The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, February 16, 1876, Image 1

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TVOL. XI. WINNSBORO, S. C.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16,1876. - ~ -_ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _3 6 Mfr{c,. ? T h E F111iF1ELD III It11L I); )i 1'1:111.1ti111" \t'!":VKI.Y {l l' ILIi,1A1f11s,,iD,1,I'Ia. ?:rms.--Thu iIRJ .1 F,!) ie it It hliaht:tlIV cc l:. y in II u'!'o""rn tll' 1t"init .1,11-0, at i. uariFilrl ill advance. t!rit" All (r!tntien( tltlv(r(l-ements to be F,I I P IN A 1) V."1 A'('/,'. O "i(ttary Nulit:u:1 un,1 Trihllle' $;.OU per i tluure. Ll Gr' LA''[V''; P:'3 * i Mt)ll(luy, February 7. The bill to incorporate the " Orttlhgcbin"g 'fill h i11Lce railroad company W;18 ;(J f.j all UCt and ratified. Jo:,se Siniti, of Nowber 1-y, ill l'orlnc(1 the K(.11:110 01,11 I,:' htitl collected *2,277.t3f) last, 'oar I'r t"hc relief of t' i(lo'\ s and orl7htu7E; of l)('1 -Sons killed l)e('iall.-w of their polii:ht':tl opinions, 111)(1 t it:t.t lie had it h:.!tlnM Oil hand of 83:3 79. N tsfl, to who'.n w as ) fel'rct1 the bill to allf.llorizo the I"u=idillg in eon solithttion bo11t15 acid stu' ks of cur' 3 twill lllliniid buii'.1s :111,1 Cul1})OlIl(, "' . 1 Cp(rted back the wine with the 1-0 cull)lLIelnl:1"it)il th1:1 it (11-) piss. Tho scuitte re .,1!1P' 1 Lilo e' !isitlor. firm of ill. Dill it) fi. , Ilie of certain }nlbiie olli("t'!":;. Several were ollerel. 1111(1 c"ifl!( i" witlitlr:ttt"n or voted down. 'Flit) bill wa:; OI1eret1it)be n;;r(t;,,;( .I lJ>:. ft!r it it IIli1':( A 111(t:;titt.';O lt':in l'('('i;it"("11 fI .I))) til0 guvt'1'no1" 110 of -ing, the it.ll:ttu 1.htt It(;;l:hd :t}) l)1'O"i(.':l ih1' tt lt,11'll ! :let:i , :'11 ;l(:t to :nncnd serf it.n -l:) of "1. L of the t'< nc 1-l ,:Iiti lllr:; ("! ;:( utI (5u't lilt;t rt"L"ttivO to t11(, riht tof l;111,0V, who I):1Vti (1(-1:t of j'rinci{)ttl :i; ft"r;-v ne...l): 'lil't::(d 1'1:'.;", 111 1't;;1Ylil'1(L till',( (:Ili( 11 ( nlln tit:ii : slit It t. I.') :tl(It"1111 ('loll(I('I. 23of the on('l:tl :71::ttt:te of titti;fll ('ltrclll11.1 rt)ttIiv( it) (fll:u ::ntil:c) 1.11 Jwt to :ts'c:1::lilt tilt' ii 1(:btI."t}nt:.)$ of the t"ollnly of.tiew b( t'1'r, alttl )('+;11 l:ttr 1111 lt ":ltc!)t t:tr."Cof all :wL In llrut'itle Air on ("ic""f ion of a (:)",m . vei;;l!Cl' 1'0l" tilt tt11 ll ut I: tilt, ;11 i}. l'i:"li(ti)S t":)all'.V : an ;tc".i; to l)ro\'aAt) 1'0; tilt' ext.(:tISit'll of the time for the 1:.:1t"lli(ma; 1(11(1 (!1 ilcctioll of to: is for t"(.11i1lufl('ill" \o r 'f "veo ber .1, 16 ' 3, ltll.1 for utli'or 1'+1 "-' 1)?$' ; joint res;)llitio11 alithol'izili , anti dir('t.-tin", the colt:IIy (1)llunis :;loner(; of t.'lstl'O1t1t111 ('0111.!y to levy 4111111 toil;'e.t o Iwei:hd fits. ' . i.ljunrne;l. 1lie hoiltic wan 17(11 in f ' i'u+ rtl:ty, Fcbrnary '.t Vit, Ct)1111)"O on 1i7('ul'})t)ratiuim )'Cn'oillim"Ittl 1.11 1 ;;::.;:t!;c of I,;II:; to Hit., of ('lil(tttli ; to alter :t)t] :u)mnt] an iIOL ('111 it to 1 -On i ;w L t1-, tlnittntl :t.h.f file ciltt::tel" ()f the 1.1)tl"li of .IitJ;( t'i!Jt, t: ttl: Clio ir.t) :cit'l t"11)Ix)'1"-r t'vi-os Joiner fO (1'('t al"I 10:.;Of11in .:":1f(5 ;lcr( SS AIr('ortl' i 1:'trrl"t" in I itllll:!nti ('ta:l:tti 4 , . . . 