The Orangeburg news. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1867-1875, March 09, 1867, Image 3

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SAMLlu&.jDlBBLE, EdUur. * GHARLE&H. HALL, Publisher. $ '? *\y , '? 1 ' , ;.?:o:-4- ... i , :.p / v TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. " " On* Copy for one year._ $3.00 ?? ??? ?? Six Months........... 1.00 .?? , ** '? !fhrco **.-... 60 Any nuo milking up a CLUB of FIVE ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS wjp reQeivc gr?#extra copy ' FREE OF. C?AtoE: ' . RATES OF Al)WuTislNG.- . ^ 1 Square let Ihsortion'.......... $l'.60 v ?' ft* ]M%K ' 2d> j i*vJ#-^""" *.!? A Square consl?tar?fiO Httfe^Brcvior or'onp ?jeff v?f lAUvcrUsing space. Contract Advertiecracnts inserted upon Jtlic most liberal term*. . ? ? . pS** .JtyittRIAGE and FUNERAL NOTICES, not ex- | ceeding one Square, ihseYtcd'without charge.? ? '." M J?Q^Terhis Gash iu Advaiice**r?a ? ! \ - -:o= For further particulars, npply to Ma. CnAafcKS H.-j . Hall, or address ? . ''* * t . " SAMUEL DIBBLE, : ? , . Euitok Ou.vxr.KUuno Newb. ? . . ^Ornngeburg, S.\C. feb 23 6 1* . i m ". ?-^^ CHARLESTON CARDS. mLUB & CHIS?LM, FACTOfiS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ? 1 AND. n ^ SHIPPING A G ENTS. \ wnj, ATTEND TO THE PlHlCHAs?, y \\ sliio and to* Foreign-and Do mestic Ports. ot GottoUj ll.'cc. Lumber.and Nnv K WILLIS. 5 ALEX. R. CHISOLM. * *. feb 23 1 f SAM'L R. MARSHALL, Formerly Co-partner of J . E. Adger & Co.) importer and dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ? 310 King Street, 3d door beloic Society, CHARLESTON, S. C. . feb 21 ? ' 1m S. Tiiohah, Ju., Wm. S. Lannkau., William G. Whilden & Co. FORMERLY OF HAIDEN & WHILDEN, DEALERS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CROCK ERY, CHINA, GLASS WARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES. ? Old Gold and Silver purchased. Watches and Jewelry repa ired. 225 King-St., Corner of Deaiiiuiii, AT WHOLESALE 11 II AVNE STREET CHARLESTON, S. C. feb 23 2m Direct Importers and Dealers ' in HARD WA RE, CUTLER Y, G UNS, bar iron; steel, nails, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM10NTS, &.C., No. 139 Minting-Sheet, near charleston hotel, and NO. 02 EAST BAY, GHABtEST?N, Si O. J. ELLISON AIXJER. E. D. robinson. A. McD. brown. G. II. MOFFETT. J. AUGER SMYTH, feb 28 ? 8m CHARLESTON HOUSE. STOLL, WEBB & ?0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. All OooiIh arc selected specially for our SOUTHERN TRADE. AT THE OLD STAND, NO- 2S7 KING STREET, Three doors below Wentworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. ,/erij^s Cash) or City Acceptance.. HtDEUS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. <*iiAnr,F.fl Wkuu. H. C. W.M-Kr.n. ( c \ tf -f. POETRY. jS ? ? - * - ? [F?U TUE OHAKUEllCUU NKW8.J * *r "Duty's Resignation, to Lovo too Unfor tunate*" T* ?? ?. ... I'll drift him,?although on my chocks/I know, Tho bluom will pulo forever: > 'I'll drift jlini,?although in the core of my h???lt 1 shall oousc to love him?oh, never I , . .. ... '? ? Tll-tlrlTt him, and mcm'r'y mr?he flees to the post Will fiu<l there hut grlef^givcn joys? I'll drift him,?and hope in tho future must soar? O'or life and its lovo brokcu toys. I'll drift liim, thouglrgrief and soul-reading dos , . pair, - Should revel in tho shrine of my heart? .I'll drift him, though pangs op unutterable woe, I'ro?my bosom-ahould never deport. il'U drift him, though misery exquisitely blond,4 ' llcivpowcrs to torture my soul? I'll drift hiin,-thoitgh fates, and though^ furies shall rend ^ Not'ft part of my life, but the whole. ,' .' \ r- ? t * * , * ? ' " . I'll drif\hini,?though time slurll bring aOver more ?ho balm my lono bosom to soothe? I'll drift him, though hcuoeforth 'the path of my lifo, . ^ ' . +. % jj, Do ovcrything else but tho. smooth. ill* * ?