The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, October 05, 1876, Image 4

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FAIRFIELD HERALD Publiohod Every WVolnoda7 a WINN8JBOiO, 8. (., WILLIAMS AVS -0 TER1M-IN AD VANCE. Copy oe year, - - $ 3 00 a- - - 1200 " - 2650 Matters in Washiegton. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. A number of Southern Iopublican politicians have boon here in the last day or two again asking for fuids from the National committoo. See rotary Chandler repeatod to them that nothing can be dono for the South at this time, as every cent which can bo raised imist be sont into Ohio and Indialia. After the olee tions in thoso two States aro over, then, he said, the South should have some money. In answer to a question as to the condition of the Republican pros ects in Ohio and Indiana, the Southern mon woro told that things had boon looking rather bilious in both of those States, but that the latest information received at Ropub - lican hoagquarters hero was very enoOur Things were looking u believed now that the ors who were to ho . ;:Canvass during the on ? weeks would do suli goo . '.as to insure a Republi, ban v6tory in both the States. They Word further informed that additi-mn al troops, most probably to the ex tent of several regiments, will short ly be distributed over the South. With such crumbs of comfort as those the Southern lolegations left hero last night in a very happy frame of mind. It is just as well to say that, in Democratic crciles, no confidence is put in this good news which the llepublican i e hadqularters profess to have from the West. PIREMiUM TO 1.OAFElis. '',Pho hard wor'kitig claisses of the North and West will iot he likely to consider it just to th.i a-. they learn that as a mieains of lelpj - inlg the li(publicadn tiOIkot free rations are t-> be issued to the negroes in Louisialn, and most probably other States of the South. In consequeneo of the pres:suro of the times iany of the hardy yeoman ry of the North are unable to obtain the eiployment which they seek. In the South, oil the contrary, the plalltor) need the labor which the negroes frequent ly refuse to give. Yet Ia promiul i:: to bso put 111)1 laziness and wort t lessnes; uuioi the negroes of the H1oumi by the illegal division of the money; raised from the lah:ring chultsltes of the North, and this tee, to aid i:t' fortunes of a pofalit id lrty com;i sdof a iniority. fair muindeld Ropubl)iC:-; has!13 been causedl by the grossly imffair beihuor in wich the archives of the dz~'ru1 mot her re orm~l~itted1 to be1 i.d frparitisanf p)urp1osos. ft is im 01pon mtatter nlow thait ph)oto--lithe, graphic (oios~i lgero pormnitted to be0 taikeni of Governjor Thildoni's incomie returns, to ho 8 spead b)roaldcast over the coun~ltry, while not, (een the courtesy of a replIy was vouchsa~ufed to M~r. H ewit, the chauirmain of the National Democrat io. commit tee, wvho aked forl a c'ortilled C~) copy o h Sfnmo. Every tacility is aforded in all dlepartmlentsM for the use of imat, tar which nn1 lhe tiurnied toi thme ad, vantage of thle R01pulican lpurtv, wyhile ai door of iron is inlterp)osedl betwoon the same1( m~atter anid all1 in., qJuiries direecd from .Demoiecrat ic In1 cons0eqece of the( lalto oIrder of 11he sooro(tarly of thme na11vy, pu1ttinug all liimploy.