The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 17, 1865, Image 10

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-j^QOAl^-JMLAXTilliS,_ ^?TiPVV - flS i ?rif THE WEA^TER.-OU Tuesday Wht?C U?t Mic rajo ??t?rnt-rJccd coming'xthwn I? show-Mi MMteVMMtaued. ?rt'??gtWot tho IIIR?I?, ?ncre:i*in:? in 'voluuie tt< ct .ap.I po?uehe?^aybrf'Jl?7ima'^^^ on Wud rw*'iay 'nVo?iitotr'**? m**?u?mjfc?n\Mitoyt4}?*it tem, tho hcaiflmyilJ?a'WJB Wivcjsu?n fox cmg ?knt). For two; pr thrro hours Oaf*' Tinmc?isc "Jloffr ?ff MlF'eontinuod, . when lt held irpi-and tho sund?n? ?ist biiautifolly foi* a short whilAk - 4t.*non''otou?ci ' uii 'again, however, and ?Irirrled for the balance of UlC day, gcUing ' muoh>ooolcr in .tl** ,afi<-i?no"n. .The clouds wcro krayy ail.of that night; bnt, on yesterday morning early, they broke, and' the au? peomiqg forthj; ^vt'?sjono of O ie most beauti ful days, with a fine temperature, that could be wished ur. ali ??bi-on. UM City IWglB?W has ijnd/y fur-: nished.UB with tho quay ti ty of rain -uhr,), fell from two o'clock ot tho iilti to tt?e lame hour of fhc'lSth last past t\v. jit y-four boors which am. ..mts tc C< 1H.100 Inches. . 'PV?AT-H 'ofion?K WiTHnw^Th* Ga m der? JoUrnal of ' last Friday ment?ona the death . of ,)ad?? ?'SOSA.; JKK PERSON Wrrttfcattl Wh* dird at his resid? DOO at Hirk ? wood, oh tho hight of the Tib inst. Known and respect! ed ar he waa here, the announcement of his death will eau *o many ya feeling of_ regret, anda cloudea! Borrow m uktfc*3 fliper our' .pihids'hkwe thlnV?f ?I^CJOBB of BO faithful and able a* public servant at a time like thia. His refutation RB a 3^1 dge on tb* Jieirch of Bou th Caroli na baa never oren surpassed, and many years will paafe , pver the State before b-t* ?ee.his equal againnpon ?vi?t~! ?. .:. Sie . '-' .'. _.--.?''. I. * ? LA KATI: Tnt--Soon after the .evacuation of thc city, a t^^ttire*of '0eriy ^WjrirtE, p*T*?* by Fiueax, ia tlie highest style' of art, 'was taken from tbs Cc)un di Chamber, at thc Orphan II cm se, and little hopea was j .en^r^a^ed'ojj ltj?; hirtng1 cn.r sc.en agnin'. 'A fVfw days ago, however, ea-Mayo r. MKOUBIH Received > pao?uuje, Which, upoW Opening, Waa discover** to be this, valuable picture,, uninjured, and In the same caeO" in which it i waa whan anrrinri off liltltmigh,there, wa* hr? CfliTimu nicatlon of any jtfnd ef^ompaqying it, it is presumed that it was sent from Norfolk^ ^ j _ A'N^w'for?itr-We fadpBMng? our ?itr?angos, "Tkt? ? nOA?c?nV' ar pAjpier ? t'detoted to. literature; agriculture, \' ; ?pd general intelligence,!' published at-Marion, 8. C. We welcome this weekly; and con grat?late i thc proprie tor _Mr. 8 rn HEY E'MCMIJ^-AT?, .on the excellent appear .abcVof his paper,^iaseUW4ht^judicioukhesA<of his se lections. Ibx.lcader.on "Uu'LaJ^or, Question" is written with great clcarn?sf^, and displays' considerable judg "'< rnehtin an ?esiayn'ped thhv important matter, i Its ad vertising patronage' seems very good, and, upon the whole,- it is -one of the ;btet country paper? noW-being, ' published. It is issued every Wednesday, at f? per annum. ~Ji'p~'- ' 'fi ITT - ' J , Mn; p.?ays W. LLOV??, of the firmal D?KT, PA-LMKU A CoVBankCrs,'of Ixindon, has arrived in'our *iry. Tho house of" which he "fit a'member owns largely of the bonds of thc South Carolina Railroad Company, and Mr. Lix>7?>,ii* bpre to look after the interest of the firm; and to afford to the Company any'reasonable facilities \a help1 them through their present difficulties. Messrs. DRNT, PALMEB A Co. have large investments in South iXiiaVctiritlas; and Mr. I.LOV ii, :wbo represents the in, ex presses his great gratification at the honest purpose . which .appears to animate thc South: in her 'present financial troubled. THE hTKixiEn W.