* ' Tll'drift him, though forme a dark remnant of days, 'A heritage of ogony live, '. I'll dnft*him,-though*hourly emotions of woo In my heart to thy drcuin birth should give. '* ' ? , ' lie is driu><fj^plas j aud my licajrt wildly cries Farewell! blooming roses of bliss, I'll cherish.the thorns ye haye left in my soul Ajud'rejoice in'tho misery 6f this. . VIENNA VEAL. , BRANCHVILI.E, S. C, Nov. 20, 1800. ~ LITERARY. A .House, in the Rue (FEnfer. [concluded.] . . _ , ] Tho-next day tho artist took up his abode in tlu;*]jC(ip?Jd.stadt. his windows ho. 4&ni; "n^Tffford VtoWTi Ida hbt^^llb'tll?ri forb determined to watch until he ha'd "unrav elled the enigma which had so long puzzled him. Amongst the windows opposite he bad remarked two, the blinds of which were always down; these he observed particularly, imagin ing that this must be the countess' apartment. The third day one of these windows opened, and the Hungarian came forward and loaned on the balustrade. Frederick now lifted up I the curtain of the window, behind which he had until then concealed himself; his eyes were strained upon the open casement, for he imagined that at the extremity of the apart ment he perceived the form of a woman, lie was not mistaken, for a few nfomcnls aller she advanced towards her husband, her eyes east down?he sccpicd to speak to her. for sudden ly she looked up. and the first object she per ceived was Garnier; the young man made an effort to retire, but it was too late; he saw her streich out both her hands, utter a piercing cry, and fall backwards. Garnicr remained a few moments motionless, not daring to stir; but he soon heard the win dow opposite close with violence, and when he again ventured to look, the Hungarian aud the stranger had both disappeared. The same evening his hostess informed him that some one had been making inquiries about him, his name, his country, his habits, and the motive of his stay at Vienna. Frederick had no diiliculty in guessing from whence these questions proceeded; he had been recognised; he saw all the danger of remaining in a coun try without friends or protection, and in pos session of n secret of which some people would like to ensure tho safety at any price ; he con sequently resolved to be on his guard, and act with the greatest circumspection. Several days passed away, the windows of the hotel opposite rein lined hermetically closed and Garnier began to fear that the unknown was gone. One evening he went to the opera with the doctor; the two first acts had already been played, and the curtain was about to rise for tho third, when Garnier felt a paper between his fingers; the hand which had held it was immediately withdrawn, and before ho had time to turn round to look for the secret mes senger, he heard the door of the next box close. The note contained these words : ."Go to the Duchess llohubcrg's masked ball on Thursday dressed in an Albanian cost nine, and if one should ask you, 'What do you want V answer, '1 do not know.' " Leblanc had hcon invited to this ball; Gar nier therefore went dressed in the required cos tume. His impatience had made him nnticb pate tho customary hour, so that when ho ar rived there were but few persons present. After having examined all tho masks who wore thoro, Frederick took up his position near the door, to sec tho others as they entered, hop ing that a chauco would cause him to discovor the person he expected; but the crowd soon obliged Ii im to quit this place f ho wan gradu ally forced to retire to the ' further end of. the room, and there he determined to wait.. The night .was'' already far advanced; the dancing had begun to flag, and the guests to turn their attention towards the supper, which had been prepared in Uie-3"n<pieting-rooin. Fatigno'l[-vrjih - the beat and the glare of the .tights, Frederick, allowed the jqyous crowds dancers to pass* on. Perceiving ? door ajar, he pushed it open and passed into a small libra ry, which was lighted by a single lamp. He stretched himself on a sofa, as if o\er .powered by lassitude, and bad beguu to yawn very comfortably, when ho heard tho tread of a "light fuotstop; he turned round; a woman, in a rich Spanish costuiner-stood before him. '?What do' yo? want said she, in a low voiccf. ( "I do not.kow."' * * \. Shrt started and looked anxiously about the room^ '.'Not so loud sir.'' murmured she. '.We aye alone, madam." She .drew ncafer. "Why did , you come to Vienna. - ' "Tff'findyou." ''The young woman drew "back. ciTo find me ??and why'r" "For the second time 1 - wUf answer., you. uiadam. 1 do not know. Your appearance has" .created such art extraordinary sensation in my existence, that on perceiving yon again 1 was .seized with a sort of nervous curiosity to get at the bbttom of this affair, and 1 resolved to see you at uny price.'