The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, October 12, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEWS. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 12, 1866. LOCAL MATTERS. We auk pleased to learn that the South Carolina nail road troine will go through as far an Hopkins' Turn-out ou thin day, and that stages for tho accommodation of twenty passengers will be at the terminus of the road, to couvoy thcin to Columbia. The charge will be three dollar*. Wb nkolected to mention, in our last issue, that wo ave again under obligation? to Mr. H. P. Rnoo, Whole Bale News Denier, Market-street, for full dies of North em papen*. A full and varied assortment of ?ill the prin cipal journals und periodicals, both American and for eign, may always be had of Run?. Bishop Elliott.?Tho Savannah Republican of Mon day states that "Bishop Stephen Elliott, the eloquent itud gifted BisHop of tho Diocese of Georgia, arrived in our city on Saturday, from Augueta. We understand the Bishop delivered a pernion yesterday at Christ Church." Foreign Impobtatio!???.?Thcro was cleared at Liver pool for this port, from tho 14th to 19th Soptomber, 1865, the following articles: G? C0M9M brandy, 100 tons coal, 1 case gun cases, 2 packagos hardware, 1 ton iron castings, 1 cask composition nails, 48? tons salt, 83,700 slates, 300 l>oxes tin plotes; 993 tiles, an* 3 cases wire cloth. Bill of MonTAUrr.?Tho deaths for tho past week havo been a little groator than previously reported, the whole number being 43?14 whites and 34 blacks and colored. Although the weather has been tolerably "cool, the number of cases of fever are the same as tho pre vious report, viz: 8?of those 2 white and 0 colored. O? disease of brain, thore were 4?2 white adults and 2 colored cbildrou. Of convulsions, 4?1 white child and three colored. Of dropsy, 4?1 white adult and 1 colored adult and 2 children. Of old age, G colored. Of other diseases the numbers are small, and the cases tho same as are generally found at this season la our Billa of Mor tality. TVs abe gratified to bo able to state that our esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr. Cahill, of the popular business house of Oahill k Co., arrived in tho city by the Quaker City, from New York, where ho has been for some months. We welcome back Mr. Cabtll with all our heart, and trust that ho may and our climate more pleasant for the few months to come than when he left, Tho business establishment of the firm has been remov ed to East Bay, where thoy have a greater and much more varied stock of groceries than formerly?though ' * always among tho largest of our dealers. Wo understand that Mr. Cahill, during his trip North, made very strenuous exertions among capitalists to raise stock suf ficient to build a railway branch from tho Charleston and Savannah Railroad to Hilton Head, and that every evidence warranta tho belief that at a vory early day the work to the accomplishment of the desirable end will be commenced. It is thought, with a great deal of good reason, that if such a road was in existence, tho harbor at Port Royal could successfully Invite ships of tho groatcst draft to enter that haven, where they would And a capacious harbor, with room enough to accommodate the shipping of a great commercial mart. Ships of the heaviest draft could come in hero loaded for Charleston or Savannah, and with this connecting railway lint their freights could be immediately transported to their des tination. We hope Mr. Cahill's project will soon be a fact accomplished. Tde BOJWoiNEr? notico from the Assistant Postmaster, General may be of considerable interest to many of our readers ; Tho Post?nico Department hereby gives notico that the penalties fixed by law for carrying letters outside tho miiiiii, wiu'u uot oncloBod in Government Stamped En velopes, will be rigidly enforced in every instance where violations are known to exist. Steamboats and sailing vessels, excepting those to for eign countries having postal arrangements