1 t I ! tw(in J)ui)lic ollieorii WUtH repiorted 41 diyullrm~I ail introd uicd it joilt rosoin tion to provide for the p:tyinoiit of the claims of L. HI. Stuko'. S\tiw i il t rducu(Ic a Dill to onable ilie it1]itlCr1 of riIUlroads to forut ('O1'J)O1'atiolt, itrid to 0.xOreiHo 001' 1)or:)( powervs. niiuf to delino their Tolei bll (' i h1uwk'l.s acid 1)0i(ibs 1alMiuCd. Tho bll to amenwid Aetion 2 of chn1))$'r CXXXVIIT of the . 'ovisoli l5tntI '::, r(hlt iVo to itl'r'4tH, 6txiuui t)e Dill to authIor'ize triadl jutstices 1,o glint now tria~ls, wvore jtLsusd. to a third re:t(liitg. Trho resocdttion to l1)cift a (o~ii iiiitteo to invostigitto the( t'alixactihw4: of C.: P~. Leie while ilaud Couu>}1is HicllOP, wias inl(1f1iiiit(ly j)ostpoudt. ( A iitiiiilbr of. bills were elgusnun I for .l'it'ttiali). ~Joilt. r'esoiluii on (by (;.)0oohrau) pro RtatA (SIlld fifl Wanl IL.loucl. t LUUsFt OF I:Li'I?.$E\'l .Y''v:S. Curti introduced aL bill to moor }boffs e the Unioti ; ilvillg $~ociecty, of 1 CIolumbia, S. (1. R"e'td1 te!( ti rst. tunei. Johnson iutrodueed it joint 1'(Y4lU. 11011 o p~rovide for t1,( pntiitcit of t1e (clim of Johnr Ahcxdiuk'r by lInitkii' anl I1)ol)in)jti.ilt for the .,tuna'. Read( the first triit(. Tihe (',1:i1 (a;ilci~ the itlfltfinr of ( lie 11(;1: to: 14 , l3thLl" ,~1%itiitec.1 by vote (,n 4l( Ia: 1'elti4)U of 11r. (.l.pex to (:N]IltiI' f i ,it ill~h' j'1t1i 11 of t14e u1~: I lse 14( j(!47lI 111:u:he ily 1~1'1ii Iel on1 t;I t h lil ejt f j his (!,.1(t.,il to t0l". j~lt,(4lii ). ii 1 lt)7'i is 511)1-"C ji ll A d s 'I .ifl h i :t js':the , told , ciil 11(1 ALOI:?. .t :3ei" ell. the (4, ioi L';ltitli of ~Ie ::jlj't d "t; 11a1 h , ". '. t w'!.s iiiul)clal) t 'i I 1' , 1l t.) *1 ov; !O I f m. CVilo J):tv-1 %[eIi o (14 t (111: 1 Ow II at 11 i 4 lit [:1'c~lt!" ii ('1 f'') 5' it 111 1( ,1 ' A 'i'i t 1, 1, f r l t 11;' -(( 1 (i 111] Lio 41 I . .. it ~t11(i; Hl~ w (:14 '~t,.Oil (1 f 1_):.1i,~ - lie! huts .e ad "'m~illeId, L1. J1:1 ute uiaiJl I O'Xn it ,;i" 'jg fi~. " Jhi , .1 c) f lirc 1a.f 1.1 .1 <4v.rr hit1:: 1' 1 li e l 1'lii liici 11;'. of .! ''4U isl ()~ '14 lbtf( i1. It'I (I ''t '! 14~t III :1: l t ;1 $7" Jl. .t a4 ( Ii:" 1'ii) I ilel ;tote I ('71 V'1iI (1 1'!l 4't' uiH : ~I-.* iS j T 1!i,11 to !i'ue I vf~li': in tt i (14111r, ttI. ( O ii ilf 1i i)l('c:'cc fell 5:tt'Oll 1. (Nt1ItO~ e*2) S.14 tIl iA'i('-:1)1V8'11 osilkP .11 ~ st et 41'i ('ii' I 5U'g it I5 e i 'tp e' (I :t) *hu+ t(1:: o]u' Alu'l( i In the 1('1t O1 vr IiVl1( if WIil in c! i. 1)4, ?i to(1h A o y Ilt L ii ( 1 194 li Ii't ; 1 tiO'poIi e il (1 Thle cencurrciit resolution, to ad" 3011111l Onl February 23 (c13110 Up, (l wits p1lced oil tho clndar . r'0soIitioii to appint it joint Coiiil 1itto3u to inqujirei into thle 3'4lilicie oLit( oC~ ftecu))1ulIC t~n)111 shitr o tt lsal trlilrCJ r. O.rdered for future (iU5i. Ierittioii. A iiiiii1or of 1~iils NVa 21 intro ilijeed, 101(1 refeirred to approplliLL( 111x. Juter introduced al conIWIIV" re(nt resolution reu1iring, t h( Ltresurer of Union comixty to rplorl: bi'lly the stiiiis colloed and disil a1irS. L11 by hinit unider anU act enltitled '"Au wt for the rolief of the widows 111,l 31-J))l311.4 of [)lr0r5(fl1 killed 1 )0'0LUIS o~f the(ir l)Oliti(0l 1 U)iilnh." Th~1e Lill to 1& tlhe hala( a of uI'tlifl otli ieirr w. s Itilundet1:, I zooI )aIs1ell, withi t.1in prVoviso tlLt it dza'.1 take ulledL oil and after the( 1st of Novemiber, 1.0376. 