The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, July 24, 1866, Image 1

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I fill-WE R NADVK IING RATES. ~ ~ Ordinary advertivemenla, riccupylag JS ' IMoro than ten TtneU, (one squam) wi* D)AY AND SATURDAY) 'insu-WI in 7 11F NEWS. at $1.00 for t Bly G aillard, D esportes & C o. wr er adeti e ents, e no cont - i W in sboro,' S. C., at $6.00 per a- L g de ti ec e n ea prop 1ln, in advance. - - ion. ___ ~ ~ i~j~ai '.~m~J ~For minouncing a candidate to any vffic TIof 1rofit, honor or trut, $10.00. THE IIRIEL HEALD A 1 1 . Marritige, Obiuitary Notloes, &o., will b charged the same as advertisente cuts, wh. ING,A$3.00PERAINM. Ir , I I WIN 'It, s. o., Lr j 1 7- over ten lten, and,must be paid for whe i hanrtlo in, or they will not $0oear. [A.i some curiosity has ben evoked by (aintions from (lie faatns song of fle "Werman PArrhnd," we give tho spirit,ed aiglish version of James Clarenco Mangan.] *. Ernft Moritz Arlidt. Til: tiElIMAN'S PA1tlIlitLAS1)u,., W1ere is the Gormani's Fatherland ? It's Prussia ? Swahiai It'A he sIt rai V.iere grows the vine, where flows the I'st whero the gull skitim Baltic's brine --No4 !--yet m1r e.0 gre.ti al flr im re gant ia I I le t he (jerimut's Fatherland zlow Call they then lthe (Bera l'n'.4 1;1ml ? tivaria':, Buliswick? Ha-( I l l n .seanied Oi whereu ai Z ayler Z.,l ex(eil,4 ? Vhlere -Styrian toil the iron I- i-s ? ---No, brotier, no! --thoa ha st. nlot spaniaed 5.he .i%11.an8's gonuine FaLtherlaad L-a thei ideriinitit's Faiherliaid Wle%tp:la i? Pomerania ? StalAd Where Zurieh's w:aveles water ! aeeps: Wiern4 er winl".,. where D thl)e h%we1epS a ilm l it nlow 2 -No.t yut '.' l)man I ElseIwlere tahe 0Imiaans Fitatelan ! Thea say, where lies the Geranu's land ? Ilow call they that uniconqueai,red laid ! It's wh e Tyrol'q green mounaains rise ? The Switior's 1:4nd1 . deairly prile, Iy Freej-ul's ptires breez.s fan Llit uw ! tis not tle Gerania's laNd! Whev. r lies (lie Ge-rma's ladl lirosize ta t gre:s', Ie i a nicient 1tnd! 'Tie surely Auti(ain, pilrot.d aind hold, in wealthl unaithed. in glory old * 0 noae shliall 1 write(her ant ime on samlt .U"t she is not, the Gerimane's lan| 1 S:y flel, where lieF 91c OhetaGenl's lind! liplize heat. grea, th Olr pncion, hid! It's Als-we 2 t, iiorr-iine -t h.t tem Wr!enAled I'eali the Imaiperisal Diadue By wile Which pr icely a elteher.y l1aned ? No ; these are iot the German'te land! -eV,ere, efor- lies ther Oerui's land ? Namne now at ktst 11h0.1 moighly lavid ! 1,1h1ere'er resod 111sl (hei ermn l lonlgue Where GeIrinan hymn- to 1d a1-rP sting - Thisere, goibia et her. it ikety stand! That is the German8's Fat.elbiaid ? That s hi-j land, lie lne of lan11ds, Where vows bind less t Iv t cla.sped hIanids, Whire Vitlour lights ihe tiaihing e, Whore Love anld Truth11 ian deep hearts lie, A idI Zzl etkinihe, Free lom's brant,k That is the Germian's Fathlerlai That is the Get ant's Paitherland Where [late pursues each forsipn bind. Where Germum is lite natme for friend, Where Frenchmen is tile namaie for fiend Anaid Flar.e's yoke is spu11rneled atd hanled That is the Geriant's Fatlerhid Tiat is t he Geirm ut's Fat herlaid Great Odl ! look dow n -nti blass Ithat land Aniel Cive fr noblo chiren souls To cherisA while Existenc- roll-. Abd lIove wilh hearIs and aid with hand. "Their Univer:-al Fat herland ! . - War in Europe. An acntt of (he moveients of hlie 1og tile arlies ia EIrope, prepared fiom (lhe last papers, whill not prove uninteresting. It seemA that Victor Emanuel with an ar. "y ofeighty or niety thousand Italians crossied the Mincio, on Saturday June 2Md. uaal advanced upon the railroad coinitecting usehiera, an Austrian fortress, with Ve. -rona and Venice. Oan Sunday Moriing be. tore Verona. the Auttrian army, command. 