The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, November 24, 1866, Image 1

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r-H- ADVERTISING RATE 02 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURS- rdinary advertisements, ociup o tt AND SATURDAY -t-n sore ihan ten lines one Square,) e & p 908nserled in TI-V nEWe3nlpn d100 o 1~.., first it sertNon and 76 ceild oott~sb 1wGalllard Dlesportes & Ce,..J Sequent insertio. ~ sur, Witttsborot' S. C., at $6.00 per an. Larger advertisements, when no num, in advance. . . Lr r eim hnon. __~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~I made,____________________________________________ will b0 Ol nlrgeR in exactpopr AI9FIELD R LO F6a nonncing a 6afidid1t io any oM d of profit, honor or t rust, $10.00. 1SH<DZVRY EDNSDY MRN barrioge, Obituary Noticos, &'9., wl 4 ING, AT $3.00 PER ANNUM. VOL. III.-IINIOo,~-~ f charged tesm savrieet bz f. over ten lifts, and mudt 15e pidd A~we ~* J.,~ 24,1866.handed in, or they *ill nbt nUdeo{:' to ther they at by ariver's aside, knig'siad a lady gay.; e watched the deep and eddying tide onn a flowery islet stray. And, oh for that flower of brilliant hue, < ala then the lad"' fair, To hang my neck wl h the blossoms blue, And braid my nut- )rown hair. the knight has plunged in the whirling wavo, All for the lady's an rle. And he swims t,he st;-eam with courage brave, . he gains yon aoWery isle. l 1 fngers hav., cropt the, blossoms le, a prise they backward bear, hil love with the brilliant hue, braid her out-brown hair. at the way is long and the current strong' And, '.as for that gallant knight ! t e waves prevail, and his stout arms fail. Though 'eheered by his lady's aight. Thon the blossoms blue to the bank he threw, Ere he eank in the eddying ide ; And "Lady, I'm gone, thine owa knight true, Forgot me not," he eried. ' the farewell pledge the lady caught, And thelce. as legeeds say. Ithe'a'wer is a sign to 4*aken thought Of friends wito are tat' away. Por the lady fith' ot k e knight so true " Still remenered the hap eas lot. And she cherished tMh dowers of brilliant hue,. And she brai4ed he'r kair with the blossoms blue, . -* And she called It '-'orget me not 1" The Inman steamer Cty of Boston I left Liverpool on the 7th, arrived at New York on Sunday.. The foilowing 1 is a summary of news : A deputation on Ae subjeod of the Atlantic and Pacific Railway through 4 Nicaragua had waited on the' Prime I Minister at the Treasury. Lotd Der by said that the undertaking appear ed a muostimportantinterhational one. 'He strosgly advised theideputa tion, to bring the matter at onoe before the Foreign Office, and saidi that in4 the meantime he would bring it be- 1 fore his colleagues. The Star rumor has it that the Gov ernment are arranging a brilliant pl.n ,for the baffling of Reformers in the coming session. A Reform scheme of me sort orpther will, it is esid, be haped out and laid upon tir table, the Government generously offering I .0e house a full: opportunity of con 4ting it, by' uudertaking not to pro -dot witlt it until the following ses - The London Time; understands that the British Oorernment have de torminod to withdraw their diplomat- I -o: representative from the Court of i Saxony, And to brehk up"the ostable3. ,mdnt of the British Legation at Dree den. The incorporation of the Saxon Kingdom in the P:-ussian monarchy is thus form ally acknowledged. The 'etre says the gbnoral result of the experimental cruise.of the British Iron*ets . squadron is satisfactoty. . Th9 tepdron inoludbd nine iron elads,.lieuding all the varieties of th&.?est,and they suoeaesfully kept the sa for a month' during the: atmoal- equinox, showing good Mih.etl qualities and, high rates .of wpemiamatri it i claimed that the ves. 'wh' reprebent a oombination of merit. *~t~ o med by thi roit-elada of any .The E4mperor of Facehad iew. ed the Imperiki Guard of. the' Paris aison in lhes3oIs do BouIoriger The.' *Wi gtassed- ot in the . most- brillhian t 3~H eoes fopiI3uk&irW stater . deEmi ha reeas1'thit R's t*tea merchantg iiradin ho liad captor .ed, but had again' ade preparations *refene.' No ~onptf ation be b ep to ,the . ps ski; crossed the Bokharian frontier, and, after a seige which lasted eight days, took by assault, on the 2e ult., the fortress of Utufbe, capturing six teed guns, four flags and many prison ers, The Russians, it is stated, lost three officersand 100 men killed and wounded. The enemies losses were considerable, The London and China Telegraph, .in announcing the declaration of war by France against Corea, says the news confirms a previous statement that the French Admiral would act en tirely on his own responsibility and without the special instfuctions of his Government. He has thus, probably, precipitated a second Cochin China conflict for which the Emperor will not thank him. The Telegraph has also received news of the American schooner Gene ral Sherman having run ashore, Q'oto ber 5, on a voyage for Corea, wilh a large crew. 