The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, September 27, 1866, Image 1

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ago= ~3 XW WE 0 VO WINNSBORO, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1866. 10 - - 3 TII BlI-VULVXBVNR 1 PiBnuLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, TIIUR DAY AND SATURDAY# By Gaillard, Desportes & co, I . Winnboro,' S. C;, at $6.00 per an num, in advance. fE FAIRPI9LD MERALD, .1 UBLISHkD EVZRY WEDNESDAY MORN . 'G,AT $8.00 PER ANNUM. Legislature Iteims. The State accepteoJ, by Joint Rosolu. ,tion, the donation of public lands by the 'I. S. Government,- for Agricultural purposeo aid the Mechanic Arts, also authorized the. Governor to appoint an agent to receive scrip, and to sill the -8anie, paying the proceeds into the Treasury. The Governor is authorised to pledge the faith and. credit of the .State for Ronds, amounting to $000,000) provid et $300.000 bushels of corrn Inay be diliver"d in the State for t4at sum. - The Governor is also authbrized to appoi't an agent to make the purchase, I his sala'ry to be $1000 and traveling expenses. W 7. P.,Pfiqe, nieqpber from Gre6n .ille *Distriot, resigned his seat )n the last day of the Session, and writs of election will b' issued tofill the vacan cy. Tne Act authorizing the establish. nient of a Poni.tentary authorizek the Governor to appaiut three Commission. era to locate the same, and to'erect cer .tain buildings. No. compensation was provided for the Commissioners. Thie President and Directors of the lue Ridge Railroad are authorized to reduce the Stock held by.the State in -that conpany in the iame pro portion that the *Stock bf .other Stockholders way be" reduced, in order to procure additional iubsc.riptiois to filish tile Road to Knoxville. W. trust this may enable the Co. n to' complete this great enterprise. The State has every thiitg to gai., and' nothing. to les by this arrangement. The Attorney.General and Solicitors were instruot'bd to iteatigate the cause of complaint of Jaies Brown, relating to the Railroad bridgs.over tho Conga ree and Wateree. ivters, and to report the result- of their investigations to th next.General Assnbly. Tie Govornor,was requested to issue a circular to the several Tax Collector of the State, requiring them to report the number of -persons who have lost himbs (whether. legs or arms. or both,) in the late war, to,be 'jimitted through 'him to the next LegilMra. - The Staie bills aro.. redeemable in greenbacks. Lee & Spencer, North Atlanti Wharf, Charleston, have offered their servides, free of commission, for receiv ing and forwarding corn designed for the poor in any part of our State. The Treasurer is authorised to sell t'e coin received for 'taxes, and credit the premium to account for 'extraoidi nary .ekpeaditures." Tius oomtniiloners appointed to sell the property of the .State Works located at preevde are authorised to sell on a :redit not to exceed one and two yea.ts.. *y Collectors are allowed until the Foutha of Nelembr next to.wake their rettausne provided they pay into the Treasur the amount which lhes been receire or may be received by. the .131 of October. Contrary t6 the iqsuau method of ap pointing public offiers (in .the rport of the,CommitAee on Am)Ooes and QEbes. min Mjhagistrates. la beep sppoite for va Ious Distriot. yjoint.-resohution of the General'Assewrby Manps d 3le*oe . and Co naIoa4prs g1F. poimtne same.ay. er 'a Prne h e isn, -to do work unti the regular ass1ong Tux ic Ex' ,Cowvra.or' ov Anus. ofthe Ptesi ent soori ;ie.r the openng oArmfwill pro bhbly b disbrl Act of Congress toeai e thr S adsa the pledged themee wasd(oage ' u any ome.r. sa'a),.A this certaIt 7 and had h.he of lhse p6wer i J'FFERaoN Divrs.-~The New York Herald, of Friday has the following article on the elease of -Jefferson Da vis I "We have assxranoe from some re. verend gentlemen who recently visited Mr. Davis, in prisoni that his health is so far affected that he cannot live three months, whether free or captive. Those gentlemen, it appears, have ap pealed to the President to release him. Various accounts have been cir oulated, from time to time, as to the condition of Mr. Davis' health-some representing it as unusually good, oth ers as most precarious; but this is the first.time that x definite limit has been set down to 'his existence. -How ever, whether these confilting repyprts be true on the one side or the other, is not the point. The. question is, who, is responsible