The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, November 02, 1865, Image 4

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__ CHABLESTON BAILY ? WS....NOVEMBEE 2, 1865. THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, CATIIt'ART, McMLLLAS & MORTON, PROPRIETOR!?. No. 18 HAYNE-STREET. TE It ?MS?CASH. DAILY?ONE YEAR.$10.00 D?ULY?SIX MONTHS.5*u0 DAILY- ?THRU- MONTHS.'*s*50 jOSg- Single Copies I-"1YE CENTS. j*_- News DealerB supplied nt a liberal discov.nt, ADVEUT1SING. Ono S<iutirc, Ten Lines, ouo insertion, ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY CENTS. Each continuation, SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. Less than a square, FIFTEEN CENTS PER LINE for Urst insertion ; HALF PRICE for each continuation. The following arc the Agents for tniB paper: JOSEPH H. SEARS, "New South," Hilton Henel. B. L. DARR, Suinter, S. C. THAD. O. ANDREWS. Orangeburg, S. C. J. T. HERSHMAN, "Journal ofllce," Camden, S. C. J. M. BROWN, ?'Southerner ofllce," Darlington, S. C. M. M. QUINN *t BRO., ?Vnguato, Go. J. H. ESTELL Savannah, Oa. ISAAC DA VEGA, Agent In New York. Mr. AUG. BRENTANO. NO. 708 Broadway, New York, bas always tho latest dates of the Daily News, ob ho does of all the other principal Journale of tho country ZSTew.s Sui?mary. A letter from Hilton Hcatl, elatcel October 29, to tho Savannah Herald, mentions that the schooner Willie Dill, from New York, at Tort Royal, picked tip, off Chai tes ton, on Frielay lust, a boat belong ing to tho 8lcamsbip RepnUL, containing twenty thrcs of the passengers and crew of that vessel. The following nrc the parties as they are report ed in tho loiter: Capt. Hawthorne, wife and two chihlrcn, Thom as Fleming, James M. Hancy, Hiram F. Flandern, Judge John E. Sundstrom, of New Orleans, Mr. Lcnoir, Miss Lenoir, Mrs. CaroUnc Waldrom. Crew?James Muldoon, 1st engineer, John Gard ner, 2d engineer, Augustus ?Shylock, 2d steward, Amos Pool, storekeeper, Abraham Lyons, Willi am Perry, Patrick Hurley, Nathaniel Enehman, John Caffery, Patrick Nudha_*, William Portor, Jnmee Lee. They will be sent North from Port Royal, by the steamship Guiding Star, now at that port. We were gratificel to learn, yestcrtlay, that the fourth boat, in charge of the 2cl officer, Mi*. E. Ryan, with eleven persons on board, had reached the harbor of Port Royal in safety. They suffered intensely for want of water, and were out four days. AU the boats of the Republic have now reached a harbor in safety, and the raft alone re mains to be heard from. Every day brings farther information of the great elisastcrs at sea, arising from tho effects of the late severe gale, which extended its ravages all along the coast. The steamship General Dames, nt Savannah, from New Orleans, Pcnsacola and Key West, reports that at the latter place it blew a hurricane, on tho 22d of October, causing much damage, and sinking, dismantling, and driving vessels ashore all around. Saw a large EngUsh ship ashore and bilged outsido of Fort Taylor. The Btcamer Herman Licingslon arrived at Key West on tbo 27th, short of coal, and bad boon in the hurricane; she picked up the English bark Margaret, dismasted, from New Orleans for Europe, with cotton, but was forceel to leave ber, having parted all her hawsers. The Barnes left Key West on the 28th; thirty miles east of Sombrero, saw tho bark Margaret in tow of tbo steamship Victor, bound west. At 3 P. M., same day, five miles south of Carrysfoot, saw a Btoamer ashoro with a signal of distress flying; ran down na clone as possible, and communicated with her. Found her to be the Cet*7i??*??ie Whiting, from New York for Galvcston; sbe went on the sanio elay while having in tow tbo English brig Fai)?iaven, dismasted, loaded with cotton, from Galvcston for Liverpool?waB unable to render any assistance, both being so far on tbo reef. The Whiting re ported having picked up two men from the wreck of a schooner, tbo remainder of the vessel's com pany having beon washed overboard. Her nnmo was not remembered. On tbo 29tb, at G A. M., paeBCd a bark, with mainmast gone; alBO, a ship with loss of fore ami mizzen topmasts. Wbon Carrysfoot Reef was in sight, counted seven ves sels ashoro and dismantled. TboN. Y. //<?> ??