'Phe telegram says fot'ty' persons have beep murdered by the Coreais. The Lincoln Assassination Oonspiratoh, The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the N. Y. hIerald writes. A bortswain, formerly of the receov. ;ng ship Vermont, named Brogdetf, who has been a prisoner for i:early a year at the Dry Tortugas. and was recenily pardoned, was taken on the Newbern et Key West. He gives a very intel" igotit and no doubt entirely accurate' recotnt accouit of the present condition' 1f the Lincoln assassination conspitatoN onfin-d tt Dry Tortugas--,Dr. Mudd; 3pangler,- O'Loughhn and Arnold. Ac ,ording to his a.atenment, Dr. Mudd has yv concealing hirnself -in.a cosl banker ti the steamer Winfield Scott. It will te remotmbered that after this fruitless ttempt to extend the area of his free lom, he was removed from the medical' lispensitory in which he had been do ailed as an assistant, and compelled to to the, most menial work about the pris m. He is now retuined to his old po ition',- and enjoys even greater confi lencP' than ever, as in addition to dis tensi!tg medicines, he acts as the medi. al Attendant upon a good many of the risoners. Under his present kind reatmeitt and the comforts of liberty llowed him, his health has picked up tmazin gly, so much so that he is in vastly better health now than when he was first admi;' ed to the prison. He >elieves that he'will shortly be pardoned ad this opinion' it generally entertained )y othe'rs. Mr.- pangler is, to use the ,tpression of my informant, making noney hand over' fist at his carpentry vork. It seems thltit he has daily his et tasks of work, and this corploie'l, is tIlowed all he can' make beside. Being rapid ai,d fine workman, he gets his lands full of ext9i jobs, and altogether s doing much better pecuniarily than vhen doing the cttrponter work at Ford's rheatre.'He is a!picture of good health, s also are O'Loughlin, and Arnold. The wo laitter are still at work at their old mployinent. Those as well as Span ;ler live in hopes of a speedy pardon. A WoNDEIFUL oiny-llonss.-# he Washington Siar tden'ions an a:ttomon torso, invented by .William F. Ghod vin, of that that clty, for exhibition' it the Paris Exposition. The contrie rance is said to be very ingeniots, and' s worked by machinery inside. The torse, when wound t)t, will, etart off at small trot, for instaftte, drawing a con tiderable load, as a boy in a small wagbut; tud'will mqve for thirty mitiutes, put. .lhg-his feet down witih all the vim of'ta egudar 2:30 trot.tar A writer in the Boston Po.stsays: "The Bonnet. worti by the ladies tew are fast becoming reduced to noth-~ hig:ih their proportions, t,hey are so veary mall. It does not, requihre mnore than *ev4 hairs to support one of the latest tyiJ, and it in presumnablb that before bnge they will discard bonnbts altogeth trand oommencc cutting the hair fromn he tops of their heads." 1owiag heart, ate like beggars-- - fiey ire on *hat. a ad t da h' CAi. nROPS AND Hi 4s. - By the returns of the otop f - parts of the country it appAra tht \Jance prevail evesywhere: I'rovision4. evety description were never so plin 'l, afd .in view of this fact it may be why retail prices of alI articles in ltt con: sumption in the households of rich and poor shouhl be so high. tweel' the avarice of the speculators t of the 'inwiilingness of retail dealers. tt. relin. geuisi the e;orbitant. profitg w they h e been tealizing since the n, ti public a're Oompel,'ld to ' aprices for-the necessar'es of life whiclk little better tlian O'itortibns. With the exceptions of cotto .every other prOtluction' of the con has been mbst b'eattiftilly devel0 In the items of meaf poultry buf and cheese, we have the anomaly R. glut ted market. and' high prices. - a true that there is a cbmparative di btion in the charges of butchers lnd1 ry dealers of 4t ;: but no one deny that the prices demanded are en tirely athbve what they ought 1? eon. sidering the immense supply l and. There inust be -i change in thi a of things before many days, an dfe will regret to see the speculato were ly bitten. In the dVf -goods ness there is a considerablb itagnat' ltarge stocks on hand and tie failre nar ket in the South to being down pri. ces. and' t.hey have atceordingly ted. T'he sanYte condition of things u soon Dperate' in a like mantibr with pro visions markets. The prices. db rnandee'are abont onehird ltt an a Pair valte'for the staplfs-articlw' con. mmption. Coistime A FATAL CAINDLnS.9lOK.rkatrangb tnd terrible accident hiab taken place at