-TV. Cfit, a government transport, lately known aa Gen. QILX.VORE'6 boat, left this Qty on Tuesday morning last, Hthjinst,, for: J^ew York, to be "mustered outi)f service."' A little beiiow Georgetown she encountered, a, gal?, which became worse and .roree, and drove her. In a southeasterly course, to. within a few ?aww imUeajoHaxe Owl<fl>s<nsi MA.heavy.86a.siovsqu.iA? bulk heads, teanng.3wny.lht7 pantry, and, ol course, carrying along witb'it {fr? cutir?" s?ock' oT dishes, knives, forks, and nearIylaUuthe:proxiBlpnw;.apd worse than all, on Wetbiesilay morning a ?Up joint of ope of the ste ?rna pipes ' gare. way* p.nd sfce had to sf op in the midst of the galejpeeftiatlyStrobe?icrgy-of. winda rand waves. Our ??: linrormautasBuned na that nothing; .could surpass the coolness, ' vigilance,:- .energy,'- and un wearied assiduity of '"' : ' '^AV/???Vl>??|?'.":?|!;' ^*jr?-?h? '&?I<M Mr/^^.-swiiTf.' and Mr.'. . - G. W? 1?C?1E, the Chief Engineer, who. never- left their l^ojb^^hijjt^ni^ht uudjdayjwpr^ked on^.jLiU^c danger yian Thc water BUS the engine'roem, and the xmnipa bad t?> 1?V.. > J>ittt*r|tlv kept 'alf wctrk; ^-cool was heaved over-. 5 ,'board -, bu^j^tfaiUik^anding ajjl Lli[rr . xcrtioOH for many hours.", tiier?seenxcjcl i?'Ja?no qtii^r'p'rojspect b?t to take to'tbe_" water, Wliieb, in that si-A.^wiih "nothing but ' '' whiAktiea^ f.. V !1'C)ipt. H?ver, Capt. HI'NPELL, anC^CMjpjLi WM. TOWN SEND, O. 8. army officers.'iiartsengeVs-rm xioard, "worked with might and xuain, and too much earrii?t' be saSi.-jin; ptaitjeto* t Irene ger^Ucn^-nT. TT?X f 1 . f 1 .??vi The Cbj'J is. bullit verjr j'tron?lj^ with splendid : "J^qg ^framesj^ ?tl??erwfsc she cbuld n?? possibly liavo lived bi k<?'?,s) *<?T Tht? T'^?5 frjm! "j raTsadtsa vbr?^ iric?A*<?-' * "** "playing ?-attlcsnaTccT, ?fe the ?ii?lor6 0*111 It," but did not^To"tvhy-,^tUJla}cly. ^.>.' i ;.vlipj .She put aqou'frfttrsMajrW^1, herc yosterday cviiuing,J;l ? :> Kfddcdl}f(dtvnagvd-. .:Jt.jwillj prqbafelyi-.teVe a week or S1 r^01-0 Q xJtfV* to rttyp againrTJ -pjrj ; Tat Fi?E D?TAn-cMt*K -.I.'udeT this head, thc "WU mington Dispatch, of the ISth inst., epeakn.of thu prc paratiousAhat are nowJiyirg rapidly made for pla?^ig^ly the fire-(lernfcnierit'?f-4li???Vlt.v on a firm and efficient -- footing. , T,ho old bose haajieen Bent North for repair, - and Bomb two thousand fest of new are expected by th first Itjsa^er, whfls^e engines, y^bicb are injured bu* fiUphtlyj.arp to b.e immediately, put in order. We hope that the 'firemen of o?Y city aVe following the good ex- | . ample of o?r sisH*rcrty;"-urKl, is far as cir cum atantes will aUow, renovating Hie old apparatus which thby ii?V'> f. t LI haye ^MBaeasion, ,We aro/aHsj?led flredepit ' iacnf In tho Sbuth^ has shfftred -equai'W^thi that Of "a Charleston; anc? xr?krlow^ at the Sam? .t\rd'? that lhere flrj* no body of men to bc found possessing more energy and character than they. itn?f who|?r? 1 jvTt to be depressed or kept^ow^^y'niffifo^tuTie. Th'e Aasuranco offices, Ole city, and the crttzcnB"generally, must soon come-to ite, f mrjajtyfrrUh tel*tsn?jftns pan baarTor)iea,i ?pd tbcioijganiza II li ltV*4 T^^a^^tl'J^'t0??*^0^^^^ f1"*m 010 country, be preserved and protected. Under tho diaad vantages whlch-rV now labors, ita efficiency is remarks . ble, and is attributable io Un-^active exertions of the ? ' yoting men who corjippse it _in| the attention and expe rience of thoxj nf Jts he*dv, We sincerely wiBb thai iii ? T short lime, tho different companiefl may bc furniBbed : J 1 '.veit?f *n\?ii?V?4ii4- bl 'i ;!n^r*f.-liftdVtli*J- b nee more placed in tho encouraging position wAtluhiilhey held be fore the war. '.- ' ; ^~4 - , W. H. CuAyjsB?- For ali articles of groceries tliatmay r f J)e ^cal?cd hy dealcrs^oj wajitecj^by fjamHleSj we big" Urn i ,, treaters,ri{ tb\n morning's^issueJto jtferftoltb^; different advertisements of this gentleman, who lias ev?ry klnd; atrht?H}.?^?oi>?^ Skit (Buy, oppo site New Cua'tom.jaouse"'; : ."/ '.''y....( , J 1 ^Vivllin'dTONVV..^^^^t>man hos just recf?veil nt ills-tore,atm Iba East Ha), ti ?large supply of sides, . ,?, shouters, lard, ,cheo^e, ic. JiC.j wbloh Will le disposed . Li ofon.reaaonabVe teratfi, .' 8<Vliis'adver??^mei.t. 1 HSNTOVK AIi ?Stu-Those In want'oj'rsii-.-les of ah kfbdiV. liqijota of ihe best ipiahty, and ngan of the finest JUvpr?.nc,e4go.nolii^riWer1^'hn! ?l'el ?6#Jer' dt King and Sottety ateeets, Wher* this ?ITO hbMs ?orth, and where purchasers cari b? accommodated promptly and reason- .' .?>.. ;;"'v:l.;0" - -i::: . ??:n. ' "t??' P?tTt it co,-Th* reopening- of 1 this old house, at :tber^rH?ro.f?