'UIIQ bill to provide for (lie re. -iC3)I.mnU1(it of p. Op,.f v in Dlarlii, - Lou coi3ty' \'L.Us ifldu aL special or" 1c'" for .l'X!l rl' 1:i. The hi'll to 1)io\"';d it l)0ttCe :'1at.iiodl of zn; e:J.ii1g niil coll;ctii'' lIXOS for the0 siippoi't (d1 the city o1 Joliiuulna Wva laid1 ov'er fur latit:"c A bill to fl1C01t'pO)3dCt the "Iln Instrilil E'xhibition ('inh~inuy of The~ bill to alter inl oiiienil the liaricie1 (31 the Lout ii ui i3i3irt;ull ii.. t135 pHLi 1. A Vc.4011th 3s11 111) )illtill" :t ('*)1:i lil toe to iIIv0itigo itli 0 ) nfi itl lnl(diist of J ii44 J. P. fiedU~ wias ,Ill over fut 1i~.iiie couix~deiat.jui. 0111,11 ' 1(li e tat the .31-11 i u i. t"t s., Icc ail(( 5(,11;, toi' tp h (,: isi' toll O% o sessions daily was like (iS is baj x0~)1d. idut~ I be :;Late init~o hive cooi;'e; iuid:t (1 i:tii.s was13 j113i3((id. 1C I~'U 1 l) to ;; u'clock, wiei l l: 'Satl01'(l vt, IL'e lary 12. Thu i.."1)ttCo Ivas not i11 ,;esCiioii. 113 i'si*": (o' 1:):11:1 .:,''.'1'1\I:5. ill til illi40s veIry) lit tle' b)esides oliilie work miid tlhe prIivalte( c:1 iil~i' waIs 3 tt ('ilded It'. i 00th by the i'c.Ld!1ig 01 it ul anv *' 'lld cX'ri',t: 12 S u x i Ie C-u' 33 .1. 1). .1 (bdnItsk.1, i iiieiil 3cr t the Ii ''- a', ('hli'l Ni it It ('()1Ill. 3:01 teat.z-b.tOl~('i l~)t)1iissiil , (if *iii('I liet) i 1(03011l)4~' Tlii vi Iclit'tiC11, ('llIct rll ( Ci1eh tl (011( It a3 'lel e~iill" ftl'tooiel"1 tit ai(cu Istcl 0';1 hI'' 8e it ( oalli its (31 v:iiQ~' ii33i ;11: wit i h. i hu~i lii'b li oi' Iorc i1CI ti('', o: fl ,\. II whme 1L1+1 (3~t1'ti'"-; 1'00 I Ws)Ul-e Cof (:1(ild I C~1'iiiig te :i ..1 F, . 1 .. ,vr t I .. .... i ... .i. ,.i - -v A Pugilis~tic Podiagogue. Up in Alamenda they h1ave a school Masiter who douofi not Htalll(l 111101 fooling fromt any of the trustees of thew ijstitnttioii over ~vwhi 11w pre Hidf'tf4. '1'11 IIIIil)bO1 of Jiit p11l s is smai~ll. but his (bitiCS atre hI t~he ini h)i deliguil Pairisianl accenit. '.I1jciot 1:i. the uItraiah 011 hiis iltil Jel, in kuhln' himi." '1hIe most Iceriou8l Dar of his (iIat.iI38 ci~isits iln vatn soYCII-uJI, awi the;Hlkill to 11:1.4 ace ijitired ii tis~ (cprtmfinnt (of idut tio:i ha ncl eare dt hit11 to the~ neigh-. hiorhoo." Hie isi the miost p)oplarIL tCi'e thait hIts ever. Ciosrn(1 1-ha' h)111142illy lino of Alainodo, cunly1, 111111 the school diretor wvhoc wvoiil' (1)110U CO Hi11gCl.l his~ P41110V;i] m11ight 1, well Viiigato at 01i('e. T111 other" (li~y 011e of) theO hoai( of trutisees of lii;- schiool, it geiitlemaun wVho hi;;s a ratl her now. railu 0 idea;s of the (duticS ittteiidimtig it cuttry Smhllu tnastmrs p~ositionl, visitedl the iahcl.)ol for the puirpose of hauling thet 111 Mlispectel1J)0datpogro oveOr the e'oits. ixifoud the rusItic rcetor~tal seated at, at 1htlakhaird