'y Arclduke Albreoht, encotntere-d the tlinlials. The battle lasted throughout th; 4lay, otne of the longest of the year, ana fin illy Cided favorably to the Austrians. 'he lialinis were oteadily daiven back ward.j, and fitaly recrosled the Mincio, aft er loiang 2.000 prisoners. guns. &c., together A% ithIt many killed and woirded. They cap tiured 600 Austrian prisoner's. This battle wits within the celebrated Quadrilatoral. Both sides fought with valor. The Aus riats outnumb, ring Ithe Italians. Gven. Cialdini commanding (te right wing ' lIhe Italian army was expected (o erosw a hee Po, iat Poleello, aboat the tame lime, incomm eaa:ace a dlirect march upon Venice. 'The lt alian left Tarentlo for flee same purpostaie, it Is suepposed. But owing to the dlefeiat of' fthe atmait armay lander Viotor Eanueieel, Cialdini's moevemient lhas been abarndonted. The fleet wias allowed to pro Gaerlbaldhi with forty thouestand volunteers is saId to be In thee Alps to the extrome left of Viotor Eaauel, contemplatIng a a sudden foray into Aeutriaa territory. The Ausetrians are garrIsoning the passes of thle Atpi. The ItalIan papers, otwithstandling the serious~ defueat suast.iai6d y Victor Emanuel, etre cheerful andi the Iroops tire esd t.o be eager '.a renew the coOtest. The It alians believe that, Louis Napoleon will not, allow that Auastrianes to overrun Italfy again. Up. can the reiceipt of the news of the defeat of Vic'or Emanuel, Napoleon delay ed hIs con. to.onel&ted d.aurf.ure frotr Pis. The lews doubtless ea:swd much Co: e'!I-rn in thatt city, The Lonlon 7'inev suggests that Ailustria shol now ('1en. negotiat.ionim with 11aly for tPhe cession of VCteeria, argtling that. it will detaoh liav froum Prustit, make a fruce along tho Soottern border, and give A.stria leisure to (ranst'er thottsands of her Ivoops to lohemia to mteet tihe adv1ac of the prus8ianum upon Viennaif. Tho Prn%Aiants have entered Astsrini lBo. heitia. Several unimportant enlgageilentits had taken place between tle Austrians ad Pruassiais. tile ltter i th mat i suaccmessfl. Tile Ptissian nieedle gun is sail to lbe a ioit. effect ire weapon, its useftlIes hav ing aL letngIh buel practieically deieontllral ed. Tie Hlanoverian army, which las beeni attemiting t) eludt ie ti gt 1 t Pussi n esc1pe to Bavaria te tjoin Ihe Austrtitan. Is still 4ira rotnde.l. I tc ea-pilmtion is hourly ex. pected. The moveivenits ol'the Altimrian armny Iun dier Ib-neeck itt i"lohemita are still ifillowi to Ie pubi - The ecoesioi of representat ives of differ ('e1 Northern (erman .tates frotm tihe Diet Continues. Thev are controlled by Privi sian infiuva:t. Somoetive or Six thoisitd leshl troopl, Irtmt Sth tt Urmilnily have a livjl at 1Intt;fortk, at whici place tie Diet is l-ld. litsmia soins qttiesent. Iter froois are onl tle Atstriai frotiter of 11ttitary,. hut there is nothing to indicate that rho will joinl Ilecoitest, tunless the be a revtO itt 1itgarty when it i.4 evidetit Aastria relies upotl ler to suit ppress it. Thuls 1,21 inl (enmn telenergetic mlove menits of Pru14.,ia have secttred 1o 41h nmV Successes, but in the SouthIt tle viclory o Aumtia hte.s evinced tle power and deter IlltilLion of that government. Tie war threiteos to It( come more bloody dtt pro. 11r3 CII-. t1:4n At firsl- p osA-Lltg Slarld Ird. Iile SillX S1ill 1Iiner. BTIADA1oUs ANn 11ORItPI-e1. IIITV4. Major-GeneraIl Curt is, in a l-er. thus do soribet this aiekoning procedture, "FoitT S.t.y. 3tine 2, 186i.