The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, April 06, 1867, Image 3

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TIIK OR A NU Eli URO NEWS, PUBLISHED EVKRY SATURDAY MORNING AT Orangeburg, S. C. Terms: $2 00 jwr Annum, in Advance. During the Spring and Fall Seasons, Extra Coj of the OitANaKBCRa News will ho circulated for bonofit of 0?r AoVEltTlSlNO l*ATRO)Mi tj&F Contract Advertisements inserted on hioflt Liberal Tertus. Address SAMUEL DIBBLE, Editor "Orangeburg News," Ornngeburg, S. C S&~ We respectfully request our friends send At their Advertisements as early in week as convenient; and if possible, let Us hi them by Thursday crating. By this means, will be able to issue at an earlier hour on Sat day, and will be enabled to give more of latest news, up to the time of our going to pn Sale Day. ? Monday last no inconsiderable crowd gath cd nt the Village from different portions of I Distritt to attend the Sales of Land? by t jShoriff and Commissioner. Most of those r ,scnt seemed to have no money or at least w jndiposcd to venture to purchase, consoquen <thc property was disposed of at the prices fioxed: . Ry Commissioner in Equity; Snsll es. Rast?158 acres SI CO. Sultry vs. Cor&crt??83 aorcs, 8185. Jones vs. Jones?381 acres, 6400; and 2 acres, 855. fairy vs. Grimes?180 acres, brought $11 O'Cuin vs. Smoke?280 acres. $50 CWtV vs. McMichacl?170 acres, ?700. RicJccnbaker vs. Jlaiyler?190 acres* $2( anu' I'?4 acrc"> By tho Sheriff: Reese vs. Barsh?I louse ana ,T.ot ?? Kn'ni villc, $40,50. Simmons rs. Slroman?200 acres, $49. Martin vs. Phillijis?VH) acres, $20. Estate Jacob A. Dantzter?128 acres, $4( Estate Jmncs Williams?121 acres, $3S. . Estate J. W. Smith?200 acres, $715. Estate E. V. Ott?-107 acres, $34. After the Sales, it was announced by .Ca Jamison, that a public meeting would holden on Monday next, to discuss the prnpi *y and policy of requesting the Bar of Oraii; burg to dispense with the calling of the Ci Docket at tho approaching session of the Co -of Common Pleas. - t.i.n- ????? i - We arc requested to announce that the C< ?juissionors of Roads of St. Matthew's Par ??rill turret lit filetl" UMUUl plUCC Of UhSClUbly .Monday next, the 8th instant. The following gentlemen compose the Boa A. T. Darby, D. J. Dane. Owen. Shul J. G* Kcitt, J A. Parlor. E. V. Shnler, J. Parlor, M. K. Holman, T. G. Shnler, W. Pore, J. W. Sellers, R. \V. Batos,?J. W. 13 hour, Augustus A vinger, P. W. Avihgcr, D. Zcigler, 31. J. Keller and J. C. Ilolman w?? "Our Policy.'' We invite the attention of our readers to i .article under the above caption, which we t week publish. The topic is vitally Importal the style in which the article is written pleasing und attractive, and the author is i ?of our most influential and distinguished e sens. These facts will ensure for the ei munication the attentive reading and thong All'consideration of our readers. We shall be pleased to hear from "Mark frequently. --- .Ill)- <CTTW South Carolina University. We have received from the Secretary of Faculty of this Institution, the Catalogue the present year. We are pleased to see t tho Alma Mater of many of the most disi guished men of the State is recovering from utter prostration consequent upon the cxig cics of the late. war. There are now one h dred and eight Matriculates, and three rcsid graduates on the rolls of the Institution, wish for it it speed)' return to the standard Scholarship and number of Students wb marked its ante bellum history. The following young gentlemen of the I trict arc among the Students : Lucius B. Batks, St. .Matthew's Parch. Wm. T. C. Rates, " ? 