explaiiig the baeauities of illllple atddiition to It il('legJ.t ion of te youths of Ahuaanetl.t e ty ~. Dlisregarding the fact, iowvecr, the jiistieo exp~lained the Io~j('t of hit vis~it. bl.3or.1' said the ftsto()flie(d fcrul1., iger, "If yout wish to lectim a lilt' '10) 'i do it iti te preseneeo of tle: 1Plahlils, bul wall: outside the (loor ovea1 the t hireshwl,1, fu.llowt.' I b thle 01 e, who cariefully close 1 thet '-Now, S01, ,mid h(!', I'v'velV ini iiitt I id Iii( l1l 1110 class-roohai. 111(1 811 (Iltili Ii') ;itlemman would +i- rip what ?" said the flstonis hedI '"lI::Ie off youri coat, for he the atip('i Ilhiat, plavuei before 1. cs i1 i 111011 ("f111 nistll )111( ill 111e 5ie1io 111t1 -o 1 A vi(.lao~ut. urj;i.i in,Ii. !hil) I iny." 1 dll n ot mora- ---i--tiat, is-M\ur " her ! IHelp ! .t'i:-c Police !'' mal( now hule incighiora oeitniaili '.hIi;l ('I' oi~i~ol II hiii 1 (Ufire oh thint r' ""1!1' xviritue:., Enid he plIo s seveli t (11) iu1tl iiitit:tteq the j ilii, uof~i siuipie a ddliti ii wVi t t iii t~e1iT1ptiml It 11I tall/ 111 l . i"1 .ro1 c; i iltwIl fo)r it ChtUge of veiitc. Ad~vantages of' Hoeiut.. 2l 'tot) 11111y perso ns1 -%%lo use thiea 11 to utppe;'' that the chief h)enehit ' ltliv('d froths it is to kill the wveeehi. I t TI i!ltt, (t)Itaili I is anl imiportait, work, ;udonm gret thy niicl ecteu,l. WId;1 .11e iich only ini t hi! Wily of Ca ltaa t~ing 1th1 ltrt)pS Wvtie~i w,; phl. but they- rob t Ibid of 111)1(+h (of thie uilti 01i)11t wlhit.!- tey hocod. f1.sirht 1 ihn, i" ill: EsSC'. tiai S~rvje'e ill 1'0 qiect. to de4 :1.)11) nt;lth woi 11 ';.,.,-.. ,.... .1ther. ...7 .... 1.- ta --- 1a~- it NECROMANCY. Wonderful Tricks of Eastern Juggler Bofore the Prince of Walos.. [Cor. of the L ndon 'Tiine . ] Ono (lay at Parell His iRToya Highness hiad tiin hour of (jlir amus:en en t ml camps], watchling thll tricks of Somne Indian jugglers ail' snake-clanrmers, which hsatvO beo: des8cribed at Ifhndred tile; Over and which never loso their internos for the spectator. After brenkfas1 a ragged traitn of fellows leidiag apleS and carrying bag9 were seei coming up the main street of th<( ciamip to ne of the tinits. Thie(s wero followed by seven m' eight ugly, shapi'lesti elderly women ii I)ighit dlria pery. cal rying what art coInsidcred hero nusical iistru iii-tts. They all seu itted under thc si:Ode of the t ee's inl front of o 01 lit i(s a11 p atI -conjitror, ape The jrrgglers and isnake charmer i w?eiO the first to show of'. They woro Only two old chatty follows whose skin lug onl their bones as if it woro crackol l"owii laper. Thley (lid 801 clevir "passes, swallowed and spit out fire, pro rluced an enchanted, ineoxhau1stibleA water vessel, walked on wooden patens hold on by the action of the "et maiikiig Ia vt'iOnusn-in fact the hithiered, vivacious old jtiggler and his raggee old confederato )er Forme(td all tho orthodox tricks of ,heir confraternity. Whore did he ,et the cobras which he )roduCed unideily out of two baskets which mtd Ieeni turned over, inside out, n our presence ? It was not the lrunmnlg of his friends or the daying -,n1 the dry ,gourd which irew the ro1)tiles out of cover. Meanwhile a mango under the lirty cloth was growing, and in an nterval of snake work the old fel. ow dashed at the latter, and ox )o8(ed ia fresh, bright green niango re s0111 eig hteen inches high in h1e grouni.. whore he had appar itly only put in i ianigo seed. 