_ says: "Wo would call the attcn-j tion of the Board to tbo importance of replacing at once tho lightship on Frying Pan Shoals; also tbo light on Tybco Island, mouth of Savannah Hiver. There are at present five eliffevent lines of Bteam?ships running to Savannah, and three to Charleston, carrying Valuable cargoes and many hundreds of passengers weekly, and yet there baa not boon a single light re-established between Cape Lookont and the coast of Florida. Capo Bo_tain, Charleston light and Hunting Island light, are all still in tho dark. Tbo increasing commerce of our coast and tho public safety de mand some action in this important matter. The neglect of tho Board may bo tho means of afford ing the public Journals some interesting items, in tbo shape of appalling disasters and fearful loss of filinian life during tho coming winter months." * * rid once from Columbia will be road with interest. Our correspondent Bays that from all that can bo-learned, Col. Orb bas beon elected Governor of the State by a small majority. His reports of the proceedings of the Legislature will bo found quito full, and tho subjects discussed are of much interest. Wo also publish to-day an in teresting letter from New York, together with other matter, which will repay peruBal. Tbo Washington correBpoiident of tbo Philadel phia ledger says: "What President Johnson will do, I boar, is to throw the 'Empire,' Louis' ??ato LEON and tbo Monroe Doctrine upon CongrcsB, and leave If' for that boely to say whothor Max. Bhall bo politely told to quit, or wbethor wo shall do as all Eiuopo lias elone, recognize him as tho constituted authority in that country.'* Tbe^apkson (Mississippi) News goes deep into tho Fi'ocdmon's Bureau for thoir unauthorized and arbitrary plan of taking possession of the finest estntoB in tbo country, and loaaing thorn to, whites or blacks before any decreo of confiscation, or oven provisional seizure, has been rendered against tho legitimate ownors. Josepu E. WoncEHTEn, author of WorceBtor'B Dictionary, tbod at Cambridge (Maes.), on the 27th October, agod 81. A canal largo enough for ships is projected bc tweon LakcB Huron and Ontario. It will be about one hundred miles in length, and will present now enty miles without lockage. The cost is estimated at forty million of dollars. It ia thought that tho work will pour into Lake Ontario a large portion of tho products of the West, and tend to cheapen the hiKh freights that are now demanded by the ?ftUiejfUl?J, The election of Governor Perry to Ike j Semite e>f tho United Suites will, wc uro as- j sored, be received with cordial approbation. ! There aro many coot?derations which particu larly commend him to I?at office at the pre sent timo. Distinguished for character and ability, of acknowledged honosty in his con viction*, and firmness and fairness in his poli tical course, he can scarcely fail to command respect, and achieve a props f measure of suc cess, in tho responsible eluties of that office. "While, at tho present time, when there is the want of a representative not only of ability, but of a character and rceord to render him acceptable to the Government?when it is reasonably certain that tho admission of our representatives will be resisted by at least a faction now dominant in Congress, and vigi lant to mark the grounds upon which excep tion may be taken?it is important that these shall not only bo agreeable to the Govern ment, but as nearly unexceptionable to Con gress as, in consistence with distinction and ability, they can be. With these requisitions Governor Perry, in a very eminent degree, complies. That he is agreeable to the Government is evident from his appointment to the office he at pre sent holds; and though in sympathy witli the people of our Stato in the sufferings and sac rifices of their recent contest, he was too little identified with the movement to present in his record a point of opposition to the dominant power in Congress, which would not, if af fording sufficient ground for his exclusion, afford ground for the exclusion, also, of any po ssible delegation from the Southern States. It is proper to acknowledge, also, that, in the duties of his present office, he has deserved well of his State. He entered on a realm of almost boundless patronage and power; and it is but fair to confess that he made no selfish use of it. lie has had no friends to reward with the many offices in this State, which were all in his hands to be filled; no enemies to punish by deprivation; but, in deference to tho judg ment of his fellow-citizens, expressed in their election, ho continued all in office who had