The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, October 23, 1866, Image 1

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VOL. MR.], WINNSBORO, S. ., TUISPAY, OOTOBER 2, 1866. II B TR ITE1,NW , ap PUBLISHED EVERY TUMIDAY, 'tVv DAY AND SATUR"AT, ir Gaillard, Desportes & 70, i Winnsboro,' S. C., at $6.00 per an num, in advance. MRE FAIRFIELD 2ERALD, I UBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORN ING, AT. $8.00 PER ANNUM. [rO TuS NXws.] THE BARQUB0F MEM -ORY DY PRTIT. It moves like a wtyward child, On the bIllows of the past; Now gliding with easy grace' Then tofsed by the wailing blst. It Boats where the susuight falls In its wreaths of g*m-like rays, IDegiding the strange. strange freighb As the barque with the ocean plays. And then, in its changeful mood, It darts 'neath a lowering sky; And the freight grows dark, and. a moa Is heard when the waves beat liigh. It touches the shore of Time Where the buried moments lie; And an old man digs the gravas Of the momene as they die. le plaes upoi each tomb, Whos the sod Is freshly pressed, A casket of hemeries That belonged to the forn at rest. As the well-known barque he'spies lie carries the caskets there ; In some there is haught but gloom, While others Mre bright and fair. Thera are greetings and sad farqwells; There are joys and smiles, and tars, And kinss, and ptwyevs, and shrouds; There are hope, and sige, andfears, And the priceless gem of mind, They contain, 'mid their varied store, From the flowers of posy T7 the deep-loid, Wku-0red lotm. Now t4e barque is fifled *ith freight And it moves to ObliMon's atteam, Wher 'he tide is deep and ilow, And dark as a frigh6ful drea. As it nears the stream, a sound , .Is heard from the depths below, And long-lost memories come back That were cast there years ago. And the helmsman takes them back From the tide of forgetfulness; They begin their work anew Giving peace, or joy, wr distress. And.the easkets that faded seem ie dings from the uttlebarque. They sink with a silent plunge . To the depths of the wates dark. And thsie will the barque still No.&t Till Time shall be washed away When Eterity's plain- shall rise In its stead, on the Juioment day. These memories of life s"U then ('er. the heart, as a stcem-eloud, rofll Or. tinged with celestial light, lorma a hele around thie sol. Di1Wavery of ?ou.ilh in a Met Bedat Ouhoe-The'Jawbone of. Mastodon Pe*ited Ostrich eggs and' Logs .of Wood dug 4ut of the EBathk Cit.isens and strangers have trod the at.reets of Coos since the vivrwge liret carfte into notice, the "oldest iohblitatnt" has become gray in watchig the pro. gross of the town as the quiet hamlet has grown to the prosperous mart of 'trade, ad its primitve gniet. broken with the hutm and racket of the thouusde oftspin dies and loome-f'ectory op.iatives hwve since horried to and fro over 'its st denself crowvdedI avenues, tltout emen dreAming that the legalit,y of their vil. age WAS 0once the 1.hotn of one of tire greatest living tmonsl.ora, or that-fir bl ~ow their feet have lain the G'onierful hIings whicht have so raeetly been;N ~ eale,d. Hencee It is not s;range that c discoveries in the excavations (or ~e imo M il hae prldgoha an )j witneset4 T1he gneral typogmphaical appearant. .nbtnt Uohioes would indicat. that hite e.rth had experinesid *i4nvpi. ie, hai IieF AsdOV 4 M OWs6 'which *e hasve refe,rpd to f6' 7 to day, establish this .ft st.ill moreolear, if it efere nieeded; that a tlus nag A to4n ce hsve4, wa.fl?ed,ttige, dtenk anti wherg Co6hoes now s$ands, 'thn fofl diation of the sew i;%at'oey building; Is .thid uren a alath, roek 4IthmuaBtt'neafly its entire.length of six,hundredtfeet. At the upper end, where the-hill ii the high est, reat excavations have been nade, and here the toek wgs.I.und-to be the opening of an immense bed of