(d~hilicors on) furlIoih )pay,, )jo com~petition for as~signE IUSaj' dut y hats become so inteasxe .that oflicors'\e inl Ilmany instances such assignme411mtnes's of feeling. they wvouhll haIvty'1 80 iomadequlate pr1)ioounced at few OYven conatend for bieing beneath theitae'tivo dutly its Prosdenthasalredy tomptugous order of the soorotary so0th ago, as'lt applj~ied to Admiral Po~(rtor Lm1k.1 tho or two others. Great p~ro~ t;i some) o~f it of a social chalriactor vas hard to resist, has been lu-roughtW' bear l on the P'resident to revoke L the entire oder. It is thought that hie hmay be induhced toi (10 so, if not ta 210w, att least aifter the~ elections. N EJ.ECTIONEERIiNo DoCUMnENTs. putbhecan (campiaign d1ocumnts lare being senit in great nlumbhers fromt this city free through the maliils as81) part of tihe "'Congressionalt Itecordh. It is behmeied that this has beent extfensively carried onl ever Mimeo th adjournment of Congress. New thaiit the iattention of the pos8toflice aulthorities0 is directedl to this frauid j. oin the revoenno, it is to ho presmnled -i that it will be stopped. A person who was sont to prison for marrying two wives exceused himself by saying that when hoe had1 one she fought himiu, bult w~hen 11 got two they fought oach other. "T'ho nlegroos are in daunger''" IR shout a dozYenl Or mlore Riadical pa.- wi pers lit once. 1Yes, In dianger of ye voting the Demnooratic ticket. And rat thore is wvhoro Taft's onldor comesinn Sambo prononceed !.N employer - at tfs.-ra farmer." Hie makes ye two crops in (111 year ; '; C sells alhl thli his hay mn (d0 fall, and( :dok mfonecy nlO once ; den mn do spring . 4 sclls dto s it' cattle dat die for want (of do ima-, le and make mome tw.' lie doom Assoolate Reformed Synod of -the " South. he. recenlt tiornon of the Asso-' ciato RformedI Synod of the Sothl Septemnber 2 1--25, at Hop~owoh1 C(ihuroli in Cheteri county, "welt an occasion (,f very groat initoront. TihIe( iiioliimbrs of the Siynl, sixty mfinlis tern andt oldorn, were well) outer' tameld by Or)i hooipit-ablo people of that community. Tfhe serviesn on Suinday, the only dity it wani our priviloge to attend, wvore of a very ititorotinilg chirctor. R.1v. \ . M~oflhtt Geier, 1). .D., tle enteetuod presidlen t of i'rnkino Coill eo, )reached in the forenoon from First! 'irnotlty. 1st ch~apter, 14th verse "This in it f,iitliltl io-tying Imni worthy l cotAin htCrttJsu Cauine inito the world to usave nn ntuttL" all the irdcio iejn of hi:;' (lisot)h 1 ipoke leatrnedly of the tenidency of thy.! hit ttil 10111(1 to) lose( intpeest in ;;reo:tt truthsz by reo:nu of failuii'urity. lHii, sermlon wan "a of Ch~rist's cL'Oiiltg, ttid the objcci or is ission. H~e refuted, olo(qleit ly and llIlauhlnw(,rfti dy, the intidul t torititos of Jeffornoll t aid the skep tics of his dity, in regard to the mi aeulouna birth of (Christ. B~y forcible illustrationsi a1nd scripture teachings heo Slol(l that tle g~ro:tt and prince objoet of (Christ's coming into thle world wvits tito salvation of souils. At.t thte vlom;e of Dr. G(4iirn seroinfll the c01omm1utioln W1M ilcl'ilitiixtorcd to several 1111114Ired i)O 1Ro118. t v. Jointhantj (1'tll 'wily, of Due \Vea~t, i)('Lcle(I ini thle afternoon from Mlatthew, 5th chapter, 20th iiieetiig 1: larle eruct attentive. 'This hinie; of Wormil , ronltl, is 11 )'V one of tile neates-t anti nuosnt (u1Cliott 1111 this por)1tioni of tile Slate. It is 14 'outed is : itfine ;cton of tai coitnt~y, inl iclu litil:t of it l~lts-,r1;[tu. .Lyn n. I [eat1)1 pi ii. l~lclllken:tl.riie. It has1 piteLd aL gL'4'mt l i itbor o ft tc111"lt(')t in the S liil axit I X'est tihan aity other wu~riaaim of allty (ltillitit 1. 