The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 06, 1875, Image 6

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THE CRAK?EE TJEG NEWS TIIAD. C. ANDREWS, Editor. Fikakciai, 4Ni) Bvsikirs Makarkh. Oflloial Paper of ilic State and ..of OranRcburg County. < TUM ORANGEBURG news has LARGER circulation than NT OTlt?R pater in the co un SATURDAY MARCH 6,1875. Volume Nine. I 0^lThis" 'ii tho third isauo of .volume M'Tr?he of ; the jOran?euurq News. It TWiW*?e ??r endeavor to mako the prc '''?nt1 vdlume interesting and instructive public. Prcparatious aro upv on to enlarge the News, whifch will larger ng ",nM-nj|)fc \VjP ?hall intcu?y?of thc rn^PPF^^^^o give our readers a| amount oP ot nil times watch tho iCounty, and keep our readers l^io^i on all matters of a public nature! n <T l.'^Wnl bespeak tho continuance of that "'patronage which tho people of this ^ County have so liberally held out to the ???? An Important Decision. glUO-Km. ~ The Supremo Court recently decided ..en. important point in regard to thc opc ration of tho lien law, which tboso cn ' gaged in agricultural pursuits will find interesting. '-The person giving the lien indebted ! for a mule, aud irave a 'lien upon his crop for tho payment of djKV debt, without any advances in monoy or goods bciug made to him ?^e^Supreme .Court held, that in no r;h.o .can .a mule be considered an "ad :Wice"'i to be "expended" upon tho soil which produces^th^B-op, ns is the true intent and meauieWof t?statuto to Secure advances few ngri?lturn 1 pur pesos. The labors c? mulclnigk vcyy properly be considered* a nevosstory s/up ^Jy ipr v the production of a crop; but a *jk molojJinstead ? of' bciug woru v^ut and ^^r^HHHHBW?ss ^fn producing aS|Hj| may be in much better condition and moro vuluablo after tho crop is made than"before. Upon these grouuds, the Supreme Court declared that thc lien Li ft: ??;??" . 'f ? given was void and of uo .effect. It is ?\ore than probable that lieu s of this character have been given recently, and :WC'Call attention now to this decision, iMPJ order that nooo may be surprised at *fho*end of thc year, when an attempt is made to enforce the lien. ?p -? yr.i'T ? !_ ?? "'Where Kcsts the Blame ? fiilO' j! . i j f The report of tho Joint Special Cum. .mittco appointed by the Legislature to ^investigate tho fuuding of the bonds, "?tinder the Act known ns the Consolida tion Act, is a very grave paper. It is hWestiori merely of fact. If the facts 00(?f7;( L . ? ' . . are as ifws report states them to be, it vrould seem a matter of great impor tance to the public interest that some .cognizance of them should bo taken by ?the Legislature. The report states that ?978,000 of the 82,473,^84 93, funded ! to bounds under this Act, have been declared, by the unanimous vote of thc ?onato, improperly fuuded. Is that so '{ Is 'the report true in this particular, and if true,* is there no way to save thc ' pceplo from an unjust debt of ncr rly $1,000,000? And who is responsible r io\ thp funding of theso doubtful bonds ? The report shows that a large amount " of covjxma, which havo matured and been paid, and ought to havo been canceled are aleo funded, and declares it to be n frr.tul on tho Stute. It specifies the class, value and dates of these coupons, apd points out four classes maturing ana paid at four several dates, all of which havo been funded, and which '-'pnount to the sum of $154,021. This 1 n large sum for tho Stato to pay rice?S^mo of these have not only BU paid,but paid in gold. Arc these louts or- ?bis committee truo or ^and upot^fcbom does the rcspon fall? Thomittco say dis with very Iwle courtesy, jponsibi?ty restt on the Valedictory. Find'ng that iny incriasiug duties -is teacher and surveyor demand my undt vidod attention, i feel called upon to rcsigu my position in tho Times with this issue. In my editorial control of tho paper T have endeavored, in my feeble way, to advance those principles of pure and liberal domocracy, which, in the lan guago of