The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, March 25, 1865, Image 2

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4 OATURDAY MORNING, B1' II,-6U W A NTED. * Any ofour friends ha g p 0es of the FiRim CouxiE, - our weekly paper, will confer a favor by sending them to this offico, If required. they will be pai4 for. - OUR TIU-WsKLY. Having made arrangements for a mail supply, we have concluded tospublish, for the benefit of our citizens, a tri week. ly issue. Copies will be sold ott the streefs, by carriers, to all those who wish . to Purchase, at $1.00 per copy. Those of our friends who wish to nrake a transfer of their suiscriptions from the CouaRIa and DAmYu.Nxw, to the TR[.WJCIEK.Y Nws, will please call at our office, and make the w-rangentent. The Tri-WeQkly will be issued Tues. day's, Thursday's and Saturday's. . Any charge made over ox,.: DOLLAR for thu papor if not authorized by us, nnd our friends till please lot us know if such is done. . GLORIOUSNAEWS The folloVivg glorious news we copy - from the Daily &suth Carolinian, of the 22nd ahd 23rd March. That of the 23rd is based upon rumor, but, in the main. confirms iwelf, by the order to the Salisbury Prison. We hQpo 'hat Gen. JOHNsTON is not done with that vanda!, SatpixM , and that he may aeurt-the munconditional surrender of his whole army: PRIVATE. Col. WVn. Johnston, the President of the Charlotte ind ':outh Carolina flad y.Id. vesterdaty received the folhwiig - ' h, which we are permitted by Ni ib:N-roxsvI.., March 20. T. - tiihut yesterdyIV was suicces4ifil. I w lon the right, anld saw Bates's a - C-bnrne's divisioiis charge Pin(d carry two linesa of breast.worka, driving I le eneliy two imiiles. Iill coiiiinnd 't Lee's corps, and Lioring command mg Stewart's corps, did similarly on the left. The troors fought pillantly. Gen-i. Rates comnl)uttlI1ded Cheatham'.; corps. Brig. Gen. iteynolds, of Arkiasas, lost a leg. Col. Talbert, commanding Lor ilg's divinm, iwas badly wounded. Col. - Keenall, of the Floridah brigade, also lost a leg. Major Wiilhnson, commanding Tyler's brigade, - was killed.",&uth Carolinohwi, March 22. GLORIOUS NEWS PROM TIE FRONT 11TILL ANOTIIIt BATTLH--S'LEN D)1D BUCCESSES. If street-reports be trte, we have achieved a third, and'this time, a devis. ive vict.ory. The rumor repeated is, that on Monday Gen. Johnston again attacked Sherman in front and on his flank, and after a severe battle, drove him in contfusion from the field, captur ing a large number bf prisoners, 'and xitterlv demoraliving flhe Federal armv. Generals Johnston and Hoke are both reported to have hat their horses shot uinder t hem. The last .word we have fromn Shieran is, that lhe' was "double Cjlicking for a new-base w~it'hmout tuiumun nition, and withi the loss of seventy pieces of artillery."' It .seems to hav'e been another "nulll flun"' afTatir. These behng only rumors, our' pople should receive themn "einm grano salis;" but where thdiro is so rim ch smolke th'ere -must be some fire. gr Orders lhnvd been received at Salisbury to prepare the prisons for five thousanA prisoners. This is direct froiu a reliable source. -ohl, 23rd inst. ZaJRRoJESjN THlE ARMY. Th jllfp0r thie enmployinent of negroos to, actu , em ekliers in~ tlie, Confederste States Army passed Cougress onth 13th March. Wetarve nor' received a copy of the billyet, but as soon as we do wb 'hNtnd plIblibhink it for thme'bee fiut of o'ur tenaders. in our opinioni, it~ is a wise tucasutfe, aba iill iebt with thb -approval dit a lAe'ge majorit# of ihe citi. Zens of the South. We-endot~ the ac tion ofontgrbssa. . ' Qol iric, thinotgr i9 butl whacker, made a aidr in to N~th Ca ona a out tlf.1st'f Ptnbrital-y, arrii 4 Watnos 'Illo on/t lie 4th uilt He f,.trogell thi -jails e ad. several- prifate- residencis. A but xtyIndians of Thomas'- geion attemnj ted 'to hold. him% in check, b~ut it o aail - da 1igk was wdt oral.' was passe4 by ' to , og WAJe HAMPTON, before Mr. Wigfall, of Texas. introduced the following joint resolution, which was pased: .- ,Jesoved b the Congmres of the Confederqe. States of .Amerne, That 'the thanks of Congress and tho whole country are due and are hereby tender. ed to Lieutenant-General Wade. Hamp. 