for the detention of ?4r. Davis in Fortress Monroe I Whose fault is it that he has not been tribd long ago, and his case disposed of, either by his douviction or acquittal? If he is to be detained fot years until he perishes in prison, while the ends of justice-hre left unsetved, who shall oear the blame ? "It iv said that the President says it is the fault of Congress. Congress oharges the President with the 'delay, and others again put the blame- upon Chief Justice Chase. IIt is time that this matter should be settled in some way.. It is a dggrace to our system 9f jurisprudenee that thlase of Mr.. uavis should be allowed to remain in beyance all this tie. . If he is amen able to the law,let him have the bene fit of the law.. If there 14 aiy 4oabt a to the probability of his-oonviction why detan him in prison I \Ve ad here to our 11rat impressions, that'the ends of justice would be best subierv ed, and the dignity of the nation best sustained, by openl6g the doors' of Fortress Monroe, and letting him go whithersoever he will. At any rate, let his case be dealt with promptly. Tho country Is abo'ut-as ireary of t1 subjeot as the prlsoner is of his capti-. vity.11. THE Disa$TZR AT'NIAGAUA FALLS. -A disatch from Niagara Falls, Se tember I9th, says: his afternonn, while a terrible wind was blowing up the - gulf, two men wore, discovered in a 41mall boat in the rapids south of the Three gis ters. They werestruggling deperate. ly with the waves but human power was utterly unaviiling. Hundreds of persons wera on Goat Island and- saw them, but of course were unable to .rudbr any assstence. - The terror Otricken men rowed withfrantio'efor1W to the very verge of the precipice, and finally *rent bDV*r, still OlIUging-to their -oars. - It seems Mrr Cooper, the Postmas ter t the t*a of-Ohippaw, on the Canada side'. two mils aboye the Falls, sarttd with Frank Leutse, the ferrym&n,to eross the river in a, small boat. ' Usualy the 6ouse is to pull about two miles. up the tivor be fore attempting to arose, bat oi this coca lon the.ifnfortunate men seem to haoe imagihed that.the heavy wini blow itg up stream *ould' 6ountera the for of t*e.ourret ad bosnweuti attempte to oross in aidirect lini. The-resuit was these . it wd been onthreq hrmo e0easi& *heU sidailar attempts Itvq bee ide, and their lives paid t1 forfdt f this mis. take. The sad ndi*4f thislast nuei attes t should teach 'sson of eae er's bank. The rgpIds of the Niags are too-p. vfJIn their gewer o be tri Led'with. It is singular'that Leuts., the fortyman who had ordssed and re muosed a hundred shkes in all kinds* .sadly mis 3edged th6 desse of the leurrent, aa4 over-'estiated to such a degree the utr4eth of tspe wlad. KMcquu asTR gIM Ian will be(given for Clymer. In addi tion, there are over twelve thousand soldiers, ot44e of Philadelphin, whc v6ted for Lincoln -tkat will,. at this elec &ion, cast theirm0ages foithe Nationa Union Dqmoatic candidate. Thi: witfidrawal Attwelve thousand vot6 from the,Radioils to,the pemocrats wil alone insure Wtr. Clymer's success. But there are not l?s than 'twooky thousand other votes. V?wan Republicans, who will follow the- lad of their patriotic Senator, and repudiate the treaso\iabk schemes of the. party that auppo it: Geary. In th city ot Philadelphia alone there will' be a gain of 'not les: than Ove thou4d -votts for the Unioi Democratio tiok& Tipm Scaa o%e: TU GREAT SURREN imn.-A cotr*T ent of the Rich mend WAig, w has.jus6 visited the scene of tho ' surreader, furoish es the f6llowa@ ated att Lynchburg It may not .otainteresting to youi readers, to give i minute descriptior of the house iW wIch the articles of capitulation we signed. I was < guest of Major aine, and I sat ir the very room, he house is of brio: about fifty feet I . with a porch in front extending whole length. -I the front of the e is a well, cover ed over with latti work. The yard is smal., with. a 8 plat of grasshlad. ed with locust t At about half. past 10 o'ol9okyI . Lde ond Grant met in the paror' hioh is about eigh. teen feet equare mfortably furnish ed, the walsd d i*ith paintings. The int4rvidw. - until after 2 o'clook. Mojr o as the nanfes of all who " but a: he intends g re of the whol ino detail. On t e 11 ore very acourate.diag m dra yd ederal officer. . The table and the chairs have been taken away as relies. You remember the brave Capttsn 4acon who fell on the evening pf the 8th Hig remains lie* here on th brow of the hill that overlooks the vil lags. The grave is wpl marked, but not enolosed. Near him is the grave of a Federal soldier, and these are the only gravos in this locality. To them thebattle strife is ovdr.' In the dark and sepulchral shadis they sleep: where.the volo of friend or foe can never reach them. Tn EQI1WoOTIAL STov.