The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, August 17, 1872, Image 1

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'1IBI WINNSBORQO NW, Job Printing. PUBLISHED Trxi"Wer e'lm.y, AT VISITING CARDS, LETTERIEA W I N N S B 0 R 0, S. C., WEDDnING CARDS, BY lBRIEFS, BL ANKS, IL Desportes & Williams@. BUSINESS CARDS,IIES TERMS: $4.00 mn adfnce' - FANCY BOARDS, INVITATIONS Transient advertisements inserted a l'ItOGRA33 $1.00 per square for the fret and 60 centsIVOL..e1INN S. ., SATURDAY AU 1 I S L PCTRCUARS each subsequent insertion. IX.] WXEOUTSD R[1) [A A UUST 17. .... ..-....... ..... . ...... .. .. ... . . .. ...... . - ..........X ECU DED jy Trj,jj Special Notices. Nomination. Mr. Editor. Please announce Mr. J. R. BOYLES as a caudidate for Sheriff at the ensuing election, and oblige his MANY FRIENDS. Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and Qucen't Delight. This valuable preparation combines all the Medicinal virtues which long experience has proven to possess the most, safe and ef. ficient Alterative and deobstruent proper ties for the cure of Scrofula, King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Cancerous and Indolent Tumors. Mlerouriol and Syphilitic Affections, Enlargement and Ulceration of the Bones, Glands, or of the Womb, 8pleen, and Kidneys: all the various diseases of the skin. such as Tetter, Ring-worms, Boils, Pimples, o:-e Eyes, &o.; Nervou. Affec. tions, Dropsy, and all diseases originating from a depraved state of the Blood. Also, many affections peculiar to Females, as Suppression, Irregularity, Leuorrhwa or Whites, Sterility, Ovarian and Uterine Dropsy, .&c. It is Purely Vegetable. While using Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills, no re etra'nt of diet or occupation is necessary. You may eat or drink as ussal. They are pure vegetable. Dr. Tull's Hair Dye leaves no Rediculnus Tints. FouNDE.n o: A ROcK '-The disappointed adventurers who have from time to time attempted to run their worthless potions against. Drake's Plantation hitters, vow that they cannot understand what founda. tion there is for its amazing popularity. The explanation is simple enough. The reputation of tho world-renowned tonic is founded upon a rock, the Rock of Expe rience. All its ingredients are pure and wholesome. flow, then, could tricksters and cheata expect to rival it with .so pounds of cheap drugs and refuse liquor, with liquorle-s trash in a state of adetous fermentation ? Of course the charlatans have come to grief. Their little game has failed. 'I heir contempt for the sagocity of the community has been fitly punished. i leanwhile Plantation Ditters seems to be in a fair way of eventually superseding every other melicinal preparation included in thu class to which it belongs. In every State and ferritory of the Union it is, to day, the accepted specific fot nervous ie bility, dyspepsia. fever and ague, rheuma t ism, and all ailments involving a deficien cy of vital p"wer. Pimples awl brown spots on the face, Erttp-tions, Blotches, Scrofulous Diseases, and all sores arising from imp'.re blood, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. A Perileus Season. Glorious and delightful as the Sumamer is, its tropical heat is a severe trial to the vital powers. Even the strongest are sometimes prostrated by its effects. The common phrase applied to this condi. tion of the body is "general debility." Now, general debility arises from, and in cludes ai variety of ailments. The liver is more or less affected, the bowels are either constipated or too much relaxed, the atom neh but half perforna the pork of diges lion, the appetite too moor, and spirit de pressed. This is what is called general de bily. Ie is a general disarrangement of all the physic'l functions, and requires as a remedy a ,medicine that will regulate them all, ilostetter's Stowach Bitters is spe,ially adapted to this purpose. Its general operation is not confined to a sin gle organ. If the l'ver is effected, it re I stores its tone. If the stomach is torpid, it regenerates it. If the nerves are tremu lous and weak, it braces and reinforces them. If the mind, which ever sympa. t hizes with the body, is gloomy and despon dettt, it relieves the difficulty, and soon brings the whole mechanism of the boGy 4nto harmony with the laws of health. There is no civilized nation in the %lest ern hemisphere in which the utility of Ilioitettor's Stomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective, and anti-billlotts medicine, is not known and appreciated. Throughout the l'ropics it is considered, by the people andI the profession, the standlard speciao. While it ls a meedicine for all seasons aad all climates, it Is especially st,ited to the complaints generated- by the weather, be ing'the puirest and best, vegetable stimulant In the weorld. Beware of the flitters made of acrid and dangerous tmateriala,5 which unscrunulons parties are eedeavoring to foist upon the people. 