The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, March 25, 1865, Image 1

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A- * 444 KL.4r Atj --N ORo 1: 10+ MARC 25 186A Blot -4.. ___________________________________________ 9 TOE T E kKt 9E *.S. , TitIO b NWA 1if pubH -Ied -oi rT .nf, h.e' mIaid S.itrdiv at $ ro per cupy. NoI 'Tu soI0 Iprt lVed.t kr i t i q a square, ten Iiia . 011T,00fEIJ PR0:TIIE R. FORMANdRfIN OIARLAS7'OA The Chareston cbrie pideIt of Ohe WW orkribune, Ie Q: tserrirg apu. lie benefib onhe 41d., bf I 'in that eity. Thq .letter aio ,*riten *coii anfor, ti8'r a e n iro foi i those holieful yu6ple~ niNo hdatter how lafk -the'idttr' raf b'rki in a Sotithern paper, urge the .ossbilityof'-Ts Iei Wig tod highlToe.' 'Tli letter in dad the 5th i sta.tydd *eo tllose r. 6ions tdos lfnterestifig to$eil REVRYBODY TQ TAKE T1JE I 9 OrT)C STATXS FI,'*98,q IPE I?!kAYo,D, The, re-establishrent oAhe Natidnal qutliority in ChaMrleston, 'je 'going .-on 1vWthout -haste .and, r4 whnv xget.,r The policy; .adopted' here. :dtfti' rAoI I the mnethod 4hat boaa. ))enpll nd g combine thl ,adI tgeiofibot, wehr out, wdeiebefetdbf~ae We -have aeen in Ngw OrleAnsitbe men~llhoE.f-intlr.; 4hd .valket hantd of, tukL. Ij.Diesio it is che mailedl hapadni : Jewri - s hit~just iagdode ie sit glloyal viC1luit. ciIrQih,-Ahe -prov6st .s raUI Pnd fdgtiis thsimsep tkit #,he "wtr of- llegilaico to tho---Goverpniobtwad, j e'edve- certifioats. of, having done so - directing that ippst goinganers shall git -It,pgsas fr, Prs o State whoo -14 t la 'A0 !pt.. . anordermig that no guar -hall be placed over the housee of oitizens for the protoction of private propeL"f. It ends thus: "Any persoins fearing Mrolestation will best Areture their. piQperty by placing in 3omeo conipenous position oil the pre: mies, the flag of the United S&tute*.. Ptersois detected in' derodating on hom-gs 'o protected,.ivilrbe, pu 1 aed with addition alseverity." 4.U7(DA Y iN . CHAnL1s8Toli.. Sunday was a day of jubilee at all the colored churches. - Geheral- Littlefietld and Mr. Redpath (of Boston) addressed All the congregations on thpir positions itd tuties to their race an'd -country. The colored, people sky thitt there, have been no such scenes witnessed in these churches dutirig living memory. The rpea ers made very radical anti-slavery atddressesc and weOreliatenod to' with the uttnost pagorn'ess. Burst. of jdy. shouts "f thanki to Godlaughter, tears-every btuain motion seemd, to be 'movvd to titir depths One'ofi thetipeker., after rhaking hands with' 'ntsly 4l the con gregation, before ie ot- half-way down Ihe alley, Wias astonished by being aud denly hugged-by one old'oo ored lady. * ORDERl8 FOR THKk GovERMENTP o *11 Colaital St rt L: Woodibra, chief of staft of Major Qemral Gillmore, p1 s1.1A 6ircmeid - fthe ybn(tof(lhea rle.gton to-day (27th). ' Order No. I -'prhibits pillaging hnd the like ; han1ds 'over all absoned Properjy,, 110tW rdal and pler sonal the speeial ,gent of the Tthaan y Deatt ; .declies h~frd will' i permittsd "*tso den -tu~otiu port th ietyi ts ofthe pdat; jt91t4j tht people to o pir> scliools amdd churchesj requires th ehac'e inidu orderlf* hianner; sta 'adiulb$ti .act. or uitter'ance will bef e h.a the iiatinal flag mnvit be- Iin' the tnationlM laws obejed4* -Of the pr'elfous lokda ofi IAete Colonel HDnrtt one oedre8 air 4to af $,i earing th'e u'i lidtr? *th*,b ~ d'I~ nd requirdhil fltE . r ad ntvagnion to beis ediate) w~e~k1 .' evicinity of 'A~* tulmhtnt ./'. iiet~dsno dw M il Mi''dida .'This force, of tilo enemy 1ad leen, sent out to ibtercept aid 'eapttu-o a-eoetasx. pedition -known to hwveibean dispatched in,that directo repently :by o9ur, goy. ernenetw \While regti6g--at Bperwnll's hay, this force was vegorouafy ,vittheked by the f uf and Signeburp8 unn, * eeiafly*esucoeeded: in kiflib'p.: and Iwoundivge uutuber. at*.l t4ting: the balance to Aight. -Sixteen dead bodies were sitbsegntlyftu id"-asix lying on fbe rea4i loading~d Snlithfald. ., and ten in S fieldo w19 had .died of their *ouadr. tIbre. We did notheden whether a~ny prcrs wore tekon, but, a numher 'fow) Yankens.were carried off by theatopides. So the. party -who came out to wbip,: got- whipped.