with the Uni ted States, railroads, oxprrwfi cnrnpiwics, uiago ana om nibus lines, are permitted to carry and deliver letter? when covered by Government Stampod Envelopes of the doii ordination sufficient for tho postage collectible thereon : Provided, "That tho said envelope shall be duly sealed, or othorwiso firmly and securely cloned, so that such lotter cannot be taken therefrom without tear ing or destroying such envelope, aad tho sanie duly di rected and addrosBed; and the date of such letter or the receipt or transmission thereof to be written or stamped, or otherwise appear on such envelope."?Seo. 8, Act of August 31, 186 ?. Only letters relating solely to the cargo or articles con veyed as freight by such steamboat, aaUiug vessel, rail road, express company, stage, or omnibus line, traveling over a mail route, may bo lawfully carried not so enclos ed. Unpaid letters for dolivery, and those prepaid by postage stamps, cannot be carried outside tho mail by any of these conveyances without subjecting the captain, owner, driver, or other employee to a penalty of $160 for each and every such offonce.?Sections 9, 10, 11 and 12, Act of March 3, 18415. Postmasters and other Agents of this_Department~will flee that the law is obeyed. By order of the PoBtmaeter-General. A. N. ZjiVHLY, Third Assistant Postmaater-Oeneral. Fostoffice Department, September 15, 1866. TiiH Death or tub "Majob."?In this column, to day, it will bo seen that an Inquest has been hold over a negro named David Chapman, who, although he was woll known by almost all of our citizens, will not be re cognized by that name. David was a good-facer, bow legged dwarf, who in former years was always to be seen In Broad-street, nca. the old Post-office, but latterly re sided in the neighborhood of the Charleston Hotel?but Since the evacuation of tho city, having donned a United BUte? uniform, which was made to fit him very well, he assumed the title of "Major." His figure was peculiar? in fact, ludicrous?but his temper was so good, that he . never was put out at being laughed at, but would join merrily at any joke made at his expense. His counte nance, was remarkably good, and his head boro moro evidences of intellect than will be found In many of his class. Ho was so great a favorite with tho gentlemen of the city that he had very little association with his own color, and we woro afraid, when wc road the verdict of the jury of inquest, that amistaken kindness on the part ?of his friends bad produced his early death. We, who havo known him from childhood, and have looked upon turn as one of the best of his color, know him to.have . been good tempered, honest, and affectionate in the . highest degree, and, being aware that he possessed these good qualtties, wo truly regret his death. His age was abouttwenly-two. AoorioK.?We would call the attention of retail mer chants and others to the advertisement of McN ally k Leahy, In to-day's issue, and suggest a punctual atten dance at the sale on tho day mentioned, "I have FBUiTH, I have flowers that ware gathered In the bowers," but of all the luxuries of the season, there is nono to surpass the Grapes, Confectionery, Segars and Tobacco, to bo found at Toqni's fine Store, No. 121 Meeting-street, opposite the Ice House. N. Levin, Jb.?Our young townsman, who keeps one of the nicest grocory establishments in the city, adver lisos his stock, which has been recently replenished, and now 1b hard to excol. His stylo of placlifg his goods be fore the public is an attractive one, and, as it catches the eye of every reader, so, we hope, his groceries will at tract tho attention of all purchasers. Saddlkiiy, Haenebs/Ao.? We had the pleasure oa.yos terday of examining some new stock in this Une, ?n ported by Mr. Chart.?? Love, who has himself just re turned from the North. A selection made by one s< competent as Mr. Lova, must be satisfactory to all wh< deal in those articles; and we would suggest to thos? persons who are in want to pay him an early visit. Massas. Clxtvobd