The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 06, 1875, Image 2

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TWO DOLLARS l'EE, ANNUM. )? GOD .A-lSriD OXJl^ COUNTRY VOLUME 9. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH, 6 1 Nine Years' Exprience in DRUGS and MEDICIENS. PAINTS, OILS, BRUSH?S, and ; PATENT MEDICIENS TOILET ARTICLES, CANDIES, CUTLERY, SKGARS, TOBACCO.S &o. I havo on hnnd also a suply of SEEDS and ONION SETTS. PercriptionB ca^ efuly compounded, orders from the country Btriokdy attended to at the Poplar Drug Store of DR. A. C. DUKES. jan28 ' 1874 ly "DENTISTRY ? In its MOST IMPROVED STYLE, and at a reasonable price, is executed at DR. EERSNER'S OLD STAND ?yer Wilcock's & "Wolfe's Store, with satisfaction to all, by A. M. SNIDER, D. S. L. S. WOLFE, Assooiat DENTISTRY 1 B. F. MUCKENFUSS, Dentist OF CHARLESTON, can bo found nt his OFFICE above Captain HAMIL TON'S STORE, on Mar ket Street References?Dns. J. P. Patrick, B. A. Muckkxfubs, A. I'. Pblzkr, M. D., and Mkssrs. Pklzbr, Ruuoehs & Co. To the Afflicted! I was CURED of CANCER the lip by Dr. T. R. M ALONE. Respectfully yours, \ j. w. Davis. I was cured of CANCER on tho right clink, of three years stnnding, by Dr. T. It. ? MALONE, of Oraugcburg, ?. 0. Respectfully C. R. RAST, V St Matthews, S. C. ? S5 to S 20 Per Day at Dome. Termb free. Address G. ST IN SON & CO., Portland, Maine, jan 20 1876 ly NOTICE TO ;THE LADIES AND GE?TLEMEN OF ORANGERURG, MOSES M. BROWN, the Barber pledges himself to keep up with the times hi all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS, ns his business ia sufficient to gnruntcc tho above. lie will be found at hiu old stand, ever ready to serve his customers at the shortest notice. apl 11 80 C. WEST & SONS, CUR OIL LADDIN SECUI(,TY 'HE BEST OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrcea Firo Teat. ?TER WHITE IN COLOR. ? FULLY DEODIZED. [IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. rns-in all]) OIL AND KEROSENE LAMPS. Ask for "Alndden Security," and no othor. C. WEST & SONS, 118 and 115 W. Lombard St., oot 24?24 Baltimoro, Md. LAND w SALE! A BARGAIN! Abont,1000 acres of LAND in Middle Township, well settled, Oin House with Giii and GriBt Mill. Blacksmith Shop and And Tools. In one parcel at $8.25 per aorc. Torm easy. ALSO FARM on Old Orongcburg Road, 7 miles from town?250 acres. Prioe^$1675. Well SETTLED. Terms easy. also One STORE and LOT in Orangeburg. also One BUILDING LOT on Russel Street. Apply to AUG. B. KNOWLTON, Attorney at Law, ^ If cspt 17 ? Orangoburg, 8. G.W^ Unappreciated Shakespeare. A few days ago young Gurlcy, whoso father lives on Croghan street, organi zed a theatrical company and purchas ed tho dime novel piny of "Hamlet-' The company consisted of three boya and a hostler, and Mr, Gurley's hired girl was to bo tho 'Ghost' if the truopc could guurauteo her fifty cents per uigbt. Young Q urlcy suddenly bloomed out aB a professional, and when his moth er asked him to briug in some wood ho replied : 'J hough I am penniless thou canst not degrade me.' 'You trot out after that wood or I'll have your father trounce you !' she ex claimed. 'The tyraut who lays his baud upon me shall die/ replied thq'bey, but he got tho wood. ' ' Ho was out on the step when a man camo along and asked htm-where Lafay etto street was, J 'Doomed for a certain time to roam tho earth !' replied Gurley in a hoarse voice, and holding his right arm out straight. , 'I say?you ! "Where is Lafayette street ?' called the man. 'Ah?could the dead but speak ah !' continued Gurley. Tho mau drove him into the house, u nd his mother sent him to the grocery after potatoes. 'I go, most noble duchess,' he said as he took up the basket, 'but my good sword shall some day evengo these in suits.' ' " Ho knew that the grocer favored the atricals; and wheu ho got there he ask ed. 'Art thou provided with a storo of 'What in thunder do you want ?' ask cd the grocer, us be cleaned the cheese knife ou a p eco of paper. 