The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, October 25, 1866, Image 1

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- . . . . - T - -80M VOL.".I1 WZWN8BORO, S. (T U1TDAY, OCTOBNR 25,. 1866. 11 1 lR R1-LHNI90 u i Ltel44b EV1ET T456DAT, TflV(the DAT AND qj;UtDAT, Gaillard Desportes* 01) I innsbow, -. 4 NNO ge aa. t atilid,ance~ ME FARFWL?kOALb, ~ 1LIstian avERY 1 iff ~ T 3az tA AT $13090a ARUVtR%V The kehae rise PMii>bt Tw ye s, i wilj-ile a 1iv rtu ne to It's -V mjorty o the Nort 'empt (a1 -f to tie second place in tlilt Uln a m who was unliversaly looke upon aS'kj inca.iof of the f'e-cest patriolic p r it.. ' The Federal cause had, no ioi :Pi le-minded advocate, no more. n tive -nn resolute chaniXion thani Ar-tpw Johind"n. **fe was .ng ted for the post of Vice PreAIeit' i le ieneral applauile of Ole zealots of %lAe Republican party, an his susess ia tiikim at a Oelatkobe prof of ,liorthorn determination. It may 1U that it tlhose who propose.l and e ected h had known that h Wks so soon i take i-e highept office in the State theng would have lisitated before they' cjoie onj in whose haracter eiergyip4ci' in'ahiost to violence was thop irincipal fontlure. :t 'when the asassn'a wei p. 6n 4t'pr v'ed the Republio gf itl la'e thio4 a d1 it was known that Andro'.4 Johnson wav otike United State, 'there'i ws, pefha s ot 'one amlong - tltkb# milliond iho xn'ticipqf.d th policy which lis since realm.4it Itof OI theoiltrary, L thrill of anxi ety pa'w thrPtigh the mo4erati iA"hOt IlIe Vi8dfeioud. y-:hs'w v'ere' represethit bi n a1144d Mr.. Seward. Whon *i ofi),ese t' deatd ad' i was lholglq' scarce"ly pysi blt ihat the oth*r 'sltuia survive, netn feared tW ie thWhlighhanded Gov. Meior of Tpnleea. it #4wd with * pow' er.abnost st remo. Only th* Aerst advocIte,. opain Aminty and con . tion for the plokraWo'Sthii' were i I; ed to i-tjoie that tu 1en1alficol phia found a stern and I' 'I sccesbor. Thia is the 1D ' whon Ohe tide of. North"rn opitlidt i vetery 4ky vetting strotrger - stgepiutr. Prsi. dent Johnol i fia'frpgef raileA agaJust iin the Sunilt, but the. Repubhans of New England and the West haVhard. ly any termsliarah enongh to;o ofres their detestatiOn4 him), Threefurh of the men %yos,snITraggayv M uis presesit ptioswrt now his 6te, oppo. leiits. . On .the0ther hand, ho 'yor rather was till' i'few# ',wokk -stmo hilpe of those whos6"'fbbllio' e"'d4 de'iounced ind so bold stnaIng Yet *here t no *reasoP -o suppose that tie President IS changed'his creed. nor Is lie one to allow the posssion,af office to modify hi' condua. To n'attentive ohaerv#t he iste same AndreW,JAryi son who catried matters. th .so t hand againsfethe rebels,'p .i 1,tHs)el were W9 riso, agatn he wouild, vhop hitk. belf as onsparir.g as eer. ITh4s,ttk seems to be that h.. a party4 which had a settled dloctriiu wtih regatrd to5 the. rights 9f7 4merida S8tated and citizens, anud that pini"~ * trime witha't regad to ti oiercumistaa ces of the time or the -oharnges of' publie opinion. Tate k doctrintIsI. "the O<msti tuition - at lI was"-&he theol-y thet *though a'S4ehasu no ei it6 luste fke Union, alt! . ay hbe cs ifit k :ei't to do se, ye.therm Is tw ederA at rti. 4y, zlet' ef itt Congres itselU, teo-intsri. fee with .the- Internal 'a0hirem o anay Strate, and -thal tehmen any Stto ao.. knowledges the Federal Go aeit it is entitled to ai trpge H'ghts. But it oua ht tQo .evljeni to fp 4meri;an aWsta~ig 6i t-o obsen fre:~g