'xp)ressiions of woider followed hen the cloth was thrown over lie tree, and anlother of the faiitus egenidary leger'deainip feats wai xceute-l. A shallow i isket about igh teen it "hes high ani three foot. ong, with a cover, was placed he )rc the Prince. It was plain here was no deceit. At* a call here came out, from the group of alives near at hand a lad of twelve r Ha), sliglLt o nguro aut pleiasan{ f face, with not an article of dress ive his lion cloth andt a dirty arIbanl. Himl the Old mI-ml, eh-4t. r ing the while, boun 1 had anud )of, it /l Brothers A dyonme in twine, IL a sack, made of strong (tting, twas produced and the old lluw slipped it over the lad, whoum 0 sqtueezed dowwnl -n his haunchesW-1 > that ho c(oubl tit, the ('rds iurely over his head and lift, hi a 'om the ground to pri~'o howI 'utre he was. 11( seuoie.1 to une 'eat force to put the lad into the 'skaet and to have ou zcl dificulty lit ting the lii on the top of hii. 'hon Iaif:ts ((one thlie nisic was 'it(wCl by 0110, atnd the other gglu1ga to talk to his basket,. resently [lie Ii. 1 was agitatiel, and tO ('ortd aind not ww-f~ie jermked1 out idi fell on the groud. Th'en thle *ggler ran lit the 1 baisket in ai fury, .'ipedl on fthe fop, ernishlzd in the 1, shuuitped~ on it, took a slick andl 'ove it with for'ce thrtough te icke'r work. The basket was Lip).y. TIhien flhere camne a voiace of a lad who htad been ", inside di IC) I Thlere was just suchl at oh one (If the trees. ThIle atgo) tree, when next uncovered, peared h ung withb tiny fr'uit. A new stl of playing cards has I] el n m1rou(cd, which pr'omaises to Ji come1 poplaril. now~ cai'ds I Scirclarlli, about thn o inchtes in I uiief er', and1( each sit is pintted in li'erent colorIIi. Upon1 the oxfi're I go of the circuale, the numbol~r of t the samte color as the suit which the card belon'gs. ThoJ ( e card8 i ifisfend of being '"singio li doubled heads,'' have live heads, aill tl whiic'h radiate fromii the contre, and t h t ed ecgnized at ai ' l:i ice. To tl atages ctlaimlued for' these cards u that, being circulha'. the edges Iitnot weoar out. Thto dlistinctT or of each suit and the Iigur'es m1 the muar'gini enable tho player' al .uard aigainst mnishakes amut play ie rapidly. Th'le pla&yer clan 1ue j I know at a glanc'o every card in d ~ h1,md(. They can1 hO shume~id, hI lt and1( playedt wih th Ile greatest L1, andt' cebl pack bleing int a box,|m y ('nni bI e'arte mc i the pockt hiout soinig. 'iii FrA'1i oft 0 A FPun. .