-The greal fall of rain %hich- eontinued in Indiana, Illinois Miiuriand.Ohio since Monday last, is reported to be abating. The course of the rtorm was eastward, and Pittsburg, Baltimore and 'Eastern Vir ginia generally have been visited wit. heavy rains. Scioto river, in Ohio, rose higher than it ever was befove, and Louisville, -Kentucky, was completely sublietged. Several 'schooners were dtiven ashor,6 in Lakd ichigan, and several persons are reported to have been drowned. Immense -loss flicted in Indiana by the drowning of stock, .especially hogs, in the river bot. tom lands.-' The damage throughout the Mississippi* vallev is estimated by nIlions9f 4ollvar. Heavy as was the storm with us, it is evident from all s qQunts $ha we were far from eOperir.c l1g its. fall force, which seemis. to hava equ experien"ed west of tL &I1egia 3~~~~~~ 4W 0. dmp*~~-''*~ Pse r.1AX CA19 or 0onizaiN, -Theahington.Spr says:. "The Be_retary of -e. Treaisury ha fqosive'd a cormanication frej as n~ouymougecoresponde.ntofGoldsore N., enoso, tiro hundred dollar. ra gonfederate erasury nrotes, whioh. the w$ltet statoe ias overpaid durina the latyer qf ta rebellion, in some dealin wf a zbel guartermaster Ho b 4%ion pn, he did not re turn ~lmpy .he rebeL ..g'overn= aent~ ~I, i h he was .just:inable ude t e lut nQes In roatainni it. 1Sls ~ t'he rkbei debi migh p . aumeby h j~uts41 *UtIERam he .pole: atro th fp kf. at *o s voice." The returns to the Treasury are all sinall" 4ifling ows, in many oases a few '.61 , and at ndst a f6w dollars, atid. in this case, absoltitely nothing more than so much waste pa per. AN ExrLosivIC 13ULLCT.-M. Fertui. set, one of thu French lion hunters, who rivals Gerard. has invented an explosive bullet. One of them, of the diameter known in France as No. 16, blew tip a strong wooden box divided into three compartmenti, reducig it to small splin. ters. The second, No. 8, penetrated i through the target made of strobg boards joined,together aide by side, by means of heavy nails. and forming in the eg gregate the thickness of the bulwarks of a frigate. This target was pierced, and at the some time blown to iragmente. The third shot was aimed at a loaf of bread, which was blown to atoms. HTaRY.-A youni gentlenan in this city, who has light hair, hai, a few days since, theplentiful lack of sense to buy a b'ttld of quack hair dye to improve on nature. The second application produc. ed an effect almost as damaging' as the catastrophe in "Ten Thousand a Year," for his locks, from a bright yellow, turn ed to a-deep. violet color, forming a con. trast with his light eyebrows and blonde complexion-as pitiable as lqdicrous. The'victim has'renained in doors for ten days, but his head is still purple. This example should be a warning to all others. Remember, There Is a destiny that Shapes our end* rough; Hue them as we may. Our word for it he will "never say dye" Quici Wowx.-We heard a story told on a '-Yank" which- we mubt repeat. He be longed, to Sherman's crookery-smasbing squad when,on their little pleasure trip to thesea. Being separated from hiscom mand one dark night, he soon found himself hoily pursued by a squad of yellow rebels. Racing down a rough ravine, his horse fell, throwing him a stunning fall, then galloped away. When he recovered, he commenced feeling the darkness for hid steed. Piesetly 'he enoountered the .oarosas of a sknnd horse ; ffter feeling it cardfully all over from nos6 to tail, he came to the sage conclusion the it was his own. "We)l," said be, "I sworn to gravy. it that ain't quick work, no sooner down than the hide's off. I'm glad they didn't find me." He gave his opinion on hi return to camp that leather must be "pesky skdrase -among the rebble, and that. they beat "oreation a skinnin quick." A FAG- WORTH PRINTINO.