.' '"Avhaf to*?'usk of mc;?'' "Fverytfofg. madam ; for 1 hasti not been able to guess a single incident of the tint ma of which you made me a witness?T might almost say an actor. All ! you have too elevated and noble a character .not to understand that my impatience to clear up the mystery which sur rounds this adventure does not prosced from idle curiosity,' but from a romantic hope which ! ?I had conceived af being Useful to yon. 1 J wished to speak to you o^i* tho services, you [ have rendered-me ; for I know that th? Vert-'I mann, who sc^suddeitly gave mo the mqafis of | connnlssn?n*e?T_D\,"yoii-'i wrtaVS*Tol>K rnr n tfixttv hazard was. in fiicf. a concealed and well-ar ranged plot to forte me to accept of a favor ; but this favor, I wish to know why and on what conditions it was granted. Was it the rcocmpcnsc of my silence, or of some service which 1 had rendered you '"' '?Both, sir." "Then 1 refuse it. madam; positively and; absolutely refuse it." exclaimed Frederick. ' warmly ; "I neither sell my services nor my discretion." "For heaven's sake, sir. listen me?you came ' here, you say. to serve me; let it suffice you to know that all that has passed is irreparable.? ' that my misery now weighs only upon myself. ! that your presence may ruin but cannot profit , me in the least. 1 am a slave chained in the , den of a wild beast, who in bis rage would kill me. 'J in. secret you ask me for, sir, would. 1 j were it known, cost me my life. 0! I beseech i you. leave Vienna?return into Fr?ue<?von I do not know the dangers to which you are ex i posed here?you have already excited the j count's jealousy?you are watched, beset with spies. It required the chance and tumult of this ball to bring about nil interview; perhaps, even now, is lie sea rolling for me." Having pronounced these words, thcy'oung woman looked anxiously around her. Sudden- ; i ly her eves remained fixed Oil soincthimr at the j further end of the library. She drew back with a gesture of terror. Frederick, who bad eagerly watched all her movements, perceived in u looking-glass the reflection of si bead peep ing through the door, which was ajar. lie I uttered an exclamation of surprise, ami ad vanced towards tho door; but it suddenly I opened, and a man dressed in an Armenian cos tume appeared on the threshold. "1 disturb you," said he, in a hollow voice. '1'he stranger drew back, trembling and dis tracted. ?'Wind do you want, sir? how flaro you list en to us? aiked Frederick. Without making any answer, the Armenian endeavored to approach the young woman, but Frederick placed himself on his passage; tin? two men stood confronting each other in an at titude of provocation ami profound hatred. All of a sudden the Armenian tore oil' his mask and discovered to view the savage countenance of the Hungarian nobleman. ?'Do you recognise mo now ?" asked he, with an accent id' ungovernable rage. j "I do not possess the art of reading peo ple's names on their faces," replied Frederick coolly. '?Perhaps your companion will be more clever than you," rejoined the Armenian, ad vancing. "Hack, sir." "Down with your masks!" "Hack, 1 tell you." ? The Hungarian laid his hand on his poniard, and Frederick on his yataghan; but, at the snmc Tnomont, the music again began to play tho cror^liad "o*"11 filled the ball-rooui, and a troop ?l Jrasks? rushed into the library with ehqu'y. oi laughter., Frederick profited by the turnjjjRi?h this irruption occasioned to etfect a rctr"ffifyr *no countess, and when lie returned to ?ook?0 Armenian he was gono. TheJ&*-t day he was alone in his apartment, bns'u/.^P^nging some traveling dresses in his truukyv?