erhi,tpl,pi of the nhief ,tsspke'f th past waI is the great increas~ sof-t enti of a M ia t t of meriqs ~pp a The Cofittwtno'snto6htAs to the letter, bt its spirit and pvilinr*y >so lo rthe samae Amijd tbe oonvuluii orfs 'tize oonstfohlle forife'2tas deriv4, fro ', 19 t*1 Union, At ir,' th 6it, t:id wh r 9y be' .'e the Con aLtudnar 44lqOp-,i whiph . lawyers may put upon it it-is ean, that Con< greusmtlst n atlenthftth'hnI1eitow:t WAy. AMi , the .aeistadevitl p011,j"t will b6 4 [IeL 14o the Ohief Mog!strate and lit advisqe to p'q'rs vrer further ijo opposing - w,hRis' maoitestly thd will,of t ajority. of Amoricana. COUNTIC itS Throngh thur courte. sv of Liet.' 4tliikkN'theOuief of the Detective P'rel ve liave been 4nibli;d to' e niiteadVe ggf c(Alniter: feit4 wbivh Iywe bee .prenlatie in;' oir' community ltely:Thes" are of different denomination, j.rin iplIly.050, $10, $2, $1, and 50 centAil.- In order to gitard our endpre ajid ihe ptiblic. we hive ob taid#aii acourte'desbriptil or' these bdl., ;anIlIwiin diMence' from, the genu ine. . Th" 40'i-are on. tahig-.sle"y Va gtt.-khe figuring ji very indnitinct, the lvend1 in the chtri is much blurred, id thi genrati iev6aq of "the bill 41irA4t fren tid grniar. .. The figure 50 in the left hand corner, and'tie sha. ding surrounding ikiis very rough and uneven. The $10's are printed on thick henvy paper,nsd ire Well calculated to decceivo thl':d-ary. .;thev i ti very dark,, and the fitrmg nieline The key in Irank huIN hand, in OEo 1t(<, ban% corner, ai se,Ay perbeptihKr :.whilt,it is qiite plaJiht tha genline ; and bn the other drt1~ f. igtntiAg In ther tbtnale's hamd. io'bold'an' vinc4 ..hid ih '0i" g4fit'k* quite dw"Itetoe:'ite groJpPing-o,the Igurocon the. backi4 l - and tour. 6d,t.1 -the vWnttteQrduir and uneven. 1 ,t* b0hsV,4rltdtidfi (fr J*d#hent, two billihave the ve.i iunmb*r. the diRtinction i6 easily made. - The cotn, fyrits aila all'mniuierpdt 80',58d in tihe u$per mrgiq .And 3414 in th6 -low er.. The t1's asd :4' thick white and greay.paper, and are a verv coarse stinseMon--s..o.'maoh ad that hardly ai deseer'iption as 4 tyenagthe differnee W % 610. These billi are ' rgot up by ex ger the si'atures and general points bing expt O r community have been ikJivided.nw 414hozly, and thre is t& doubt blt organised band exists ri nO midst, *hoe b44i0ss it is to palai pf these worthiless imlt. tions in,papp ,he genu. The 60 centi bill# are well oounter feted,put areof a attern that have tbat vithdlawn. -0tef are smaller thtn those in Ogetera lte. -and have; a glj egelJe qp il5cee.of f bli , np4 the number 60mv open letteron the -baok The e tnot so dangerius. as moft peo sidered'"'o , t u . 0 ~ T U T to s A iAIA cE n 0 e u N T . -4he R llg &n*e. cthus conulades a forcible argilnefitaiOPst tle aecpt nee ofthis ahen*09 0he Southern D O i he satd Wh. er'.tho Son'th so ppi o, 11 wille dpon us, a 'It 4 ~ a n,I4 ition gnanonnu ANNA . ir ell a ~~ ce~ i a '. 0611. Parties at the- Ueth. The smoke of 'thu ' 6test has not cloaredd' away in Pentiqlvania, Ohio X1 diana and Iowa, but idough is visi , to .ee olea'rly the sabWr6mirkabl< state of iffairs,*hieh bo ubee,i seen in the North fo- fiVe yeate The people prejkist alsout eqtialy dWided on thi greit 44estions of the Ay. There i it such prdpondorance 1 the votes ol 6ither party as t' indito any great and lasting injo'ty. 