The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, August 03, 1865, Image 1

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TI[IE..,L NES. .IVOLUME If] WINNSBORO, S. 0, THURSDAY MONING, AUGyST a, 1865. JNUMBER 60. "T'R TRIWEEKLYNEWB: THS ThI-WaORCY btWB 1. publisied onTuesay;Thursda aid Sterday a ONE DO4AR ,r Mon, i dVan Single Advertisementa inserted at ONE DOLLAR per quare. o eit Jines or lee" tot the tret, and' EVYENTY V t edto for esch subbe. quent insqrtIon,.nuVriably in advance. 1SURIPIM & WALTER, Auction and Conamission Merpiants, Columbia, 8. .C., are the authorised agents at that, place, .in ooReoing subscriptions and adve'rIsements for the Nsws. They will wieceipt for.6ll monie diua this office. A Ww4 of Advloo to Nortqrn 0redi tors If Northern creditors wish to recover a portion or the whole bf their claims Agiindt the business diten of the South, we will assure them that by adting upon o,ur suggestions they will bQ More likely to succeed in their object than they would if they res-orted to hasty, sumniary Ineasures. They must'be aware that the S6uth is in it Impoverished condition ; and,, no matter how anxious Southeing lektom may be 0opay thqir, Northern debs, they cannut do so until they sre .*iaced in possosuion-ofT e. meane. At preent we do '.not comprehend 'how Northern creditors are to be bonefitted by urging the adoption of a policy whiqI tend, to'completely discourage the ormer merchants of the South froin again engaging I' business. We have srevidualy made'a fow reinatks on thip. hubjoct; and we fave taken the liberty to tate, from our personal acqulintan-ce with miany leading Southern. men who were extensively. engaged in busbicas in this city, that in eeurse of time, provided they are not hampered with eatAuEd 6nw p'tooesnes, they Will be to- eetly the holder, of claims "giaut them. The Northemnkmerchant at ony wasta te cooet past desa, but he shou4l'A1m atio to secte the future 6adt of tis old eastomers. 'All thi he -can 40e owrin* alenient policy. We %et take the 0ou4d that Northem creditors hilst. expunoge. al. together their Soutmhem, asSets, jut Ie do advise that they ehotild withhold Vreseuting theit' claams until it is clear they have some reasonalde Jhow of havmg these claims -sotled without iuvolving ,the dektors' in evqmplete r4uin. , . a . . . I - In our midst we eal count hundreds Memerokants whe a' 'desirous of estab. hiahing thmselves in Udieee duwdag.the iinig fall. faisy if theme, 16. is true, lowe large amounts to Northerv 4a1ro, Altd .they &ae willing to pay, 9tbe ampunte -whon they have accumulted suffmoient &Aid. Now we would sugeat that Northora creditors,' stead of pressing-Southerm merchants toAhe wall, thereby, qunegswig. from them every ipr451e ef business vitality, ghbould allow thein to engage'in theit old pur suits and recover means, not ohl to -diehargef fbmer liabiities but to' ce theevei on soupd buies ' Te t~station of a healthy,, pros pewoep trafe to the $qigh wI lot)s aowou eg1(hed Uteil c6rntiuuioations WMith tie tlataior dihtrkdfs arti 6pned, and Ae syern 6f oltivating Iaudh is brought in Ierking order.- The Soutih dends apos ita taops for. prosperity. Cottn d sats jeiethe f staples, and ire alat gs h dbe t6 soo, Jof each of rodu.cta. Whet 46 a atbr'has fiellehe *1l hi* pro. du*to0 b.estL m ;*.4 ie work inhetoeir diE '*4 end p "o'theib lves i dItioWto doolisbnees ern tb -crdditofs to drowd 1 - to that extenit that tey 'iAeto 'thp~ pi e4 * e ha MS~(p r he as benelicial to the N4rfi as to the South, and it will be 'to tel interest of Aj6 former section to do all In its power -to promote commercial iptercourse as rapidly 'as possible. We :epeat, give Southern debtors a teasonable lngt of .timento meet the paymient of bills fori erlV contrepted'atk the, North, and the re ti will be advanta ous to the creditor. We. wge a mo erate exorcise of patience and discretion, .and are condent that the adoption -of suc a course will-lead to favorable and satis ractory results.