}^ the'llungurian suddenly made his uppgar?; AI sight Frederick shuddered. Tho counta?inced towards hirn. "Mr. Frederick GaruiorWifyou please?" ."I uJhe, sir." CafuRr took the letter, mute with astonish ment, all recoguised the hand ns the same which, m*L written, the note which he had al ready weeived ; he opened-it, aud read the fol lowing. ? > . * / i "We eieaped only by a miracle yesterday?; a sccottrt-rintorview would ruin us. If I ever inspircJ y^ou with the least particle of interest, leave Vupmn immediately; perhaps I shall some day ^pe able to answer your questions; but ? that will'require both time and liberty. .Start with?tu a' moment's delay, and tr^to forget tho events of that night, the remembrance of which I/would willingly wash out with my blonder j "MAGARKT." "/X^r4 you finished it ?" asked the count of (!atjiiM;i \Wsir." ?Wnht are yoiir arms?" M^W.noi understand you, sir." Th| Hungarian stared at Frederick with a sort Yifjljavnge astonishment, "lfdveyou not re luarke-y to whom that letter is addesrsed ?" ??Tu Sue. sir." ''.V^ijl who wrote it ':" "I dp not know." vl. . "('urge, come, sir. all prevarication is use less."! JRelaimed the count, stamping on the iiolrfl;'',>I>o you imagine that 1 am both deaf! anflHIind? 1 never left an injury unpunished ;iflH ; one of us must die? you know it; do I .hRmM^ to esc'apa mo'now?we are not M the . i", J^^sReiinberg's. ?llowovor^imrg you may 1 Hfcj^iu^ru.sta- up yjMiv 'afc-%i<re.)I will wait; I "hid This Tooniiw ill not leave uMfltVJvou^ltavu given mc satisfaction." After this discourse, the count sat down, as if to show thereby that his resolution was im movably taken. On examining the objects which were scattered about on the marble slab : of the chimney-piece, be unwittingly took up the medallion which Henry had found at Hash' ; he turned it and recognised the portrait of the countess. ? He sprang from his chair, uttered a cry of rage, and gnashing his teeth, exclaimed. "1 will this instant go and fetch my arms; in an hour I shall return, and if you still refuse to light me, I will kill you." Frederick remained buried in deep reflection. It was now that he bitterly repented the conse quences of his imprudent curiosity.- The scene which had taken place at the loichcss Heim burg's, aud the Hungarian's violent jealousy, had made him resolve to be prudent ; but it was now too late; the count's provocation had wound up I be affair in the most gloomy man ! ner possible. It was certainly very easy for him to correct the error which bad brought j about the quarrel, but he would then be obliged to tell all that he knew, to reveal a secrect on ', which the honor, the life of a woman depend ed; and this he considered he Could not do without the basest cowardice. Hi' consequent ly resolved to abide by his. destiny, whatever it might be. To this effect he wrote a letter to Leblauc, relating to bin: all that bad passed, and giving him his last instructions in case he should succumb. lie'folded it up. and was about to write the direction, when the. count again appeared, bidding in his hand two duel ling-pistols. ? f shall be at your service in one moment," said Frederick. The count laid down his am.* on the chitil - noy-piece. I Gamier sealed his letter, wrote the direction, i and rose up. "liefere we go out, sir," id In-, j ??! wish to say one word; it shall be t'ne last: I 1 ?le Ian-, on my honor, that 1 never loved the COUlitess, that I have only seen her twice; that ! I do not even know her name; rhal this por ? trait, which you suppose to be a token of love, j was found by me at an inn at ]',uslc, where she : bad forgotten it." ? Liar, liar ! and the letter?" ? 'fhe letter!?she who wrote it has alone the power and the rite to explain it. sir." ??And she will." said a calm, solemn voice. Frederick and the Hungarian turned round simultaneously. The countess was standing in the door-way. ??Margaret 1" exclaimed the count, "what do you want here ?" "To hinder you from committing a crime. "Begun c, begone, I say." "Not without you, count." "Ah ! arc you afraid of your lover V Shr> cast upon the Hungarian a long look of disgust, end contempt. "My lover !" said she, ,with a faltering voice, "you know very well that he is not here." . "But this letter?this letter, madam-" "Have you forgotten a young mpn to whom 1 was affianced, and whom, coward-liko, you threw like a vile malefactor into prison V "Frautz has nothing to do with this affair madam." "You arc mistaken, sir; for I loved him ar dently, fervently,-before I was compelled to be come your wife, and I loved him still more af terwards. You had him condemned for a sup posed^crimc before our voyage to France, yet ho'oontrived to join me in Paris." "He!?it's impossible." "You were absent, sir, engaged in political intrigues in London?I could receive