Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 05, 1855, Image 4

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Select |poetrj|. J] ? ? i OUB BABY. ST, BY PHOEBY CAREY. When the morning, half in shadow, | , Kan along thelhill and meadow, And with milk white fingers parted nc Crimson roses, golden hearted ; Opening over ruins hoary Every purple morning-glory, Aud out shaking from the bushes su Singing larks aud pleasant thrushes; That's the time our little baby ti Strayed from KaraJise, it may be, Came with eyes like heaven above her; Oh ! we could not choose but love her; hi Nut enough uf earth fur sinuiug; Always gentle, always winning, Never needing our repruving, Iu Ever lovely, ever loving; Starry eyes and son-set tresses, White arms, made for light caresses; L:ps that knew no word of doubtiug, Often kissing, never pouting; 8U Beauty oven in completeness, Over-full in childish sweetness; . That's the way our little baby. Far too pure for earth', it may be, CO Seemed to us, who, while about her, D ;emed we could not do without her, , When the morning, hftlffn shadow, h Ran along the hill and meadow, to And with milk-white fingers parted p; Crimson roses, golden-hearted Opening over ruins hoary ' Every purple morning-glory. And out-shaking from the bushes sc Singing larks and pleasant thrushes; That's the time our little baby, Fining here for heaven, it may be, Turning from our bitter weeping, t;i Closed her eyes as when iu sleeping, st And her white hands on her bosom, Folded like a Summer-blossom. i Now the litter she doth lie on, p Strewed with roses, bear to Z on; Go, as past a pleasant meadow, ,r Though the valley of the shadow ; Take her softly, holy angels, h l'ast the ranks of God's evangels. Past the saints and martyrs-holy, To the E irth-born, meek and lowly; j W'c would have our precious blossom \ h Softly laid iu Jesus' bosom. ; j, wammmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm???? Dtunorons 11 cubing. \ HERE SHE GOES. tl The following amusing and well told stoiy was published in one of the city papers of Gotham, about a dozen years ago. It oecasioned at that time a good deal of merriment, ^ and went through several editions of the paper in which it appeared, the New York Sun- rc </</// Morning N< ics: Not long since, two stilish-looking persons put up for the night in the upper part of the city ; on the tnorruw, after ordering their bill, they sent for the landlord who was not lopg in waiting upon his stylish ca guests. ' ^ " I wish to purchase that old clock up stairs; ^ will you sell it ?" asked the elder, while the younger cast his eyes over the columns of a newspaper which lay upon the table. The ^ landlord, who had set no great value on the clock, except as an heir-loom, began to suspect al it might possess the virtue of I ley wood's chair, w 11 /*i? i m . j .1 i. ! i 4 :i.. an mica wnn com?anu uiuiom. uivuiuuuuuj j the three ascended to the room which cou- J " tained it. ^ ? The fact is," said the elder, "I once won Ci twenty pounds with a clock like that." K Twenty pounds!" ejaculated the landlord. Yes. You see there was one like it in a room down in Essex, and a fellow bet me he a: could keep his fore finger swinging with the tl pendulum for an hour, only saying, Here she goes, there she goes.' lie couldn't do it. I Q walked the money out of him in no time." You did! You couldn't walk it out of t< me. I'll bet ten pounds I can do it on the a\ spot." " b Done !" cried the stranger. 0 The clock struck eight, and the landlord popped into a chair. lr Here she goes, there she goes !" and his w finger waved in a curve, his eyes fully fixed on e< the pendulum. The fellows interrupted? tl ? Where's the money : Plank the money!" gi The landlord was not to lose in that way. His fore-finger went slowly and surely with m the pendulum, and his left hand disengaged his purse from his pocket, which he threw be- si hind him on the table. All was silent, the w dapper man at leugth exclaimed. d Shall I deposite the money in the hands h of tire waiter ?" Here she goes, there she goes !" was the h only answer. - o One of the wags left the room. He heard him go down stairs, hut he was not to be dis- p disturbed by that trick. ti Presently the waiter entered, and touching h him upon the shoulder, asked? w Mr. 13 .arc you crazy? What arc U you doing?" o Here she goes, and there she goes!" he p responded, his hand and forefinger going as p before. tt The waiter rushed down stairs, called one of tile neighbours, whom he invited up stairs to see his master.' They ascended, and the neighbor seizing hi u by the shoulder, in im- tl ploring voice ; said? at Mr. 13 , do not sit here. Come, go w down stairs : what can possess vou to sit th here?" 44 Here she goes, and there site goes !" was fe the only answer, and solemn face and slowly m moving finger settled the matter. 44 lie is mad," whispered his neighbor and lu friend, in a low voice; 44 we must go for a doctor." hf The landlord was not to be duped, he was fo i? ,i? ?i ,i i_ a. not iu ue ueccivcu inuueii me wuuiv ? c catue to disturb him. "You had better call up his wife," added ar the friend. " Here she goes, and there she goes !" re- d< peated the landlord, and his hand still moved v? on. Ilia moment his wife entered, full of agony of soul. "My dear" she kindly said; look on me, it is y<H?r wife who speaks." fi " Here she goes, and there she goes !" his ci hand still continued to move, but his wife w wouldn't go; she would stay, and he thought I she was determined to conspire against him and make him lose the wager. She wept as e she continued : n " What cause have you for this ? Why do a you do so ? Has your wife? " Here she goes, and there she goes !" and ti his finger seemed to be tracing its airy progress tl for anythiug she could ascertain to the contra- e " My dear," she still continued, thinking p that he thought of his child whom he fondly c< loved, would tend to restore him " shall I call c up your daughter ?" t< "Here she goes, and there she goes!" the ei landlord again repeated, his eyes becoming p more and more fixed and glazed, from the steadiness of the gaze. A slight smile, which ui had great effect on the minds of those present, played upon his face as he thought of the many tl uojmiYioaaf it resorts to win him from bis pur- tl se, and of his success in baffling them, le physician entered. He stood by the side the busy man. He looked at him in silence id to the anxious inquiry of the wife, anrered? 44 No, madam, the fewer persons here the stter. The maid had better stay away ; do >t let maid" 44 Here she goes, and there she goes !" yet rain in harmony with the waving finger, is,ed from the lips of the landlord. 