k Mathewto.?These gentlemen well known hi Charleston as possessing great energy li Jeualneaa matters, have lately become Auctioneers, Brc ken and Commission Merchants, and tender their servi ces to the pabilo as such, at their offioe. No. 31X Broad jrfaeet Aooastomed, as they have always been, to ai activo Ufo, and to duties of great respcnslbUlty, we foe gaUaflod they will give entire satisfaction to all who ma; ?c vor them with their patronage in their new business. Arrlks.?A One variety of this delicious Irait has bee: rooelvod byO. R. Jevkns, No. 215 Rast Bay, opposite no? Cost?n House, where persona fond of choice thing? c this kind aio loTited to call. ' OOKOHaa WmnHo. held an inqtiest on the body < David Chapman, t. p. c, at No. ?0 Calhoun street, o Teeaday evening last ; Verdict? That be came to hi 4**th by eoe?n?oJ,<ma ^atoned from intemperance. ..... . ; /. ' ?, ! ? 1 Evros's Arithmetics.?It will bo seen, by reference to our columns to-day, that tboao very valuable works aro for 6ale In our city by Mr. Jamks B. Bioelow, No. 249 Kiug-Htrcet. These works aro published in four pro U.I?llmi numbers, from tho "Primary" to tho "High School," and arc, therefore, raited to the capacities of youths as they proceed In oducatiou, which is a striking improvement on the system o? olden days. The high opinion of pinluont teachers and others, which are at tached to the advertisement, gives very strong evidence Of tho great importance of these books and the necesslty of introducing them iuto overy school. GROCERIES IN LAROE QUANTITIES. AND OF SUPERIOR QUAL ITY, are constantly arriving from New York, con H.'gned to N. LEVIN, Jr., who now lim on hand best arti cles of CHOICE BUTTER AND LARD. ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE, LIMBURGER CHEESE, PIG HAMS, STRIP BACON AND SMOKED TONGUE, all offered at such prices as almost to amount to their being GIVEN AWAY Also, on hand best quality of CHOICE TEAS; East India Glnjjer; together with a full assortment fresh FAMILY GROCERIES. It will be soen by colling at Nos. 104 and 100 MARKET-STREET that you can impiiro FOR NOTHING that Is not on hand. In fact, there la not in any store in Charleston a larger or better supply of Groceries than can always be purchased at tho popular and well known establishment kept . BY N. LEVIN, Jr., Nos. 104 & 106 Market-street. October 12_ . 3 CROCKERY AT WHOLESALE; AT Ko- 11 HAYNE-STREET, BT WILLIAM Gk WHILDEN & CO. October 12 GOOD NEWS AND NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT THH CHARLESTOJS[BAZAAR. FORKE8TON <_ McLEAN, JOBBE-3 AND DF.AL.H_3 19 /~i BRMAN, FRENCH, ENOLISH ANff AMERICAN *OT TOYS, TRIMMINGS, BEADS AND FANCY GOODS. Having Just opened a very large and weU selected stock of tho above Goods, wo will sell them at the lowest cash prices, HiiALL rnoFim a.iid quick ba_*_? being our motto. Country dealers would do well to give us a caU, and ex amino for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, as wo always take pleasure In showing oar Goods. T. P. FORRESTON.W. MoLEAN, No. 621 Kiug-str-ict, noar tho Upper Guard Ho uso. October 10 _6? TL?T?lG! CLOTHING! CLOTHI NG! THE SUBSCRIBERS RBSPECTFULLY INFORM THE citizens of Charleston, and tho public generally, that they can he found at the OLD STAND, No. 213 KINO-STREET, undor the Victoria Hotel, where they offer for sale one of the largest assortment? of READY MADE CLOTHING In tho city, suitable for Men's, Boya' and Chlldrea'a Wear. ALSO, A good stock of GENTS' FURNISHING G00D8. All of which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Please call and examine our Stock. GEORGE LITTLE _ CO., No. 213 King-street, October 7 lmo Undor the Victoria Hotel. CLOl-fTPfG! CLOTHIN G? FRANCIS MURPHY, WHOLESALE DEALER IS CLOTHING, NO. 161 *HEETIN?