-A regn y porer'~--eiin e cr- -is the case of hii [ishman~ii inaioed .Dennia, if triue; e of, trute, thle anntutl register must iv held( resp4jonilel. ie (died at lenry int 180-1. at the age of ono(1 1(1Idred an seven teen ; he had a matrriedl sevent times, thte last ni t tat theO aigo of ntinety'three. He ti vived the births oif fortpo-ight bi dren,11 two) hiundred and1( tInrity six a ad c'hiIrdon, four hundred andl th ,y-four' greant-gr'andchlildron, and1( ro nty - f ive gbeat-great-grandchiil- an olonel Robert 'Tyler, sort of stlidet Tyl'eri, edits the New fo nawl -/) ' .co Extraordlnary Case of Mesmerism in Scotland. From the North British MAiJ. Much excitement and not a little indignation were occasioned in Gavan on Wedweaday afternoon by the CotIditct of a mesmerist, and there is soein talk of a civil action being 'aised against hin for injuries itflicted on a respectable young married man res'ding in Atirnkdyko streot, who was allowed to lie on the cold, damp ground on Napier street for about twenty minutes in a state of mesmerisin, and had to be convoyed on a barrow to the police oflce, and the soevices' of a medical mn obtained before he was brought to his sensOs. The mesmerist gave an entertaine ent in the burgh on the previous evening and the young taon who is a litter in one of the shtipbiytiltling yards, was meosmerized along with several othors, and while in that state the mesmerist eoni nandetl him to cn'rue to the corner of the above street at a quarter to two o'clock on the following day and share with him half of his dinner. The titter wont to his work in the mnorning all right, but just as he was in the act of taking his dinner; he sdttdenly left the table carrying a little jug full of broth, and made his way down Govan road in an ex cited mannler to the place where the "l)professor" wias to meet him. A largo crowd soon collected rotund' the poor fellow, who was as if iuned to the wall, holding on tena ciously to his little jug containing the broth. He eventually slid down upo'n the cold ground, however, and lacy there for about twenty minutes. 'hme excited crowd expected the maesmorist to keep his appointment and relieve the poor follow from his position, but ho did not put in an tpliarifaneo. The police arrived on the scene, and the man was convoyed to the oflice on a barrow. His li!nbs were by this time perfectly stiff, and with the exception of a slight imlovomnent. of the heart and pulse, the body showed very little signs of li'fe. Dr. Barras was sent for Aimd, after (o:nsidorable difliculty, succeed ed in b.nging the young fellow out of his inesmoric sloop, after his wife andl brothers, who had como to the office, h:d(1 hoen greatly alarmed :aboit his condition. The man's health must have suffered considera bly by the exposure, as he shivered iko an aspen leaf on awakening, and had to be taken home in a cab. The Way it Rains in Florida. A Florida correspondent says : It is hard for a Northern farmer, who watches the horizon with aching eyes, to understand the clock-like regularity of this rainy season Sot'Lh. Occasionailly, as this year is delayed; but once set in goes on regularly. 'lhere is a misty or clear morning, lso air tiinsfuised with a blushing piimhowy offhulgeonco that molts away in the ardent kisses of tho sun into an inff1 2ia daio of sunlight up to hvo' o)(j tek. 