44 A consultation, I think will be necessary," willyou run for Dr. A????" The kind neighbor buttoned up his coat aud xrried from the room. In u few minutes Dr. A , with another edical gentleman entered. 44 This is a sorry sight," said he to the docr with him. 44 Indeed, it is sir, was the reply. This is a dden attack of the?" 44 Here she goes, and there she goes !" was e response, ihc physicians stepped in a rner and consulted together. " It is advisable, I think, that his head lould be shaved," said one of the physicians the other, who assented ; " and I will desiteh a servant for a barber"?which resoluon he iiumediately put into effect. "Here she goes, and there she goes!" ireamed the landlord as the minute hand arved at the desired point. The barber arrived. He was naturally a ilkutive man, and when the doctor made )uie casual remark, reflecting upon the quali1 of the instrument he was about to use, he relied ; " Ah, ha, Monsieur, you say very bad razor. Tis beautiful ! Look ! look ! Vcr gud, isn't e ? "Here she goes, and there she goes!' creamed the landlord, his hand moving?or is face gathering a smile, and his whole frame i readiness to be convulsed with joy. The barber wondered. ? Here she goes, nd there she goes !" he responded in the besi Inglish he could use. " Varc, vare shall 1 egin ? Vat is dat he say ?" " Shave his head immediately," interrupted ic doctor. " Here she goes, and there she goes!" foi ic last time, cried the landlord, ns the clot h ruck the hour of nine, and he sprung from is seat in an eestacy of delight, screaming ?l le top of his voice, as he skipped about the lorn? 44 I've won it : I ve won it ; 44 What?" said the waiter. 44 What?" echoed the doctors. 44 What ?" re-asked the wile. 44 Why, the wager?ten pounds !" Hut isting his eyes around the room, and missine ie young men who had induced him to watch le clock, he asked? 44 Where are those young men who supped )re last night? Eh? Quick! Where arc ley V* 44 They went away in their phaeton about l hour ago, sir," was the reply of the aitcr. The truth flashed like a thunderbolt through is mind. They were a pair of swindling larpers, with wit to back them and had de imped with his poekct-book containing twen r-one pounds. THE MAN IN THE CHIMNEY. The Syracuse Journal relates the following 9 an incident happening the other night at ae Empire House, (hotel) in that city : Help! help!?I'm suffocating ! Get meoui uick ! (juick ! or I shall die." Such were the words uttered in sepulchra anes, that resounded through some of the partments of the Empire House after tkt oarders had retired to their beds last night ?f course they struck terror to the sympathetic imates and aroused their dormant energies tc istant investigation as to the source from hence the sounds proceeded. Men soon rush1 to the windows, and undressed women tc ic halls. Hells were rung and servants and nests joined in the search. 44Ilelp! help ! Tear down the house. Get ic out," continued the same mysterious voice. 44Whoare you?" "What arc you ?" 44What lallwedo?" "Where can we find you ?" ere the interrogatories uttered by the bcwilered searches iu as many different parts of the ouse. 44Here in the chimney ! choking, suffocating, eadforemost down the chimney. Do get nic ut." From rootn to room and hall to hall the hilanthropists rushed, calling t<? the unforinatc to he patient and they would extricate iin as soon as possible. A dozen stove pipes ere removed, and four mouths were applied ? ? ? ) the snioKC noies, inquiring mu ?ut,tawui. f the helpless being, who could not he ex. ected to hold out long in such a dangerou* osition. liut still the voice was from a (lisince. ' It is higher up." said one. ' He must be lower down," said another, ' lie is in the top of the chimney," said a lird; and away they rushed to the stair case, id speedily the male members of the crowd ere on the roof of the Empire, inquiring at ic tops of several chimneys. 'Where are you timidly inquired one of the males en tfis/tobiile, coutiously venturing ?ar the chimney hole in her room. "Down here, elosc by these women," rerned the voice. The inquirer rushed down stairs, her steps istened by the piteous appeal of the sufferer r help. "He is not here," said one "He must be towards the next room," said lother. "Why don't they get him out?" uttered a dicate voice, whose owner had not dared to jnture out of her room before. "Is it a man ?" "Is it a woman?" "Who is it ?" "What is it?" passed in quick succession otn one to another, and general alarm and ansternution prevailed, amid which the beildered woman heard some oue say, "Is it 'hile Rust's ghost?" "I'm (tying, dying, dying!" faintly mutterd the mysterious voice, and the death-rattle 'as heard, as though the poor victim was bout to give up the ghost. Courage, man ! we'll have you out! Here, ?ke hold of this rope," and the searchers ou lie house-top let down the long rope, procurd for the purpose. All was now in a state of excitement usurassed. The anxious searchers heeded not the old night wind. Their wovk was oue of mery, and like true-hearted men, they were dc nnined that no efFort should be spared to resac a human being from such au awful fate ii ossible. 'I can't reach it," faintly echoed the voice, ad lower down went the rope. "More rope, a little more, more yet!" and ic hearts of the rescuers leaped for joy, and eir spirit rone iu anticipation ot success, v/hile all gathered closer, prepj;red to lend their en' ergies for "a long pull, a strong pull altogether." "A little more rope," implored the sufferer, but, alas! the whole length of the rope had been let dowu. A few minutes, however, sufficed to procure another, which, after splicing, ! was let down till the voice responded : "Enough ! There, now pull!" ! Cautiously and with palpitating hearts, the : searchers commenced raising the rope?yards and yards of the fibrous manufacture were raised, but there was no weight at the eud. "Whut is the matter! He is not on!" reimarked the director of ceremonies. ..IT .1 1 1 1 . I > .1. Miie wusi oe ueaa unu lei go, was me re. ply"Hello !" jelled some one down the chini| ney"Hello!" was returned from the lowest depths. "Why don't you take hold pf the rope ?" "I'm out! Who is sold!" came back, accompanied with a loud laugh. The searchers could not believe their ears, and some one remarked, "We have beenhoax! ed?regularly sold!" All hands at once gave up the search, which j hatf continued nearly an hour, and made their way down stairs, when they discovered that a - j waggish fellow in one of the stoves on the first floor had caused "the great commotion," "the i Km pi re through" by poking his head into his ! stove and talking up the cjiimucy until he got . tired and thought it time to go to bed. A . more successful hoax has seldom been played upon a household. , i THE LOVERS SURPRISED Once upon a time, our boarding house hap pened