1). 'A. Da.nt/.i.ku, i; " " F. W, Dantzlkk, ?? " " AiisaLom D. Fajh. Orange Parish. Mass meeting of Freed men. About three hundred of the freedmen r ding in the Village and its vicinage, on 1 .Monday night convened at the School Not for the purpose of organizing a political pat The platform of the Union Republican (ILidic Party, which was ratified in Charleston last we was adopted?and most of the freed tuen prcs seemed willing to pledge it their suppori though we are certain (hat not more than 1 :a dozen (if that many) knew what they w ,voting for. During the meeting a collection was tal ,it]) to assist in the publication nfa lladical jo ,nal in Charleston, and though one negro \ ?sensibly remarked that the times were h.i and Charity bcginsal home - many hard can neu the the I to the. tee tec ?/?? the v>\s. er tho the ire erc tij an hat. Fnnatacisin does n<it earc for the sta ing of Its votaries; its leaders arc blind everything but the bucccsb of their policy :t their own aggrandi/.cinout. The Southern Cultivator. fife April nuinjjer of this valuable and w< known journal has been received by us. contains 48 pages?34 of reading matt mostly original, and is embellished with a Lit till ground plan of a convenient dwelling. Terms two dollars per annum, or one dol for sis months. Those desiring to subscr will address Wm. N. "White, Athens, Ga. To Messrs. IO/.f.ici Kl, & KoilN our editoi table is indebted lor a pair of iudisponsabl (we mean scissors,*) for which they have < thanks. If all the cutlery of their \\ known establishment has as good cutting qin ties as these Scissors, no one purchasing fr them will have cause to complain of his b gains. On no. )0: New Advertisements. ?65"" Attention is called to the notice o House for Sale, fronting Market street. Our* fr'cud "Mac" has arrived ho again, with a fine supply ?f ?9,Mk slutc!d u> 1 season, and invitcsan examination of his Spri Stock. See his advertisement. fl?^ Our lady friends will observe with ? tcrcst, the advertisement of Mrs. Oi.dkndoki announcing a fine selection of Millinery a Fancy Goods, of the latest Spring styles. fi?y-Mr. T. A. Ji:rrutu>s will be in Oranj burg on* Friday and Saturday 12th and 13 i ir."t., ailtl will offer for sale a large quantity 1 Shoulders, Sides, Flour and Corn. * See 1 I advertisement. Jt>2T"iv0V- ^ ^l("K^ON''s flourishing Cl sieal and Primary ScVooly at the common ment of its second leru', * ."U?ounced in c columns. We hope that the succc^ "f t! institution will be permanent ; for, wJ"? cause is of more importance to us than the eu cation" of our youth, mine are better fitted 1 this noble work than the respected princi] and the accomplished assistant, who ha charge id* this school. pt. be ?ie gc ivil urt im ish on rd: lor, L L !ar J. the his at; is jiie iti >m nt thc for hat li li the ;en iin ent SVe I of ich )is esi asl tse. ty. ?al) ek. enl We invite alt cut ion to the advertisement another column, of Messrs. 