The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, August 11, 1866, Image 1

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fil TI-M BLY EM,AVEU+,SNu Rik ,u PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THIIUR8- .'ro thim :e i ( e tqlmr'. ec p ill be DAY AND SATURDAY, Air- it i *ei ii liki . ( e qti f 'r iAc ub By Gaillard, Despor es & Co. -'d111e1h b It W ilitboro' S.C., a $6.0 pe an., ' -rg r t mn ,W'ien tn C1nn01act n1., i t $6.00 panr ne - i- imi. , will I, charg-d ill exact propoL' tin~~~ ~ in oil.dVI IC3 THE VAllRFIELD HERILD,Mt-:v.Oplir S.wl . 8 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORN- I 8 A Wlff,ie Fe" ninoningz a candialate to an:y (ifliCO over tlineip. amd mitm bie nid for whell INO, AT $3.00 PER ANNUM. VOL. III.] WINNSBORO, S. C. SA'TUR AY. AUGUs'T 11 186. 83 11h1ol iii, or lhey will not npipear. Iiiii F,. (1) 6.y wjitn (From the Firld and Fireride.) THEN AND NOW. DY CLARA V. DARGAN. 18111. I woke within fhe daikotned <I twn I woke. aid 4%w t- 11metirail slars ')s %!twly 1roiping o'er fite plain. -3CIring tile gr,ii -i warrior Mars Usont his cri.ona "lhield. Alid said : "' a higil it) ie ''h at it! is da0dhis soil is t'ree; As w le lho.,e st;ars within ale west, So lie b1 ts t'od aiidt dreamle.s resL Upon he Iatlle i -id." "GAd pil ' Me! Ile was my frienid. Aim lhis his welcomne tattal morn Yea 111-re he li's o Cold Said siil, And I lie here-.toe., ..Horn A i W thi e la ay gi ow real Tho dreary d.ay ! 1j, iteme aire, Ile ar a. oi e-i. yoa. firo .\Mars, hi look vie .1s a io aigure pliin. Luo. back ailtell iae uio eagain is lily brave liero dotad 1 'il 18663. I thoiight you lea'ld: it w:ts a dreiam I .'iau .aW a serer lot iI stoee You to lie ti an. evr tat A.l 1aid Uold, I io exi.t y-'t 19LT lo mor41a*. Anmfter aial mkorit haot d inedi I w.aoae. a tiu staa att breatk of day, A. lir ie:iiiiil tile western -ieops 'liy ilde.i loin i:ly grey, Aal spioke mnot Only in nay heart 'I'here roi it fimilly ait miraaed prayer. '.0 od ble-.,4 iay Irionull! t:a l' lriti no miuore," Ail sileia lat.a4el iiato a lear. Wiinnsbioro, J. C , July 2wh. Rnilways in India The s:np-mbis works (it int-rnal im provemetit wtich live lit-ai ihslh.d hr wa uI ito remote parts of fle greiati hili:i iempir, speak l.a-rentlY ithiose q isis wich everywhere 11diiigmisk tile Anglo-Saxoii race. Thel, loll.] am m ho In i-xp-led i the ciarei. year in file pIIic worksui Iditt, ill ne c0rdaiice wld thie policy Iig sinve alopied f4r devOopi g Ihe esolrliees 0:! thi., v:a. fmlainli, is. estimalt-d it X6 394.. 