The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, June 23, 1875, Image 1

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Vn ) -m" .-. ' -- 6- NM 41. m~ NIN I 4j o 1~. io ell$1.A'A WILLIAMS DAVBg Pro otwol ' A Fanilly Paper, Devoted to. U efce Atn, tlndypnfl anry,d Litetature. [TERMS--$ 00 Per A VOLi XL INNSBoRo, S. C., WEDNESDAY MOl ING JUNE 23.1875. [NO 4* THE .ArILIEL D HD1B SW I L L I A MS & 8 A V I S. gorme.-The HKRALD It published Week y in the Town of Winnsboro, at $8.00 n variably in advance. go* All transient advertisements to be I'A ID [N A D VA NCE. Obituary Notices and Tributes $1.00 per 2 quare. Original. A Dutch Grocer's SoIlloquy. DY MAO. "0 vet is all this vordly bliss And vet is mau's success; Aud vot Is various oder tinge Den vot I Happiness. I sells my goods at one per cent Ilecause I buy "on time" And when I goes to pay my note I does'nt, fnd a dime. You trust de man on Con gress street Next day dat man is brake. You falls and nooks your outside in Whei you a ten-strike make. You hear io Rail Road steamer blow Ven do peopleali como. back And ven you goes to see do news Da tell you "clear de track." I neber see a world like dis De peoples eat too fast Da takes a dinner all do time Den eats a good breakfabt. bly landlord feeds on "sour-Kr out" lie calls it mutton chop, It tastes to me like foi de-gras Cook in a chinese shop. You smell (he phosphat. all tru town 'IFiesh fish for ale" you hear Dese vegitables I never eat But I libs on larger bier. I neber hear suoh polito4i A Rad is carpet bagger Republican is Democrat Andallofdeta is aigger. You plants jour eotton in de crop Den sows it down mit ows, You neber has no corn to sell But you bu y from order folkes. You falls in lub, with a putt,y gal She kicks you on the shin You put your ear before the horse And cocktail in your gin. I stumps my bead on the paving stone Inside de "New Saloons," Dom boys da find, vot I cant see A hole in my trousaloons. I tinlc I will "Gil up an git" Paok up moy dnds and take do train I neber see die town no more Whenever I come back again Den vat is all die wordly bliss Tis a stomach-ache distress And so 'It is with order tinge You call do .7appiness. Ma's Old, Beau. BY CARL BRENT. The recent relations concerning deed forgeries, at a oriminal trial in Chicago, have r3minded me of an in. cidont that occurred a few years ago in the vicinity of St. Louis, which aeoms to be worth relating. Clara and Mary Merwin, sisters and orphans, were in. the sitting-room of their pleasant home on the edge of a village near the Missouri. Their mother had been dead several years; their father had lately died, leaving them an estate, as they supposed, of the value of some forty thousand dollars. But they had learned quite recently th at the property was en - oumbored to such an.extent that they were likely to be deprived of it all. This discovery, as may be supposed, filled them with sadness and anxiety, and they were seated in silence, una-. ble to read, to converse, to work, tio doi anything .but brood. our.thei~ great misfOrtune, While they were thus occupied with soumbre thought, a buggy drove uip in front of the house, and a man alighted, and the buggy drove away. This man mutst- have been a little oin the shady side of lifty, to judge from his gray -hairs. although his face was fresh and unwrinkloda He was dressed with~ temakable neat' nleas, and his manner indicated bliska ness as well as precision. In one hand he carried a small valise, anti in the other an umbrella, and he stepped qulikly to thne door and rang the bell. In a few minutes he was uishered into the prerene of the young ladies. "I'm obliged to lntroduco myself,' he said smiling and bewing i a bourtly mianner-.-"Abne, -Pletee.' Here is my oard--prefe'lonkinardi You will poroeite that I am ,i lawye: in St. Louis, and presumabfa re maui Donit be afraidi I am not here to hut't you but te help you. I have the -honor to call myself a friend of goirg4ily ; that is to say,*1lthough it is -tmahy years sitnce I Illave sOen any meOmber of eaid family, I always had the highetpos, bible regar'd for yoit' fio# .t4ttd mother, and nothing could ploesgp better thin to be of some serVio.e ti her children." "We are happy to, meeti you,' inarmIured Clara, "Thank you. 1 happened to heal - --no matter hoW-tha6 '*bhkei'. i -trouble, and have come up i the belief that I ean assist you. hope you *111'fdel that yotU sh it -2 ,a. I am a taall sin headst Inas iltbough a lawyer, and I. meu well, i1though I may exprpse myself olum sily. "I am free to admit,", sid