'Thy plebian miud is dull of com pre hensiou,' answered Gurley. 'Don't try to got off any of your non seuse on me, or I'll crack your empty pnte iu u minute,' roared the grocor, and 'Hamlet' had to como down from his high horse and ask for a peck of potatoes. 'What made you so long, asked his mother as ho returned. 'Thy graye shall be dug In the cy press glade !' ho haughtily answered. When his father camo home at noon Mrs. Gurley told him that she believed the boy was going crazy and related what had occurred 'I sec what ails him,' mused the fath er; 'this explains why he hangs arouud Johttsou's barn so much.' At the dinner table young Gurley spoke of bis father as tho 'illustrious i mm.' and when his mother asked him if he would have some butter gravy he i answered : 'The appetite of a warrior cannot be satisfied wilh such oonsence.' When the meal was over his father went out to his fuvoritc shade trco, cut a sprout, and the boy was askedjjto step into tho woodshed and see if the pen stock was frozen up. He fouud the old man there and he said. 'Why, most noblo, lord I supposed thee far away.' 'I'm not so far away but what I'm going to make you skip,' growled the father. 'I'll show you how to fool around with ton cent tragedies ! Como up here!' For about ten minutes tho woodshed was full of dancing feet, flying arms and moviug bodies, and then tho old man took a rest and inquired. ?There, your royal highness, dost thou want any moro V 'Oh ! no, dad?not n darned bit I' wnilod the young 'manager,' and while the father started for down town he went in and sorrowfully informed the hired girl that ho must oanccl her en gagoment until t he fall season.?Detroit Frvc iVcss. While on tho stand tostifyiug in the Dcochor Tiltou caso, Moulton, a leading witnoss, received news of the sudden death of his mother. Ho did not know sho was ill until tho news of her death camct American Girls. A French traveler, who has recently passed some mouths on this side uf tho Atlantic, furnishes the Hcvuc de* Deux Mondes quito a lengthy sketch of life aud manners iu America. Without comment wo givo that portion of his sketch in which reference is ninde to tho manners nud custoiucs of the average American girl. We ituugioo, however, that the picture drawu will be readily reeogoized. Tho writer says : The young American girls only live to have tho best,possible time. They are as free as can be. Fortunately their exaggerated lovo of pleasure is cheeked by a calculating temperament, which saves them from many a fall. Thou tho laws of tiie country protect them more ellicieully than ours would against tho enterprise of the male intriguer. They do not, however, prevent many abuses, and fast young ladies are by no means a rarity iu tho city of New York. During the day they go With some friends or with tho escort of hita.who has the privilege to flirt with theni to tho Central Turk. In winter thoy go sleighing and skating, and air their curiosity in all tho stores of Broadway. There they get all sorts of goods spread out before themj they ask tho price of each aud buy none. The impassive sale-man dots not show the least sij;n of discontent. There is a peculiar word for that singular custom. It is 'shop ping.' Auother custom which is largely practiced by American ladies is to outer oouftotioneiy shops and take ice creams at every opportunity. * * * Iu the evening the sa no young ladies are seen at the theaters au?\ in the fashionable eating saloons. If a great ball is given nnywhore you may bu ?uro to meet them there. Iu the sma^jr -tney?A'i<tt#^ ttr ^WnjiTri^^p^veos'r^i^^irs Saratoga, hong lirauuh and Newport, where several times a day they make a display of dresses which might ruin a score of husbands; or they cross the ocean aud astonish European folks by their merry freaks. * * * .Many people accustomed to our habits would uot fancy such girls for wives, au I they may not bu wrung: but tho truth is th at these gay, light hearted, and ?lten dangerously imprudent girls, make in the end excellent wives and mothers. liaising an Excitement When one ol the chaps of ton or twelve years of age feels old satan bub bing up ho reads the iinun on the tloor? plate of a private residence, rings the bell, and when the lady appears ho re marks ; 'Your name is Jones, I believe ?' 