'Iheir name is legion, and the punblio has no guprantee that they are pois onous. Adhere to the tried remedy, Hlos telter's Bitters, sold only in glass, and never in kegs or barrels. Spool Thread!i Spool Thread ! ! BEST Thread for Sewing Machinesan equal to floats' for the.needle at 90 cents a dozen. feb 2i hiaMASTRIt & nPurE. The Ku Klux Prisoners at Albany. Col. Whitley, chief of the detective force, has addressed the following let. ter to Attorney General Williams: Naw YORK, August 9, 1872. SIR ; I have the honor to aeknowl. edge the receipt of a communication from your Department, under date of second instant, enclosing a copy of a letter from Gorritt Smith, Esq., ad dressed to the President in relation to those convicts in the Albany Peniten. tiary, who were convicted of ' 4-1 tions of the enforcement ac I requesting me to go to Alban make a thorough invcstigati o the condition of these prisono. .d report to the department my vt, is as to the expediency of exercising ex eeutive clemency in regard to any of them. In accordance with your request I proceeded to Albany on the 7th inst., for the purpose of fulfilling the duty assigned me. As a means of conduct ing my inquiries in a manner best adapted to arrive at all . the facts in the case, and also to lead the prison era to express themselves as freeley as possible, I deemed it best to see each of the parties separately without any knowledge upon their part is to my official character or the object of my visit. In this I received the fullest aid of Mr. Louis D. Pillsbury, head keeper of the penitentiary, who brought each prisoner in separately, with the sim - pie remark to each, that this gentle wan desires to talk with you. The prisoners were mainly frank and con tnunnteative. Some of itherl are vely poor, and unlearned, and have left large families behind them, and while acknowledging that they were mern bers of the various orders of the or ganization known under the general head of Ku Klux Klan, and that they had been justly sentenced as such, plead an extenuation that they had joined the order without a full know ledge of its aims and objects, and had been incited to deeds of violence by their leaders, who had managed to ecape from the country, Ih!aving thenl to bear the responsibility and the punishment of their inideeds. A number of them stated that they had been compelled to join the order to save themselves and families from visitations of the Klan ; others had entered its ranks under the snpposi. tion that it was a society organized for mutual protection, but lea.ue(l subsequently that its real designs were the extermination of the negro race sad the driving out of such of the whites as were in favor of the political equality and social elevation of the blacks. These severally expressed the heartiest contrition of their mis deeds, and stated that the organiza. tion was, one inimicnl to the best in terests of society, and that the gov. ernment was fully justifled in break ing it up. In further extenuation of having been members of the order, they stated that the operations of the Ku Klux Klan were wide spread, em bracing within its folds men of supe rior intelligence whom they had been accustomed to look to for advice and counsel, and whom they did not sup. pose would lead them into any combi nations that contemplated personal violence and even murder, if these were necessary for the accomplhsh ment of its ends. They were told that it was a good institution to put down meanness in the country, and they accepted the statement implicit.. ly. UTpwards of forty examinations were made in the manner above inldicated, neither prisonler knowing that any one but himself had been called out, and none of theta being aware as before observed of my offi cial position or the object of my visit. There was a singular unanimity in their statements end a general expres sion of regret that they shIould have been drawn into any organization dif fering so entirely in the objeet which they supposed it had in view when they joined it. In reply to the gen eral question, What were the ohjects of the orgranizatin? the answr wa almost invariably~ hen we joined the order, we u" td It to be a society establiehed utual protec tion, bi aftewha n fully ini tiatdtd disoverod i for a politi cal pnrp We,' .whie use was em braeed ' an oath, ich we swore to oppose the Radioq , arty in all its forms and prevoit neg ocs from vot ing. It was this g0 t#sception that misled us and wh'io aA brought us into our C co 'ti. The eon trition MIfestec Any of those person le''hea o,ranoe e prese"d them fu "q: qts into tho commiss Qiof whi thy ' claim they were be ycd by ,orupulous and desigri on of tore enlightened minds, t general - want of intel!; gence a 'their extreme poverty tlI appeal starongly for mercy. 