-9TBEET, HAS OPENED A Full Assortment of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Of -All Qualities. From long experience in the buaineaa in this City, and thia houae being a branch of one of the LVRGEST CLOTHING HOUSES in New York, and tho Stock boing got up expreae lyfor THIS MARKET, to aupply the wanta of COUNTRY DEALERS,; I fool conildont'thoro in nothing wanting to Please the Purchaser. I will Bell theae Qcoda at New York Prices. CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK AND PRICES. October 6 R ?qopO ^-_-*n_ moi; oioop om} 'iwx\(s-joii?in toi 'ON KHVH '_ TPO?' f ui ^oo_i_i pir? *rr?K> osroid _s**nar-._0D poe wjp-ri rro?. pn-e oi*s<no*q_?ptrwt no aio-rs ONJH_OTO _OVH -AOVafl P*re SdOO- _0?V_ 'BXVH -NOLI "17 -on _aooo _h_ _o hooxs aaxuossv t___ V *i_a_:_ixs-oNi_i hou- euooa oau ^ooa^e^o^atej^ ?o? '?ii 'S??OiS SdOOO ?HQ _3ce:o___. -\_-SCJsn am Uil-XdO XSOUD -J-YH I FORWARDING AGENCY THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THET friends ?id patrons in Charleston und tho up-oour. try, that they will follow the H. O. B-llroad aa H ad -anooa from Orangebarg to Colombia, having an offlo at the terminuji, where they will con tin ne thoir bunlnee a_ heretofore. OI?O. H. WALTER U BON, Ootober 0 I Orangeb-rg, 8.0. DOUGLAS 8c MILLEE Mousey, Sign ana Steamboat Patatera, OLAZIBR8, Sie., No. 01 STATE-STREET, NBAS CHALMERS. ESTIMATE- GIVEN SOB ALL KINDS Of PAINTINC 8I3N PAINTINO at tho shoi-Uat notioe. Bnlldlni Heftlaxod. AH work promptly attended to, and don? I t_e beat manner at the l^woat possible ratea for caah. WM. DOUGLAS.WM. O. MTf JXB, I_te With Carmftlt _ Brf_ii_ September JB.. ;( ' law? : ' . mu i {( . v. \ i - . . ,.' i,. '.,i > . I ..* , .?; : ill .'/.l'j_ A Ui W. H. CHAPEE, No. 41 Hayne-Street, HAS IN STORK AND RECEIVING FRO?" STEAM BRB, u choice stock of OKOCEE1E8. CONHISTIKO IN PART OF: 25 firkin3 "Choice" New York State BUTT2R 30 firkin? Western Butter 30 keg? Western Butter 200 boxen "choice" E. ?. Cheese CO bids. "Powdered," "Crushed,".' "A" aad "C" Su gars CD bblt). "Fancy*' Win.; and Iiutter Cracker? 1C lugs (ttoOoflee 26 chests aud caddies ItyoOB Tea 26 boxe.. Sabla f-ult 30 eaekrt Ground Anhtou Salt 125 boxes Soap, 'various brauds" 200 kits "Nu. l" Marker"!, "new" 200 boxes "new" Sealed Horriugs Citron, Raisins. CiirrantH Maccarcml, Vermicelli, Spices, kc, kc, kc For sale at lowest market prwea, > 1 October 12 APPLES! APPLES!! JU3T BECEIVKD PER STEAMER QUAIER CITY, and for wale at low market prices, a Choice lot ui PIPPINS, GILLFLOWERS and GREENIN3. C. E. JEVENS, No. 215 East Bay, 2* opposite Now Custom House. O WHISKY, SUGAR, BITTERS AND riEGAUS. LD BOURBON WHISKY, IN CASE8 Rc?ned Sugar Plantation Bitters Spanish Segaxs. Landing and for salo by T. TOPPER k SONS, Commission Merchants, Brown's South Wharf. October 12 3 BUTTER & FANCY CRACKERS. fnr. FIRKINS O08HEN BUTTER ?p\j 20 bbls. Trenton Fancy Crackers 10 half bbls. Trenton Fancy Cracker.i. Landing from steamer and for sale by JOHN F. O'NEILL k SON, October 12_No. 167 East Bay. FRENCH LEMONS. Q/\ BOXES FRENCH LEMONS. IN GOOD ORDER, *~yVJ Landing from 8teamer Quaker City. For sale by JOHN F. O'NEILL A SON, October 12_ No. 167 East Bay. RHODES' PHOSPHATE OF LIME. THIS WELL KNOWN AND SUPERIOR FERTILIZER can always bo had of B. 8. RHETT k 80N, October 12 2* Agents, No. 6 Atlantic Wharf. POWDER, SHOT, Etc POWDER, SHOT AND PERCUSSION CAPS. For sale by WM. OURNEY, October 11 3 No. 102 East Bay. "coffee, FLOUR^ etc. KAA Bags BIO COFFEE Ov/vf 114 bales Gunny Cloth 200 colla Rope 200 barrels Floor. For sale by CLACIU8 k WITTE, No. 70 East Bay, October T 6 Corner of North AUantlo Wharf. WINES, BRANDY, ETC. Oaeea CHAMPAGNE 60 casos Rhenish Wine 100 cases Claret Wine 100 barrels Whisky ? Brandios, Wines, Ac, in caeks. For sale by CLACIU8 k WITTE, No. 70 East Bay, October 7 0 Corner of North Atlantic Wharf. 