been previously appointed, and he now de scends from his distinguished position with the common acknowledgment that he used its every power to tho single object of the resto ration of the Stale to constitutional relations with her sister States, and the re-establishment of peace, law, and order, within its limits. ? *? The question of negro testimony has been considered much of late, and must soon come prominently before the people of this State in the Colored Code submitted to the Legislature. And though we feel naturally averse to a subject about which there must be contrarioty of feeling and opinion, and would avoid posi tion upon this, if that were consistent, still deeming that it is not?that it approaches, and that we must act upon it intelligently or not?' we have no further hesitation in declaring our conviction that such testimony, under proper conditions, ought to bo admitted. This is, perhaps, necessary to the restoration of civil law. There i*?, at present, exhibited by authority, having tho power, whether the right or not, is no matter, the purpose to withhold the cases involving the rights of colored persons from those courts whero his testimony cannot be taken; and it is quite possible that this position will be adlicrcd to?that he will not be left subject to adjudication in any court in which ho cannot be heard in hia own causo: and that, until such point be conceded, the military courts of tbo government will bo con tinued, the full restoration of civil authority r postponed, and a foreign institution inserted here, between the slaves and whites, which must tend to their estrangement', and to start a current of calamities along tho land that will sweep all that is best find fairest from its track of ruin. ' " " - ' But, if not necessary to the complete resto ration of civil law, it has the. still higher merit of being right. There has been little occasion, hitherto, for negro testimony. They have had few points of contact with an ex ternal world. They traded little?had few opportunities of collision with any other au thority than that in control of the place on which they lived. From evils, there, they were proteoted by considerations of interest, and from evils abroad by the power, and, when necessary, by the utmost resources of the mas tor. Under these circumstances, their rights were seldom in question; and, when question ed, wero so abundantly guarded by tho inter vening interests of a master, that it was sel dom necessary for them to pr?vido tho moans of their own defence, and unnecessary to be_ provided with the power of appearance in court in competition with a member of the ruling race. But this ib changed. From being- tho best protected human creature in the world, he is now the worst. He must now not only enter into all the contracts necessary to his own sub sistence and preservation, but into all tho con tacts and collisions to which these contra?is lead him. At every step he is met by antago nistic rights, which will be onforced against him with the perfect severity of interest. His color, also, will constitute a distinction to sharpen contact. That bas hitherto been a prin ciple of protection; but it will be so no longer. Without tho relation which that color has implied, and tho requisites and charities to which it has entitled him, he will bo, for rea son of it, only the more exposed to ocoasions in which his rights must be contested; and, charged with the responsibility of self-preser \ation, be must, of necessity, be vested with the ordinary und obvioui means of met-ting tho trial mich rospeMisibility impose*.'. Hy these COnsidtratiC-B, WO ate; iiupt*ll(*el to the conviction that it is not only expedient, but right, that the negro should Ir.ivo the pri vilege of appearance in our courts. It may not bo necessary that lie should appear in all of them. It is possible it may bo bettor, and it seems to be propoted, to have a tribunal Kpc oially constituted h? '.l?o trial of such cases an involve the rights e*f negro?