'h1'4 icXt; rtie);ioi t of tiace S vill will ho held lit TiL'oy, illtM at Ow lit' lIo)( hi:1" I') cell itlldd us4 by 3~r .1[ t )lew \V1 i I 'i',l() As.M~I 4i. Lie 1 lelA r. a.( I P'reolb y t( riseni Synot ot!t the , out in et a.. J)Slee o h itt IIlI 1't'i 14 '1, Rev. 'J. A. W;Moy (eif At I. alt ,11H'1t'1 idt ei D**t( u~o 1 outir ri:. !lt tt i 1es:,"' 1111t1 waI; Et .hl, N. C. was The Stato Campaign. A colored 'Hamptoti, club. W48 formod on Friday at Aidoraon. 111 NovoIal sections of ickens Goiuity tho colorod votors have 3ioixhoncoJ1 rdiioing Radicalism. .Look for it t;La1It)odo about the 7th of November, '1'IlillHn Martin, sil ox memuber of the L~ogialaturo from Abbev'ille, who recently doceo his3 intention to vote for the leaitocratjc nominees, wit:{ wayli i(1, H I tt, atnd dltngeroua lly wounded, by aonio Uiknown portLin. At a 1111;int hloldl luit wools at (heiic P'ond(, in Colketonl count, forty-)'li ve colored 111()11. amionig rhea] A%. AK Sith, forLzneily a loading l (liecid., joisOd Lto~iiueocratic, (lub. T1ilcI0 ales 1lU~ ill tL:0 (liu) iomily (Ale1 hutiltli oft c (olo'Cd men0I. '111 D.eau&oeiat-je llittI meeting at. (hrwonl theo '26th llt , \c:1 t lrand tiY -cL';1 i~Tii, Al wore1C (oor' A olorednc 1)elo(*lM l:c:;t. ('liii) wa i'('Qfl fly fo;"rlcd a't E1;'ly .13114(b, in (hult'e.t I ii ('minty. TJwen)ty 11nune W('1'0 (n 1 rol(4j, aiid &IccWIsio1lI .$110 4iXlpuiCf.d. '1'1o Cliripirtigil ill KoRC1Hl~Iw is liehLv't unitl spiritta. '1'h() 41I1)01'(1i" mite t ( 4)8 Iii(''!i io;:utltrly and f e - t(11ult lv, oiii l t I I C ('til l)ijain wor~k ~t1' j I tilt) itaiiut'i'zy illin1 Siclt''ii' i ! 1.!,('Ix. J u .t,'.(, co!' nei"l, wh")o w"axR for' 1868N, is niow st'I Iliping~ it for i1.lep tuni ti(Il .RCO'if!t. 'Te report, that the Demoer trio -tato .'4X(J"litiVs (a)1u iitltce iiti Ledd to1 'Iviid(11.LW I (li eIC 1)c~u and (_1 O4' L~iiens onl t, to ()ho ii'Iy ntrue. city it(( count..". i:; 1 'ding f) at.;SXNd I wih 1. ('1) ilt (ti t~;'4'.o iy ("Vin i;l'\a 1. Icf alc. .1 c:<1 it eth I ho l "re cit 1ace cf ;k i)'o :it'.'"tlti tn ttl)Ii ii) thei ounaty. ofl t~ihi I. ('X- iit'4iltfO i II . J. I1Y ases toll1 itiatl IU'':'a11. 11'o lie Lri!y le-" (. 11 tieul. On W\e lin'ti't or 1-'.1, sv.'ea' there t4'I li)etmne''' C1.11, tO l(*l r :;nl ldt't~s tI,'( 1 ':~e \.41 1'lieI itl' e 4' ( eekI men )e'lti('t (VI'.h ofil' t i'it"i.;.t~ i"8 t'JiIethe:11( ill t: , sk7~43 2',ha ' v ttl'x. j\l ( " OI: i'i wo(U ': m 1 et~i~i" -111 I .rct ilt(1' f'Oti t5 ' '1 "u, \'. ili 4.;: ,'hI lust' i i1 (s1ilt il .~iIf l h 41il' t' I'4,1 tIl 1tu ; ity ('sI biti I f )(111)0 toi' ('Illit4 ('I' I ndc.-i h. as _ti . 'i'.fiiy. A, A Costly andwic, many strangers the Contonnial are not yet aware th they can't got out even for a mo ut, and got back, on the same on neo foe. I saw an old man, evident a Granger, try it the other day. H says to the gateman : "I waiit to go out a minute. You'll know me when I cor, back, won't you 1 ('atenan. "Yes ; I'll knoQ you by a lif ty-cent stamp. Granger. What I Ain't aho money I paid good for all day ?'0 G.itoman. "Yes ; it's good fol',l day if you stay in all day." t Gkrangor. But I wanti a bite todt It'll coit 1me fit'ty conts in here. Gatoman. That's the rule, old ian, and you'll have to stand it. But Il tail you what you can do. You can go down by thei palings, and thore's om1o. boys outside will sll you a sandwich for twenty Ients. I followed the old gentleman down by the palings to witness his invest mont. 5uro enough, ho found un auburn-ihairod