The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, September 12, 1865, Image 1

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I THE TRWEEKLY NEW. VOLUME I.] WINNSBORO, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, .1865. [NUMBER 78. THE TRI-WEECLY NEWS: BY J. E. BRITTON. TERMS: - RATES OF HUDSOIPTION: -"THE NEWS" is published on Tuesday, "Chursday and Saturday, and will be sup plied to subsoribers at $1.00 per month, 'avarlably in advance. Single copies ten cents. ADVRRTIsINo RATM.: Ordinary advertisements, occupy ing not. -nore than cight lines, (one square,) will be -inserted in "ILun Naws," at $1.00 for the ,first insertion and seventy-fivo cents for each subsequent publication. Larger advertisements, when no contract. Is made, will be charged in exact propor tion. Contracts will be made in accofdance with the following schedule : oolumn mo. $ 80. columin6 mo. $100. " 1" 4. " 6 4 140. 1 -" 1 " 60. " " 150. " 8" 50. . * 1 year 176. " 8 " 75. " 1 ' 200.. - " 8-" 100. " 1 " 800. ,Ooly those who contract for one-fourth, -one.half, or a columhs'for one, three, six, or .twelve months, will receive the benotit of these terms. For announoing a candidate to any office of profit, honor or trust $10.00. SMarriage, Obituary Notices, &c., will be -charged the same as advertisements, and mutt be paid for when handed in, or they will not appear. Letter from Madame Levert. The Mobile Tribune of the 24th gives pubbeity to the following private letter from MAdame Levert, of Mobile, now temporarily stopping in Now York. Fi7n AvENUE 'HomTL, Agust 6, -1865. Dear lend : I write to tell you 9f our safe arrivadlhere, at this niagnficent hotel. We had a most . delightful v'y. age on to New York., The:e was not a wavo suflicient to rock the iimense steamer, the North aar, or a qoud to -dim the sunlight during ill the weeks or our sea wanderings. I find New York full of Confaderate officers: (nanyjust out of prison.) They are most- kindly treated here. At a superb supper party given to us ;by Mrs. T- , there were five 0onfederate Generals- Marmadoke and Wheeler among the number-and Colonels,. Ma jors and Captains in profusion. The Confederates. are dined and sup pod by the very men thpy. fought againsL very one expresses the higheet admir tio'n of t,he Oonfbdefates, and T.have not yet heard dne word of bitterness a .inst :thg South.' Twro. publishere called 'on -the, hearing I intended writing "souve Aire .6f the war," They 6'ade me great oaei's if I will'phblie~h. I h'ave serious thoughts. -of doing'so. I' ossure-you I .Wll dejqstice $ th dieroic. Southern eol4ier.- I oftbn feel iis my- dy to lie worl4 kne tha te analpof 1. -tiegs do -not hola parallel to the self saci~anan *9oiu$n gf She Ekuthiern Tdes hey.; re x rsed ngny oef tieleiders, bht enpoblds1e auhe -i eh yau Wera iere to eu 04y thi 9 i0f1 hotel, a4. thpes pJeadn dAys. _2144td-1rof Tyi here.141 My h- "Sen- e aps .y ann, hobeen x Ai t un 4 s Ita-p . 9 4 peeko hbW 'onoe~'tri It iswlad~d & l*'n d. fqbeing -made by politiciae ao * ther revolution-in thewo #4 -money iwa sued." dust tte -they wish~it to n~u-tgata - 'Itenever, netpr.y *u OP IA qa 6D nst~o 't0LAVt t~r~fl)~ksr IMPORTANT CooGRNINd PARDONS. The following letter, addressed to the Governor of Virginia, has been furnish. ed us by his Excellency for publication. It explains itself : ATTORNEY GENFnAL'8 OFFIOE, Washington, August 27, 1865. Hon. N. . .irpoint, Governor of Vir ginma: Sin : I am directed by the Attorney General to acknowledge the receipt of your letter uf Lite 25th instant, and to say in reply that, as far as this office is concerned, you have his full authority for saying that the only influence posi ble to be exerted in the matter of par dons by any agent or attorney, whoever he may be, is to delay .the petition. All cases coniing under the thirteenth excep. tion, and- all petty civil officers having your recommendation, need nothing fur. ther They are approved by the At. torney-General as a matter of course. The iresident declares that any intima. tion that money can assist a petitiondr, is a gross insult to his whole office, from himself to his humblest messen. ger. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, M.F. PLEA8ANTE4 Pardon. Clerk. MEETING OP THE ORANI LODGE OF ODD FE.LowS-TUE SOUTUERN STATES TO DE REPRESENTED.