'tiA one of the mbst tha'vello68'thifgs 9J history that for Ab Ing"a titne, - 0 election to olootlon, in the' miidst f the utmost efeiteinent, through WA and PYpc foltowing war, 'the vote flof the ' iu. ihnse governing pop tion of Athe Northern States stroullrenain just about equally divided gn the grandest JdeVtions *ever sub'nittdkso.the decis. tons 'of a people. -Hoillate lessons for the' Wo*rd 'to leatt in this .state of af. fair8. There are also"4essons for the conntry to learlu. It is plain enough thit the majority of the giti.ons of the United States are opposed to, the course - Jen by Con. gress, ad in fa'vor of 0obe polioy of the Presielt.. Half tho0peoplo of - the North, and aJ the .pple of the South, are' preed in this. On the other hapd,.jt lja jin ti Wthe iminori ty of the -poople, 1nd .1.very decided minoriby At that, io* Tle, and will continue to rule. the .,country. It is not a rule of the taojority under whichthe nliitants eo United pno e i p~ anl ought to be distinctly -een .4d recognized henueforth. NeNth'er 09 Ropub lican nor the Douoorate p yl dead; :It has been.very Qftotn p AIt the mis s4of thp;Re ubliith Vaty yas ao complishedb - iti haie talked gbddf6 Wd ) 41 O r orc hAt .'fVV ty'and iniagiied that a now party oould be formed out of the .Conserva. tive poftions of the old., The lesson of this week Is, that the Republican party is not dead, but is firi, united, and strong, and there igno such thing as Conservstisn in it. :* * * The Domocratie part0 is no more dead than the Republie . The, fires of,fiction have only wa mod it, and e bliwA of successive defeat- have oul walded, it' into a in re comlipact mss. 10 polla its huge 'vote, just as h6retofore, gaining soe in one place, loilg iseinoin another, ut always the sau'9 o14 party. It is avantnoetsonse, in the fae of such an el ction as this IAp POnPylyania, whero-Mr. Clynier polls onebalf.4he imm se'vote of the State-it Is arrant nosoias4,'wo say, for any man. looking at such 4 fact to talk of the Demooritio party aa' dead. * -* a' * 41' s As It is, th'e fate of the nation is de pend on the 'flture aetion of' cse two politiop parties. They s at d face to, fac just 'about -oven in nm. bot. Tpoy are. fidreely opposed %o each otiygr:'. They are bent on direct ly :o 6site -purposes. They ire equa y determined in, their d1aim of pat tism. If the party in power at to pt the revolutionary measures ioh have been threatenedr tho other arty Wl, unquestionably stand,by the Coustitution and the laws. Uitder ,this.Itebdi"R Forney In his0WoAi4lW Ys'eday the followitig 61yd neithei- n .IA structed4y the fafal ,failywa of *Andfew Jahnson's atlewipts to pvo a olvil 'ar in:t.h9-Norip beved.N be proe paring oiociat taV1 ledtrevlution inttbs ste The' PoliouOoommidsiomsi of the city of BAltimore, app nted hlf the LegislaplvE, - faithfully ad loyaly during'all ti' ih ti1rb have faiep un* the displpasulh of~ the tirai. 'tor egipathizgrs. beeAneip they . refose *is appomtt j.wiges of electioli 'iip. wrfl take the votee of-the -rebels reigittered in 48nee of' t,h's onstitutio'n ajmi -lawi of the Statsit* H6 .bsheftefoa p 'aled qv thbqQII1Ihodtalein a evn hretI ave Y, dilmnse ,wut of treason. 