to be opposite to a neat cottage, where , resided a-half-dozen lively and good-natured , 'girls,' as ever fell in love, (Jirls will think of pantaloons, and as 'the men'arc dreadful lonely, lean and dismal fellows, unless a half 1 - * ~ * ?1 _ 1 ? dozen 'shilts' hang witli tneir pants in tnccioxet, it will appear no wonder that 'a fellow' should 'fall to feeling' for one of the identi| cal <rirls above mentioned The follow spoken of, was an old and esteemed friend, and we . wereon quite speaking terms with -our friend's . opposite,' so we were not over particular with ! the liberties we played upon them, and which , we will now relate. One rather dark, though , mild evening, in July our hero made a visit i to the mansion of blue eyes and auburn ringlets, in search of his ?sis,' as one of the ladies was familiarly called. It was quite evident that the feelings of our friend Dull, (we must give him a name) were far from desiring too much company?in fact, who could talk to . one irirl when five blessed bright eyed dears were staring at him. Certainly, he could not. and so, somehow or other, he and his sis got seated on the stoop facing the street and our , window. Now this locality was certainly indiscreet for a lynx-eyed old widower?strange what eyes widowers have!?occupied apart, incuts overlooking the cottage, and of course he did not fail to hear voices i? the garden.? Rapping at our door, and obtaining a welcome , ?we always welcomed him?he entered, and had hardly been so before he exclaimed ! ?Ed, I've got some fun.' Have you.' said we, -what is up now V They are over across the way.' j We well understood who'they' were, and so asked the plan of openatians. ( . * Well,' said he, '1 guess they are squatted , on the stoop?that's where I done my courting' (this was logical j 'and I want to know ^ I how they look, and see what they are up to.' I 'Hood ! deacon,' said we, hut bless us we forgot to tell you. reader, that he was a dea' 'eon, and just the jollicst one that ever opened a pew door? but bow shall we tret a view : ' i ?0, I'm all cocked and primed and would ' i have dune it myself, but you know sport is ' half lost without company. Sec, said he, -here 1 j arc some Koman Candles I saved over from the Fourth.' ,Xow Kd,' he continued, you ju<t light this ! candle and fire it right over to 'cm, and I'll ^taud behind and look on' (he was the taller.) I did not want any prompting, and so over i went the disscminatorof light and love. Good ' heavens ! here was a sight rivalling the descriptions of the most love sick poet, dust as the widowed deacon said, there they were upon the front stoop step ; our friend Dull amorousj ly and gently holding his lady love upon his 1 ! arm, and gazing intently upon the orb of blue. We half thought the feminine had fainted from : fright, but the sparks had hardly begun to fall ; over their heads when there \vi? a scattering. ' J a slam of the door, a bangot the gate, and all was still. Xo love scene was ever terminated ' so abruptly?no midnight rcvcllingsof diaboli; cal eats upon a wood shed ever so C|uickly cut ' [ short by a stray boot. Never do your courting ' upon the front stoop. ' Tiie Human Race.?Ginger?" i "Sahz" ' What am dat great race to come off dar is so much talk about ?" "What great race ? I habi't heam ob any great race. "De human race, de great human race, dat is to come off afore long-." "Yon, yah, yah ! you be de biggest fool I | ebcrsaw?de human race, that ain't a boss race ?it be de people in de world, de inhabitants." ! "Who told you so?" "I allers knowed it, and so did ebery body els but you, and you are do dumbest nigger 1 j obcr saw: I wish ebery body had learning, so ; dat they wouldn't bodder 'spectable niggers wid such foolish questions." Adolpiius Gets Inspired.?"Dearest, I ! will build thee a cot all covered with ivy. in ' some secluded vale, close by a purling brook i meandering over its pebbly bottom incessantly I babling in dulcet tickling strains, "love, love; where the atmosphere is redolent of soothing, spicy aromas, that make the eyes languish, and the heart dissolve in a )i juid fire of love; where the balmy morning zephyrs sigh in the dense forest's leafy maze, chanting love's melody :?where the tiny songsters that whirl in , ethereal space, warble nought but love. I i will plant thee garden of gorgeous loveliness, ! called from natures most ardent designs, warm; est tints, and sweet smelling incense." : j "Dolphy, dear, don't forget to leave a patch j for cowcumbcrs and invuns?they're so nice ; pickled." i froJ* Mr. Jay tells a good story of the lie v. John Newton, namely, that a countryman once said to him. You often speak of forefathers ; | now I only know of three, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Pray, sir, who is the fourth ?" far* One of our smart city urchins hearing his father read an article in the paper in relul tion to a new invention o! bricks of glass, ex1 claimed?Glass bricks? I know what, them ! "What are they?" inquired one of the j family. | " Tumblers 0f liquor," shouted theyuvetjilo. | YORKYILLe"EXQU1RKR j< is ISSUED EVEBY THURSDAY MOBNING, j d at . t, Two Dollars per year, in Advance. ; BSAb, To Clubs of Ten. the paper will be furnish- ' ? ed, one year, for Fifteen Dollars?invariably in ad- ! ' vnnce. All subscriptions not specially limited at the '< * time of subscribing will be considered as made for an . indefinite period, and will be contnued until all ar- ' rearages arc paid, or at the option of the Proprietors. 1 subscriptions from other States rnu-t i.vv viiiauly be ! '' Sccompunicd with ttocasli or the name of some re- ' j aponsible person known to us. 8?. Advertisements will be inserted at One Dol- 0 ! Inr iiei* snuare for the first, and Thirty-seven-aiid-a- ? j hull' Cents for each subsequent insertion?a square I 1 , to consist of twelve lines, Brevier, or less. Business |1 ! Curds, of a lialf-sqtiareor less, will be inserted at $ *?, | 1 l per year. For advertising Estrays Tolled, $-; G'ita- j ' ! lions, S?; Notices of Application to the Legislature, ! v $ ">: to be paid by the persons handing in the ndver- I * tisements. Monthly or Quarterly A Ivertisements j will be charged One Dollar per square, forcaclij insertion. Contracts by the year will be taken <m lil>e- ' ral terms?the contracts however, must in all) cases J be confined to the immediate business of the firm or individual contract'ng. All advertisements not hav. ing the number of insertions marked on the margin, j will be continued until forbid and charged accord- j ' ingly. i Ob'tuarv Notices exceeding one square in length, ! will be charged for tlie overplus, at regular rates.? I Tributes of R spect rated as advertisements '. ! ' A MEW MAP OF KOItl li t il OL1- 11 i /V NA.?The undersigned arc pn paring, nui wn. publish as soon as the necessary Surveys, ?