^o?^ thla t?rny r bad, before tho war,'so long . and so.Bue?f-siifyll)' ilo'nc bnaineaA,1 w?P rfe'highly. .graUfying*to their numerous'.: friends and formar (;viH.tvi"crs; Botftf'dletingulibed in this camm%Mitor .ss #>V(e%sthU^^^ ', foJghlj.dff^riaed on lb the prmihseingxif goc^^.weaje^ satisfied ll wllfsiatam. Il4good n?tnel' trp'd the generous Vp?tronage it han before r?ceiy'^,5^' r$ fneW 'atylttfjcr ' bustoCBB/b*T,br?ughaba>Vtetk^ -ti TUR POOR.-Tho ralbe with Which w.o.WJuno* peing :?'.'?:'< tl, r.tid th- hrcere* that now whititle aroiuul our houses .'liilibhts, u mal 15. pfdgd UH tit? ts, at this season Of U10 year, thVapproachof extreme COM weather, when /AeiuVetrT'j$ -i'fifl tJ^Onns 1 o icy oatls) and tho |att?r r.ssall us as thc catting wind ol' winier only 'caa. And fcUhourh tho wcathcrila nt the pr?sent timo peculiarly mild, wo must not - look fcc this ,-pJLen?int .temperature long, but we should riiklte preparstlons'for the comforts1 necessary to ward off niVefWcih of tho' 'Chilly Hints wldch aro bust ?Mg^oachrpg. The high-pcloefi of articles needed Tor 'this pirfrposc, fspectairy fuel.'tansc us to turn! our eyes to the p?or,, Ehd to: wonder bow'tAt? aro to struggle through thc forthcoming wlnter-^to-those of, them who labor bard and are unroquited for their work, and whose earutn 'sareJMt enough te pay for thc hum ble, ebert which covtwH.the?n, ?nd tho licht ibyd Uiolr children live upon-to those, also, upon whom disease bas laid her handelnd whose . wini ty subsistence comes trom friends who'oncVcouldTfjive bounttftnly,' mit, por. orly having overtaken them, their maana af* now but ?malle' j We feel pArtlcrdaifyariilou* ?hont ?di that are needy, DO? that wtntef ie eora lug on ; but we sro much D^Qrtt^QhcUona tp know (rom whence those ?rttsJas, of prfcna xuvastf ty ?i ?)ld w?tfw?tW? ?'rMV<5atV i\fto be obtained for .thoao . who. wUl.po much require it, but whose indigence w'UI fret-allow their getting lt The H tate and the City ar* imposer i shed,-an tl can not'give aid or help, while nearly oil of otu- benevolent citizens, Who In ftetfthtoes had,the mean^arnV&haritabte, and dispensed theil* Ifrndnesssn to this Aili ss wliAv a liberal hand," are dow but a little better off; than they to whom they once weja helpers,. _ . . Thw hr e-matter of? the most karlens Importance, and we publish these few Un ea in hopes that it will be taken up ejjni?siry', nfct - only hy those of oar chxdmanfAy-who tafe" alwi/s Sande lt a mle o'f their Uvea<o-assist the indigent, but by all who caa afford; thele^st ?lelp; foy we ?hould all ..... Look cia th? poor. t With genUe eyes; fir in such-bab j ts, often,, . ... Angels desire an ahas. WILLIAM M AT rn rrssEN. -The fine elo thing-house of this genOfrpan,' ^U- was thel fcchlOr ?ff the^ highly r?puUblo'concern or??iTTine?R?? O'llAn*-Wee*,] has | aljw?r?on b^ud" Jt? ?ric and as va|*e/Tan jnec-rvment of all arti.-les of,weaj-lng apparel as any we wouI3 desire to nt amine or purchase. 1 His supply ca* overcoats, as pub Lished^y bjm this m orbing, Js of aHruperior kind, and is well worth a"visit n-dm tho'so whom thi'cold weather will soon compel to atty. '' ?'? BRICKS.-Messrs. RKF.RRITT A VEJWINO advertise in tlu> 'mo.rn?lg'i? l^e - .M.OpQ' bricks, how ?. landing at southern Wharf, for"salo low." ' ' . . *; Hum APPROVAL.-Mrs. Sc A. Allen lately received a tetter from: ? lady, stating that at tho suggestion of numerous friends she purchased a bottlrj.of Mrs. H. A. Allen'? WorJd'e_llatiL Restorer and Zvlobdsomum, or Hajr.Prvi^Mut. .?n.?^it_cr ;u8in? a^ faw"Hm?s. ber hair,, which was quitejp-ay, was restorecTfo'lts youthful oolor, ' mil now Baif. wttB rtaqT /rppraring. No lady's toUet is complete without th?se preparations. Every druggist sidlatheni. . - ot CROCKERY ! CROCKERY! CROCKERY! CHINA, GLASS, ATD TEA?tTHKNW AH?-;. SAMPLE BOOMS, EA8THAY;COB. ADCIER^ WHARF. STEAMBOAT, RESTTAU'RAHTV'HOTEL AND BOARP-1 INO HOUSE keepers, Wohld do weU to give ns a call berore purchasing elsewhere. . . . All wares .sold at New York cash prices. . .