peat. At Orst it was reso)led to retnove this peat, and for the purpose of ascertaining its depth, a small section was excavated to the depth of sixty feet. It. was in this that -the manfmoth fosit was fund. The jaw is somewhat decayed and flaky, hut the teeth are in excellent preservation. The length of each jawbone is thirty. two inches: the breadth across the jaw at the broadest point, twenty two inches, and the extreme depth abo4t twelve inches. On one side is a tooth four inches in length and two and a half in width. a ad on the other sido two. teeth, one pt which is six and a' half inches long, and'. the other tour, and bath uniform in width and shape with the tooth opposite. ' On the side of the single tooth there is no cavity to indicate that any other ever existed, and it is evident that the animal died in full possesesion of all the dental conveniences that nature ever gave him. But these were enough. Twtity pounds of teeth, 46ore or less, are mere than the most voracious -appetite coi4d covet at the present high price of food. The holes or cavities for the dental nerves are from an inch to- an inch and a half ih diameter. Tho front otthejaw 'I covs. pnrativelv light, showing that the cres*. ire was not. given to carniverous diet, but subsisted chiefly on herhe. No.oth-. er remaisa of the beast h%ve been 46'. covered, but it is possible that they -are hidden in that portlewof the 'peat bed that has not been opened. The exawinations .have . rveled other wonders not less remnrkabte than 4 Ah above. Thirty feet below 'the saAi an enornas petrifted ostrich ogg Weas found, indicating that this animal, in size a fit cotemporary of the othet, dwelt here, breathed the -same air,. and lived in the sane primeval eunlight which felt "ponits ponderous companion. Vast quatifTties of oal; woo, so tender that it can be cut and removed with the shovel, are intermingled. wih the pbat. This wood, when exposed' to the st or fire it, til thoroughly dtieod Iecomesas hard s.4 it had never decayed. As the excavations progres other cu riosities may,be renmected and bronght to the light after theiir sleep-of years in vlence and darknesst On each side of She peat bed, so far se traced, 'are -vats perpendicular rocks,. into which huge semicircular cavitiet.diep and Miooth have beeq worn by the,saotion eftwater. There is apparently but one solution of tt in mystdrV. The cavity of olk where thie dhposit ofpest now rests, was once the bed' of a stream, running diagonally: *eross the' fine of the street and towards the- M6 hawk. As the peat was coverep deep. 'ly with.slate rock4 it is evident that the stream had.a' ubterrinean cl)annel and outlet at this pff, though perhaps en open rivet above. In the undiscovered fields which way,yet be explored, the geologie mid soologist will find a rich territory in whidh to Oorsue investi. gation, and perhaps may here. unravel scientific mysteries not .et mid. pikin, or decide <uestions now in dispite. -We are happ# so- learn thit tWStite Geolo. gist propae to visit the 4 , endi 'h pu~bbio wifl.s awit his rep ith a y ntorest. Londoni is a world la itself, The la$t Eugf(sh oeste derdopei the- on. rious fanb that thete ae raoe :Beoteh men 'In Lonudow than I14 Vfsberg, mnore Tyll than ts Du)blien m'M'ulRo. man Ostsolios than in Song 'ashte Jews thani Ia',elesMein .to to London, petbg,Netr . bi e mot eooitit. g. je hia no isso na . ,4Uff, #atn 4 . Rard The ISOef a 8e. The New-Ywr rnal o amvrc, under this caption,. has the fbllowing forcible remark .: Will any sinore believer the pro priety of the ' #ti I ed by Congress towar4s the C 9 States undertake to give him not us, a olear explaqation of 46pprooghosi tion of what is called W4it Virgint in th.e American UnipaI How came Now Yqrk to be equally insiched in the Un ted States. Sente by two Snators represeAting