*!. But into I whatever court it is proposed to introduce such ettu&x-*?, it ice proper thcro should, also, be the right, to introduce the testimony necessary to sustain them. It may not bo necessary that this testimony should bo on oath; their state ment, without oath, may be as much considered as If swora to. Bnl to the oath wo see no objec tion. For the reason that it is sworn to, it will not bt more conclusivo. The credibility of the witness will, at host, bo considered, whether his testimony be on oath or not; and if the oath shall have the tendency to make them speak the truth, there in no reason why that additional security should not be taken. Nor is it necessary that testimony should bo taken in any ease in which the right? of color ed persons are not involved. Tho occasion for such testimony indicates the limit to its intro duction. There i*1 occn-siou that tho nogro should give testimony in any case involving his right??, and to that extent it ought to be received; but there is nono that ho should give such testimony in cases not involving the rights of colored persons; and as it is an inno vation, and, therefore, objectionable, and as there arc no overruling considerations of po licy or propriety to commend tho introduction of such testimony into the ordinary adjudica tion of the country, it is obviously proper into such adjudication it should not bo introduced. -r-?-? Personal.?liy the following noto it will bo seen that Mr. Joi?UI Mitchell, who for the past six weeks has been laboring In Washington to bring about the restoration of the sea island lnneln, now SO happily in process o? ac<*ompIislimcnt, is just returned from his useful mission, bringing oficial cortil?cates of pardon for several of our citizens: Cft_U??TON, November 1,18C5. To tic Editor of the News: As matter of interest to many of your readers, 3 would state- through your eolumua that I have just brought on from Washington pardons for tbo following-named gentle?Km: CHARLES HEYWARD, L>. BLAKE HEYWARD, HARVEY COGSWELL, JAMES LEGARE, ROBERT CHIKOLM. HENRY Y. GRAY, ALEX-ANDER ISAACS, * JACOB COHEN, JOHN HANCKEL, WILLIAM LUCAS, JAMES ROSE. DANIEL BLAKE, DANIEL HEYWARD, 0. T. LOWNDES, It. Q. 0HI80LM. They can reccivo tho pardons by calling at tho office of Hon. War. Wha-et, Broad-streot. Very respectfully, JULIAN MITCHELL. OBITUARY, DIED, ut the residence of tho subscriber, in Charles ton District, on the morning of tho 2lut, October, Ser gevant ALEXANDER BROWN, of the 8?:cond Regiment Alabama Cavalry, Confederate Army, and formerly of Maryland. ?S- Should th?8 notice meet tho eye of any of the friend i of tho deceased, they coir learn the circumutauccR of his death, kc, by addressing mo, at Charleston, 8. C, care of Mchiu-b. V. C. GAILLARD k CO. * JAS. GAILLARD, .lu. tfg- Virginia and Maryland papers will please copy. #_- Tlic JVric-ndtf und Acquaintance* of Mr?. MARY SIGWALD and of her sons, John C. and H. W. Sievw??i, and Mrs. A. C. Fohbes, and Mr. and Mra. F. BOIUV) or?? respectfully invited to attend the Fuuera Services of the former, at the English Lutheran Churcb, at tho corner of Archdalo and Clifford-streets, at half past Three o'clock This Afternoon, without further invi tation. I* November 2 ?S* WE ABE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Hon. WILLIAM AIKEN as a Candidato to reposent tho Scconel Congressional District, at tho next Beasiou of Congress. MANY FRIENDS. October 28 . . OS- WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE tho Hon. WILLIAM WHALEY as a Candidate to repre sent the Second Congressional District in Congre??. October id . * jffif WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Dr. B. W. BRADLEY, of Williainsburg, as a candidato to represent the First Congressional District. November 1 OS- WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE Goneral JOHN D. KENNEDY as a Ceulelidu.te for Con gress to represent the First Congres?onol D_triot October 30 *S- A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS TEES of the HOUSE OF INDUSTRY will hereafter be held every Frieiay at i o'clock, P. M. J. H. HONOUR, November 2 2 Sec'y House of Industry. J?- N O T I C E .?CONSIGNEES PER BRIG PENNIMAN, from New York, are notified that she Is This Dag discharging at Brown's Wharf. All goods re maining on tho dock at sunset will be stored at expense and risk of owner. D. J. STURGES, Agent. November 1 3 OS- SCHOONER FRANCISCO IS DISCHARG ING cargo. This Day, at Atlantic Wharf. Goods uot call ed for at sunset will be stored at tho risk and expense of owners. WILLIS _ CHIBOLM, November 2 3 Agents. JOS" ?CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.