The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, December 28, 1865, Image 1

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T&E TRi S. WSMLY1 NEW1. By. taillard &Desporteso]. -.VINNSBORO, S. C., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1865. . ro BY GAILLAIID AND DESPORTES. RtATE 'S or MstiCR'IPTIoN: -.TIl NEWS." is publishlied on Ttuesiaiy, 'llitirsaiy and :turlay, aid will be sup. piled to subscribers at $1.00 ppvr month, invariably in adviaice. Singie copies ten cents. AlivERTISINt) RATVA: Ordiinary ,ylverti'eient, occupying not niore, han igt lines, (one square,) will be inserted in -11nF 7 mv:ws," lit $1.00 for (te first inieortioln 3111il feventy-five cents for each U4qbsequen't. publictiln, larger'a ver is Itis,. when no contract maide, will lie 4harged in exact propor tiona. Contracts will he made in accordance with the following schedulle J colun I ino. $ 30., j coluno mo. $100. 4 ' 1" * 4!. I " 8"' 14th. 1 " 8 560. y "6 1 year 176. 3 :, 75. 1 -9 200. 1 " 3 1l. I " 1 " 800 Otlv Ohse wlm, coutract for one-fourth. onh.'hal. or it olinnii, for one, three, six, or t'yelve months, will receive the beneit of thece leriits. For ininouncing a candidate to any office of profit, hionor or trust $10.00. Marriage, Obituary Notices, &c., will be charged th. saine.'as advert isemienit, ail must be p:aid for when handed in, or they ,Will not appear. P-ROL 0 IP E C T U S OF TiP. W eek I y R c o r d. r l'fE sub:eribers will comnenoc in the .City of Chirleston, early in Novemn ber, a Faciuly ,lournal, to bto huo%n as lie . W E.KX R1ECORD0. It 'ril contain eight paiges f fine paper bnd cleat' ty Ip. il1 will mak whellri bouid, a voltime of Ieiriaeneit vahlcue. Whlei coutaiing all tle latest religious intol'i,4eice from tie Cutrches it lione il abrodi, it-will ilso contain a weekly digest V social, in.-06 atil and. political inteli. teceo, nic well na general Information or. ^or"l-v sciiut.ftc tand agricultural subjects, itO ~~itturnal aceptett.aOi agt M-OTAers t .Ongllont the outly ac tin uig bsdript 0n, will it cati'.ed LO a cobl. TER.A. Fi One kopy for Ox lmonti,., ..$2 00 For unu cvpy for t10 year .d 00 oe n nirs. For ten copius t naddreis. for six inonthe, $16 00 For ten copies t ine addreu., for one ye:r, i ' -20 00 All siis.'ri 4)ns to date from the firstgof the month in' icl rooelved. A 'ElTISlNa nATHS. One star 2 00; every subscquent in sert ion$ 0 Contracts ade on rensonable terms. U. ti. IIIlt 1)D, .' F. A. MOOD. AIlresus Veek/ Record," Key Box No. 3. oot, .1,465 The C riestou Daily News. - S nati Carolinins, the publishers . will iaturally look to tho itteresi. of ,their own Stle. and to that of tile Sout b: and" asi ciiACu of 11le Uniitt'ate81 tiS Chey will not he waittig in the priper'amount of de. votion and ipect. for the General Oovern ment. Eve'y effort shiall to made to inake tihe /.hiIl NE K I'Sia first clamsa newspape(, and in every way worthy of tihe patronago of iho puic. Our terms, for the presehIt,. Vjbe it. the rate of 'sio per annum. Stibsou obhs re ceiveil for 3, 6 ani 12 months, in advanice. Adrer/i/ng.