\c., cai | i be obtained, a N w, Large and Complete Mar ??? ; : ! Nonril C\noi.ixa, live feet by three, well ttig'-avi-i ami finished in the best, style. It is adiniued on <11 sides, that such a vorfc is ' j great desideratum in uir State, and it is i i coiise i qiience of the frequent enquiries on this subject, thu" ' 1 the undersigned have embarked in the enterprise. I It is intended that the New Map, now pr< posed t? I he published, shall contain, accurate iy lab 1 down, all the Natural Features of the Slate, tli j ' Inlets, Harbors, Sotunls, Lakes, Rivers, t'reeks am j ; .Mountains, kr. Also, the public improvements ,m,| i.itiiical .I;\ i.on--. Tiic Railroads. I'iaukiond-. Cunties, (*?>imt\ 1 towns, J'ost oliice.-, Cities, Villages, I'o-l '.aids urn | Canals, Collides, Academies, \e. \e. I lie Maji Will l)e x ..?!v !?V the .-liliiluci ?d ]">. | WILLIAM \). C K?I\K, ! SAMI.'KL I'KAKCK. i Tkk.Ms.?In bo?l Style, (*. 11 Roiler* aii-l Ku-I 1 in plosions. ^H'.t.i 1 In IMain Style, Mack Rollers. iJ.Ot Information lVotii any si.uire, ami which nay lie ni ; ' service in making tlieuhovc work, will lie yhaukfu 1; . receivoil. Ml communications should be udilti -sc 1 I to w.M. i?. rood:, i , Raleigh, S )<t. I8o-l. j Rui Scuth Carolina- -York District j JOHN I?. WII1TK. v.ln? is in the m-toi.y of tie Sheritl'of York District, l?y virtue of ?t writ ofC</ i?/.? ?o/ S-ifi.iJi/t7. i.i, it the -nit of Laiiuiati ,v Iturekiiieyi-i, having fiUil in my < tliee, l.-g; tin r will i -chclule on oath, of hi* estate ami ? 'Vict-, hi- piti'.n to the Court of Coinim n l'leas. ptavirg tl.at ! < .nay be admitted to the U adit of the .\? I- of ii ? tii iieia! Assembly, inane for the ; ? ! I ! Insolvent Di'iici-. It is Ordered, that the .-aid Lai.mail ii , iiiuvkimyu. aim al; .-.i. .-. >'..< t i- l> u .. : wi.i I the said .lolyi 1>. White, is in unywi-e iiufi lit* I. I <. j j lie! tio-y ate tofet<\ s11in111 .Ii< o'. aial have lo.t.ee t> ' | appeal beii ie the-am ('milt, at Yoil, C. ill ? IL Use \ n MON I'A V. the eijthih 1 ay of (I' '1011L 1? next, t hew eattse, if any they cmi. uh\ tin prayer of tti etitioti atoresanl -In n < ma l.e eianti.l. .It >11N (i. liNLnK, ?. ?\ c. rt.s. tIfiice of (.'otniiioii l'!ia-. Ymk I?i-t. I tiii- I t >ia\ of K. l/y. 1 > "? *?. (' ?"in _ I Southern Quarterly Review. i <) 111 ? ; i?t liijc. 11 *K were Unable- to ls-ue tin- number at an en V I lier |?er.oi|. n e.ui-e?jUeiice of t.'ie iio-tnicf"i j , f ouro!fii-e by tin- late lire in Columbia. S. C. 'I'm j Rooks of the concetti are so much mutilated that w I tiii> 1 it iui|M?sihic make out a full b-t of our -til ! scr.htrs. names ami place- of residence. W'e theft j .' re reijiiest those of our -ub-ci it>er.- thm /< </ . j ; /; mi--nio. to {live ii"tiee to Us in t'iiariestoti. S. ( j f they iio not receive the January niimbei- in <iu i time, in order tlia!>? ' nriy promptly supply the mi- i ion. We-hail no "Hp'''semi the R. view to tin s- i n i.-bted to ns. Wl Tea Iter, -lib-ct iplioiis t.. the Soil ' i thern Quarterly if, view inii-t be paid in advance, o J 'lie w.-ik will m-t I e sent. Subscription jt.j p< < ai j num. inviiriuhlv in advance. C. MORTIMKR. J'u'.l -i. r. | C larlcston. S. C.. .Liini iiy. ls.V?. South Carolina ?York District. | IN THUCOMMON I'l.KAS. leroiuet'. Milier,Su.vivoi. m. Ilappuldt. ? Fot i eigu Attachment. % 1 rllKRK.\s th?- i'lauititf did. on the twentv-sev f y entli d-iy of March one thousand eight and fii i i 'y four, tile his i.claratioii against the Defendant, w ho. ' as it is said i is ab-eiit from and without the limit- ; i | '.his State, and ha- neither v.ife nor attorney kto.w: 1 ' vithin the same, upon whom a copy of aid dcclara I - i. ;. .i ii ,i... i I mil !li:gllt OC Sei'vcu; ji i-> m. ni -u opivivo. ..... 1 Jlii' said defendant (ii> appear and |flvn*S to tin- .-an lecluration on or before the twentv-eijrth day <?. ! March, which will he in the v?nr of our Lord oin | .Imusand tight hundred and tit'tv-live. otherwise fuin | ind absolute judgment will ho awarded against him. JUlIN G. ENLOfc*. c. c. ris. Clerk's Office. York Dist. ? May 2!l. 18"? I. { 18 Ivo. j i | South Carolina?York District, i 1N T11K COMMON I'l. 1:As. : My lie .V U iik.ns, r.?. William Ciaik.?Attach- !" liu-nt. i liniEKEAS the I'hrntisl's did on the 7th day ..i j * I f December, one thousand eight hundred and ! ^ ; ii'iy-l'our. iile theirdeclarationagainst the Defendant, j : who (as it is said) is absent from and without tin | I iniits of this State, and has neither wile nor attorny I tnown within the same upon whom a copy of thesaid ! ! tec la ration might be served : It is therefore Order- | i -d, that the said dcl'eudant do appear and plead to | J1 ' lie said declaration on or before tli eighth day of j J December, which will be in the year of our Lord one ' j liousand eight hundred and fifty-five, otherwise final I ,l nd absolute Judgment will thru be awarded against j him. JOHN G. ENLOK, c. c. c. pls. : 1 Clerk's Office York D'st. 1 . Dec. 7. 18-VI. ) 4o 1 yij i ^ South Carolina,-York District. |u ixthiccom.mon w.kas. u D.J. & L. T witty, c-i. William C. Clark.? Attach- ; meat. j \VrIf ERE AS the Plaintiffs did on the 7th day of ' J ? ? December otic thousand eight hundred and li ii'ly-four, file their declaration against the Defendant 8 vho (as it is said) is absent from and without the I units of the State, and has neither wife ton Attorney a ;in?wn within the same upon whom a copy of said do- , v TaVation might b* served: It is therefore Ordered, hat the said Defendant do appear and plead to the , aid declaration on or before tlie eighth day of De- > ember, which will be in the year of nir lend one Imusand eight humliid and fifty-five, othciwix final ml absolute judgiaent will then he given and .-.ward- , ' j .d against him. JOHN G.DNLOE, c. e. c. n.s. Clerk's Office, York Dist. ) . 1 Dec. 7. 18->-l / 4>? lyrp In Equity -York District. ? Jane Pettus, } ; vs> | Dill for Dower, i > W. I. Ciawson, Adm'r. j Acct. tie. | tl and others. J j IT appearing to my satisfaction that Thomas D. , P Fenucr and Wife, Defendants, reside beyond the j k limits of this State, On motion ol Williams ?.k Dent- i fl tv, Complainant- Solicitor-4, it i.s Ordered that they ; ? plead, answer or -.'etnur to the above bill of complaint, , a within three months from the publication hereof, or j in order pro con few will be decreed against them. , C Commissioner's Office, 1 JXO. I.. MILLED. Yorkvillc. S. C. J C. ?. Y. D. j I -f.in m r-5'.n 2 Jui i # :^iaE IIOKUVILLSJ KXPRESS?Tl.? ; 1. above is tie title ol' a w-elciy newspaper pub- Ji ' lislivi! at llitkeviile, jUncoln Factory.) N. C., at One i Dollar a year. It is the only paper, but tine, publish- 1 I cd between Clurtotte and A.