The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 09, 1865, Image 4

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7"_ _ CHAKLESTON DAILY NEWS....NOVEMBEK 9, 1805. rnjTT? CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, G. It. CATI?CART, Editor. CATHCART, aicHlLLAN & MORTON, PROPRIETORS. No. 18 HAYNE-STKEET. TI511MS?CASH. DA.?.Y?ONE YEAR.SIO.OO D.V.?.V...SIX MONTHS.5M0 DAILY- THltr.E MONTH8.* ?<> 83- Single Copies FIVE CENTS. ?y Ncwb Dealers auppltod ot a hbcral discount. JNTews Summary. Tlio stcniiibhip Atlanta, which ?b now nt quaran tine in tho lower Va-Y of New York harbor, left London tlio lOtli, and Havre on the i2th October. Most of tho paasengora were taken on board nt Havre; tho majority of these came in tho ateerage, and from boh?o of them tho cholera developed. On the first day out, a child was taken aovercly sick; the discaao rapidly developed, and tho symp toms soon showed, vinmiatiikably, tho presence of cholera; on the next day tlio child died. Tho body waa sunk in the ocean, and tlio ship went on, from that moment, u Hunting peat-honsc. The surgeon, it ia said, thought proper, to avoid alarm, to conceal the fact from the paBscngera that chol era woe the cause of deathl Efforts woro made to disinfect the aliip, and keep it in aa cloan a condi tion na possible. To a groat extent thin was found iinpoaaiblo. Many of the stecrago passen gers Doomed to delight in being as filthy as possi ble, and kept their quarters in tho worst condi tion. Others soon began to aicken?death after deatli occurred?and woro buried in tho ocean in losa than an hour aftor they had breathed their last. Fifty or sixty cases of attacks of cholera, it ?b said, occurred during the voyage?of tliia num ber, fifteen died and tho balauco recovered. A Convention of Fire Insurance Underwriters waa hold in Now York on the 15th instant, at the Undorwritera' Chambers, in tho Manhattan Lifo Insurance Company building, No. ?5GBroadway, at which a roaolution was passed organizing for the purposo of a united effort to Bccuro the paaaage, in the next Congress, of a national bill of inaur anec in order to do away with all State legislation on tho subject of insurance, and placo insurance companies upon tho same general basis as nation al banks. A hill waa introduced in the luat Con gress, on the petition of Cyrus P. Sarrru and others, for the establishment of a bureau of life insurance, which was favorably conaidercd, and the bill printed and laid over to next March. The meeting was addrcaaed by Mesara. 8lacpdury, Hoi'K and Hkald, of Now York city, and by Mr. Noves, of Connecticut. It ia probable that all the other insurance interest j will combine and co-opc rato together for tho success of tho measure. A very interesting relic ia now exhibiting on Boston Common. It is the Jog cabin built in Ma con county, Ulinois, in tho year 1830, and in which the late Frcbidont resided for two yeara. Mr. Livoln and Ida friend Joun Hanks coiiBtructod this rude habitation thirty-live years agoj by their joint labor. It was removod from its original site by Mr. Hanks, who, wo may add, wont with Mr. Lincoln 011 his somewhat celebrated llatboat ex cursion to New Orleans. Tho log cabin ia now attracting considerable attention in Boston. It was for a timo on exhibition in Now York, in an establishment having tho reputation of containing bo many humbugs, that the pcoplo did not credit ?-its gonuineness, and, therefore., did not go to soo it. Got. Oolesby, of Hlinoia, Btatos tho cabin now on exhibition ia the identical one built by Ann ah am Lincoln, Thomas Linooln and Joiin Hanks. Tho heads of Departments at "Washington are busy in preparing their reports for Congress, and most of them will prosent a satisfactory condition of their affairs, it is believed. The General Post office, under the efficient administration of Gov. Dennison, has not only greatly extended its ser vice at large expense, but will exhibit a surplus accumulation of about a million of dolla rs. Tax payers will bo glad of this. The lower house of tho Missouri Legislature, which convened at Jefferson city on Thursday, 2d inst., olected the radical candidate Speaker by a vote of sixty-nine to sixteen. Gen. Fbank P. Bi.Ain, Jr., having, in a recent speech, charged that there was fraud in the counting of the votes cast at tho election by which the now constitution of the