Barnwell sentinel. (Barnwell C.H., S.C.) 185?-1925, April 10, 1919, Image 1

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MEYERS MILL REUNION. This place -enjoys the happy distinction of being the Head Quarters of tX*e Dr. Morcall Camj), No. , 890, Confederate Veterans of Barnwell County. Named for one of our most honored citizens, the nobilty of li3^ people have showjW’Thp i r patrioti-i'.T, ^nrbticr spirit and generous hospitality ' in tlie s .per-abundant dinners tiiat they annually prepare to feed liie n! !’ i)'»v5 of r'l- (>!)’>' t'voi* families and friends. BLACKVILLE NEWS ITEMS. Blackville, S. C., April 7th.— The Davis Lee Chapter met with Mrs. J. H. EL Milhous Tuesday The^ splrn; a enteltamnient afternoon. V * Mrs. S. : Of. Lowe and little son have returned home after a very pleasant visit to relatives in -Alltel /nnri AngUat-a...---, * -i Messrs. Adrian Baxley,TLG- sins Hoffman and Glen Boy les ion returned home from “Overseas'’: .Mrs. T. R. Chisolm spent V\\-dnesdn* , 'Tti Aiken—wrtlWMr.*„ II. E. Gvk~n : : 1 —that war gi vcrr Tnrm A qti—rTp- Lieut. Wyatt Browning is on -itii inst. is worthv of more the way home from “Over-seas. '‘ » ] af i an a passing notice, din HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK. The following . Women’s , *" —' Home Demonstration clubs will meet dWring tins week -ami-next week :—Elko, Monday, April 7 : Fairfax, Tuesday, April 8th: Mt. Calvary, Wednesday, April 9th : Sycamore, Thursday, April UJj BigT'ork. Friday, ^prllill Yeiioino, Wednesday, April 1C>: Long Branch, Wednesday, April 16: -Martin,' Thursday ^ LIEUT. WOODWARD CITED. The many friends of Lieut. + . * Harry M. Woodward will be pleased to know that.he lias been cited lor conspieupiis devotion to duty and ediicient service in France during the last weeks of the war. We desire to quote iln- f-ollowtpg from tin' Nash- h ville Tentfesseraii o April 2nd: btfnp Jackson, s. t’., April ly^-Twoof the eleven Nashville uerocs.of the 115th F. A., whose April 17 : and Double Pomls> Fridav April Is > |acls of . bravery andMev^jaii. -i imd{i«-tt ■h.n tr-r t im i lovm'iin lines in the Argon::e and Si. Mihiel - Ti*r* srrh j. ■ c r f o r- d i * <• u ; >>\ i"Ts Nursing,- Thpr will lx taken* mi under,Hie \l -m GOVERNMENT INSURANCE. I, You will, no' doubt, be in terested to know: M aii_ Insur. home of T. 8; Cave was thrown ance Conference held in Wash-, ington, February i4th. r aud 15th., Cncle Sambas decided to stay in the Insurance Buis- ne«s permanently. 2 t The Governmpnt will be in a position within a few weeks, 'to convert the present renew, able term insurance into Qnlidury [life and -various otlur policies similar to the policies^ written by the present -hrfrr frr^nranee l'om panics. 6. To successfully carry on work and to prevent tin* suflliriN fcoTn letting their iti- I sutandp lapse, the families- and - llwu.i4.i .•'•wuvVi- dtcluiuuii nnd Mrs - «<•*»» I I'Stien't’s RmWh; The £»Ve of tlu-j •J>V Mis. Sj.-it- Oimlj.r, ilaujli- | al " » 10 Al ‘- ( l'au L iin^i'l,i c:ire of ilu- Bed ; 1 ■ of th« 1ate_Mr. G ore R; Dun- j bur. Miss Dunbar i* principal of j tne Myers Mill school. Her +i*ta ami Aiken Wednesday. The TutieniTi Food : Sanitation There was a Very exciting j will be stressed and a special ill .cHuoI Her|game ot I,,,nil in liiaekvili^k , wm _ h „ m aSe for tl„- delineation ot the Coutederau: Trill a v between A Honda 1c ami 4’*u«e; *»«•«»» <*»<! Ilw-l HlaH-ville.' The score w:.s 7 tJ ,,fh,m,e< - T>^"*on«tra- sectors, that. have boon oitodTor ollowiu* ] distinguished servic*? today in I bbadsu—-The Nurse ; The j regimental obieri H rnTtT^ !V(S Will Imv© to be educated ‘ * Lh'.utenant to tKo advantage of*Insurance, la! i s x, .dcMuri ay unu !