25 FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, ETC. THE CHEAPEST, LARGEST, AND REST ASSORT. MENT of FRENCH WINDOW OLASS. Oils. Leads, and Paints, also a fine assortment of Wooden Ware, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine and Rosin, reoclvod in exchange for goods. AUSTIN k ALBEE, October 10 lino No. 42 Market-street. FOR SALS. A STEAM BOILER, FORTY FEET LONG, THIRTY inches diameter, with Steam Drum, 16 feet long, 30 inches diameter. The MACHINERY of a powerful Cotton Press, which can be pat in operation with little expense. Apply to PHILIP AU8TIN. Calhoun Cotton Press, Church-street. October 10 3* JUST RECEIVED "I /a/a CASES SPARKLING HOCK AND RHINE JLUU WINE 100 oases OHAMPAGNH OIDBB 000 cases Ale 100 bbls. Whisky, various brands and prioes 10 bbls. Alcohol, 97 per cent. 60 bbls. Ale 60 cases Whisky 60 cases Brandy 26 cases H to ugh toc Bittes? 60 baskets Heidsieck A Go's. Champagne, a pore and genuine article Brandy, Gin, St Croix Rum Sherry Wine, kc, ko.. All of the purest quality and cheap for cash, at GEO. W. CLARK A CO'fl., August 21_ No. 14S Meeting-street. FRESH GOODS-FULL STOCK, PACKAGES NEW MACKEREL 150 bogs Bio and Java Coffee 200 boxea Candles 200 whole boxes Raisins, Layers 200 half boxes Raisins, Layers 60 boxes Cooking Soda 00 boxes Magic Coffee 60 chests beat Teas, cheap 200 bbls. Sugars, various kin da 60 tierces Molasses 26 bbls. Cider Vinegar 60 bbls. Corned Beof 26 bbls. Corned Pork 260 boxes Starch 200 boxes Soap 600 boxes Herrings 200 boxes Pickles and Gerklns 200 cases Sauces and Ketsupe 200 bbls. Extra Flour . 60 packages Goshen Butter Spices of all kinds, Macearon!, Citron, Preserve? Ginger, Cooking Extracts, &c, Ac. GEO. W. CLARK k CO., August 21. No. 145 Meeting street. 50 SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES! GLASSES TO SUIT ALL AGES, FITTED IN GOLD Silver and Steel frames, by ALLAN k HIDDONS, September 21_ No. 807 King-street. CEMENT AND TIN.* O A A BBLS. CEMENT, B08ENDALE'? Qr\J\3 60 boxea 10 and IK Roofing and Bright Tin For sale low, by T. TOPPER k SONS, September 16 lmo Brown's South Wharf. BUILDING MATERIALS. STONE LIMB CEMENT PLASTER TARIS LATHS HAD SAWED CEDAR SHINGLES. For sale by TROUT k AMSBURY, N. W. Corner Market and East Bay-streets. T. B. TROUT will be happy to see his old friends an customers as above. September 26 C. D. AHRENS & C0.f FORMERLY PROPRIETORS OF THE SOUTH OARC LINA 8TEAM COFFEE AND SPIOE MILLS, HAVE RESUMED BUSINESS AT THE SOUTE WEST CORNER OF KING AND MABKET-8TS formerly Mr. Groor's Book fltoro. Dealers in FA MIL OBOCEBIES, LIQUORS, WINES, ko. Also, continue to put np GROUND COFFEE and SPICES in every var ety of packages. A liberal reduction mado to the tradi Orders respectfully solicited sud promptly attended to. 0. D. AHRENS.GEO. KR1ETE. September 14_ lmo REMOVAL. AUSTIN, ANDRV8 & CO. WOULD BE8PECTFULLY. INFOBM THEIR OXH TOMERS that they havo removed from No. 27 King-street, corner Basel, to their New Stcr?, No. 19 MEETING-STREET, fourth door from Market-streo where they will be pleased to see thum. October i lmo REMOVAL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ?FFIO of the undorrdgned la removed from No. 24 Brow street to the Pavilion Hotel corner of Meeting and Hi eol-atroete. at which placo APPLICATIONS FOR LEAS AND RESTORATION OF ABANDONED PROPERT In the City of Charleston may be made. JAMES P. LOW, September 36_ Oapt and A. ?J. M. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO INVITE ALLTHA wish to be supplied with GOOD BEEF, and I the LOWEST RATES, to call at our Stalls, Nos. 4. 46, '. and26M?ri?t^tre?t Harket, commencing ih-JBtmn the 1th inst. We solicit a share of patronage, tnd ? hone by liberal dealing to nuke many Mantua. OotoberO ? . PACK, KXBL8 k CO, . :.: . . i. -J.:-li * ....i. '.... .l<? X'<I .0.1 VsdOhii ; .'.'- 0)1 i)Aj',i... ?TrMrnA DWELLINGS TO RENT. JheeUings to Ji->r,t. BY JOHN s. RIOG8 & CO. The following DWELLTNOStd Rent : M That two un 1 ?i h;<-f atory JUtlOK noU-^E In St. l_Wp-treet, ?rent ?He, next to Um corner ?if Weatworttt-atroct, in <,"iod order, and possvs mon given I?_aedlatuly. A?SO, That two nnd a half Htory BRICK IIOU.SK so'ilhrast oorner of John and M<?'tiog-B?outs, amtabliaa four tap right rooms ami two _:: : attics, with reiiuisito out building?. a:-**". That two and a half Mory UttICK nOL'SE No. 5 State street. coutaiuiu}? seven ru'-re.?. Possession given im mediately. AI-?'