'Yes.' 'You arc J ones' wife ?' 'Yes.' 'Couldn't be your husband who got hurt down town ?' 'Mercy ! What is it?who V 'Don't get excited, Missus, (here's lots of Joneses iu Detroit, aud 'taiut likely this was your Jones.' 'Hut it was?oh ! I know it was!' 'Be cool, Missus : This 'ere Jones had his head all busted in live pieces, and the coroner is now?' 'Ob! my pour husband! Where is he V 'Don't get excited, Missus; it may be your Joues, but 1 guess not. This 'ere Jones had red hair, and-1 'Are you sure?oh ! are you j' '1 hain't sure, but I'm going down that way and I'll get a boy to c one back.' He hurries off, she rushes in, and when Joues comes home to dinner be loams that bIic has been in a lainti 'g spell ever since tho boy loft. A few days since a seedy person ap pliod to a wealthy citizen for help, and received tho small sum of five cents. Tho giver remarked as be handed him tho pittance. 'Take it, you are welcome our oars arc always open to the distress cd.' 'That may bo,' replied the roospi cut, 'but nevsr before in my life have I seen so small an opeuing for such large cars. -?????.???.??? ? Brigham Yroung is still able to sit up and be married occasionally. How Lithography was fyiscoyercd. After tho 1 rst triumphant perform auco of Mozti i'a opera'Don Juan,' at Munich, the t icatre was deserted by all except ouo n iu. Alois Senucfclder had still muclj to do. After seeing carefully around the stage, that no sparks bad ijjhited ab mt the theatre , he retired to'llis little room to stump the theatre tiotels for the following d iy . As he entered the room he had three things in his baud?a polished whet stone lor razors, which he had purchas cd, a ticket stamp moistened with printers' ink. and a check on the then tie treasury ?br his wectciy pay. Hb placed the cVjck on a table, when a gust of windtook itswopt/it high up m his room for a momcjAt, and then de posited it iujUi Kastn filled with water. Senuefelder tV?kJ the wot paper, d ried it as well as he could, and then, to make sure of it, weighted it down with the whetstone, 0,1 w!ii<:!i he had before curolcssiy placed the printing stamp, llcturuing tu his r.>o:n on tho following looming, hejwa* surprised to see the letters of tie stamp printed with re marknble ae.uracy upoti the damp paper. He azed long at the check; a sudden thoi ;ht flashed through his braiu; ho \f didercd if by some such means ho Jlull net save himself the Weary tr?."!????_? he COUtiuually had copy ill'' the SOOR uioruinu bei went out and.Durchusod n lurgcr stonej experiments) finally buoc of the chorus. ly lia? copy That very o! printing f4"n &;one?lithography JTltt Midnight Sun. and commenced to make and, as we all kuow. ded in diseovoriu" the art Ti'.C I vostuess traveler, tn reached oil north the h tho horizon ; cudulum in father's par' silent, looki both- hands midnight ti umphantly of gold, run water betv. shone iu sil setting. NY hats; no wo you cau, tl su nset you Ftrotehed away in silent r foet, s ivs a Xorway uo ouk off Our Combine, ii' jiiant suurisu and saw, and its beaut ic.; will pale l oforc the gorgeous coloring which now 1st up the ocean, heaven au 1 mountain, l.n half an hour tho sun h id swept up perceptibly ou his beat, the colors channel to those ol morning, a fresh brcczt rippled over the flood, one songster al'te^r* unothcr piped up in the gravo behind us ? A'o bad slid into another day.j t How iu Little Hoy Died A Virginia City (Nov.) paper has this little 'paragraph : "Little Eddie Nye, who w;is run over by a flat