The Charleston daily news. (Charleston, S.C.) 1865-1873, October 11, 1865, Image 4

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THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, ?ATIICAUT, McKlLLAH & AlOKTOK, pROfRurrona, No. 18 HAYNE-STREET. TEKMS-IASH. DAILY?ONI YEAR.SIO.OO ?AILY?SIX MONTHS. '? 00 DAILY?THREE MONTHS.a?50 Xf?T ?infle Copies FIVE OHNTS. jow News Dealer** supplied at a Bbcral discount. r - ADVEItTlSING. ? c Square, Ten Lines, ono insertion, ONE DOL LAB AND FIFTY CENTS. Each continuation, SEVENTY-FIVE CBNT8. Less than a square, FIFTP.EN CENTS PEE LINE for flret insertion ; HALF PRICE for each continuation. The following are the, Agents for this paper: JOSEPH H. SEAKS, "New Soutli," Hilton Head. H. L. DARR, Sumtor, S. C. THAD. C. ANDBEWS, Orangoburg, S. C. J. T. HEB8HMAN, " Journal office," Camdcn, S. C. J. M. BBOWN, 'Southerner office," BarBngton, 8. C. M. M. QUTNN k BRO., August?, Oa. J. H. ESTELL, Ravannnli, Oa. DAVEOA k OTTOLENGUI. Agonln in New York. Mr. AUG. BRENTANO, NO. 708 Broadway, New York, tas always the latest dates of the Patxy News, au Le does of aU the other principal ior.rnals of tho country DAILY NEWS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 18G?. RETtjnN of the FouEiGN Cai?it?u.ists.?Sir Mor ion Teto and party have retained to thia city after their rapid but extended tour through tho Went. In every prominent place on their route they wero entertained by tho public authorities, Boarda of Trado, and prominent citizens. No party of tour iatfl has ever before visited our country with more praiacworth; at* lives, nor ban any other similar party In tv. more cordially welcomed. The result of their observations, wo aro glad to hear, is favor able to n still more liberal employment of foroign capital in our public improvements than that lath er to bestowed. Among the gratifying resulta of their visit will be tho laying of n double track on the Erio Rail road froiii tliis city to tho junction with the Atlan tic and Great Western Road nt Salamanca; the shortening of tho distance on the Erio Road about jcvcnty miles; the building of the railroad bridge acrof-3 the Niagara, near Buffalo?a structuro that will coet some live millions of dollars?and the os tensi?n of tho branches of the Atlantic and Great Western Road from till the principal points where the main track is laid. These enterprises will in volvo tho expenditure of perhaps a Jiundrcd mil lions of dollars, without tolling into consideration the real design of these European capitalists, viz : the shortening of tho route to the East luches by a grand railway across the American continent. The object of these foreign gentlemen iu visiting our country and examining our system of internal improvements has not been more happily realized in witnessing our physical resources than in ob serving the union, harmony, prosperity and nro grcssivoncSB our people have cvervwhero display ed in the coursa of their route.?N. Y. Herald. COMMERCIAL. CHARLESTON MARKET. Tlj:-dat Evening, October 10. COTTON?T!:o new.? receive:! by the China, of an ad vai:?'.- of from eight to t< u ce?::-1 per pound, has unset tled cur market. A tew buyer?, under the excitement, bought atJCfjj M cents for middlings; but the brokers generally held off, net submitting to the high prices de manded by footers; therefore tho talcs aro small and ir. regular.;{ s?toucc d rates. New York Markets, int .?i?'-?.;-.! rULt:i?LX.l\ The New Yor'-i Herald of the 7f*i, reports: The gold market has been active and excited. It opened Htr.;n-,' at 14.7M and roue rapidly to H'J, when the Sub-Trcamiry began selling some of its surplus. Tho tide Instantly turned under s general rush to sell, and the price fell from Ihe highest price touched to 14G? within an h<ur. It Hubienucntly reacted to W}?, but relapsed to MO'i, at Which it i luted. The sudden rise wuh in part attributable to speculation based upon the heavy demand for osctoms duties, and the pirupcet of legitimate causes carrying the premium higher. Foreign exchange was dull at lOO.'