-licville, circnlat ng os- ; ' 1 tensively in ten ertinties of western North Cnrolii.n, si ! it offers a good mcliutn of advertising to the business Si community. Tern* per square of j(i lines: One in D .liar for the first and twenty-live cents for each ni i ubsequcnt insert;*"* To Quarterly, and longer Ad- di i v.-rtisor-, a reducion of one-thiid will be mad , if bi ; paid quarterly. y< j. G. SniORD. Editor l',-'j'rit/or. fiI ) .March S 0 tf ti g tOlhVniY PUOIHX'E.-The undesigned \.J take this nietiod to nform thosothat airindei.t1 ed to rhent for (.H0CK HIES. &c.. that they will tnfcC i WHEAT. COUN :iid nil other country produce, in 1 | payment of debt due tliein?dio-witijr the highest ' , market pries* T. S. PAGAN & CO. <p THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. >570. In Cash jrrL.es. $570. V/ULL'ME Ten of the "Scientific American' commences on the lOili of September. 11 isehiefly levoteci (o tlic advancement of the interests of Mediancs, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmers, una it> cilitd by men practically skilled in the art* and sciences. Yobably no other journal of the same character is ?o xtetisivcly circuialed, or so generally esteemed for ts practical ability. Nearly nil the Valuable Falents vlnch issue weekly from the 1'aTENT office are 11uslrattd uilh Enyravinys, and the claims of all the 'atents arc published regularly in its columns as hey are issued, thus making it a perfect Scientific iM> Mechanical Encyclopedia ot information upon he subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Vnyinetriny and the Science* generally. It is published weekly in quarto form suitable for binding, and inch volume contains Four Hundred and Sixteen 'aues of Heading Matter, Several Hundred Eniuavini.s, with a full and complete Index. Its cirulation on the last Volume exceeded 1:3,01 0 copies >er week, and the practical it-cipts in <?uc* volumearc vortli to any family much more than the subscripion price. The following Cash Prizes are offered by the Pubishers for the fourteen largest lists of sub-cribcrs out in by the 1st of January, I.v05:?SHiO will be C-veil for the largest list; $75 for thesecond; $05 fi r he third ; $00 for the fourth : Soil for the fifth ; $45 or tlio sixth: S IO for the seventh ; $35 for the eighth; v?0 I'm- the ninth; for the tenth : $20 for the kventh; ?16 for the twelfth: S10 for the thirteenth ; md Sr> for the fourteen'h. The cn>h will he paid to he oriler of the suecessfitl competitor immediately iftcr the 1st of January, IH'iO. Teums;? One copy, nrte year. S2: one copy, six uonths, S! ; five copies, six mouths, SI: ten copies, ix mouth*', Sv; ten copies, twelve months, $15; fifeen copies, twelve months, s22: twenty copies, welvc months. $28 in advance. No iiumhev of subscriptions ahove twenty can he a ken at less than $1,40 each. Names can he sent n :?r different l'o-t Ofliee?. Southern and Western money token for suhserijions. I.ettftvs >iiouhl he directed, post-paid, to Mt s*.\ a 'o. 12K Fulton-Street. N. V. Messrs. Mi nn A Co.. are extensively enpnped in >rocnrinp patents for new inventions, ami will advis< nventors, without clmtpe. in repaid to the novtlfy of hole huo", v illOlts, Tlie-e Pill* lire eil'frety Vegetable, and are a limit itii|irilur Medicine i the eti e <>l nil Pi'.ntu I maul i <?.?, ( h Is a < ' h'rrr. I i/>/< p'-a, Cosimrn-ss, /. i'f C'liup a ft, Jnuml r. , * k II id'irhr. ( #/? r. St I Ithnim, Frfi".* ?l it Ik-H'lr, I <*.<?* .ipprtilr, O xtrwtrd it'll p t <>/ /' At ? /??'/"?.'' </ 'I' I it " >?S Ad n rf "I'* Ma liciii ' "*> IICI ikn n cliar.u. . id when Inkt ii n?C'?nli-i; in l< ' ! reciions hey oar f;i I > > c ire t>ip ?nrs c "I Piled* it all oilier remedies mi . They piulf,' 'he lilo nl. equ il xe ilie el rutin n-n. irdliire ilie Liver, Kidney m, i>ml oilier Secretory Oi}{iiii? to a lien.iliy -one and action; mil u* ti \ li It ii<>u- 1 mini. .t.ediciiia II.cy have a-, eq Hi. PiiOe cauls per li X Alio. .1 r-wt< dp f <f Coughs, Cutilt, Catarrh. Hronrh t s, ' roup, IVhunp, hfr ( m.jriit ./-ihm . I # < <. pt .V rvn-'ji /ii r - J. i, ln-p <<* ?. t uilirtiii i*% f'ri -i, itn-, /< sntrr of the Hr.'rt, I rf mill t fit "oil I' n l i lit I lr-1. I'll li mid Siil . 'ihiI .11 dfra*'.- nri.'iiip from ail ' nurd .-lalt of lie Si, mai lt, and in -rinr ta d ti- *.** ami h d ( I "g _/<*-. m ra'mg fun h' : lp f f d, m teak and .'? >< p i; ha'</># . WARRANTED TO BE PURE-Y VEGETABLE. T- cm- I'i I* ac! it* an Kx ctor hi. T nic. ami \|icricul. I)||t" i cell in>X I'll f s? ? I raw lllllea nin e . ii er tn el'1 o ilii a*rs Iihii it nilc ! liar h II !" any nf Ilia S-rips, II Nam*. ii S;t -ii|ii 'll-i* Hint win c.er in i|.\ a >1 a mm. j lc i ii ..| i.niy i.lie Ih>\ w II ovnt'ii* iii|i ri lit iruth. They po niie Kipeci oral ton, l.omitii 'lie Plile-iii. mid Clear die l,iiiu? mid o lier Scrcctoiy Organs of nil inorlrd loattcr, unit tlicr-. i* not another eiiicily i H e w In-In Mated* M edit.-a a|iahl" I' ni|i.ri in; -in.ii tnaling properties to the J.-nujs a il Vdai ripl * a? Ilie*.- P l?. 'I'ltey Cure Cn*i 11 eness, produce n pmil. tegular Appetite, and St i engt lie it the Sywlrin. I* ice i'i tvi|!? i cr i?-x i oiiiaiiiim; .5 dots? ..f Medicine. Call tei I lit* \K? is alio -e I tin* I'll-, a il ?et tli? Plant"'* A'mkiikic o?a 11*. t; vim; lull par: culura and orliflcuivs cur- -. Ihuh k lid- u I the a hove named fills .ire lor sale in i. I'r'.i.i. i.y h. >J. I5il\\ I N itiiiI liAil.M. I i \\ 1 lil.US. who itl-o keep :t *nn|ilv i.j" hr. //< </ ".* r..<< /'<//?..nut h . ll-i i'nCi ' '.ctol/'</ >. wli'cli to;. :iin| ! *. ve flic tir.-t !:?y. Eritish Quarterlies. Eti.NAIlli Ml (IT .v ft I.. New \ ..ik, cmitir.ui i J ! > i'i'| .|i I?! i * 11 the tol!'.wiiio |5iii;>ii |'ei Ileal.-: I. i L- iu!im (jiMitci!\ In * icvv, : r.-i i Villivi*. i 1. Tin1 Ivlii.ln'si'jr! R*v.?\v. i \Mi x.) :{. Tii" S* Mil U/.ti?h R vi? v.. i Fiii* Church. I 5. The * c-tm rt-t- i 11 i *i w. t L.bcrai. i Biackw - y-M i.liuig Magazine. i'!" -rv.) Tin- {-resent r.iticai state Knr??|nan atiail- wi! H'V'i these |niliiii.:it.i>ii- iiiiu-iuT.lv inteiosting dllir_' l!iv yeiir 1 Tin y will occupy a middle ,?*umi bet wet n ili*.- hastily wiittin in w> il?-in>. ciudt ;.t cul.-itionA ami ll\ iii|? itiinor* of tlie daiiv journal, .id tin*{ in iTi.ii> tnlim ? !* llie future historian, writii after tli Iivng inn-rot ami excitement !' the ii'Mt politic * event* of the tilin' >!im!1 liavn passed way. It is to these Periodical* lliat readeis must * !? for tii- only really intvi 1 ami reliable hi.*i v !' current events. ami a* >m-li. in :uM:t on to ..eir .vi-l! --! Tili-lu il literary, scientific ami liicoh'g.-. il character. wi- uige ilii-ui upon the eoii-idcintioii f the refilling public. Arragcnieut.