car last evening, and was so badly injure 1 that he died next morning, was a rare bright child, und 'one of tho bust children in the city. d>ust before he died lie sang ?The Beautiful Kiver,' with a voice ;:s sweet as though ho bad caught the tones from the Softer shore, ou tho brink of which his ispirit was then trembling. Atter the sotig he repeated a little prayer wliiCh his mother had taught him. The child all his lite ha I a lisp, but Iiis last prayer fell from his tongue without a halt or quaver, but rathe, steady and clear, ami yet with a tar oil" tone, as though another's voice of infinite swoc-tuois had scizod upon his lips iu the supreme moment, to leave an echo in his anguished mother's ears which should last as long as lifo. Short ly uficr the little prayer, the stiuiiy eyes closed and little llddte was gone. Oil Sunday hit! funeral attracted the whole city, and there was not a dry eye around the gear child's bter.' 'Whore a |fOmansays Mrs. Parting ton, 'has bocll married with a congeal iug heart, add OUO that beat s desponding to her own, .-'he will never want to en tcr the luaai/iinc state agaiu.' ta^i The Way to Conquer. *T* 11 master it,' said au axe, aud his blows fell heavily on the iron; but every blow made his edge more blunt, till he ceased to Btriko. 'Leave it to me,' said tho saw; and with his relentless teeth be workod backward and forward on its surface till they were all worn down or brol:co; he fell aside. 'IIa ! ha i' said tho hammer, 'I know you wouldn't succocd; I'll show you the way.' Hut at his fierce stroke off How his bead nod the iron remained as be fore. ' I try?' asked ^tboji^?111 flame. Now ri?-g?Wr^rwpTlctTtho flame; .i ..>ni ],.. ^etffved gently around tiie iron, embraced it, and never left it until it incited under bis irresistible influence. There are hearts hard enough to re sist the force of wrath, the malice of persecution', and the fury of pride, so as to make their acts recoil ou their adversaries; but there is a power stronger than any ol these and hard in deed is the heart that can resist love. Distressing Accident Near Milan, West Tennessee, a dis tressiug accident reojntly occurred, re | suiting in tlio death id'an accomplished young lady. A pistol bad been for week s lyiug on the uiantoLpiuOJ o: one of the rooms of the house Knowing it to be unloaded, the young lady and bor sistar had frequently handled it catcdpssly, and playfully tbreateuod to shoot each other, Bat ono'day their brother, intending to leave home the next morning, loaded the pistol and left it lying ou the mantel, so as not to fol get it when ho went away. The young ladies came in tho apartment after din ml, red, tho of her sister, an l^ expired soon -?.3T- ? ? ? CK TU?. - ? - A 3i. ss of It A Washington correspondent of the Chicago Inter- Ocean writes: Not only is it slippery outside, but indoors tuo, and at one of the swell germ i-h i few nights ago throe couples loll on the floor, polished not wisely but too well. Our of the si\- was the belle of the ball ?the beiie of every ball sha graces? tail and stately and haughty. W hat a lall was there! She was lo idiug; she was the best dressed woman there; she was the focus of admiration; sh \ caught her dainty toot iu another girl's flouueo, and while tho women were envying and the men adoring her she tumbled, in a confused heap of laces and ribbons aud flounces, and her partner, iu the middle of the room ! She was up iu a moment, sl aking out her mill ;d plumage and swallowing the mortification with lovely smiles. Cut. she turned and looked at the girl who tripped her; and merciful heavens, what a look ! A busy housewife was siltin ; in u doorway plying her needle. Her bus band was lounging on the rail, when his foot slipped, and he bruised bis knee on the door step. -Oh," said he groining, "1 hive broken the bone, I am sure!" "Well, thou." sai I she, n ddiug u,? h tr needle with its eye brokea out, "you and I have done very ucarly the same thing." "How so?" 