Clara, "that weneed assistance and advice, and that we have no. known to whom to look for it." "Very well. It is a good thing no doubt that I have come. Now, sit down and tel- me about it." Olara Merwin, who was the elder of the orphans, and the leader in everything, told how she and her si. ter had taken out letters of adminis. tration upon thelt father's estate, when a m.n of whom they had never before board put in an appearance, and presented a mortgage, with' bond inolud9d, excoqtod by the late bir, Merwin, upon all his real esate, for the sum of forty thousand dollars. Not content with prohibiting them from attempting to sell anything, he had tied up.their money in the bank, leaving them absolutely penniless. They had used their credit, but tradesmen.were becoming impatient, and some had refused to some had refused to supply them any further without pay. "That is -a bad case," said Mr. Pierce. "You need money, that is the first thing to be attqnded to. You must let me aot as your banker until I get you out of this scrape and that won't be long, I hope. How oiuch do you owe 1" "More than one thousand dollars,' answered Clara. The old gentleman counted out two hundred dollars from a well fill. ed, pocket book, and handed it to her. "$For %our mother's sake," he said when she refused to receive it, and he forced it upon her in such a way that she could not help taking it, Ho then accepted the young ladies' invitation to make their house his home during his stay, and . went to dinuer with them. 6Is there any place where I can smoke V' he asked, when they had returned to the sitting ioom. "You can smoke here," said the impulsive Mary. "Pa always smoked here, and we are used to it." So be took:a meersobaum and some tobacco from his valise, and was soon puffiog away with an air of great contentment. "1 can think better when I smoke,' he said. "Did you have any legal advice in the matter of that mort. gage, Miss Merwin ?" "Yes, sir," replied Clara. , "Our lawyor said that it was a plain case aginst us, although it was strange that we had never heard of the wortage before." . "Very strange. What is the name of the man who holds it ?" "William Campbell." "Hum. A good name, but a bad man, I am afraid. When and where can I see him ' "He will be here this afternoon," answered Clara. "He proposes, if we will make him adeed of the real estate, to give up the bond ani mort goge, leaving our money in th' bank and tie rest of the personal proper. ty.") "Very liberaf. Introduce me to him when comes, as an old friend of the family, and not as a lawyer." Mr. Campbel called in the course of the afternoon, and was made ac quainted with Abner Pierce, at whom be looked suspiciously ; but his eyes fell when he met the old gentleman's intent and piercing gaze. Mr. Pierce glanced but slightly at the deed that was offered for the cousId.. eration of the ladles, being occupied in studying the countenance of the man in whose favor It was drawn. *'I can't deoide upon it, just now,'' he said at last. "As the friend of these yioung ladies-standing, as 1 may, in loco pareniis-4 must wake a few inquiries concerning the value of this property. Suppose you come up after supper, Mr. Campbell and bring that mortgage with you. I have no doubt it is all correct, but would like to see it." Mr. Campbell - assented to this, 'and withdrew. Abner 'Pierce ailed his pipe with nervous haste, but also tobacdoi, and Mlary brought him a light. "[ know that you h ave some good uiews fur us," she said: "I can see it Iin your face.'1 "Not bad, my ihild a I hope and trust that it Is very good. 'A good name, but a bad' man, I said, and that, is;true& I thinit I sed my way ouit of 'this dlfaculy, and the money I' lin't you is safe. .But you mnumn't Interfere withmiue, yobeng'ladle. ot be surprised at anything I taay say or do or objeet to it. You must trust me, and let me work in my own way.' 'After supper, when Abner Pierce had, ,enjoyed -another comfortable Amnoke, and had conyevsed with the *girig dorioerning their mother ais he had khown het iti her yobtham~. nub. jdt upopih h e wVery elOgo1es, WIllian .Cmbl eme.nbi lsg the deed and the n1artpgep ot pfwdioh he baidli tG APiertdA examination. *''i rmade inquIries ooon"a inlg the ~rpety/i~ seid the old gn t.leman, "tod am asatisfieldI that it Ig not ger4l fiaW &h.