-S C H O O N E It FRANCISCO, from Baltimore, is This Day discharging her cargo at Exchange Wharf. AU goc?is uncalled for at sunset will be stored at risk and expense of the own er!. WILLIS & CHISOLM. November 2 1 ? ? ? OS- MISS CARRTE C. LESTER IS IN THE city, stopping at tho Merchants Hotel, acting in the capa city*?Agont and otherwise connected with tho NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Solicita subscxibcre. Can be scon from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. October 21 -??? OS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, AT the next Sossion of the Legislature, application wiU be made for a renewal and extension of the* Charter of the MOUNT PLEASANT FERRY COMPANY. October 30 mth OS- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL interested, that LICENSES for Carts, Drays, Hacks, Car riages and Omnibuses will bo granted, under City Ordi nances, ou application to the subscriber, at tho Hall of tho^Hopo Ftro Engine Company, west end of Markot treet ThotKs Licenses will take date from tho 1st of October, and be in force until the 1st of January, 18G6. The price will be one-fourth of the rates for tho year as established by the Or? ?moo rat?led D*c_nber 20,1865. * By order of Mayor Macbeth. ' ?? ? October 16 A. C?MPBEL-, City Treasurer. ** WANTED.?AN ENGLISHMAN, AGIID '.s:t, wishes EMPLOYMENT of ?--.?mo kind. A cotton or other plantation preferred, (.'mi make himself gone raUj useful; has bo objection to work of any kind. Any ?un?il planUrwanting n willing, h?plug hand, will Bau huu ? >. t'mi i;iv<- coud rafe-renco. Hoi?y not so much an objoclaiia bu?to. A?l<ii-.-> h t. k., oBkooI this news* paper, Han becu live JN ard III th?; Wri<t Indie!;. November 2 3?* SITUATION AVANTRU AM VbERK, UV a. >*ouii|; man who hau hutl four yearn' experience in Hie Dry ??cods bui'lllcHH. I am well Known in purl* of the country, and can Ira on advautage to a llrm in any branoh ?'?l business. Tho brsl references can bo glv#-n. Address 0. 11., POBtOfflCC. Nov-tuunr 2 thmwa* S~ ?i'u Xti?mv xVXn't'eu't?y ~two~respe<I> TAIJLE WHITE UIRI.S?m?o to ?:ool? sikI \vanli, and ?ho other todo honsowork and s ,,-v. Apply at No. John-iiti <".*., for two duyH. 1* Novcinb'-i* 2 WORK - HOUSE WANTE?.-WANTH? to buy a good, gentle Worlt-!iori?e. Apply at 3. C. II. CL.-V.'Ssr.N'-', November 2 1* M.'.iki'.'i'.rect. WANTED .?A "WHITE WOMAN WHO can cook and wuhIi for a ?null l.nuily residing in .Summirville. Good references, as to ,*hara-U-r and in dustry, required, laoulroat S. C. R. R. OFFICE. Novombcr 2 1* Cornor of Mooting and Sprlng-sts. Wanted; ?good cook and nous e SERVANT. Also, a BOY to wait ubout th?: bouse. None need apply unies? well rt-coinmended. Apply at No. 151 Calhoun-strcct, one door west of Rut ledge Avenue. _1* _ Novcniber2 WANTED.?A *\VIII-_fWOi?f?N" TOCOUK aud assist in tho WASHING tifa largo family. A married woman without children preferred. Apply at MONTAGUE-STHEET, last hou?e, No. "JO. October 31 tuth2* WANTED.?A COOK. AND A~ WAITING MAN. Apply to HontheoBt comer of THOMAS and WARREN-STREETS, from Ono to Pour o'clock. November 1 _ _ 3* \I7ANTED~TO* KENT. ? A" IIOUSET'CON^ W TAWING not leas than tax rooms. Western part of tho city preferred. Address It. M. through rostoQlce, Btating termH, kc. 3* October ?11 WANTED^.A~<rTAsVFITTER"A?DPLUM?F Ell. Apply between the bourn of B and 12 A. M. to WM. BROOKE AN K8, October 28 Mill? Houho Storo Room. WANT?b^HAS?S TO WORK ON THE STREET. Inquire at t'ity Hah", between 9 and 10 o'clock. II. S. R. CURIETZBERO, October 28 City Inspector. A N V^O^^cLWliKT^xTlO^T^Vir. STANDS tho Wholosnlo Liquor Business, and can command trade. Addrera Box if, stating reference, Ac. 6 October 28_ WANTED.?A" Wil'ltE VilAMHKR ftlAID, Scotch or German. Nono need apply unless with good referonceH. Apply at Mm. 11. HIHu-i-'h BoartUug House, No. 2W RING-STREET. October 27 0* A GENTLEMAN" OF SOME EXPEDIENCE as a Teacher will give privato lensons in LATIN, FRENCH, SPANISH and MATHEMATIC8. For termH, ike., apply at tho Book-store of Mr. John Russell, No. 28.*? King-street. October 17 friO "RENT, THE HOUSE No. 11 RUT J_ LEDGE-STREET?Gas, Water and Furnace. Ap ply on the premises. 3 November 2 FOR RENT.?THE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 10 Church, below Water-street, con taining ten square rooms, and all necessary out-build ings, wilh cistern. Apply at No. 30 Pitt, opposite Dun can-Bt. 3* November 2 To RflUfT, umnuu th? m?dole ~?S p S a v. 18fiC, the large and desirable thre.u-Mtory BRICK DWELLING, situated on the northeast corner of East Bay and Vcmon-strects : the occomniodatiouH for nor vants, horses, carriage, etc., aro very largo, with tin. uBuollv extensive lot and garden, .Apply on th?