- I No-.'ember 17 ; POND A DUNCAN; Agent?. HAY FOR SALE. MBALES PRIM? NORTH-RIV?? HAY; LAND INO this dsy from Schooner Sylvan,at Brown's Wharf. Up " ' l t' ? *? I ALSO nt ST?ojlE?: . ".. .1600 bushels OATH 8U0 bushels Cdrn !' . . ?, ?fyi bushels Bran, . 200 "bushels Pets. Tor sale by , ' " ." *?. 8AHLMANN, " Corner Reid and Mcoting streets. : November in .?;. . ?1* 'n,;v BRICKS. 1 CC ?Tif\?TV??f?ft.'' ?OW1 LANDING. AN*' JLfJ.\s\J.\J for sale low at thc Woodyard of 3B?RR1TT ft VENNlNO,-'6ou*ti*rri'Wh?rf. 'Noycmhc/ 17 ?? ' ~ ; :' c '?> ' 1*. ON RESUMING BUSINESS AT THE?R'OLD STAND, begieavo to-irrforrn their friends and customers that by-recen? arrivals, they-have received a general ?s sortjucut of GROCERIES, also a stock of Wims, Rrau ?iee, Uftdr.othei.^pirltR+JaB' pi. wbi^?]b?ve.fccoh care.-, fully selected, and aro offered for sale at moderate priced. They respectfully rob cit a continuance of the. patron ?yvJ.?^ /lIRCrLAR' S?V**:?II?T.MT??> ALL RINDS OF Mai. fe?? mim B. C. EBAUG?,?otU4.,r^iw^im^ Lh?tha;is Agent-Xor.LM<^M, Pool^ HtliLOctl. Page .Ai,' Ue<vql liajAimore^-aue, soyeipj.oUn-r?h?ptr'and isi?re pareatiQi?wrdsh^?gaohm^ ii^^s1a C.Hip ptortest uotice. Addrp^jnH?r^tiM?iAil?. * C?rner^ or " " 1 ImrmBfl -?amn; oj.- ^CTA?GH^MAAONEE. lOBiwwaiar.-jj :,t ikWHMiA>ttfr?L jt^gartc?ton. 80. Ca. v. !:ol : -J^~.? CfVRD.i i;3Vl???? i T "T ? SIGNOR ALEXANDRO .OAMBA'TP" 'F?KES ORfeXT? -.-rieapurs in informing hi? friends and the public at ^rf v. ftflkt is nowiPCnBfwBttmo&tad in Charleston,. und is prepared to resume his" prof?sClon. Applications, Bm VOCAL INST?ltycTIONS. or for instrucUons on the GollNET-A?t?lHTOI?i or EaASO, If Jtfi 1{< Hie Bookstore }f Mr. JOHN M. OREER, corner of King and Bean fain 3treete,rpt? at. h|a;:i$side*<]?v?n> King street, west .'aide, four doors above Spring, Will meet with prompt ?tten >ipn. f . - ia -. _ November-10' MRS. F. M. HARPED (bA?OHTER AND PUPIX OF i -chelate. l>xpf.,M. 8. .Rsjiysa),. offera her. services KB^trance, K?$tre?L''opp^ High' Jchool. .?.''" ', n;Ref? Gen..-JAM?SSIUO?JS; J>r. .Wst.'^T. "WRAOO, T. :iUAmjB?i[?jKiS and )pr. W, HLraocL" ' . ' <\\ Novemberl*_"" ' * ; ; " ( ORANXT^WIir^B [ GOODS; ' WE OFFER EOR' SALE THE VARIOUS ?YLE? of Goods manufactured by the "above' Company. On hand, fi,'Jin *-? and Drills; for aala_bf piece1 Or lackage^ . r . - ,- . . 4- . .TAFT A HOWLAND. jiovembarJC^ .:'e j \_7 . 8CABFALI-BTT? rOBACaG?^ CY CASES, WMIIMillrVn TOBACCO. FOR SALE c?cA?Vki?i*?A:4o?:,": : November 15 wfj No. lAO-Al.eotin? street. RHE CHEAP SEGAR St?RE HAS REDUCED H .? Sharia lK.ta agam te aO'ccnta? pafAa??4.i LTLORENZT,' ?eW??^ .1N?TIC^K. tfA?yiNO r?EdEiilED' T^E AO^N\IY ^oh "BE LINER'S" celebrated' PHIEADELPHTA LAG inHyrpw^M ^pWiPrepared to receive order^, as-only a lmltcd quantity wifrbe received'per each steamfr. .? .-. .'J ,/,-. MANTOUE A CO.. Corner King and Society streeL I Hov?mber'.l*.: ; 3 ..........^ ?ALE,^ ir/~\ CRATES OF CROCKERY, .'?tiftT: REtEfVED, (jRj . direct irhrn iha pnttertca in England, : NoVcnTber 10 ~ -J- ?" ^ ' WILLIS A OHIBOLM. ' f JW). ClMP?EriW CO., A OENTfl FOR FRENifH BURR MILL STONES AND1 ?gS\ MOX. MAQHLNElUf^ Hcrw Li . Markft, opposite WEST SIDE, ONE H00R80VTII OF MARKET-ST. miiE uhLVH#&^^ OK J^. purchasers to his firi> assortment of VttPw&ii/?t?rVi ' At* ~r\mT4-T%.T*"V-'-??'' . -' -! ' '. Arl?-' I ?.2 FURNISHING- ARlriGL?ES V,)>U.h he ofjproat MOIIER?TE ?tiejsi?. h ?'. i A full supply of '..T.:-'. ' .ll.' ; , ..- , Just -pened' cf various' ojbaj?ti?i; sud new ?tylcs. THEVAMING ^???"KSNT,' *rA>?k*ti %ITH A FINS UNS OF- NEW .\ND4EA8QNABLE GOODS, WHICH HE WTLLTtfAKK , ? UF TO ORDER IN THE BEST MANNER.' ; ,. WM. MATT.HESSE!*, Af .cpl, Tho senior pf *.?!)>-known old C har lesion fy-ni of J??te?IESfeEN, O'HAR? A CO. -.laws i: u?vrvrn^ m . V^mKD ?LOTHLNG AT. WHOLESALE. November IT, ., _ , _3_ . JPOUTFABY AND HI?PORT B?dWifjfctf m 'XjjllE IJ?PTEK ' STATES. mHFjrONOBRSIONBD HAVE Irl.PRJESS, AND WELL ?_L abortly publish, a Work with the apovp Utle. ' Il will also contain Biographical Kketobee ' bf deceased Northern ??H ?^ir??>pr? of^cej^FiJVfVdesignod to bo a I standard Work, moro compiPUTl?si any that has been I OT rrj sr be hereafter published, and will bc sold by IUD eVrinUori'toiay; -With fin cf ?tot? J? ono vol Smo ?T WSodt -eight hundred" la?^?rV?