• ir*-t jorv else the m«»n ifftcr the.v are Ium^cimntHarry. -Woud- j discharged w ill let their iiiMir ward. First l.icutcnant . Harry M Woodward ; SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED. The entire lower floor of the I alice open for the entertainment of Jhe soldier boys who have; seen service both abroad and at nome. The decorations were very at tractive and showed great taste and lots of w ork- There were garlands of southern smilax mingling with the national colors # and many small stars hanging from the walls and electric fixtures. I he dining room was-decor- _ n h-d most jdaborati ly in smilex and cut flowers. The tables be ing arranged in the shape of the letter 11 symbolyzing Old llick- orv; There were many very at- traclive arrangements of the let ters O II and XXX meaning Old Hickory and Thirtieth Division. I he front piazza was also decorated with banners and one large one with the w ords WKL- utpse, not reali/.ing that ! OO.MLi-1JOME stretched across duty and forellicient m rvicen. it tin* best thing (hey can hold Jhe front of the house. Attractive music was furnished by the—Misses TX^athcridge of t or oevoiion to j on t0 . U!1 | €ss tjl? people arc i own of the noble soldiery of j ^ :n favor of Aliemlaje; l.c-c and Jack on, tim**:r p I Grayed, carrying us dark tlavs when ctu vv nnuui-ijii i. T W i: fndv m»ur- . .. i i... .i i: .. b-auiif >a< w; inig iuy romr pt at to I Hie prot raetcti . meeting at Bapti-t church closed Sui,. an Mi c iiint of the th r day cy< niug, o illiH-ss of cV i:i: '■ ■ Miyvlulifimr fopBal|imore 8in.’.i:iv, ! 1*1 \ am w tion* to be given - The making of a Bed for a si k person - The preparation of an invalid’s ind the making df a sani- •up. the luont trav drinking Dt -u ril 1 tl TTV CI’ll. lugs f craning a in 1 ]) n R' loed. Ai Un~ sewiirtf ,v i 111* It rv A rgon lit* from t 26tti, to Ocipber 6. otlic^r w.l * oti littsioti t he set •oil* d battalion ol mem. T» 1 ib lilliCBl* Wlil fuiiy R b»‘t woe ) ii) in t utiiUiii roiDiii h** ftrrwnriT ol reached* through the (Ijty and Jountry new»pHi>ers and the Home Service Section of the \tnerienn lletl Cpum, the ad- b'* vantages of Government Insur- .* •< gi- mice will not Ik* ^nought to their u ieiLii i nffrtiimn. — 1918. this (Till 1 w j • M ( to i) J* b gun, meat ion orvaiiou d mi !v 1«*- i.e A ».J£ R J. You can obtain yin a don •a an I continuinco of Iiistirauce by urittin Allendale nnd the soldier boy’s nil joined in chorus singing. Dancing was enjoyed on the front until n late hour. An elegant course dinner was served to thy lx>ys bv several at- uuidVi voung ladii*s of ifarn- ii, well, some of ;hem beingdressc*d relative u» Coiupeto-i - ^ 1*rem. hmaids. The entire town War j " ;ls . * nv bed to call and see the 1 1,^ soldier* at about nine jjYlock. idv 1 town accented the invita- in 'i ! tion for really almost the whole town turned out. i« raiur m-ciTc ii,., ) an t t it* nv li'.un ku , SHiPMEMT- f kCICT ■ J vl . 1 • I • ^ r Ju 11> r t v* w an ti mo- heart v sc lit {•>' rildj half 4 a c u oi a car at Dunlurto L ’i Lu" MOREY FOR 0030 BO.'DS. <>ii a ft»t’ ill n i c. a* it i* Bureau .uuii) a.->K viiHJ mic1«»*‘’u art icc ext is*ue am! »», will furiii'ii Data frt.iu t^nn furnished to u* of War Rita!, THE LQNC w a h 41 • WATCH. at war cx’irfly wide 1 1 tim© w • quaD .* 10.• '» :<avo At It w it ,v mu*ie auu ringing ». 