730. Driiig I the year j-isl. eximred, te it-ligii ,I rimilway lilms wtas exienleI froi 2915 to 3332 mileis. The pro gress nmk.ig is wei indieated boy at siia gle pm Iaragr.a il from ie li sia I eiienit of I he Eames, idl reveieoiiits 1aollws: There is a bright ta to I lie neo,-,mm1ia wIhichI, evenl if fie rl ate of idiai fioaq1. ces wats more seritaus ilth 1a il, reallyv is, wiall Itf it soilrell of sai iAlci-I ilean ibe -niormot siccesi of idiai raihvays. Li.41 year we hadol to spe-n-l as the giaraniteed ift--rist ot railwav eapia, over a million f maltoney. This year we hvii%% oiy spent in liais wsmy X533,330 A ve-ry aoge portion if 0ne 41.1..y is now repaid io im from iha earnings of. lit raillwaYs ; aitl i-re airi few things imore graifying thaiin iah Ix treme rapaidity wiih which tihey eia. re paying Ilhis outli11y. Tilke 1he G4e1t 11dian PeSiIniltisia Riilway ; 1ah1ll igh at )lge partiSl tf h11am-e pal if 1hii, C1.aa,11 n1Y 1 expendl tllotm i l" witc i., Sa4let ya4t, and is ctereforeunpn. hretic, if p1-s 5 pa.ceni. aier setti us .mde 50 paer ceit. for wiorking exlpeiss. TioIi Great Ilian ll.ilway amnfiortinately co.iat uit1ch 11tore lit.. lintle ta1 thae Gr-at I iliia-I 1atliMi'a. It .la? 420.s0 R mul, iaa u t'vert hemlessa pays narlyi] 5 pa.r cent I. abhoutlgih itutias taap'a a harmough \tS 'a whol1e ex tent, Iind1 ih.ere Ia. no oSlteravm w i ejomy. Of courlse', a ratilw ay whlich iai11 no Ipjn tharaouaghouta .nlia hke' -a iiurp amounSlailt of g( odas Irnli f1traomSathe ug. - sral praadneCa of theai distr-ict. 'throughi whaib it paasass, andai lihit a t vaia e wih the rat s Pa'anmaala ine'.' But unatil t het grealt a usak lian' as 'omlted yohl uln neve'tr eaxpec t aliarga e'veSnue t'romi p)taasenger. We- have'' tht'rfoir to) hoipit not only~ -for the. -par t2enltage. wh'aiach he oxist ing lianea siaraedy 'i'raie, mSaain'ly froma .goosc al refi, buit wae asay look tar a .barge inlcrease to the pa mtr as well as th. aoods ienMo wh-i CallIttlil. Bombay, wid M3tldra., aro a1linbroughi int.o voillImumen1aInonl. It the litst ,year if coiiplel niilway connleclionl han'bt salshdhtw ilewin .nil Delhi, y *pei .g .1 'phll did ir-on bridg-- wiich spians 0l o Jitoo ut A llthabil. redieiiig a j,tir'ivy of 10-21. litis 10 lih copilin fi thiriv-.4-ven i,owrs. T s iG.h.avrylnIiii. i. grsing with spitetd. New workS art ab.-o h e ionmnmld, for in-reas.inig Ihl. '-llivi'.ncy fof Ihl. G)Inge.. ca l, IvI:. dering ii. miiiiie ain l.- ,I' i-i foriii gir ii.,4 officl. II h.r:ilizing lthe l1nd4 anldfcbn ie l I com iini.vai-iin irini gh ifi. wh-ile of Noriti-ri bitli;i. The D-i;h, Cwnil hn,4 ioNo bie-rtni imiploved. I Owt vear 1:.7 1thv J h lilielp-or.- Irntch of* I I E K s Isi Iii-his Iiiie will be-rewady llot irafT.w ;%qmlm ii ..tiini-o i hewevn Valoie a ioi-l 13 I,i bony, 1m4 fri, thence. '- n il in sthe Ifb winig yonor. Thel dimv.3iiI opii Iw Si-h ma hiiiiii-i iiist. 