boy with sandwichos, and taking one through the slats, p1afIssd'oHt a fifty-cent stamp. Then he hold his hand through for the 11ligO. "'his is 1876," says the brick-top Arab. Granger. Well, I guess I knowed that before. Gn my change Arab. This is Centennial year. Granger (snapping his fingor nervously. through the c. a k.) .10. o, bay ! I don't no foolin.' Giiii my chanlge right away. Arab. lDon't you know this is Con tennia yecar '? Graniger. Yes, sholy I do. Gin my change, you owd:acious devil. Arab Don't give no change Con tennial year. Granger. Yout 01ussed, in fernal, rod headed bIat of S.ta~n, if you don'tgin ile thirty (ents ll (oinc out there and ge it apoliceall hold of you. Arab. Now, mister, that wouldn't b) buusinesi. You don't want to como out iure and piy lifty cents to get ba ck-just for thirty cents-an' if ver was to (o it for spite, wher'd I be wlen you got out 1 You soo, this is Cont ennial year. Have to umilke our j'c1k this year. Now you go along griet an nice, and it'll be all the samei ne0xt Cn teunnial. Finalo.-Arab porftrims a short wir-daneo and yells : "Run here, Jinmmy 1 I've don it to another of '(;111." (Grange'r walks off; rubbing ils botheredt brow, andi nmuttering : "Vell, I'll be eternally dig -blast, ed motoAw gouridseed, if this ain't the skippinist place I ever struck !" Supervisors of lection--Man.hal Wal Iat'iInterviewed. The eloctioii law of the Unitod Sten( provides for the appointmen~Rt dr su1pervni'04rs of .Olectaonsl and depuities. The'. formuer arc appoint ed b~y the Unitod Sitts Cominsssion the Commuisiloners tr~o bound1( to choos0e one( fr'omi (each1 politicail par'ty, im onler' that both par~lties 01hall be ugalaly reCpresiletd at the~ 1pol1s. The depuitios are aLpointod by I le Un aitled States Mal'llrshl, who usesS A reporter of the Jour'md o C~onamerce c diedti up~on United States .\1hrsha11 RI. M. Walilace in or'der' to ascer'tain from him how hoe initenided La miako t.htse1 applointm1enlts, anid elincli the tsfollowing facts. 'rhe Mi: sh-l St ied that it was loft wvith h11m enlt'rly wh'lom lho should ap po)int,1 that therie woroi' cor'tain coun11 ties in tihe State inwic W he10 w~ould appoint non1e( butL Lullulicans, that hi. did not. think thiat he coul trust a Democriat in t hose8 ('oun1ties. Thor'o were othlert counaties inl w~hich he' and~ t hat there0 were cer' tain other1 -'oun ti('s inl hIieb~ hie did nIot deemii Ri. necessmy1 ~ to mtake any) appin i me1Pt Li wh atever'. WVhen aLdekd why it wa's that ho intended in chioote from but 0on0 politil. ptaty in: certain of tihe upperil count ies10, hie r'epiiod, that lie wasi(8 rsonsiible for' all deputies ap pointed,31 ani.1 wouhld not feel author i/Al I to (ibooso fromn the Decmoc'rats intI 1 (.h 11e cutios, for1 that thley ha~ve opanlly announced00 t hat noi Rep)ubli cans1 wouild v'ote thle, and ho (did not)1 see how~ hie could trust the D emno 3rats in1 thoseI coun11ties~ ; and8 he) woulld nolt assmnolit the r'espons1i hility upon)1 himnself, as1 he was in a groat meaiCiR'( accountable for the ac tions.' of ial 'tihe dleputies whom ho 'ITo the qIulestionl, whether, if then Chairman of the Excutivo Commit" mendiC corlt Rini' par'tios for the a1poin1t m11nt1, h( wouldI appr1ove (of thle sam111 and1( comm111isionl them, lho anslworod thait he( woutldinveOstigaite the matter', and( if the paurties weor~oluc as. lie thloughit 'ould bie truisted, he cor' tainily woiull, andi* that he would be glad if the~ Democr'ats of each ('o)11nty wtould( send( iln