State waa declared adopted, the Secretary of State, iu a communication to the Legislature, asks that a commission bo appointed to make a recount and decido the matter. Havana papers give additional particulars of the insurrection in the island of Jamaica. It broke out in tho district of St. Thomas, and is led by a man named Paul Bogle, for whose capture the British authorities have offered a reward of two thousand dollars. Britiah troops have boeu sent to the disturbod region, and two Spanish steamers have gone thither from Cuba, to protect Spanish subjects and render such assistance to the Eng lish aa may be needed. The lower house of the Mississippi Legislature has passed over the Governor's veto a hill abolish ing the Special Court of Equity established by Provisional Governor Sharkxt, and it is said that tho Sonate will likewise pass it. The Legislature baa appointed a committee to solicit of President Johnson the pardon of Jacob Thompson, Seorotary of the Interior in President Buchanan's Cabinet, and subsequently one of the reputed Confederate agents in Canada. In Copiab County, Mississippi, a difficulty re cently occurred between tho Shoriff and the Agont of tho Freedmcn'n Bureau, terminating in the former imprisoning tho latter. Gon. Ostkrhaus, upon learning of this, sent thithor troops, who liberated the imprisonod official, and the county waa again placed under cloao military surveil lance. Thoro waB another Government auction sale of cotton at 111 Broadway, Now York, on tho 3d inet., at which about twonty-six hundred balos were disposed of, at avorago prices o? sixty cents for middling fair qualities, fifty-six conts for fully middling, fifty and a half conts for good ordinary, forty-two cents for ordinary, and sovonty-ono conta for soa islands. Tlio English Government has given its adhesion to the proposal of Franco that an International Sanitary Conforoncoshould assemble at Constanti nople with tho object of devising moasurea for pre venting tho ?pread of cholera from Asia into Europe, and removing, aa far as poaaiblo, tbo oaueou which load to outbreaks of this opidomio. Tho proposal had beon favorably recoivod by most of tho Europoan Govornmoute. Tbo Collector for the Third District of 8outb Carolina reports to tho Agricultural Department four loon cotton manufacturing firms withiu bis dis trict. OS- AU communications intended for publication in this journal must be addressed to the Editor of the Daily Arews, No. 18 Hayne.shx t, Charleston, \ S. C. Business Communications to Publisher of Daily Netas. We cannot undertake to return rejected communica tiona. Advertisements oidside of the city must be accompa nied with the casli. CHARLESTON"."" -?-?- - THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER t?, 1805. "WlIO MAY BK THE MINISTERS OF THE Queen arc the accidents of history," says Mr. Disraeli, in very doubtful grammar. "VVo need not sny tbat it was not, while Chan cellor of tbe Exchequer, that the great Com moner used Ulis language. The accident? of office linvo much to do in moulding our senti ments. Speculations on the probable change of m?D?6trj' have been tho order of the day for some timo past in every paper, magazine or roviow that roaches us from the other side of tho water; and this was tho case before we heard of tho doath of'the.great Premier. A long Parliament (six years and five weeks in duration) had just closed, undor the auspices of a party aud ministry largoly composed (us to its loaders at least) of men far advanced in life. Tho administration sustained severo blows, by tho hand of death, in losing such mon as Sir Georoe Cornewall Lewis, Sid ney Herbert, aud the Duke of Newcastle; and now England mourns tho loss of her greatest Statesman?and his party their great Coryphocus, who for years guided their steps, oud so often had led them to victory. Ho alone, of all the public men living in Eng land, commanded tho respect and confidence of all parties, and in a great measure dis armed the habitual virulenoo of the opposi tion press. In office, his wisdom, tact, lcn^ experience in Btate craft?tho more influenco of his name and the confidence of his Sove reign?rendored his party almost invincible. Palmerston was "many-sided," as our cousins-german call it?infinite in expedients, lie seemed born with a talent for diplomacy ?a faculty not as frequently* met in England as on the