111r Icm tiel Sill . ip t idy 0 u growing wait.N .. t Ih Ra Idnk-li 1 .-stsil isq site formi.b- . ildv i lt., lhai i 48 1i r -liii otiv .-i I. vi An . . readv ordered to Ib -v slOt ..m withio Ib.. IlvX X,iir vear.-. Th'l# grrpni dra wha'k. ho we-veri . it hil.l'. ll Ife:. whicb I.ow niii - t i ni p,ri e-I1 ICl E glhtid .t I gnat PXYO*li'. fr-ight ill nIlu...n ing 'i ii-i-r i. < vhe ( -111of Oh c 1 4 . weitn i fI r d -livery Hvlief i nilcipal-ild fioA i ranidwav ,. it . el in 141 11)l oIll lie- 111141. wl t lill-e i lli e .l.. f' C -o ratl Idia. The Tii xilpl.-dr od cliIt a" O lti. 4 whilI are ip'.d it.I1 solid m oi E.iinri- - imoii1witit,A :W M'HAH4500 #if whicb s.itelhin-,g mIlt- Ih-n -ie-ti ird w in r i I Ii 1iC glald To to 1 pi licy If thll 11111 111 G.m-r-mei . jn lmg 1 r1 . v pre t. inlii. 1R6 m0 1111, 1 Vmin.- ;I I.-..et1111 i ln. Lord Crii bIorn 4,s : 11' Indiii ein increnat I( fhe-enormoou, 111,1h1p -Of 1111-n-tli -111 At L er v.pil 11:1 d ;il i Awho- U - r,ow r.orosh lth.. h o.ll-)Iehh vivh-ent, dfwenI.hl whi.-h '.i, ill Ihe ricb n1.414 111( her soil and in II fving mdil lion- iof her piop l.ion; i shit- cat im llro-s: opim iiiighbiorinig pw-.wh-'iv-r ou:lsidit her iiimii.lary. ()r me I withi hrown1 donna11i'ln:-. 11ha1. h1r'r1.r<lm ibind.mtf-d f'oreverilhnt policy id siniisxi liti;tind ofl tvirriiirii-l siggradliz.-menw whi--h I ormerly sprewi di-siiiiind enwe ed disnirbianco., arotind; holr ; if ghte canl dli- 1iimng ill] I.he politl:ition, iiiler her charge thit bsl-sAins of Eanglish civilizat it'm 31m i g vernmen1411, And1 v:In inicirt Ilo tht -m1 at el nir which will f-n llt b l lwi.b i to ap),,r-cisavI. i se blt-.-s iingl. wnd to rend-lri.thvm pi-rpetinal ir -11ll- ,s- thinig4 c:11 I-.- do shell this4 p r o of 1eac 4an off a R1111:11-vil - Ii-mI will b, Itirinled t's thw bekSl. possiblte MsP it ennl be pill to A f he a r" real1vlythe oh,j -e-tq that n"inmit ih Overim -ML or.1Adiq, AhN her roilt-rs hasve fin hawd ;a wvirk wor:bv of7ihir moit eretedaos Telegraphic Cables. The- iin xieeted -mnee-as whiteb ha,4 allendiedl Iho '11.t exp.-fi i,ml of 0th1 Aiigi-i-A merien n To-h-grsilph ('oinmoya invetits the who'#- 4ubj-ct %% I i h int-rest We therer .re powli-dh th followinig wotvs for genieranfd mtin Ini r--ply too lt!h illbecticini- tirg-d ilhat i#m v b'- w.)licnot provi- d strabb-e, it it 0'a el b:.Mr. A. F. Alley, sin Pwillp"i iiglish electriciano, th4t Ilhere is nto inl..tIncev of is dl--p' pen eillIt 11h1t wa Perfect " ben laid h1a1vinig tlil-d4 in deep wo I er. Tho biesi. pres,rwv-ition f g9 '111 pi-ruebs is een wawor. Fitihire ofc be tilre tit]y lai ivoovvs no deoeri,r3iii-t (of the giotsi petrchn ; it hia.., r vs-i-d.ed from ly $5 per wore of five l.teri sa 1.. 