-Th(s,e whole of the I bree Ihousatd Sioux canped abot us gave mite early iiformatiion of their de sgii to hte their atititmal sui this tite and p1iaco, tle season of the yeat, tle trees infule vatf, having now arrived; annd 1I ey wishied le to intitorm Col. Rector, flit commander of' tie xoUliers th,tt however histrous their denmonstrations might he. they would ill be peaceable tan1d of a pious ehairattcr. "Ott yetter-1ty. Jiie 1, th danlcing waw debhyed at ilterval te allow tortures to b intlicted. Two or three ienti stood over tihe devotee with needle and kitife, vcr,y quietly perforaing penatice according to .the eus toms of tli these -iacerdatal rites As follows: --First, they cut t he ian in several places by striking tn awl in tlie skiti. rai.sing it aid vutt,ing oatt about tan inch. Thlis isa doneon both ilret18, andi41 sometimle-S oi the the lbrea-t and back. The wvooden scatons (sticks about the thickness -f i comonio lead petwil) are insertvel through a h ole inl the skini And fieh. 'Thou cords or ropes tare at tached to these sticks by onte eid. 1and to ihe pole At the other etnd, the 'tim pulliug ott tile rops tili th, Aiolte sticks tear out he flteh -and Skin. I saw enle w-1it twosatton thus tattached tI- his brent, lk ling till it seetud to draw lie skin out t rIe inches; and literally requirig tearly his whole Steength to te:1r out tile letoil. Ott e painted black had four ropes attached it once. The pteling out is dotte In thle, dance. the pulling car ried oan in tihe time of ilh mit4 by Jerk. jerk, jerk, and the eve heal and front all facing lihe stin inl the rorm of PIIplitiol. Ono had t tfour set ons atlitlied to four dIry buft'alo head hotles. '-These were till strting nid suspetid,' to his fitesh by ropes ithat ratised etach hietid some t hreo ftel off the grounl. lie daiwed hard to te:tr them ott, bit they would not break the skin. One eattl oil' 11lua stick tie. oldentally, but wtiq Again rastenlei. Finial ly these heauvy weights (wich at least twen ty-five pounds weight.) not fearing outt by their own weight and notion. the devotee gave a conrade a horse to take hold of the rope and tent out fite seons. While these men were being thtus totuiriad, their fua%ale reluatiotns etame an andI had pieces cuit out. of their at-is to show heir devotion to their kinsmnat. Still as soon AS the victim cotutd ho prepairedi, tho mitusic wats renewed, and the dismal danco wenit ont, the victitms' botdy ntow mingled with blood, paint and setonas. *.Thaere being several ateamboats anti many soldier-shere, as great crowd of spec tators rather emabarrassed' the perfortners, so they concluded the performance at 12 o'clook, hamvng only' danoed twenty-four hours Instead of forly-oigt, as they usual ly do. All the devotees gave away and other valuables to their friende, had their woun~ads ocarefully dressed by attenadanat me dicine nten, and sat down to an abundant feast of dog seup and baifalo meat. '-So ended t,hIs most barbar-ous and pain fulehilbition of savage idolatry. The pie. ture Ia still deeply itepr-essed en my enses, bat, I cannot gave bait' the horro- of the asoone. eibt-e l'y ron or reneill Corropoidince. iT:sTIITToN IN SOTl1It.Ro.tNA. 