?y 'i for bankers' Bterling at sixty days. Tho leading drawers ask )? more. The exports oi breadstuff? and cotton are Bkely to be come lighter. In.,the former thero is no inducement to ?'hip unything but Indian corn and oats. The ?Jock of winter wheat having fallen about forty millions of bush els below tbo average crop it is very scarce, and rose about 12c. "& bushel to-day. Thero is even talk on the Corn Exchange of importing from Liverpool some of tho latter which was exported from this side; but this ia hardly Bkely. The further riso to-day m aB kinds of BrcadBtuffs, provision? and cotton tends to discourage exports, and indirectly to advanco tho gold premium, tins latter-being both a cause and a consequence. " The Evening Post of the 7th eays: for gold thiB forenoon tho following wcro tho leading quotations:?10.30, 140; 11.00, 140?; 11,30, 140?; 12.00, 140;'.'; 12.30, 14C?; 1.00, 140%; 1.16, 140?; 2.00, 140?. Of specie the Now York takes out $30,700, and the Etna $150,000, making the total export $180,700. THE PRODUCE MABKBT. Cotton.?Tho demand was unuauaBy active, there Be ing a large number of speculators and shippers in the market, and quotations ruled higher, tho market retain ing its full strength at tdio close. Tho Bales comprised 13,700 bales at our annexed quotations:? Upland. Florida. Mobile. N. O. <?- T. Ordinary.40 40 41 42 Middling.60 61 61 62 flood Middling....63 03 64 64 Cowee wa? quiet but firm at our quotations, as fol lows: Bio prime, 22c.; do. good, 21@21?c. ; do. fair, 19?@20c; do. ordinary, 18?18?c,: do. fair to good car goes, 18?@20?c; Java, mats and bags, 28??30c. ; Mnracaibo, 20@23c ; Laguayra, 20@22?o. ; fit. Domin go, 17??i8?c, gold, net cash, duty paid, Preiouts.?Tho offerings to Europe wero light, and rates for cotton wero a trifle off, while for corn they were firmer. The engagement? were 1800 bales cotton at ?d. ?@?d. ; 5000 stavea, private; 500 bbla. meal, le. Cd. Per steamer, 1800 bales cotton, ?d.@ld. To Glasgow, per ?'i^??0^ 2.?1.tiorcc8 bcei. 4a. To London, per steamer, 160 hhds. tobacco, 32s. Cd. The charters are a bark to -MaraoulcB, one to Fernambuco and Bah?a-, a ship to Leghorn, tobacco, 37u. Cd. ; a brig to Cork for orders, petroleum, fis. ; a bark to Buenon Ayrca, and a ehlp from Quebec to Liverpool, doals, private. Guwnr Ci/wh was rathor moro activo and very firm "Wo notice further sales of 2500 bales, nearly aB in Boa ton, at 21 ?(3123c. Tho sales hero wero ut 23f?)235<c Cloth is now hold at 236,24c. In Boston, and 2i0i,'25c here. ... w MflMBSW.?Tho market was fairly active, and prices had a strong advancing tendency. Tho sales wero 100 hhds. Barbadoes at 80c. ; 86 Mute, Porto Bico at $1.05 tand 100 hhds. Cuba Muscovado at 02c. LuTnrii?Both hemlock and oak aolo were in activo demand, and full prices wore realized. French and American cab* skina woro in moderate request, and with a light supply price? ruled Armer. Wo quote: Oak ????C**? a?d Hal?ei?. Rood light, 85fd40a. : do. middle, JJ?4Cc.: do. heavy, 43@40.; do. light cropped, 44(c 4<Jc; do. middle cropped, 49fu>54c. ; do. bellies cropped, 19<& 3?ft ?II<i.ml0l -k Bucn03 Ayrca, Ac.?Light, :>7(?3Bc; do. Kr5rSJ?.8^<!0,! dai??^>???C.. ? California, light, 3C(?).17c; do. middle, 3!)r-?j40c. ; do. heavv 41f?;4V do. Orinoco. Ac. light, i34r??35c; do. middle, 38@39c. ?do. heavy, :l7(?iH8c. : do. and B. A. damaged, aU'welithte ; 2f?j30c. ; do., poor do., 93&20O, ; do. Slaughter, in rou-'h' waste.: oak, light, 30!? 32c; do. middle and heavv 3C ?13c, all cash. " Navai, STonr.s._Tho offerings of Rosin were light ?specially of Common. The aules since our lnst embrace 000 bbls. Common at $?.50f$$8; 300 do., Strained, at ?8 ??}$9; 700 do. No. 2, at $11?$13, and 250 do. No. i at $14 "<S>$18; also 240 do., Prim? Pale, at $2Ba.23.60. Spirits i urpentine was a nhado weaker. Tho~sales wore 210 * t V a? W?W?l-W? for large and email lots. Crude . 2H iair doniai'd for consumption at full prices. Tho ^*^ *>?" M0 bbh... at $5.25(o)$C60. Tar was J.rmer and In good demand, at $7(5f<>.50. Pitch was T TtmeCOn48? ?'-?.?to ->Wh. Ifesin. 