-Charleston Courier. RROORTRUTION IN AABIMA. :Provisional Governor Lewis E. Parsons, of'Alabama, has issued his proclamation announcing the inauguration of meas. ures' for the restoration of civil Govern ment in that State. The 31st of Au gust Is th day appointed for the elec. tiori of delegates to the State Conven. tion,. which is to assemble - on the 10th of September. The greater portion of the old bounty'aid town officers are re appointed-to- the positions, which-they are-to bold during the continuance of the Provisinal Government', but 'they are all required to take the oath -of allegiauee to the-Natioral Governmerit and-to give niew boerds - for the perforn'xneo of their duties. The-Governor comiment, on.the present condition of the South and the ruin and eutdring which tha war has caused, but informs the-.people that mot. wvithsttndiig this they have to-day every political right which they possessed be fore the 'wai, excepting the ri ht to hold slaves; and slavery, he tells them, is 'irrevocably gone, and it is the part of tisdom to mAk the best 'they can of. the: new order of things. RacOXerTauoTroX IN GEoRGIA. Provisional - Governor Johnson, of Georgia, has also issued his proclamation calling a State convention and appointing a day for electing delegates thereto. The elotAon is-to be h.eld on the 4th of October, .nd'the convention will assem. blo in Milledgeville on the 26th of the sAgn; month. The citizena are reminded ,that in order to be entitled to vote or to become. candidates for election to.'the conveation. they. must previously sub scribe to the oath of allegiance 'to-the National Government; and this they ;reearnestly advised to do. They are also inormed that slavery is extinct. Te admiistrajion of civil law, to a 0reat exten ito t'emain in abeyance ll aStAte Government shall have.beeR phosen ; but in the meantime order will by presetvri, if necessay, by the jili Ti hetker W.& Charletton oo-eepondot a tes, that tle whiterreside 'in some, seieios of ,oith' Carolir'' e avo been aty i44Ar of an mluirettion. The ~~,.ipins r'~r srretmo. the nian ar y mg to have tlbe removed. The appointment o'40r Governor gives Auch 4Ai Won eamshi lino. compapy been for Char eston tp a ' e health Of 'whies , negroes *re dy'ng 11 The 'rmore that SChaeston ii incorrect. A. ~tI6 been sent. to Washington 4fo gj of Gov. Msoth. of the 2d Rich' -a by disorderlfesoldiera q~he th ~gallrs, acon, oIn tiinlat.' General0 mi, of Georgi., it is stat @d, 'has spo6eded i. makin hiswy out of the country,'d is now in Cuba. 'It Isaid tit an gent o'Brasil is (fdhewg St~th to offe enirns to .tka4 c~mn~ one thousand aores of Jatka re es 44 .fk - SeI time tet 4' endinud MakI. BF t i al G e o of the A PN.Of'A TJAWITo0: W HPREAS, His Excelk ney, Presi dedt Johnton, has- isslded his pro olatuation, appointIng me (i enjamin .F. Perry) Provisional Governor i1 and for the State of South Carolina, with' power'to pre scribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary and proper for convening a Con vention of the State, composed bf delegates to be chosen by that portion of $he people of paN4 State who are loyal to the United States,. for the purpose of altering or amend. ing the Constitution thereof; atnd with -au thority to exercise, within Ahe limits of the State jsQ the powers necessary and proper to enale ouch loyal people -to ' restore saiki State to its bonstitutional relations to the Federal Government, and to present such a Republican forin of State Governnent as will, entitle the State to the guarintee'ol the Pnited.States therefor, and its people to proteetlon by the United States against in vasion;insurreotion and domestic violence : Now, therefore, in obedience to the pro clamstion of ills Excellency,' Andrew John son, Pkeeident of the Uaited States, I, BEN JAMIN F. PERRY, Provisional Governor of the State of South Carolina, for the purpose of organizing a Provisional Goverhmebt in South CeroUla, reetoring, civil authority in said State, under the Constitution and laws of the United Stateh, do hereby problairm and declare that'alt ovil officers in South Carolina, who were in ohioe when the Civil Government of ths State was suspended, in' May last,. (except, thqse arrested or untsr propeontion for treason,) shall, on taking the oath of allegiance prescribed in the 'President's Autnesty Proclamattlon of the 20th day -of May, 1866, resume th )duties of their offices