'ton for his manly' letter of the 27th Feb. ruary, 1865, addressed to General W. T. Sherman; and that in the opinion of QQngress. Ohe Executive Department should sustain Gen. Hampton in carry. out the policy indicated in his letter." SEvi:nE BATTLE IN NonTH CARO t.JsA-S.oCLM's CorPs IrEPVT.s8iD wIrn HIr.ty Loss.--We have the following reliable intelligence fronthc front: On the 16th instant,- four mi.les below Averysboro, which is between Fayette. ville and Smithfield, tLwo corps under Slocum, and Kilpatrick's cavalry, were met by Rhett's brigade of Souti (aro lina,5egulars, fnd held in check for five hours. until the arrival of Geii. Stephen Elliott's brigadle, (also Charleston troops.) when. the eneimy were land. somely repulsed. * We have no further details of the fight, but the result spolr-q ted to us by an olicer who participatled in the engagement, show that the .d er-al lbs, a;3'is estimlted, about 3,500 i killed and weiided ; our own loss being about 500. . (ol Alfred Rhett. in command of the 'brigade, is reported missing. Kh! "in 1"st. Inufanitry Reulnrs: Liet. C'A. DeTrevife, Iient. 'love, and Capt. Qiuat'Iebaumi. Voiided: Capt. Press. Smith. badly ; Capt. ar I(ett, thigh; Capt. Calhonn; Capt. P. Bacott, knee; Lit.1lorlback.lefteve Lient. North. W\ennjded( and Captued) Lieult. IMt venel 'Mtelledh. 1st. A rtiller'-Killed: Capt. Lese'ne sion of 11 V iy Lesesne ; ideutenant a Ijl orde atndNtewhrt.. 'Woiield: Ma jor. BadnCapt. Ithett. LiNtw Fickdling, Lienit. J. Mi41lletonl, Liolnt. det Lorns, Lieut. I iobert.;on. MIissing: Lieut en ant Edward Middleton, Lieit.' Frost. We can safelh say to oi readers that our arm v is in the right place, and that Sirmnan will find the toil of Norih Car olina a Jordah that will be a hard road to traveh. W'e have rumors of som skirmishiig about A verasboro, in IIa ret t. A ilso tlt A vernsboro had beii hitried. A iso t hit the emym had reach (Goldshoro, &e., n&e. We think it probial there mn * have been some ctvalry skiishiirg, but the 'other iumors we attaeli 110 im. portaicei to.-ROeyqh Progress. un4u.ut.-Sheriman's army have Maltreated penecalle citizens, inl the mot. ernel and bru1tal momner. ,itico their advent into this State. Bishop A tkinson. of' the Epiteopal Cliarch, has been one of the victimis. Him they seized, thireatcid, pitting it musket or pistol to his hiend ynd plundered. An excellent lady, tile wife of a pliv sicianiving ini Ccmnberland conty, itid the daughter of one of the best families im Fayetteville, her rnags torn from hi finger, iand under the threat of' instnt deg hi, a musket levelled at her he(ad, she unas fored'( to point onit w'here the hinabalea of thle famnily hiad bieen con sssomr Sor-rui Ca nol.ix~t -T1he lollowing4 is a recapitutlat ion of t lie w'hole lou's of South Carolina, killed in h'atles, disease or accidlent, since the war begmn. It is fio1n .he report, just maid' .Major J. M.ID'anure: 1 I'Brigaieir-Generals .1 C~olone'ls '1' II Lient niunt-Colonels 1 fajor . 18 Captams 122 Lieutenants .34L3 StaffOffiers* Non-O~otnmissionied Officers anid Tri'a~tes ' . 1,7 TIotali 7i,623. TJhe g nboab iprocess of construction at Wilmington was burnt by ihe atnthort ities, 'Wpremne thanta like disposit.ion was mzade o such of tbe public property as hhd- niot .b'en remnoved-nti :much, we supp ise; 1da~ngbeen left to be'burnt.. Sine~ :the faWk to'ort F'ier the ca~p ture of Wilmtington lraf beent rgatred ias morely a qsien of time. Ifore thtan ~ve Wee~ our Astrail but brave aity had 9natii & keep it; bay tlie nemuy's erioide oiin ~d i R*~ous t4h .They hIVE Mne ~tt'ielding hp he were nt strong A FIGHT WITB DESRE A. eC4, b tIW burg, bniaryr lath, fArm he.e g mbad 15 6dier wih the, ollowl" r 'tictalrsg6 % aa L On.yesterday fifteen armed deserters, from Evan's South Carolina brigakde, en. tqred this count, ad expressed' their. determination to proceed on their way home, in defiaico of law and order. Ereven inen (citizens and furloughed soldiers) assembled at New Plymouth and proceeded in pursuit of them. A f ter having pursued them about ten iniles we came lip with them, and sent two of our number to detniand their surrender, in the name of Capt. S. Bolling, of