*), The UPPKJU PAKT OF THE HOUSE No. 4 Ktale rftreet, coutainin!.- ei'.'lit rooms?suitablo fur ?nices oras a Residence. PossMllon giron Immediately. ayo, The two story WOODEN HOUSE south eidcof Gibhcs flti'ci-t, with six rooms. Possession 1st November. AI.KO, The two story WOODEN HOUSE east side of Suittb. stroet, with four rooms. Possession l?t November. ANO, The two and a half story WOODEN HOUSE south side of Warren street, wont -it Cotnlnu-atreet, with four upright rooms and attic3. Pos^ss?ou 1st November. AI..V), Several VACANT LOTS, ?u eligible situations. Apply an above, at Ko. 4 STATE-STREET. October 12 Jo & P. DAWSON, No. 9G East Bay. BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, HAMS, STRIPS, SHOULDERS,?Sec,, ?Sec. 1-7 !? FIRKINS EXTRA CHOICE GOSIIEN BUTTER i O 160 boxes English Dairy, Ooshen and Pino Apple Ohecso 75 flrkins Extra Family Leaf Lard 10 casks choice Now Hams 10 casks choice Now Strips, Breakfast pieces 10 casks choice New Pig Shoulders 100 bbls. and half bbls. New Extra Canal Floar 40 bbls. Crushed A, B, C and Brown Sugar? 70 sacks prime Rio, Java and St. Doming i.'offeo 200 packages Mackerel, Nob. 1, 2 and 'J?:<\l sizes 70 half bbls. F. M. Beef and Pork GO bbls. No. 1 Beef, In fine order <L0 bbls. P. K. and __gar House Y<'lasses 40 bbls. White Wine and Cider \ tnegar 500 boxes No. 1 and Scaled Herrings 100 kogs Nails, 3. 4, G, 8, 10. 12, 20 GO bbls. Soda, Butter and Sugar Blscnlt 800 boxes Soap and Starch Mus?xd. Ground Pepper and Ginger, Spices of all kind Brooms, Buckots. PallB, Paper Castile and Toilet Soaps Twine, Fishing Linos, _c, _c. With other Goods arriving by steamers and sail vessels. ALSO, FAIRBANKS' SCALES?ALL SIZES. tMO BALLANTINE'S ALE, PER WEEKLY VESSELS. For sale cheap for cash. tuth2 October 10 FAIRBANKS"- CO.'S COAL AND HAY, RAILROAD DEPOT, PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES, all sizes. __| J. _ F. DAWSON, No. 96 East Bay, W October 2 Agents. 1-VERPOOL SALT. 1 ?\ i\ SACKS GROUND SALT, LANDING AND IN 1UU 8tore, for sale by C. G. DUCKER, October ll_3*_No. G90 King-street. NOW LANDING- AND FOR SALE BY McKAY & CAMPBELL, Hasel-Street, NEXT DOOR TO THE ROSTOFFICE. IAA CASE? OLD BOURBON WHISKY _L\JU 10 bbla. fine Bourbon Whisky 9 bbls. Choice Old Rye Whisky 5 casks Gin, Union Flag Brand S casks American Brandy 10 bbls. Older Vinegar, just from the manufacturer 12 bbls. Pure White Wine Vinegar. FROM BOND, AND WARRANTED PITRE 5 eighth casks Plnet CastllUon Brandy, vintage 1802 10 octave casks Sherry, Crown Brand, 11360 6 octavo casks Old Port, Osborn Brand, 1859. 10 baskets Crown Ohampagno. At Private Bale only for cash. October 10 AUSTIN, ANDRUS & CO,, 131 Meeting-street* LANDING, PER STEAMER AND SCHOONER, ANI in Store, comprising, In part: FLOUR Coffee Green Tea , Black Tea Brown Sugar _" Sugar "A" Sugar * Crushed Sugar Half-barrels now No. 1 Mackerel Kits new No. 1 Mackerel Half-kits new No, 1 Mackerel Half-b?rrelo new Salmon Boxes Chemical Soap Boxes Family Soap Boxee Tollet Boap Brooms, Palls, Twine, Sweet Oil Bay Water, Spices of all kinds Together with an assortment of Ales, Wlnee, Liquor? TOBACCO AND SEGAR8, FOB SALB CHEAP FOR CASH. Wo also have a quanta y of STATIONERY, __*TRACT? HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, that we offer, to elear onl at New York cost. October 4 GEO. W, WILLIAMS k CO,, Merchants and Bankers CHARLESTON, S. C., OFFER FOR SALE ON FAVORABLE TERMS 1 A A A COLLS HEMP AND MANILLA ROPE ?.\J\J\J 200 bales Gunny Bagging and Twine 1000 kegs Nails, assorted elees 300 bbls. Ooffeo Sugar, A, B and O 200 bags Rio and Java Coffee 100 bbls. Molasses and Syrup W0 boxen Adamantine and Sport- Candles 100 boxea Tin, I O and IX 100 boxes Window Glas? 100 bbls. White Wine and Cider Vinegar 100 bbls. Copperas, Brae Stone and Epeom Salt? 3000 bbls. Jurvls' Island Guano Soda, Bogara, Tobacco, Mackerel, Starch, Sp ces, _c, Ac. GOLD, SILYEB, BANKNOTES, STERLINi AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. September 90 _stnth!2 RECEIVED BY STEAMER: C%i\ f\r\l\ ONE, TWO, FOUR AND SIX PO0N -JU-UUU PAPER BAOS. For sale "?hoap." Qotober 6_?