'Then the skirmishers of t Ie rin rush iin on cool, dow winds, and iby sharp three o'clock Ete whole line is platoon firing in ' great, hemvy fusilados. Such rains ! (icrgoous, glorious, rushing, a mnag. mlficen!Jt Cimiasmi~i of plungi'gg miure. Then the long roll of th e Lhuder drumis ; the cracking artil lory, wi th its splendor of electric (lnsh, tolled efr in low rolls ; and be Fore y tn are aware, the mobile army ." ndas g.Ltheoredi up its splendid1 wings, ts fire mln after guard and reservesj md OnIsy in the west you see itsa tranid vwctorious battle flags ribbing lhe sky with broad bands of color. tiix in a few rainbiows some foggy l norng when the whole air is I )rimy, and the clear, still lakeolooks ike an wiadersky:, and you have seome den of Florida in the rainy se an.a oegilair as the clock, that marshal-. 1mg and1 grand batL1tle panloramnagoos jm ni ait set two o'clock, to be0 closed 'ositively.-no change on account of lie weather--by five o'clock r. M. ; A Detroit woman remarked that hi be regretted but one thing in her fo. Shme said she was always vexed n' mat a tornado didn't strike the ,ventytw men who saw her fall on m imy walk, claw around and get u p with a lame back. Texas is the first state in the tl nlionl to appoint electors for the fa )proacing p~rosiden tial campaign. x congressman ID. C. Giddings and on. B. H. Epperson wore chosen ceh >nmocratic electors for the state at rai rge, b~y the recent convention. cri The followinig letter from a-young 50 an was lately addressed to a judg th4 pro~bato "Sir-My father do irted this life not long simnce, leavy g a wife and five scorpions. e (lied detested, anud his e state is Pc oely to provo insolvent. I was left him :ecutioner, and being told you "I Ire judlge of probates, apply to ia >u for letters of condemnation." Oni At Osborn, Mishouri, on fte Han- bim bal and St. Joseph Railroad, a short fe, no .since, some bu r g I a r s sif eke ito a drug storo and stole a bottle of chloroform, with which lig cy dIrugged the whale town. They bbed both hotels, all the stores, a many private residences. They enr'ed several thousand dollars. Ht ted The man who hasn't a word to say sta r himself is the most congenial yo' mpamion. ror About. Women,. DBnnets ibcrease in- size.. Queen Vio keeps; four pet poo dles. DAmAuO. has, two, ebaring dough. ters. L: 'lon ba two fnmalo- conveyan cers. Woreen earry- of the prizes in Eniglish splling bees. Mizri is the latest Spanish priman tonna. She loave. comtpany. Thu Queen of .unark says. that nlo, royal lady will wear a. bustle. A (aughter of Crocnwood is taking singing lessoia of Wartel in 1%ris. Mme, Easipof, the great Russian chanist, will proba visit this country next spring.. Mrs. Blaine and Mllrs.. Kerr hob nob together in Washington. Now the country is safe. Marion Harland. the po un ar au thoress, is said to bo at the bead of every Nowatk charity, Some of the Gotham girls com. promised with their- Now Year's callers by giving 'em lager beer. They say Mrs. Grant doesn't. look a day older than when she first mea to Washington ten years ago. Disraeli says a Miss Rothschild is the most gidituefle lady in England. Shea got the most. stmanips, too. The Russians forgot to toss Patti a fur cloak at her benefit, so she wont shopping and