1f 4x-Mririn, but. ties Is explaitt-l bv tIe. directors byt . s:ivinlg ; li f it i P*t p ill thll fo- hise frm bli-g 4ovirrim witih m Ihat: w hi.--h 1A -n1ie44 * I frel liitgi ur' m Oithu miificiet to :koe,p ciper onir< it work it gler tanl 41Y. The .tmi. va- arihg of i;te vible !I,r dhe pre' tot vear i.41.500.000. Inveit,< are at work ntfm cofdi.. of sialt whereby too i-ncrvoei rapithofl* Irnnuis h'e 'I. Tin-re :re iftv fUr .mbltnriet..1-.. graph enhh-i-s nl..w inll ee4 --)r,ki.g i,ti r, the' in i. I wir. - - %.r hich l ,il unnnf:-totdoy Ilhvullia Pe-rch;. C,1m1 Th11. firsot t;ibl - hll was ltle ne. frtm D I.,-e r C-(Ih , 2l7 ,janI mto i.. il leng h. bh1 3 m:l.-si,f %%irv, w hii wirkeI sccvis-Itil% le .or the i Thle 1. t. t#%A is lte, ll from \ a te .\ .-x.t111:im I. I-. w ;I -: id il 181; A " I h. vo 1ir- l ..vt..dI. i i hl i II 11br,1*0-i1- a It 'i.- 153.1 1111th-4 o , it.1 i1. it 20 (f tit'w r. 11 h4A I dv ..m- iii-nl-tied wire. It ha.- worke.1 w 1.l1 1,.1 1i,- vanr. Ihllhn er11 < 1.e Persim, Ofi 145 i illes itt h tglh . It waz; lIaid itn 18xt;-. ,T lim- fr- enii !la';.I to DEw!milrk is 363 i iles in lf g:hI. It I. L s 10. 'l'h. I1e fr-il Engl und to ITliniv1-r iA 28 'iil.-.i il l vngI b, w it h t wo in -'lil. d wir.g.s Th.-whes 4i-n. i.- 11h1 cenbh- IIh 8tisit eelT('s' ti (Cae. lit..e. N.,tt Se. oi:l, -whil b1 is mllv 1. mild.-. ..4 lh. Iml 1 -11.-sl il aurlit.-t.< from T ithm,i t ('ssrwi*. It is 195 il - lollg. ami lis itn 15 v0 o'ohet., eI wter I. t:1 "lLne f th11vri - i t (A) C. R 1 1 m wh.A1: .918 1,. ol':n, l 41 iuee. - ha' %v4 w..rk-.I 15 year,,; 5 la vi W. 1 k.eil 1:1 Yve:s ; 4 "Iri vo workel 12 ye ir,;.2 Ittv1V wO k.. i I I ye:irs ; I htiai %\.wkvd 10 Y v1.... r; :h eh I work-e 9 yeair ; 6 tive wirk.-d 8 vvar<:. 8 b,ve worka.1 7 veats; . 1:a vo we-iod ( veirq ; 5 It e ve w.e k e-d 5 ve .; r. : 4 have w rke I 4 ve:rt: 7 hava- waid..f oir 6 mtsili to at .itr ; i a half1 A 1t1Illt teI this list Ildd 1 " at'.I .fr*.1-1 man11Y lih- f short. sils gea n' in ih i<e e ltins.e ire ime%at w ai-ilk it varigee pali t he i w' I im.I t Ih r esil.les, tle- wies ill l I, by thw Gn P4'1r0h1 C'mn: have h.-en l:ii 11y M, e,r. F..hol & G.-lilb-allile, oif ('Ii.l9,-lf rnth Il. t. 8 year., witimitvg te Ceer I (110 mIItIs, whiel. are now int wrkit-Iig- order." 'I'tl SIPtAN.: (IF JFFVIn-SOX -[.%.vts' Tnwa..