'T, Hma. .m:xL. . Or r, Goernor of &>uth Ca-olina : I . As there seens to be coullicting tes. tiiony of an otherwise tristworthv cbaructer, as to suffering for wa nt' of food. in Soith tar6linn, ine is General 1'iek-ls im., disapproved of' the ration returns, u1poll illn Stte1m1t. h1at tinf! wt%IiL is vere tit mlit ex eii t er l - nt ' 111 These retirns ha,-vo betn rei,rr-d to mle flir official actiot, I re-ipeelfully rlluest fromi y-It some St.-lemitm I'liat w%ill jiti y ime For wiilinig supiFes, ir real. *V it i nt tl.- Putrptios 1 give where Itele is aot hsiolte walit, aMd il' lo cas( whaitever to encoura e idletne..- but 0he direct reVerse.. 0. 0. IToWAuit, M~n 'jor-Genierah. in t:itmI-: l):E>.urnlr.IS. (*.,) Col.t:N.A, July 9, Is66. Otnera/:-I have the hoinor to ar kno W . ledg lw rceit- of voit r lft Ier of Ihe 31i inlsI., inl" ibr g, 'im h r wa,; tt -stlnoly. as to Ithle s1ot'ering1 lon 1 want Of fod V t1lw poor tin Smoit Caroliim, of both raite, .id tit. Ginvial SIckle..; had disapproved of* tly ratioi rettirit 111)o11 nMY At4tn14t,1 , hat t.he want, is very mutch exagg.rated. hasi jIt, beerce ivdl iVI, and I hi4n to r4 ply, wifi .1 avW of correctil. ailly Ilinus. apprelh--msilon (it tie subijct. growing out of i lt,ovn,ver:atnon with General Sick. h.s. Tholte is a grvat ne ni i. ribu ling ratins l111oltgI te Frvedmeti's hreait int everv di.strict. i' ito Stille. in sOmlie, tIhe lneicessity iig er than inl o tlh e r .a, a n d N Iim t I in te n 1 i itlpon Gem-ral Sickles iiit i apppiea 1.1onls were InIe by aiy persms, white and col-r-d, who were not lit sibjct. if relii, thit, if all tIll stories whicb wvre tohl ofil ie illicers of the Birewm ilk ddireint, ecclimis wer to be cridit-d. I I disiitiol voul e Ii tou w'ide : nl:ge. I regret ihat Gitn. Sick,es 4.oul,d have ondllertood from moe that the tnccessesory for i.s1tig rau<is to very ilmay peoph... white Itd colorvd, lil(] Iassed. As early as March last, anl estniate was natde ill Chesterfield Disti-ict, anid it, was founilia t. thert! were only seve; bish els of corn to .. ail 11;ron iln the dist ric. With"Iut. fet-ding anyl' portion of I is to tho Ftock, the uillpply was imlidwer111te to brvad ih pwople. Othier distriel.; atrv nally I, ei.stitutu'. I) Pickenz, 1 ail uiformed ha, let lle 600 lanilies are wvihow, stillivi.-t. siipphc., of' breadetii'. The sc:treity is ii s, gre. ii, Ir, n wBatcl, Poaularl, Colletonl, Vhart-ndoni, WVIil eastr, Rtichland, Fairfield and Kerm aw, And tihe! local atitiorities, cannot, pos.s4ibiv rniisih the necdy. The tax -1evied 1.~r thie -ipporz (t Ite por is :a dir, ct ta . and it hapIns thiait in thoIse sIeu.,n., whee tihe sValCitV is mW-' IVlt the im. 1 -lIllatinl are vati. abile to pay at i:l la x, :d bwnce tlietre are tholisainds inl the S.alt , winte nd14 colowod, wh, mn,t suffor for lie conannn is min of sib'st:nc unloss ration, are is-md I rom y.uir ina vioi, and I Ie i e-xtrenn-ily that iy opmlion of Iinie sholini hav'e been o nider-atomt as to jn.ily or re quire tie stusletsion of the issm of tile rattons Which it was propose(l to listri blite in tints Siate. My obj,.Ct and ill tenttion wias simply to giard4 agalint, t.he isanto to peorsons withot, a claim, and the(reb)y itncreaso idlet.ess atnd vagabotid ismi. Doutless . I did not suieienidy expint liy viuws, and Gen. Sickles was justified in reaching the conclustioni ho did A mont.h ago it was genenrally belieiv (ed tht,~ abot, the -time of whIemt, harvesti ana average crop would be tnnade, butt sintce the crop has~ beein thnrashed out tt is found not to exceed half anl average crop, and farn hess relief