- One qir, o one intsertion, Ono Dollar and Fifty en Hachel conltinualtion,So'nyvee . .hTi than a square, Fifteen oen per lii. for first insertion ; Half Pr.446. aeh Postmaist-ers and others throi'O ut 'the ,itotuntry, who mauly iriterest thentilOves )o r~iiouing~ siubscriptionsu, will be ahowed thce ,TTCART, NioM ILLA N & MORTON,. Proprietors, ,No. 18 Ifayno St, Charleston, S. 0. o 24'6i5 EYEitYIIODY ShlOULD IIu4hE 4 C'OPY, 'Issieama 6.1eVesaIue Guid4e, B)EJNG an absstract o'filhe Internal Revenue, .l al Itl Direci (air Land) Tax Laws of til Uaanitd. State, wanh Sc-hedulenc of Ta'xation,~ Licensea, Stuamp Dues, Exemupttaon.s. abuwd in~ theo Ratnia under tae varhius Tax Lsw ainee July I . l86'2. soil intenadedl for the gene ratlaanforaon ot the rax-Payers i to wllhih is addled an Abtiara,'t ot tlhe Acts (if Congres payaed during' the War, relative to Abandon. * ad L-idail aund other matt era of enieral inter est. IHy E. J. Elford. .Atiorney at Lauw, ' Greenaille,' ?. C.4 AuAies or of the internal tventio l'ax for tha l'hird Collection isutrict ia 8outh Carolify. T~he Book wilt conitain nbout 72 psges, and will tin tsaqsed in :- few weeks. Price il0 genta per copy, with a. liberal discount to the trade. Orders must bc accoimpanteil with the cash to acicureattiition. .Addareas, 0. 1. EbFI')R D, Piablishier, - ort 2'65 . U Grenvillo41. C.. .rusIthiultt:D aua AT'OM? N S BY J T*11ERIIMAN8. oat24115 Th1e Chuuurcim Inatesi;cencer, D EVOTED to the interests of the Pro lest ant Episcopal Church. is publish. ed at. Charlotte. N. C. Terms of subsciip. tion, cash in advance. For six monlths, $2 00 For one year, 4 Mx] .Txikis Or ADtVITRIO-Fifteen cep;6! a line, or for the space of a line, fhr the first insertion : midten cents for each subsequent insertion. To yearly advertIsers, it liberal deelettion on the above will be made. Subscribers desiring to have their Post. Offices changed. will sI ate bot h where theil papere are nbw being sent, and where they would have them directed in future. For one month before each subscriptior expires. a pencil mark on the margin will remind the subscriber to renew his subsorip tion by an early remittance. All connnmiuienations should be addressed "C hurch intelliqrencer, Charlotte, N. C." oct 24'65 RtEVIVil: A NEW ER IES Of "THE BAPTIST BANNER, WILL 1E COMMENCED o t UtnVAY,-TIC 9TII INSTANT, AT AUoGU ITA, OPOUoIA, By tho Former Proprietor. F AM happy in being able to make th nhove announceuonnt. -eThe Banner wil be published every Saturday. fq- Subscriptions are respectifully so licited. $3.00 pe-r annum. Adlress JAMES N. EILS, Proprietor. P my-Eh newspaper In Georgia atn South Carolina will please cop" twiec, an sendee bill to J N. E. sept. 28'05-2 DAILY CAROLINA T I.?I Ei, DY WARuNo & il'rTON. C h itr I o t e, N. C. T ER IMS POlR PAPER : rSihE ). L'Y TIMlES will to furnishea a $l0.00 per annnn. in Idvance TilE TIII-WEERI{, TllES willh opul lislied every Tuesday.. ThullrsdaIy and Satin day Iorning. nd suplIed for $8.00 per t nun, payable in advance. The Weeily New4 This paper, containing twenty-four co umins, a tinnscript. of the "DA.Y Ttu:s, will be pablished every Tuesday mnlornin and mailed to smbseihers at 4.00 er at non1. It will contain all the Political. Con morcial, Agricultural. Financial and otht l'iportant news, and will be specially de voted0 to the advancemnent of the ilterests ( our Agricultural andMechanical or laboi ing population. ADVERTISLVG TERMS: For one square. (10 lines or less,) $i.0 for each insertion. Advertisements n( limited, will not he discontinued without written order, and will be charged at. fu rates. sept 16'65 - Time ClaegIter itiMsadaard, BY' GEORGE PITIllER, PUB.tsH rD WREKIY AT CH ESTER 0. H., S. C 1 'IERNlS: For one month 25 cents, or 7 1. cents for threcomonths, payable strict ly in ndvance, either in specie or provisions No subscriptiOns received on any othe terms tihan th above. nor for a longe or shorter period. Any persoen obtaining a enub of ten name will receive fihe paper gratis. Adlvertiseentest