The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 06, 1875, Image 7

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O O a. Tj . ER MEYERS, Assistant Editor. ?DAX WA?QS{?v -^~Jr~?^ - -- day was cold. Fires were in Justice business was lively this sh fish can bo had almost any ow^upon tho^strccts. J. L. Hcidtmau has^ becu" ap ed a' Notary Public for tho Stuto. ward Argoo aud John K._Wanna have beeu'nppoiutcd Trial Justi ?4lspT l-V c two I millfii^tax for Orungeburg ouity has^bceu amended in tho Houfo Ao three. What interest had tho proprietors of 'the Actes and Corn ier in thc fraudu lent bouds funded by Cardoza. The President uominatcd on Tuesday last I Dr. Alonzo Wobstor as Postmaster last jJL/r. Aioi atr'^uis place. A! good advertisement 19 like n bill of fare at a hotel?ouo docs hot know how many good things ono is in need of until ho rends it over. Rev G S Anderson, corresponding edypr of tho Working Christian and ag&t ot Furnian University, will prJaoh in the Baptist ehurch to morrow mofning at II o'clock. There never was any party, faction, aeci, Off Cabal whatsoever,":!: which the mostignoraut were uot tho most violeut for, It bee is uot a busier animal than a blockhead. jjlessrs. Bull Scovill & Pike are up with the times. A beautiful street lamp now graces their corner. This wil^ help those who have to walk of nigVitf. "ri^itj^ni^^^ vides that all cases under it shall bo reviewabloby the supreme court without icunrd to the sum in controversy. Mayor Moselcy bus been quite sick at bis home for several days past. Wc are glad to hear that he is up again, uud hope he jwill soon recover his wouted health. A vi We notice that the front of Mr J G Vooe's store has been embellished with a new and handsome sign, painted by Mr E G Tobio. Mr V bus a full stock of dry goods, thoe?, groceries, crockery', &c. Bargains can bo bad for a little money at bis storo. J, H. FORDIIA M% ESQ.? Wc were sorry to see that his Excel jnoy saw fit to remove the abovo officer . W^aW'ari-** intelligent niudV hon@t? public servant, aud discharged tho duties of his office to the satisfaction of tho people generally. Ghales Folsom, dealer in guns, pis tols, &o.,' New York, supplies his cus tomers with as fino article in thc shape of breech loading guns as there is in America at tho most reasonable prices . Wo have seen one that Mr. P G Can non ordered for a friond of ours, aud it is a beauty. The Grand Jury of Lexington Coun ty have raised tho liquor licenses to two hundred dollars. This is right, says tho Dispatch, butfwojuld he|e 'bjOotnbct j ter had the price beotf raisei to two ' thousand dollars. This is just what should be done in every county, and w i trust that our grand jury will do their part In tho good work. Delinquent subscribers! Oh delinqu ent subscribers 11 Why don't you send us that two dollars you ow? us ? Do you expopt fo got the fruits of our labor from pno year to the other lor nothing ? We f'eav y;o filial! have to publish a list, of thoso who are in arrears after a while. You'll see your numo in print if ycu don't pay up pretty soon. ' 'iMUjoM '? Vi . ?' MESSRS. T. KOHN& JJRO? Arc making preparations to build a brick storo upon tbo ground wbero their former dry go^l;')5htpofilim stood Wo wish that (bey may make-haste down town npain. Things lookout of placo down there without thorn. Mr Wullaco Cannon is homo agaiu all O. K. He is singlo and as jolly as over, and sells groceries five per coot below cost. If you don't believe it, yo local refers to Bill Sain and Charlo s Hall. They aro Mr Caunon's rofjrouoqa also. t There was quite a largo crowd if u town on Saturday last. Several tracts of land wont off cheap. The '<obl Mar ? - J M \ * chant place was purchased by Mr .lames Brown.! Tb? "day 'was **comparitively quiet. Tangle foot did not claim the side walks. An editor once wrote of a hotel bur glary: "An cut ranee was obtained by prying open a window.' Our ''intelli gent" left the n out of the las', word. As there was a California widow board ing at said hotel; there would have beou ono less "intelligent" had tho error not been discovered on the press. Our istrects aro being put iu splendid condition. Mayor Moselcy seems dctor mined to give us dry grouud to stand upon. But say, Mr. Moseley, didn't we see you on Brougbton street tho other day ? And didn't it strike you that a few loads of dirt arouud "thar^' would improve said street ? getting his bill reported--cm -In in the Senate, directing the Ti Senator Andre ws has succeeded in ""j'lavorably 'rcasurer to refund tho taxes paid by those who were recently burnt out. This is right, aud if our Representatives will give their attention to it, when it reaches tho House, they will receive the thanks of tho people. We hope our