-At a second class hotel in Frankfort, Ky., a few days since, a little gIrl entered the bar-room and in pitiful tones told the bar-kc6per that her mother sent her there to get eight cents. "Eight cent* I" said the bar-keeper, "Yes, sir." "What does your mother want of eight cents ? -I don't owe . her any thing.,I -dWoll," said the child, "father spends all his money here for rum, and we have no bread to-day. Mother wants to buy a loaf of bread." Ailoafer suggested tio the bar-keep ei to klok her.out. ' "No," sad Oe . bar-koper, "I'll give her mooer.ibe money, and if her ather comen 1ac gAnin, lvl. kick him out."' Suoh a circumstance never happen ed before - and .uay never happen again Hufnanity- %-wes that bar keper a vote of thaks. "Exusue me, niadam, but I would like to know why -you lookc at me so savagely*""said a uotlemanto alady stranger.. "Oh I Ie pardon, sir; I took youfor my husband,' was the rq. ply ~ Gold,.to the amnount of'#G,00O0,, hias onie, in, or is on its way, to jw York, fromn Europe. This'.sum lb in paiden10t of the targk amount nV aii Un Sates' Govetnseri securities that have been ordere4 oi, 'p~g ac' ,oUay he desand (f,Ae T,nieqd Stes bdnds aWil e4,tjit n artd trade du ,$ee., 045l4*ete th'a . ADVERtfSf4 GIUTHS.' ,t Ordinary adveiheK oe"upying not -more than ten lines. (qAre,) will be inserted in ThE NUWSIat .$1.00 for the first insertion and 75 cents for each sub sequent ,Wsertion. Larger advertisements, when 'no contract is made, will bo- harged in ixact propot Por amouating'aandidat* to any offio of profit, honor -or trust, $fO.00. DlorrlWge, Obitury Notlces, &o., will bb chatg*d the sate as advertiesients wheh over ten Itaes, and nt,it be pk14 fol Vhew hf anled i r'the willrot appea-. "Look herd, nigger) wirar you swell. ing to 1" was the u"Oinonious salu tation of a sable 4 gentleman to an excruciatingly w11 drased darkey whose domplexion wus not many shAdes removed froin.ha of U stove pipe, as the latter son, made a gradoful swing ftom t dreade on Fourth street, where he had -beon-ex hibiting himself for a couple of hoursj to the envy of the "bucks" ind "nuss gals." "Who-o-o you call nigger, sab V" was the indignant response, with a majestic roll of a pair of eyes, with a great deal of white and very little of any other color in them. "Why I call you nigge " was t'he flat-footed reiteration of 1e "sablo color" as *he recognized in "stovo pipe" a gentleman who two years ago, exercised his genius about town in the white-washing and boot-black line, but who,. since, that time, had. been "abroad," and had cultivated a mous tache and foreign airs. "Low me to inform you, sah, dat you is labrin under a slight delucina tion. I ain't no nigger.? . "Yes, you is a nigger, nuffin else but if yu ain't a nigger, den ivhat is you 1" "I'se a Quadderroon, sah ?" "Why, iiy mother wal a white wo man and my fadder was a Spanyid, sah ; dat how I got to be a Quadder ron." "Whar did, you git your 'plexion " "Got 'em in the Souf, sah-'fet ob de climate; every pussun in the got um, sah. "Whar yo g it. iv fl.'V a6d kit 60t" I git dat by a sad accidun on my mudder's sidetsah. "Now how you git dat wool on.your mudder' side, if your 'mudder was a white woman-say, how you git dit wool ? "Because shegot frightened 'fore I was borned. S'How she git frightened, eh V "Why she git chased by a black man, sholid." "Look a'ker niggers'l doesn't wait to be personal, but from do 'pearance' of your mudder's son, dero ain't no doudt but dat de time your mudder was chased by the black man-ho was overtook." Ti INDIA COTTON CRoi.-Advices from India via England predict that the cotton. crop of that -country the present year w-Mii show a nieterfal fall. ing off as ca.mi ared with the year just closed, the inducoments to plant, so far as the pric is concerned, not be ing so great, anid the re*cent panio in Englaftd,. which seriodsly disturbed money relations with India in con netion with cotton, acting as a- check to the free and unrestricted growth of the st'aple._ Admiral Raphael Semmes, former.. ly of the Confederate navy, has be come editor inochief,and part -propri4 tor of the Mobile Gaktte,- and sprightly dailyn Pendleton Coiston, Judge A dvocato, of..the Confglerate navy durig the war, i,to be afstext editor. New er r ae .habby sA thorit-qysin rggai-d'to the jpolti ateltsi af General (Grait: "He baas Its pwivate' view..' about polities an4 politicians and keeps themi to him self. .We believe, however, that he has no such endoruing. the* constitutional amendtment now beore the States, atid' in adiising the South to adopt it ad~d settle the who.le busi .Theroare 'ncw on 6ihibition~ at Louis-' rill, Ky., sevreralhpeelmens .of proc. #1n-T~roma the 8enthbrn. 1rocelin .COm.. ny,MAugusta, 0a,, 'made - ait tshe li ptry in Somth Carolina, near e pmite to 'Anusta. Tyese spe'c. ~ng osiaes piblidr rA pr;i)hn thaast4 ~ * rn ad oreign p're.