-- are in progres* fort lie receipt ofearv -licet* from the British Publishers. by which wi aall h* able to place our reprint* in the hand* ol ub-cribers about a> soon a> they can in- turni-hed 'ith the foreign copies. Although this will involve very large outlay on ouv part, we shall c*>uTnuc to urni-h the Periodicals at the same lov. rates as hereofore. viz: Per annum. \.r any of the four Reviews $.'} HO 'or any two of the four Review- U< 'or any three of the four Hi view- 7 U'< 'or all four of the Reviews s 00 'or Blackwood's Magazine -1 OC 'or Blackwood and th.ree Reviews 0 0 'or Blackwood ami the four U*-views 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance.? louey current in the State where is-ucl will be reeived at par. C!uU,?,\ discount of twentv-fivo per cent from he above price? will be allowed to clubs ordering uuror more copies of any one or more of tlie above forks. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one leview. w ill be sent to one address f**r *;! : Four colics of the lour Reviews and Blackwood for 8*10: ml so on: l utta;/?.?in all thr principal cities and towns, hose works will be delivered through agents, lVce ot ostage. When sent by mail, the postage to any part f the United States will be but twenty four cents n ear for "Blackwood," and hut twelve cent- lbr each f the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always e addressed, post-paid, to the I'libl'shers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. ol G"M Street, N. Y. X. B.?L. S. i Co. have recently published, and avo now for sale, the '"Farmer's Guide," by Henry Stephens of I'Minburg. and Professor Norton of Yale 'oliege, New Haven, eomidetu in two volumes, voy,1 octavo, containing 1 '" ?' ? pages. 1 I steel and tiOB rood engravings, 1'iice in Muslin bindings. .<<>. Jan. I 1 tf South. Carolina.?York District. IN T11 K COMMON' 1'MOAS. I. 11. .lohnstoii, rs. L>. W. .Smith.?Foreign Attach 111C i 11. I ^/"IfKRI-'AS the Plaintifl' di<l on tin* twenty-sixth T f i)ny of May, one thousand eight hundred and fty-four, file liis declaration against the defendant, ho, (as it is said) is absent t'roin ami without the wits of this State, awl has neither wife nor attorey ktiov n within the same, upon whom a copy of lie sab! (echinitinn might be served: It is thcrc>re Ordered, that the said Defendant, do appear and lead to the said declaration, on or before the twen7-sevelith day of May. which will be in the year of ur Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, thcrwise final and nbsulutc judgment will then be warded against bun. .TOUN 0. KNLOK. r. c. c. tls. 1 erk's Office. York District, 1 May 20th, 1854. / 18 ljq South Carolina ?York District. iN rH ] : cOM MONI'I,I:AS. awes II. Larry, v. Harvey Hamilton.?.Attachment. 117*11 ERICAS the plnintlff did this day fi e hisder V duration against the defendant, who, (as it i? i:uj is fiD.-rnt irnni nn<i wmmui me limits 01 cms late, and has ncitlier wile nor attorney, known with1 the same, upon whom a copy of said declaration ipht be served: It is ordered that the said defenintdo appearand plead to said declaration, on or ! dore the fourth day of October, which will he in the jar ' f our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ty-five, otherwise final arid absolute .Judgment will ten be given and awarded against him. JOHN G. KXLOE, c. c. c. pls. Clerk's Office, York L>i.-t. ? October 3f 1854. j 30 ly?j iI'RAI'PIXG P.1PKH. A lot of old I J NEWSPAPEKS for sale by the hundred. En- : tiro t>t tiiLe Office TKLiiiUKi^'o ttiiJ'Ult r, Of the Receiptx and Expenditures of the Tuit n Council of York, for the past year, 1854. Dlt. To Au?'t ree'd n lieu of work on Streets niid K?mls $ 471 75 " 41 44 Tax oil S.lives 40 (H) 44 " " Taxes on Ileal Estate 11 ;;4 25 $17116 00 1854 CB. Nov. 10, IJy Cash p'd J. P>. Moore horse and Wagon $ 10 00 | 44 17, 44 44 J. Herndon 44 and Wagon 10 00 44 44 ,4 " J. MeLurc 44 and Wagon 12 00 44 44 4* 44 Wui. Wright 44 and Wagon 6 75 | 1855 ! Jan. 44 44 4 4 W. M. Kerr, Grading, &c. 225 00 44 44 44 44 J. X. Lewis & Co. for Seal 4 86 ! 44 44 44 44 J. M. Itoss hire of Wagon 5 Cm) 44 44 44 44 J. F. Lindsay hire nf Wai'oii t) ()l) 17 44 44 Jul,II K. Grist f<.'i Printing ' ^ .i ?* u Walker & Moore for Printing <> ^0 j u " 44 44 Sain'l McNineli on liiiii'l 4,'W 4"J 1 ?i ?4 44 44 J. J. Sublet* Ac't. o 4;> , j 44 44 *4 4* ,4 working .>n Liberty st. " ' ") ii ?4 ?4 44 W.J. Powen working mi Liberty >t. 4 l'? i i. 44 44 J. S. Moore working on Liberty st. 13 4 44 44 T. If. Smith Luiittier, (Jnnling, iVe.. P? 40 ii 44 44 Moore lUiuoy A'.-fount 1 40 ' I. 44 44 J. (i. Knloe Ace't 1 ' ii 44 44 J. O. Lindsay oil Ibmd 44 40 I, i> 44 44 J. P. Lindsay poi 1). A. Gordon boii'i 4"? 71 i i. i 44 44 J. II. Walker ot. Bond bO i i. .i 44 44 J. Me Lure on bond In I .. ii 44 44 Thomas O Fiirrel\ on lb*ti41 4 t4 .... ii- i II i- ../...J I.. tli..I .). It. Brntton Bony J*>1 08 " " 41 44 W. M. Kerr per/. S. Moore I 280 80 ! 44 44 44 44 .1. S. Moore Ac S,?ns Bori'l 80 (>>] ' 4 4 4 4 44 I. 1). Boyd per s'. Moore oil Bond 22 08 44 T. 8. l*a*rrtti Bond 0 70 44 44 4- 44 F Miller per W..I. Bowcii Boiul 24 40 41 4* 4- \V. M. KerrperB. T. Wheeler Bond 42 00 ' 44 ?4 44 Holtert Miller per B. T. Wheeler bond 10 *0 | 44 44 44 44 W. M. Kerr per B. T. Wheeler Bond 80 00 Much l'.i 4 4 4 4 Miller \ Mel toil pub. Treas. lleport 0 00 4 44 4 4 44 .las. .Mlerys Treu. balance 10 82 $1700 (hi From til- great length of a detailed stati lm-nt of 'In- receipts, aggregates only are given. I>ut reference 1 lo-roliy made to tlie Treft*nrer"s book in possession f ti e p. c-! of (' uin il. which contain-. the nam44.ami amounts received, ami also receipts for the > amounts paid out. J. M. BOSS. /?</'< 7V<>/.<Y/ /' Town Council. M i rrl- l'?. 1800. PROSPECTUS FOR 1855. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, BSTABI.ISIIKI) I'til.'.ST Jtb. 1821. Weekly Edition between 80.000 and 90,000. /HTIIK Ion/ j*?4i! ! "I over Thirty-three Years, durj in/ winch tlic S.\ri U0A\ ll\ KM.Nli l'OST na- bviti established. and it- present immense circuatioii. are guarantee* to all who may subscribe toil .lint tliey will receive a lull return for their money. ! Our at rangement* far for tin* coming year are , : ti> h as we trust w.li bo thought Worthy of the high . Mitution of the lVt. Positive arrangciiiciits have 1 dready been uiaili4 for contribution4- from the gifted ;44 i!- ,,i Mrs. Sniiiliwortli, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. ileiiisoi:. Mary li ving. K iza L. Sprout, Mrs. Carien, Fanny F?-rn, and a u- \v Contributor, (whose name is , withheld Itv reijiiest.) In the first paper of January, wc design cominenj - iug the following Novelet: 1 Six Weeks of Courtship, Bv Mrs. Kuiilie F. ("alien, author of 440ue Year ol Wedlock. ' \c.. \c. We purpose following this with an Original Novel' el?designed to illustrate, incidentally, the gr-ai Evils ol liitcinperar.ee?entitle*! The Falls of the Wyalusing, By a nev ami distinguished contributor. Wc have al-o made arrangements for two Stories, j to be entitled rr"- - -s " i 1 ?t.i r.,. irrai xne uneiaa oisiers uuu inu iiauuu a >v m, ; I5y Grace Greenwood. author of "Orei liwood Leave-," j - * 11 ;tr?a and Mi?imps." ?