480 do.s? Za? V,^ Crude Turpentine, and 224 do. Tar. -were m?Tr\i?S v!',t'; h?i'1?r8 a,?ticipating an advanco -??i ?S?. n * ket,l>,nB their Btocks above the market and although an activo demand prevailed the- thYrdfaZ W0T20 Vu^c^T1 ?n U,at ? A] nnd 7?^,i tt,B?c^lbaT,Mu?!ovadoat from 13c.f?jl5'ic and 78 hhds.^-orto Rico at 14 ->.: also 1 4-?i hnxri It?SlL at SfS???a ???netf wis in good'dema? d ?tuart'a quoUtionsaro as followa : l^af 21'?c CniX fow?,5cnnd "Ud Gr>m??t^. ?SjKS ?ndTcl ?HX OENKuAl. UAnXKTS. ?T?a ?^r 7T?1X>?B' "c?The market for >?i??r*,^?i^^0/1iur lB ,6M *otlre, opening 16<aa6c 5S?? dSi kni heftvy? moflt * the imwov?l ?n m JK?SiS?. It*. ^M M?I8*000 bbl?- * ?A? 418.1?/? ?jperflae aute; f b,65*?f e.b? fox extn ?SM?? tO??."11 tor fan-?-/ .?ctutr : t8.PO@fO.20 tor i be low grades of Western <xtr;i* $9.1Q@)f9.tO tor shipping Ohio; $2.<"*.o ?13.90 for trodo brands- and $14.600*10 tor St. Louis Citla.-^. Buckwheat Flour it. |Jmi at $G.00@-$D.40 ?> 10>> lb. Canadian flour opened 10c, better, but closes dull; sales vi 100 bbN. at f S.SO?nf'J.'JO for the low gr.vdis "l extra, and $9.30(3$$12.70 tor trade aud family extras. _<ratb< m Flour is dull, bat prices are wlt?out change: al? m O? .-Ou bbls. ;it $10.2St_t$10.76 for mixed to good tu per?no country Baltimore, Ac, und $i'>.hu(v<,fii".75 lor trade?iid family brands. Rye Flour is again better; sates of ISM bbls at f.V.Mfl'.-il. Corn Meal Is ?lull; Mies of 000 bide, at $0.15 for Marsh's Caloric. Gha-n.?The Wheat market opened quiet, and closed 2iu.iv. lower, with onlv n moderate inqniry at the con? cession?. The demand f< r the South lias fidlen off, und Spcoulateri aro unwilling to operate. Tho sale* arc 60,000basbcUi at $4.72661.80 lor Chicago spring; $1.7G ?61.78 tor Mllwankle dob; 8I.78gll.80 for amber do. ; 12.39l_i3.40 for red Western in store. Barky is heavy and moro freely ofiered; sales of lil.u?? bushels* at $1.20 for state and $1.33 for Canada Wefet, latter last evening. . . l?ailev Malt Is inactive and pnces aro nominal. Oats opened Ann but closed lower aud very inactive. Tho sal?-? aro 40,000 bushels unsound at 08007c, ; .West ern at M@?0e.? state at 84000e. Rye Is scarco and firmer. Canada at SI.10. Corn opened firm, particularly for choleo qualities, but t-re tho close of 'Change prices declined, and closed 2fa? 3c. lower. Tho sales arc 91,000 bushels unsound at 60 _. 92c. : Western mixed at 92<i_J5c. Provision.-?.?Tho Pork market has again advanced, but is very irrcgnlar, and closes unsettled. For future delivery 000 bbls. mess sola e.-irly this morning at $38, seller October, and during 'Chango hours 1000 bbls. do. samo option, at $37.20. Prime men closes very weak at at our inside figures. .__._,__. Tho sales cash and regular, arc 7000 bbls. at $37t<?$.>7. r.2>i for moBs; $30 for o\tra prime; $31.75032.12?, for Western primo mees; ami $30 for rumps. Hcef has been falrlv active and is lirni. .Vales of 900 bbls. at $12(?$14 for plain mess; $14_,$1C for extra, do. ; $8(ffi$10 Cor .State beef. Tierce beef is dull a*rd nominal. Cut meats arc nominal. Bacon is firmly held, but no actual nales of lamortt-C? have been consummated, notwithstanding reports to the contrary. Dressed hogB arc steady. We quote at n>ic._M7&c. for city. Lard is ilrm and moderately active. ?'aies of 3M bbls. and tierces at 27,,4<--.?i>29,'(?c. for Ko. 1 to prime steam and kettle, and 30c. for small lots do. Tur. Hav Mamc-t.?Oct. 4,?There is r:!_cr more ii quiry t'orhay for shipping purposes, which had tho. effect of temporarily inflating the market, but buyers have but little confidence, as it is an established fact that the stock in tho country is large and will cornu forward as soon as the farmers get through with their FaU work. whin everybody believes, prices will turne bacli to their peace standard. Straw is higher than hay. r.r 1 poor Long Island sheaves of 2 or ?lewis, sell at $3 @ ?5 per buudxcd, while Jersey sheaves bring $7 <_ $8. At Tompkius Market s.:aicu loose hay sells at B?* ?o*. Sl.OOpcrcwt. At the other market sales of new hay arc making at ?