will be :urnishted the needy frmn tat source than I had anticipated. I therefore earnestly that you will have the rtations isstted as estimated for by your agents int the State, and which was dis approved by Gen. Sicklos. Propar nstruct,ions to distrihuting ageseatsrn ben, if iksy haver nog alreadhy beer,gin, to gnard agailzt imposition from thosf) who are not propor subjects of relief. I havI written to-(av to Gen. Sickles and have explained to him thi extent. to Which I intend-d my cot versa tion with him to go. JAEt-:s L. Oaxti. Governor of S:mt Carolina. Origin of Londun Fogs, 'l'he origitn of thoso (lenle t.val frm,. .hich occ:Isionllv ocenri in L4ondon, and v!ich inipedte So 1mnch tiiv heavy con mercial1 traflie, partienilarly on the river and riverside, is wi ing priucipilly to, 1 iml proximity of the T!ainews. The temptr atore of the river in frosty we:aher in frosty is alwqys considvrabl)- higiier tiha that of the air 111u1mediately above i. JIMie, the tempvramwr of the air on t surface ithe i:ntuof of London is higher tIhn that of the topher abhove. This colt] cnrrents of' tho atnnosrh-re coming in conutet with the warner nid highivrstrata whicb covvr tho town, . dw the iatter, mw] Clisest1 tat collit-11. sti' n of lhw aip iur which prodncos tile :annous precipitation which we call fog. II ihe county dist ries thtse difT-r atmlospheric carrents bave not the wa effit-c, onl ac:ounut of tho equalit.y oif spw eidic graivity. For this 1aj,n ,,on may11v be et "nlopt-d in glo).!.a dci .. while tht tiurromt.:ling com-i'v i:5 ' and brivht. But the-re is no doubt ilhat much oF teit, ilieteni1y of al opifllue 1 jWl. dot: yellow f-g, i. rodneld bly th im mlense' anl0mnt Of Smohe which1 inl wiln is ouri"ng forth from the, hinidr(ds t itinoisand cimnwwys from Pay mmn,. ing. lI vveryt. call wcealir thiA armat eCimt tion mlit te itumsphrt inviti bly tends to give [lite fog tihnt peculiar dirty yellowi.-hl appearInce which be lungs to a t rilly ge uilin cit y 9pecinw)(111 of this pholtlenelon. tmler ordilnary cilClllistance.4, whli tilt air is int motion, the sttky impurity which is coista iv vinliued fromn Ihm London housesO has'I iMit I parinal villetl mt prndneing gloom: ftor whliw moe escaped from a chitmnty, th' particles of carbot abr ir. it and col m'11qi lly Uni--ra';e inl weight : but, the( wind at. IIe samie is stfliciettly strong to carry Ilheml ::4p. distance, st.-a-ralling the iiitv'.diial parltil.S. Bult as itn tLw cast of 1;)gzz, Lilt air is ver.y tratruil, and also saturited with moisttre, the Speci. fi weighfit Of 3umunlation it varbonic Imrit-le.; rapidl Icyta"';, Causing -.hem to be bomt all f'hnagited1 withll Ihe 4o d p i itlio . T; . i- o bm vfl'A U f! hir m :. th A S,,, and camholn ilt partiol. -s is:hwni;Ga doll hs./sUre movr. Blutin r iTra t rnit cils radica aitt tIill 1.t '.rivaro s hill] -tt ml, 1Jf"a d, IsvA e ih tXihitMe 1l* :he Y.nM = thArt. Vatr it the not P6,th1 of July. Itl quit b a -:iw1uvr of place. th erv were dt. vons:ca. b :! iv'nwpaor l 1amonvg the peo. t i. rt - in -t o of i77o .TV ,:avws (it C. Wnhntn Ihv ri:.;iisler of thi insrgonw; T. Jtferon, rtd-w lco M ma'and anl.hlor O lit I- . tion () d p e )o. cAll ed : Patrick ibllary, woi (I ,t he "),bety or dvath ;" N1s-1rI an other t,'oriousand aconowleged ebls weri hnlei in 4e-rmhs which ito tirt it Of robellion i!k for, veI t t eshed inl the (ghdt btd if t h Aa w e Revon. tionl shows:. TO M.m: AN PAOS-rAND ON 14',N At i enri olk hicusinu o thisplbet, started mbyh an ngds toicar, is~ tig wtier diayn Cohnbus needt nmoth, havel madectro sand obth : o"Take a ugg andw shake, bit it the. frmlie to toen narer'he ed, hen'~tittoi theleg iA seta). rigtand if tpit hnmheld stea til it thenl hs tiietispac' Ti.: TAx B.L PASS'MD-TonlACCo, C IGARS, &c.