the namues of parities whom they wishled to rCcom,1 mendi)( for these5( iapploinltmen~tsH, so ias to give hiimi an oppor'tunity to inves-. tigalto. A Prodiotion, There's a good time comning, When Generalh Hampton is elected. (And his (defeat is not expectcd.) Thfle freedmen's rights will be re The fredmon's rights w~ill bo pro' tocted, The freedmon's schools will be An'd Rladical wihtaRes corrected; T..ioves in oflico wvill be detected; Thiev'es from onico will bo ejected t one loft in wiho is su5pelcted. lNonest men wiill be selected, "guos to punishment subjected, "or t~axes be cectnedn TB F THE ARMY. Troops L t. Wanted in'the Con of the Uvonth United intry arrived in this city . re obliged - to lay vor u Monday. They wore from F' worth, or some other post in ies, and on their way to ,ho Indig country in Dakota. A ueddlesd Itadical politician met ;he boys' after they had pitched heir topap a hill above the depot, V' d eeJie1 out : "HIurrn boys, for Hayos 1" Not a ary cheer responded. )nu of til srgeaits stepped out of ho crow d reinairked "You 1P made a mistake ; we \n't chegtr Hayes ; we aro Til 1 mlenl.o \What I ,i do not mean to* say y6noppots t me who give you Ioot ,nil c1ytog; ' ' we \ W o are tired of Grantand 1 bug, arndt as for or food 11d clot we will oxouso] him for thatif h let us loose." "Oh, uns boys ; you don't mean to ,go on Grant and H[ayes ?" "Yes, we wil back on any nmn who keops two( d; of our boys in blue down in io' to keep white men down bone ho niggers, and who sends a hali of us North to to 1llud and sea by the Indians, armed with gun bullets fur, nisho by Grvnt -other, Orvil, and his deputy p ':aders ; and 1 will bet you a I of boor that three-fourths of t)oiupany are .ildon men." "I will take that be A vote was taken, a-tle vote in Company D, Eleventh ;tod States Infantry, stood : Ti1lt (}; Hayes, A.-Ian~as City 'i . The F( e ig in N' rk. The New York Tri/mp Satuir day publis;hes the follow good news: "The feeling at th01emo cratic National- headqurs is san(11guine. Democrats wh9L( l Colm) lmlicaltiol with all paukt conn ry say there is abuniaI Democratic entlusiasm, -111 almiost ready to swell tin ilden wave.' They say there are ipres. out 000 lDonocratie clubs iork ing condition in this Stateiile there never have been he-fore more than 200 clubs woikilini a Domoeratic (a1 paign. Noteek Tanmnany Hall may hold a it,.. tioni meeting, and other derno.oa tions are on foot. )cmnoerats, sert. that if the vote were cast) day Ohio as well as Indiana vd proclaim for Tilden. The c., pa:ign as fought on paper, t. declare, shows that Indiana is g, for 8,000 maijority, but as 8n i-u5t were prodigally dropped the computation, they will not , startled1 they say cionlidentially, India rolsip 12,000 inajoij S I Trilden. SomIo DemIocrats a giving an earneost of their (deterni nation 1to standi byV "T1ile ni Recform"i by pulttfing their 'mcucy the p~oliticatl -pool It is aU(arto on the best authority that Tol Morrissey has already staked '2t 00(0 on the success5 of theo D).m (eratie ticket, ini IndianaIZ. \W th tw<> da~ys 1he 1ha1 also made(1 -wo el am-min Ilg to 80 ).l, that New o will give 40,900) Demuocrati. inta ty, am1ii hats patid, ini 1widition, t p'o ige-moneliy ini a 84,000 bet, of t sam1e1 characeter, the monely to depitotd before the October e tionis. D~emocrats say tliat Ro 02on's cand11idaturlle is growving 'n1 fa and1( influence. -We heg leave to rem in rd U. Mlarhalsi, likewise Deput!y ' shal! anid other F'edendi olitials