* prem ises, to CART ?< KOPFF. November 1 O RENT, THE DWELLING HOUSE ON East Bay, one door north of Society-street, contain ing seven Rooms, with Dressing Rooms and all neces sary out-buildings. Apply next door. November 1 3* TO RENT. ? TWO FURNISHED SLEEP ING ROOM8 for Gentlemen, at No. 220 Mectiug Btreet, opposite Eagle Engine-house. October 31 3* rpO RENT,?THE DWELLING ON THE 1 Northwest corner of Calhctin and Pitt-strocti?. Ap ply to No. 21 Vandcrhorst-Mtroet, next door to Upper Market. 3 October 3l_ For "It en T^ora ?1F7___B "finest STORES on East Bav. For partlcvliars, address Box 91, P. O. October 20 ?KKN-F. THAT* I?A?fC*B AND SPACIOUS DWELLING, No. ? MeetinR-Htroct, second door below George-street, west side, imitable for a large fam ily, with ample accommodations for servants; carriage bouse and * table. Apply at No. 300 Meeting-street. October 31 tuths3* O RENT, A -OMMOD-?Ucf?HD PLEAS ANTLY SITUATED HOUSE, in tlio wcsteni part of the city, containing seven square, two j-arret, dressing and acrvant's rooms-, witli cintero, and extensive accom modations for servants, horses and carriages. The prospect is extensive, and tho lorati on meat desirable for a Summer Residence. Lot scvcnty-11-.u feet front, with garden and Bhrubbcry. Apply to BKNJ. O. HERIOT, October 30 nith2 No. 290 King-street. ST OR?".VtVD ~D~*W_"?_L-??K^7rO RENT", the STORE No. 129 Meeting street, tiorner of Mar ket street?the best situation in the city for busiucsa. AUK),-" ? The SECOND AND THIRD STORIES OF THE ABOVE STORE, TO BE RENTED, in the whole or separate. A?SO, That TWO-STORY DOUBLE TENEMENT BRICK HOUSE, No. 93 Market street There aro two very neat STORES down stain, and four fine finished ROOMS over head, with a splendid CISTERN OF WATER. Apply to THOMAS, -'LYNN, Southern Exchange, No. 125 Meeting street. October 23 rp*n> w-s-p-pt-f.?--THftT ffBB'sf-y'fW -TT^'T-W* _L STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 33 Bull-Htroet, next to the corner of Lynch-strect. The lions.? is in perfect order, and has all the modern improvements, with every accommodation for a large family. The out buildings are unusuaRy commodious; the gas Oxiuros complete. . - A?SO, A three-story WOODEN DWELLING in Middle-street, cast side, between Calhoun and Laureim-st reel, with ull requisite outbuildings. Apply through the Postotlice, or pcrnonally, to JOHN CHEE8BOROUGH. November 2 2* PRIVATE HOARDING. ?A PEW GEN TLEMEN can be accommodated at No. 13 Coming street, near Wentworth. Day Boarders taken. October 31 tutht-?1 PRIVATE B?ARDI?O.-A FEW"G K ? TLEMEN ran bo accommodated at the CORNER OF KING AND TRADD-STREETS; also, a pleasant ROOM, euitablo for man and wife. DAY BOARDERS taken. _ October 26 ITRi-v?-MBeAi-?, a Lot oyju ahog? ANY PARLOR -TIRNrTURE. Vor further par ttcutors inquire at this ofllce. 3 November 2 ?^"~SA_E.?PO _R HUNDRED ?G?RDS OF Dry PINE WOOD, and a quantity of good HAY and BLADES, a few miles from the city, and a quarter of a mile from a good landing on Ashley Hiver. The above, if timely applied for, will be sold at less than their mar ket value. Address "Ashley," Charleston Poatolllcc. November 2 1* HOTO GRAPH GALLERY FOR IX13K ONE OF THE BEST 8TANDS IN THE CITY. Ap ply at the NEW YORK DINING ROOMS, between 5 and 8 o'clock P. M. _ October 31 STOLEN, O?THE-Otl? OF THIS MONTH, a Lcpiiie Watoh und Chain. Has tho No. of 67f>2. All watchmakors ore cautioned against Ulis. A liberal reward given for its delivery at ?i?b office. November 2 1* OLD NEWSPAPERS, LARGE AND SMALL Sheet?, Northern and Southern, ut 30 and 50 cents ?jot hundred, at this Oflicc. October 1? ?Qff A D A _T~AGE"NTS~WA~- _?iD""_?) I4D_?eJ sell a new and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, tho only cheap one license?!. Address SHAW At CLARK, Blddeiord, Main. 3mos September 15 d_Q/_?'-UMPrat"agenth wTv?ted for ifptlXJ six entirely new articles just out. Address O. T, OAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. September 15_.. 