11. Ij. Jefki & Co.. Factors, in Charleston. These gcnl iflcn are well known to many in the District reliable, enterprising ami cnergefic ; and pi ters shipping them cotton will bu lind ti make good sales, at the most advantage* rates. Our friends in the' timber business will i erve a fresh demand fur Mill Timber Charleston. We refer them to the advert; incut of Messrs. II i: i><; i v, Owk.n iV. Co., \n offer the most liberal rates fur the. article. their extensive sawmill i < the city. <' ivc th i call. Grand Presentation Concert. Tlie ladies of Baltimore with their usual live benevolence have, inaugurated a Gr:i Presentation Concert in aid of the South* Orphan Association, to be given at the Ma land Institute, at Baltimore, tin the 30th c of April next. There are to be issued ffOO.t tickets and each ticket will draw a prize. 'I prizes are various, from an Kngraving up elegant Mansions and Farms. The tickets ; only one dollar each, and the cause is oncwb commends itself to the sympathy of the Sou erh people. Messrs. CiiAUi.K.s S. Bum. & ( are the agents for their sale in this place. Kcligiuus. Methodist?Appointment* for Orttngchurg I. trict, S. ('. Conference, -<l Quitrtor. ? St. Gkoimsk's?April Olli and 7th. Ui'iT.n OuAXor?Trinity, April lilth ami 1 Ith. I'RovtiiKXCK?Itcthlelictii, April 201 li ami 21srt. IIi.ackvii.i.i:?Crahiuiis, April l!7ih and 281 Ii. I'non Sr. Mattiikw's?Asbury Chapel, May ami 5th. OH.\.Nnt:ut'ito?May I 1th and l'Jtli. Itii.tsi uvti.i.K?Uctlilolicm, May IStli ami I'.Mh Sr. M.vmimvs?Tabernacle, May ??lh it ml "Ji It.MtNWKi.i.? May ulst. Aikkx axi> fii: \xitkvii.i.i:?June 1st and 2/1. I.r.xixOTOS?Sliilo, .lime Sili ami (Ith. Kastkii.v Ouaxok?White Mouse, June l?fti : I nth. a. m. ciiuiivTzniiitt!, r. 1: Consignees per South Carolina Hailni /?Vom I -.' .")//( fiielitnicc. Maj. Snlley, II. (!. Slieradan, Hiiiley ? Uro., McKlroy, T. li. Qualllebaum, It. W. Oat es, .1. W in. \V. W. Culler, A. I*. lointzler, T. Collier, der ? Wells, .!. .1. Way, M. Livingston, l>. 1\ II. .'. II. V.. .1. laislci Tin, ben.}. Izlar, .1. '". Ilannan Cooncr, I?. I?. Punches, I?. ('. Ilowr, It. Knntts. cen >ur cry rd, led il V M II N \) A L. MaiiIIIIU)?On the 27lli Jan.. by the Itev. I'.. Austin. Mr. JAMKSS. DOUftbAS to Mrs. ANN OA V IS. all of tliis Oislriel. OrricK <o* nu: OiiANtiKntiiiti Ni:\vs, April 5, 1807 Sl bV 111!. 26 COT'hlN. Declining. Hunters had belter ilieir cotton sccil for manure, ami plant em u. quote : Ordnung. 20 Middling. 21 mi.i.uin.r II List oi* Loiters EMA1NING IN TUE POST OFPIOE UNCALL ed for?April 1, 1807. Ii. Brown, Sylvester. Mnkei-, Jniln. B. Kvanshaw, 'I'. lt. F. Fel>ler, Carson, 0. Griflitli, Thon. 1*. II. Ilollmnii, J. A. K. Ilair, Moses (colored) J. Jones, I). E. Johnson, Ilaidy. K. Klaltic, II. Ii. Lesser, L. IL Ltiticrgiiii, Win. M. McMillan, Carey. McKay, E. .1. Milllioiise, .1. IL McNeal, l'ctcv (cidore N. Nelson. Miss Mary. I?. Peel, Thos. Drop Letters iiinat I ?J eents. Qiiiun, D. ('. IL (-') ?" I Holland, t 'nh in. Itow, E. Itoe, Jim. Itembert, John. H?cker, Mary. Hilter, Mar?in. lllckunbnckor, Miss L. S. Smoke, IL E. Salley, t'lias. Sy brut Ii, Miss Knebel. Sharp I'aul, (eure of W, Knot Is.) Singleton, bmma. St rock, Salley, Hl roman, Paul S. Stromiih, Nicholas. Keigliug, Jane. Sauders, .S. 'f. Terrell, P. W. Trend? eil, .lack. W. Wititijptgham, Ada. Wolle, Wiley. Wade, W. E. repaid?one cent, paper f. ('. IIUBHKLL. I'. M. . Classical and Primary School, EKV. A. .P. DKKSON. milE EXEHCLSES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL HE I Kesumcd on Tuesday,. April I tit Ii, in the base ment of tbe Presbyterian Church. An aci|uainlaneu with (be class of Scholars who lliny be expected to attend the Se!.1 lias led l<> a slight change in the Prioe of Tuition, as follows: Infant Scholars :?7.l!il per term uf 10 weeks. Primary *',vaucct' ?:<-<,(' per term of lo week*. ' V \tn Iii i ,,*?