Joflerscn, mean, "equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever stato or persuasion.' As to the prosont popularity of these views I have never given auy serious, concern; being thoroughly satisfied with their souudncss and ultima to triumph. Of course, after this issue, I will Kavri no influence iu the conduct of tho pa per, but I cau at least indulge tho hope that the chair which I now vncato may bo moro worthily filled. STILES R. MELLICH MI'. The above appeared in the last issue of tho Times, ^e regret Mr. Mclli champ's severance from the editorial fraternity. Our relations with him in lection have always been pleas aut, anu^-ftravJa^jiH,, hope that his successor, whoever he Diaj"li.',ni/M.wn* tinuo to make the Time* a paper for the people* We wish for Mr. Mcllichanip success as surveyor and teacher. ? imrv - - . -n? i wi - C'ordoz.o. In tho matter of Cardoza it seems to be generally understood now that both bouses will adopt an address to tho Guv crnor demanding the removal of the treasurer, uudcr Article VII, Sectiou 2, of the Stato Constitution, which is as follows : "For auy wilful neglect of duty, or any other reasonable cause, which shall bot bo sufficient ground of impeach merit, the Goveruor sh , II remove any executive or judicial officer on tho ad dress of two thirds of each House of the Goneral Assembly : Provi-ted, That the cause or causes for which said re in oval may bo required, shall be stated at length iu such address, and entere d on tho journals of caoh House : And provided further, That the officer intend to bo removed shall be notified of such This address on! thirds majority of the and the only thing that treasurer is that the Conservatives v^ solidly against the add roes, and this is uot probable, as the Conservatives seem divided iu opinion. ???"MeoaOff ? -*-* -<mn^ar? Tiic Great Scandal. We have seldom smirched our col umns with the proceedings of the Court in the Ecechcr case. But the testimony on the Tilton side within the past few days has been of so decisive und startling a nature we would nut be justified in withholding for mor al and merely sentimental reasons a synopsis of the revelations made. Firs t there was the evidence of the nurse Cary, then that of Mrs. Tilton 's broth er, aud last that of Mrs. Meulton, wife of "The Mutual Friend." Thefirsttwo related what they saw, and their voraci ty must be impeached successfully by the great Plymouth preacher, if he stands. The last witness tells all she knows of the foul business, gained chief ly through interviews with Bo cell or and Mrs. Tilton. Her story of IJeechor's confession, remorse and despair is n fearful piece of information, which if not shown to be false, will damn the do fendant iu tho great trial to infamy and disgrace. The case of Tilton from first to last has been managed with signal and tnas terly ability. The defence likewise has been brilliantly and laboriously cotlduc ted by the groat lawyer lOvarts and his associates. Apart from the legal aspects ul the case as it stands trembling, we may say, on tho verge of a decision which may nevertheless bo postpouod some weeks, still, and aside from tho affair viewed ?is a gigantic New York sensation, w'int. must bo the average sentiment of 'ho intelligent and disinterested public '( Never was there profiuudei disgust, a disgust am niotiug to Jiau'iea. Everybo dy w?'|uld bo rid of tjie fearful social nightmare. Everybody cries, 'Hold euough," and yet the legal doses of the miserable stuff uro measured out tons with relentless precise tu aud delibera tion. Oue thiug is a i>parciit?the pois onous draughts carry ' thoir own an'i dote- Tho sickened public damns the whole ret, their falfcP morality their mock religion, their beastly living aud their atrocious and long drawn out per juries, quite as much :as it derides their curious friendships, Itheir 'tripartite covenants,' their tears of contrition their Judas kissing aud gencfal attitu linizing A bad lot, one and all.? Wo are thank ful that they must presently burst of their own rottenness aild disappear from the waters they h ive coir lrptcd by their fetid and burdensome presence?dead, putrid fish gotten out d* tho way not a moment too so on. Attorney ' Gtmeral Jlolton, in his report to the pre.sen?, Gvmoral Assembly , dutiet and tb isc ol speaking \f his Solicitors, saysx. years, j^it lias become com "Of late mon to charge tho ?