inserted at $1 00 pe square (10 lines) for t le first msertion, an 76 cents for eveyy additional insertion. - oct 24'65 Tihe Bahttelligecer. PUDLISHEID WEEFKLY AT ANDC1tUoN 0. It., S. C. BY HOYT & HUMPHREYS. T Three I)ollars per annum in Unite, A States currency, or Two Dollars year in specie RA TES OF ADVERTISING : Advertisements insert&l at the rates o One Dollar per square 'of t#elve lines fo the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents.for eal subsoeqent insertion. Obeiuaries and Mar riage Not.'e~s charged for at-those rates. oct 24'05 -____________ Ti'me P'haiux, PUpLIsHuo AT cdL.U 3134, g, o., * ,BY .JULIAN A. SELBY. HEDiyPhcanix, lieeued every rhornin~ ".eexceptSunday. to lillede with the lateg news, (hy telegraph, maill. etc.,) li.titoria Coerrespondence, Miecgias.y. i'oetry and Ste ThIi'i the only daily paper mD the.State o~utside of the ciy of Chetri slon 'heTrl-Weeiv Ptthnix. for countrfoire Is un.-ls published eve'ry Tues ,Thurai an dlrdaoy, aend ihas all the e inaitte of IstI~t containet len tipo da1li isanes of tit week. Wesit Gleaejor,-a tio colmpienloh, s it name Iva' te., is intendeed a a famnil journti and Is pu h W ednesday. It, wli contain Eit1 pea 4Forty 'Ioeimng. Ti cream bf QI -Da1 Rd Tri-We-oly will b 'Tounld In Its oimtl. - - Daily, one y av....'..........,...J 50 three5 tah ..............;..Y 3 0 Tri- Weekly. uut yei .............. 0 three atofths.............J *6 WodieOan ydgr..........'%./ ~40 three motht..... ... Advertsene nerted in the'Dusly Weky tiare for- the tirplt an~d in 0nW . b sauequ o ~esekly, adie nia g 1 a sqI've~ insertil.s The Southtiame', PUtLItSHEn WEEKLY AT nAIL-NGTICN, S. C By J. MN. UIlUWN. f ERMS of sUbsCript ion o subiscribe onl our books, $3.5p:- to new subso1 hers, S4. AdVertiseen1id tjer a4itaare, fir litertion, $1.60 ; eaaclt satseqtenit, inse tion $1. Advertisenetts not paid "r in advan< will be contitalled uiatil ph for, and I charged noeordingly. Tra nt aadvttieri ments must be paid for in adance. Advel tisemeits iot anarked for 4rt aninnmh of insertions, will be cont 'ed until foi bid, anld charged acoordint oct. 24'65 TiC. KeoWce.' 0 irier, PUBL-ISHtEn WXUKLRt.Y AT l'1C s4". H , . BY R. A. THO311'S & Co. rT ll.\S-Ono Dollar I Twent.vhN Coits for six ino: a. in advanci Advertiseoents inserted -l per squat for file first insertion. and Cetsi. fol ene subsequent insertion. [Oet 21'65 AbY ad Weekly. lie Xewr- 11r . - I .rk/ AKres, ft g fimily new. I) Ia- liej:anII i I WoIVd 4 p , 'id ;arietor-- -1 largest. b1et zaud cheiaplesat. per publisla in New York. Single col 6 cents; on, copy one year $2; three (es one year 8-5 4: five copiee onle ' 8 75; te copieq ono year, $17: in In etra cop to ainy, 0h0h of tie. Twet tome copies o d year, $30: the ,'ekl N ' SeAt to cler gynenk at S t60. .N I:W YO RiK )AI L.Y Na to inail sub scribers. $10 p r nni Vitionths. $5 Ivinevtysitivariabtily ill I' be. Specima1er ciopiais of )aily and Yeek e a sent, free M.8 . OD), Daily N pluilding, No. 19. City lIal .Sq N. Y. City. oct 24' 65 By W M. 13. SMI'l CO., Field and Fieaide look -ing IIouse, 8 Fayetteville St., It. ,35. C. X .- M 1: L1, rY M511S. FA NNY MURIlnA 1I'Ne. One vol. 10 'no ; Fine Clot rice $2.0C This in a thrillinig story of and toe fatebionablet world, antd* asidt i absorb. -a"" ".-, ,l..ty 1.serwo suygre-itivH tlhoulghts aid ee\r passages, g-e ad and exquisite in charact ad finlah. MOSSES FROM A IOLL TONE; DY TE.N LLA-MAnY DAYALAiIKa. r Author of .Remainiaiscenset of a," "Wlool - Notes." I Tranalatilontof Mai u." Laly f Tartuffe." etc. Onevol.. 