Continent. Ho could hold his own with a K-AUNiTZ, a Metteumch, a Tallkv RANiVor whoevor else might be.pitted against him. Dickens, in his "Uleuk House," says tbe Court of Chancery is constantly engaged in studying "How to do it;" so, on occasions, tho noblo Viscount knoAv " How to tell ii." Let a turbulent member of the opposition rise, aud call for the papers on somo intricate or otherwise unpleasant subject, or ask for an explanation on some vexed point, and Lord Palmerston, with a smile of geniality, bland and cheerful in his manner, and in the most courteous terms, would proceed to enlighten tho interrogating membor by a most finished exorcise in tho art, "How not to toll it." This is a negative virtue, to bo sure; but not the less necessary to a ruler of men. How ever, enough of Lord Palmerston. The Queen, we loam, has called his friend and colleague, Earl Uubsell, to the helm; and it is natural to speculate on the boaring this change of personnel may have on the great questions of the day. As the meeting of Parliament is close at hand, we do not think there will bo any change whatever, un til then, in the foreign policy of England; tbe more so, as Lord Russell does not by any means feel sure of his party continuing in office. Should tho Whigs have another lease of power, the Queen will have her choice of a Premier between Glastone and Bu.ssell; nnd, of the two, we suppose Russell will na turally be Boleoted as tho hoad, more on ac count of his long and faithful services to tho Crown, his extensive influence both of family and party, and his knowledge of tho complex machine of State, than for any superior talent to Gladstone, or many other aspirants. Palmerston and Russell have-been so long associated together iu the Cubinot, that we cannot expect any change in the course of the ministry because of the death of tho for mer. The Tories wer o somewhat sanguine of a majority in the next House of Commons, but, at last accounts, ,wo believe tho prospects of the Whigs wore sHlf good; ' But these changes of Ministers in England, after all, aro of no interest to us, politically. As Disraeli says,1, they are more accidents of history. Palmerston, for... the last thirty years, has been marking out England** foreign policy?one of peaco and non-intcrforenco; and, wo doubt not, whoever takes 'the holm, whether *Whig or Tory, tb?3 same course will bo continued in the main. A very selfish po licy, no doubt, and one that has made tbe liamo of England odious among all tho nations of tho earth. How sho was hated in Amorica during the late war, both by South and North! Her nnmo is a reproach and a by-word on the Continent for hor pusillanimous "masterly inactivity" during the lato Schloswig-Hol etoin imbroglio. Tho policy ?b ono of un doubted solfishness. But whon were nations othorwi80 than Bolfish? And what right havo wo to quarrol with John Bull bocause ho will insist on minding his own business? - ? _ Where i? the Difficulty??Yoatorday we wore in rocoipt of Now York papers of tho 4th inst., brought by tho Quaker City. This Bteamer experienced heavy weather, and would havo been iu this port ono day soonor, but for this fact. Wo aro also in rocoipt, by rogular mail, of Columbia papora' and lottors of the 5th inst. The distanco botweon this point and New York, by tho ordinary steam route, is considered six hundred miles. The dis I tanco botweon here and Columbia, by rail, is one hundred nnd thirty mile?. Tho Quaker City* timo is avoragod, considering tho wea ther, at tea miles an hour. For sake of illus tration, 6ay tho tiino on the South Carolina Road is the same. "Wc are told there is no thing whatever to hinder communication be tween that city and thin. We do not under stand why there should he. Thoro is a post office and a postmaster at Columbia. So there is hero. There is a railroad upon which a daily train of cars run betwoen the two points, excepting a distance of fourteen miles. From Hopkins' Turn-Out to Columbia there is a regular line of ?tages which connect with the cars. What is tho reason wc do not havo a daily mail from Columbia? Or why docs not some entorprising individual start a parcel express? We publish, iu auothcr column, the ac count of an insurrection in Jamaica, the importance of which may bo overestimated, of course, but 'which has so'much verisimili tude as to entitle it to consideration. The