1lC , »prime ntul ruulij/1 t and interest, ing the care of their in-tru Miss Dunbar. Tlie' school X\ * *» * 11 * duV 1 .1 ! i m u’*iii: i t fort riicrt tin i a if Golumbi a, April 8.—The i Jligawayt onunissi on isfrent a • k ?* 1 by county officials interested citizens what 1 I tl* *!' 4-ih»i>"trrnr bruiignt in: ” ow# I were gradwl and *hTpfe<L T!ie j ( sah*s were very •'Hlisfactorv. ih» ' s ir •rA •II majority of the hog? Tlie clioir <->«• fri>m i:, to 18 ct. per pouml. W 1 * 11 *- g;l w re^arr in order to so uir i.irgesunis of Federal mono ieh n o now available for.l wiling fetkihuild ng nmh in Souil M-tcd of Misc- S i*tc Dunbir, j, th Jllr.. T. li Colib, Mis. Dr. 1 ' E. is, Mr*, t’. M. Turner. Mr. WlTl A. Myer and M-. Ausd A.d*T.*on. -- We will not name the menu, but stiiliee it t*0‘su.7, it ' V *V *' MC cf the finest dinners we re* ni' iuber ever having enjoyed. Three Counties were repre sented Aiken, ' Barnwell and Allendale. Roughly estimated some spo persons crowded tlie large auditorium of t in* Academy to attend biir (*wrcise~ while several bundled were unable to gain admittance^ _ Mr. Stall* Halford. Command* ant',was chairman,with Mr. An sel Meyer us secretary . Rev, E. Jl .Clark pronounced i heb jLU'die-- tion in appropriate words. Rev. E. IL Clark, of Cypress Chapel Baptist church; announced that a small necessary account of the Camp was unpaid and gave only-five minutes to raise $17.50. In less tune, the audience paid in $27.85, leaving a balance in our tleftEtiry of $10.35, attest ing the love and esteem thev hold the dear old soldier bjy of 'the 60V Ten new members were enrolled. The Commandant announced Greenwood for the State and Savannah for the National fy-nhiou <4L.S. V’s. Near the dining hall stands an elegant * mauument ©reeled Ly onr jjieople, upon it is written, “This shaft . was erected to cmuuiemorate --Hi© death of ^ Robert Wj Williams, aged 28, coming week t! will l»e two more car loan shipped in the same manner,] anil we expect to get even better j returns for tnc-e as the mark* t j has advanced a cent, or more in j the mean time. By this plan each and every farmer gets the full price of his hogs. In tHo near future, there is to l‘»& stationed a man at Camp Jack«©n to a.*sist the dGcharged soldiers in getting located on the farm. So if any fanners have opening*, either for managers, overseers, tractor operators and farm meehamesy dairy workers or any kind of skilled or unskilled help please furnish II. G. Boylston, county a —Btartcvilln, S. 1 *., with employers name address, kind of work, rate of pay audotkor details, so that the . iTffonnation mav be furnished to the r<*pre- sentativo at Gatnh Jackson. Now— is i the time to spear It i* uecossafv first of all for)i’iV . ^vuiuaoie iro cid*1 HfC coinuy-rmid-omcutls to a resol Highway Commission for Fell oral Aid for building a certain SERMAH HELMET PRIZE QFFERffl VICTORY LOAN SLOGAN CONTEST A German helmet will he I given in each county in the i -State as a prize for tTie best Vic tory Loan slogan, and every l Rchool child is invited ta enter mpete for the pines. by m- We would appreciate a r() L > 3’ °f your paper in which the article ap|M‘un«. Your truly. Million* R. Little, Opt. A. G. D. the t and TmT rnuu tnnrtttt^ to fF.i ?■* ] ** —/»au r/. i *■* \ vv . . , J i rms contest, lnaneurateu I utioib*asking the -state i .i, \\* • , -i . ■ ^ . V , i* . 1 ne M oinan s Liberty Loan Cm mittceMor South Carolina, is open to the ’pupils of all private your peach trees to keep the worms' out of the peaches.