11 avingdeser4d the peoplo who o'ected hiin, he is" Ioniileo ready. to punish and proscrtbo then. by eleva ling- and strengthenig the re4elf. Slhimild he dpeidui uponhiis o1trage. the: Polcu Commissi6ners backed by. f'y.. or Chnitinhan arat. thot .iRadical .jqYlj jS of the State, will refiie to siirrender. I tipir trnst. At thits jinture the rebels claim tP have tMe promise of AdIrew, Johnun to employ forcit to. pit down the Union men1 and give Iho Siate to the trait.ors. Wo toe not bo-lieve : that either Swann or Johson will have . the hardihood to perfoct this crowning out. rage, thotigh the indic:ain that poirit to it, arq' uinprotu;. But should thii belief he disappointed by tho- resuil .here will be bitt. one remedv left. an4 tift is for tho Maryiand pat'riwa to ap. peal to theI people ol the North to keep ,4pell the gAtewaV to tie chpital of t.he R1public. They ri-sponded to a similar eull in 1861. aid will not be backward in 186. The f-oling in Bl'ttimore veq terday waA intenis. The Radicals were fArm, quiet but-, wholly resolved. They hIe posZession: of the field and intend, to keep. it at all haznrds. They will never. vild it to rebels and traitors. The plot o( these latter aroe"hardly cout cinled, and their exnhatipn prPves that ti revolutionary policy in the celebra. ted Lcdger dispat Cis carefully che:riplied and'6ly requires'a fittiig opporltfity to he annon,1ceed and perfeted. TRat polivy is daily advgcatyil'by. the orgains of Tiomas Swainn, tho Banlt.imore - .z zcue, as it liv suci, jCnipperhtead - papera) as the .ChCicago Time.. Thoigh the dispatch sant-to tie Ledqer has be4n dviied, 1 h.e revol'utionry . poly , I-t., ye, cmimnends. has never been r,pudiat, by. the mini Who denounca the Congress of t,he United States as -ill0gal and dnuon stitutional. ,The Maryland patriots arb -rixct,. trO~Efoean otilag upoa-J ha, lay,. al millionso the wirth; .'to propart to come to their resem wheni the, gttempt is inae to give them a specimen -of! its. opiireasians .atd cruelties. They are# fully competent to take .care of theru, s0lves ngAinst all the rebels and traitore around them.;.bit. if it j* .resolved to employ force to help these rebels and tx ritor iuto contfol, but -'one remedy,is, left, ai.d that is pwinvocation-to the peo. pie of the cguntry. A Mtx AlaEED BY 'A Ma+-Mr. Newian, of.this District, while -bn- his way to Chesterfield. Court, found a man up a treo near the road,,eagerly watched and aiarded by a large wildfb'ntk, with. a formidable htead of antieras and being warned before lie had attraeted thle no tice of the animal, rode-too neighborinot honie, borowAed A glal and killed It. He learned from the prisonerA thatlthe deer had beeni slightly 1otunded b'v a pirly of tintsmen, and pursuerd 'b dog, till it hd become quito . 6irions, and having escapod. was lying -down hhind a ,log; when ho discovered it and stole up with a viow to catch ?t4., [ity, observng tp p .rge hho, d t keeness of a Io.ros m. iemrage faled hiny,.und he was ma I a retreii, when thb enrap-4.nhal P per 'vel him and' ttfsh4* Ae', him bare iving himn I ume 't) escal bf elim . Ho had beon' in duresabfut) i two ho bforN Mr. ewmanu's arri val-- defora 4t the "* ~ * .usherialld4ibition In tI$A AgOovi tura 11, Tliiigtov, .Londoui there "e nbo%% n ilgen.ious inveni,t by whbh, e owoftashoerdfrain 1'iode, o p nd The Ir ~p~froteledf raing tbe*~. dio.I oud t titeavdieu I find odeido'tad a d whidh works u ahd dowa I r m'orthed sand .% uitidow-s#,. m A little pies of. I~ u 6snd of .teod'W fu~~M~ t Ithet~ tq aIllefs~ateWt&a ' Ordinary advertisem ,nts$ occupying not $ tei.Juc,. (ege square,) will bo ins.oWed iIn 711E NEW4 at.