thq, 9th Virginia cavalry,, who they were in formed, were ordered to fake them,-and had a squadron of cavalry for that pur pose. Their alisiver to this demand was defiant, and expressed their determina tion to resist to the death. ,Capt. Bol ling, under whose command we placed ourselves, wisely determined not to risk an open fight in. the road against sipe rior numbers, with very superior arms, and determined to nako a flank niove nent front the pIlt'ic road by which we might be abde to reach Stafford's bridge before they Came up)). Weslucceeded in getting to ihe bridge, by &mry hard rid' ingr, just in time to conceal outr horses nid make other necessary dispositiona befi're the deserers caimei i). On our way to the bridge.otr little p rty wvas auiigmented 1 sevenl rermte, umking in all eig..rh teen uen, which was coilerod amply ndieiate for our pur. pos. We concealid ourelvds -behind a high emubankmient 9n the.MAfeckleniiurg side of the river, and awaited their co ing. V were, at a signal from out Captain, to rise, up in a body anl de mainl their surrender -as soon as they we.-e well on tie bridge. and in ease o refusal, were ordered to fire on thon In response to thlie stimmonis to surren. d r, they prepar(d to fight, and presen ( ed tir n The- ligiht was ininiedi, atelv coimaem cedi, and hotly cnntested for a few lionit nts, at the expiration ol which time they (the deserter a) thren down thir :ios and surrn'lenred, bill not imt. N ii of their io umber se is atbled frq a wouids received duriing th< Igress pf ihe figh t. Only two (2) o our side 4 ere wounled. not withlstanlding t de- Ili'serters were sph-midly armed %% itI Enfweld rles, and a hirge quiantity of am munit ion.i Mr. - Joseph Jenninge I wealthy And- pattiotic citizen, was 184 veiely-thiough not daingrously--sho throt'h the thigh.' Mr. Peter J. For rest, a iiiember of the 9th Virginia cav .i rV, at hmomte on fitlough, was slightlj wOin:led in the ari. AFFAIR IN RO BESOX Co UNIT, N. C On Tnsdiay iforniig, about 1 o'clock a haul of' de;rt ers anl escaped Yanke, prisondrs, 15 in iinilu er, anl led by i Yanlke c ni lav-il oihc4r, at t ackel ilie hous of Mrs. Dr. McNair, in Rbesoi countyi and, aft er spemnling nearly anit hour in ti altimpt, forced an entranice by breakin down the front. door. Mr. Wim. Stantou of this ounty, was staying at McNairl on tie night li (utestton, awl beig cle< by that ladY to her assistance, 14001 ufter Ite ni a(k connieineud, proimhli I "re(iport ed hOr dmy." Ai exing ("ites followed, Mrs. McNair and Mr. Stantoi both being provided with Colt's iepeaier and a~ rifle, which thev used 'with fata efliet; oime oft the attaickiinr palrty bo'iw killed andl anothier woundel in the b reas We regret to learin that Mis. McNi wau bnri:wid anid hecr face otherwise in jure I by frag meits of glass and poiwdler Mr. Sfaiitoii was nilso slightly woniidd Mrs. MceNair and M'ar. Stanton havin, ex'~haeemd their amuanition, thme lant to nt lhe utrgenmt. sol icifationi of'Mris. McNai (who feartad thie desporadloes wonl wrea venageane on hiim for tihe death of thei comirade, ) ureti red, and'f she rermaiine alonte to brave their flur. Oh' approchin her. the Yankee officer i commanand wa so strnek with her bold and. detramitie macm, that, inste.d ohf furming her, hi congratuilated her warmly on her herei condnet, statiingiiatshie iv'as thte,first pel son, man or Vomian, wvho had 00'ere any) r'esisanice to his bnuna,x They carried ofl'nearly allthe vahlmthlh thuey couhd fa inc'ludiing silver ware at jewelry, stix thuousantd in ,Cou federate notes, and two byrenattpina, co' taiinig the picture of her lhuad' an son, the latter of whomi fell in defence his cotmtry pn one of the B attle fildli Virginia. Thl e 4dirAgo fd' Atternii tign.f this tieblewav pcivora more, jromance than reality, butithe -incidenl given iuj this article are ,Jiterally trt It carries onie back~ to. hi d aor' tI won~derful darings. 