@ tb a:nbu# p'f t *1pe 'toortgagenga4 1y bald' prob4bly ,brin4 mach 1ts;f o ld &t foreelosuta Your offer is a liberal , one ; but I must firit look at the mortgage. This appers to be correct." ho'continued, when he examined the instrument. "It is properly acknowledged and the signature is undoubtedly that ol Philip Meiwin. I suppose the young ladies will.have to go to the countj seat to execute he deed." The girl's O 4nances fell at thil sudden surrender on the part of theil ehampi'nn. "This reminds me,". said the old law)er, picking up the mortgage again, "of an occurrence that (elU under my observation in Tennessee. Not that the two cases are alike, a. be Tennegbee case was undoubtedly a frauduleft affair, but there was a similarity in the circumstances. Don look so downhearted, younq ladies, What will be must be, and it is uses less to cry about what oannnot be helped. As I was about to say, a man died in Tennessee, leaving a widow and one daughter. The widow was about to administer upon his es. tate, when a man who was unknowli came forward, and presented a mort. gage similar to this, and for exactly the mime amount. It was examined by lawyers who were familiar with the signature of the deceased, and pronounced correct. Although there was something strange about the affair, they could find no Raw ia the instrum 3nt., It was particularly puz slipg to one of them, who thoug .t that he bad transacted all the law bundoess of the deceased. He got hold of the mortgage and brought it to me when I was in Nashville. I happened to have in my posseasion a rery powerful magnifying glass that had been presented to me-the most powerful single lets I have ever seen. Witi this I examined the mortgage, and soon discovered that 'forty' had been raised from 'four.' There was 3o mistake about it. I could easily see the marks of chemical erasure, and the difference, in pbn and , ink, .be. tween the 'raised' and the rest of the Instrument. How the rascal got into the Register's Office, I don't know ; but the reooid there had been altered in the same manner. He ran away and it was not considered worth while to follow him. Strange circum. st ance, wasn't it, Mr. Campbell 1" Mr. Campbell was fidgeting uneasi ly in his chair, and made no reply. "Here is the glass," continued the old gentleman, taking it from his pocket, "and you can see for yourself how It magnifies. Now, as I look at 1his 'forty'-why, bless me ! the same signs are visible that I saw in my Tennessee mortgage! I think you will be obliged to drop- this, bir. Campbell. My Tennessee man's name was William Bell, and he has added a Oamp to it since he camne to Missou Ii." Campbe'l his face red as flame, reached out his hand, for the clocu. Lnent. "I believe I will keep this, Mr. Campbell, for fear of accidents. What I do you think you could it by rorce ? Here is something that ,hoots five times. Going, are you 1 Very well; I don't think you will be wolested, ifyou leave this part of the 3ountry and never return to it. Itis barely possible that the estate of Philip Merwin may really owe you rour thousand dollars. If so, I ad rise you not to try to collect the debt, as such an attempt would land yon in the penitentiary. Good nights Mr. Campoei, and farewell."~ "What is it ? What does this niean 1'' asked Olara, as Mr. Pierce, rubbing his hands and smiling, bustled around to fill his pipe. "Are you so dull, my child ? WVhy, the fellow is a swindler, and has been louund out. I guessed as much when [ first heard of the af'air, and w,as sure if it when you told me his name. You will soon be able to pay me n:y $200, and thena we will straighten up q atters. Thank you, Mary, you are very kind to give me a light." "Do you mean to punish hinm, asked. Mary." '-It would hardly pay. We could put hiin in the penitentiary, but you might lose four thousand dollara by the job. By trying for forty thous and1 he has lost the four that may have been justly his due, lie will be far from here by morning. I havei no doubt, a good riddance to him I Ak, this is comfortable. 1 know that I feel bettor, and .hope that you do.' The girls were sure that a great weight had been lifted from their winds and hearts. WVilliam Camp' bell, alias 15ell, deoam pod, and Abnos Pierce stayed a week with the ora phans, during which time he ar ranged all their affairs satis factorily, and won their lasting grati tude and love. "lloyr n we tsr . thanli you for all you thave.