--Richnmnd i VA! 1IaoN. she OwAgaei.. A.kA'W8 HAT I'as bee left .at this N f4i,94M Jfor ,ideatfipaetion, Tie QWqe 01, q&,pq cone Torwatrd provn pr9pesy, paY ii58. aid get,this hat. No 'l1 es. Board- of. VelEt . QWPFJ 6 OP AUDI'OR QF 80. CA., $PARtA5va. C H., .:Toh[ 1, 60. psrent, ip lovaipo forUthe pte T T laco. . he ollpr' loar4 to anld Varhe8 with whiph -ihererk f coinithstaslinh f mill." wilt 6i. ward thek ret4tm by horte ebovici's iii(e. <1diyi Upotr thle recei'pt. df th In notice. - Thk 010e of O LV ,e -.copriers will be; pid .al 0g otc. , t~ her 0iorat oipi llsc 1 A ehr spn~i~te couevwJe4 0t 140ftn riv Ie ' iould bw fqr1rled s i th s'i. 0"A, ESTU'PPER, ' A of- 49 . 11N'the tfane 0Py tw Gaxsqi Oansas,' ~ * 2. J e ering up4ot the campaign about to ep i, the Gencral-in ChieC feels assur, '6tha he soldiers who have so long and so'.he borne the hardshipteand atngors ol Abe * require no exhortation t'o respond to the ails of honor and duty. i'pory transmitted by theh fore. ftte ititttrefi 'aph-rw lae fend' It. The qhdice betreen war apd abject sub aission is before them. To sutch a proposal brave mon with arme in their hands ean have but one answer. They cannet barter manhood for peace, nor the right of self.governuent for life 01 Propery. lit justice to them requires a sternbr ad inonition to thoeo who have abandoned thei comrades in, thhhourof peril. 'A last opportunity is otlered them lo wipc out'the disgtae a'nd c'sc~po the punishetb of their critkee. ' By authority of the: President of the Con fegrto Staqes,. 4 par4q Is announced to squh dserters and ween improperly. absent, a's shall retuirn to the eo'eneands to which they belong Within the shottest potsible tinte, not 6xceeding. t*enty days fr'om the publication of this order at thd headquar tqrs of the departxpqt, In vbioh they way be. Those, who may bs preiented by inter rption of dgmmunfettionst mey report wilhin the time specified to tie neartest En. rolling Ollice- or'other offico'r-on'duty. io I forwarded as spon" M practieable,'and up1o preseuting acer ificntp .froun soh oflicet adh6tving compliaeoe vith his. reqirellment, will receito the atdoft itereby offered. - Those whosa e deseeited to the sorvico d1 the eiiemy,.or whkt have-deserted after'hav. ingbeen once pardoned for the same offence, and thqsq wif. hall 0e Xt,.or alieent tho selves withou "Alh itl after the pubJlic6 lion of this o 4ex tuded from it's be'ne fit&.- Mor dd6b Tie offer of pardon extenm to-ther offences than desrtion an& absenp< wiliot, permissilonl , 1 1 . .Z By the sawe autkoryj it ls o deolare< that not generalamrtesty will' aain be griant ed, and ihoe Wilo rhtste(6hedptthd par don now offered, or t s0al4 hereafter - de sort ,or abseq- thgqp.olves 'rlehop lsege shealr suffer suoif'punishmentqe . t)s Qourt tsy impose; 'h tdd'4p li6&ietor oiseem py will be entbataied.'".". M *Taking new''raoloomt the. fat defence. st eopi OoreutdNsly6 f4 % pled, are aeqile;' avid a v~a~ -rt u 'tattled by a deteshiined' sad .enlti 4sople 'auoces. wsith GAod'q apeas dotebthe. 'The dvatm .