- As soon as the patals filll use 1 pound arsenate, 4 lbs freali lump lime to s. of water speay thoroughly and repeat in two weeks, and then in two week add to this solution 1 gal. of commercial lime sulphur section or sections ol toe Mate ii ... uv. ‘ « , . . , * , , i large • rV t • t- .- A . .. I AUfclpubluj soIhhO*. high ‘iehools m} * Highway System ... their eou,.. itl ,| udi . a . A |ll:pil lowSr! ,h lr int' Ues. Ilicse re-olutions may J/e j IIS t „s ordinal. ]>rovide for the money to de- ; , ... , , > monies am. fray half of the cost. This money ' ( ‘, U I* * casious would he awarded the tocover the Kectefal funds cai, ±„-2^.“" ; !° al Cl * a " Ce °* state which attains .the large-t x VICTORY LOAN. ( olumlvia, April5.-Word from Washington was received today by the Victory Loan Commirtees for -South Coro I ina announcing tlm large American Hag which over the dome of the cap- the inaugural cere* mil other historical be come from the County Trea sury or from lmmicipahties, o r fro i n pi i vatfl imlividu a Is. There is one instance on reehnll |i"7 c i'."'oH^lar^',' in each r^tn. m which a private corporation^* in South Carolina agreed to pro vide parfoof the funds necessary to build an important bridged After the county’ road author ities notify the State Highway Commission by resolution that tlwy want to build a part or parts of the State Highway System in their county and that half tiie money necessary is available, tlie State Highway Commission sends ail engineer ing party to survey the road to be built. After. these surveys are‘made the State Highway Commission’s engineer.* prepare a jcarcful estimate of the cost of the work to be done, logether with ;i cotnjdete description of the work, inc]tiding blue prints \\inning thVprize percentage of over-subscription* I hechmrinaif-af the Woma.i s yf jt , ^ in , hn y ir , nrv ‘ , -n ^ Liberty Loan coninmtee will ap. point judges in each schOoi, or if solution and spray again. For u!1( ^ plans.- All of this .data L fur tiler information get iu touch with tlie county Agent. forwarded to tlie Secretary of the IJiS. Department of Agricul ture, Mr. D. P. Houston, who is a -SoiuTd Carolinean. The. Mes«rs. (iordotx Boynton and | Secretary of Agtirulture ap- B. M. Jenkins, of Kline, were! proves the -project, and the who lost his life Sept 18th, among the visitors to the County : -State Highway Commission ifi 1H16, having been shot froMjieit Monday. |co*iipemtirtp with tlu* count? ainbusi' (Ji.inng tlie Elletjton • . ; jauthoritita- ptpcoyU to ask for riot, near liobbius. v ..1 ... .» u*. i bids Et'um'- contractors. 1 he day being passed we * After securing a sati*f; * ^ * * • * * L- . J | ” , ' • | , . j bid t.*e contract is let and the. Browning Creech loingdou A. to select the three best slogans. A benir&I committee in each .school ^yiU- submit, the three slogans eho*en. to tljie county chairman orNy committee ap pointed by her to cjioose the best slogan which will r>e awarded the German' helmet adopted as* the county slogan, and sthu. to headquarters in Columbia. Tne State committed—in Columbia will «elect the best slogan submitted and''"' adopt this as the State slogdn. ‘* T The contest choses April 12 and all priv.e's'ltrgrans nfust be sent to Columbia not later than April. 