>done-for- us 19 said Clara when she wan about to leav,e.: "It was for your niother's sake m) ohildr-and for hor sakdr'if I can help you, all I hbavb ia at your service." - * Abner Pioerde has visited the.' or phan's frequently ainoei the :oven above narratod, and th&y hate alwayi lead a eordial:welOowe for."mWs @1h 'flobberqp sujggae atttght in Charleton T he Venerable lie-frisidedt '."d ipithei Cdnfdderaiy mAd fis: C Panions ordered out of i tolot, Id Car. On the upward bound train on 'he Macon and Wetern division of the Central Rail Road from'Griffin yds. terday,-were the lHon. A6-.1. Steph ens, Col. Clisby,:.. of : the baeon Telegraph, and that une old gitle. wan, Col. Cinoinnatus Peoples, of this city. As usual with Mr ?6ph. ens, he took what he thought' the second class oar,.s'o that he could In. dulge in bis pip. and oenversa ion without offense to any one. Every. thing 'wont pleasantly enougb, be. cause nobody thought anything ' was wrong. Pretty soon an old - blind negro man and his wife entered the oar and seated themselyes. Nothin, was thought of this proceeding, and the Vice-President, editor and law. yer were making themselves as com fortable as the condition of the road would permit. It was noticed that the oar in question was of a new finish, handsomely upholstered, and very neat. The surprise of the whole party may-be imagined when the conductor came along and very plainly told these distinguished gentlemen that they must get out, as that oar was provided for colored people, and white folks were not per mitted to ride in there. Then the "Great 0ommoner" and Mr. Olisby ano Col. Peepioa looked at each other and then at the coX. duotor. Mr. Olisby undertook to smile, and Col. Peoples looked confd. ad. Air. Stephens, always equal to any emergency, looked monstrous wise at Mr. Clisby ; and Col. Peopl,js, soratching his bead, said.: "Well, Mr. Clisby, I have lived a long time ; I have always endeavored to tote fair with'my* fWlitW in I pay my honest.debts and I love my country ; but I never expected to witness this scene." Mr. Clisby replied that God. in His inscrutable wisdom and kindness had permitted him to live out the time allotted to most mdu ; that he had successfully conducted - one of best daily papers in - Georgia for years ; that hid conscience was .0l" and his health good. He had by uniform good conddet and urbanity of manners won the respect and esteem of the entire southwest por. tion of the State ; yet, now at this late date, be was forced to leave a oar because he was not considered as good as a blind nigger. Mr. Stephens, who had at that in. timation grabbed his crutches, and was making an abortive attempt. to rise, remarked to Col. Peoples in his peo.liar ane feminine voice: "Gen tlemen, you know me. The world knows me. I have been a successful school teacher, and have attained some notoriety at the bar. I have served my State in the councila of the nation. I have been Vice-Presi dont of the Confederate States of America, the most, brilliant galaxy of Confederate stars that ever shone in the firmament of nations. I have sua. cesfully stood twice for Congress in my district, and am now on an er. rand of meroy, having been to Griffin to address the Stato Association of teachers. I have already patid my railroa4 fare, and paid no attention to the franking o.r 'mileage privi' leges offered by Congressj but this is the first time I was ever called upon to vasate a oar because I am not con#idered as good as a negro." "Come, come,* said the oconduo tor. "I have no time to listen to speeches ; you ought to throw in and hiea 1l for that purpose. This ear has been set apart for the colored folks, and white people arc not per Imitted to ride in here. Get out r" And thg~ poor erippled ex-President, the acon editor and Atlanta law yer were incontinently hustled to the rest! car. *But' after due reflection, Mr. Q tepheas, and Mr. Cliaby,. and Col. Peeples, each and all decided that it was right. The law, in the first place, prescribes certain rules, and the negroes pay full fare, and 'the rail road authoritions provide a first class car especially for their accom, modation, and wh ito people have no more right there than the negro has to take a car set apart for the white people. --Atlants. Herald. Sacrifies TLhe New York 8ttn haa, clphered out the exact amount that Grant.has "sacrificed'" by giving up his position of General for that of Prusiden t. It finds that eight years' ealary in the former OIfles would have giveu .bin $108,000, while eight yeari salary as Presidebti exclusive of porgqisitei, will non e t9 $800,000b so th.4 it. would Iave taken him -till ia91 to d1raw as nith' monuy 'on the armv pay-roll ash has drawn on the Oi l lisA Wen*s add 'fbout; 70,0 0 for bou hel4 ekpeosa t4d much, not to-ment on 'the .it(#xd 'ases and presi *itsedemas thoug *b adi'$ og tor 61 Gefieral' Kye tht ,ete dayr ata9mated to' kknow,. f'Does aatgee ss4% ad.antalenes f9 atg . 