'Why, don't you see?" Said she; ' l have broken tho eyo of the needle, matt and you h ive broken the knee of the idle luau." A fellow who hid under a sofa at an informal Boston missionary meeting, says that the thirty live ladies spoke twice of the downtrodden heathen and more than a .hundred times of a now kind of hair die. A western farmer complains that a book ami ladder company has been or giinlzcd iu bis neighborhood. Jlc states that the ladder is used after night for climbing iuto Iiis chicken houJQ, after which the hooking is Jjuo. Items. \\ jTJia A j Chicago newspaper . discribes a dress! which it took sk toourtis tcr nuko. Wjhou you boo a young goat - can y"ou call it a oise of ki^l uappin ? . Alaoy uaou are Ilk^ ^o^t|haL iya|??? in Bilaum's oaso th it tho IU a speaking oqc. Tljie cheupe.^t thing in 't\ij?jAP&eil JUU onlv i was Stit 1)10.HI. ha at the pros^mt^^8 vjWfug thi list yotr tbo' Union paid 81,021:, 819' taxes .to-tho Wy\ itia itn ao Wo mount to fortune ,byj eovoral stops, but require only one step to come 1 ' 1 r .. ft -rf.i i..<?Ijuf down. It has been estimated that the great American nation smokes 5,1G3, 000 et gars a day. ?.<*#* ?*- t,,,,,< ; lied used on a railrord signifies dan ger, and says stop. Lt is tho same thing displayed oh a man's nodo.Jf'9<* ^ When Stooptea married his'ffl^iRFe he sent the usual noticl to.' tli; pipsrJ with tho addition, 'To bo . ppntljia?^/ A vinegar hoartod old, baoheleficM^s lie always looked Uedorf, the,: head.,pf 'marriages' for tho uows. pf the week. ? . ?. t i ? t ii noil Why should tho m,ilo seXjJaTojd the letter a ? Because it mako* man tj v/>ao<a Tho California St:.te prison has 1,000 inmates. Of thise i GO'are1 udder tffr&n ty one, and 2-ti under twouty>sii' years of age, ? -!0jubo^ ihidw A mn??>ny Hpropcrly t?& t^h?TQ been drtpVug lifla fish whxjn he finds that he h?i takcBnough .to mako his hVadswiun; j? ? iLenYy- to ' Uc economical ? v$ion* J$U arc p.-ospjrons, that .yo'a* inaykdoW nrjtjr to live without spoadia.z -md'^j ?pKiiivc no no Never trust with a secrot a married, man who loves his wife, tor ha will "Ml her, and she will tell her sister, ynd^h^r sister will tell eve/yboly. A convicted criminal ucver objects .to the grammcr of the juJgc but he d?esHt like to have him show it dff iu court by passing a long sentence. . ' ' .da Tho young man who came bear the ing transixed by o i? of Cuyid/s darts, remarked that he h id had an, arrpvr^jt^s cape. * ;> ? (Iii > 'T-^^fOOJUO, A man is nj danger as^ loag^Wk.fte talks love, but when ho^jjll^j^he is impaling himself on his owa pot {hooks most effect aal ly. 'I it is estimated that ons 'h uharcd young women stand ready to*do copylfig at two dollars per week where: one ia willing to du plain cooking at doublo tl,at SU,U- ? a*t? A vessel has just loft. San, Francisco for Liverpool with a cargo of 156.000 busliels of wheat. This is tho largest cargo of that grain that ha*' cd the ocean. 1 ? 'tt8* A horso who is in th'4 If ibit bf-gBaV ing his crib oin bo cured of tho practice by applying a strong wash , of ? cayenne pepper and hot water, or. (a .floating 0pf tar to the crib ' * . nil V,d ,bjinb*b -.-- -- . i?., uul r'i^qo'tjcat jflBmP up AGOTr:, My house went down with tho fire^nay VTorK wont up with1 th?'naffl&l bhtXam again. -((tA \ 000,000,11 MY" 1STE3W "s*r?i^fe -x .!?? rtuej'ii ?di I? fill od with goods of a quail ty to -suit tho varied wants of my eitstom/rs. v ? I WILL- SELL CHE!*?*1'*! To thoso who patrontzo mo. ,* *** GROCERIES, I) BY doows/'Ktb., 1 have in abu'udanoe. ?UiMf .<4?fo 1,,,C,'I"T'A?* jnh .10 1875 ; dm -L_I_:>^...l dlilffl Notice of Di'smi?' ftST ? estate of lucinda e. iie^.0 deckas'e? If 7 Notice is hereby glvtn ,*?nl ?n'tlij dny of March lb76, .1 4\)\% file.f aecuiint as Admiiu'strala^Oi said Es^ will petition tho l^=t?atc Cmrt disoharge. ... , February 17tb^73. 1 e..h., Administrator Lb 20 1876