Souator will hurry it through his branch of the vi'eueral Assembly. ?Til 11 YOUN? -AMERICAS* Turned out on Tuesday altcrno n last despite tho dampuess of the weather, and made a handsome appearance President Samuel Dibble, aud Mr Ceo Ucliver, 1st director, were iu full uniforms. The compauy, we under stand, contemplate the purchase of a Bteaui engine, wliich will add greatly to the security of property-in Orangeburg. Wo wish the company success iu the project. An organ grinder married in Green villc the other day. The woman who united her destiny with his could not understand one word he spoke. An in terprcter had to be employed during the marriage ceremony. We don't know which is the biggist fool of the two. They courted by signs. Thai ? t \ ' 'S r . . \ *? r-r part of tho courteb.ip.jnay- have been pleasant if kuaing was a parfT of the game. The Wheeler compromise h is bconac cepted by the house of representatives. Tho live members of tho legislature cjeo ted by DeTrobriand arc seated, which gives that body to the democrats. The votes oaBt at tho last election aro to be con'ntod in Washington, and tho quos tion as to who was clectod treasurer is to bo thero decided; and dually Kellogg is recognized us Governor until tho oud of his term. BEST KtTOWX Wo will send for 25 oents one pap or of our colobratcd seed (best known). In rich soil they grow five feet in diameter Address Patrick & Co., Wadcsboro, N. Ono dollar wildJ^HTro the best family paper (Pee Cco^^^^Lj\and a paper ol tho celebrated cowH jft. T he Her old is a large wcoklre^jy ohaapost in tho Southern States?always ono or more original serial stories in it, with short storios?enough burner aus readiug in ono paper to mjtko any ope laugh fo r a woek. Wo refer to all the promin cnt papers in N. 0. Address Herald Wadcsboro, N. C. ? i: The Stato Treasurer asked leave of tho House of Representatives, on Tucs day last, to read his answer to tho ohar ges niado against him by tho joint in vestigating committee. After a long dobato by S.GrocB, Hayne and Meet/, e against tho request, aud by Myers 'Henderson, Batupfiold and Boston in favor of it, tho request was denied by a vote of 50 to 52, tho speaker having ^c4bftiine. deoidoi that to grant, tho re quest would be au abrogation of tho rules. AUGUSTUS Fl SC II Elt la driving right ahead with his busi ness, lie keeps his store always sup plied with first class family groceries, freilich ho sells low down for cash Fi* eher returned from Charleston yestor day ,-whero he purchased something to please all of his customers. [Iis assort mont of cigars caunot be surpassed. To smoke them makes one feel good all over. Mr. Jimmy Cannon is chief clerk and bottle washer in his excellent saloon, and cau fix up according to Iloyle, gin sliogs, braudy smashes, cocktails, oca, <fco. To day, and on all days, [ cau point with honest pride?a pride which no committeu, however studiously aud ma licrousiy'packed, can rob mo of?to a record of administration of thc State treasury for the past year wherciu no one public object lias been deprived of one doi lar due to it, nor received one dollar moro than was duo to it.?F. L. Caui/oza. The managers of election in this County haven't been, paid Vet. About some thirteen hundred dollars are due them. Have you "diverted" that fund Mr. Cardoza? If not, where is- the money ? The recognition of Kellogg as (lover uor of Louisina by a votr of 1G3 to SO, although strongly contested, seems to have a goud effect on thc fiuuncesof that State the consolidated bonds going \r\t* to 5-1, and the 10 per cents aud war rautsto DO. It mcnly proves that thc Uli.' et tied stale of affairs has been pio ductivc of triucif evfl, tihiTtTiaT ttic prom ise of something settled, no muter how / repugnant to the fe.dings of the people',; is Considered as acceptable, and far pre feruble to the uuecrtain stale ol cxis truce so lung foil by that much govern ed. or uugovcrned Stato. CO CUT HOUSE? On the 2nd instant the County Com missioners met for the purpisool con sidering the advisability ol taking steps towards coiumepoiug work on the Court Houso for this County, at an early day. Mr. Ralph li *15 Howotson, the arehi toct of tho Columbia Court House, was' present, and was authorized to dr ift a plan for thc same, which is to be sub mitted to the Board in a week orten dayH. The building is to be fifty feet wide and one hundred feet long, and uot to exceed a cost of twenty-live i housand dollars. We hope the work will be com men ceil at an early day. Our County is wealthy and we should have a Court House to which we can point to with pride. A WORD TO BUSY-BODIES? Wc have frequently hinted that it is against our Jrulcs lor any person, except those connected with this office, to read matter either in manuscript or in proof, that may be found upon the copy hook or cases. Our hints have thus far been unavailing. The positive YOU MUST STOP THE PRACTICE, Or keep your distance, is therefore in order. The NEWS is private property, and so are the articles written for it, until they aro printed ami tho paper issued from the press.