fact presented by tho correspondent as a roa snn for questioning the occurrence, or as a matter of surprise connected with it that the negroes are in tho asccudont, both iu numbors and iu political power, affords no matter of surprise to us. Wo havo ever contended that tho point of oquality in uumbors and political rights will be exactly tho point of contact and antagonism. It is thon, that moeting upon the samo plain, thoy must como to a: contest of position, and that we acquire no securities by a relaxation of right and powor. Tho government of the country mast be in the hands of one race or tho other. It wore hotter that it were iu tho hands of the white race. Thoy havo more of culture and capaci ty, and are better fitted, therefore, for tho office of direction. But, as a matter of fact, it is in their hands, aud it were a madness they will not exhibit to relax their grasp upon it for the illusive hopes presented by theorists upon i.ho subject. a^p??i?^?p????gaw?am??? MARRIED. Onllinrsdav, tbe 2d lust., by the Rev. W. S. Bowman, Mr. C. W. JAQUES, ?>f Colleton, H. O, to Mis* MARTHA J., yecoud daughter of P. J. Shies of this city. * By tho Rov. Ali:x. W. Mar.shai.i-, Mr. DANIEL NEW HARD, of Pennsylvania, to Miss ELLA COLLINB, ot Charleston, S. C. * OBITUARY. EMELIE R08ALII? BOWMAN died on the morning of tho 4th in?!., after M illness of one week, agcil 1C years, C mouths and 18 ?lays. " Too beauteous a ?lower P>r i-arih." 1? DIED, at Yorkville, ou tho 1st iust.. MARGARET EUGENIA, fourth daughter of Chas. P. and II, Octavia Ai\iau, aged four years, one month, ami cighteon ilays, U?- 'l'lie Relutives und Frleuclu of t?i? ? respective FamlllCH aro invited to attend the Funeral Services at Ht. Mary's Church, Hasel-street, at 10 o'clock A. M., 77.iV Day. ? November 0 /:.-) The Friends and Acquaintances of the late Mrs. S. N. NATHANS, and o? her Son, J. >\ Na than.;, and of S. S. Solomons, are Invited to attend the Fanerai Services of tho form?u\ at the Coming-etreel burial ground. This Afternoon at Four o'clock. November 9 * iW FOR CONGRESS. -GENERAL BTEPHliN ELLIOTT, Jr.?Messrs. Editors: You are authorized I* announce General STEPHEN ELLIOTT, Jr., os a candi - date to rcprosont. In Congress, the Second Congressional District, composed of Charleston, Colleton, Beaufort, and BaruwclL 8UMTER. Novembor 8 SO" WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Hon. WILLIAM AI KEN aa a Candidate to represent tho Second Congre ssionel District, at the next 8osslon ot Congress. . MANY FRIENDS. October 38_ _ MS" WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE the Hon. WILLIAM WHALEY as a Candidato to repre sent tho Second Congressional District in Congress. October ?_ * MS- WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Dr. B. W. BRADLEY, of WURamsburg, osa candidate to represent the First Congressional District. Novembor 1 '.?a* WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE General JOHN D. KENNEDY as a Candidate for Con gress to represent the First Congressional District October 30 _ ?3- THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE several Masonic Lodges of the city to make arrange ments for tbe celebration of the Feast Day of St. John the Evangelist, are requested to meet at Masonic Hall, This Evening, tho ?>th inst., at 7 o'clock precisely. JAMES W. OUY, Novembor 0 _1 Secretary. to- THE 8UBSCRLBER, PREVENTED BY A serious wound from other employ nu. ut, wishes occupa tion aa a Private Teacher to pupils between fourteen and twenty years of age. Ho w?l teach Latin, Greek, Math ematics, and other ordinary higher branches of a good education. Terms made known upon reference. Good references given. y . j WMl M. LAWTON, Jr., November 0 3* No. 27 Rutledge-street. ?