16 mocloth ...... Price 1.25 4'ontnina complete poetica t aip of the palmu authoreas. and ta a tiful setting of aall the spirkling iuamaonm I havo been found clinging to tihe "roll tone" of a creat life; ion it washed with dath and flow tof theiacething tido of Thou md Imlagina. tion. TIlE CIIAN on A Statement of the Reasono Facts whtich made me a Ba * BY 'EV. T. B. K T. One volutie. 16 mo, cloth, . .Price 92 50 But few writers wield a pth1 such con sunmmate skill. grace and vi a Mr. Kingsa. bury. il11 book hats receiv most hearty and earneat critical endorsel of Ellera Tr. E. Skinner. J. 1). tiffinman, r lihtalie-nl R.i. r corder. N. H. Cotb. ('or. N C. Haptist Boa rd of M'u ione. ainl othe nent Divina, a 'No Baptist faIl should thoit It. No opponeint of the Is ptia(s sla il to read it." r oct 19'65 I Te Som lt ehere Exp ma O.FFVER une-urpassed fac' for the shoir. . mAent (from Auusta oints Sonuuth.) of Cotton, cotton, Goodi, n iivy freighit-3, for Sdvannah, New York. pointa North and West. Through recaipta given a ch insuratc, can be effected at lowest r internal Revenaue Tex w aid or bond@ L griven by this Company, rdance with rtgulaktionsof thai United . reaanry Do partmenat. . For particulars and rate, ire of South. r ern Express Comnpany. Thin Company Ia now pi to forward G GOLD AND SILVER 'URRENCY a PARCELS, AND ITS, To Petersbursr, Va., org, Vaa., Denville, Va., I Ten., "Greenaahoru', N. C , F .y. N. C., Raleigh, N. C.,* \ . N. C.. -Goldaboro', N. C., gtona. N. C., ANDTO wATS7AT THt5 Virginia and Tienntaee R . South-.Fide Iailroad,-'Peter-htarg Rbafir orth Caroalling i 1alrolad, Raligh amd Gas llroad, Wit. Wtin anid Waeldon Rai anal Western - K. Rilroad. LET''El.S, MONEY GES A ND p a SMALL PA ToeColumnbia, S. C., on, R:C., A u4agusta,. Ga., ah, Ga.. Mscon, Ge., us, OG,~% Mo lIe, Alfa., mory, Ala',, - cIrba, Ala. ,Miss., - . : New Orlen - t AD Ta) WAW aTA T1(5 ite& S, C., Bail ,th'CArolt na G-Dl..d0eo la Rairoeo att -West, 'Pd' 4danta a t Po tO Rail, a ': and Ael as antd pi Rai nd, Gaajsijol b.ql * nr~d- rg.en - as ,C b~t .5)( Ind t l cpro SIot ndta mExpr psny, wilt b6 r~qrded to n. --, : rltbto~ p'.*by to* Ol Sl an di' hoh4 fg. 1 Ifarne ragaa left tat op rod alb -i and foewar~I ex eaa. g 'AD R CO,' a ACTS OF THE G5NEIlAL ASSEMBLY. An Act Prelininary of the Leqishatu . Induced by the Einancipation O'f ~Sa 8n i- Whereus, The Convention of th t State, by the Constitution lately ratifie uid recognize the emancipation of slavi and declare that "nt-ither slavery fi e voluntary servitude. except as a pi i- ishment for crime, shall ever be re.e talilished in this Stato," aind- did dire< that, .for each Distric. in tite State, the should be established an Inferior Cour to be styled "the District Court, whic Court shall have jurisdiction of all civ causes wherein one or both of the pai ties are persons of color,and of all crin nal causes wherein the accused is e person of col.' Therefor, lie it enacted byi/ the &nate and IIous e of Representatives, nlow met, anl sittin s n General Assemhly, und-by the untimr . ty ofthe satne, That this Act shall I, prelimiinary to "An Act to establish an regulate the domestic relations of per - sons of color, and to amend the law il relation to paupers, vagrancy and has tardy ;" and at Act to establish Distric Courts, and a" "Act to amend the crith mial law," which Acts have been in duced by the Constitution aforesaid and that in reference to these Acts th following provisions shall obtain : She. 11. Words importing tit singalar number only -shall be cdn strued to apply