^Wd-cblninn , - nuoM A ?m STTX.FA or onrniKo : In Extra Cloth.$ In Library Loa thar:. v.i ^ii ;AJ. ti.00 In Half Turkey Morocco, dark.,_ 6.60 - In Half Russia, extra gilt..ii.V; *7.P0 ' In Full Morocco, antique gilt edges,....... . 0.00 . . In Full Russia.v .-. . 9.00 Payable on delivery. Local Agents sro - appointed in all the" cities and prin cipal towns) ?Early application alroifld bo made for Agencies. A bound Prospectus, containing sample pages of the Work and np::!roens of binding, with ruled pa peletea- ftubsenlbfrB' names, .sent .froc;of-?pogtage on rc cerpt~of:$l.J Jd?ross I i I" j'Jj! ?I'H ? D. APPLETON A CO., Publishers, i ..' .'? Nos^t? attV'4i6'Pr?ad?:ay,| Now York. November it . * 2* " ?aaaSMMMathMMM^^ .. GOLD, BTLVF.K :.: .J .a . . . '., HT. A^D SX-G-XX'T DRAFTS, .:. r . os Ne wYork,Phil adelphi a & Boston. For sale by P. H. KEGLER, Banker. - ? i t?. T Corner.of King and Hasel-strects. . .Also collections made on all tb? ?ejtjlea in .'the United States, Canada, Nassau, Ac, kc' 'Novemher lb THE lliGHEST PRICE . PAID FOR GOLD, . V,,. :? V,mm^ EXCHANGE, . .. ..AT . , .. ^ . P. H. KEGLEIt'R EXCilA?VGK OFFICE, CORNER OF MINO AND HAS EL-STREETS. - October 25. . ., .., . . wfm F?EW Y?EK A^~LlYEB?00L EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE? ON NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL FOB sale in sums to ault purchasers, tl"- I ry rjOHOt W. WU ,1.1 AMA A. CX> J -October 17 >?* - wfEI -.-i C_ M ere han ta AncfOfcukcrs. GEO. W. W1LLLIAMS k CO., Merchants & Bankers, .'400,000. BJJNPS Cn?f OF AUGUSTA.I SAVANNAH, COLUMBUS, 'MEMPHTS and COLUMBIA. ..1*0,000 IIONES SO. CA. RAILROAD COMPANY. : rr?r<. t SOURI, a . T .?.ai : . jrr - , .$710,000 BONDS./tillEfcXVmitJi and COLUMBIA 1st Kl f sir*1 380BTnlA(M4-R. K.-."B0ND$. .... '??$10,000 COUPONS ?TATE ./3a iX, SO,. CA. and -. '.' ' ? i..-.'i.?BCdMHA.iM .,.(>. tr . -, . $70,-000 C?lfPONtii W -T?a.'FCsLL?WISG" RAIL :?->.. ' ROAD8: ';.-< -e-- . SOUTH CAROLINA; NORTHEASTERN, MEMPHIH! an4uiL\RLMKtiJ?H|?c?OMERY an<l WEST POIN^I; 8PARTANIiU|6fIn? IMfiN. CHER.VW and UARC?NW TON, aREENVTtLE-^ifliT'c'hl/DMrtA. CHARLOTTE andK:0|tUMBIA,,airdi E>\ST TENNESSEE and OE0R GI\ Iljni^tOAD. fmyl2T_October VJ X> PITIES. Also, BONDS AND COUPONS. ' Appry to/- ' r - L "-QA M B K I LL. Banker. ! .'October-2*-i x ? ...Imo' j u No. T Broad-street. . OLD AND slt^i^C^?^JEORGIA RAILROAD VIT and- Basking Company Notes, City of. August Bdnds. Apply to - CONNER A WIL80N, Bankers, and Brokers, November IS . . !Nu.' S Broad-street n fj Li ? ajj 'rrlH^OT^CxSB^?^Av^^^^^ ON COM r?Ij SIftNMENT, direct from. Europe via Nassau, per ?O?ice Flora:," the fonowing'very desirable Goods, which they offer to thc-'trade at a small advance on cost, viz: PiaCES, SUPERFLNE ENGLISH BLACK CLOTHS, fpU : ;30i?. wide- . :' '. .- . ? ' . .: Baies Blue-Gf?iy B?fhketir - ! Bales Mfeu'S Gray Army Serge Shirts . ' .' .SolidlHeaOcd Flu? ~" . ' ?lack Pina ' Pounds Black Linen Thread. NoeC '20, 251 00, 3?, 40 100 coila Rope, ..Hemp Bale" ' Bofel^rsp^ 25 lbs. t p^i .TAMOMOH MAMU, 1 .".. ^ff?^^^.., ? ; r? - SUPERIOR BH1RTINGS. :"' 1 '.... .?-"- -1 A-tr?/ - I ' A general assortment of HARDWARE. 1 . . ."'? 2 I-*"* '-EDG?imiN'A ?RICHARD8, No? Wami .'34 Broad-stroet. ..Ncrvemtttfr IB. ". ?'. 3? | r.'.V. * . 3;-?.'v .? mwf 3 v " "BUOOIESY W?aijES ! ANEWLAND FP.F?H SUPPLY OF FINE LE AT HER TgPj"iAtV;H A5tt O?maqK BUGGIES. Also. NU-TOl1?! bi ill descinpTl6TlsTTlhd Vfino supply ol 6ttl?aLJaVAND DO llb LE HAi?N?8S,_ at low prices, at "W?rdicr*atand,-s*MhW>st^ee?n**'3leeang and Went worth streets. NATHAN A OTTOLENOUI. . '?^.ejpbepll?':-'- j j jTTt|<i| WM ALE AND PCRTEBA ' MK) ddBMK'Auaop's Pale Ale ,'ir-irr8i>ft dPWilws^VPorter. . Just received, and for sale ny 'J . ,7'??;';, N,AT?AN A OTTOLENOUI, Southwest cbrntr Meeting aud Wentworth streets, . ' Agents for A. M. OL Smith's JMPRO.YED STITCHED LE AT 11 WK WJrWfflll of ah sires. ??i November 16 , .... ... , W?2 JJtERCflAKTS' HOM STABLES. P. ^L?I*>E, Pi*oprietox% ; !: : ?!?>.,?th SCKJIETyrSX?XiJB^.NEAR KANO. r?ikii<kArL FOR I "i fC? tIBllKAL PATRONAGE 1 be bas receiyoJ, he begs to inform tho pubUf that b^-. eifeAdM^btfbfadnesa^and^s noWjpre^?rlfflTb Horaes^'?e^?m'ir?