\e. Also, fin? following addition] contributions: New Series of Sketches, 15v Kain*v >\?rn. .tutlm^of Forn Leaves1." &c. i Mark, the Sexton, A Novelet, by Mrs. Dennisou. author of the "ft"ji- t mother." "Hotne Picture?." \o. Nancy Selwyn, or; the Cloud with a Sil- j ver Lining, A Xovi let. by Mary living. , Ami lust, but by no moans least?from the fascin! ufinjr and powerful jwn of the Post's own exclusive contributor'? Viva, a Story of Life's Mystery, fly Mrs. Emm;- I). K.N .South worth, author of -'ML riani." "The l,o-f Heiress,*' \e. 6i>\ In addition to the -.hove oro.el ."nay of coutrihui tioiis, we siiall endeavor to keep up our usual varie i ty of Original Sketciu- ami Letters, Pictures oJ Lite in our own ami foreign Lands, Choice Scire1 t ons from all sources. Agricultural Ait'cles, Gener! al News, Humorous Anecdotes, View of the Produc. : ; and Stock M irkcts, Hank Note List. Kditorinls, Ac.. \e.?our object being to give a complete lb-cord a.i far a.s our limits wili admit, of the Great World. Engravings. In the way of Engravings, we geucrtilly present ai ; least two week'y?one or'an instructive, and the oth or of a hiimorous character. The Postage on the Post to any part of the United . States, paid quarterly in advance, at the oflicewheri : . j it is received, is only lib cents a year. Terms: j ' Single copv SfbOft a year. 1 I -I copier...'. b.Oli S copies (and one to getter up ofeluh) lft. 00 " i l-> copies Land one to gefter up of Huh) 1 n.tlO " i copies (am! one to getter up of Huh) lift.ftft " ; vjtj, llif money iiibm always uu si'm in auv.mcc. 1 Address. always post-paid, \ DK.U'OX & I'KTKRSOX. 'iii Si.nth Third-street, I'hiladclphin. , ?39* Sample Numbers sent gratis to any, one when i ! requested. 1 Gleason's Pictorial, FO it T II K V A It / 1 bar.. j M.M. RALI.OU. who lias edited /lie "Pictorial' ' from tint commencement, having bought on; . 1 the late propritor, Mr. F. Glca.-i.n, will conduct thi- j i | popular and widely circulated papyr on hi* own ac j ..uiit. The new volume will he Helically improved 1 in every respect, and will he published on finer j.a- ! per than ever hefore, which qualify will lie continu- j ed henceforth without change. Many new and popu- i 1 lar features will at once he introduced, and the litemrv department will present an array of talent and in- . | tcrest beyond anything ii has h? lore attempted. Tin ! i Hits trillion?- will he finer, and hy better artists th: / * have before been engaged upon the paper, and alto : ' gether tlie publication will he vastly improved mid ' beautified. i ' Arrangement^ have been made for representing 1 ' luring the yiatr.-.views of the nn.st notaf.le buildings 1 and localitig^ throughout the United Slab's, n* v eil as givin&jfkeiicsHes ?t the im-st prominent ciiarae. ters, mate and female, of artists and men of genius. v sucli n? have by their own industry and skill ma<h v for themselves r. f >rtunc and a nntnc. In addition t. these, various notable European scenes and occur- v rences will also be given, from week to week form- j iug a hrilbant illustrated j-urnnl. TERMS: INVARIABLV IX AIJVANTE. 1 subscriber, one year, 00 4 subscribers, " " 10 <;0 10 20 00 &-2F* A".v person s.-nding sixteen subscribers at tlie last rate, will receive the seventeenth C'-jy gratis. Addre-s. M. M. BAI.I.Or. v I'ul.lisher ni'il I'roin'iotii;*, I Comer of Troinois: ami Bromfieid street*,Hot on Mas-. , January 1, Ifiiio. 5 tf 10 ihErHYsitiANS liF I HE WEST And to ail tnose who use Liquor an a Medicine or a Beverage. 13HVSICIANS who prescribe A.eohonc Liquids for . medicinal purposes should give pretcici.ee to bClilLDA.M AKOMA'llC fcCil.VAl'l S. 1. It is 111:1 ii 11 i.'ielll^L'U at Sclliciiiitu, 111 llo.ialid, and exclusively 111 the factory of the proprietoi, by processes and from material elsewhere unemployed ami uukuown. 2. It is proved, by the recent analysis of several eminent chemists, to be entirely free from the pernicious fusil oil which remains in every kind ot injucr distilled from grain, which is the cause ot the tu l \ e,us and viiceral deraligenieut, serious Coi.gis\on. ami tnorb.Uiiess for habitual and intenipeinte iuuih^u.ce, which such liquors tend t?? supcriuuuce. a. It is proved by the same unerring tests that the Juniper Gin is not flavored with the course, acrid m.d indigestible oil of juniper heretofore used, but with the specifically lighter, more volatile and nr<.mat.c and med.ciiial of the two essential oils of the Italian Juniper berry, negieeted by every other manufacturer. -J. It is chemical proved to be absolutely pure in its rectification?a quality obtained by uu entirely new process, and which no other Holland Gin in the wor.u lias :ic?|itiml. It is proved hv extensive medical experience and testimony, to bi' au efficient as well as an ?gmaMo r. mcdy in many cases of incipient dropsy, gravel, chrome gout. rhcumati?m, flatulence, colic. c< nciotion in the kidney ami blmhler, dyspepsia, It virami ague, generally debility, sluggish circulation of tin Idoi d, deficient assimilation of food, and exhausted vital ' ? ergy. ?). It is a most grateful and renovating cordial, and when used as directed, never inflames the* systi m or induce* inebriety, but tends rather f<- subdue the latter frailty, by creating a dislike to all inferior liquors. And it invariably corrects the ill efficts of bad water, whether in *wanipy ??* limestone districts. In all if the-" 'iiiimerated <|?ia 1?tie< if 1ms no rivaj in any market in the wor'd. Since flic introduction of this celebrated medieiiial beverage into the Cnitcd States, a nunihcu of l.iijuoi Houses in .New York anel our other large cities have commenced counterfeiting it. Thegtnuiiic i* only sold in ijmilt ami pint bottles, lintid.*< tm ly wrapped in yclh?\v papn', with in) nainc on the bottle, c?-i k and label. 1 would advise those who use it medicinally, to purchase by the bottle, as Ihirs and Hotel.fre?|Uentlv till my bottles with the e? iniiu-n gin and sell if lor the genuine. For salt by till respi dalle Druggi i, iu the C.'iiited States. J lie woid ,,Selinii| p" Itelougx exclusively to my article, as other*' /re e< nnte-vleirs. In t'harlestoii. S. ('.. by the*followii g fines: fin i . JI ii mi > ,y C'n, J'. M. f'oh in ?i" 1. Kb <>/ I'tii Jfiililci/i. I.tttiH't v t\ JJ'irl H-ifi r, A / ' :, A"//?< / ,y Wid nil un/. Jn/.n F. O'A't Tb?m?