-It will be recol le'ted that, sho'rtly after the close of tle late rebellion, thei Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of the United Sttes, Isaac M. Veitch, Esq.. issued a prooltmation, in which lie invited the Grand Lodges of all the States lately in rebellion to send delegates to the Grand Lodge ol the United States, which assembles in this city on the 18th of September. It is a pleasant duty to record the fact that the Grand- Secretary has received favo. rable responses from nearly every Grand Lodge in the United States, and it i now cowidently believed that at -the coining meeting the Order will onc( again present' an unbr9ken front, and that one of the qld'time -gatherings will take plnce. This in as it should be. Al, ready the. members of fhe Order in this city are making preparations to- give their brethren who have been so long necessarily absent a warm -reception, and with this view the citizens generally should contribute liberally. [Baltimore Sun. INnT*.: AFAvs8. -- F tit Larqie, ;August 25.-Advices vfrom Gen. Con. nor's P<%der iver 'Expedition tp Au gust 21 have been received. On the. 16th instant, a detachimeni of Donnor's Pawnee scoute disooverod, pursued and killed all of a ' war- party ofOhbyennes, numbering twenty-four who were rettirning from the mail roai witr oeslpqand plunder. - There was n( losiototn.'side. Oar men oaptsret tihty-tile horses and - mules and s l41antgt1 of white women and childroet lthing, tw infantry coats .issued a et4'or o last sprig to the indians ad Capt Fouli ano . n the Seventh' Iovw OaVA d' 410A number of lettOsan4 tat II .d At .thisinof thle 1Wv *tXihIgb, .to-otov duty, on ih r~d whickh ne rhqetT Veroal u tatlitne, ,e peofuthepinni$ ohbeth of the:Ohefei(ieraa klled. 2hj45 i a n6itg"Northg and den 'etr e0b~Iira *s4y and ee V9 ... $ 9 40.Atet 74 Ohficial documents at Raleigh show that North -Carolina furnished 118,160 troops for the rebel army. - The corn crop in Indiana and Illinois bids fair to be as large thisseason as was ever known. Er;Senator Foot; has written a let ter to Governor Brownlow, of Tennes, see, asking for a recommendation of par. don. The National -Bank of Wellingtosfg Ohio, was robbed of from seventy toonef hundred- thousand dollars in Government bonds. An ordinance has been passed by the Mississippi State Convention for a gene ral election for county, district or minis terial officers. AlbertPike, of Arkansas, now resid ing in Canada, has applied for pardon. Two hundred of the Nasonic fraternity endorse him. F. Lehman and S. W. Chadwick have been onominatod to represent Cra von county, North Carolina, i: the State Convention. The corn crop in the Valley o'f Vir ginia, it is said, promises a good yield. But few farmers will rais6 any pork. The 70th annual council of the Episcopal Clirch of Virginia, is to assemble in' Richm6nd on thn 20th of September. . The Philadelphia Ledger's Washing ton correspondent denies, "by authori ty," that the colored troops are to be disbanded. The New York 'imes says that a large amount of cotton was arriving in that city. The stock on hand is es timated at 100,000 bales. Communication by rail has been open, ed between Wilmington and Charlesion and. the road between Goldsboro and. Weldoni, it is -thought, will be in ope. ration within test days. Mr. Mansfield Lovell, formerly Major General in the Confederate army, whose defence of New Orleans did not earn hint much reputation among the I e belh, is now reported to bie editor of the New York Daily News. The New York 'lines says that scres of well dressed Southerners nay be seen daily-on the steps of the New'York Ho. tel. They are in the best of spirits. fltsh, and in no whit changed from the,style of ten years ago. The cotton, crop will be almost an entire failure throughout West Tennes. see, the rust destroying it before it matures. It'is said the best cotion county in the western part of the $tate will not yield two hundred pounds to 4fio acre. MurKNTy.-The 'Courier des' Sa . Unis says that a mutiny had brokeu out ill Alexandria, Louisian'a, amotng the 'troops'of General Custar's command. %General Custar causedthoarrest and im prisonment of four captaits,twelve lieute. Itants and seventy-five sergeants and vdr orals -of the Second Wisconsin cav Alsyg'iment, who were thders in hOfAuburn (New York) Advert ard's home organ, says: pateo a moment to.taklobsetvatioge. soldiers have returned from the wg. TAeAra pter in the land. Letus egn^sult erna.