~ of tSt4 and, e* 4waeteAg nera .i~l~~ Bd~q'r Arites of thme 4. S., ettFa -1ntAnt, :1845 No.8. : ltE disciplie abdeffictency of- the trmy have beqn giitly impaired b inen leaving teir troper cotninands.' to join oters, in which they find service loreagroe able. - - Thi'praet;Ie'alm'ost as injnrinotin its consequences a the ilofme of desor n, by the Articles 9f War,.Qxposes the of'e4der to a similar ptisi~egt, an5 subjechi the oii. eer recelag. hiAi to 4tmiss al fron the It is -hetefore 166red that. the -proelsions of General Ordes No. 2, of this date. from army lieadquartera, apply to' snch ien as have left thdir proper-conmmands ann.joined others wit-hotsbeing regularly tran- erred. Tihey will' receNe' the pardon proTV1sed in that ov2er Ipon''domplying with itscondi tions; or sufrer! Hipa consequences attache4l to neglecting It.. * The names gif.such absentees -.will be ortliyith reported to these hendqunters by the oficera with whotm they ar terv'g, atnd( liinedlat4 menstrebitaken to return hem to their proper ootomands. , As soon n prabticable an inspect n will be -made. -and' chprges will be p)eferred atinst. thosc who neglect to enfo cc this oier.. inch28'06-6 Rt. E. LEE, Ge seral. St se Iecord of Nasnses De ea"4dd Soldiers F WTN1' _0A RIt ,1N A C6 IlEGo E. xLicl;A, Jatnuary 16, 1865. D apintibelit by the Le islaturo 1 o prepltreothts 1tecord, I irnestly agpeal to the fatidlilor frieteds o our de ceased soldiets to sond me at once t h ir names &9, while there is an opportunity o secure ifjhtqoigt. lospital *egisters atid reprts of casualtirl fron the rmty are 4i06Ibent in thab itifortnuion require ; itst b obtainod a v'h6tne. -Tholtoeerd4ill,dite back to the. ginnping of the war, nod ineltdo all who Jtve been titi}le in,bule br dipd of wounds)received in battle, or fromdip ease or acoklent. It you have hen so foftit'nate as tI t to lose friend or relative, yet remember .hat it is noble to' reseieufron oblivion i h, ntnineof but one friondless youth who hart oe from your neighborhood tio die in out 1u1e. Give-. Name in full 2. 0 im whpt District. 8. Rank. 4. Company. 5. egimtenlt an~darsasof. aos~uinias. .2ied4. nonth, day. 7. Cas~te of deati,' and roiarks (as where hodied4ge..prpously-wotded, &e.) Circulars and blanks to be illeil will Le Rent, to such as desire thei..No fee orexpense is incurred by any one forhaviig the record ntaie. The 8tnte-,is enideavoring to fulfill a sacred obligat ion in. securing now, and re cordmng for posterity,, the 'namnesof all her sons who.hnve falleu, in this war. In .1862, the Convention unarnimously resolveil that, thiii tshouldbe done,"as a token of respect to t heir memories, and a legacy of inestina ole value to their friends;" and therosolution was sent forth, by their order, to be read to our regiments, battali', nad companies everywhere. 1atty' a bravo soldier tny have died itf solitute or rushed upon. t he foe, with the thought I-% his heart that his name wou)d be honorhbly preserveil at home.. , fob I8'05--d WM J. RIVERS. Prospectae of the eservitive .PtiELIMt It) DAILY AN5D WZRKLY BY J. B. NEATPIIERB'& C.O., RALEIG I1, X. C. oult rtikviPr.cs: The tred Conservative platform --T he su premaoy of the civil over the military law. A qict subminsion to all itws. Whether good -or bad. while they remaltn upot our statute books' No reconstruct ion, or submission, but per pethai independence. AV'tiunbroken front to the comOton enemy; but, ,timo'y and repeated negotiations- for rxupr by the proper auth9rities. ,o separate State action through A (fon. vetion ; io counter revolution ; no comt bbhed resistance to the Oovertment. Oppositiot (p despotism in every form, and Ihe'presorvation of ReptibUban institu ti'ons in all.their