-PERSONAL.?THE GENTLEMAN WHOSE wife was run over by a wagon yesterday, at the inter section of Meeting and Market streets, desires to thank those who so kindly tendered their aid in her assistance, and to express his regret that tho doctor, who was driv ing by at the time of tho accident, knowing the party, should have neglected to give his aid in her behalf. November 9_1* MST AWAY WITH SPECTACLES.?OLD EYES made new, without Spectaclos, Doctor or Medicine. Pamphlet mailed freo on receipt of ten cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M. D? No. 1130 Broadwoy, New York. November 9 _ __ MS" MEDICAL CARD. -Db. F. LeJAU PAR KER?Ollico, No. 79 Brood-street. Residence for the present, corner ot Logan and Tradd-streots. November 1 lmo* MB" NOTICE.?MRB. H. H. ODOT, LAD?E8* NURSE, is now In tho city, and can bo found at her residence, No. 12 JASPER COURT. November 7__tnthsi? MS" MliiS CARRIE G. LESTER IB IN THE city, stopping at the Morchants Hotol, acting iu tho capa city as Agont and otherwise connected with tho NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Solicits subscribers. Can bo soon from 10 A. M. until 10 P.J^_Octobora? MS" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN THAT, AT tun noxt Session of the Legialature, application wlR bo mado for a renowal and extension of tho Charter o? the MOUNT PLEASANT t??OMt COMPANY. October 30_?nth MS"MARRIAGE AND OELLDACY, AN ESSAY OF WARNINO AMD INSTBX.OTION FOR YOUNG MEN, Just published by the Howard AssoolaUon, and sent In soalod letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILL1N HoUCiHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. November 4 Smo WASTED, A RO-OM FOIt A SINCiLK LADV in a rcBUectablo family. Apply corner RutUMifc and Vaudcrhorst-fltrcots. 3* November 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A RESPON SIBLE WHITE PERSON, experienced in BRICK BURNING. Apply at corner of CaUiouuoud Washington. streets. 4* November 7 AUEK'TLEMAK OF SO HI 10 EXPERIENCE an a Teacher will Rive private lessons In LATIN. FRENCH. SPANISH uuil MATHEMATICS. For terms, fcs., apply at the Book-store of Mr. John Russell. No. 285 Enrg-strcot. Ootober 17 IMlitSAI.r, o>: TO RENT.?HOUSE No. S?9 " Montaguo-strect. Apply to Mr. II. DEWING, No. 149 Meeting-street. 3* November t? TO KENT. FROM THK FIRST OF DE CEMBER, the POUR-STORY STOREon the south east conter of Meeting an?l Hasel streets. There I* no more desirable locution for n wholesale business hi the. city. L. BOWIE. November 0 9* O RENT.-A not si: i;o.\TAiM!\(; POUR T street, between (JunuainI 1'.ranfain utrnli A]>nlv Mr. K. It. COWFEHTH WAIT'S Furniture Btoro. King street. . I* November n TO KENT.? THE TWO AND A HALF STORY DWELLING HOUSE, No. 26 Charlotte, next east of St. Luke,'? Church, suitable tor a largu family. Everything requisite on tho premises. Apply to W. II. HOUSTON, November^? 3 No. 90 Cbarlnttc-str-'ct. "T\ESIRABLE FAlt?I TO KENT OU LLWSI'. XJ ?Oue of tho most do?irublo FARMS on Ashley River will be Rented or Leaned nn favorable tonn*. Tho Form contains 22aerea well Improved, dry baud, ami 2U acre.? marsh, with u good, comfortable Dwelling House, outbuildings, etc. Apply to OEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. thstuG No vom her 9 rpO RENT?THAT DICSIRAHLK THRKE X ?tory BRICK DWELLING, No. 3:1 Bull-street, next to the earner of Lynch-? trect. Tho house la in perfect order, and has rll tlie modern improvement? with every accommodation for a tirgc family. Tho ouf-bulkllng? are unusually commodious; tho (Jan Fixture? complete. There is largo Oittlcrn on the promises. Apply through tho Postofflce. orporsoiiully to JOHN UHRhhBOROUOll, Bank of Charleston BtdMing?, comer Stale and Broad treata. November 9 mo KENT, THAT LARGE AND MAGNIFI X CENT MANSION at the southwest corner of Am tierst and Bay streets. It is supplied with ga? and water works', has numerou3 out-buildlngs, and one of the finest Lot? iu tho city, and commands a tine view of tho harbor. ALSO, That fine RESIDENCE on the northwest corner of the same ntrcets. Fer term? apply to It. M. MARSHALL. :: " Broker und Auctionoor. November 0* No. B3 Broad-street. Jj\QR KENT.?FOUR OR FIVE ROOMS, } Oas and Waterworks attached : also, Kitchen and Stable accommodations, at No. 17C Coming, near Cauou street. Referenten required, and given terms moderate to a good tenant. Apply on premises. Novomber 8 3* TO HUNT?THE DESIKAlLV; THREE STORY WOODEN BOOSE, brick basement, ?itu atcd at northwest corner Smith and alont.i,;nc streets. Six square rooms, largo kltohon and scrvaut's quarters: stable, carriage house, fee. Lot one of the largest ill the eity. Apply to UEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO.. November 8 3* Ilayne-street. rpO RENT.?A HOUSE CONTAINING SIX M. large rooms, with dressing-rooms, pantry and ?toro ruoms, arc, large lot, amjile servants' accommodation.-!, and good wator. known :u? No. ? .Spring-.itrc.ct. formerly occupied by Sub-Treasury. AI40, A WOOD AND LUMBER YARD, ettnateJ nn Tower or Oadsden's Creek, n.