3inoa MEDICAL COLLEGE OF TUB STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THE REGULAR COURSE OF LECTURES IN THIS Institution will be resumed on the fust Monday in November, 1803. HEDICAL-tFACULTT. F. T. MILES, M. D., Professor of Anatomy. .1. J. CHISOLM, M. D., Profesaof of Surgery. E. GEDDING_. M. D., Professor of tho Theory and Practice of Medicine. J. MOULTR1E, M. D.. Professor of Physiology. H. It. FROST, M. D? Professor of Materia Medica. T. G. PRIOLEAU. M. D., Professor of Obstetrics. C. U. SHEPARD. M. D.. Professor of Chemistry. S. LOGAN, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. The public Hospitals of Charleston offer every facility for clinical instruction, and the material for the pructicol study of Anatomy is abundant. Information deelred by those wishing to follow tho Course of Lectures w?l be given by tho Professors, or inapplication to H. R. FROST, M. D., October 30 mwf4 Dean of the Faculty. PYTII\ ?KOREAN I,OD(-E. \o. ?1, A. _ . M. ,4 REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THIS LOI).-!'. J\ will be he*M .it Masonii: Hull. /*m'.? Ev.uinff, ..-. V o'clock. Members will take du? notice th'-rcof. Hy order ?'i the w. M. WM. C. WATERBUHY, Be ' November 2 I ' FENIAN BROTH ?HMOOD. milE REGULAR MONTHLY MKl.TlXe. or VoUJt A. society will bo held TMi Emting.nt ihn Palmetto lingine House, at half-past 7 o'clock. A full alluiiila' ? in r? *<]UC*tc?1. By order. B. MURRAY, Secretary. November 3 l " IMIAUAKA P?ICB KNUI? ? COMI?A? _ , N?. ?? \TTKND THE ANNUAL MEETING. OF *>?'' ? Campan}-, Th? L', at (3 o'clock, nl lh< I'. dine House. By onl? 01 the Prcsidout. IAH. M. UOLLOWAY, S'- ivl.iiv. Novembers i LAW PARTNERSHIP. THE UNDEKHIGNEO HAVE FORMED A COPART NERSHIP in the practice of LAW AND BQU1T? in thin City, under tin- name of URBWKTEH ? BP11ATT. oitice No. so Haael-street, next door to poBto?Tce. up Htiiirs. November'J COFARTNE?RSHIP NOTICR. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED themselves in CopartnerHhip, under the? name ??1 SIMONS k FORD, for tlic transaction o?an INSUR ANCE BROKERAGE AND OHNEBAL COMMISSION | BUSINESS. They will nell or purchase Rico :in<l ?II kinds of Produce; Stock?, Bondi and other Securities; Heal Estate and Personal Prerperty of every description, and give particular attentlein to the Leasing of Uonwa and Lauds. Ollicc for the present, No. 9el Baset-Btreet. T. ORANGE SIMONS. Neivoraber 2_ thstnH J. PRAYTON FORD. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. "Vl^ITH THE VIEW TO ENLARGE MY BUSINESS, V? so M to meet the (treat demand of both city an?i country trade, I have this ?lay associated with nn in blialllCM Mr. CHARLES WEBB and Mr. [HARRY e!. WALKER. The linn will be known hereafter in? STOLE, WEBB ?V CO. Itiitnriiiuti my sincere tlmnk-s lo the pub. lie for the liberal] patronage bestowed upon me, 1 re?? pectfielly solicit a continuance of the samo for<- n<-.v llnu. U.C. 8TOLI. Novenibc<r I, I?l'5. A CARD. OUR OBJECT IS TO LARGELY INCREASE <U it WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STOCK of all ?I;*??-.?? of desirable Goods, such as will ofi'ei* great Inducement* to our country and city buyers ami the Merchants' trade generally; also, to give our Planter?' trade tliondv.uitr.yo of Wholesale Prices on all Goods bought by Ihe? piece. We will also offer our city trade the same liberal cleeluc tlon on all Goods bought'by the plece Wlth strict attention to our business, and Kouerty and IndiiHtry as our n:otto, wo ?lo earue-Htly soli-it. and hope to merit, n liberal portion of the trade given t<j tlo old house of W. G. Bancjioft A: Co. Respectfully, STOLL, WEBB k CO.. (At the Old Stand of W. G. Banorolt A- >. ;.)Xl H. C. STtlLL, Charleston. CHARLES WEH1?. rhorle-oton, HARRY C. WALKER, Charleston. November 3 I lintel '.-.? . .i PARTNERSHIP notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENTERED INTO .1 ' <) PARTNERSHIP at Georgetown. S. C., und? r tho name of WILSON k FRASER, as BROKERS, AUCTION EERS ?VND COLLECTION AGENTS. They will attend to the Purchase and Sale of Reo] L? tate, Produce and Merchandise, to the prosooutioii and collection of Claims againnt individual?? ami the dove ro ment, anel genorally to all matters appertaining to a L'.-o kerage, Collection and Commission Rusincsfe. BLN.I. H. WILSON, Attorney at Law. R. E. FRA.SEH, e.'ashicr Bank of Georgetown. RLITT.ESCEH. Hon. C. ST. FOHMAli, President Bank Male, ??. C.,. Charleston, S. C. Col. D. L. McKay, PrcsieUat People's Ban!:, Oiarl re ton, S. C. John CHEKsnoriOtiesH, Ehfj., Charleston, S. t!. Hon. Vf. D. Porte?, Lt. Gov., Charleston, S. C. Hou. H. D. Lebeshe, Charleston, S. 0. James B. Campbell, Esq., Charleston, & C. Col. E. W. Chaulef-, Darlington, S. C. Maj. B. D. Town-send, Bennottsvillc, S. C. November 2 lhs:v.