him with out fcar.'y * The count stretched out his hand towards his pistols. "Not yet, sir," said the youugwoman with a bitter smile; "you must first here me out. Frantsc bad been in Paris about two months, when you -announced your return. He then conjured me to flee with him; but I remem bered my child?T was, besides, sure that we should not be able to escape your pursuit, that I'rantz would pay the penalty of his life?I wished to save him from inevitable destruction ?wretched woman! I refused ! I then re ceived from Frautz a. letter which contained these words" : ??This evening I shall'be under your .windows, to sec you or to die." ? "1 was ill the country?I arrived in Paris distracted?I flew to the Luxembourg?the gates were closed. I. ran to this gentleman, who occupied an apartment ulidcr ours; he opened fur me a private door which led into the gardens, and when 1 arrived?Frautz was dead!" The countess buried her face in her hands, and Sobbed aloud." "Von will now easily understand." rejoined she, alter a long silence, "why 1 was so dis turbed when 1 again perceived that gentleman? why 1 was so anxious to meet him?why I wrote to him >to leave Vicnua.'', *. * _T)?e..count_had sat and listened to all the de tails of this advelutine' witli a "most tern Ulli calm, his eyes fixed, and his lips compressed, lie at last. rose, and advanced towards Garnier, who had remained wonder-struck and mute with astonishment?"Von will quit Vienna to morrow." said he imperatively. The young man started, and was about to ! answer, but the countess looked at him. "It .-hall be so," said he coldly. j The count then seized his wife's arm, who shuddered beneath his grasp, aud they both > disappeared. * A month alter. Frederick met in Paris, I q.\ blane. woo had just arrived Irwin Vienna. rj'luj two friends had a long conversation tog. ,thor. ? Now I think of it." said Henry, "f have learned by heart the name of the Hun g^rian's'l wife?she is the Countess Margaret jf fjlcs wholtezser." ??Ami how canic you to know it'.'* ??I saw it on the funeral invita? vions." -What !" exclaimed Fredcr:..?k, shuddering ?is the countess dead ?" ?Yes, she died the day lifter your departure from Vienna." J. ('. (\ AGRICUJjTTJRAL, &C. 31ake Corn. Will the .South ever learn anything? A French c* nie upon the restoration of the I Bourbon remarked : " They have nothing." Shall v./c bo subject to the same sarcasm?? Vt htr', fan we do without corn? i .1 the (dd times, just hofoyft.jhrt frrmT'cnisb i of ".h!-'.''7. when uvoryTn'idy was run mad on the j xubjeCl of cotton, just as we are now. a team ?a ]?oor lean mule team?was staggering up j Main street tinder a heavy load.. The owner in a sort of apologetic way, remarked to a knot of friends, "Upon my worth 1 wish I did know what would fatten my mules. I've tried niix vomiat and ussaftcdita. and every sort of thing and it don't seem to do a particle of good." ?? Did you ever try corn?" quietly asked the Diogenes of the party. "If not, perhaps you had better try it." We would warn the people to make corn. Lessees don't rsom to care about ii ; they come to suck out the substance and then like wild geese emigrate North with their craws f?ll. See to it, you lessors ; make it a sine qua non that your lessees shall raise corn. Your coun try demands it. A full corn crib is better than a full crih of any other kind. Chickens, mules, darkies and every living thing rejoices in it. "Who have been the most successful planters in old times? the man of corn. We are astonished to hear sensible men ad vising people to make cotton to buy corn with. F?vcu the old Indians have got drunk. "We know some large plantations that hav'nt got enough shucks to make horse collars. Of course tho ownors of such places "ain't worth shucks." 