purity. We'htavedetermned tonake, the Coser veativea permn t, paper, for the. rnainten. an9e o our principles, and to render" a vigo'rons support ,.o the cause of Southtet'n' lndep4ddeoe. The'adthinistration of Gov. Vaeill find in the C'onservatieiaseady,' hionest,'sraight-fo~ ward suppofter and do, fonder, as .Will also the National adroi~stra tion, whep ItS action Ia not In eoatligt with 'Th~,eroaete aball be aleadig; teiae .ble paper. and'wllrbecndutedwith- 'igor, lauht w4th pprop.errEgard to tfut b'nu4 wight, mand te courtesy due' to others.' It *111 not en'ou~r e or csountenance pegsonal orpolit. i* l wenln abdi discord; If' sees' o Suu'ihe all' dpoatit4 geat and - ll--ab4orbing # ie4 of thCo fbderacy. Bushtede Directo 111. Ja. Mc HaRronT, Ink a D.'it. Tiroxesoir, Dr. W. E. AiKEN, L. W. CA-rOAcan-, fad J.8.STHWART, 110uitederate tatee G ovneri ent' LCoAfu AT 1ttCAMON, VA. The Risutive. on. JaPF DAvis, of Miss., President. Lion. A. 11. STaVIn, of Ga., Vica-Freident. ne Cabinet: . 1. BENJAMIN, of La., Secretary of Statei., U. A. TaYNnIOLt, of S. C., Setp 6f 7reasury. J. C. Bli Isanitim, of Ky., Sec'y of Warr. S. R. MA.LORY, Of FMt, Sec'y of t/i: Wsay. lo Go. DAvre, of N. C., Attorney Genwpt Jpin. H. RCAOAN, 9f Texas, Postmaster Ges. Iteade of Bureau#,: RUfus R. Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents. I 0 E. W. Nelson, Sup't of Public Prin't inj. r 0iei. Sanm Cnopuv. Adj't and Inspodl r1e. John 8. Preston, Chief of Bureau. Of Con.. scription. Brig-O on. A. R.Iawlon, Quartertnaster Oen. S. P. Moore, 4 otgeQn-9eneral. E. IW. Johns, Afedica l'urveyor. - ates of Postage. ON IRTTHRs. Single letters not exceeding-% half ounce in weight, to any jprt of the Confederkto States, shall be 10 cents. ' * An additional rate for each additional half odnce or. less. ])rop letters 2 cents each. In the foregoing oases, the postage tobe prepaid by starmps on stauped envelopes. Advertised letters 2 cottA each. ON NiwsrAPERs. Sent to reguln' and bona fide subseribets from the ollice of publiontiori, and hot ex ceeding 8 ounces it% weight. Weekl papers, 10 cents per quarter. Semi-Wcokly paper, 10 cents per quarter. Tri-Weekly paper, 20 cents per iarter. Four tnes a week 50 cents per quarter. Five times a week 50 cents per quarter Six tirhes a week, to cents per quarter. Dily paper 70 cents per quarter, ON 'EtO0DIALS. 1t4'riodicftls published oftener than senil uiur lily siall be charged aoj newspipers. Periodlicals publiebed month11y; not ex ceeding 2j ounces in weight, 2.1 cents per (uartier ; and for every additiontil oufice or fraction of uh, ounce; 21 cents additional. Somi-monthty,.daIhhI that.amout,. Bi-monthly or Quarterly, 2 cents an ounce. ON TRANSIEtNT PRINTED VrATTER. Kvery other newspaper, pampilet, period ical, magazine, cach circular not sealed, handbill atid engraving, not exceeding 9 otudees in weight. 2 cents for any diMance, 2 cents additional for each additional ounce or less beyond the first three ounces. In all -cases, the postn'go to be prepaid by. stamps or stamped 'velopes. To thc ri'acas of ile Vodi rilr -.'PROUGIIOUT TilE CONFEDUAlRACY. QUARTMnMASTE4 GEN's )EPARTPINT, Railroad Bureau, Richmond, Feb. .20,'64. r 31H friends and relatives of 91diers it the Army ofNorthern Virginia are here by notified that an arrangement has his day been effected with the Southern xpress Ce6nany, to carry all papkages At iod and wearig appa'rel to Rietinond, Val To secure the advantages thus .e talied through the ExpressCompany, theifp owing instructions npus, be observed: 61ackages must hotoitein'mr tl no. hundribd pounds; be well secured a'ia Ilhi fly' ratirked, and sent at the expense 69the, ship p#r