The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, September 13, 1876, Image 4

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FAIRFIELD HERALD Publishod Every WeJnctd. ay it WhVN'2BP)ORO, S. ., BY VILLL.AMS & . Di LS. 0 TEal? S-N A 1 >ANC.'. .Copy one year, - - - 3 D .. - - . - . 1:' tno A wotmn's Wit. A. gentleman not imconniecte. with the Boston Prcss was in St Louis recently, and while there con fidod to a friend the details of ar adventuro in a Boston hotel romiarkablo as to deservo a slpteinjl line in print. The story is lief, huit With an iimlielsO ]moral a sh18 Siowinol how in some things lovely voimli will alwaWys comoc: to thme relief of at sister in distress to outwit the tyr:ut mal. The jolurnalist above reterred to was stopping at the hotel1, a pri, vato one whore the guests were ac cistomeCd to the entire freedom of the house, felt late one nlight, the necessity of eating som11o fruit be fore retiring. It was too late to send out to buy any ; he (lid not want, to arouse the servati ts of the h1ons1 at so late an hour, and yet fruit or pr'servos or soiniutliing toothsome of the kind setieied to hin a lersonal necessity. He kntoy whero the store-room was, knew that the door was left open, ood finallyresolved to go; down and prig enough to satisfy his need. No sooner was the thought coneeiveil than acted upon, and within five iniiutosa he was in the storerotin hooking preserves out of a jar ud enjoying himself imtlenIlsely in sittis fying the craving which saud come upon him. For a few mnomients the ('n jovmaelt of the 1111111 at the preseI Ve wa;st complete. Then he was st;rt .led hy a light, swift step in Lie h11, (iher was a switch and rustle of gartment:,s the door opened Suddenly aIllt I:oto ono bounded in with such sddi'ien noss ats, comning s(tlarely against. tihe form of the midnight raider, to klnock him 1 half way across the roomt and squarely oft his feet.. Leaping up at, once, lie closed wi ht iti; Its4aJi Ia - 4imit to be startled by a sudleti ailtritck an11d to find t.hat, io luud ('apit ured IL womntn. Furthecr, and11 hmre ter'ri-" b-les still, h10 disceovert d i ttd the 1)1111111) forltl of the lady wIhto bI iLi wanted Itsolet'thinitg ito eat as: w!l as he and(1 was cltd only it a tnighJt - dress. 86ill, . Ihou1gIb trig he O~Casl iolltewas olio not, of nluit'j~ llotJrror by n)'y tteals, alid ill a6 1110 11101 1 the goni.lemllmziI'; II(lve rt urItn'l) ed and his curiosity r's t t) fever Heat. "Who11 is this( ?" ho deman1l1dedl of the phuit p igure in his arm-. o answer. "Who is it ?" he r l'-ahl ed. not get out of this iniicil ytu It ili. Still no answer, butt a. i the darl ness, the phounp tigmti o I ~ mng hardt to get~ awayP. Agutin th1e( quiery was1 tlt1 repnhd timel aL reso'limding sla inhi iIhe t(i. fromi a han11d I hat we d1.nh it pretty, bu)tt wiichI hit with dIeriI1<t force, was the rew-ard of ihe' quiem tionor. Heb was put on htis mtet tie a1 onco. "'You think you'll get el- utt knowun ! We'll see ahntt. ihmi he exelaiimtedh. "'v'e a deiie ihai1. silent and de't~ljteri- st enl.