>0 fa) 70c. for shippin;; and 70 (< } 83 lor retail ing grades.?Neto Ver!; Express, Oct. OlA. WILMINGTON, October (i.?There is very Utile pro duce on the market, and con?cttucutly sales are light. Cotton has advanced end tho tendency is still upward. A small lot was disposed of to-day on private terms. Tho prices obtalucd are supposed to be about 32-"J40c. for middling. Tai: unchanged. We quote at $6.00. Transactions in Spirits aro light, at (fl'u?fC'iC. TKni'ENTISK.?We hear o? the MUC of a few barrel's tX $3.50 tier barrel. Octoukr 7.?Cotton.?No sales since o-jr last report. The tendency continues upward. Naval Stores.?We note the sale of 80 bbls.. common Rosin at* $6 *i3 bbl. SnniTS TunrENTisE is dull, at 02)i? Se. Tar continues to advance. We noto the sale of a few bbls. at $0. A small lot of Crude Turpentine changed hands at $3.50.? Wilmington Journal, 9th inst. ._ ??M??_? _?? ???? ??????^?< ^?_? Arrivals at Merchants Hotel. William A Corrigan, Society Hill; George TV Hill, do; TA Gaudy, do; D Louis, New York; .7 M Kizcr, CO?O ton; L Gust is, wife ami children, Augusta; George J Underwood, New York; Austin G Smith, do; A Lancn, France; James Allen, Florence, S C; James Carman, England; E H Dnppresc, New York; J II Moulton ami lady, Jefferson City, Mo; James Murdock, New York: H Ready, Ireland: T Hammond, Riebland; Huddsou G Wolfe, New York; 11 F Fui her, Maine; W C Griffith, S C; John M Hoover, Charleston. POET CALENDAR. CO?IUBCTEO w?:lklv. rUASZS O? Tlin MOON. Full M. 4th, 5h. 13m. even. ?New M. 10th, lib. 8m. morn Last Q. 11th, lOh. 6m. morn. ?First Q. 27?l,10h.l?30. mom OCIOBBB. Monday.... Tuesday.... Wednesday. Thursday .. Friday. aturday ... 10 1*1 12 13 14, 16] Sunday. BUK T?T*T? I ~al'..'i (5...3 G...4 fi..:;:) .1..32 8.. 31 5.. 20 0..38 5..27 ;i..r.l HJ..50 11..40 Morn. 8. .42 1...17 a. .33 li)..f)7 11..01 0..48a 1..4S 2..4Y 3..02 4.. 40 Consignees per SoutH Carolina Railroad, October 10. 91 bales Cotton, bbls Turpentine, kc To Willis Jc Chisolm, Gibbcs A Co, J N Robson. O ? Hopley & Co, E H Rodger? k ? *o, J - F Dawson, Moms, Hunt k Co, S Cohen, J M Euson, F Horsey, J Jara, T C Shepherd, and Captain McDonald. Consignees per Northeastern Railroad, October 10. 112 bbls Rosin, 21 bbls Spirits Turpontine, and 2G bags Corn. To Adams, Frost. _ Co, F W Wagner, F Weh mann, and others. Passengers. Per steamship Quaker City, from New York?J B Roo and lady, Judge Morgan and lady, C W Lewis and lady, Miss EDevereaux, Miss L Harris, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs W D Watson, Mrs L T Chap?n, Mrs H Montando, A O Stone, Taylor, Mrs Stone, Mrs Wlghtmon, Mojor Allen. Gen S L Woodford, 8 W Curtis and lady, J Moulton and lady, J B Bishop, J A North, L CahlU, E Fowler, S W Laty, L A Duvol. Dr Holbrook, J T WcUsman, G Cook, G C G Cook, J Small, W Enobloch, S D Gilbert, J G Cole, E J Maswell, C A Bedell, J A Bass, D Barrow, G Gsborno, J F Cook, J N Clarko, T L Lewis, Marks, W Ford, Jacobs, Smith, G J Underwood, Mrs 8 Watts, J Allen, Carrington, J Carman, Selvas, Hutchinson, Rev Mr Shodlar, J MurdoSk, A McCloy, Mr Brady, A Lauen, D Goldstein, W Hone, JTuomcy, H Hart, D McPberson, R A Bell, I Alexander, J Murtland, I, Holbcrstadt, A C Schoeffer, G R Cathcart, G C Beeber, A R Meeherne, S Strauss, E Strauss, H Rodgcrs, Walsh, and 31 in the steerage. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF CHARLESTON. Arrived Yesterday. [Oct. 10 Steamship Quaker City, West, New York?left Satur day, 6.30 P M. Mdzc. To Ravcncl k Co, T Street, Came ron _ Barkley, W A Rook, E B Stoddard k Co, 3 R Bige low, A Zolki, H T P, Estes _ Albright, Hart k Co, Geo Schoflcld, C Goldstein, V Wolf, A Langer, Cochran k White, Charleston Gas Light Company, BoUmann Bros, Flslrer _ Lvwrcnco, Dr D D Sams, S Lesser, H Harris, Forreston k McLean, Von Holten, Tamsen _ Co, G W Aimar, G W Williams k Co, J C II Claussen, H M James k Bro, CahiU _ Co, H F Strobeckcr, PC Gaillard, A 111 ing, WiUlams k Covert, C Hickoy, E L Dcming _ Co, T M Bristol, B O'NeiU, N Tyler, M Marks, T Tuppor k Sons, A Bischoff, II Bischofi*, >Konnokor