$tdnicy General and the Solicitors with dereliction o duty, because id' their omission to prose cute o(Tenders agaiiiat 'the law; and it has come to be rogardedjis part of their duty to discharge the! offices of the detective and prosecute*, as well n? those of the proseewjuz suloruey. Whether this is duo to irtiora c.;, or to the political malignity ol those who know better, is a lu.Utci fif inditfe'cuec ?the result is the. sa no. N w and then, the State's AttOinp^' '.. > eonscti ted to be so employed, bit never, so far as my reading goes, execftt lor purposes of oppression and ofTictil prostlt /ion On the contrary, it b.dun.Is to ilili ??? io stand between the prosecutor on the oue band, aud tho ofleudu^ on the other, consulting ahme tin: den?nds of justice anil the interests of se^fy. It would be the same principle iu Lind, it nut in degree, to require it of;th h.i , t> institute the proceeding |>on which b ? shall subsequently pass ty not be out to the follow last annual o dut}' of the the ircuit s posili > i of a position i ice. Nor arc ?go tho offices :;; ito is their its do, should aid- without Atto rncy Solicitors, to prosecutor; iud CO' inconsistent with they called upon to dis of the detective. Tin' client, and, as other clio: furnish to h r counsel tlu which the advocate is always at dis ?advantage, 'l'lio Solicitor is expected to contend with the bnjr without the opportunity of preparation, in many cases without knowledge |>f tin parties ? . . i I involved, and with n uhingjof assistants except the mere recital bf the olfm-m contained in the warrant ?! the Trial Justice, always impel fee j ly aud often times erroneously ex preyed. In the administration of justice this has always been a serious impedimen t, and, cspcoi all in cases where the ubjeet of tho crime cannot take the position of prose cutor, amounts practically ito a denial of justice. It is the da y of till good citizen to' inform crime in his com muuity, and to actively oo-oporatc with the ofTiccrs id' tho law in biin_ri"\ i ofTondcrs to puiiishiiicut. Hut it is an ungrateful duty, and it is a wise pro verb that 'what's everybody's business is nobody's busiucss.1 To provide in some sort tigaiut this im ledimcut, lit ? duties of public prosecutor might well be devolved 11 poll OtlU ><l l lie (Joilllty officers?tin; Coroner, perhi s more properly than auy othur?who diotild be required to inquire into and present all olfuiHOi against the law!, and at each term of the Court attend upon and iiEsist l)ic prosecuting attorney. It was this office, fearlessly and wdl p.irfoimijd by the Committco of SevoOty, which in New Volk City availed to oxpo-c the crimes of the Tammany King and, powerful and delimit asj they were, to bring the leaders to i^dal and con victiou. The trees arc j iiittin ;j^> it the time to make love. \ Now's The Marion tiUtr, speaking of| Treasurer Cardoza says : "Wo hopo Id hear no more of "Chad bands" froiii tho News and Courier or from any other source, until this matter is thoroughly sifted and justice meted out to the offenders whoever they are. Why should many obscure officials we could name, be in the uetiitetitiary or in jail for official misconduct in the matter i I ti few thousand dollars, and this hugo swindle of near a million, if not q uitc, go unrebuked because the offender is Stute Treasurer? This is not our plat form in lighting for an honest govern moot, and wo trust that our Legisla turc, Conservatives, I iulependcots- and Regulars, will allow no co isiderotiou to deter them from tho performance of an honest duty to an oppressed, cheated and suffering people." John Jones, state treasurer