a mew State wthn the.bonnaaosof o V inla? If soqesion an& rebelliWn deprived .Vrginia of beiloaity In te Union, of her r.eprA1ato%A ev right of rep resent4tion in the 'oooi of the na tion, how could she gts tht consent which, by the Constitution, was noose aar to the erection of :a !w State witin her boLndsries 1 No better illustratidn coul4be need ed than :this, of the isonsionoy of the radical politicians. ;Virginia was regarded as a State f1r all thir pur poses, but is regarded as no State when they have anoth'.. a"pose to carry out. She certainly .1l io more out of the Uniop now tha eke was in the time of waw,when Sotern arm Uss held her Northern- fro rior. If the policy of Oongress is to made -the la*. of the Ied, does I t follow asa matter of course, th ath State of West VIrgnAIS-anished ea' *tlst 41* wer zaterof imion to the Union, estra-oed1 a), be imposed on Virginia, wi e ating her asa unit from the heat her pro tended seoeslon . How, ':he be k opt 9k . the. tup **bel *owitootheeping br'-all out ? e t$ ible answr is revel tionary. ' me of the more violent radicals aolcnowledge that West Vit tinia ex1pte only by the effect of revo futionary measuves, both inthat State and In Congress. One Senator dis. tinetly deglared that he voted for the admiion of West VirSi, knowing l'to be unconstitutIon4LUcause the Constitution- was a -p by the war, and a*1tgs wM' e - . a revolu tionary condition. ' Jkt even that bold plea for radical legislation was denied by the majoVity of *e radical leaders, and there is no pretene for it now. All is pesce, and the- oustitit tion is the only law-oa whips Congress rests for any of it& p Wer'. IN Vir. nia deadbecauset war-is ended -1 sho ceased to be 4Jte .because the Southerm Confederiey is a thing of the past ? Ih the haste with whie men fellow politioal-leaders, they fettheinju. ry gtos great prinelie on which the Uni rests. It is to regard law and establish it supremacy- over all the land. t is of *ast iraportwnee to the North that thesupremse oftbe Constitution as it is should e one more assured, and that wiihout*dMly. We drift'along from one grand error to anothet, nd are rpidly losing sighl of the only sWe anohorage-'for the ship of Blati.. Ieonsistenotei mark the whole-oorseof the radical polities. It is;not law- but mad do. sire for supoems and' power, which seems to Iuide-tie iourse of those who so foolishY. the President of "usurpation,", while they advocate nothing bat us*ptiu. ';Yea rZLt PUI,-w-SOme one wriW6s both gra t and foroibly : '59 woul%l leglad to ado more pat ents understind'that when' they apend niong 'judielouely' to het,rove and adorn tqjicuse and the-greund around it, they are' in . ftiot ' ying their ch'Idren y pretniiuato syathome, a. aweh-as, pibleto. ~o it ; but that wla thy u'oeunneces ~m ko tiseswhere samttreti~essetstion.-sdd Paaosw.ll #0 31a.-NtAre, to 'con stantly dfawing from, her store.ouse in the bowelo of the earth, Oherewith to-repleaisk the waste ewit surfaft. No.sooner is oie eahausted than another io, strp. . The diogvery of Petroleum says an 4AGe, Is the great event af- the day. It Is eMoVing rapidly it4o thr supply of maity t the most important d4aestio uecaa,iosi,wantes Already the- riv gas for oheapaess sad brilliancy of 1 and a substitute for animal and Vege dRIS as a lubriator, it begins to takt plaeof wood and coal as a fuel. We see from the bietplifs Avalancko that a company has been formed- in that city to test its aploation to the uses of steam. boats. T11e boat fo whisi-it is to be ap. pligt is Ihuodesoribed by &he Avalenehe : ItiRl be says that payo a side wheel test of vot !eof than MW hese power. The lower deok will contain the boilers. engines, kitchen, workshops and berths for the dock hends. In the-forepart, the place formerly ocoupied by wood and coal, will be a