- Unless te bro iut fvor offegrtowpfage thejr votes williet theo p#rty, anud the cand lateono g'oo 4o ~fA61,r hf1ss? eqi1il n 't o vqhot ~h~*to a betl ~u tor Cosmptroller-Gerterals Off ice. GREENVILLE.C. H1., S. C., - .August lith, 1805. B1Y permission of his Excellency, Governor Perry, tho duties of ths )ffioe will be attended to at this place until rurther notice. Communications should be iddressed to care of Major W. DAVALS JAMES'A. BLACK, Comptroller General. .W Papers in the State copf twice. sopt 12 '65-2 Petersburg trout Works. - PETERSBURG, VA. A LL kinds of Castings and Wrought Iron Vork done at short notice, and Plough castings, of all patterns, Iron fronts, railings, Saw and Grist Mills. Orders filled and promptly shipped. T. ALPHONSO JACKSON, sept 7'O6--6f Suparintendent. A PROCLAMATION! By the PWovisional Governor of South Carolina.e EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT S. C., 8ErPTssumn 4,1866. W HEREAS, a seeming conflict of jurisdiction having arisen between the civil and military authorities of South Carolina, under the Provisional Govern ment of the State; and whereas,. Major Gen oral Gillmore, commanding the Depart'ment of South Carolina, having sought an inter view With me, as Provisional Governor, in the presenc'e of Major General Mende, com. manding the Atlantic States ; and whereas, all natte's giving rise to the seeming con flict were adjusted and arranged with the consent and approval of Major General Meade: Now, therefore, I, BENJAMIN FRAMP TON PERY, Provisional Governor of the State of 'South ,C*rdiiia, do proclaim and make knowp, that the terms of this arrange. ment are as (ollo*: "That in all cases. where fre'edmen or persons of color are con cerned, the Court: of the Provost Marshals shall haive-oxclusive cognizance to try and adjust them, for the present, and that. all other cases shall be heard and adjudicated by the civilcourts, municipal guthorities and civil officers, under and according to the laws of South Carolina. That the civil courts shall be opened under the Provision al Government, and 'al civil. and municipal officers be allod'.to resuie their offlial duties and dischatp thein fe4ly without Interruption on thae part of the military au thorities. That it is furtier understood General Gillmore will-Joue a military order and Governor'Perry, WilV in like inaxner4 hi sue his proclamation, inaking knoWn this arrangement, which is to continue till civil authority is entirely restored in this State and the Government reconstructed." And I do hereby call uptn all persons and order them to strictly obey ard carry out the terms of this arrangement: Done in the city of Columbia, the day and year above stAted. - B. F. PERRY. y order of the Proviploniel Governor. . I. Pisa, Mvate Seoretary.. The newspapers of the- State will give three insmetions. sept 7'65--8 Provisional. Goverlnacmt. & i t ie s f tiIs utdpy Ibltee ttgap NOTICE. PIONERER.SOAP, COLGATE SOAP, BROOISISLYE. SOAP, IIROOMS, COPPERAS, FLOUR, LARD, &o,, on sale %t D. B. M1oCREIGHT'S. sept 4'65--4 JUST RECEIVED ,. AiN FOn SALW AT D. B. McC RE I Q H l'S. FIRST *on the list (so now dqn't repine) Is family FLOUIt, which lr rare and fine; SODA (Now Castle's) next, so don't think it - hard That others than you should receive all.the. lard. You ought to .havo HERRING,. If herring you like, And MACKERAL you'll take when you can't get a pike. If delicate (rho children) especially if the'vo aches, Then- come by all means and get theta some CAKHES, If crumbs they do scatter all over the room Then send them along, they'll find a good BROOM ; And here's a ico mixture, 'tis CRACKERS and CHEESE, Which everbody says will give a hungry stopoach ease, And last, th' not least, a good article for. the weather, Are One hundred and forty-nine pounds of SOLE LEATHER. sept 7'66 M EDICINAL WRlISK EY. JUST received, BOURBON, CORN and RYE WHISKEY, at LADD BROS' sept WMIl0rug Store. IJOYE 'AGAIN, "To Meet my 'riends once More01 Ce 1XUZY. ..UZ4M. B VGS leavo to infortu his patrons that he Is NOW. PREPARED to execute workmanship in the best style and with dispatch, on olooks, watches and jeweIry of e very dos'cription. Work warranted to give entire satisfao tiotl.and done cheap. (sept 4'65-1'n14 TII CHRISTIAN INDEX. Y the First.of October, or as soon ns B the qaails'are re-'-stablished,- I will ree new the publication of he "CII tISTIAN INDEX" and the "CHILD'S INDEX" Ihavo been publishing. Price of -ndex," per annum : aS Price'o' "Child's Index " Money may be retmittedat'once, as my do. tet;nicatiou is positive. -?y dpsire is to se out'e a large subscriptio list with 'whIehto begin, and I Isbue thi prov "hes that tufli suribers iay'hao.tie t6 .r avd theirvp mittancos. Itis my ititentloi to issite first elass I-L pers, and no pains or lpense wilibe spared to securre that end. The. best writers ad coriespondents will -be' secured, and tho highest. religious and.literary. talent will be given to the papets, Tfie 11.1,08 PA PEIt will bo profusely', illustrae'd and will, In every sinse, be mado to - epnfora to, new title. The qbiud's belghtplt boney may be Ezpiess or othoi..% wise- -if by ]Kxprevss at my tick, It the ex prest recipt-is squt me; onthe resumptiol 0 on"e ton Vih the aan of J, Ish olil, issaolvlt l esb li i and, he tap. Als -J - $ p g PhI h!o