_No. 313 King-street. EUREKA! MBfiO DE AM BITTER FOR SALE BY CAHILL & CO., SOLEI AOENTB, CORNER EAST BUT and LODGE ALLE? September HI_' LUMBER. mWO CARGOES OF VERY SUPERIOR LDMBEJ X ex ?Nonpariel" and "Martha L. Davis," fro_ifl_j John'?, N. B,, now i*Uac__rgl_B at __o_a_ge Wharf, ?o slating o? ?OIBT8. 80ANTLINO, WHTTKPINB BOARI _i_ PLANE, LATHS, _HING__fl and OLAPBOARD3. For aala in loU to sniX p_rokaaera, by - Ootob?*? * 7 W.iO?aZffQ?. ?-O"!- v-">T'? -v,. .v bao'i? ??S* ,'jrA AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! AUCTIONS IMPORTANT TO TAILORS, DRAPERS AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. BY MuNALLY k LEAHY. Will be sold, at Public Auction, on THIS DAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, at 10 oViock, at til-.' Store No. HZ Meeting-street, next to Hasel, A LABOK BANKRUPT STOCK QV ?UV U?ODS. The stock <-on?i?tn ?f West of England ?ROAD AND Narrow cloths. Pilots, Doavcrs, Doeskins. &0. AI.KI), DlankctH, Carpeting nud Cottons A quantity of Irish poplin? and Shawls. Many other Goods not oniuuemted Will be sold with out foserve. 3 Octobor 12 Furniture, Hurtes, ,?? . IIY BOWERS * SIl.CO.Y. will be sohl THl.v DAY, at our Sales Room, No. 210 King-street, near Market, at 10'. o'clock, MAItOUANY SPRING SEAT CHAIRS, CARPETS. Mahogany Telc-a-Teto, Common Chair?. Large Black Walnut Press, Tables. One large Mahogany Desk, one Piano Stool. I.ot <>t cut CAn** Shades, Walnut What-not. Six M. good ?SVgarH, '?no boxes Toilet Abap. Bedstead, one box guud Tobacco. Smoking Tobacco. Harking Brushes, one LiqnorCssc, lot of Twine. Gold Watch and Chain, three fftcrlinD .Vil ver Ladled. Large Fish Knife and Fork, two Bottle Stands. ALSO, Ouo good SADDLE I'ONV, :l years old, Due good Saddki and Draft Home, 7 years old. Conditions cash. October 12 BY MILLIGA1Y Si SON. THIS DAY, 12th inst., at No. 20 Vendue Range, at 10 o'clock, wo wiU sell 1 SEWING MACHINE, Wheeler and Wilson, makora Ladies' Heeled Gaiters and Dootce.s Chii'.lrens' Shoo??, lot Crockory, Brass Fenders, Mat tresses, Bedsteads, Bureaus, about 100 feet Wire Cloth, Ac, Ac. Unlimited articles received up to hour of sale. October 19 Carriage, Buggy and Horses, BY Melt A Y Si CAMPBELL. TO-MORROW, 13th inst., at 10 o'clock, at our Sales room?, Nos. 80 and B2 Hasol-streot, will be sold, LIGHT CARRIAGE, BUGGY AND HORSES. /J3T* Parties having any of the above to send to this salo wIR notify us this day. Conditions cash. Octobor 12 Groceries, Liquors, &c. HcKAY Si CADIPBKL.L Will sell, TO-MORROW, 13th inst.. Immediately after sale of Carriages, Ac, at our Salesrooms, No?. 80 and 82 HaBcl-strcet, 10 half bblB. NORTHERN FLOUR ? 10 bbls. Mess Beef 20 bbls. Sugar House Syrup 20 bags Maryland Oats Boxes Cloves, Pepper, Allspice and Tobacco Blacking, Washboards, Ac. Bighth casks and. cases Brandy, Whiskies, Sherry Wine, Cider and White Wino Vinegar, and an assortment of Crockery. Conditions cash. October 12 Estate Sale?Furniture. BY Melt A Y de CAMPBELL. Will sell TO-MORROW, 13th inst., at our Salea Rooms, Nos, 80 and 82 Hascl-stroot, at 11 o'clock, MAHOGANY WARDROBES, Sofas, Bureaus. Marble Top Tables, Mahogany Rocking and Hair Seat Chairs, Mahogany Dining and Card Tables, French and High Post Bedsteads, Mahogany Secretaries, Gilt, Mantle and Pier Looking Glasses, French Mantle Clock, What-not, Dressing Tables, Wash Staud, Sideboards, Footstool, EiigTavifjH, Pictures, Office Desks, Hay Quttor, Mat tresses, Feather PUlows, Crockery. Glass Ware, Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machines, Ac, Ac. Conditions cash. October 12 House and Lot in St. Philip-street. BY NcKAY St CAMPBELL. On WEDNESDAY next, October 18th, will bo sold at tour ?tores, Noj. 80and 82 Hascl-street, at 10 o'clock, ALL THAT LOT OF LAND, WITH THE Two-Rtory Wooden Dwelling thorcon, situated on the West sido c?f St. Philip-street, and known as No. 33. The Houao con tains 5 rooms; on the premises is a good weU Of water and necessary