^dss^aonnf^ery ?f?fe a^d comfort a*fW?Pl?^k*C?r?t?lr?ad1 abd steamboat, calla. ' Funeran? S5?SMS36OO*<? Hearses and Carriages. Also sick raTa^noTiePaltended to. ( n T_n Noveuaberll- ! /.LiTtOM ? HTlHMiIOD*:. . '?IOC-'IH ' ..'! ' ONE' PRICE Wi.)O' >'" 'r t.l\K; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND NOW OPENING Goit Sing and Hasel S ts., ' " ? " A FULL'STOCK OP < . ET?., ETC.,' ' v?uicb. we w?l soll ae low as can bc bought in any NORTHERN MARKET. VMM i 'Mf?rr1,- imm . WALL PB.ICES MARKED TN PIA?NKF????URES, ^PYohi'whifch^rrerV^ll be no<loi iation.O 1 Tho friondu of Captain B. ,\Y: oJcTLTHEOUN, for merly of tho houao of Meas. MATTHIESS?X, O'HAHA &> OTA., will find- hun at thia houac^reayj.v. to serve thom bt all'ttlnee.l I j jrM?ei?^-W1MJAMS k PARKER, - Corner of llasel-street, . '. CHARLESTON', S. C. I November 16 DRAPER AND TAILOR. CLOTHS, CASSIMKKKS AND VESTINGS, IN EVERY VARIETY, 31 A DE TO ORDER. FURNISH^O'O^ODS'T^Tt GENTS* WEAR. CORNER MEETI7iGI AMD. MARKET STS. November i lyr ,, CLJ bJ.AP ' IB RY C O ODS;' King-street, 31 dour* Saut]? of Giillioun. CHOICE W?BJNPE8, VARIOUS SHADES, at SO cents . Arnual} lot Printed IV Lain es, at 'iO cents Soupir d'Eug?nie, a beautlfdl Stripe, at 60 cents Flam, Shaded, and Plaid Pojdina; Black Baratlien, a : MUi>. riu*\dfo/!H article. forL?aloB; H-4 Brown and lil. a.-bcd Table DarnatT?s; Fine Opera aird Welsh Flanuels; Super WU i tc and QrA? jm?i'K',tH. Shawls, Ac. ; Black and Fancy Clothe. Caasrmfewijj and Satinets ; a [ItUi \ asHo-tun-nt -of' La'd?eV and Oc??tVHOeiery. ftc. .*?-?? , rTr. '?AAHT T'yr-i.Vr-irjJ. GOUDKOP, ? -^-ttO-TCinR-HtrfccfVO aodrs?$outh of Calhorn gS- JAMES R/VDY-tfurijuifLy, with FogarUc* .V. SL-U uian. wUl be pleased to ire ho) 'old friends and patrons. November is ....... .'ii c* AT THE lX ., FORRESTON & MCLEAN, JOBBERS AND DEALERS IN GERMAN, FRENCH, ft rtaglt?? and Anu-mcdin/TOJiS, Hosiery..TfhumijigH. and Fancy Goods, Hat?fCaps, "Fife Works7 Abd' Yankee NoHoAa. V .. ... - . 621 King-st, near the Upper Guard House, F 3 'i r\ ) 11 CHARLESTON, 8. C. Sewing Machines. ?HntDOERTON St RICHARDS HAVE RESUMED THE Xi Agency o? the improved WHEELER. A WILSON'S' HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING. MACHINES, andar? now^iepare? M fill orders, haj heit to fore, at tba Manu facturen?' prices. 11 The" WeR-known .aad,-aciinowlodgc4 jmperiority. of 'these Machines dV?f ?lreih*ers fort jriAnafaotuiing and household purposes Insures to those lu want ot such an article of household economy that, in ob tait -.j one of IIMHU, ut;. Wilt Bccurc,^ urcuiy <"yi'" 1 . OT familj1 sewing, and-tblh? U*eM ?Jamstresses, dress makexs, tailors,,manufa?turers.of shjrts, cellars, skirts, ciSJta,, mantillas.; clothing, hat*- cap?*, corset*, ladle*' b?ols and:shoes, l?lonrfu^s. nrnnre'Jla?, parasteis, Ac. '. ' They wbVk'e<j>i?lly w?li'upxm sRk, linen,- woolen, and irottonigoodfl/ wltX" aHk.ifotton,^ huon, thread. They will,Kellin, quilt, gather, hem, felL.cofd, braid, bind, anil perform any speclrH of sewing,- m?kln? a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on Iwtb ryden pt thc article Bowed- . ... EDGERTON A RICHARDS. "November 8 Nos. 32ana M Broad-street. furniture ! Fiirniture ! JihMMM ????<?< LATEST, JkSD MOST.DURABLE STYLES. , j ^miiV^^Y & co., Nos. l*f ud i*s MEETING-STREET, ?. I' - wARMn?caEa': ' !*. ' - Roa-J 38 Am>f55;.aASBIilSTIlEET. RESPEOTFOLLY INFORM.THEIR PATRONS THAT they wih receive, on the 18th instant, tho SIXTH CARGO of desirable fcOTTAOE FURNITHRE. at'wbich time thefi' w)U bo prepared to supply them at their usual moderate ralea . . L_;_November 9 Sashes, Blinds, ' Slaws, Cotton GINS. ETC. , ltf|f| ARE PREPARED, UNDER RECENT ARRANGE* VV ; ' MENTH, to furnish at price? beyond competition as follows : BASHES, BLINDS AND BOOBS (on orders) ' Baw Milla, of ah description*. Portable, Ac. Planta? Mills : : .. . ' Tango* and Groove Macbinos . -. Circular Saw? .... , .jut . l?BBaca.: M* I - r .. . ^tilla, Gins '* Corn Shnllers. ' AndaBkiDdaet AGRICUX.TUBA1, MACHINERY, upon spocifloationa. J^^fmU^Nin, LKIraftbtf?u . Pv^^Ti?^y^^-'^9' ..' -ii- '- tff '.- i,;< rr .-' rr ;:' ' r r j AUCTION SALES. Salt CoiduiueiLof lira (;,.