*? liners flO.tX) per!term of ID Class, and .Main. 0i.o * ? J US T C A full supply of S of a DRESS GOODS, LAD] KS' SILK COVER] HOIS KU Y, l'AUAi Together with an extensive supply of IM DO.M KSTiC GOODSS. READY MA Of which will be found a greet GOODS too numerous to mention. variety < A call i march 10 Ciivssical nihinicctl ?1'2.?<0 pci'K*"" of 10 wu Miss E. D. WOODIIULL will assist as lictoi>. a. f; dicksox npl_ . _ _ _I5; Dissolution of Copai^ersMp The Finn of (J. 1). KKITT S CO.. ia this day * solved liy (ho withdrawal of Ucorge S. Shi rev, J 0. D. K KITT, .). \V. K KITT, C5K0. S. Orangcbnrg, So. Ca., April ?Ith, ISU7. rptlK UNDKHSICIXKU Il.WK FOKMKU A ( pnrtnbrsliip, ami will carry on their busin uml-r the firm name of KKITT ItKOTIIKKS. C. I?. KKITT .1. \\\ KKITT Orangobitrg, S. C. April Itli, 1807. apl Ii t i-kAAA l'w" MILLION FKKTOFtSO yUUUiOV/" MILL TIMBKK, for which highest price* will ?'" J !,'"L Ai.J',? FLOOUIXfl llOAUDS AN i. SfllXOl.Kft, At llicir Mills. Font of lloaufaiii-Strcct, CFTAULKSTON, S. <\ HUDGrlNS, OWEN & CO. nprilU 1:1 ,U.Ob\I.iX>UDS CO., COMMISSION MKliC HANTS ax1? ? r:A:.:::ts in' Bacon, Pork, Flour a-;.:l Corn CHAKiiJlSTtl-N, S. ('. a pi t! e I ii E3 L. Jeffers & Co-. j^ACTOliS. AND Commission Merchants, c!iarij:stox. s. a. Ql'KCIAL ATTENTION OIVKN I'OTIIK HA p*) of I 'oti?in :in>l other Produce. Or lers for s plies carefully nitcmlc<! tti. Itefer lo Captain John A. Hamilton. IL ti. Sin Ksq., Oraiigcbiirg, Dr. Win. ('. W'lictsioae, St. M thews. lip] Ii 1 i M I iM. OL1 )KX I X > I v Hespecifully announces the arrival ?>(* a Fine lection of MI I.LI N F.F. Y an.I FANCY OOODH, s able to the Season, ami of (he most Fashions Styles. Among Slrnv Hoods, she wouhl mention mas," ??Sontags," the very latest : also "(iladiaioi Iloiinels of every description, ;:n I ".Sundowns," ??Seasides" in great variety. ?\lso, Fiowcrs it ml Fancy t Inn.Is generally. I-..C'"S!ie s'1.? its a en." from her Frieiels, at Store of Messrs Charles S. Full & Co., Oil M Street. "pi ?'??i NOTICE. 'I'. A. JEFPOKDS v ill lie at Ins Store in Oraii I in rg on Friilay ami Sattirdaj next, I-ill ami I in it., ami shall idler Iii those in w nil AO.tKMI pmimls Shoulders from ;>\ lo 1 00,00(1 pounds Sides froili I !'. lo I I. ?Min barrels Flour from SUM t.. $11. I noil bushels Corn. PLANTKILS i.etl of ihose articles, wouhl well In sei- him liefere his relurii, a pi II I NOTICE. OFFICE ASST ASS i: IXTHKXAL KEY EN I Oit.\sni:iirim C. II.. S. ('.. Mure Ii l?. \S*u In accordance wit Ii I he recent ('banges made in Internal Itevcnue Law, all Special Taxes, (previi ly t ailed Licenses.) as also Incomes for iSliti, ( rhigcs, Milliard 'fahles. Pbite, of either Cold or vor mid \Vntehcs, are to he relumed immediali Speciul 'faxes w ill dale from March Ist'instem May 1st, as formerly, unless Kcturncd within I specified by law a penally of feu per centum, will added. Persons iicglecling lo make rciiirns for : business or occupation for which a Special Tax License) is imposed, are liable lo a line of $000. I will he a( my cilice at Orangeburg C. II.. 