to several persons oi thing.s as well as one person or thing aitd every word importing the masce line gender o.dy, sall be construed t( extend to a female as well as a male where the context does not forbid snei. colAstructiol. -. Spc. 11[. All free negroes, nmlattoes and mestizoes, all freedmen and tr.d. women, all tihe descendants tltrough either sex of any of these persons, shidl be known as perons of color, except that every such descendant, who may have Cauicassion blood seven eights or tit re,,ssil Ile <h-emed l whiite person. SF;c. IV. The status and regulations concerning slaves are 110w inlapplicable to persons of color ; and although such persons are not entitled to social or po it-ica! ogntality with white p'rsons, they shall have the right to acqinre, own and of property ; to make contracts to enjoy the fruits of their labor; to sue and be sued ; and to receivo protection under tle law in their persons and pro. pert y. S.-c. V. All rights and remedies res. p'ecting persons and property, and all duities and liabilities untler laws, civil and crinnal, which apply to white per. sons, are extended to persons of color subject to the modifications niade by this Act and the other Acts hereinbefore mentioned. In the Seitate iontse, the twentieth lday of December, in the vear of our Lord, one thousand eight hun. dred and sixfy-five.' W.-D). PORTliffR President of' the Sonte. . . SIMONTON. Spreker of the House of Representa. tives. Ax AcT To AMmmi THE CnTMINAt Be it en acted by the Renate ani louse of Representatives, notw met and sitting in General Assembly, and by the au. thority of the same, as follows : ROME FELONIES swITOUT BENEFIT. OF CLERGY. S~c. I. Eirther of: the crimnes specilled i this first section shall be felony without ienofit of clergy, to wit :["or a person if color to commit any wilId, homticide miless it self defence; for a perscn of tolor to comnmit anl assatilt ulpon a white voman with mantifest intent, to ravish ier; for h person of color to hav.e sex. mal intercourse with a white woman by 'ersonating her husband.;frapro 'f color, to ra*s an inuretior pre,.n elion in this State; for any person td utrnishi arms; ors Amamition to othber lersons who are itn 'i state of actual ins. 1 'irrection' or rebellion,. or permit th@g . 5 resort to his house for advancetq A , ( their evil. proposes; for any' per$ 9 u dmisterr, or esausg to be taken y. r4f othier pyrson, any, poison. chalqrp. rmn, soporiflo *r other destructive thing, to shoo( st,: stab, cuat or wastnl any hier person, -or by any .meins 'Mrt t e#er tp cause bodily injury .4 'pay( her p9r9q, whereby Ip a~y of 'Me cae4 a 9hdilyj .imury danger-I n is -caued, wiahi .j ih1ty' any t yof those -a~*t C liw 6eritm of mnurder, or the crime of rape, 'or the r crime of robbery, burglery or larcency; . for any person who had been transport ed uhder sentence to return to this State 1S withim the period of prohibition cotain. 1, ed in the sentence ; or for a person to -s steal a horse or a rhule, or cotton packed >r in a bale ready for market. - Sr.:c. II. A kitchen, smoke-houso, - corn-crib. store-room, dairy, servants' room, carriage-houise. barn or stable, rice-poundig mill, tireshing.mill, store barn, mill house, gin-house, work-shop, factory or potato-hoise, :itlin two hun dred yards of a dwelling-house. and used by any person residing in the dwelling-house, or in either of the build. it ings here enneirated, shall be consider ed pirrcel of such dwelling-house in res e pect to the crimes of burglary and. ar rson, and all crimes Which, either by com mon law or statite., are constituted or aggravated by being coinmitted in a dwellng-honse. And under thissection any house in'which dwells a watchman 1 or other person appointed to watch or protect property, shall be considered n t parcel of tIhe dwellinag.lhonse, of which all the blildings just enumerated shall be protected. 