<? k Ch Mug, Nvlio . . MlKAY Ai CAMPD-Eftl. WU1 MH. T411K TbVY.. 17th iiivi.. at lU?>VlocTr,*t il SaloD HII.MII-. Nw Wand N Ha?ftJ-atre.'t, CALICOES, Wool, I'LA IDS, HOSIERY Lin. ii sliirt ilOK.iji,^. ii.mi SkirtA MottM/mnais, ?*i?i M. in .n:ii.|iil< j?. ..j!...' (bdJer? I'lijUi/.iud* Room iMjM-r. IN rfutuery. Soaps, whoilints. Ret?nete ?Vssimc'sesj.thvjr ,Wuol HIiirtK au?U}ra.Won. . .? . ALMU, l ram A*si?KT:rjj.<:v.oT??;.v:.over. <-.n... Pant?, Business Coite, vests, AV., Ac. \ Conditions msW M I. j-., . jN.j\.i'.UM7 h~iirtlllfiYf..<irnl Furnish) nqs of Restawani. t?L ..... AY. .* A ? PBKIA Will fabfl THIS ?Vfjiv. Itto fn-dant.. st'10 o'clock, at '.il r Kales Rooms, Nos. IWami s2 Hand.street, M vHoi>ANY ' BEDHEADS, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Sideboards, Chairs, What-nots, Ottomans, Rosewood. Marble Toi> Table. O fibre Desks, Now Spring Matin Due New Moss Mattresses, Mahogany Cribs anil Sprint M alinya complete; Secretaries, Clothes Press, BDdgeilC* ral assortment of Euruitnre, dud Mahogany Counter. PLATED DISH "COVTRH^AND ? ill APING OIH1IE H Castors, China, Vegetable Dirie ?. Fruit Dishes. Ac. Stair Carpeting, Carnet?, Matting,' Ac. Conditjona cash. ~._j November IT Carriages and Ne'io "ifarneti. m< it A Y dc Camnui WU" sch THIS DAY, '7th instant, at ?0 o'clock st ??r i^.' ' Stores, "Nos. 80 and 62 Hasel-?treet, fr5^ ' . TWO OARRI AGES, m good order. ^ .. Two Beb. Double Harness. T?h'iVlSfW.lkX?u^?Jaiato r }.?. * " J iQm??mjm%mVmmt\ Mule? dj?rspi?! -: 3 Conditions cash. November 17 T, - - BY. A. P. i:M.nAVr.LT.. THIS DAY, tho 17th inst., will be sold, at Store No. 205 East Bay, opposite New Custom House, at lo o'clock, on account of the Underwriters and all cou cenfee?V - r h Judi cb ta tri. OOIii??G??E A 2 chests Imperial Tea 3 chests Hyson Tea. -'DaiAagdd.on board steamer-.GA.her passage from New York to this port. Conditions cash. ?? . Novembe r 17 tine Furnitur,' ol AuCtton, '??df? i IWyPASD SON. THIS DAY, November 17, 'Sf half-past It) o'*! lick prc clsely? we,wlU.a?U nt.our Store, .No. 17 Hayne-street. sundry lots fine new FUTiNTTCItE; ' nbusisfiNti iH Viift'oi': 1 Octagon eight-square Mahogany-post FRENCH BED ?lead, with Mahogany cornice; 1 Black Moss Mattress, new ; 1 Ano large Curled-Hair Mattress, new ; 1 anti largo Feather Bed; Bolster, and pair of Pillows, all now; 1 tine: Rosewood Cantrc^Iabliy, 1 fine large Dinlng-Table; 1 now Loungoj 1 fCrfin'dje Bedstead and Mattress: 2 Cbll dre&'s._Cribs; With Ma?tresses; 1 Wardrobe; 1 Cot Mat tie^-arni PiUo^s, new"; Mahogany. Bureaus; 1 Writing Desk; \ Book-Case" rd?z. Cali?-Se?trChairs;-1 Walnut ExtenSloh Dining Table v 2'Cooinig Stoves ; 1 Enclosed Mahogany Washstand, Ac, Ac, Ac. At ll o'clock we will sell a large lot of NOTIONS. Ho siery, Huttens, Needles,.' Pins, with lbt? of other trifling things Just Suited^ the city retail and country trade. "Conditions cash, aiKl sale positive, without reserve. -November 17 - . . .7:1 DrhO?oili, Chining, Hat*, ?tc. BY MILKS DRAKE. WillseU, at 10 o'clock, THIS MORNING, nth instant, at my Store, corner of King and Liberty -cts., A general assortment Of DRY GOODS, received by steamers Starlight and E. B. Souder, consisting in part as follows: 40 pieces White. Gscy' and Red FLANNELS . IO pieces. Scotch Plaid1 ' 1 case Satinets, 'plain and fancy . 10 pieces Melton Cloths i WjTler**; French -said English Merinos and. Coburg Cloth" .' ?. ' ?? 1 balo Hickory Stripe for Shining 100 dozen Grey, White and Fancy Merino Shirts and Drawers . Pieces Black and Grey Mixed Broadcloths, Fancy Dress Cslicoes, Loincloths, 7-8 anil 4-4 Brown Home spun, Hoop Skirts.. All-Wool Scotch Long.Shawls, Black, and Fancy Square Shawls, Black Cambric, Check Spreads, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Lambs' Wool Hose, CldlArexf'a.FanCjt Hose, Mcjn'f Wool Half iHase,. Ladies' and Misses' Worsted Hoods, Worsted Nubias', Gents* Worsted Mufflers; Pants, Hats, Ac. November 17 (POSTPONKO ON ACCOUNT OF THE WXATHZB.] Groceries ?agid Snndries at Auction-Sale po sit i cr. 1 RY7 DAVID; B-UWOW. ' THIS DAY, the 17th instant, at No. 153 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, I will sell, The entire contents of said Store, consisting of TEA, Salt, Baskets, Pepper, Starch, s.u .mies, Mustard, Coffee, Cheese, Nutmegs, Cloths, Zinc, Brandy, Whisky, Wine, Iron and TJIn yare, Scaley, Ac. Novctnbcr 17 ASSIGNEES' SALE. TTir -Scttooner "Martha Ann," About seventy tops burtliep, now lying at Hasel-stree t wharf, with all her sails abd tackle, will be sold st Pub lic Auction, for thc benefit of cr?ditera, on WEDNESDAY , the 22d inst, at 12 o'clock noon. ? For further, particulars Inquire of -j S. CAHILL, Argu?e, , . Bay-strv?f;, Charleston. ! :...!'