the ori uthi, there( i, (ldecisionl of clain11 th e en forcemaent nct un1ec stitutioinal, and1( def~i'1ing tile mamtn ini wich l Fedierlal Oo ldiersa 1may3 clled upon01-that is thriough i State gverniments. An.1y Fedo ofhfiial who illegally calls up Uniiited Stts solaijers, wil amenab11le und~er theO law,' and I whole pIower or tie IDemocrai patrty will ibe used to bring1 Ouo'ne to at strict accounit. thle chiancves are two~ to one imn fxv of Governor 'Tilden's elect ion, wVh~ol heO well for Federal oflicials the South to ponder~i these thim carefulily betwtoon this and the of November next.- U/,arlea CURlE FORt CHIcKEN CHIOLERiA.2 are indebted to a sulbsCcre' a for tho following ctare for t1 disease Mrs. Moore says :" year I lost upwards oIf 100) chticko I tried every remedy I could hear without success. Tis year I hi given may chickens a feed or t overy week of onion tops boihled a mixed wih meal, and kept a lit sack of tar in the trough, and hi found it sulcessfiul-have not loi chicken. My neighbors and the t ants on our place have lost all ti had1(. -Ga~dden TIime s. ArL, 'ruxE SAE...-What a p)Oeti waly the ancients had1( of pultt: thiins~. We iend in their paj that. "Liycurgurs, King of Edenes in Thrace, rofused to w ship IBacchuso, in (cons equence whtich tho godl visited him with mi ness." Now, ini our da~y, the afi would read :"Lycurgus, King e refused, to drink any more whisk andi, ml consequlence, had eliiriumu tremecns.--iJurlinU Jiaiwkeye. These are the mfornings when young man crawls out from cheerless room, shivering and: marking beforo breakfast, to comrade, "By gosh I I like froze to deoath last night." Then wishes lie had some one to k( after his conmot How Sleeping-Oar Thefts axe Made: A discovery was kecently nade on a sleoping-cer on the Little Miami railroad, which lifts a heavy load of suspicion from the con ductors and porters. It is always the case when a passenger in a slooping-car is robbed that the porter or conductor first falls into dispute. Then, if they are not found to be guilty, it is taken for granted that thieves are in some of the berths, and honest passengers are made uncomfortabli by being suspected of being common thieves. A lady made the discovery above alluded to. She was awakened at a point where the train stopped for water, not a station, by finJing a man's hands rummaging her berth for valuables. She gave the alrm, too late to catch the man, but in time to in isce the discovery that the thief was neither conductor, porter nor passenger, but a scoundrel wL.o roachod the op1en1 window of thu berth from the outside, by standing on the chains or rods taut stretch bolow the car, near the edge. It is not a comfortable position, but it enables an expert thief to make a pretty minuto inspection of a sleep ing berth, without entering the car. Moral-close your window when the train stops for water in a lonely placo. "Wherever you find many men, you find many minds," exclaimed a public spouker. "Taint so, by joigo !" responded one of the audi tors. "If you'd only ask this whole crowd out to take a drink, you'd find 'cm all of one mind." "Does our constant chatter dis turb you ?" asked one of thl co talkativo la(lies of a sober -look ing fello v, passnrgcr." No, ma'm ; I've been married nigh on to thirty years," was the reply. .N OTIOHI. A por ons1i;z: knowing themselves to be indelbted to m will please come0( torwarl with money or cotton. and settle ol aceoiints, if they expect indulgiene anotlr year. oct 5 