16 so that the slogans adopted maybe used before the beginning of the drive, April oi . _ Mr. J. E. Swrarirtgen, State superintendentof education, lieartily endorses the slogam contest as a valuable feature of tliip Yicto; V Loan educational., campaign, and all sfi|»erinteu(l- ents and teachers are urged to cooj»eriite to a-kute its suedes, J.A.F. defiarted, gratified . ihat a gracious provideiiue hath pt*r., “The berm s wrr«ted from us milled u# to again meet w itli ■ Have not lived uor do-d in vni.f, vj Messrs, bvam W (t( Jkiward. tli»*»e good pcopur. •n our Dexi we will j tone iii Wit ft lug tTciiU* r or 0*1 - *T»«, ol tj>e ela'e memory * o row o our j*in of pi * * V, III . I*ederal (iovernuieut pavs ball 1 Cav»*. Bergt. and lVrry l*rice of ibero4 of |bt jond building. land K (LmmIkthi returnetl Ti#* *anae procca» is follow-dj home from oyrr^ea taut wreck lu ytcurtMg Federal moot W*4gt^. 4-2 campiiigu. At the recent conference of the Fifth Federal Reserve district held in Richmond this State was congratulated on having the most complete organization to date .and theMjihertv Loan com mittees predict tfra^South Caro lina will keep in tlieMeiul in the coming drive which opehs^pril 21st. ‘ - This Hag of lionor w'as pre Rented to the I’nited States Treasury department by Elliott Wodcfs. superintendent of the capitoL it was first floated ov-Pr the- capitoPdpme on March 5, 1917,. when President \V T ilson was inaugurated antiagain when the President delivered hi-* war Congress April 4 and 5, 1917. This Hag was also flown on the - occasions of the visits of" the various foreign missions to the capitol and raised proudly the day the armi*tice.was signed. The bureau of publicity of the Treasure announces that this V' priceless Hag will he presented as a permanent souvenir to the stab* making the highest record in the Victory Loan drive. The attention vx the chairmen of the varioiXs coufttiey in SouttrCaro- liua will called to this olferlhave ivceived their nsen at war 640 950 minute*? ^ ell. for o il- Hi*i! 1 sj it means that for every one of these minute* a dutch wa* kept by men ou the -*ea.. W lien tlie I’nited Stales declared war the strength of the navy was 87,000 in men and oHicers. At the signing of tlie armistice it was 500,000. The nuvy did not have many spectacular engage meats, the slinking German war ships . kept too well under cover for that, but the kaiser’s mysterious, gray weasels of the sea were at their deadly work night and day every one of those 840, 9G0 minutes, ()ur men. thous ands and hundreds of thousands of them, liad to be taken across ttye oc**an, through, mine Helds and deadlier submarines. Weir, - we know ihat the navy put 'em ntrosS^—-witftout.tlierV loss of a single transport. More Rian two million men landed safely in Europe; it was - a stupendous success. On bitter winter nights—and that season of 1917—J918 was one of the coldest in our history those faithful guardians of the sea kept their vigils. Standing watch through tlie blaek hours,, eyes strained to catch sight of qstile periscopes, each second was^ measured by a heart beat 1 50.457aHK)^ of them in all. It was aAkmg watch, but it W4S faithfully kept to the end. Will you, too, keep the faith? The navy’s work is not fini*hed though the long vigil is over. Transports are still busy bring ing the men home, hut trans ports cost money to run. Help furnish that money so that those faithful l)ovs may finish their job. Subscribe to the Vic tory Liberty Loan. Sergt. I*adore E. Owens and Mr. Zack Creighton returned to Barnwell last week after nearly* two years‘service the last ten months of which was in France and Belgium. They honorable and every *; lb9? made fot this jdtacliai Slate to w in tip* contest. y for j Their many friend* extend tlu--m j Vuor jr-iniro avd are in ihi$*ainoiig a litir.i Itkome. ^ urfice <J*iiandfH them. Me*sr*. Barney F. Ui IT. J. Hi. re aod NeL lOreefte, uj DiMibartoa, mmm