k Glover, G H Linstcdt, W G Wbildcn ii Co, O Ticdcmann, J D Kenne dy, E A Hopkins, Morgan Bros, Mullcr k 8eun, J H Linstcdt, P LyonB k Co, Hoffman, Bros k Co, Hard k Co, J k F Dawson, J D. Lambert, W H Hovoy, W LPlatt 8 G Courlenay, II A Duc, P Leo. J Roddcii, Douglas k Miller. W Shonqlit, B O Hard k CO, G A Locko k Co W T Burgo _ Co, U C StoR. O A BedcU, J B Du val k Son Smith k Horsey, J Vau Winkle, Btcnhouse k Co, p Ej? stein, Gowor, Cox k Markloy, E J MclntOBh, C D Franke J Lovlnsohn, J leca, Herman, BtonouJ111 k Haas R _> White, G Barbusse, E J Lewith, Green _ Walsh, Mrs S Watte, CD Alirims k Co, J Small, Johmono k Whiting N Levin, Jr. J King _ Co, H II Hickman, M Brake, C Ring, H Reattio k Co, G O Seober, Courier Ofiico, J A Bass, Lester _ Bio, J D Kavanaugh, 0 Ryhtcr, C Cokcr k Bro, M ('Council k Goodlctt, A Smart, J P Wilson, Hil ton .t Co, Granian _ Sehwake, D Mower, H Montandon, W Knobloob, J Campeen k Co, 8 Wob", Mrs R A Cun ningham, C Madson, J Hcrshfleld, C Litschgl, Allen, liacot k Co, H Gcrdta k Co, C R Holmes, Charles k Co, Hastio, Calhoun k Co, ??Daly, D Strauss k Uro, A J Crows, A H Hayden, J B Sweeney, J G Gibhes. B F Mo ?se, E B Long _ Co, Stowo k Lecraft, T Pearl stein ? Son, T S Hoy ward & Sons, O C Hey ward, H Rlggs, W M Bird k Co, D Lopez, 8 MeConkey, BIbhcII _ Bro, W H Kins man, c G Duoker, Cartmlll k Rugcr, A Duncan, ?tool, Pool k Adams, A Lindenthal, G A Hoffman, 'J H Knee, C H Jlolae, B J Furlong, A O Stone, SLiUie, L Cohen, Charit?ton Daily Nows, Il Mendhblnr, W 8<oolo, G Littlo k Co, Vf Laldler. A Ment, J Crnso, J 8maU, E Platt, Adams Express Co.W Crcasor, Dr A Raoul, Klinck, Wickcnberg _ Co, Laurey k Aloxundcr, 8. Mower, 8 R Marshall, J C Ogcmann, D J Slurges, J Wfloy, H F Rns sell, II G Loper, W P IlaU, E HascR, D Jacobs, and J Merkelsobn. Off Cape Hattcras, passed steamship Morning Star, bound Hou th. U S steam gunboat Taconcy (double, ender), Comman der W G Temple, Boston. BELOW. A Brig, unknown. Went to Sea Yesterday. [Oct. 10 Steamer Starlight, Pedrlck, Now York. Steamer Edwd Everett, Davidson, Hilton Head. ' Prom tills Port. Sehr Wm "Hunter, Harkseq, New York. Vp tor till s Port. Bi-bark Fille de L'Air, Thomas, at Cardiff, September 2-2 Brig Isa, Williams, at Boston, October 2. Cleared ftor t-ds Port. . Sehr Y elms, Moore, at Boston, October 3, J. A. ENSLOW, (Late of lite Kirm of Mordfcai ?K? Co.,) WOULD BSKPECTFOLLY INFOi.M HIS FRIENDS and the public that he wiil, on the 1Mb Install!, resume :te AUCTION. SHIPPING'AND COMMISSION UUSINESS, and ?ill give prompt attention i<' forward ing all Goods sen! to bis care, and make liberal advances on Consignment*. mwf3 Octobers GOURDIN, MATTHIE^EN?; CO, Commission Merchants, HAVE KESl'MEl) BUSI?E8I, OFFICE No. 2 MEETING-STREET. Oel .Ver 10 r. JOHN S. RIGGSTcV CO. REAL ESTATE, STOCK BROKERS, AUCTIONEERS, AM) General Commission Agents, No. 4 STATE-STREET. SECOND DOOR NORTH RANK OF CHARLESTON. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE AND SALE of HEAL ESTATE. STOCKS, BONDS., and aU negotiable paper, ntrictly on Commission; also, ali arti cles of MERCHANDISE which may bo entrusted to our care. , JOHN H. IUGC43.J. RAVENEL MACBETH October 3 w P. H. KEGLER, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Banker and Collection Agent, No. I7J EAST BAY-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WILLIAM BrHERIOTft CO, BAN]<ERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 7 lmo TOPPER & THURSTON, Timber, Lumber and Wood Merchants, (TORRE'S STEAM SAW MILL) CHARLESTON, S. C. George Tapper.Jno. G. Tlinr?ton. WILL PURCHASE, OK RECEIVE ON CONSIGN MENT for sale, TIM BEB, LUMBER, WOOD. Shingles and Laths. . lino October S "SHACKELFORD ?"FRASER, (ACCOMMODATION "WHARF), CHARLESTON, S. C, FRASER k SHACKELFORD, GEORGETOWN, S. C, Commission and Shipping MERCHANTS, i ND DEALEBS IN COTTON, RICE, AND NAVAL J\_ STORES. Prompt att'-ntion Riven to the Sale, Pur chase, or Shipment of Produc? and General Merchan dise. W. W. SHACKELFORD. S. S. FRASER, Chtirleston, S. C. Georgetown, S. C. October a