1 The startling announcement was made hi town, j'csterduy, that there was'nt a sack of corn in town. Are we to have a .famine ?. It secnis so. If wo bow down to coitoh. and wor ship it and neglect corn, wo are botind to end in famiuc. Would that some ; JuLeplv ct.UldC-* give us a lecture .on, the..subject.! lie is ih j only statesman of whom we have ever heuid wbjj/ got corned iu the right way. Lock ^ut your situation in military parlance, iu^'u 11 cid as sac" made of gunny sacks. You'ye got t > borrow the money to buy the corn.,; You've, got to feed mules to haul the corn. Yuu'vegot to pay the driver to ? drive the, wagon to haul ??e corn. You have to grease tho;Wagon. etc.: and ybiroau run on in the style of "the cow with the. crunVply from,'-',and pileVp (lie disas ters that spring from, an cmpty^jexnnvw;j-ih. Don't be satisfied with ordinary cropsj be cause we'll have.,to begin to suck roasting car? before the moustache is off them. Let all the editors in our land raise, the corn ' song, and let the people join the chorus, ,: raiho,-'? corn !*' " Let us do it quiuk, before Uncle Sam has ii: j chance to tfix us. It is the only thing that is'ni stamped; that's one consolation. * It's time for us io speak oufc"uml warn tlio people to plant corn! May God bless ua next 'season with a cornicopia of corn. [Watches Courier. Sheep Vs. Otker Stock. The following briefly enumerates some u! t> advantages of keeping sheep. They make the quickest return for Or ? in vestment in them, being ready to eat V three or lour months old, and yielding fieof^.; {lt out; year old, and perhaps a lamb also. '?/. Their subsistence is cheaper f.haa that u" anj- other domestic animals?g'.* tss'nnd stuck fodder being all they will require tit any season. ? They supply the family at all seasons, with the must delicious meat of ir lC meet convenient, size for family use. They present valuable* ? products in two forms, their wool and their ?' jSh both of which are adapted to home C?,usuaiptioD, ami for sab v and b'uth of which^rf>.ajlanied to either, domes- ; tic or distant uyi/',-^. 1 1 ! ?^jiimux? The transportation of them to market ?iiv3 is cheaper thara 0f ,my other live s-toek (m^ blooded) of "he sanie value, and the same i . true also o ?? their wool compared with other and similar a gricultural prr.ducts. " oe i may be more easily and safely, kept in expectation of a better market, than any Other and similar product, as it is less liable tu fire, ir.sects, rats or rotting. An investment in them is sclf-culargyui'r; :rjd rapidly so, by their annual increase, while their wool pays much in the way of interest at the same time which is not true of many, if of any similar investments.?Mavyhtnri Fm :ncr. Cotton vs. White People.?".White peo ple cannot raise cotton, especially on alluvial land!" Nevertheless, the Baton l'?tigo A<liy catc of the lGth, says: "A friend in this parish, not being able t > procure frcedmcn last spring set to work with his own boys and one white man., and the result was a crop of thirty b ?' of cotton, j " We would like to know .ere negro labor i has done better. And we know hundreds, i.' ' not thousands who have labored half their live, in the swamps at farm or other labor, and havo only eea?ed becauso they got too rich to work. Sickly men. perhaps, cannot, especially such as have laziness in their bones. For the latle. class we would prescribe an impartial tread mill." A pOVENIENT .UlSENTlX'TANT.?-^Qiwj^^r^ of copperas, known j.^..Ji-?ntptnfTeTof iron.' costiu^J^*^"1^^ cents, dissolved in four gal lons of water, will most completely destroy ail offensive odor. The warmer the weather, the oftner must the application 'be repeated. Sprinkling the copperas itself is abottt advan tageous, and. if in cellar, is one of the be-1 means of keeping rats away. [?SW< ntific Amcricak. To Protect lloitHK?' Hoofs.?Gutta per cha may be used to protect the feet of horses from tenderness and slipping. Tt is first cut into small pieces, ami softened with hot water, then mixed with half its weight of powdered sal amoniae, and then the-mixture melted in a tinned saucepan over a gentle, lire, keeping if well stirred. When required for use, melt in a glue pot , scrape the hoof clean, ami apply the mixture with a knife Duel Between a Lady and a Genti.k man.?A gentloman in California having mad ? a lady a present, of a pair of pistols, after sever al trials of skill, they concluded to go through the forms of a duel. They took thoir position-^ fired at the word, and to the terror of the. lady, ' the gentleman fell. She threw herself f-iuitic ally upon tho corpso embracing and kisJing it with overy emotion of endearment, llmhfrsuc h; magical inlluonec tho gentleman rev-kid ami j roso unhurt from the ground, and?add they arc ty be married. \ |