-gh,, It .caught, aL littble hit, of I hte ld r2 i!Yh ch~eckL betwet'en hiis tcth amI hit it skini, butt sli iheently ' 12 hai 1 to: Ve- 2 matrk whlich lhe kniew (ohfl 11 hot)4i at1ppear ftor a dayi ort t wo. Ti.n'~ hs relealsed hiis nknown 1prisone1 tr, 1am1 sihe fled like the .wind along~ th passage, diisappearm21iig mt stm t roonIit t imnpossibtle to locate in tile dark, ness. Th0 next mnorning {I e gui en(}iat withi a mys'tecry toI sotlve camule dotwt to breakfast early. No1 lad ies h-tt yet appearl~ed, b)1.ut t his tal te werit 01ne (or two itimanito ma1le1 frieid and1( to thomthe tontilided thte st~ory ii a lso the means11 he( had1( ialo 1(11 secure the idenlti tiention (of the mt curiosit-y ati once( pre'vailed at I it table anid thte aid vt of thle hotl ies was aited1(1V wi th ant impa121tiet ., searcrely to h)o c'trolledthi . Ftin iniutes later the dootir openettd am1 the~ bell( ofk thte hotel et ei ed de muirely, ghledl acr~oss thte r\oomt mat seaited hoersel f for b.reakfalst. k-',gei (eyes followyed lher, and36 as her. faler was1) fairly exposed there wals a sell fsationl amtonig t lhe nt lemien. 111p51 her right check wa'ns a, trip of court) plater~l an inch)1 lontg ! The cecte' men ebngedt~ glancees aind wh isp er' and smiles. Th'Ie mtyster'y na solved (early. .1 ut. just then~ itiothle latdy ouitered, Itis t imle a digii it mailtroin. As she seated'u hterselfI thert was disclosed upon~ti her'l rigM . ' ched a pieco of cour't- planst er1 idenl ie iciI2 alppeartanc.e with tht upon16)1 the fae of the btelle ! Ano(6ter 211am~ l tom of (every one0 of them11 aipleu-ei; fulled up 1and1 not at blv~ i tione ( r'ight che~ek I Andi t hen ie gent le men lootking ('on1idlentlyv for a1 revc1b the situtiton. 'Te Jady who 1l21 been captured0( in IhIo nlight ta 11 on.(t lidedi heri extlteity to her frici: and they had colme to~ thte recue (< sucee~dedl, too. TIheo discontihIIt' m1en1 at tlhtt par11t.eular. tablle kneo1 thaIt benea31th 0110 of tihe man~ly pitee of 'ourti.- plaster ill the rnoom't *wa hiddeni theO 1mm1 ks of teeth, hatt whi' was- the ident ical it of courlb p f~ or tihey coiuld ntot tell. And thte 'averi learnedl. grdosystemn. Fro c~iclli l3urotlu anid Bank. 't0h t'' lc. t)llen'ffIi~ure:11 Was biokoii up iil 31)it0 of tlic ilibIicanl (on gr'oss, ini $pito of (Grant, H~oward, Shephderd aiid .Bablcock, ill 5t)ito of Na 115 ) S lio Shake b3' f(oi rosolitto att fte (Xpo.911lot-; of tho Doioi iltic Ii't's$, tliat we ~vill('t ofilvcrs of tile iil'iiiy ,-lidx it's ite'oiiiitS WV'O" spurliol~w .till fiautittl' it went to piece s by alitl ow 'U ulnis*. and1 (Congress aloilelit, out of li;ttiid, tur1niiY its bosoveIr to thio wal dol)ztrfAlnjitt, anid pro'hiibiing; th(expenlClittro of aniy tiitIIQI public iiioiioy for its Suri'vke. '.Pil;x w'is ill 1872. lit Sitei~ of that (express 1111(l It:ltiitoi't I' 10 1 1.. VA"111 1 7 - - - - :;1 7:1 .4P 15 Mar thlu C:1 ti*7i; - - - - :1.1 x)17 C l 't'oital--- $11.5 J~t 1 8 I 1ijpISt, Avhiitt it hiitis ('1151 the gov (tllficlk; to settle 111) lIutul'tlx ie Co:;{, the g'Ive'lieit over ti , (XII) fi'cetl in en 1 evy Ult II I' m)u llii of~ it c~l, (iI It.