he village of Tillhouad; in tl,b uppet P'yrenees. The commulie celut-ated its iational fete at a wine shop, and onx his occasion all of there were open dur ng the night. In one of the establish ments it was customat'v to use for a :andlestick a hollow cannon 8tall shell, which had been brought from' Latine nanzan, and from whilth, it, wathoughit, .he powder had been withdraWl. The andle vts placed ih the hloli winch' erves for the train'to ignite the'projeo ,ile. To*ards four o'clock the landlord Nent to bed, leaving a number of guests nt full carousal. All of a sudden the train reached the uottom of the ball, which contained a harge of powder. There was'a tremen IOus nxplosinn. Four men .a'tu killed nstantly, and twb others gteviously iurt. Five otht'' happily escaped ut njured. The furniit-e was shattered to itoms. FALL OF THE LEA'--The seasonsof ,he fall of the leaf Las come again, with all its sad and salutary teachings. Who can shut his hotjV, against its les ions ?. Who as he see tl'frost with ared leaf driven by tho'd'Ift winds,-'is riot reminded that such is huftn life 1' Nven as a leaf when the fros has Iried up its sap, and its stems ding no more to the parent tree, so is. our life. It may be green to-day and float gaily upon the hummer breeze, but the frosts of death are gnawing at its stem, and we know not if it shall wave there tonorrow, or *be driven away by the wintry blasts to eternity. Il ppy are we, if Nature prhebes not toil in vain, in this her solemn day. CostiIL'-rRD.-We.learn that'llis 1!r sellency the Govertnor has comtted thi- getqlEqca of Pat. Clifford, who was onuvicted'of hioise stealing and sentenls ed,to be higed,-at/the last terms of tlie Fickens Couirt, to ten -vcars in the Petil telatiary.-AderoIellgencer. "'Who's there1"said 1tBhMson ont' onld night, disturbed in hi.' epose by somie one knocking git the street door. "A ffiend, wsth nswer. "Whiat dd you wait't". - "Want to stay he1t-all utehty~ The Squire and his Wife. The Squire had a friend to visit him 6'n business, and was very much ahn'y. ed to be interupted by his wife, who camO to ask him what he wanted For dinimf.r. 'Uo' awayf M4k us alone !' impatiently said the Squire. B'usintas detained his friend till dinner time, a' the Squire urged him to re main. ' 'he Squire was a generous pro. vider, proud at his table; and he com placently escorted hS's friend to his seat. A little to the surpi'ise of both, they saw nothing ony the board but a hie dish of saald, whibh the good wife begn quietly to strve up. "My dear," said the squire,- "where are the meats?" -There are none to day, replied his lady. 'No meats !' What in the nanie of poverty I TThe vegetables then ! Why don't you have the vegetables?' 'You didn't order any vegetables.' 'You forget,' eocfy answered the htse-wife. 'll aslked what we shiil 'tave,- and you daid' teduce alowe P 1~ere it is.' 'lhi friend burst into a lat , and the Squire, after looking lurid and' lugunri. ous a moment joineilt l iut. 'Wife, I give it up. I owe you one. Here is the fifty dull'ars you *anted for that carpet, which I denied' you.' The Squire forked over. 'INow lbt's have peace=-and some dinner.' The good woma'n' pbolk+eted'tlis p.'r, rang the bell, and a suht tubs 1'epast of fAsh, poultry and vegetables were bt'ought Rn. A fe* days afteryards,- tho'Sqbire re. mained' trkn in his rden aodI time. . euse, when she asked what. he was waiting for, threw her into a flutter of d60itement 'Some otle's comiig t' sulier !' he exclhimed. 'Vhy didn't you' tell me ? I dbeclaro you are the, prookingist man' But without asking which of his ftiends was expected, she hastened to dhnnge he? dress and 'slick up' her hair On the occasion. This done, slie dame out and fottnd ,he Squire seated at the ':able, reading his news japer. 'Where's yonr company ?' 'My comtpany ? r hhtih''t any dotnpa 'But yot'saiil you exStfed'sattlhbody to supper'? exclaimed' the indignant wife, 'My dear, I said no such thing. You asked what I was waiting for, and I said, 'Summons' to come to supper. That's what I was waiting for my dear And I came at once. 'And you have made me go and change my dress ! O',, I'll pay you for this ! 'No matter about it, my dear,. 1 owed you, remember fbr' that lettund.' Tiax MYSTYR.n OF SE.E.