*l COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY' ASSOCIATE:\> with them in business Capt. FENN PECK. H? re after tho name and style of the Firm will be CAMKRe 'N,. BERKLEY it CO. CAMERON & BARKKEY. Charleston, November 1,18G5. THE SUBSCRIBERS HOPE THAT WITH STRICT ATTENTION TO BV.Kl NESS to merit n pfiaro of that patronage li-.:e*.o forc so liberaUy bestowed on the old concern. ARCH'D CAMERON. R. C. BARKLEY. November 1 FENN PECK. DISSOLUTION. THE FIRM HERETOFORE EXISTING UNDER THE. name of H. THIERMANN k CO., was dis-..-lv.?l under date of the 1st of August, 1805. Either of the partners will an in liquidation. HERM. THIERMANN. CHA*?. EDWD. WUNDERLICH. November 1 'J* COPARTNElRSIlIa5. MORRIS SELIGMAN, THE SURVIVING PARTNER. of GEORGE A. HOPLEY k CO,, bavin;; naso :..t? <l with him CH. E. WUNDERLICH, will contar.:-. Oio business as heretofore, and under the same firm o? GEORGE A. HOPLEY k CO.. No. 1 North Atlanta?: Whan. (Orneo foriv.trly occupied by T. S. _ T. G. Bttdd.) November 1_? " DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNEHSHH" HERETOFORE EXISTING under the teme of WHITE k RAMSAY. Civil En gineers and Survcvors, isdissolveel hy mutual cet1- * :. EDWIN J. WHIT . Charlestou, Oct. Cl, 16-. WM. M. I?.Y3UA". October 31 3* " ~V?P?RTN ERS H IP NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FORMED A COPART NERSHIP, in this cii>, for the purpose of carryin-? on tho HOUSE-PAINTING ?VND PAPER-HANGING Busi ness, at No. 79Bron?l-etr?3Ct, between Meeting anel King streets. ALEX. McCONKEY. EDW. TEMPLETON. October 31 6* . COPARTNERSHIP. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY FORMED A COPARTNERSHIP under the style or firm of HOP KINS, MoPHERSON k CO., for the transaction ?,i a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. E. A. HOPKINS, New York. 8. W. HOPKINS. New York. D. MoPHERSON, Charleston, S. C. No. 165 Meet?lg-strect, Charleston, 8. C, Oct. 1. ISO?. Represented by E. A. k 8. W. HOPKINS, No. 70 Be>a ver-Btreet, New York. lmo October 31 COPARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORMED A CO PARTNERSHIP for the transaction of a GENE RAL COMMISSION BU8INES8 in tho City of New York, under the Arm of J. H. BROWER k CO., and ._ o prepared to afford fair faclli tie? on con sign incuts. JOHN H. BROWER. WILLIAM H. 8ELLERS. BENJAMIN B. BLYDENBURGH. New York, October 2, 1865. 3mos October 9 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. ST. ROBINSON, OF THE LATE FIRM OF CALD a WELL _ ROBINSON, and his Son, JOHN ROB INSON, have formed a Copartnership, under the ityio of 8. T. ROBINSON k SON, for U?e purnose of conduct ing tho FACTORAGE AND A GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Offico at the Northeast corner of EAST' BAY AND ACCOMMODATION WHARF (UP STAin?). October 26 - thutuG-* MISS^MUKDKN'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES. West end of Cnlhotin-strcet. THE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL COM mence (D. V.) on MONDAY, Cth inst. November 2 th??v.e! REV. D. X. LAPAR _ SEMINARY. THIS SEMINARY WILL RESUME ITS DUTIES OH MONDAY, flth November, at tho northwest corner or Calhouu and Rutledge-streets. Course of inatructlon : all tho branches of an English and Classical education. November 2_tliBuiS" D. X. LAPAR. CLASSICAL SCHOOL FOR YOUNeH LADIES. rpHE REV. DR. LORD PROPOSES TO OPEN A CLA8 X SICAL SCHOOL, for a Visited number of youii'f ladle?, in tho Lecturo Room of St. Paul's Church, li,ie> cllffcboro', on tho first Monday of November next.? French and German without additional charge. Dr. LORD begs leave to refer to tlm Rt.rRov. T. T\ Davis, the Rev. Dr. C. Hauckeil, tho Uon. Wm. Aik? o, Dr. Ellas Horlbeok, Dr. W. T. Wragg, Gen. Jas. Simone;, and C. R. Bre-wntcr, E*?q. October 2P SELECT SCHOOL. ON THE 15TH OF NOVEMBER MRS. HOrsON PIN?.-NEY will open a SELECT SCHOOL for Yonng Ladlcu, at her residence, centre hotiso AlkenVi Row, whero instruction will bo given in all the branch?e? of a thorough English Education aud In the Modern Languages. For torins aud other particulars, apply an abovcj_lmo_ October 19 THE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH DESIGNS, SPECIFI CATIONS AND DETAIL DRAWING8 for Building? of every description, and in every stylo of architecture that may be desired. Orders from any part of tho Uni. tod States will receive prompt attention, with moderato charges. WALTER 8. WEST. Architect, Cornor 1th and Broad-Btreets, Richmond, Vo. September 6 JtaiOfj