-ar Cli.iiiustou Bridge, with wharf attached *u feet wide. On tho premise.? la i frame liouno containing four roonn witli fire-places. Apply t?> LAURiii' .V ALEXANDER. Novomber 8 Nos. 1*0 and 142 Meettog-ntreet. 171011 RENT?FOUR ROOMS, WITH. KITCHEN . accommodation, suitablo fora small tuiuly. Rel'e.r eneea required aud given. Addreaa A. H., New?Office. November, i; c? TO RENT.?THAT RESIDENCE No. 110 Coming treat, opposite St. Paul's Church, contain ing four Minare Booms, two Garrets, timshixi Bflau menta, fee with commodious accommodations Cr>r ser vants, Stable ana Carriage House, large Yard and Flower Oard-m; Ua:i throughout For terms, apply to WM. II. DAWSON, No. 61 Broad street. November 9 rr\? RENT, UNTIL. THE Ml ?ULK OF MA V, X 1866, the 1-irge and dcsirablo threo-story BRICK DWELLING, situated on the northeast corner of Eas Bay aud Vernon-streets; tho accommodations for ser-t vanti, horsey carriage, etc., are very large, with un usually extensive lot and gardon. Apply on the prem ises, to . . CART A: KOPFF. November 1 TO RENT.?THE DESIRABLE THIIEE etory Brick DweUing No. 6 King-stroot, mur Soiithi Bay, having ten square rooms and servant?' quarters,. 'with gas throughout; olao, kitchen, ?tables, and carri age-houHc, with large yard, two good cisterns, and a well. Apply to Me-SBrs. Mowry k Co., or to D. C. JOYE, November 7 tuth?t* On the premises. TO RENT?THE THREE-AND-A-HALF 8TORY RESIDENCE, No. 11 Coming-street; 13 rooms ; admirably adopted aa private boarding house, or for a large family. Tho 2 hi Story RESIDENCE, southeast corner Beau fain and WUaon-Btreeta? Six rooms, roomy kitchen and flno lot The Brick Residence-, No-. 70 Beaufain-atreet. Eight rooms. The Residence, No. 6 State-street. AJO?, Tho OFFIOR below. Apply to A. J. SALINAS, - Noav 33 and 25 Vendue Bauge. November 4 atuth FOR SALE?A FAST SAILING SLOOP, IN good condition. Apply at corner of Colhouu and Washington streets. 2* November 9 PRIVATE BOARDINO.-A FEW GEN TLEMEN can bo accommodated at No. 13 Coniing atreot, near -Weaitworth. DAY BOARDERS taken. November 9-_3? PRIVATE BOARDING?A F EW GEN TLEMEN oau be accommodated at the CORNER OF KINO AND TBADD8TBEET8 ; abro, a pleasant ROOM, suitable for man and wife. DAY BOARDERS taken, ' _ October 26 LOST, ON THE MORNING OF THE ?TH . ins*., ar Ladlef?' GOLD BROOCH, containing the likcuoss ol a deceased relative. The finder will bo re warded by calling at N. LEVIN, Jr., Nos. 104 and 106 Markot-HtreeL November 9 VALISE - LOST.?A LEATHER VALISE was taken by mistake from the South Carolina Railroad Depot yesterday afternoon. Tho finder will be rewarded by leaving it at No. 15 HAYNE-STREET. November 9 STRAYED OR STOLEN ON THE 6TH instant, from WM. WIGGINS' plantation, near Oibham's Ferry, a cream colorod HORSE, about nine years old, with white main and tail and blaze face. Any information will bo thankfully received and rewarded If required. WM. BILEY. RldgcvlRe, 1?. O. Novomber 9 1 STRAYED, INTO MR. J. II. HILKEN'H FARM, on the night of tho 7tb, or morning of the 8th, November, one RED COW, with tho lotter "H" on the right hip; aleo, one Bed and Black Spotted HOG, with a sht in left oar. The owner, can have them by paying expense?, at No. 747 King-street Road. November St_3? (BJ1A REWARD?I WILL GIVE THE ftpXl * above reward for a BAY HOB8E of mine which was taken from my farm on yesterday morning. He ia supposed to have been taken by a nogro, who rode him out of to - u at aundown on yesterday evening. By look ing closely at the horse, It can be percelvod that bis loft eye la blind. Partien In the country are requested to keep a sharp lookout, and I will pay all expenses in curred in audition to tho above reward. M. DUREY,. November 8 2* No. 634 King-street. mil r\/\ niswARi).?lost, on the 3d iu)IUU Instant, a valuable LETTER, addreaaed to V. LYONB k CO., Charleston, R. 0. Tho above roward will bo puld on lta delivery to the ADAM8 EXPRESS COMPANY. No. 147 Moctlng>9treet. November 7 _ 3 QHCltX A DAY! AGENTS WANTED TO \040 aell a now and wonderful SEWING MAC II INK, tho only cheap one licensed. Addroas SHAW k CLARK, Blddoford, Main. 3mos September 16 HHCir. A MONTH I A.0BNT? WAJMTBPaTOR ?m t) \J six entirely new articles just out Addreaa O. T, GAREY, City Building. Blddoford, Maine. September 16 3mos I'~'N8PHCT?O^^F~WE"iGHTS7?NI> ffiJOh URES.?THK OFFICE OF I N H P K 0 T I O N OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES is now open at tho OFFICE FOOT OF MABKKT8TRBKT. JAMES A. MURRAY, November 6 Inspector Wrlghta and Moaaurea. MARKET HALL., NOVEM?1?R <*TlSoft? No Fishermen ?hull he allowed totxj tholr fish about tho itreeta of the city nnUl they havo paid their market dues, and a written or printed permit to that ef fect be granted by tho Gta?k, ox afcaletant Clerks. By order. JAMES A. MURRAY. November 6 Chi of Clerk of Markcbj, WASHINGTON I.OlKiH, Ko. r?, A. V. M. rjMlK REOULAK MONTHLY COMMUNICATION OF 1 this LODGE will bn hehl in Masonic Hall, corner ?if King aud Wentwortb streets. This Evening, the OtU lii!?t., at 7 o'clock procissly. By order of tho W. M. NovirmlierO 1* .1. HHAW, Bccreb.ry. PIICKMX FIRE l;\i;iM'. COMPANY. ATTEND AN EXTRA MEETING OF YOUR COM . PANY This Evening, ut the Eaglo Hall, at 7 o'clock. A ponctuai attendance is reipiested, n? biieincsH o? the utmost importance- will he submitted for your consid eration. Honorary members are requested to attend. By order of tho President. I. ANTONIO MO ROS'0, November 'J _ Beefy P. F. E. Co. DISSOUTION. rnllE FIRM O? HA/l.KllUKST A; OADSDEN 18 J. dissolved by contrat. ? . ? OR?. K. HA/.LKHURHT. Navomber 8 a* k. h. GADSDEN. NOTICE. rriHK SUBSCRIBERS HAVE this DAY FORMED \ 1 Partnership for transacting n ?-HIPPING AND (?IMMISSION BUSINESS, under thcKivlool MORDK CA1 it CO. M. C. MORDECAl. J. L. TOBIAS. Charleston, November 1,1MB. lmo November* COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUHS0RIBKR8 UAVIC THIS DAY ASSOCIAT' till with them L. .1. MYERS, and will continuo their business undor tim aninc name. A. TOBIAS' SONS. Charleston, s. C November 1, 1BH3. Novi'nibcr 4 I a COPAKTNKIiKIlIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATHD with ilium in bUaJltfiM Cap!. FENN PECK. Hen after the name mid Klylt! ,( the Firm will bo CAMERON, BARKLEY&CO. CAMEROS ft BABKL..Y. chm-iest/m, Novenibct I, 1MM, THE SUBSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSI NESS 11 merit, n Abare ?if that patronage horeto fore no liberally -jestowod ou the old concern. ARCU'D CAMERON. It. C. BARK LEY. November i FENN peck. COPARTNERSHIP. mm: undersioned have this day formed a J_ COPARTNERSHIP under the stylo or firm of HOP KINS, Mol'HKBSON k CO.. for the transaction o? a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. E. A. HOPKINS, Now York. S. W. HOPKINS. New York. D. McPHF.RSON. Charleston, S. C. No. 135 Meeting-street, Oharlestou, S. C, Oct, 1, 1863. ReprcPcuL-id by E. A. & H. W. HOPKINS, No. 70 Bea ver-Btrcot, Now York. lmo October 31 COPARTKERSHIP. WE. THE UNDERSIONED, HAVE FORMED A CO PARTNERSHIP for th.. transaction of a OENE RAL COMMISSION BUSINESS in the City of New York, under tho firm of J. H. BROWER A- CO., and aro prepared to tillurd fair facilities on consignments. JOHN H. BROWK?. WILLIAM II. SELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BLYDKNBUROH. New York, October 2, 186!i. :tmns October 'J COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BKTBltKD INTO A CO PARTNERSHIP, under the name of COHEN, HANCKEL k CO.. for the transaction of an AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. JACOB COHEN. C. P. HANCKEL. JOSEPH COHEN. N. D.?OFFICE ?VT UNION BANK. November 7 tlltllMl COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rTUIK UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED _1_ Cnpartncrship, under the name of CHISOLM BROTHERS, fur the transaction of a Shipping and 0?me rnl Commission Business. Office, No. 70 East Bay (up stain). C. A. CHISOLM, Obmrtattun. S. C, Nov. 1. 1MB. It. O. CHISOLM, November 7 tuthcii H. L. CHISOLM. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE.SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED thcsiielvcs in Copartnership, under the name of SIMONS ft FORD, for the transaction of an INSUR ANCE BEOKKRVOE AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. They will sell or pinchase Rice and all Idnils of P::oduco; Storks, Bonds and other Securities; Real Estate and Personal Property ?