dining-room of suitable.sise. The up. per dock will woataln h daloon, a serie of state rooms, and a sitiag room for the la dies. Ner the whel-house will l0b the le"ks, from whish the reservoirs of the boilers wUl be supplied -with xieum. These taok will be surroundo! -',h water supplied fbom the spray of the wheel, so as to keep them always. soe. The ofters' cabin will be on the hurrioane dock& surt mounted by the plW house. The whole beat will be lightd** g supplied by pipes ftm aseeuvelr es - the .upper deck.' The dining-eoom willbe .heated by petro leun sapes, the state-room has its own re guasor, while not a Steve will be on the' main deoY. The cooking -will likewise be done by petroleum. The main reservoir will be under a look and key, so that none - but thq proper persons eaa havv-oess to it. Thee so smoke steels, and the boil er will b fully one-hird smaller than those at s smaller power of the ordinary kind. Altogether there will be a gain of at least one.thrd of .@pae available for f0eigh.t4 ad other puRpOeeO, while the 0om. paestive lightme of the 0el, and the' con se"ar.t Not.4 draughtof the-boat. wilt en able it to pass over shallow places which other boa. ef the sae powier,and capacity will hardly venture Wpass. MAx0rA?1ae1.-Let it be kept before the people that the way to save afteen dol. ters on every. ive hundred pounds of cotton, is to sasnufature cotton wher*t is grown; and to manufcture cotton in South Gargli. na is to quadruple its val4e to the Stte. As the charleston New Is asm ofIS- as artieles justly oberves the otteo millm beentlhe me4s of 0ty the largest fortunes in the. world. ldi bugliUd ased New 1nland -owe much of' their. great wealth to this eause, and what my not South Carolipa-what may not Colimbla with her magni4oens power do in fol. lowing tA "Ce ,orglt and Ala. bas, are pusabia brwai e goddwork. The'Augusta, (0 .) a h jupt'delar. ed its third quarter diofhd of%e per cent. Lel, s not beeblad fiand There is is a gran4,opening. er: for ca ptalIee, and' be who comes -1. will Onjo. the lion's share. Our publi,spited dMison Colonel L. D! Child. has qlready i of In the goed work." The Uluda etory has been rebuilt and will he Is ronafg.ede. i less than two poulls wJth the best fsehipsry tbot caa be Imitt-td. A lrge sunaber-of hand4 will te be employed, aud from four to lve baleeof cotton per day be work ed iaro the.-nert yarn. Will,' enr others follow.-4tah OdroMnwan. Tur HumAN. NODy.Te pro'r. tions of.tfio huin 4guto ar4 'st otly math%tstioal. The whole fgute 4' six titaes the 'length of the- foot'.. Whether the fort be slender or plump tre.rule.holds good ; any- deviition ftom It is a departure from the vigh' ot beauty In. ptoportion. The Grooks madeall eitc statues acording to-1 this ru, - Tbehce from tkk. highest' RoIDE. of thdt ttliid, where tbe bie b"ghI, t the Ohin Is one-tenth the W6ole stAture. Tte hand,. from the w'ist to the middlofinger, is the same. Front the-top of the chest to -the high eat point in the-fb:ehread is a seventh. Iftelength of the face'; fifom the roots of the hair. ' the chin,,bhe:divid e'd-lto three pau~e the rs6- division determines 'the ple.e where'tke eye. Browenteet,'and'the second tid~ place of the'nostyid, The h hfulom. the fbettMthtop of.the is a10 tlsame a-the,disthnoe fromt the estetati of w.w en. The 'sot *,. owertin pet ADVERTISING RATES; Otdinory advertisteftts, ocoupying nt more-than ten H1Dme, (oie square.,) will be* inserted in T1H NEWb, at $1.00 for the Brst inseTIon 'and *5 cents for esoesub sequent insertibd; Larger Advertiseiuenti, V-1t noc'oltract is made, 1111 be charged* in exact propok For otounctUg a caddidate to ans oice. of profit, honor or trpst, $10.00. Marriage, Obitkary Ndtioes, &e.,- Will be charged the sa"' as advertIseaents, when over ten lines..and must be paid fe- when' handed in, or they will not appear. President Da i, OkIoZ UNutV-STATS DISTRIOT ATTORNEY'FOR VIRdtNIA, ltIbLor, Oct. 18, 1866. 