$1.00.,or the 6rtinsertion'aud 73 bents, for ea0h sub seqtedit ivRerti6d. LArger advertisements when n2con(vaet lb :Ste, 4ilLb6'Obarge 4 z t pr Fo' anidneing a eindidAte i diy offie of profit, hJpor or truh i - . MurrAogd, d0.tdary btlve, &o., . will be chargel the same ns advertisemenit, wh6d over ten lines, and must be paid for whot handed ;'.t4tll not appoar. Intereating Statisds' of the United ta6tes. The following intoiret'g statistics were prfred M, the rnitod States cohous D9r%, Department' bf :the Interior, and taken from a- report iri reforenco -to the area, aud populatiou of thle Uilted State-. - The land aiid water surface of the' United States are equal to 3,240,000 square miles--land 3,010,370, water about 240,000 square miles. The,. 8ates embrace 1,804,351 square miles. of landed' surface and the o'rritor'es 1,206,919 miles,, as exhibifo'd byi tto eighth cons.w:of 1860. .T.he number oftithabitan,ts of the .Uned States retauned' in 1860 was. 3.,44?P2 I--in the State1 .1,148,046, and 295,t75 in the Terril6i Pk-tlius showing' ad tier4' age of seventeet, hihabitants to- eaet square mile in the Statos, while in tha Territories there - dro four squaro miles to each inhabi(ants, and exelu-. siveof the biatrict of Columbia 'the territorial area would reptesent five' and odtaufifth 'quare miles t9'each' in habitant. 11 A860, Massahusattm had, 157, Rhode .tsj ud 133, New Yor.82, and Pennsy -'nia 2 inhabitants to. the qudro Ini e,whijeh rate Appliod to the nitd wuI. 'ive 472,000,000in' nassachsetts, 400 00 000,ink Rhbde. Island, 246,00 400 iniew York, and 1 00,000000, i+ Petns'ylvaafla. bel giun, .Engigud'n,Wkles-pid Fraice in 1855 had,897,J0'1 and 176 inhabi tants to iho quare' mile"respe'etivel . 10 the United Statts wasa dense ly' Oo'pulatbd as F-ance, our populatior Would number 528,000;0 ; .or 'if, populate4 sAeusoly as,11tigland and, alesi 924'000,000 ; and if according to Belgium'i density of populaiion, (W t -qiquare igilo,) the Inlted Stat'eo lwonild, contAin 1,195,006, 00;. whfchis 14 04,0.0(,OOl uoro than the ntire popsladion of the world iii 1866.. NE.: K uETo .AND PoLITICS.* -he'gewYTork correspondent of the iMMlI)iOIn a Ledge' urite.' 1%e York edit6ra are taking a promi. ienk part, p(raomilly, in t.he..scrambly r o Hlic. Horatp Oreey, ,of tbe rp,.. >ane, ist he candidate for Con. tress in the Tfilrd 11istrict, 'and hii -n-r9opratic oppoent possibly maybo len. Wood, of .tLhp?hAt'ly Arets.' I ie.E hi District he Conservatives mave piced Janes-i1h'okq, of the Ex., I-ess, in-the fiel.1 For ftegister, Hal. lum, oft ie Citzen, has been nominated o organizattionl c)d l,bo Indepenl. a1 . .WiSha;iinson, of the p sgrunfor tJii Legislature. lernck.. iA:t1e Afr, will probably' Iltor this.Curyse in oppohibion to Fernan-4 o W-dud,.sr, egrss, ;inh.-Ninth Iistiie, I hater conniected fan Woodle 'anoe .ig,tJie above, with thDJaily fews, 'of w.hih lhe is' under't'ood to be, nee m1oret- the proprik~or, 'siite t'Uidal 'elI 6 'Whitney gaeto if".up.' Beat uweveJrha.'ihed, sa gbod -oSWfVrbt tiye: rope,rty..from # PMas. .A, *1ansp,. 'rmer . of Lihe I b~~n1more e eitly f the 4Qh'cg o'Ip IJcanf. ,.f a Alsfisefrect&f,' DilA 'Al! Mtke the' inMRMoaY .bPUAadm(e ear alm. prsuadled, ad ~iv,n of e h' /s~ word of*a i okan F Y nm.nryofmndh. iaivped- in tapo ,wretoh.fram~ pgaptra. , allgrass una,be reti h13y refnaIns repose ; the ing4 aveg ofiauntjnmasfbe whirled ovet emgor the'whitd mnantle. of 'Wiltts my pover thiem froni eight. yet~ Iue isit ap eai when he . as h p"ea ,tan geit1y~ - r1, ~o n . enlls to hwtsdwhen"ofr the Arays' bf error& *hMdther ~ 54l4ti thet