-? ivcrv description, and give particular attention to (ht! Leasing of Houses and Lands. Oflloe fur tlic present, No. a.) llascl-street. T. GRANGE SIMONS. November* tlistuS J. DRAYTON FORD._ ? ni'.ui I'M -If.Uli? NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED a Copartnership, under the nanvo and firm of THOMPSON k BROTHER, for the transaction of a WHOLESALE GROCERY and GENERAL COMMLSSION BUSINESS at Charleston, 8. C. HENRY T. THOMP80N, Jr... and JOHN M. THOMPSON, of Charleston, are the General Partners, and JA1.1ES CARLIN, of Charleston, isthe Special Part ner, and has contributed to tho common stock of said firm the sum of ten thousand dollars ln< gold. The Copartnership-is to continue for two years from , this date. JAMES CARLIN. HENRY T. THOMPSON, Jr. JOHN M. THOMPSON. Cham,K8ton, Novembers, 1806. November 7 tuUiS PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENTERED INTO A CO PARTNERSHIP at Ooorgotown, 8-C. under the name- of WIL80N k FRASER, os BROKEKS, AUCTION EERS AND COLLECTION- AGENTS. Thoy will attend to ths-Furchasu and Solo of Real Es tate, Produce and Merchandise, to the prosecution and collection of Claims against individual? and the Govern ment, and generally to all-matters appertaining to a Bro Lerago, Collection and Commission Business. BENJ. H..WILSON. Attosaaey at Law. R. E. FRASER, Cashier Bank of Georgetown. nm'ERKNCES. Hon. 0. M. Fobuas, President Bank 8tato S. C, Cnarlcston, S. C. Col. D. L. McKat, President People's Dvnk, Charles ton, S. C. John OHK.Ksnonouon, Esq., Charleston, 8. O. Hon. W. D. Pobter, Lt. Gov? Charleston. S. O. Hou. H. D. Lehksne, Charleston, S. C. James B. Caupozll, Esq., Charleston, 8v0. Col. E. W. Ghaulkh, Darhngton, S. C. MoJ. B. D. Townhrnp. BenntittsvlUo, 8.C. November 2 thatuG COPARTNERSHIP NOTXOE. -|FriTH THE VIEW TO ENLARGE MJY BUSINESS. Vt so as to meet the great* demand of both olty and country trade, I have this day associated with me in business Mr. CHARLES WEBB and Mr. HENRY C. WALKER. Tho firm wUl bo known hereafter sus 8TOLL, WEBB k CO. Returning my Rincore thanJts to tho pub lic for tho liberal]patronage- bestowed upon me, I ros pectfuUy solicit a continuance of the samo for the now ttrm. U. O. STOLE. November 1, 18W. A CARD. OUR OBJECT IS TO LARGELY INCREASE OUR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOCK of all classes of desirable Goods, such as-wlU offer great inducoments to our country and city buyers and Uio Merchants' trada generally; also, to glveour Planters' trade the advantage of Wholesale Prices on aH Ooods bought by the piece. We wUl also offer our City trade tho saune Bberal deduc tion on all Goods bought by the plece With strict attention to our business, and Honesty and Industry as our motto, we do earnestly solicit, and ?hope to merit, a liberal portion of the txade given to thfr old honso of W. O. Bancboft k Co. Respectfully. ?TOLL. WEBB ft CO., (At the Old-Stand of W. Ou Bancroft k Co.) H. C. STOLL, Charleston. CHARLES WEBB, Charleston, HENRY C. WALKER, Charleston. November 2 thstulmo .?. ?-. THE TJNDEIISIO.NED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH DESIGNS, SPECIFI CATIONS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS for Building? of ovory description, and in ovary style of architecture' that may be desired. Orders from any port of tho Uni? tod States wlU receive prompt attention, with moderate charges. WALTER 8. WEST, Archltcot. Corner 4th and Brood-streets, Richmond, Vs. Sep tomber 6 3 ni os House of Industry. THE ATTENTION OF THE CHARLESTON PUBLIC ia respectfully invited to tho foUowing list of artieloa now ready foraaloot tho House of Industry; OENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS, UNDER SHIRTS. QftAW. ER8, ka Ladles' Undor Garments of svory description . Childron'B Clothing, ftc. ... It is to bo hoped, for the bonofit of the Institution. Uiat oR oltlzens lutcrosted in tho welfaro of thlsoharitubla entwprlso. will favor the Houso with a call and oxami?e. the stock. Inducements to purchasers wUi bo offorod that cannot bo obtained elsowhoro. The object of tha oslo of those articles, manufactured by th* inmates and others in needful circumstances, is for ihe nnrpoosot continuing, oven on a larger scale, thocharitabio project? of tho Institution. Arliclos on hand wiU be aold twcsity flro por cent, lower than thoy can bo bought St any othor establishment Fot the Committee. M. LEVTN, Storekeeper House of Industry, November 6 6 Cornor Oeorgo and Klng-sts. K" OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY?PRIZES paid In gold; information furnished. Highest rates paid for doubloons and all kinds of gold nnd silver. TAYLOR ft CO., Bankors, September 28 Sinos No. If W?lbst., Mew York.