80MN FE oNI-:S WITH nP:N1-:Fir oF cU. o Y. Sxc. IIJ. Either of the crimes speci ficd in this third section shall be felony with benefit of clergy, to wit: For any person who attempt to raise an insurrec. ion or rebellion in this State. or to counsel, aid or hire any other person to raise any insurrection or rebellion, al. though no insurrection or rebellion may take place; for any person to adimnister or cause to be taken by any other per. son, chloroform, soporific or other dele. it erious thi:g, or to shoot at, stab, cut or wound any other person, or by any means whatsoever, to cause bodily in. jury, serious but not dangerous to life, is caused to any other person, with in. tent in any of these cases to commit tile crime of nurder, or the the crimc; (of rape, or the crime of robbery, bur. glary or larceny; for any person tocon mit an assault with any kind of loaded arms. or with a sword, dirk, knife, axe hatchet or othe.r deadly weapon, where. by bodily injury to any person is caus ed, with intent. to conni t th le crime of ntrder. or the crime of rape, or the crime of robbery or bnrglary; for any person to steal or destroy, or wihlfully' conceal, any lIst will andl testament, 'r ayy paper in the nature of a last will and testament; for any person to break and enter ally corn-crib, cotton.hous. gim-lhouse, imea t liodse, stable, shop, store-room, ware-house, counting house, or other out-house, not by thto second section of this Act, or by previous law. parcel of a dwellinghiouse, and steal therein any chattel, money or valuable seCnrities; for any person' to steal any bill, cow, ox,.steer or caif;vor to steal any sheep, hog or goat; for any person unl;Lwfully and maliciously to. burn or destroy, or to cause to be burned or destroyed, any cotton, in'the seed om ginned, loose (or in bale, any corn, shnk ed or unslhucked, any wheat, rice,-oats, tre. barley, pens or other grain, thresh. ed or unthreshed, any fo,!hler, hay, straw or shucks, if property -to the Value of tenl dollars be hereby destroyed; for any person, unlawfully.,atid, naliciotsly. to burn or destroy,mr auseto be burned or destroyed, any. - n house, mill-honse, shop, or oth 6r building, not by the second,. seeton 6f this Act, or by prevoims law, .' el of any dwelling. honse; for any evant to steal any. chmattel, mioney or valuable secnrity, t'o the vahlue of tn dollars, belonging to, or mn the posession or powver of his master or employer, or being in anty d welling. house; for any derisoit to take from any aeld, not beloniging to, or being in pos. iession of suoh person, any cotton, ri~ce, or other grain, although the same may, sot have been' severed from the soil rradulently, wi&iV any inment secretly to tverL the same to tile use of suchi per. 1ottaking the saane; for any person rMilfully tv set fire to turpentine farms; ~~erson wil- to cut any rice - odisturb au tafik or -~ byduama h4~ be d t~ he growing ('ro~p ti Saco. IV. TI hehment of 1 ~ithmboaee ta ofe f-,r the r - lnes.jl,'at , Lh sdoreion ofb youzrt, be by Olle'or ntore of' the follow. sg mode~ te yLt:.ti-aesportation be. .odthe firmt of.this Stat n o abhio af esuyos a~ period not esi tan five .yeas ; cotmfnement in. a penr. [ Oen Hnt&'on,cgdl Page.]