lmo* TOLIAMR?AGH, (LATE EESRI MI?SROON & CO.) General Commission Merchant, AN? Agent of Merchants' Line of Vessels, CHARLESTON, S. C. Oi-lobtrr 7 lmo H.Lrj?PF?RS ft CO., FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND FORWARDING AGENTS, For the present, can be found at N0.8O East Bay. BROWNE & SCHIRMER, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants. W. K. BROWNE, IF. M. SCHIRMER, Orangeburg, S. C. No. 0 Exchange-street, I Charleston, S. C. ON THE COMPLETION OF THE SOUTH CAROLI NA RAILROAD to Hopkins' and Columbia, \vc will continue business at each place respectively. References.?John Fraser k Co. Charleston. 9. O. ; W. P. HaU, Charleston, 8, C. ; T. Savage Heyward k Sons, Augusta, Oa. lmo* October 9 W. C. BKE.THEODORE D. JERVEY WILLIAM C. BEE & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 18 EAST BAY. October 6 3raos W. H. JEFFERS & CO., FORMER LY COTHRAN, JEFFERS & CO. CHARLESTON, S. O., ARE PREPARED TO RECEIVE AND FORWARD all Cotton and Merchandize consigned to their caro at Oraugeburg, S. C, and liopkiiia' Turn Out, on tho S. C. Railroad. On completion of the Bailroad to Columbia they will continue business at that place. October 5 - _ _ C* ADAMS, FROST ft CO., ?STo/46 EAST IB^lY. September 27 _lmo MOWRT&Ca, Factors and Commission Merchants, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. . September 29 fmS/13 Ii. W. SPBATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFIC7E OVER M'HAY & OAVPItELL, IIASEL-STIIEET, NEXT DOOR TO POST-OFFICE. Ho will act an Agent in procuring PABDONS and ad ustlng CLAIMS on Treasury Department. August 10 CHARLES E. KANAP??XT ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MAGISTRATE, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT HIS OLD STAND, CIIAL3IERS-8TIIKET. September 27 lmo s ?a. COUETENAY, BOOK AND STATIONERY DBPOT, No, 9 BROAp-STREET, Angust?* CHARLESTON, 3. C, C. N. AVERILL & SON, ? Auction and General Conimiss: :vn MEKCHANTS, So. fa O II A V.V B-STIt BET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ??r Refer ti 'i. \V. WiluaMS A Co. 0. N. AVERILL.J. U. AVERILL. Octobers luto* LAUREY & ALEXANDER," AUCTIONEEES COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (Succcs?:e>rH to It. & A. P. Caldwell it Cf.) No-?. 140 AND 1? MEKTINU-STREET, CHARLESTON, a. C. H. Z. LAUREY.15. M. ALEXANDER. Octobers iw J. M. EASON^ COMMISSION AGENT, No. 0 EXCIf AN(iE-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. October 10 iron STYLES & CARTER, SHIPPING ANJD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AGENTS FOR Orleans Line of Southern Packets, NO. 19 YANDERHORSTS WHARF. i r. ??% I CHARLESTON, B. C. Advances m&dc on ccr-bignnioni*:-. "WW. H. I.013SON ? Co., Ayon?B in JiCMf aorfc. October 0 lo;.< OLNEY & CO., No. 11 VENDUE RANGE, General Commission Mercn??nts, AM? m:\I.KRK IX : LIME, CEMENT. CALCINED AN!? LAND PLASTER, LATHS, HAIE, wuiTE PIXE, VHITEWOOD en POPLAR, OAK AND ASS LUMBER, fee, 6c. Geo. W. Olney....H. 11. Olncy.. ..C.C. Olney October 2 _ 2rn J. DRAYTON FOR?, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND INSURANCE AGENT, HAVING RESUMED HIS BUSINESS, WILL? 3T?1 CHA.SE AND SELL REAL ESTATE, BONDS, STUCKS, and nil other Unds of l'rojw-iv pu Coiu i* flion. Also, will :ak<- RI8K6 OF INSURANCE AOAINST FIRE on Cotton, Buildings, Rtncks of t*oo??. ?'. <:.. in First Class Companies. c:li?c No. ?0 HASEL-.-.TREET, next t.i King, luiwi'j September 1(1 t. a. mrvosajs.urs::-.- xiiick. T. A. JEFFORDS & CO., Commission and Forwarding ?IcrchaBcs, Cor. Maiu-stroc-i and (ho ilaiho.i '. ORANejEBUBG, s. c. T. A. JEFFORDS, for many year:; connected UiC house of Jarr?nos if Co., would solicit Iron: ;?i?; friends in the City and Country, part of the Furwardiu;; b:isi ncsR. He promises to give all business entrusted to ill* care bis personal attention; and. having a larpc store house- -within thrco yards of tb'i depot, can always I when waiinnu ?r<? i?row.-Ti!) More ill? good? at MIlAl] eSpCBHQ to the owners. wfia -Je! Sept< mbur ? 