2le ~ er~~ of Mu MoNair inwoJrthy toIbe ii tieAtby-mat1 of the maleINwhoso~,u. pshiniy .togetherg, like JB6ishazaar'es, they 1 attacked b~y deieten.r anid atiher.y desneradon... lu gwmple. THB MURDBI OF CAP. r0jf Y. eipapers we get the 1~i8 et3 reference-to the ex ,ecibut . Of ta ohn Y. Beal. In -plain terms, the Yaikees murdered this martyr to Southern lndependence: ExECuralo- 6F (GAPTA1N BEALL. i Trne to their cMai'dly instincts, the Yankees carried out their mad purpose .of hanging Captain Beal] on last Friday. The Yankees, it wi'l be recollected, trumped qp the charge against him of being "a spy and guerrilla," but the truth is ho was merely a prisoner of war. Captain Beall is a'native of Jefferson county, Virginia, and was about thirty two years old. 'He was educated at the Virginia University, and at the breaking out of the war he joined the army and became a Captain in the Second Virginia Infantry, serving a.part oftie time under IStonewall Jackson." He remained in that branch of tie service u.ntiljast year, when he received a commission in the navy and going to Canada, assisted, iti Soptember last, to seize the steamer Par sons, on Lake Erie. The steamer Island Queen was niso seized by Beall and his party, all of whom had gone on board as citizeus. Tie'y scuttled th Island Qtieen, and subsequently attemrpted to get pos sessioi of the United States steamer Michigan, with the design, as it after wards appnared, of liberating the pris oners on Johnson's Island. This plan was frustrated, and .Beall was after wards arrested near Nmagara Falk, and in February wisconvicted by a Yankee court-martial as a "guerrilla and spy." For this gallant service for his country he met Withi a felon's doon. le wat hanged off Now York on last Friday. He met hisqfate with the most te'rrihk courtige. From a long ,account of hei execution in the New York papers, wc make the following extracts: nEAUL'S APPEARANCE AND, CONDUCT. Beall was of medimin size, lad lighi -colored hairnhd ioustehe, blue eyes and his countenance wore a pleasant expression. 11e was aileterniined rebel. Though a person of 1n111b1 intelligence )m was alosr blindlv dovoted to thle caue of Jeff. Davis, and did ia cruple' to helh it forward by any eians in lies power After his conviction, le was taketi from Fort Lafayette, where le ha' preyiously been confined, and placed it the "garrison,"a prison in Fort Colunt bus, on Governor's Island. On Wed nesday, before the t mine first appointe for his execution, le was put into a ccl and closely guarded During his imPrisonment, le lhas at i time been disorderly, hut lens treated the officers in chearge of him with unifornt coirtesv. anted siomerimes conversed free lY. Ile did not at. any tine waver, bu deplared that le had done right, atit that his denth-'would he that of a patriot ()n Saturday last Beall's -moi her ar rived here ferom Iarper's Ferrv, net whee're the' family resided, and o;tinlin a pass from Genral Dix. saw the peison er. She reinained with him for a con siderable timo; bit it is underettood re ttirw.ortheward immediately, and dio see hin al erwards. Three, clergyinen-two of the Rioma: ('atholic cl anld one of the Epiece pal (Rev. ). Westom)-having visitel Henil Iy his request ; aned a few othe Iacqtuaintanices or friends hare seen himr It. appears timt Beall was a religion mnan ;ee beloneged to thle- Episcopi' chuirch, andl whae euce a la y unemer a the iucesan C'onve'ition'of his Statr T wiel' on lteriday he~ took the snerrnmene adnmiisermedl by Dr. WVeston. In thce coim:se of them muoingii 'Beal ex~pr essed1 a desiro. to lhave a pheota graphimc pic'tutre of himseelf nmade, anmihun w ish as conmplied wuith.' r PIREi'ARATloWS 1Oi FoR EKC~tlO*. I Shortly before one o'elock F~rida' Safternoon, Captain Talman, .who hai acharge (Cf the arrangemenets for the ei: ecution, ifnited States Marshlal Mu[erras ewhmo wale preseent by request, and th cexecutionef, entered the cell of the cor demnmed nman. H le promrptly, reso and, said lie wets their service.. 