-Ilittlt 'ti abIorftion 0:11 Ie(l Soft le 111f tie 1ii1:titif II iei fialli I it; lank haveltt fi'tly ;iiei o lii.. 11H lin' th1e I.Iiit I litti ave 1;ii the ilej1S lt'r cl'!( ' lr~(1et 1 it~ -illC'li i't fi':etli ljt~'i,;. of n ft(i lm:r'k renl jiutthgl' le: Wit- 'il ll isrt tinni (i1-:1t 1' t 1) Ii' itx wro dc'ftu the i ltII?' i Hiui l t ii i1ti1), (11, t Ie ft :1 iii i l1 flit' - itt tits~' vii i .t. )11(" II -t h i i Iht I 'lit 1.3 - ; iil I liid ill) l)~ it , lon il li( i l 1 1i :1 'I1 ht'i lit' fI eI' I~Ain in-o{ kil t Thlis iii:' 0i It ) illi shilt f lit;0.0'0,0 . i \\ IIeor iiic 11.1.1 wIii ik tllI rel' f)lit li e it lt 111( " l Itit ii'it, is i lt"c'x anutI it wlhc~it is (liii :o;;i by i t flit t ins.14 ciht tI he . 1 heil 21c' wIttlh litiii itu l i us. 4 'Flt' O1'taxi uix lintr :i 11)1i 11t:1t t;.i:; 'vtl'll? .'lufu le (ht'x'i.iit it\t \il :i'('i.l% Ii, Vi'Iw' lidilii W oll ii'lit I l_ \vi ;i~11 0 i h'iiitill, 111t 'lit t'ii(1 swpty l';ci hi1igil liii nitlt '11(1 led. Ii'.' 11:Vt iI(('I" 11. 11 d ill ". i i l. S it ii ii iiiiuc-lit the i ctllt iSitt 41.1' :1:Ill :( t i atIlli r 111 e f i i w I t'iil(tr w i t) i I' iS 1.'' lt I e fint. iii i'i' ; /t'. :es htidsk. I''1 luiiti u. N EW AI)Vlc:'IlI8EM:N'IS. AGEN[~hro]lrocc $1, 100 ox$.National Ahou Co. P'lzia., Pit. 11. . A ton-dollar V bill of 1771; senxt free for ili orst . Co., 77 Nas~sau St., N. i\ (j J~ 14 '\IS o lctwo lin presit no0w 1 1. ettlitligni book by i College Preci. rL. Big paty. 6i0ctc. will 5001) tO' (cUttit ;11i11 1(11l itory. L It Trent, Pubtlishecr t O5 lfxouacclwccr, 'Necw York. .\ / 1 NII' :1 (li ii IC, Pccychoiuccy, if icit iou. soil l-Chccrxuill g, Mecc Icexicin cscct 11crcia"c ( xi to. shccilt icg hxow eithe :sc n 1xxc v icrcate i' d gain theo love 31111(1 xc !t' i~i ,I ' c cx i ci rs 1 13t~io tlc y ch ose 1111 i'. Co . , 1 :11) S. 7t'c St toil, P ia el piai. 1'11. AGNS WANTED FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIAL HISTORY 411. ~ ., . 1 161) lc.lltcc 1i,111,c1\. Ojxo .\4. cit si fit cclli.. ill (He (c111. trill! 61:' ''ci isti cc tintscc toc A.'cucf. Acd tress N:1st'xicx3tc, I'ccci.sccctx CcO., I'cilxiloIl 'ic, it. , 4.Ccicicsccccs, Ui.; orx tit. Iocui3, W ANTED-- k ap1's~ o 1,1 le best.! I ' ill (}lce orld . It c'ccctaix.llt:t'1:1~1 ",,41 141,]41-ll,c i I'. c14c;1 i':tc cci 1x1.1( cc'( 115)1', c1)ct is )cic-te iii.Ji t c. Sxx li.Iiscl.i'. wcith pirix of 0c.1c1 .8 lld 1;1',cc SI,"i-\e llcct.oris, pt~t 111,, ..'et .. :1 Wtitl, (xxxi cxioc jcwcelr1y for .>1.(111. 11':11c;11 s l'iVVII xcwccv' to cIl( A 4i-l,.. I iro-ic I;' cx ice. 11111DB. &. CO.,I i-! 11i3t it "V. No'w Yicrk. 1(; 4 'N 1V' \"1'1;l) for the New 11i:- c,,ixl W\ ik, ( )ur 11.1':x1 IN f()I Li~ )'11:. C txItoit tiicl GrillIieI I listcl v coi .1cxc.ccs xci 1'itce4-- clijfc. Ic itct!c,t iccc lciit icxt Cicicc v ili Forays,. Sos ciif . I i'iccic-4- \ ccic1.xc itl~ bxiuccd Indclixan 3.nd ii -lit,. I cc x ccc i +,1"st$. A hook~t truetcl. l cr \v.lcc~t adl lth,,.icci N'ecix~ , *X NDt l . u Ii a1r4. II l tilt at i. l i reta: I Wells' Carbolic Tablets xc I cly i~lIl .. 