. . uno. ;w. ATw COD, Agent, Hilton Head. . Qr.yl' th? Auctioneers, McKAY A CAMPBELL. Nos. 80 rind" 82 Haiel-iHtrecr, Ohnrleston. November IC 6* PRIVATE SALES, .'111 lull DAnYiiUte JJttotA J)>t>at?ila for salt: BY H. II. I). I.Kti.\, ,L ...A.three^tory BRICK DWELLING, contain ing Yi square rooms, pantry,' dressing-rooms, tpmnb-'Kbvlrwi.yV gas.'Cistifru, an dall necessary _OUt-buildlnga, situated in Gr.ctm-stroet, oppo rtte Charleston College. IjOt 40 feet l'ront by 1G2 feet deep. f?jF OrmiVic:, a?W<pr*a ^ j. N^vcifflibJTT '' fui2 ^ ^Nn.'-^BItOAD-STREET. C\nnfijfttitJile Ikaule?c'? ?2 'T^ricnt?lSale. , i BY A. ?T. SALINAS. . ' At ' Private Bale, ' tlrnt; c?htfortablb' 1 (wooden> [ ndDttNCJj l?d. I8'(east telito) Washmgton ' Hticet^'roirtahiiug 6'sqnare rooms.' Upon the elot-w,njeh biesjuires io feet front by 100 feet in is'a' coinTbrtible kitehen with fbt?r rooms, and otri?r.'o^t'-bnildfngBi-'H'applied-ibr soon, wiU be sold to*:"'Apply aa ?bdvfc, fe n " . November 17 Nos. 23 and 25 VBHPOT'EAHOB. I ! " _etfo'^t,y^.l/^^^^b^ra)id^//nrwc8?. At Private Sale Ond nair very bur CARRIAGE HORSES, gentle and well broke. One well btred Brocal More; good under saddle. One small bay Brood Mare, quite fast in buggy. One young Mare Pony! g?bd and gentle undle eaddi e. ' .Six*'tine Mules, WM I brOkoto ?nd in good order. 1 Oric:Fonr-horeo Wagon, wIUi Cloth Top? in good order. " Five sets of MOIe Wagon Harneas. - The above can be seen, and particulars leamad, upon application an above, at No. ?O' H AS EL-STREET. Novembery- ' ' '-'?' ? . . 3?_ . . ' >-: At .?Private Sale. ... BY NATHAN AND OTTOLBNODI. We will sell,'at Private Bale, ail that- LOT OF LAND, with Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon, situated No. lf> Mills street; 'House containing four Rooms. Lot measures forty-seven feet front, by one hundred feet clttep, Xbaabove premlse^will pe sold low if applied f?r imaofdlitoly. ^-jwiy-' '? ''? November 10 T?attnabk\ ?otlyn J'Uiiitatioii in jbklyylcld lhstrict, South Carolina. DY Ti K.VVAGE HB Y WARD Si SONS. Will sell at Private Salt, all that valuable PLANTA TION known as OURRTNGTON, situate Ul Edgeflcld Dlsb?cti B? OU' M Ott MjiHTfnwd from August* to Edee- . rUld'Ociitt Hivnsbi htthubil .nlloWfrom 'Augusta and t?Ut?eil ff wu, Eduealcild Court House, containing, as per Pla?.'fhT?teen liirhdrVd knd forty-eight (1348) acres, more or less. On 'the PlanthUOn there is a fine Residence, rontaining.elcven rooms; Kitchen, Stables, Barna, Ma chine' H?ime,' ampio quarte rs for laborers? with ah re quisite buildings ft?ra WeW-settled Flontotlon. ' "This* place is considered one of the best tn thc District for the prodticthip of cotton, corn and Wheat; and, with a crsekjrunnlnB U'rcuiKh thc land, affording ample water facilities for a,"uirgiB jinlll-seat or factory. Also, a large and productive'Orchard ot well" selected fruit tree?. Aay o Bte wishing, to purchase Une Cotton, Lands would do well by eltpljlntrar oiir Office; No. Its tt'st Bay, where th? Plat may bo peen ?nd all narticulars given. November 1 wfm3 wag a-*a^?a^a>!aaaa?aB5a^^ WASHINGTON RACE C0UE8E. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 3 O'CLOCK. Kunnlng Bille Heats, 9 la 3. |1M0. ? P*. Lil enders ai m. Kat? bray. JINNET enters b. m. Little Emma. . November le 11 , (., , ,_ 'a's AIIICKT llALb, NOVKMBBR O, 186Bv ?kl . No Fishermen shall bo allowed to cry their Bah .bout the ?tr^tslir-th?tlty until they hs ve peid tbeir market dues. And a written or printed permit to that ef fect be gre?hil by tWClerk ot Assistant Clerke. Dy nrdsr. , . JAMES A MURRAY. November 4 Chief Clerk of Maskat?. ? . . ^ ' '. '. 1 i. J ?