- The itiprimcluoui trial of \lv J. lf'e tn 1) lvis va!l .'st il. Vei lidi: v of8994rightl, it t- imrn er w r itv of th' immi-ei iierpinie of the ri. pl. A arvio ii-f--i.L t.t 114 m it gr'et .a a ill vomlilp a t ve. iliet. The Siileeri tli-orv. imt. it t-ed t. Ie the N dtern iaY ti tli a 1 e'mnbe11 ie 1 re I. miln n :n tile Paita'li - it l l de-spo 8. s u ;i ll' i 11 e U n I-, i i th lit t lir,t JIlgi:ei v4 of ;I vili 1Z. is i to hii. 1-wa S late. W h11.1t I Ii.. State o iiippi weedeI fromi t le U3 ioll Iv tihe L-gis911 1tt, (- ils 'eiatre. Mo. I) 1ah .seeeO)IIidI I hae ' eIn a irit,Ir t41 -M i'I'i i1i if hlih l re:14 is. I< ii% n. UT ,-rwhm i-me hiA A l w-Il e ti t wil bie l' greiat -ciie' ! itn A iiwia e.iiI fir m.te world ; hitt greatlest: ie A, Ine 1 . i ee - lh ti. tht tv-i n' t he leer sii of A . -n te I ihe li'e. 1 -rl tlioweein e'<(" not. e'xtten. Ito rhe, Un:isen. A ericn?'t dbemney.tsl! tt as dlesi ist A mier'i--a:-aItv.ry, iintd ie une e't:enoir hatestl. teo sha rpent heis utwerdl esi hi tn i Iti tn" feor hti intevieng lle irimteph --tcwunod's Af,g'iinc, Th' L"binstn,han . //era/d, of' Satuerday hits the foellowing --Ditring ai recent aisie to helower on.i of' e coiunty. we ad pr toop. andt round eo be t uliverag opln. lonst Ihea corn, o n andl fruIt proamised a better'yield theAr e hiave h-1d tot, many years' We lha, hearsd it- esilmtated tht. the cotton '(fthi onnty will be worlh from a qetatter to a h million dollare. and 90me few plela It aS one mlliom. OurI armese are %ll higa snitiss. Oar vxchng, by anIlswoeili.t oar q.-ry, iiy bii llpj.,y ti SOaim.. f11d a i, 11:.t .. - aI l d Eal. -ap tiifor i ime manll w W we s!. w nt, tO-- hol-I ital inl iJ4s plac 'n y :.. t, S -oal piec. rit a is hi, anixilU s f.- pr.. is it. iS n-.1 ofi-tin w--ii wir lot (o I mk om .I No m--loo % t .-VilVr (-:t 1)V patheivd ,of him .-lr. W i i. t,hV U 6iV.,1 .t, f'lrces i-i.k p.(.i n or '-;a-,so . the-Y C'II.I Ihis i lan il l OhI.1 .I0 o -11. f ii.nin h i ni. tend iLe la ls null i"r a I I-ard t lp k since. -Ii. loat i -v,r wia . ar I a x vro%,t-ithm I1I f, wa Ilw !m'I i s I,*,rV. T hei im n-111-1 :11 * l w I, -I . , hIs i tti I I tI-I z w i il l i lil. -Ilit li a .-nvilaid by .1 - X IlII.I-S,iliali t a I f, l1 - I -. I' VO it1.l'l I I I 0,471 , lj E~14. iI fill fa .- li i -, r I ., 1, nti l o. - ! lI . wrin1 '!.. h i4 . a i nfaIt.l. .,t h I av -id vml .-m h ii'-- h ni d - m i s i i- w him if, w ri . it i.b . h - i ko it.- It.-i ot.-Ih -nic.,1 I. lo-g' at ,1 ia .eri lL'g sPa tl g4az 1p) in11 your' [.w-e willh thait. 4an- ar'w... I .k f o n.. -ylication ;i e hIt elit ia l.f i alonw wit hsl I f71o It- 4-e: heul II, n alf mlaiil rea :i - hi I :f >w l i - m:w i -f. a .a Iv- lIs beil kflw t 111111 ta b in1 S is lA w i flow. an.ll p i:. c,Ila , i., -i . a l,i :ad i-g s . li it. s a l d - il solat. \\ e 't alvl lit acmsil - al w ll: um: 6b.t im11 il this ciaY, n 1111 v: i Il lwl l ei b .:t r tIll.. le . Ofi ltinI - f bI.-If I, fi mbro ghit Ito Tal.lhast.... ar IF hm wher . i e. nli t mpslaa -Si l lia h wa6s1. bitlrun hi ip hwr- at tmeml b-rI- n o i e. haa- so l lia, w ham at. A .I; in-re,1111 I.m mb- llhth- Saw bllm il Ihl. Njeual t a aaa id . lah------im. 1u. 2.a~ ta.r wo i 11 a ll!