1, I . c er ccccI. .'! ,irl"lr i!,.rS 1 1s'' t~ Iic; lciu fcr u'I 'It) .tJ 1 () ' r' cI 3ic10"tii xit ;tI~ txitcxre, lio (lsc.;tt(51 x cc cli' ccli ht til N ti it ixlftlr ic t \" 1 Ic . s 111t: i ii l l'cc ut 1 1'} \i 1(' 1'>:v illlti' . S i to tc~c ill , Il t ll 1'. 11', A it~lsic 'Ill, ti, l.vllu 'eic,ct. 1c171x,iuiutc '1 I.l l1 f ,t i, tzstissc cli 141 tisiic x 11 ;1h11 . i:. ccccii I l il x . :' 1.1c\ t I\, : ' ' i'I ),11cccx Talbott & Sons. Shockoe Dlachile Works, IeInMOND VA. M ANUFACTURERS of Steam Engine and Boil rs, A grioultural Engines Circular Saw Mills, Grist, hark and Pins ter Mills. Shafting, hangers and Pulleys. IMPRoVEDL) TURIBINE WATEL WHEELS. oot 10 War. E-rrENGHIl. Il P EDMUN Ettenger & Edmond, itenxtMON) VA. ANUFAC'UR ElR of Portable and --. Stationahry Engines and Boilers o all kinds, Circular Saw M ills, Grist Mills 1 ill Gearing, Shafting, Pulleys &c. A1MElHIC.AN TURBINE WA'rEn wnEE. ('CRl1eri's Spevcial! teami pI.llngs Send for Catalogue. Oct 19 G. F. WATSON. Furnituro Works and Lumber Milla ltCID.ND VA. (' UYFTAGE Belsteouds, Chamber anl ./ Parlor F~urniture, Lounges, C'hair:, ec. Muifacturer of Walnuo and Ch1oapet hard Woods, no soft pine uased. (ottag 1earlsteads and cheap Mattrasses lIediin articles. MIETIOPOLITAN WORKS. Caaul Sire! frnrgm Six to w'i Itreux~oso VA. NGINE-A, Porahblo and Stationary, .1 Saw \l ills, Grist Mills, Boilers, Cas tiigs of Brass aud Iron, I'orgings &c. AgriCulf uIrll 11'11 Works, in all its branches done by experienced hunds. IImproveil Portable Engines, for driving cotton gins, threshing ma chines, se-parators, grist mills c. A nibnher of second hand Eingines and Boilers of various lattern s, in first rate order, on hand. Repair work solic ted and promptly dune. Wmit. E. TANNER & CO. Oct 19 UST RECIVEJ Car. Load Whitie ('orn. S('ar Load Flour. sall grades I ('ar Load BoltC MeIal. \\' lite 11o1n(i Snn1kqd Bacon and 11(onb1le's. Illo andI Java Coff e-.'.reen lld roasteil." Niv Orleanzs and1(1 Comu 1non y l'11l ). All grmllles of SUGA R. bacco. BY 1). IL.LCNNI K $N april 10 Garden Seeds in cycry' variety for salo at the~ D~rug Store, by W. E. AIKEN. I gross Germnan Cologno, for sale A Full Supply ( F Liquors, sneh as Pornt, Sherry ani Naiv ines, Jlranidies, fIIums, 'tins, Imort1ed an d Dome(st ic, Bye and hlourborin Whiskeys of all grades. Pure "Sweet-mash"1' N. (C.'11 Cor Whisoey, Supj erior ol imnated Sc'otchi Whiskey. ('igurx, TJolaceco, A e. For saile' low fori 'A1il,1 to suit the timeis, at t 10 (;ENTisN jun 2'2 1m0 Proprietor NOTIt E. rj ~Ill" seend annuald meeting of the .J. ioai d f quailizat on for Fauirtiel C'outyt will ,,e ho d at thme Audtitor's oilieu on Wedslhtoly, It' 23d intamnt , Ior hcn puripo~se ot redressing all grievant'es. W. B. P'EAlmE, aug 10--3w A uditor F. C. Sugar-Coated Pills FMorphine, Ntrychli no, Quinine, . ( oloorm, Indoformi and1( Irton. and Commpounad Caithart ie Pills A lso 'lott's, Ayer'~s, Mot't's, ('he ney's, lBenneott's. lBad wayv's, peter's, Cook 's, (Clarke's Fe~umni , Malndlrake, Mcl anit's, Bul l's, 1Harter's sNirps Xlhallnberger's, Decspier's, ,Janeu'--, Molfatt's, Wright's, Hleiniush's ant Strong's, for side by Mc'MASTVER & BRICE, aug 3 COLUMBIA REGISTER, Daily, Tri-Wookly and Weekly Th'le only lemioeratiic Palper at the Capital TfERIM, IN AP',ANCE: )AnLY, six imonths---.,--- ..