'Iel added theaf lee kuc s their erratid4 and said lie wished- th d work toe done quriekly. u- A roment aftertvards he remarked - It~ is otnly a qujat ioni of nlitectijlar' po w d --I think i'Oan hear it." . Is arms were then pinioned, armilitar it cape wats thrtewn ovhr his shoul~ s-' black cap Wasf~ut on, lis heatd a tl~ f oflere nd'tlm'e'prisonir emprge $ro as the cell and took their place bet ~en tg .lines of sliers who form~'ed e gnat 0 to toeIltc6'of1 t~F TUU MA~t .4I S *FYOLD. f et$ iaq) ft t garrisont s hj ide rr gto who read S y comme atopgspteor te Eipiscop g l%5uh9. adV ' utior and it Sfriy oqfthe ppeis followed.;Se mnarbed with a ~stop a the direti: of'the gllows, which had been erected on thie aitkite of Fort Colunbus. .As he scended the brow of a hill from which the gallows frame was visible, he looed huryiedly at the instrament and seemed tosmile. The preparations had not been com pleted, and a halt on the hiltwas ordered. A tt his point he talked with'his spiritual adviser. Looking upward, he remarked that the day was h plessant one. Im mediately he added: "Th0 sun shines brightly ; 1. now see it for the let time." He was, however, perfectly calm and composed. The order was then read by the Post Adjutant, Lieutenant Keiser, Second United States infantry. Whei the Adjntant had finished, Rev. Dr. Weston intoned aloud the prayer for the dead, the, soldiers lietening with breathless anxiety, and many- tears running down their cheeks. THE LAST wORDs. Marshal Murray and the Provost Marshal of the fort stepping up, naked the. prisoner if he had anything. to say, to which lhe replied : "I protest against the execution of the sentence. It is absolute murder-brutal murder. .1 die in the defence and service of my country." Bofore the cap was drawn over his eyes, on being asked if he wished to say any thing further, lie said: "No, I beg you to make haste." THE EXECUTION. At thirteen minutes past one o'clock the black cap was drawn over the culprit's face, the Provost Marshal drew his sword, a noise was heard from . inside the box, and the form of John Y. Beall was dangling in the gir. The-oily movement noticeablo in the body. ws a convulsivo niovement of the right leg, a shrngging in the shoulders and a few twitches of the hand. - After hanging just twanty minutes the body was lowered down, when k ruedical oxamination by Dr. Connor, United States'Army, proved that the neck wns broken instantly, thus ending-the earthly career of Beall *ithout apy agony. it -was thin taken tso the hospital, whence it will be given to the fricnds of the doceased for interment. 'ROM OH A RLESTON Th'oiugh the courtesy of a friend, the, Augusta Constitutiona list his rec'eived copies of the Charleston Courier. which han fallen into the hands ofthe Yankees, and is puli'shed by them. Tet ed.tors of the 'Courier Pre Geo. Whittenioro And G. W. Johnson. Their terms are $20 per annum. -Ou editorial coitains a lugulgionia acomint of the condition of the city ; an oliercomplinienteitself upoon the assuim ed fact that the Rebelhloin is whittled down to a finepoint. Recruiting officers are reported to be heels over.head in businessa.The negroes are enlisting by the score. A recruiting onicer' had arrived for Sherman's army. lie is sifter whit4 men and advertis n' a meeting at the Hibernian Hall All "oyal citizens" are invited by General Ordors No, 8 to 'call at the Pro vost Marshal's office, registe. their names and take the oath. No passes and other favors will' be granted to the con tumacious. Rdpat I of .he John Brown notoriety, I is announced as Superintendentof pub. r lie instruct ion. Ye Gods I -Genieral (Gilnmore is ini the city. lie a is co) 1.Citizens are orderedl to> give up their F shooting irons anmd doff the rebel uniform. -Brown's and Benanett's -whmanes are the only ones at which marketing (s-,per mmitted. . INo soldiers are allowed i he ci, -without passes and( strict, sie on joined. All abandoned propeorty has nturn ed over to tl-e U. s. Trreasutry. . TVhe people are b~rvited to cpen schools, churches, etc. . A liniited trade is allowed.. - oldu and~ slivr are receive,p . se',. e at the port of Charleston, y jge follfw ing rates: Gold, 100 pe oWt. primi m. t Coloinel 8. .. dftrd is Commtdd v ant of Post, jor R. fl. Willoughly Provnst M kh, - -Nat 4,ndvertiaes t'hat he has re at su Usinosa at hip' old. standl,'and. r o ,.er lunch, boned turkey,' mock rtTe soipadote ehais Gen. Gil oeffers to ex angeprim R onecrs witlh the roy Contiaor to eJn avid Birrow ii006the chI~ .s o that he han re-opened his stock 6f g ds~ da Rice is being serrid Ute'to $te weddy. of the Ashlehaib en d e4d~