* Then they belong to the public, and wo cannot even prevent those wH6 do not pay lor the piper, from giving them a stolen perusal. Busy bodies, if you can't mind your own business when in thc Nkws' office, it would bo better for you to get your paper always from the postofhec, or jl uot a subscriber (which is likely tho ense,) spongo your neighbor's. But whatever you do don't bother our prin ters any more. RAILROAD Tho linos of railroad has neither is it confine parts o" tho country^ and rapid transit, al, are'suhji ly pushod lot, nals of makinj withstJ numei ing hrl pr8 poop fullyj outh doina jrf La m i road; a nd in thl most couij rout'ji Nol Oth d| as V,'. of b'j Disci inn day of 1' ?>T<>TS<::E? in Eicrcby ?iven of ?_\ the loss or destruction of Certificate of Deposit No. ;;:!!, Orangchurg Branch, Citizens Savings Bunk of South Carolina, \ssued to the lato E. J. Oliveros, deceased, and also of Deposit Hook No. 9(5, of same Branch, in the nama of tho said E. J. 011 .voros, in trust, and that I will apply in Ithroc months from dato for a renewal of the panic, dnd for such dividends a? may accrue Uercon, to the Trustee und Committee of ho fcaid Bunk, al Columbia, S. C. E. KOSA C. OLIVEROS, nnir 6?1 am Cm Qualified Executrix. u the fftiatriot 4'oart of" .'lie , UNITED STATES ? t OR TUE EAST ERN DISTRICT OP SOUTH CAROLINA ? IN BA N K RUPTCY?IN THE MATTER OF HI ADDEUS K. SASPOUTAS, BANKRUPT, |!0 WHOM IT .MAY CONCERN?The kndorsigncd hereby gives notice of his ap biufmonl as Assignee of Tha Ideas K. Sas ortus, cf Orangchurg, in the County of rangeburg, and State of South Carolina, it inn said District, who has been adjudged Dankt umpt upon his own petition by the fisiiict Court of said Dis.rict dated at. Ca., tho Ith day of March Irnugcburg So. 876. mar i> P. V. DIBBLE, Assignee. 1S7? [11 \ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. 'ho firm of strauss street is this i dissolved by mutual consent. All P'i|ties indobtbd to the firm vrill make pay it to Mr. james 51. FOWL es, who is liorizc 1 to make settlement for us. j. strauss, j. j: street. )nii:gcburg, s. c., February 2411), 187 5. i OVA.RT?EKHHIP. I'ho undersigned have this day formed a partnership, under the firm name of J. ItAUSS & co., for the purpose of con oiing n rice and quist MILL and saw LL business. j. struss. vj j. j. street, .ias. II. FOWL es. Hob. 27 1S7? ly Cpieatum s Champion Proli fic Cotton. Fhis CttTTON was grown in .teirer?on Co , orgin, and is'lie 'jest that tins ovor been l litis Comfy. It will produce on four to six bags to the acre. SEED n bo procured from Bull, Scovillo & I'ike Ornugoburg, with dirootious how to uit &o. fob 27 lB7.r> 2t Cotton Seed. All persons who hayo engaged COTTO N SED from me will please cull for tho sumo mice. Others vho aro in want of a few isholS of line COTTQN SEED can be Btip Icd l?v calling on, P. If. W. BRIGGMANN. Ich M 1S7? 8t GROCERIES CHOICE 1ACON, Dry SnU. STRIPS, Sumakcd. H AMS, bnggog. PICKLED BEEF, PEA Kb (MUST, KOLTED GRIST, HEAL. ALE and S HQ ARS, COFFEE. SUGARS, TEAS, TINT WARE, SMOKING TOBACCO, CHEWING TOBACOO. LIQ?ORJ, WINES, Of all Kinds. AGEJjfl toil HAZLITT * CO.'S bitters. AT THE ORANEBURG DRUG STORE by lji t-i. DR, L G. WANMMKER Can be fouud a complete Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICTNES, TOILET ARTICI PAINTS, OILS, FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, I &c. I beg lenvo to exproas my GRATEFUL THANKS to the PUBLIC for/fho Liberal Support givon me heretofore, and poiicit a continuance of the same. .1 v/ill diligently serve the good people of this County and vicinity as PRACTICAL COVfPOUNDJ?R of MEDICINES, both DAY and NIGHT, and assure strict and prompt attention to aU orders entrusted to my euro / ??r PARTICULAR ATTENTION givon to the PURITY of MEDICINES, -t?* leb 20 35 1875 / ly IF YOU "W?NT Dry Goods, Groceries, ^Fobaceo, Shoos, &c, BEAR IN MIND that it may be rfreatly to YOUR. INTERS3T to exam ino the Stock, of S~ SISTRUNK & RISER, Before purchasing elsewhere. They meto be found in^thc NEW STORE in ro*r of Mea JOVILL & PIKE, and will,bo glad at all times t) see thoir fr?rfl St I'ublic generally, feb ? 1875 bull, and tho 25 NOTICE. Ono month fri>m dato I shall file with tho Probate Judge of this County my final account | us Administratrix of Benjamin Rush nuU ask for my discharge as such \dministratix. KV./.WU UUtfll. Orangeburg Co., S. C. Feb. 13 18/76. feb 13 1875 8t. Tho .Exovj School