* /.. ti <>d'-. Full hi ,y F'Vr'i>. ml. Aid ly all I bo rcsnc-tabledruggi-ts and gr? cer* in tie I'nitedStates. L IiOI.IMIO WOI.FK, .Sole Miuiufiictiiier and Imp* nor, IS. "J'f & !'2'2 l'caver-siiTet, Nov. H 4<) '"iii N? w-Yoi k. HARPER'S Wi.6i.ZIKE. fSNllK circulation ..f II.UlPKU s NEW MONTHLY J. M.\'I \ZINK i - imw reenter tl*:m at any jm viirti? time since i'- puolicatn n was c imiu ncid, ami istill stcadiiy ripMiy I'K*r?.:t-ir?jr. The same which has made i; pnj u'ar ii.thtrio will c? tit litur to he pursued. It \till a:m l?? j?i? -? nt repuhiriy. in iimi'C elegant 'Ire.-"- ami at a cliiape/ rate, a larger amount of latter r< adii;;r matter than ha.* ivirlxer riven t" the Public in : ??\ similar peried'cal. tiil.er n>re:gii or <!iiin> .-tic. li- lit- will he made up with constant I t leu I c?- to tin Wants am! taste- o| the Trent h?*dy of flic Ani'Ticrn prrplc. rati rr tl.af 'I ? if any pnit.cuhii class or jm 1? -?-i? n. While it w.ll lie the ctuhavnr of it* c< ml odors. in all it.- !? j-tjiliiients, to coinhiiie eii'.ertaii.ii.eiit with ii.stii:eli< i.. pi cm! care w;|| lie taken to? xciuuc t\i \ ilia.}. tl at an giveju-t cau.-e of ci mjiia'i.t ti :n y :t,tt lot?? : t \ - ctioti i-l the ciiiitry. ami e-pi cijillv t via \ tliii ^ tl at . an offend the most Ja.?tii|i< us, ? n the -co e < t tn-te r morality. A la'gc ni:n.hei o:'ititcr< .-ti g ami in!u.ih|earticle. have alrcnit hei 11 pn paid tV r tie n \r volume; the .-eri? s of Pictorial Article-', writli n I \ the mo-t popular author- ami illiistiiitcd by 11. < tin .-t i ltd and popular arti-t- in the I'nitcd S;at -. ?x press! \ for the Magazine. will he C'litimml: the choicest productions ot American ami Europe.*ii. iiui-y talent will he selected for if- page- ; thcvaiiily. utercst. ami attractiveness of it- Editorial I'cj ailments will In* increased : ami nothing will he lilt ttit lone to merit that largo .-hare of pulilic lavi r with which thai.- far their enterprise has Ik en received. Each muiiher of the Magazine will contain 141 octavo pages, in double column.-, each year thus comprising nearly two tlx ii.-aml page- ot the choicest Miscellaneous Literature of the day. Every i.uii.l? r will contain numerous Pictorial Illustrations, siccti atc Plates of the Fashions, a ci-piou- Chroliivle of * '* Cumnt Events, and impartial Notice- i f the impnuint Books of the Month. The Volumes cou n t m-c with Nuinhcr.- for Jt .nk and Cnci.MUKi': hut J-uh seriptions may commence with niiy Number. Tr.li.MS.?Till' Magaz tie may be obtained of !><> k-< Hers, Periodical .Agent-, or fnmtlie Publishers. at Thru' iMlhus a year, or Twenty-fire Cnitx a Number, flic Sctni-annual Volumes, as completed, neatly mii'l in Cloth, are sold at Two Dollars each, and Muslin Covers are furnished to tho.se who wi.-h to ave their back Numbers uniformly bound, at Tweny-fivc cents each. Nine Volumes arc now ready, Miund. The Publishers will supply .Specimen Number1 rratuitoir-ly to Agents and Postmasters, ami will make liberal arrangements with them for circulating 'he Magazine. The MagaZ'iie weigh* over seven and not r v? r eight liners. The Post,ago upon each Number, which mint '<# 'inm ># It/ 'u ii'iriitic, is T!.r> .' Cents. SERIES FOR 1855. The Home Journal. "fl'tllll tir-t number ot the in w series will be issued E 011 the 1-t of January next. N< w subscribers mil be supplied froiu that date ; i<ut immediate aj>>.icati?iii will be Jieces-ary lor such ns desire to ber.n With the beginnii:jr. A home i- ha idly comj.let1, .re think we may safely venture to say, without tlio Ionic Journal, wb.eli, lie-i les being a chronicle of he limes, abounds in infell genet' designed to culActi ui American Home. lt-enitoi- (Ceo. P. Mortis nu*J s. 1*. A illi-y devote their eutir*?'.imi, -kill aird ? x.erienee, to the task of giving tli'.i wick, evoty thing vorth knowing. They purtieuirliy k?? p an eve en dl the wiiiiiis and novelties of the day. The mm* st ains are taken to prest nt the facts ami outl.nes ol ell tews. In the literary department, we aim at sk? tchs and readable critic.sin, ami in our comletisatii lis ! tiiv ptuduct.on* ol the vast ntw sj aper world el hit pe. we endeavor to avod the t.iescme andrtlic lo- . ai. and tranter to our celumiis the pick of rlig'i-h nfoi unit ion and brilliancy. while w<-endeavor to siect with a titic sense (.1' pure moinl.-, tine wit, ai d p ituine huii or. In addition to the above, we have mule r.e'.v arrange meats for a feature that i* always utract.'ve in a family jouni'.l. I r< in sivetul o.fbi rt source.- we we to be - .pplied witb the vtvt tn./l fossij) of >r York >'<>( ill'. In a imti' polis like ui-. centre tin. mote sparkling eUn.ei.ts of the life <f o.ir countiy at largo, and C' ii;-u ii ai.d ; tuition i.rii ; out iittteh which would else be diuoant. Afloat, n society go.-sip. is a small vvoil*'. * ! which tl*o ?. linary m w'-papci - make no n-jioi t. iu.*l ?f thi- we li.iiii* w'c eau pn teise amus'ng pl ot* giapl s. In -u.mu'iieing a taw series ofarthh- by Mr. Willis, a inldtt !i to li s Usual labels. V.e e!n m the | :i\ikgc ol leaving tin tit to designate their * wn st'.lc ami title as they annear. They are ouite oif'iiirt fi<in mytliiujr wliirii lias ever In en published in 11.1- ??riinl from bis pen. and we are vety * 11?y tl*? t1 ?y will lie no les- nttraefive. to say the bast. 'I lit' pa| hie ind h'gh'y-finislied >ketclies, by "The I.ar'y <f Simot?." "'i.moiln to(!i n," aid otht ts. will be u ntil.: iiin !. We lt:ivt- n'.-o id w conesj m.?'? nt.- in I < i '< n ind 1 "i?wl n vilI send u- n io |i tl.nt c u!d t.< ??r i'licli I!.* lineup!. foreteii journal.-. Tr.r>is.? I'..r one S2, for ?l reo copies, Sf?1, r for one copy for three yi ni . ?i?'w:ms in n?I/. lin e. Sub er.be wit! out A?b'ie-r, .MoltHIS Si WIF.US K'7, Kultou-front, N. V., Jan. I tf The Weekly Carolina Times. I IN or about the H?:lj .lanuurv we will r< iiiiiet.ee I I tin* i<-uc of tin? WKKKLV (AKOI.INA 'I IM I S, illicit will eontain. tejiulnily. about twenty-fnr c?dnun of remliiij; matter embracing nil in ?> nitidis iir?rk?N and contributions, that may appear in the i.iily and Tri-Weckly Times, as well a.- a laige mass if i.ii-cellaiieous contributions and selections, Mich is will prove inter*-tinjr am! imtim live. It will he our aim to make the Tillies' acceptable o the rvadinjr public throughout tie* inicrov, heme re ofTcr it n? ;i price remunerating t oiir>elvi s, is r.ll a- t-> place it within the reach of all classes. A* soon ?* tlie first iiiuiiher is issued we will forraid a specimen cop)' t'? our friends, generally. nn<l illicit their patronage an I infltrnce in MistuMiingi ur uterp! i?e. ci.uu nuriis. A club of 3 will be supplied for $ 1 CO " f? ' * - r.oo 10 - 1100 " *? 20 * " " 20 U0 Siiipl" Copies S- per annum. It will be seen tin icfcrctice to lit,- ale ve rates that re arc de?.en.iiiied to place the TIMKS within the each of cverv fauiilv. E. II. PltlTTON & CO.. Cvluuibia S. 0 j?t Juu P? ' > tf