9netbihg About the Ttafflie In Ready Made Aerilona "As next Sunday nearly 300 men will take holy orders, It seems a suita. ble time to ask attentidn to the ex. istonce of abranch of industry seri ously affecting their lofulness and respectability. I onean the sermon trade, of recent but rapid growth, arising in a great measure from the following causes. Our public schools and universities, - while provid. ing admirably for a liberal education iti classics and mathematior, do not, as a rule, suffiolently train - their pupils in E,nglish composition. The theological colleges, with rare exoep. tions, imperfectly supply the defect, oven in that special part of their work, the preparation of sermons. The ro. oult is that very few candidates for holy orders have ever written a ser mon, and geLerally make the first attempt the day aftor their ordina. Lion.' Then the effort is so great, the ability so small, the time so limited, the parish work so urgent, that mauy an unhappy curate utterly broks down and is driven to adopt very unquostionably expedients to meet the Dmergency. 111orrowing from friends, 3opying from books, buying old manusoripts are tried in turn ; till at last, in sheer despair, in yields to the tempting proposal in a sermon. purveyor's ciroular of "a regular mup. ply of original sermons at 13s. 6d. a quarter, in strict confidence." He lulls conscienco to sleep, preaches inother man's di-wourse us his own, aid deceives any lynx-eyed members f his congregation whose seats coin mand the. pulpit by placing on his velvet cushion a lithographed imita iou of hand writing, instead of plain, honest print. "In some cases, the ratal step once taken, the indulgence goes on for years, even in ca,e of some good men whose feeble health or )verworked frame may palliate the rault, if not justify the practice. Little or no study is required ; a quarterly payment becures all that is aecessary, and both parties are satis [ed with the compact. But if the )ompunctions of conscience iire felt, and the victim desires to be free, this apect of affairs soon alters. The purveyor insi to on the subscriber' oantinuing in chains ; sends packet %fter packet in spite of the renons ranoo, and charges a guinea instead of 13s. 6d., if in ariears, atid thres. 311 legal proceedings and exposuro Dy letter or postal-card to church vardens if payment is refused, Nor are those threats vain. One of the rratern'ty recently tiummoned fifteen Alergymen from all parts of England to a country court, seven of whoml paid into court, five Pppeared and ,hree cases were withdrawn. Now, sir, I venture to colioit your power. lul aid. What are the clergy to do in such circumstances I I t1o not speak of those who systematically on )sirage this trade, for they deserve their fate ; but I allude to such as iave lithograph sermons thrust upon ,hen, and who, dreading publicity, Lre terrified into paying tle extor ;ioner's demands.'-London Tives. the Southern Staple. tUNk hEPoRTi OF THEa DEPAnITMEET OF AGOR IoULTURE.f P. WARIhINGTON, D). 0., June 15. he department, of agriculture, in its solton report for June, states that hle threatened reduction in area has etW taken place, nor has the educed area of the last year eenl much enlarged. The report hows ant increase between one and wo per cent. Th'le comparison with at year is as follows :North C aro ina, 102 ; South Carolina, 106; )eorgia, 96; Florida, I9; Alabama, 04 -Mississippi, 102 ; Louisiana, ICI ; Texas, 108 ; A rkansas, 102; L'ennessee, 92. The report of the condition is the nest favorable in the past five sen ions with the exception of 1872. rihe order of procedure in this res pet is 187'2, 1876, 1873, 1871, 1874. lYhough the planting was late and the soil generally too wet and cold for rapid germination, the stand is corn phratively good, and the receo.t peather has been more favorable to a rapid growth. The orop is trnusually slan 'The otparison with a crop af full vital'ty and normal growth ili 1l1 respects is for the present month a follows : North Carolina 92; n onth , Carolina, 97 ;Georgia, 91 ; lorida, 94i; Alabama, 101; Mlisss. ipi 100; ouisiana 95 ; Texas, 96; Arkansaa 900; Tennessee 09.