-n i1Aja. S 1 s far, .11a14 1 ia !l f.ighl. llavely'. H e-1. "pp., . i;lt .i, exld.41 i. of :a Shell Isea hIIv d Ipaa. I lyzi lig .1 il a deprved tim a fii e l reason. It i't straf g.Ila tath shll)ll, hlavf, ra tie ill'tts lonlg wi lhni l ai-" lig'1Ir, we. .s ll ink six .-t-L of - aiar1. I Wte ilih, in hiwht, if alrny nw! np o 021,If. would lie' h onu,a if.e Imc re a i.i Ir eiglhy i ol l4k, Sf em. a 1 1 b iv. w-e. IlhirlY-five ;1111 1,')rt,y Yv.nas 4. Ig,-, bt-is ;1 prloli.-Ilt flI.headi , a rk hi r a I ila r, gr,-.y VYV, IltiA railiv-r pr.-minwia t n1-0 I IV l l i d iili as ta ch H. -',-ying mi- - clial feallY evv.frY c II nIII.d,4- 11111 wAlh th ai e r es,itn a- %.,I move- I!.ha lart of ai slo l--' ttilmisse (AiL.) Sebt wed A 11 fIg f-i eL W Ji . X Kv--Ianry I fe one orin ll - st i e a l u t, Fa ;h 'e rul :1rmy. Im l heavimn orth wl h desipwhes. A is.f, rk i al mg. laml from ,very iia e,;On wV, 1 p"inig 'I).j'il Gen Prico lie s w ilan U,.-I 6 - essimi sl iih 1111,01 r it . anl Iholng-, s. it woub'I lie a Lic Itliogi li% e The 1 I 'ii-I N- T off a d radlld la I iq horS- i lhi g e. ASo ba ngaged t he Whd pmain c1" r h . zI !all d n ani f r l i t ca l V er.VOl lhe reb,111 '.8 h-' 0- Al r .h~r.n hi! to lt- hsis guin to tohe aiblle, it dismolul l and 111 ol mwn nla p11t,rackii rapidly, 6, id to escape wi h fit lift. lialt tt k th10h.s bly tim brvi-le and rt.du til whhalling "o ke'jD e "At- ro ' IHv bad 11-Iden t-ut a mnile or tiwa, whev. nM a 11u11 Of 11he roadtt, heC WaS ordered1 ;o -halt." idit The ol --reh" Ia pir.etured anuml.r fun and gm Aben of hima ! is gun wit : uiarv ly levell "I 11INh-'and. l-I off tat hmrie." said he. AnTil~ whatarvle h t on caddle n Hla' d taide it a i "l'ul off~ your patsiIi !" hr ws@2) i-a ext gala-ked hm off Al. keal ei.'Iwatoilhhe tw aaAn order hiah lato at,.1 whne cried nin:o i!efel meil sa0 Lex-gioa . fayl "c ll,i t'ar. . utug atyshitasc hm The atcB areh" wnt..foliwi the SCo. of the disater of the steatner 'Lytle. reports fteen killed ,and Bovonty wounded. Eist of the: killed hw*re hande A f the:wpunded died at' Madison. Indiaa tday. , A 'ERPI'L,XED BOIDFGHOR)i. Some days sincei a very rustic tind inairtistic cowiple, re'iuients of ien (I Cky, icar the Tomessee line, con clud. warviage to h-e t'icir destiny, id with this idea, camO to Western Atheue, desirous of icrificing them telvvs to Ilynen ut the eiarliest oppor tuli"t v. In Ce tin.o tihey arrvoed in this vivy rind v-, .irbng to the( Spen.,:er IlwI,v. infSor:nlcd Vheri: Andrew11iu hat thoy wer. eXtr( iy iltelt Oil l.'1lp'tratilng mwtiilm y, a:d that nt.oili g vl,nb,i I.wriIt Jlheir purp'-se. Mr. lum. .I fr:- fr,m wihit.g to pre v"t hiWr vn.i: le i.Moltion, made e.,t y 1 MVrI (it mliae I h ir; thUtin, rain so el l tiLur aeie d . tha 0i le i :in i hot' "'. man and "Je I im!t1:." v ( v.