7m. Henry Stianbery, Attorney.Gn. ral of the anitecl States: St,-In compliance witli your re quest,.I submit herewith the substance of the verbal, statement I made you a few da s eiree in answer to yout ques tion, Why*tro demand had been 'made upon the military authoritit's- for the surrender of Jefferson Davis,. in order that hqmight, be tried upon the indict. mnent found against Mi in the Unitel States Circnit Court at tho furm held at Norf6lk in May last." Two reasons have influe ced me in: not taking any steps f6r removing him from their custody. The one relates to the safW-keeping, the other to his own personal comfort and. heah. .- I ha e never had env doubt but that be would be deli ered'to the United Statdw Marshal-of the district whenever he should have d6manded him on a "capias" or any other civil process.' But you cav readily understand that so aootk as lie goes into the hands of that officer, upon action had by me his pla,1o of confinement- would be one of the State jails of Virginia. At Fortrese Monroe all necessary precutions can be, are taket to prevent his escape. Over the inernal police of a State jail the Marshall- has no - ant hori. ty, and the safe enstody of'the prisoner could not be secured save- at a -very great expense. Mr Davis ianow in as comfortab-le qartere as the mos'of those.occupied by he aimy officera-ot the fort." The loca. tion is a health'y one.- His family have Iree access to him' He has full oppor. tuifX for exercise in the open air. It Mi health ht feeble; remove him to one oP'the State jails, and his condition, instead of being:1ettered.avonl4,' in all these respect*, he much for the -wnrsn. His counsel pi-)babl%urdr- (1 l ..11 and, 1. shipk, will not h. likely t - any step which wonitl *tcrenip, the persnal comforts-.or-endanger-the life of their client. I have the honor to be, most respect. flilly, yor obedient'servant. L. H. CiHAND'I-R, United States District Attorney for Virginia. A WOXnIs)t,- RAIL%oA'n INVsT-JN. TheoLqndon herald says, :It It a ourious fact that for the list four rears an invention whish may prove one of the mst useful as Vill-as the tfost' wonderful of this wonder. wdrhingLge bas- ten on '1ie'with4.'-an hour's drive of Park. The' general publios are at this moment. taare that at Ig Jonobre, elose to t,he pretty village of Dougtal, they have an opportuly of wit. missing every Sunday the estraordinary sight'of a rilway train asoending a steep gradient without th'a aid cf steam and' e carriages of which are destitut.e of -wheels. This inventio' is due 16- , French - engi neer, M.' Le D Oirard 'It is round on a new applfcation of an 'ld prinolial, vis: That a layer ot water introduced between two metal pmrfrcus. enables thetm to glidd on' each -other with as little friction as a's lab of ubs on a polishe4 atuface of a dozen lake.' Mr. Girard has conuelved the'idea of apply ing this principle t'6 locomotion, and the ex Prmn'ehas been catrying on for the that it is applicable 'to .the -propelling of raiHay ttaiqs. Ju le-yqtdm' wheels are, dispehsed '.fih, .'ad here can be no doubl.* thatt ward li'Iuuntion appliedi to drdinary raiwEys, an-'eigine which is new only able~ tb.duawlublw':wighisxany . goe hundred - t,ea&th.' rate uf'**ptitdes , .ag' how', w6 ,' with ihe same -expentigher of ftl . be 14l to dia, doeble the weight at doutile the speed. If. Girard, h'oiever, $Poposee to dhesed stem as a motivs pow%*' This is 4h. weak part of his-Invetionathe Value of which oon in - h'O onn~jete, of sledge earrIad on wheels. U ca ar vies are fli on slide.t 'which '0 apen .of ae peoulir onnttrn6tn; 'si m1 ttursng~ aos,estreetuPo water is li gassenttseiae powe ast w6 bis balao6qi i thin ab naand of.the 1%ai.