'I'liestlay and Saturday of every week, ami will jj all desired information. Oilier days I will visil different Precincts or Foils, of which due noi shall he given. CJF.O. W. STHKUKOX, III til' Di -m Assisi \ssc.H8oi N P. My Office is nt I ho Store of C S Unl lis -''!? I on the For Sale Cheap. MtUlGHT (MUST .MILL IN PKHF1SCT ?U liing order and suitable lor Horse Power. Vpply io . TIIO.S. It AY. v iunr ?'!() 1 hi AiliBinistrator's Notice. A LLlMHiSOXS INDKiTT^D TO TilK KSTA1 j\ of .!. II. Wolfe, deceased, !?? retjtiested come forward und settle I lie same: also, u" pcrso having demands arc requested In reader .'bent property attested. ,1. IL INA P. IN KT. Administrator? mar ?0 lm Estate Sale. BY PKK.MIS.SI.ON OF P. A. MdMlCIlAKL, () dituiry of Ora'tigehurg District, I will sell my Itcsidcncq. on Thursday tlie.11 th day of Ap next, at ten o'clock A. M. nil the Perishable prop* ty of Klizubeth KieUcnbnker, deceased. Consisti; ..!' Cows, Waggons, the one-half of Cnrringc, lb Dcdslend, and many other articles in the llonschc lino, loo tedious to mention. illith March, ISU7. DONALD It. r.AP.TON. Adiniuist rtitor. mar .50 2t LK Se ii'tt ible ?AI an.) i iie aili r it:, I lie niH 'ar Sil i ly. I of into I he tiny I or on [iv.i (lie lice OC I he ./ u s t /?;; c /? i y ^ A LMAS. SOXTAOS. srNTiO\w:s- >",'A,M, j\ TOKS. CKNTKAI. PA H.KS, l-a-.:'?"? IIONNKTS. Old Ladies IIONNKTS trimmed a Cut riuiiiied, which aryo?vreJ :;i the most rcasonal rale.-. ALSO. H ATS Uemodlcd; Cleaned, Dyed, Pressed a Trimmed, at short notice, at :m i ;s. im; k. i [ALL's i ?ppo.iite I. P. THOMPSON. Kussel! struct, Orangcbiirg. Sa.-Ca. 0 l^rSt KL'TTKK, LA It D E ?F P 5 C W CIIOICK FAMILY 0 KOCKIII RS, Sie. E A s TtiAlt. DACt Mil H >N. * ^ 1" No. 1 MACKM5 Orangelttirg Drug Store. DR. K J. OLIVKRCtf i.mi'oi;ti:i; an,'1 dkamoii in S"\KPOS, MKDIOIXKS, llKlC'l'MKltlKS. nil Spirit's Turj-< iuine. Kerosin:' Oil, Varhi ?V.C., ,\e., ?\e. Receiving Montlily '?OSWK(iO,? I'OKS STAKl'll, '?Mondiig Si: > '<?! ii Si:.i i ll. a delicious food for Infants. i ....Kij.^- Sod;i, t'reatn Tarter, Arrow Hoot, Sal rains, Piavoring KSSehees, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ma Pepper, (linger. Cinnamon, Allspice, \e.. ?vc.. ,\i The Proprietor being a gradual e nf Mcdichie :i a Druggist ..f long experience, assures the Pul that all Medicines hearing his Lablea iireguar?iiti pin ?? and reliable. Orders from the Country; when iiccdhipan with I 'ASH, respectfully solicited. K. .1. OLlVKItOS, M. I>. mar 2- jy Druggist ami Apothecary OXK KAY M A HE flood Si g Three Years Qld. nur III- if f'OKNKI.SON, KILVMKIt & CO .)/w w v HCSIIKLS ItODOM KICK WANT! v'v}\ ) i . exchange for Corn and Flour at T. A ? dKFFOIIDS Si CO'S, OPENING pring (Roods consistin II kinds*. ngs, 10I,S, SILK KIJJDONS, WIIITK GOODS, NOTIONS, &0., &C., LINTS", ULXOC LOTUS, Sil KKTINGS and oil DE CLOT H I NG, I' shades and sizes. Together with many oil s respectfully solicited ml ^Y. W. LEGAEE, lias resumed the PRACTICE OF LAW at Ornn burg Court House, nml may be found ?I his Oil over Corttelson, Kramer & Co.'s New Store. It OS! SI reel. mar '_'?? t Frederick Fersner, .1/ E C 11 A X I C A L D E X T 1 S Will atteiu] to (hose who wish bis service?.it th iy?tdenccs, by being informed through the Post oft or otherwise. TEETH on (SOLD nnd SILVJ PLATE; also the VULCANITE WORK. All work done Warraii'cd to give satisfaction. Residence: at Mr. JOSEPH FiTRSNER'S, Oraii] burg District, S. C. mar 30 tl e T>r. ART KM AS J. WOLFE offers his Professioi