-, R: and C. R. Brewster, Esq. October VW THE CN OK ItSKiVED TS PREPARED TO FURNISH DESIGNS, SPECIF! j , JL pATIllNS,A^>.DETAIL.I:RAWINGS ?or Buildlngfl 5 'f ?^.??*y.d?^r?rjptiou,ta'><J Ju k*nrx Qtjn yfaflckiteclure I ' thut may b* desired. Orders fr?.m any part ol' Uic I'nl . " i ted Stries-Will rrcetve prompt attention, with m.dcrat: chaxft?. WALTER S. WEST. Architect, . . Corner-4|h,axi.l Broadfhtre'-^, Itiehmothl. Va. i, o ->*.l tvu.?^ ; S I Jiiiosi : -\rAIyCABI.E LANDS A?i?? STOCK h,Kt , * 'V' 'KALK^Th?t valuablo COTTON and PROVIRll N i ' 'PLANTATION, tn mrlinfrton D?trtrict, known as "Bur ' h.:rHni."rlori!i.trly th?- rentllenee ol" John MoClwanbau ''dvif>aj??d:,;i?offered for l'aie, coutniulrjg ll?tj acre?, by \ \ laf'iif W H. U'ine.ttc. Sirrvevor.. It is boondi (' en th .f'Sb-iU? Bytlifi Mhe of Marton Diet riet, denned In a . ana . rrVWuiine tb?, waters ol Polk'Swamp lalo i ?.-... -? vrhieb ."JtrVUin ?H itn-n?ntberu boundary. i Hume hve t?i sit In.min..1 a ? t ivir. d. Under CU , avMfon.'arid i?r<i?V>irt the advantage? ol LDC IOW>.U l^nda with rich bottom hinds for corn. . '. On th<"pla^n is a'DVvelUng Hoti'c with eifiht rn?,ni .?. v?.rfitvblo and flow? r garden, with all i L hi|.ldii,;'p,' ti pew oin.Bonke, Barns, and OulUolUllngs , -which have crrmftirtably accomulodatt .'. troni JO lo t.( persons., i i ... . t., j lt ia .situated within two milt - i: Mars' Bluffstoticn ! I bn'th?* W. and M. R. lt.. luid witt.m Rv> mi Iso of Flor . ?vice, y nd is too well known ' fdr its 1? ulthfiihirss. Om 3 willer, and ?tA wrVaiitogcii of KC^K ty. to neid a furthi r j?fdt?cTipt?ofl. j , With Hie place will bc fold, if ?les/red, ooinn fi or 1" , j prlmr mulan, ? borsei', cattle, MM'-OJ.. hoff?, corn, foti.1er. , j fli?-'.'wagon/t. cart, blnck?mith'f> k.uZ arpent, i t. t . ; ' and farming implcrasnts, ' ..! in the event that no Hilo IS madp, ?his v.lace w ill bf* .:' leased fer ont- year, from 1st January next,- au.I Hie p. r ishableAttiekm rai\ntion??l will Li sohl on the premia H. f ' for <Wli,' t n .'U-.urd?/. 9ta'.of .l)l'ci-mbrr next ! i tel ar, term? and conditiumv?pply t<. I W. T. Wickham, I Rjehto?nd, Va , or te the und? r-i^ned. at Mai s' muff. , I ?V. W. HAKLLER, Agent for L. W. T. Wickham, j Mr S. Lueas, en Uie i/laco, will show the premises, L and atvc peniqns desirous of ;r?niir?ii? the riejli?e.s t i [ dtmtdija^ jky thorneplT^Jw ?C November 1.1 r X>.<>^AL;JHLAVANA LO'rfERV.-PRI/KS i ll P*ld in goM; Informntlori flirnish?Ml. Highest . pto? paid for doublothm and kl kinds of KOW ami silver. I ' 7 ' TAYLOR A CO., Wankers. September? 3mos No. 10 Wall-*!., New York.