to either of the-Soldiers' Relief 4 siocia ilons, which are located as follows:/ . In North Carolina, At Raleigh; Soutb Cardlina'ai ( ohrhin o deoeglfa :ugts;* in -Alabama, af Montgomerf,- or toa uy -other polit at which oneof theseAt-sooiations h e anl oce. - . ThoAgentsofthese -Assoolions illthete take charge of them,, and ship iaily, by Southern Express 'Company, tt i proper Agents of the respective States at ichpiond. who will see then distributed to te proper individual owners. - . I To meet the wishes of4hie oldi. , and to give them a certain and speedy e mania tion with home, the Sopthers4xpo 's Coln .pan~y has agreed to g le ihis freiglt ' r-r eo6 over every~ ag else ; and, in o zdItat nto obsiaqle may occur to.the quec se 'of'so laudable an enterprise, tho general tailrpad coompanies are hereby reiesdd e e pthe 'Express Q yuo faiite as f aa beit to- ~tiis artgeiserita geaplete Ale S olhern Express Com any a's-, ~sweim.' .responelibllity of the Tre diota tlion of' these packagesar the Relief Assapia. itiene are v qested to withdr~~;) 4 jtos w hat e 9 o ce~ecpd tes~ e~Ch~X N fs~ he ,th.o e, iidf eb be i een e ar Leports 4f ih YIN "doiao. AOTI1El in kL 11M8 i . RiduxoDxD, 4h 20..-The folo i despatch' "l eneh redeiy d EnhDQUrEmAmitEmSC M .10,865. oJ..'Brechn. giSMretay -Of Gen.3. E9. Johst'on pa'rtiinlat ab Yei o'clock, V." n., onitl t I dif tlt, tiacked the enemy near Bethpil nd routed him, 'Capturing three gtidia Aile i. their' rear. He raill'e4 upon resh roops, but was forced back' ilowly itil x o'eldet, p-. 'in., wlibn receividg lore troops,'ho apparently assunid the BAni've, whieh ivk4 'esisted wuithout ifficulty until dark. This morning he S entrenched- 'Our loss isArpall. The roops behaved 'admirably ,*eU. "A ens thicket pnevented rapid dperations.I M. E.,LEEx. PHOM- THlE PETER8IIURO FRONT. PE~assnun, March24.-Thb enwmy a believec to b' 'malkng prepardtions to nowv, Ikit nothing'lia trans pired to in lIcate'lti'What direbti6n. Gtoat activity 1t4 been observo near. his lines for the ast day or two., It is revortod that' hIs olumns aren ain'I hit on the- Jorusa. ein, lank r6'ad. . r thrisedlI AsI quiet, FROM1 THE NOPtl.' Rrcudoxo, March 24.-r-Northern )apers of the -21st inst. havo been r Privateintelligence teceiVed at New Yorc from Nassau reports. that a rebel irivateer,- the 'name of which is undr itood to be the -bnfde'rate Stateas Ie 1w ing off the'harbor on 'h 15t6 inst., haax ing been refused admission by t~he au thiorities. Shi is 800 tons burden, bargue rigged,' and has two funntels and two propllers. Report .froni New Oricns of' the .5th ai ht e.lmnwiee route to liAkico was shoti by- soliml .per on unknown. Late#lVices-[rom Ni'rth Cnrog nprep resenLt Slirpun'ls arnlf! la .marching on Goldsboro. A junctiofa with $chof a hadviot~takei'place. At w ineeting o~ the e zizi .of VYit. mingtpn, on the 14th inst., hel at tho theatre, they adopted" risohitiions rco 'aag nizing the Authority of the'Utiited Stati-s G6vernment.' The stage 'waa daqd, wit~h Aprerlean flags. , Thq nvayor an'ld others muade speeches'ini favor of..: b sion to natioulaatnhority. T'-ian of aises to the'citrzens to visit GriU's arm lis bsupn 11d The QoYsmnmene f oava4or,- liaa releCd, Butdsha,* aft -Roynolds, two ien -sippos'd to 'V ~fflichtin in Ihe rhel- plot wikh I' disclosea, "oine mPi? .,gW. qap aq the . 4'nkee ste'arner Salvado'. :fheJfera/d -sayl.'thkre 4ag intense exbitonent' on~ Tnesd I. 'Gold. closed at'157.. Thio lep't 'fictnous of' gold portends to a. enersferah among the mereaktile gnsbIlei akfloah QGbeinf~rne m~elrd hybtte to frt ~4j~~~crot ?449a pQIvaar! a Tkhe adresof Fri. 4peo ptv4 of apie ic ss 'b As 4~a. eR