--Twelve hundred millions of dreams make a net work of wild fareias nightly about. our planer. To gb if it were possible, through ,this world of sleep would be a a stranger }r'bcees than that of explor ing the *ole waking world ; for in sleep everyeliving being is a poet, from the infant that clings to it& dreams to the breasts of goddesses, to the oenturian who, with st'aff and spectacle, hobbles about Paradise at the heels of se. raphs. Slebping and w.king are the two ret henomiena of our existence. Vhti oe and thought in ,the every dai ong world. where the ordinary busidais of life is carried oh, no living credatttre lias ever fully revealed to an other-. There are retiewpces in the don fessions.of the frank, thinugs which emt 1n01, and therefore never will I)e spokedi 'a-thought. which will transcend the~ lmiIts '.of language-hopes which t he power. of no faur,y could 'satisfy.f4fbas which even Lucifer humnself cosid'.l not exagg%rates *Xf this p ortion of ouir life, which is at 'least sected to our own observation,- cannoti fai&hfuully and folly describ'ed, stililbaq ca# th&t other itiou which defle* eYn our own usWwi dog t,s usnto'gere spacqtatons ofi ernali% m fre s ao 'etlkna frat.uta control of our will, and transforms us into so many passive spokes in the great wheel of destiny. Whatever may be the laws by which it is regulated, sleep presents the coun terpart of the waking world--distorted mulilated, thrown into irremediable con" fusion by the force of the imagination; -Chamber's J'ournal. A Toucaino INOIDENT.-A.% young man and his wife were preparing to attend a Christmas party at the houee Of a friend, some miler distant. "Henry, hy dear hus. baud, don't drink too illh at the party to-day I you will promise me. Wodt you?" said she, putting hde lan' dponh bis brow, and rsising her eyes t6' his face with a pleading smile. "No, Millie, I will not; yod may trust me," and she wrapped her infant in a soft blanket, and they descended. The rorses *ore soon prancing over the turf, and a pleasant conversation beguiled the way- "'Now dbn't forget your prom ise," whispered the young wife, as they passed up the steps. P6bi' t"hing, she was the Wife of a man who loved to- look upon the wine When f'ed. The party passed pleasantly; the time for departure drew near; the wife 'lescended from the upper chamber to join her butband; A pang shot through her beating her heart as she met him, for he *as itroxibated; hd had broken hii pilomise. Silently they rdlle homeward, save when the drunken man brdke into etlitdhes of a song, or 'tnmeahitg ladghter. But the wife rode on, her babe pressed closely to her grieved heart. "-Give mo the baby, 'Milhe; I can't; t'ust. you with him," he'aid. as they approaohed a dark and swollen stream. Atier some hesitation she resigned her first born-her darling babe, olosely wrapped in a his arms. Over the dark waters the noble steed safely bore'thba'; and when thgy reached the batik,the i bther asked for her ehild. With much care and tenderness he placed the bundle in her arms ; but when Rho elasped It tohier heaw no bt'bo was ehere; it just; in tinle to see the littlo rosy face rise ne momenft aboe the dirk waters, then ink forever, and that. by his dwn tempera ,ur'i! The anguish of the thdtli6r and re norse of the fathir are bet tet' ihagined than lesoribed.-.. Glaagotb Neos. A WiSTERN LOv: STORY.-The Milwaukie.Bo1c,nian' tells a good love' itory eclipsing anything given by the immortal Byron. Emily nhd Chal"1es loved each other tenderly, but Lite poor girl's paternal an cestor was indignant and wolild not con sent to give hi: onl.) child' to'a poor mechariic. Charles ttas forbid'den thd house-. Emily was closely watched ihd daily lactur'ed, but would not renounce her Charles. In her di.-trt-es she found a warm friend in her mother, who, as the. tlangexpression has it, "had been there," and unknown to her 1'rd shte assisted the' young couple. At last the "tsterh' pa rent" was called away oii business; wlien' Charles was invited to the house-but in a short time a heavy step was heard' -Charles was secreted in E'mily's bed room-the parent' entered-smelt a mibo' -when ltiuilt? admitted that Charl-s had' been tire; but Wat gone.- Ihe father' stamped and swore, and'af, last locke-I Emily in her room, where she was to remain until he choose to release her. The door was not. opened till next morn ing, when the sight that met his eyes caused him to stand aghast. Tall swearing was done for half an hour then came reflection, aiid'angr"r wns ap. peased and before siidown a young couple started on a bridal tout. REMEDY FOR CHILM.-A school master near Dawsdn, (l'orgia, by the name of Aldehoff, .bnoiies through the columns of alocal paper his dis covery of a' sovereign remedy for chlls end. fever. We reproduce hia preoobitions for the information of the' medicl p'resession: For arf's uit take a talble spoon of Prepared t.Alklk, puit it id: littli-ess than a half tuithii- of good vinegar,' and drink while' It effervences. se' one such (lose the evening f~ day you ei ect a returno ofl~ and another nexit day a bout twof' trs btifore tub expected attack.- * lTo drain la1-di'n s$dend all yvou'r time'ut the ~4I~ 'tav ern. This will drain you of all yot' lands inva short tiane.