F. ELDEt. Notice IN lionor of the Hampton Democratic me in 1 ,on the 1luth instant, we n1otify our ciustoeiori that we will cloc our store on that day. oZ. 5 ' EATY, 11110. & SON. FALL rfp'ADE, [1 '(I dIn 111 rkI A' E<the attention of our custo a01%Odsd. to our TFOCK O he SGroceries Proison &c As Or it che is n nyflelte, and which i,; \t~ ofe e s to suit the times. to te n -t AScT cen icty beto d adfr of Lquos, 'nes Cia ,o' t fcoico cal -- 'eirvAIETUAThe gnag tc., the rarn of the buildin .here ma bo cy, had at &lt nies, every't uscually kep'it thae at a first-e IIs establi4 nt--such as ~on Oystersu, Fip 44 Partid~ge oats, delica cies, etc..- nd<-ed over1 ug that th o lmest fastidt 144 desire 0h EB ME A CA his oct 5 his to *eteL B AA'PV. nn -...o TRIENDOUS EXCITEMENT -OVER THE UNPRECEDENTEDLY - LOW PRICES OF Dry Veods, Clothing, hoots, Slioes, kaits, Trunks, &c. -AT 1R. F. Loetch & Co's. ] EST lino of Notions in tho County. Gonts' Furnishing Goods of best qaality. Blankets, Shawls and Bloulovard Skirts, at the lowest prices. Special attention called to the largost anai best selected 8took of Kentucky Jean; ever before ofrored to the Fairtield publio. Ladies' lrirmmed 1i.ts in great variety. The above goods wi.l be sold either at Wholesale or Retail. All goods offered low for CASH. CALL AND SEE US. WE DEFY COMPETITION. R. F. Leetch & Co. o t 5 Adjoining F. Elder'R. J2TOTICE T HE undersigned would inform his nuierous friends aini patronus that ho e:-n still be found at tho old stand with an unusually large stock of Goods. oct 6 F. ELDER. R. . .Y~ D)EALER IN UllNUITIJIE, Parior JBrackfets and I' Picture Framets, for desi n and wotrkmnanxship, unequalled. omnem.. ber myt priies~ are hoyond competition for the same qiuality of' goods. A NEW SUJPI'LY of' Rutstie Window Shamdes, low in price I urable, conivenmient, that unever get out of 'rth-r, and will last longer than any other Shaide'. Mattresses, Pictures, hiat-Racks, .'Iirroraundt Lumbnler for saile. Fuituhre nteat ly reptaired at moderato prices. Special aittenitioni given to thei Un- . Mrt~'I'ts D)epartmtet. I ki 01) ont hand ai f ull supply of Case's and Wood Coilins, alY TflIlS A RE STRIlCTLJ t;ASII. CQLUMI\3A REGIsTER, PUBisgED D)aily, Tri-Weekly andi Weekly. ~ 'lTho ontly Demtocratic Ptaper at the Capital. ' TEIIMS, IN APVANCE: Dutv, six monttts---- ----$-3 50 Tu:n-WEn,,y, six mtonths - - - - 260t WEEHLcY, six mnthtls - - - - 1 00 CHIEAPESTr iHook aund l,5 PinuIm Ing Office ~ g'vAddress till comunniatntis, of whlatever character, to MANAO~tn 1REois~rER PUB'xmryxo CoMPpAgy May 13 Cor.UaMrA, 8. 0. RlplI;lll CountyConven~tion. - o ('IE iher110b iven that aounty N Conveontion wil Lo held in Winna boro, on the 91th day of October, 1876. at 12 o'clock, mu, to nomiinato ai Sonat tr, moembers of thte House of Representatives and( Cunt .Oftices of Fair o0ld1 County. P'recincet Ch airtmen will hold their meet itgs oni the 7th (lay of October, 1876, at 12 o'elock, mn., andl lect delegates to said Con vention . Deolegates t romi each Precint shall beo as follows Doko 4, Durhami's 4, Fensterville 7, Gladden's GrQO 6, IHoreb 6, Jeunkinsville 4, Monticello 1, Ridlgeway 10J, Wlnutaboro 18, Yonguos. villo (. Count Cli JOHN GIBSON, ConyCairman lepublcan Party, sept, 2-I tx Fairfleld County, /LO, Ilisley's Buhui, Seltzer Apori jen ., hull's ough Syrup, Sulpnur, Q' nine, Aug. at Fower, Iodide and 1lr ide of Potash, Licoico, Cocoaine, H ,~r Vigor, Gettyaburg Water, Colo, T let Hoa~ Starch, Tapioca, Ihops, o, loi 17 AIP'