< ((! dd . ii y :s liy ink the C:at Lit of' a ch ; i in to hind The clerk. after the crntony had bewa 1,erfolno- 0, b ie ng th'wt all1 lew x% rrid pcople ought to be as wvell awwi"ININdee us qy.Xible, gpve theil a p 11i ne hd Lwl ro m .I tie third 111mr, .111 dLd thei (117o011 il." cdl W 'clowk, inn li gleting to will thei. every p Issibl3 is$. Th'! twvinl m"kyllv-lwe"L!;%vl 1he1er vant if tlh' rcom..s, Aind wfelre l0t allonic ther fO t1l: ; the e!rk thil:d - ul;m DO ).m!'fl' ld-:'mi ahjut tWO I'ae w)ai oi; g is easy) I Ii IWO 0 a =llntpr in the ints he wzm :- ;k;t i y ". Noice : i laA Lerw, Air. Q.Q F, Ml.r. COei'!, I'd i: to re:k to yen jut a miit, Mr. viin ened hi ,a 1 h. hold hi ; ru t ic i , i t ; S and, wih it1 ."d ut. :ai dil. hoevel"ld hair an o bgnrn di.. v:rai::nd attie Ls P:.eTwed i'At he hud Imen sudeiing sn:e very viu. lent exe isi .i "\We 11, sir, o what b1n:it t i ho to ysn ?" "'VWhy, whly, I "'i 'n'1! li"',: it)otrn lo y:mI, an1 ! (!o I'L !':1::ow ! o0 IV ' fog l; s does hi:n, in tLi, Lig towa ; but, "lbit wat ? mny ge I frincld," ques tioned the vit-r:, o n . ins to -re the rurMlist fromi his cniusion, each ii-o ment .n thle increase. "Wh, wh,m 1. kni1 Iow we're mar rin k-,l Vild-.a !l!d I.w." iu you all 1111n11r of plod wac y fi:.efo. "Wk :l, ' cro , 1" I' ]. ondome, for :1 in ti) r'o, Ii thle ".0oor 1111 I;;..j ;, lln,.31i2i1id sit.-aul~lcr I1 ifI I roun oil ti the fl, Avhlat doh . 1:a. ' tha i t way't \;' cl fas;o:.a le ill u. b:;e e.w" ; bt by % :.iii,u hi:e weoue : , r.myard W* Io yon' wh:h toso ?"! ni1hV, it'sO hevilll il uid .anger, I'l i n .r il. m l. g t. ((II e. "pmvu yooen inl b.,d1 !" asked "Why, how tile (,vil cohlId we go to i lw-1 tiee veri't lii bed to C-o to ? 'iha's W14-t V., V, k. the wors "My good fA4low, there'sa 1-( d in 3o:tr r out '? Did younat ec it in your chairinler inl t.he rear of the I.1, r' "Did -ou give is mor' 1 one room, stran3ger ? By jingoes, I dZidn't know it. It all I waint-eJ1i righit, old fel low," ando so saying he rain up stairs, anid befco the clerc could ascend to the chlmtber the hiaeolicist was in ted, *~.aftrelied to the knock on the door: "All.right now ;IPve found'it-Jemli mas aind me are satisfied.'' We 'don't \wan tyou, aill right. God bldess ynu, oldfelow.All' right,-jet iato,,God bless you; good night." Mdr. Blumt went oh cluikig~ dowd~o the office at the idea t af thp unfortu. nate rjist~ had passedi'our hour&in his parlw ithout even su'pposing that there was a bed chambeor attached. Poor Simpiegon ; no wonder be wasn. qirsseg ad. ,roId-uer e