Services to the Citizens of Orangeburg Distri Ollicc near the Railroad, on Russell street, where can be found tit all hours. All calls upon him will be met with prompt i (cation. uiur 39 ( 1 tu Al? and Pointer. mWENTY CASKS ALLSOPP'S PALE ALI JL QUARTS AND PINTS Fifteen casks Hyass' Palo Ale?Quarts and Pi Fifteen casks Jeffrey's Edinburgh Ale??PI Fifteen casks Hyasa' Louden Porter?Quarts u Pints Ten casks Barclay. Perkins & t'o's Porter?Pit: the above received by late arrivals, ami for sale 1). PA FL & CO. ncirlO tf Charleston. S. C Fresli Teas, by Last Steame TM.V QUESTS FINEST MOYUXK HYSON T If etiiv~'K finest Gunpowder Tea iipoi';"v Oolong Tea ;,J:ce Engli.-!; '?reakfast T Ii Halfen.. Half chests t also. e\* U.*l ??? A supplj of OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA n MOCHA COFFEES. For sale bv 1>! PAUL & CO. mar 10 tf Charleston, S. C. ?" o. rrtllE FIRST CARGO EVER BROUGHT IN' f this City, ami will be sold this Season in j, [ der to bring' it into uso. Professor C. U. Sill HARD'S, (of the Medical College). Analysts on i the Guano, can he seen at our Ottiee. Terms?^ (per Long Ton) cash, or Planter's drafts oil Facti payable 1st December, with Dank rates of inter* HUNT .V F.KO, Accommodation Wharf, mar III?lni Charleston, S. C E ^ I Reopening of an Old Drug Stoi Kb LS, sh. lilfl ied K. S. 1) U It N II A M. rpiIE SUHCRIBKR WOULD HESPKCTCLLY ] FOKM bis friends ami the public geners that he has opened a FIHST-CLASS DRUG STO at his Father's Old Stand, known for over twenty-l yours as Uuriihaiii's Drug Store, where he hof well-selected and complete Stock of DRUGS, PI FUMKHY, DYE STUFFS and FANCY A RTICLI which will be sohl low for cash. Country orders, accompanied with cash or c acceptance, will be promptly filed. PRESCRIPTIONS CAIIKFULLY COMPOUND at all hours, day and night. E. S. ItUKNIIAM Charleston, S. C. mar Ifi l TO NOTICE. ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKUN A VINO. AT THE CLOSE OF HOST1LITI tried our best to advance the interest of PUIH.IC of this District, by letting them h (Joods oil short Credit to star! the World again, are now compelled, by the Debt we owe to other; place our Notes ami Accounts in the hands Messrs, IXLAII ,\ DIDDLE. Attorneys, for Col lion, without distinction of Parties, wherever I sons have not complied with the Terms of tl ?VgrcemeiiL EZB KIEL & KOI1N mnr I'l ( NOTICE. ? MARTHA MeM ASTER, wife of Martin MoM I ^ ler, of Charleston, South Carolina, do her give notice to a!! concerned, that having been | vioiisly consliluteil a SOLE TRADER, I am still gaged in business in thai capacity, at my Store Russell Street in this place. Oriuigeblirg, S. C.. March 30, ISi'o. MARTHA M<MASTER, Agenl FOll 8ALK. "no Riinebes Yarn at a reduced price ?JOnii Yds heavy Drow n Shirting at 'JO els. :;<>0 Yds line prints 12] cts., S yds per $1 10. t? Yds super Dress prints at 'JO els. uiur ?'?<' '1 K for sali: cheap. T EEOS+'.NE OIL STOVES, WITH COMPLF UTENSILS, Cosl sl.">, for $10. i/? . ?? ivoivl'I oov v i> ?mi.'O t. i>r\ g der licc ?eil eir ice Kit ge nii et. he TUE SOUTHERN BUTJG STOHEI For the liberal patrpnago which I thus received from tho .citixcus of. Orengebarg Disti and (ho corifidenco shown in me by very pumar? friends. I tako tho opportunity of expressing : ainccio gratitudo in- (Ida, tho first itaua ?f I "OiUNiir.iii itn Nrwi." Tliv ?fieoUT*gemaat of p patronage and kindness indue, oa a strong