14 JOSEPH A. TH0?R?N, 14 AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 14 Vendne Range, UNDER COLLONADE ROW, Charleston, S. C. MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND UNDERWRITER'S SALES, elisposed of at Public aud I'rivato Sale. All business which maybe intrusted to his care shall receive prompt attention. jjSf Out-door sales promptly attended to. Consign ments solicited. wfm ISnio September '?0 WILLIAM M. PEROT, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, For the Present, 54 Bcaufalit-strcct, First House Went from Corner of Coming-at. WILL PURCHASE OR SELL PLANTATIONS, FARMS, HOUSES AND LOTS, ?OLD AND SIL VER, STOCK8 AND BONDS, HORSES AND VEHICLES, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, DRY GOODS, GROCE RIES, or any other commodity. Outdoor uolca and consignments solicited. Houses Rented at shortest notice. nETEUENCEB: Hon. William Aikcn, Messrs. Willis k Cbieolm, An thony J. Salinas, Esq., Charleston, S. C. B. T. Rodger?, Esq., Frederick A. Ford, Esq., J. ?. Stecdman, Aiken, 8. C. Messrs. Atkinson k Shecut, J. Alma Pelot, Esq., Ben jamin 8. Pelot, Esq., F. C. Barber k Son, Augusta, Ua. Siberia Ott, Esq., Merchaut, New York. Soptember 29 C. E. CHIGHESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, No. 18 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. AGENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND RALE OF REAL ESTATE in any of the Southern States. ALSO AGENT FOR THE SALE, RENTING, RE PAIRING, kc, OF CITY PROPERTY. August M CHA RL E S LO VE, MAKER AND IMPOBTEE OF SADDLES AND HARNESS, HAS RECEIVED BY RECENT ARRIVALS SADDLES FROM THE BEST TO THE PLAINEST L SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS COLLARS OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES ENGLISH MOUNTINGS AND STEEL CHIPNEY BITS And all tho other articles usually found in u Haddlery Cfctablislini'-nt. ' Porsomrtu want of tho abovo will find it advantageous to call at his Store iu BROAD-STREET, Next his Old Stand at the corner of Church. September 1 _ iraw 3mo prTnc?'s METALLIC PAINT, AN INDESTRUCTIBLE COATING BOS IRON, TIN AND WOOD. IT CONSISTS OF SEVSNTY-TWO PART?' OXIDE OF IRON, mid twenty-eight par's CEMENT LIME STONE In thu uno hundred pound?. . , It has much more body than Red or Unite Liad* It Is warranted perfectly water and flro proof,' and to with rttand a greater neat on metals, without scaling, than any other Paint iu tiso. It Is a perfect cover for all kinds of Iron, Tin or Wood work, Out-houses and Canvas Coverings. It prevents and arresta the corrosion of metals, and is not affected by tho aetion of uni t, gases, acids or ammonia. This paint requires no moro oil than dry lead or zfno, and much lees than the ordinary mineral paint?,. It Is free from any waste, and poseesees a spreading and covering power unoquallod. * Tenus.?By barrel or half barrel, five conta per pound. CAMERON k BARKLEY, Agents, Septcaibex 9 tow No. 1? Mccting-etreet. WILLI S & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MKIMIW?Y, AND SHIPPSNG AGENTS, OFFICE, MILLS I1UU8K. HCH.'.RLEMTON, S. C. ?i^H-I-lS.A. R. OHTROLa T\, II.I. ATTCNH ':?> Till; PURCHASE, SALE A.M. ,.;.!..,.. ?,m.,,M'* ' ' * r?nrelgn and Dom,-tie Port*? ol COTTON, 111? I*. IAIML-R, NAVAL STORES; t.? t_a Colle.tH.ii ..1 I-itui- Puiebase and Sale of aU Bccurit:?... Consigmucnti pi ...... i.. HoUcltcd. ** HKPRBS TO: General G. T. l.i?A_ REOAltO, Kcw Orleans, 1_. Messrs. JOHN 1 l;/>-il H .*: cu.. Charteston, S. C. Messrs. OEO. v*? WILLIAM? k CO., Charleston. ". C*. OEO. SCULLY. _Mfj., Augusta, tia. ?. H. METCAI.I*. -Mtl., Augusta, (la. Messrs. CLARK. DODGK .V; CO New York Messrs. MURRAY >? NEPHEW, New York." Messrs. E. W. CLARK k CO.. Philadelphia, Pcnn. Mesera. PENDEHOA-T, FENWICK A- CO., BiUtimcj-e, Mil. Messrs. SAME KAF.RIS & SONS, Baltimore, Md. i??r~ The Columbia Phwnts wUlirabl]sh every other day for one month, am! other South Carolina pap.-? wfokly for the same period of time, and send biUB tot bis 0 Oice. August 14 HERIOT BROTHERS, General Commission Merchants, No. MO KI\?