3ly views as to ketiecncy of restoring a;y of th Fo%iety through the exer eibe of xecutive elewce:cy are clear. ly in favor of such a c'nt4rse with soic portion of them, and !- lleleve it may be done in some of thm eascs not only with great safety but fully in the in terest of the public gto'd. In those to which I intend re.psctfully to c.ill your attention, the prisonears appear not only truly repentant, but abso lutely ashamed of tha dburse t' hich they seemi to have ur1wittingly pur sued ; they express anx ious to return to the". peaceful pur. suits of industry whenev ,the oppor tut.ity is o)l,red them, an+to become law abiding citizens in their respoo' tive comwui ities. - o'ulunel Whitley then named four' persons safely to be ea zsidored as"r sub.cot, f t.. S t of fb ecutive eleuvency. They are old men, poor and unliarned, and' were un doubtedly lcdsitto the K&Klux oder by misrepresontatioun. With rcgard'to others, should it I.e the intention of .the U.overnagent to make an , e*tended- exercise of its clemency in that direction he submiits the n,amlies of eighteen persons whom he dectns most worthy of its considera tion. As to the remainder of the prison ers who entered the IKu Elux order with a full kn'vledge of its real ib. ject, Colonel Whitley says it would not he entirely expedient to exercise the Executive clemency. A Traiteler for i ('oluinnbin (S. C.) hiouse Coulics to Grief. In Atlanta, on Saturdy morning, a young mana of re.-pectable mnion, sail ing under the namao of J. L,. Binauam sold at auct ion a tine h a e gy for the small sum police, prompted by sUspieions that all w ; atr the matter in hand, led war' os a of the suspected naty a ea fessioan that the -horse d hug'v longed 'to Seligm~ IIall, stable men, in Mo is Ten friend turned ovet-tb ;oiveya hia at the railroad etion, V he says, ho made ait p of, IIo .then drove ts'fa possiD Cave Sprig, G, from point to Atlanta- ld his (u 4 age at low ligurAsa4 Ao the money and- ud ! beiang narned 1 of the party arre - .n.' ie has been traveling'for the lddiness house of Shiver, COlain'bia, S. U. Bia nutn-Vaughan is ht Id for orders from M emphllais.--A urstu Chronil de pd It is said to lbe agurions fact that while foxes, eranaes andaa squirrels are abundant on- the ianaa Alde h&le Ohio.river, they arEa never 'meti the Kentucky sigo ; aand, str ange' ugha, the gray squirrel, to be foma~ an where oan the Kentyesky side, is ryre or never seenI ona ti dia ahore. TVhe l'ope hans in noauted the Cathio lie lishops of Eagflsd anad mIomae* to protest against the prosecutiona by the' British goveranaent of' the priests cot cerned in the GJalway election distnr banceis. What lamdy is used to war ? Millie Tary. . llubbard on a Raltid. We stated in our last issue that the cavalry from this post had gone out on a raid and had not returned up to the hour of our going to press. The command cane back to town on Wed nesday without any prisoners. It seems that Deputy United States Marshal Ilubbard had been out in the Turkey Creek neighbo:hood for a week or ten days previous, concealed among the negroes, and thought that he had spotted the haulnts of certain men in that section whom the authori ties are very anxious to get hold of. lie sent word on Tuesday for the cavalry to come to his ussi.tance and that he could inako the arrests that night. The cavalry were, therefore, out as a auxilliary force to the Depn. ty Mlarshal, and not as an ind-epil cut connmand. Fromt respectable and reliable gen tlen,a we get information of the m11ost wanton and unprovoked outrages cummitted by Hubbard and his gang of negro :ts istants while pretendin to net in the di'charge of his duty. The premises of Mr. B. B. Robins were among tie fir,t searched. Ilis children are all daughters-two of. whom are married-ono to William Carter, the other to Ferris. Both of these men are avoiding arrestr, and their families are living near the residenice of Mr. Robini, atnd t.ner his protection. Mr. Robins informs us that his premises had been search ud eleven times before by the military authoritioo and that ho had always been treatud with res pcet and with 1 at'y n e;.:ary i.(ig;itp til! Hubbard made his appearance ; that he (Hubbard) seemed to gloat over the opportunity to insult women, ter rify children and expend some of his -alien against the respectable white peoplo of the State. The door of Mrs. Ferris' house was violently burst len and the lock broke by him, when she was in a few feet of the ior, (ffering him the key and asking that the door be not broken down. Whea this piece of unneCess.Iry bru talir,y was aceomplisheil and she ap pealed to hitm for redress, the only Ieply site received was an insult. The bed clothes were stripped from a sick child lying in a trnile bed, and the bed rolled violently about the room under the pretense of searching in and under the bed for a concealed Ku Klux. Thee acts are fair samt ples of tIe ..v:ay this hcroie tmarshal carries ou the war againt t women and i;ildren. Anotber