faith future success, and, while thanking my friends pabt favors, I can assure them that nothing'trill left undone to dcHcrvo thoir continuing patrona; My Store will be essentially a DRUG STORK; ii will ho kept Hitch Druga and Medicinal alons, a will warrant Genuine and Pure. I hare arranged supply my customers "with Medicine* of ?ie t? host quality ntTnrdcd in tha-market. I avoid cheap usclc&s article*, and yet my pries* shall be reasonable for VALUABLE, GOOD, FRESH Mil ("INKS as any body's. 1 invite the PHYSICIANS of the Dietriat to ? an I examine for themselves. They ara jndgec whose opinions I Fuhtnit. Send your Ordert a they will he filled to your satisfaction. 'To tha 01 xens of my n.itivo District who have tried me, I a don't give mc up, try mo a little longer, and yon not regret it?you'll find I'll stand a long rate, well as u ehort ono; and your faith in me shall r he misplaced. To those who have not yat triad n now is your time to begin. As befora, if yoa wi good, pure, family MEDICINES, Buch as Laudanum, Paregoric, Castor Oil, Swoct Oil, 1 soiii Salts, dauber Salts, Cream Tartar,Carb.-Sot &C, &c, or Dye Stuffs and Paints, and Brush' Concentrated J,yc, &c., or even, Patent Mcdieit of all kinds. Now, just call at that Little Stora Mniu-Stree?, and you will be euro to get what y want. Tins Drug Store looks small, but your ?urpri will he great when you enter to find how appei anccs deceive, nnd what a quantity of good thin arc within this Fame Little Store. 13. M. SUULER, Druggist. feli T .1? 11 ts lit* ind its. by r. LA 01. BULL & SCOVILL, NORTH-EAST CORNER OF Rus^ll-Slrcet and Court IIouso Squar ?:o:? Having made arrangements with some of tl PRINCIPAL IMPORTING and JOBBtN FIRMS of NEW YORK. RALTIMORH ai CHARLESTON, tluy are Receiving Every Week on their own . account, and on coriaurnme A COMPLETE SELECTION . OF F O R E 1 G X A XD I) O M E S T I 9 READY MADE CLOTHING, II A T S, CAPS AND MILLINERY GOODS, HOOTS and SHOES, best make. II ABB W ABE IN (5 RE AT VARIETY, CROCKERY, &C.) &C.j AC. ALSO A FULL AND Complete Stock of THE REST FAMILY GROCERIES constantly on hand. Hating twenty-five jeara wxpofience Orangeburg Village, we have carefully atudi the wants of our friends aivd customers M feel justified in saying, our STOCK -i* Tactl selected and more complete tbuu eaubo fou nt anv other place. RI LL K ?OOYIUa. feb '2:J y U 'HOUSEKEEPERS ). ro or :r tho ;.">() or.n 'St. re IX dly UK live > a :it F.l) KS. the live W K >. to. of Icc ?cr leir las ch v LSI KING TO FURNISH THEM SELVES iy K very thing that is required in their Iii IT R D should not tail to call at EZEKIE L & KOHN'S WHO HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STO of House furnishing GOODS, Imported dirtfc* fr Kngbind. feb 2H y I, J UST Jt i?() 131 V EI> BY EZEKIEL & K?3EC1S rA F1HCKS LATEST STYLE SPRING CALK 0\J A I.Si) ASSORTED LONG CLOTHS. BROWN SHE1 ing and Shirting, Osimburgs, Denims, Strip*?. 1 Ticking, Drillings, Yarns id" all Siics, which, pother with the balance of our large and rar STOCK, we offer to sell at the LOWEST -figures Cash or Country Produce. feb 23 y l'< A (T??? ASSOUTMENT' OF ~ STANDARD School Books. ALSO STATIONARY of all kind always to Whad at EZEKIEL & KOllN Orders for School Books wfll receive pTompt tent inn. fob 28 y li rnilF. CHEAPEST STEEL AND IRON HOES i .1. direct Importation from the English Manul torv, are to be found at EZEKIEL k R?HN'?.