-STREET,.?P STAIRS. JOHN R. HERIOT, 3r,.B. M. HERIOT. LIBERAL ADVANCES HAD- ON CONSIGNMENT OF COTTON. NAVAL STORES and other producf. ItKKKRKNcr.i.?W. 11. HERIOT k CO., Charleston. H. C; DliMEREST .*c WYNANT, New York; HARMON D. HULL k CO.. New York. JOHN SLEIGHT, Pourh kecpsie, N. Y. lmo October 2 WILBUR k SON, IENERAX AUCTIONEERS & C0M3?8SI0N MERCHANTS, OFFICE ANB SALES ROOMS Kos. 13 mid 1? State-street and Nos. 1 rr<1 ? ?ii?i?:iiors-strcet, CHARLESTON, H. C. ALL DESCRIPTION? OF PRODUCE OR MER CHANDIs.V. eon- ii'iied to us, either for Public or Private Sale, res;, elluby -solicited. Real Estate, in City or Country, pure- .?v d und sold strictly on commission. September 27 D. J. STURGES," AGENT FOR THE .STAR LINE N. Y. PACKETS, Shipping au_ (onimissioii Merchant, i LL GOODS TO DE FORWARDED TO AND FROM __. New York or the country, will receive my personal attention. Conjrfcu1?unis solicited, and advances mii'le Office, No. lt.*. VENDUE RANGE, Charleston. S. C. Agent in New York, GEO. Vf. BROWN, No. 11? Wall street. 2mo . September 3ft ~R."M:. MARSHALL, BROKER, AUCTIONEER, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT HIS OLD STAND. No. :i:? B to. ?1-st i ?et. Attends to the BUYING AND BELLING O? LEAL ESTATE, FURNITURE. '.-*. kc. Also to the RENTING of Houses. Bent ember (i TROUT "fc AMSB?-RY, T. B. Trout.Oliver Ainsbiu *>*. DEALERS IN I"?:r. AND BUILDING MATERI ALS GENERALLY, Also, HAY AND PRODI'? I'., CONSIGNMENT OK VESSELS AND MERCHANL:-?1 are respectfully ? .:: :'; ?. an?l the utmost attention uthl to all business < :.:ii - ted to OUT eare. Olli.'?-at j N. W. CORNER J-ABKET AND EAST BAY-STRr.LY-*. 1 September !?", In. ? " E. B. STODDARD & CO., \va..:.i;-*.u.E D_._.r.i;s in ?ROOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS. AT T 11 KIR OLD STAXD, Xo. 1C? _vIeeting-Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THEIR RE SUMPTION m'business, and invite the atUiUiou ot'purchaser !o their .-.lock, which is now complete. September M DOUG-LAS" . & MILLER, House, Sign and Steamboat Painters, ?L A ZIERS, &c, . No. 21 STATE-,STREET, NEAR CHALMERS. TTISTE-ATES GIVEN FOB ALL KINDS OF PATNTING. Vj SIGN PAINTING at tho shortest notice. Building ; Reglazcd. All work promptly attended to, and done in tho best manner at tho lowest possible rates for cash. WM. DOUGLAS.WM. C. MILLER, Lato withCarmalt _ Briggs. September 13 lmo CHAS. L. CTILLEA?M?, GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchant, 143 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. U_- Liberal Advances made on Consign? ' ments. September 27 lmo ?. E EASTERBY, ComraissioTi & Forwarding _VI___RCH___J-^__\ East Bay, Charleston, S. C. WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND Shipment of Cotton, Rice, Naval Stores and other Produce. Parties corn-inning Goo?_ to my care to bo forwarded muut place mo in funds to pay expenses. Ship and Railroad Freights must be paid before Goods aro forwarded. References: C. ?J. Forman, G. W. Williams ?: Co.. T, R. Stoddard _ Co., Chuniberlain, Isaacs ?\: Co., John ston, Crews k Co., llaatie, Colhoun k Co. September 20 _lmo HOWE,DOIT0IN & CO., Coi_iiitl?-ss?oi_ _\?-3rc__ant?_ Sliip (handlers and Grocers, No. 151 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. c. nowE, jn.'V. m. nocc_t.e. o. ho-bk. C. & E. HOWE, Commission Mei'dian te, No. 71 RROAOWAY, NEW YORK. C. HOWE, JH .E. O. HOWE*. ConBipr.uents solicited. Prompt attention given to salts O' Merchandise. Produce purchased on Commis? sioa, and liberal advances made. Refer by permission to Messrs. Hkvhy Swift k Co., No. 115 Hroadway; Jno. M. Smith's Son k Co., No. 122 Bros->sti Kkmi". Day k Co., No. nu wallst.-. Thomas k 15DNHAM, No. l08Brcad=t.,N. Y., <Jmo* August 21 ARCHIBALD GETTY & CO., SHIP & STEAM BOAT AGENTS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 126 AND 128 MEETING-STItEET AJ?D Nod. 5*1 AND 65 HASEL-STREET, ' Cllfirl? ston, S. C. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENT* AllfTUHt IS JAS. B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines & Liquors, No. 171 Broad-street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. eeptomb? 1 ? 8mo9