place vi'ited was the +ntation of William Carter, which rentod'b,y two young met, Ca lvin calk and Georgo (arter. IBoth of epo men were absent from home on it e night of the raid. Their touse wits broken into and searched ; and when they returned home in the morning they found that seven quilts, uur countorpanes, three pair. of pan. loons and three vests had been ,land carried off. S#s.pgyting force the expedi. t1 hbbard',bad along Columbus tford, (iles rood and Bill Pall re of the most notoriously in i d lawless negroes in the uint After they were rekieved from duty on Wedlesday 'torning) and while they were returntkhone, they took occasion to call at 4.e house of Mrs. Pross Estes, whomt they in sulted and -threatened with loaded guns. li'rom htere they passed to tbe residence of Mr. E. B. Robins, apd tiatgentlemani being away from home, they attempttedl to go into his yard. Whleonordlered by his dauighter not to do so, thesy itnsulted her and levelled heir guns at her. If we thought it were worth while wq would counctil the people to ad d tressg a 'remOnstrance -to Marshall Wallace against allowing the perpe, tra~tion of such wanton outrages b~ is. d4puties and subs. Tb'e law haFsh enough at'best,.without ad to itms execultion the practice f brutal indign-ii- 1onwoe .chlldren., All m can do, $6'ueve,U is to reihegm berthat we are a subjt.. gated people, and that we iuust bear with meekness whatever indignities our heartless oppressors may seo pro por to impose ; trusting that in God's own good time relief may come to us from somo qoarter or other. In justice to Lieutenant E. S. God. frey, wh-, was in command of the cav alry, and whom we know and respect as a gentleman, we are assured by our informants that the soldiers had nothing to do with the breaking open of doors, throwing sick children about, etc., etc. Lieutenant Godfrey we are sure would neither do anything of this kind himself, nor would he suffer it to be (lone by any one under his con .inand. Ilubbard was in cominand of the expedition-the cavalry were only along so as to give the civil authori ties aFsistanco in caso any should be needed-and upon Hubbard rcts the whole responsibility for everything that was done.-Chester /'<p,r,r". Seriots Accitient. It was with very great regret, says the Chester Reporter, that we heard on Saturday last of the serious ace. dent that happened to Mr. Samuel M. McDill on the day previous. Ie was having a well dug on his farm, and wasabout to descend for the purpose of seeing what progress the workmen were makinr;. When ho put his weight on the rope the knot slipped and ho full to the bottom of the well a distance of thirty-six feet. lIb was brought out in an uneon.ecious condi tiou and continued so for several hours. 11n~ eV,-i i.:u:i nio )_. iie _._ uro tdhnd 'roken, though he was se riously cut and bruised on the back and shoulders. It was feared that se. riouts internal injuries might be expe rienced. At tie time of his lall there were two men at the bottom of the well, neither of whom were hurt. The "old sixth" had no more gal lant soldier than Mr. McDill. For four years he ioilowcd tho fortunes of' that famous band, showing in all of its bloody battles, being ever in the front when ,here was i !oe to face, and yet providentially e.caping withoit, ececiviug the slightest wound. IllS old comrades in arms will extend to him an earnest sympathy in his amie tion, and will j"in in t be hope of his speedy restoration to health and strength. We learn from gentlemen who came dow n from York on 'T'uescda v, smys the Chester Reporter, that tho Republicans of that (ounity held their nominating convention ou Monday last. Sixty delegites were in attend ance. 01n the first ballot for a nomi.. nec for the position of Senator, each delegate voted for himself, n> one can didate getting as many as two vo!es. IhLnnibol White, black, finally got the nomination. This is a great im provement on the former Senator front that county, V. E. Roo. For the House of Representatives two white men and two negroes were nominated ; Ben Briggs, white, and Nelson 1)a vies, colored, ,being two of them. The unaies of the others we did not learn, Rt, L. Crook was nominated for Sheriff; J. F. Wallace, E.., for Clerk of the Court, and S. Hall for Probate Judge. illing Of 1lajor Rtandoiplt. Major T1. .J. Randolph, Jr., a eon- - tractor of the Chossampeamko and Ohio railroadm, was accidenitly ki lied nmear Miller's ferry on Thursday afternoon. lie was riding towarda1 a spot where some men were engaiged in blasting. rock, when, being warned, he cheeked his horse, but too late to avert the sad faute which awaited him, Hie was erfuck on the head and killed.-R?ich molOl Dispatch&. S lelIlerald hears o rideauFln roeo I in Peru and *'4.ssi ion ~ident Balta. vAt c ln hat a jI deamocracy rue to T1i .~ Emigration i Grmany a eadily ndrease.s. in. spite of the effot the Gouerrmnt to cheok is.. ' *