-The internal revenue tax bill, as reported from the committee of Conference. passed both houses of Con. gress on Friday, and now goes to the President. We mention eme of the rates of taxation as provided by it. Onl cottotl, three cents per pound ; on clothing, a tax of two per cent., with one thousand dllars of the work, exclu siVe of the Ilater-:i1l, (1.tIpt.ed. The income tax is chinged so as to renMin just is it is in the present law. 13ots a1i sloes-a tax OF two per ei:. with ont tloutsand dollars of the W(. exclusive of the materini, exempt eid. Gw; Companies nii(d railroAd con pat ;rte allow ed to charge their custo. w ili ti tax nutil A pril 30, 1867. T, im the ieantime, :Ire 111re i 1 to CZ01 tlick t s ili pack. es, with nothing buit Ith, G-vNeinment tax :tddod. On igi r., i. # r, t Oecwroots. sort sixes ani tw tldi heads., vahe of Which is not ov..J egt. do.lars per thonsand, a tIaX of LwO (illarl p t.hoisand. Oi clhrte. vigrmettes and cigars tI.' valin:.' ! whwch, i o' dollars and not, nver I w.I v e dol:irs por thoitsand a 1aX il1 114 r 1 i olliars Inr tihoinud. () ill oth r -igar.:. ei::ariu and c')'. r, ,, t>ur. da,pcthnai inUdk i t) I Wet pv I Er ctW. ,,J rajlore on tmvalu,. 1weyowd two-- dolla-rs por tims: to b- d Ii the exces iovrl ,vw-h%-(ls. < m . .- 'sca. lii oe n !ns peri 4ti d Vi. r.' tiio or I .00 I.',1.i. Ci'anitWI a cha:rttr Ir the ".\b ) I ii wni: an.1 the et"eprisi' wo eS acracttiried, ini a htuorou way as jimin;r and enldinlg nowhleC." We haeI positive ilfrornation to th (l 'i i hi O npihl has been h.ssCribed, i i:" road i4 to ho budlt willhout, delay. It ;,:zrey N(!w York e :rr -. : h-1to Zori, eni the 1raLvel betw','een Now Orleans lind thait. city. The rwite is from Atlair. 1a, Leorg;a, to Charlo,t.-. Norti roli i1:, in an ".ir lie," via Atidrson Cmtrt. l)ion3 and Yorkville. Sotth Carolina. A ghtnce t. the 1111p k)will sihow hI great t: it. will be ziav*d ; pas sngers at. Charlot te, Norti Carolinn, itnstead Of 'olinl dwn I) Branchlv'ille. uny) to AnI(y1.*!!, mil theme- West, Will ,,avo: a1! ihi tarv] hv the short cut Wer od't clIt a inteire.t:ig in. b-ain a ! 1" b 1:Aowm.n.-r what foelli, hinrl oKji i.., i:rl 111"Svr or, v.\ "a ts hi. ;is e ( n,* ui bt'r:lt lies of ioU(. *l. a riy ti.e ay o er--ad ralilrod ar a t:. .. :\ in, (e g in this thtn- h bd:0 ta.etougt7i. of, New 000 i )' d. u ti) re h west. onek - dar nate ~ n th.i Wns C Im I. 1) r li ? -WhenIi ma's irm.y stprud at sm1tlitelvid, N. ('.. nlboi since,tl ticl thore w.ts foun1w1hit1 llilo girl1, five or siv ear i Ie. of bnrqf t, d eten co a evidently wwtl. brod ho it adtis said, foulowedl. JOSCarolina, (bforgiv ort Teno-e.Th.- 'orpl- to wchthi.4 ,it -' ;i i: a ttich tl cl ed to near tie hn,- 'if :I a ihv hay a ttle gir! of l til Lhe 0 utge, and the two, litit.e ono.. h), u:,ne so fondly, attached, i, fhe ladY idiiuced the soldiortO give the hi to hor, and she has been w vith her ver vrince. The child has dArk eyes, adgihni0 -1r uy She he so long t a rmy nwhc nhat h ould4o gie lnt inelbe cou rnnt of her hon .h Tla wotiido has ' possesion ofglta .his at Ta.,n trai ri tn evriway s hery btn daughite. lites )iterestemmdr rnefere Ardtoii ih "atis t~ Miite,0 8ih field, wobhahton )iIC, oty N.C K'esmahc fteQeno nln mut o ,:anel dvile i' hecotdt