and oodtinue to discharge them under tle Jprovisional Government till fur ther Appointments afe made. And I do further proolaim, declare and -make known, that it, is ths 'duty of all loyal citizens of the.State of Soutt Carolina to promptly go fotwArd and, take the oath of allegince to -theylnited States, before some magistrite or military officer of the Federal Governmentiirhh may be-qualiled for ad. iiinisterigioatheatl-such are hereby au thorised to give certined copies 'thereof to the persons respectiveoy by whom they were made,. And such tnagistrates or oli eers are bereby required to transmit the otiginals of duoc oaths, at as early A dAy as may be contvenient, to the Deprttnent -of State, in the eity of Washington, D- 0. 4nd I do farther proclaim, - declere and make known, that the Managers of Eleo tiotis throughout the State of South Care line.ill hold an eleition for members of a State Convention.- at their -respective pro elnela, on the FIR! -MONDAY IN SEP OEhiBRR N*XT,, seaording to the.laws of South Carolgna is force before the eeq"selon of the State, add t1t daeh Election Distrit' in the 6tateiball' 40lt, as many mesbers ,fthe-tontention i6 the said Distridt haa Wetabere of the -Hous of Repres'entetivss-.. the basis of.represntation being populatiohn aa .xatton, JThis . will give oqe hundred and tweity-fgur members to tlie CoPvention -a uiuet suffia ilert large to represent evity portion of thb Sta .most fully. - E.very loyal eltisen who knd taken .the ,Aianesty oath, and -not .wihin time sexoqpted Classes in the Prieident's preelamation,. wili be en(Itlea to vote, provided he 'wps a legaidlesr uder tbe4Constitutioti as It gtgod V36030e sesession-of South. 4'oilina. Add alk-whi are within the exeepted-elasses. rpusl taki- thoath sod apply for-s. Ve6on, In order tontitle. tb44: to vote er Pom ,me fte ,avoption. '?lt mebibeks r --the ConveanI'h 6114 0hetedI the 1iist Mdnday infteso bm. ~xb, sebbferol seiqntwed to eonia Sw the city, of ..uoluabia.on WEDNB8DM, -Abe 19th " :of 8.pto 18er, 186,. p u ofith 'n r t,6O let Iii-Ah'iWga~ n*d 6he, whilja il WdOa plee4,in hke MWteaa moe) ap~ee with Repli ppincils an aIty A#%4~' ~rt e'olahm at malfe. 4qon~t.h 50tfeainqA/ tht4 gee* aees afn h~fbygeqat 4-1AppIn e' ot freed persons will be kind to them, and not ttri 6ff -the bhtldron or aged to p9rish ; and tho frebd men and women are earnestly enjoined to make contrAots, just and fair, for remaining with their former owners. In order to ficilitate as much as possi ble the application for pardons under the excepted debtions of the President's Am liesty Proclamation, it is stated for infor mation that all applicatlons'must be by po tition, stating the exception, and accom panted with the oath prescribed. This po tition must be first approved by the Provis lonel Governor, and then forWarded to the President. . The headquarLqrs of the Pro visipnal Governor will be at Greenville, where'all comniunications to him must be, addressed. The newspapers of this State will publish this proclamation until the election for mem bers of the Convention. In testimony whereof I havR hereunto set my hand and' seal. Done at the [r. s.] town of Greenville, this 20th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1865, and of the independence of the Uni ted States the ninetieth. B. F. PERRY. By the Provisional Governor; WILLIAN H. Pafnt, irlvate Secretary. ja1y.29'60-tsep4.17. 100 OZ. old Silver; also Diamond Rings. Apply to D. B. McCREIGIt''. July 29'65-8pd Governaent Claims and Appli eaUons for Pardos.. T HE .subscriber has nrade arrange. ments with one of the most able and Influenial'legal firms In Washington elty. for the troseoution of Government claims an,d applioations for pardon. All applications for pardon under the Am festy Proclamation mast, first be lodged with the. Provisional Governor. and from thence. forwarded' to Washington city for 'final action by the President. The inter vention of an attorney, both at this place and Washington city, y'ill' greatly facilitate the-transactions and completion of auch bu alinssa.' C. .J ELFORD, Attorney at Low. Greenville, B. C. SW All papers in the State copy three tinis and send bills to C. J. E. july 20'065-8 - W. NE. QU:NMC , Forpiorly of Balttmore, Md late of South Carolina. NO. 52, WALL STREET, NEW YORK. 