-A'ews "Many' says Viotor Hugo, "was be oqnendrum of the oightoonth eon bury i woman is the conundrum of the einetsenth." We can't guess hor, abt .ie'll never give her up-no p~erer. * Au atteslan well has just boeg oom~ p!ste(in bailwaukie, Wia, which pro*es as success. It ib 1,049 feet deep, l'-f fees of. wh16h :was bores tatoa4 othe earth, 68f, theongl uask4gan1 lime took, atad 194 througt egU4stQss, ~. heWater ' fows at the hi of 6.000 gallons a a. The Darien Canal. A letter to the Now York Tribune gives the following account of the proposed oanal across the isthmus of Darien : The proposed Atrato-Napipi line has for its harbor upon the Atlantio side the Gulf of Darieg, whioh has ample room for the anchorage of a thousand ships, and is sholtered from every gale. From this, as an initial point, it Is proposed to ascend the Atrato (the mean breadth of which for over 150 miles is 2,000 foot, while the minimum depth is six fathoms), a distanco of 140 miles. Hore the excavation begins. This portion of the canal runs through low ground, and for nearly 12 miles no hills are encountered. For the next 9 miles hills are mot with oooasional, ly, but the cutting is much reduced by curved with largo radii skirting the higher points. No less radius than 2,500 foot has been used in the projection of curves, and this only in a few cases. At this poir.t, 21 miles froin the Atrato, the o%nai erosses the Napipi river by means of a busin formed by a retaining dam 30 feet in height. An excellent place for such a dam has boon found, with bod rook for foundation and bluffs for abutments. Hero is the summit level of the canal, at a height of 141.2 feet above the mean tide. To ascend to this, 12 lovks will have to be intro duced upon the Atlantic slope of an average lift of about ten feet. floro al6o the canal draws its water supply from the river itelf, and if needful the whole volume of the Ouia liver, only five miles distant, can easily be brought hither by meni of a feedor. As to water there is no qucstion, as the two rivers can furnish any qunn. tity desired. Leaving this basin the canal line enters at once into the mountainous region. The distance from the cross ing to the l'aoilio is only 8 miles, and of this 5 are by tunnel. In es timiating whoro the tunnel should begin, a cutting of 200 feet in depth has boon fixed us the extreme of open cuts. The western portal of the tunnel is situated within a nilo uf the Pacific, and at this point 15 looks in suocession will be required to reach the level of the Pacifio. The previous estimates for the line, in eluding the cleaning of the har of the Atrato, hospital arrangements, etc., were $56,000,000. The increas ed length of the tunnel and the great er length of the lino will add to these estinmates. 'he total length of the liut is 29 miles: The surveys this year have not developod aa favorable country as was hoped for, but its shortuess still ronders it a formidable rival to the other routes. V% ore it not for the great length of tunnel the line would be without question the most favorable yet found, and even with this drawback it would be premature to pronounce against it. The work this year has been done with the smallest force yot put upon such a diflicult task, and it has only been by the oon-tant labor of the few officerB engaged that the work lms been completed. Great praise is due to Lieut. Collins, under whose com mand the expedition was placed, for the manner in which every detail of thme expedition has been carried out, and it may be said without prejudice to others that no similar expedition has more thoroughly fulfilled the purpose for which it was organlizedl than the Darien Expedition of 18%. *A thoughtlessa young man from Massachusetts weont out into Pot. tapvattamie county net long ago to start a paper, and In order te tioklo the fancy of the. inhabitants, of whose temper he was ignorant, ho published thme following in his first issuo -"TIhe fighting editor is at home all hours of the day and night, ready, willing and anxious to rceive all visitorS who have grievances. .II carries two revolvers, and a slung-shot, a pair of brass-knucles, a bowie knife as long as a cross cut saw, a razor in each boot, and eel-skin, a bludgen, and a bottle of poeonu 1," Every man in P'ottawattamnio thought it was a oballengo, and all (lay long they dropped in singly, in parib, by throes and in squads and platoons. Every soul of them whipped the editor, and the last man, who came in about 7) P. M.) bad to sweep him up an the middle of the floor and paste Lim, together with putty, in order to got a kick at. him. Tihe paper onlyi Issued the initial number. Joseph Curry, who says lie is Christ, and not, long ago was driven out of. Georgia for forming a free love eolony, has started *a new reli gious society in Springfild, Mssa A negress. is worshipped by him and his followers as Queen vf Earth sind Heaven. Hle and this .womn noy' rej resent theinselvos ae i'asting forty nights, arid they have niearly starved them6elves in a vigorous observance ofgthe ritm, They are terribly eman oistod, apd -'so weak that they .oan hardly walk. Curry~ says thAt at the1 end of thme forty dtmys they will be' transported to heaven In a chariot of fire.. ~ - Bstae News. The W, 15. I. had a dne time at their embarkation ou Saturday fbt Bunker Hill. The Catholic churt-h of Aiken, which was destroyed by the March tornado, is shortly to be rebuilt, The total population of the town of Timmoneville is 696-824 whites and 372 colored. 