bought one (o $12,500. Lucca has docided to confine her self to mezzo-soprano parts in future. Her voice is wearing in the upper register. Statistics are given to prove that of the sum total of human misery, physical and mental, women have to bear two-thirds. In the East Indies the ladies of the country are subjected to the labor of building railroads and keeping them in running order. Charlotto Cushman will accom plish her final farewell in a week. And after all, that is the speediest method of getting yourself for gotten. What we need in this world, the Newport News -thinks, is more female correspondents who fling Choir golden gleaming over the sombro tints of life. "Look out," says the Woma' e Tohrnal to the girls, ''for the men whn want to make sisters of you.' Just as if they were not looking out fir them. Miss Julia Thomas of Cornell University is mentioned by the World as a Greek slavo' Very .ood ; but think of a Greek slave with striped stockings on. When a Canada girl loves she oves like a hond engine going to a n'e. In a breach of pr1oiiso suit t was shown that a young lady vroto to her lover eight times in )lie day. Kato Field carries a revolver. 4one day some malicious person vill load it, and she will have to put t in a pail of water and run behind he door until the danger is o'er. The simplicity of the Sioux aiden h somiething wonderful. iho umas awayv in tho greatest con uision upon07 an op)era-Class being velled at her. Sarah B'. tihardt, the Paris ctress, who ha some8011 of the mnag dficenit qalhiies ofk Rachel, is, as ras the great queen of tragedy, a owess. Her health is v.. y poor, nid she seems a living skeleton. When a New Jersey burglar saw tat the woman whose house heo was hmndering was awake and watching im, lhe cnoed out, "Hang mue if I ill be guilty of robbing as homely woman as you are 1" and ho left; Mrs. Capital of Rhode Island is a idow, and is worth $3,000,000. Hero a capital catch for some enter ismg young man ; but no doumbt rs. Capital will not enter: into o partnership) with any man, who, as no capital of his own. A beautiful young lady of Baltia uro, now up~on a visit to New rk, was presented wit~h a hand me silver medal by the" manager >on visitmn the lNrk theatre, odnesday night. Over six hun ed other Radios,, who visited the reatre that night were similarly wroerd. A countrymtan of "the melan-. oly Dane' has invented an ar agement to* take the place of Latohes, by wich the cripple can fast or slow and up or down irs, without touching Ia foot to a ground or worldn 1t one arm. A. little son of Professor Cook, of ughkoepsi.o, aged jsix years, askedI fi, fah: ,w gu npodwerswas made. hwanob tirno to, toll you no, a the reply ;. '-lput thin kit over, el form some gi~nion of your own, il. will exgulpin when I am not so sy." The little boy was sileut a v moments, then heo exclaimed, Idonly, "Oh, I know ! they~ stir up little black dirt and piut some litning itio it." Ers. Haddock, wife of Judgo ddock, of Iowa, has been adt.~ I to practice in the courts of that to. She is in demand s e i sate in her husband's court, and is >uted to be generally successful.