'P O TT. . 6:q83 R 0 K E A .NP: Coenmlisslon lgerehaant,, ROCERIES, Liquor, Provisions, Dry . Goods, Boots, Shoes, 'ists, Orockery, Hardware, Leather, Petrolenm Oil & Lamps, Drugs, anA a general assort ment of Goods, at lowest wholesale prices. Cotton, Rice, Tobacco, Rosin,- &o., &c., purch4ed, mo14 on commission, or taken in exchange fqr goods upon favorable terms. Orders respectfully solicited, and'advances made an sonsignmenta. Johin Biratton, esq., Winnsboro', S. 0. Asbury Coward, esq,, Yorkville, S. 0. M., ary, eq., Attqrne, Egefield, .8. C. . jly566-9pd OUR or fye 10. 1 Uoe. makerswite, an em 1Poyet -ith good a e a icAtion to july 22'6--9 AfCIfl'rECT AND OIVIYENG1INEERf CoONDAt 5. C. r si onal bus ieOes ade4 to in adoteth Coti.VU juIy 20'64 AM prered t' 10 . fr6to one tW a .m~ouseadis 'of CQ6T1, anl will * higest makeUpViek tes,. 'l5 ~Q~I4t~tst~ eus - g '~~'*1 OFFICIAL ORDERS. HUEAD QVARTERS, DISTRICT OF WESTER4N S. C., WINNBnono', S. C., July 24, 1865. General Orders 1 No. 2. f i THEI- District of Western South - Carolina, is hereby divided into the following Sub-Distriots, via. 1st Sub-district will comprie' the Dis tricts of Greenville. Anderson and. Pickens, and Charles T. Trowbridge is assigned to command, with headquarters at Calhoun or Anderson. 1 2nd Sub-district. The Distriots ofiau. rera, Abbeville, Edgeflold and Newberiy, Brevet Brigadier General C. II. Van Wyck to commgnd. Headquarters at Newberry. 8rd Sub-district. The -Districts of Spar 4anburg and Union, commanding ofiloer and Headquarters to be hereaftei. designated:. 4th Sub-district. The Districts of Fair field, Chester, York and Lancaster, Brevet Brigadier Genoral H. C. Chipman to com mand, Headquarters at Winnsboro', S. C. The regular reports required by the regu lations War Dopartinont, and department of the South, will be Immediately forwarded to these Readquarters. II. The following named officers are here b announced on the staff of the Brigadier General commanding' District of Western. 'South Carolina. lat Lieut, CIKAS. B. HALL, 80th Maine Voltruteers, A. A. A. . lst Lieut. and R. Q. M., FRANK K. CorrIN, 80th Maine Volunteers, A. A. Q. M. Captain D. B. MILLER, 1. S. Volunteers. 2nd Lieut. F. E. DwINA, 80th Maine Volunteers. A. A. D. C. BY coaniand of, Brigad Gind6a6 J.D. ESSENDEN. * CHAS. 1. HALL, A. A. A. Goeral. July 29'05-lino14 HEAD QUA lITER8, DISTRICT OF WESTERN S.. C., WINNsBono', S.C., July 25, 1865. Special Order. FERFAFTER, until further orders, -AL no liquor of any kind will be sold at this lace, unless by special permission from the *Provest Marshal" at.theso IHeadquar ters. By command of Brig. Gena. J. D. FESSENDEN. CHAs. B. HAr;r., A. A. A. Gen'i. July'27'6 SHEAD QUARLTER@. DISTRICT OF. WESTERIN S. C,, WINNsDono' July 25, 1866. Genereal Orders, Wo. 8. f INASMUCH as many of the colored X people living within this Dlbtriot show no 41sposition to' labor industriousl and faithfully. either fdr themselves or their employers, whereby 'they might be able to live comfortably,and provide food and cloth ing tor theirfamiles durin the-oming win ter, but rather show an ent re disregard for their own interests in the ufture, by leaving off work, roaining' Ully over the country, living an what they can steal from planta tions, and congregating in large numbers In the vicinity of all, military- posts, which cannot but pr uce w suff.,ving to all, it is ordered, 'That nil c6lored pe adily at work with' theli' fermer 4hasters; tibt thby r deeds of theft "-d violqene, Ono dlii gently strivo 1p.qas 'don aud aa dtthe cop, the fture substanc of all el ;Ay violation of be severe ly plunlsheil, sed a people found loafing avt, mil 44 1 th 0ootryw1 be a 't a Is . . 0 ~ euti po' on.' by plant's and otrs,to a negre 'na. thir emaploy, will be 1ole9ted 1 - Contafts for 411 work. w labor of 'the biros, 'to be opprote4 by. a designat e for thittikrgeff will 1p a in all cases 1whae p*a tic19, nd b9h pttles *il1 be hold 16 a ltrldtobterfattob of th-seame' .Coma uding ttffeers of Snb.diits~ and. tilkh havged with i'etriet eaesu- - CutuB.f , A..-Gen'l ___________ ulyf' 2&ol4 - e- - n..