of the state of Georgia, has been invited to ro sign his itlicu by n committee of tho leg islaturc, which has had a thorough ex nmiualion of his books and p ipers, and find him totally incompetent to manage the financial affairs of the state. He has paid $155,000 of bonds already paid, and his accounts otherwise stand in an ugly shape.? Greenville Ncwe. Jones is a Georgia Democrat. Th is should be some consolation to Cardoza who appears to bo in the same bad box. Anybody can write about the weather It requires no originality to di-cuss it. ? Gi'cenmlle News. That's the rcasm our Qrccnville neighbor likes to "dis :uss" th : subjo ? Mr. John Meioncy has gone tc build ing a gain in Cnmdcu. Centennial of ilm Gcrimtn Fusilier Company. Thc German fusiliers of Charleston, South Carolina, will celebrate their Centennial Anniversary on the third ui May 1875, with cerciiionics appropriate to so interesting an occasion. In 1775. ono hundred years ago, and bof i re the I.Yclara i ui of ludcpcndanoo, the German citizens of Charleston rill ed to the stau lud of American rty. They orgauizod a c< rps for ! OC nfrvrtj CTTTU ii ti < T*iTnW"grOTv" war f ir freedom an.I rendered sign il .-"rvicvr in the establishment of self government Their record i.t the Utivolutioit !<ry struggle is a matter of history. '1 heir services during that memorable contest, under Lincoln of the Cuutineutal army, aud at the sieges of Savannah and Charles t ii and on oilier battle li 'Ms are proud testimonials of their patrotisai and de votiou. They sealed their devotion to that, eauso with the blood and lives of man y of their numbers. In SI 12 thc German Fusiliers were again called upon to assist in the de lcnee of the coast, and in IS3<>, when the bloody tomahawk ol the sctninol e drenched the p! 11:?Flori la with the b!o"d of its pcopl ?. and the cry for sticeor was again wafted to the shores of Carolina, the German Fusiliers, animated by tli?: spirit of '7(i, volun tcored their services and aided iu ro deeming their sister St.tie from thc r utbless hand of the savage. The company has through all the vicissitudes and trials of the past ecu tury preserved its organization, and is now believed to lie the ol lest military organization in the United States. As only as 1702 they attached to their military feature, a society for the sip;.ort of their indigent widows, orphans au 1 destitute members. In this noble eauso of eh1' rity, they have expended largo sums from their own private resources; these have been shattered by the calamities of the war. This will be, as t< believed, thc first military centennial celebration, in these United State. Tho Fusiliers desire to crown this centennial, not o ily by giv ing interest and significance to the oc casion, but also by placing upon a por influent basis, a fund for the relief of thc >\ i l ?WS ami orphans of their dvico is cd members; these ohjocls would in Ieed be lit mi 1 grateful memorials, of this historic occasion. They therefore ap peal with confidence to their fellow citi zons throughout the broad expanse of this Union, whose liberties', now enjoy cd, they helped to achieve. Whatever donations may be given for the pur. posts will be gratefully acknowledged, il CiKUhTS, Jno. Klinok, Ii M?llmann, U F Wikters, i) a Amme, k Von Santen, Wm. IVNOHELOOll, Jit., G III ECKE, C llEltnUSSU) C C I'l.knob, A M i:n k '. 0 Mi i.r.Kit, (' II iii i.M5N, F iiosentual. Special Committee on Ccntcuuial. Phceni x! ROCERY HOUSE. 4 J. "W^LLACE CANNON, Has arisen from thefiames, an d takes pleasure in announcing to his J CUSTOMERS and the PUBLIC that he is in his NEW and LARGE STORE at his OLD STAND ready to serve ONE ami ALL as in da^| gone by in FIRST-CLASS. FAHCY and HEAVY O-Foeeries aRDWaRE LIQUOR.S, SEGARS, TOBACCO, Thanking a kind Public for their Liberal Patronage before the Fir would ask a continuance of the same with the assurance on my part o keeping UP MY STOCK to its OLD Standard and REPUTATION, J. Wallace Cannon, j*<j:nix grocery house. fob 1*7 eo 0