1. Wells Simpson, of Laurens, an ex-olork of the court, died at his rest. donee in that county on the 10th inG stant. 'ho Georgetown doctors propose in the futuro to conduct their business on a cash basisi according to a pub' Ilished fee boill. The Steamer Louisa, formerly owned by Mr. X. M organ, ot George, town, was sold the other day to Rtavetnol,1olnies & Co., of Charles. ton, for the sum of $85,000. Heyward DuPre, colored, was . found dend in his bod on Saturday morning at H1ardesvillo, S. C. The* cause of the death is unknown. The Port Royal and the Savannah an d Charleston railroad owe Beaufort oounty $8,881.34 for tavos for the past and present fisoal years. Capt. G. It. Moffatt, a respootable citizen of Charloston, fell from the piazza of his house on Saturday morninglast. The unfortunategen tliman is fatally injured. The ,Bar:qwoll, 1lackville war still rages. 'The clork of court and o ounty commissioners have moved to 1lackwoll. Tho sheriff and county trer-suror still remain at Barnwell. A rattlesnake, measuring five feet nine inches, and having on its tail eight rattles and two buttons, was killed near Shaw's crook, about four miles north of Aikon, one day last week. A child three years of age, a sonl Df Patrick Porter, residing on Deaur 1wamp, about four miles from Aiken,t was hilled on Saturday last by eating conoontraten lye the previous evening IV. W. Ward, ox-shoriff of Wil. liamsburg county, was tried last week for official misconduot. The jury failed to agr'oo upon- a verdict -the firat mistriat that has ever oe Durred in Williamsburg county. The Groenville News publishes the affidavits of t*o colored men, who charge Josaph Orew.- and his son Adam with being nooonsories to the murder of Dr. 8chell, who was killed about seven years ago. A chap kissed his girl about forty times right along, and whtn he stop ped, the tears came into her eyes and she said !"A h I John, I feat you have oeasod to love me.1 "No I haven't," replied John, "but I've got to broathe." When a Vicksburg neg1 o WOMnoh informed the other day by a reporter of the Herald of that city that the price of sea-lions had Increased 15 por cent. during the prAsent month, she elevated her bands and ekolalised "De Laud only khows what is to be. como of poor - folks ; Seems sif de mere we worked de oftoner de White folks go and riz do price on do neo siusaries of life)' A poet says :"I saw my love Ita dreams last night pass up jtho moona lit lands. And round me, as I nearA or stepped, I felt her soft arms steal and f old while close against mny he art she crept, Just as of old.i' T1hat's a pretty nice sort of a dream-inuch more pleasant than to- dream about soveu-headed monsters with forked tails and inming eyes chasing the dreatner over a precipice two miles high. Bunt still the poet must have eonton a late lunch which didn't agree with him. A onvQntion of thd packers of canned goods was held in Plhilt.del' phiia Teesday. The object and pur. 1)0s0 of this moeting' is to secure unka fornity in the standard of cans and promote the general welfare' of this industry, which is yeally beoome ing more valuable to the country. blillions of dollairs are intested in the preparation of conned goods In the Unaited St a teo and hence the import anee of thoengaged in the enter priso meeting togethor for uonsultaa tion andi o-operaton.. A lhandsome confederate monument, completed by the efforts of the ladios of 84.vannah, was unveiled ten days agos with imipositig eremonies. All the military were out9 and severAl societies were skrorrgly .re-presented, tbo whole bding. under, tlle e mnage.. moot of the ohf war he ro, p. e Johnston, as fiarabal. of ,th4 da~' Hion. .lulian Hlartidge dell,erd tJq oration, which: 'wAs -shottf4deguet and suggestivd. "The Agoau.mnt" ho. saidg mais not ainiI to. t~ dead, ini t,he glorious oang oaleght, ~u ~ the liv?ng,'*hd have te qame ~~ to'flght.the &acme viotories to win~ and. e pie graves to-611'. -s