--..---$3 t5( hTuIai-WE~xAv, sI'~ix monthh - -- -- - 2 . WEKcy, six mthsit1 - - - - 1 1 CHEAPE~sT hook andt Jolh Prn-3 lng Omi('t IX TVIlE STAT'IE. ,-tAddl Iess all communi liiicat ions, of whatever character, to MANAomlin JRF.Ostr PUBLIS1IINGo CoMl'ANY May 13. CoLUMuxIA, S. C Beaty, Bro. & Son HAVE 3 UW :ir t. Stcre ANI) FOIL SALE 10,000 yds. Stan lard Domes tic and Borneo Barrig. 700 bundles Arrow and W'edge Tlies. 100 lbs. baling Twine. 50 kegs Nails, assorted. 4 dozen Axes. A lot of Wooden Ware, Shoes and n general assort Iuellt of AND PROVIIONS, AT BOTTOM FIGURES FOR CASH. sept. 4 W.fR. 'Doty & Co. DEALERS iN FAMILY & PLANATION tA RGCElIIlES, PItO VISi ONS8, GiRAIN, F"LOURI, IIAY &c P RO P RV~TORS --OF LIVERlY & SA L E ST.A 2BL~E2S WXhere we constantl y keep~ on hand a fldly suppiJly orgood Horses &% lYlules, E-3.L.aE oz' I-II'E"E tuarchi 2.5 .A. ca.Ei>i. Vtfritu the citizens of Winnsbonro anid vicin ity thadt we Imrve associatedl our B ive* 'tud r the tim namiie of .IoInsa-ros & P..rTn-n.w, aund will keep c)otntl on hand a hirgestoek of tine Wiix jes;, \ie (Guihnness' Iuinx Porter anid noe f'u Glinger Ake Almo ai la;rge stock gaf ots, and hoca ,., Dry (Gcol. ('lothing, GIrocerio anz~l everything tianallv kept in a first-clas hous T[hanm.fl for thme liberal patroag befsto'wed onl the old house, wo solic it continbuanic of thme saune JNO. JOHINSTON, llB.PET TICR EW oc nT J. F. Mclaster & Co. -- --.. .... Wj OULD call the attention of the VV public to their complete Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Just Rceoived 6 pieces Centennial Stripe, 1 2i per yard. A full line of Clarlottesvill Cassimeres. " New Prints of all the latest Styles. " Black Striped and Plaid Grenadines and Poplins. Organdies and Swiss Mtus lins. Real and Imitation Tuck for S1irts Checked and Stripped Nainsook. Soft Finishied t'amabrics, Victoria and Bish ps Lawns, a lot of which we are otfring low for the Cash. Our Stock of Clothing is as complete as any inl town, CONSISTING OF Diagonal ('oats and Vests, Faney Pass Pains, Cassiners, Blue Flannal's and Ikaptoste Suits, Both in Frock and Sack Coats. STRAW and FUR HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, NOTIONS &c. Comio and see us before purchasing else. where as w1e can tnake it to your alvan tage to buy front us. J. F. McMASTER & CO. may 4 Uoh1ioar & lIalilller ~7EEP~ CONlSTANTlLY on htand a fine -. ass~ortmenlt of Wa.tchtes, Ciocks anid J' 'E w T '3 I. it. Y COIN SILVER -t AND : PLATED WARE, Gold Pens.