outbuildings. Tho Lot measures 48 feet in front, by 40 feet in depth, be the said dimensions more or less. Conditions?One-third cash; balance iu one and two years, secured by bond and mortgage of the premisos ; the buildings to bu insured and the policy ossigucd. Purchaser to pay us for aU necessary papers. October 12 PRIVATE SALES. For Sale. BY J. BKAYTON FORD. For sale, a HOUSE, on Sullivan's Island, for removal, If desired, situate near site of tho old Pinckncy House, convenient for removal by _rafts or otherwise from back beach. The house was buiit in 1859, and is now sound and in good condi tion, with the exception of doors, bUnds and saahos. It is of two stories, on a high basement, with piazzas on three aides, and contains seven upright rooms, with pantry, Ac. The kitchen and stable on tho lot are new and in good order. Apply at October 10 tuthsS No. 90 HASEL-3TREET. Farms at Aiken. BY 'WILLIAM M. PELOT, No. .vi Ilrnufulii-Ht., 1st House West from corner Coming-st. At Private Sale, that desirablo FARM about half a mile from the depot, formerly known as Guyton's, nearly op posite Governor Magrath's farm. Tho tract contains one hundred and twenty -il vo acres more or loss. About seventy acres aro cleared and under fence; tho balanoe is well wooded, also a large orchard of peach and apple trees, a good vineyard of Imported grape vines, and a never failing spring of good puro water. The Dwelling House is nearly new, and has nine square roams, good outbuildings, kitchen, carriage house, atablo, barn, and servants' houses. Immediate possession will be given. Terms?four thousand dollars ; one-third cash, balanoe payable in one and two years. To any lover of good fruit, pure water, Aiken air, and large study oaks, this beautiful and very lucrativo Farm oners an opportunity seldom presented. AL60, A FARM seven miles from Aiken, near Shaw's Creek, containing 197 acres, moro or less. Th\s farm is rvry productive in corn, wheat, rye, cotton, Ac. The peach crop of this year was vory abundant. Near the House are two springs of good water, and a good range for cat tle and hogs. About 60 acres aro cleared and under fence, tho balance heavily timbered. The buildings ore comfortable. Immediate possession will bo given, and will be sold for the vory low price of one thousand dol lars?half cash; balance payable in one year. For further particulorB, apply to WILLIAM M. PELOT, Charleston. Or to FREDERICK A. FOBD, September 20 Attorney at Law, Aiken, S. C. W. T. B?RGE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DEY AND FANCY GOODS, No. 41 Hayne-street W E ARE NOW OFFERING OUR FALL AND WIN TER STOCK, ooKsrexrNG m paar or : CLOAKS Shawls Longcloths Irish Linens Handkerchiefs White Goods Hosiery Gloves Velvet and Trimming Rib bons Brown and Bleached Table Linen Skirts. tuto, A GBNEBAL STOCK OF SMALL WARE GOODS. PRINTS - DeLainee, Printed and Plain Alpacas Merinos Cloths Oasslmorea FlAnnelfl Blankets Tweeds Kentucky Joans Gent's and Ladies' Merino Undw Vesta OOMBH Buttons Brushes Noodle? Pins Tapes Braids To which we invito the SPOOL COTTON Threads Letter and F. O. Paper Envelopes Extracts Pomades Fancy Soaps. attention of Dealer?. One Stock was purchased prior to tho recent ?dranos in Goods. The friends of Mr. JAMES M. BRAWLB? will And him with us. September 31 EAILWAYSUPPLIES. nrUIK UNDERSIGNED, MANUFACTURER OF OAST A -and SWEDES STEEL ILL IPT10 RAILWAY SPRINGS, HydrauUo Jacks, Steam and HydraoUa Gange?, Water Gauges and Low Water Signals, Limborn A Justice's Patent Bridge Joint Chair Fastening, Shaw's Patent Cork Railway Springs ; and solo iraportor ot Butcher's 8olld Cast BteelTyre, Oast Steel Balls and Frogs, Oyclop's Oast and Spring Steel Ffle**, ko,, and Davy Bro. Steam Hamm*<rs-^'l5rs for aale to Railway Companies any articles of his make at those under hla control, on the most liberal term?. PHILIP 8. JUSTiOH, Ho. 14 North Mh-stroct, Philadelphia, ' *"' *" " ho. 43 OBff-street, Maw ?orfc? *^t$Lw?ffik\ABXJLitt, Meeting-street, September T thstu3mo Churlottou, 8, Ok