- and Cutler y. Ch ina and Crockery ware, Lamps'i-. Chimneys and Lanterns, Glas-swaru, T101LETI SETS8 ANI) VASES, jue203acline Needles, &c. HAVE JUST RECEIVED One car load of' Porto Rico Mo'sses, and Sugar-houre Syrup. One ear load of fresh ground Flour of all ALSO, 74 hales of Primte Timiithiy Ita; A LSO, A lot of Pot Ware &c. denat redutced rates. 7 ''EA, (1iigir, Peppel)&, 'loves, Spice, .JCiniinont, Mace, N ut mlegs, (;elat jine Se'a Mess Fatrine(, Cornz tSoricht, Ilopts TaptinaC~, Arrow Hoot, Sap'olio, Mustard, Baking Powders, 5oap, Soircht, Soda, e~ reamti 'iTartar, Tairtarinc Acid, ]th Urick, Ito(t~tt Sitoni, WhItitinug, $panaisha Brown, IPotash, ( andlets. i mek ing, Stove Pl'aishl~ Matehies, Sweet Oil, Wh'kite'~i Mus'trd Seedl .i arme rio, Dhiem sg, ind Iigoi, ait.rhug storeo1 au 3 M'AII IIC ..........NLic 0i' Vo0Unt'iI., iIl'E M irshtals of the TIown are herebt'ly ordet'redl to p)ut a stop at om-c. to all btall-throwinag, hat-playing, kite playing, &c. , wvi thm t h.:- streels of the town, as- such sport is conlsidered a anui sance Violators atgainst this order ri prdtote connil will be liale to a tnof$uU0 for each offetnen By (order oif Council. W. N. CHI iND)LERI, july. __ ilk. MEIwaun's S PARKLING Edibnburg Ale, Guiinneps Extr Stot Dulin ortor at the (CEnTerJJ. BA. . I8 NE WIG0 ARRIVALS. I AM just in receipt of a beautiful assortment of new SPIR NG AND SUMMER GOODS, and call upon my friends, both old a- d new to examine my stock before making purobas !s. 'I'le finest line of (Jents' and Boys' Fur and Straw Hlats in town. Ladies' Dress Goods ROOTS AND SHOES, Gents' fine Dress Shirts, Fur nishing Goods, Trunks and satchels at SOL, WOLF1'S new cash store. may 6 'NEW GOODS. McMASTER & BRICE AVE j ust reeived a nr w lot of Snt-. -lmer ('m4s, c~osist!nt in par of C..henevs, Pignes, Allpacas. ' Cassimleros, Tweedcs, Conttonadecs, llomsn(Knts, Notions and at c:''mplete line l'oliso.-' fuuarr goods. They are oilering a beautiful lite of Linen Lawns and 3 uslinis at GRlEATLY REDUCED PRICES ! They woull ask your attention to their stock "o Piquecs---which they are solling ut from 12.).. to 5 i.. They ivo i Special Attention to gent' i.ools. A l;t of gnts' dresa shirts @. Sh--.00 per dozen, C;ASII. junie 201 HAML! HAYSB!! Just Received a, lot nico mUicanf vassed Hlanis, small sizes. ALSO,' C. R. Butlk Sides. ALSO, A lot Fresh Augusta Flour, BY feb 1 1. J. M~cCARLEY ;htiarlo tte, C'oluiibi. & A ugustai Rtai Road. (o'nia. IIBRT. 19, 1875. rI .hvrgun or I t i .1 on tan atler 11hw dare : Leave. Augusia. 0 . at 4.15 p a" "Cof in, a *, .0 W inlboro, . 31; Arrive ati Uberl'o: e, N. 0- 5.15 a Leave Cohnrlotte, N C. at 9.40) p " WInnsboro, I 3f5 a mi " Columin.n 8,45 Iii arrive at1 A~ugusta 9. a mn .JAS. ANtlER '', 0",,yo A.PorI Con 'nasngrand 'ol -M ,jen I NOW Oeupy the livery and male ,, - tales opposite the ihelsilt n il, whetre wtill always b)e foaund tirst-.'Ilass horses anud Jnulec tot 1.11. e c hieles always on higa for hire. I kee cnstanutly Or. hanr lag ( dnntity of Corn, Oati and Jiay, w hich 1 8(11 for onsh~ S1'JERIOR1 Cabinet Whikoy of 1808 Vita ge. For sale at tho CEn----.A B. -