The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, October 19, 1877, Image 1

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r- ' ,/ x v - VTr iv.: . T Fyv . . J ;< gijuotqd to g.j)nii;iilturc, gortiqulturg, goi^ Jfr gag. ~ " VOL. IX.?New Series. UNION C. H., SOUTH CAROT/NX, OCTfOBER 19, 1877. NUMBER. 41. ' 5T_! " " " 1 " - 1 "- ! . J-?J . - u r-. i 1*- -?--1 1 1 ' ' ' 5 : ~ " ' - " " - - ? - -- ... 00 w . ^'i "l."^V*' *,f' '-* *- . , ^^ vf|g I o | /*z \ | ! ? I | ^n C-} p^ 11111 . Oi\ I,V A SO CEN IV . ..... . .10 TIMES LARGER, 100 Times More Gr THAN ANY SHOW EVER SOI + POSITIVELY ONLY TWO PERFORMAF AT 1 AiNI) 7 JL*. 31. Coming on 3 Special Tr Fifth tour of the Continent by Railroad. ' i.-. ' A Congress of BEWILDERING ATTRAOTIC w 10,000 separate and distinct Nov The the Sky, arc all repres In aVnst Wilderness of Exhibition To AT UNI AN. Am m V il i V *1 | * ? THE MOST GORGEOUS STREET PA More Wild Beaats, More Men and Horses, More * * . ? Oorgeou* Wardrobes, Heralds, Kings, Ladies ofWpHMkurt, | Soldiers, Ba Guards, clad In Armor of Slland Gold Platings FORMING ? SCENE OF SF ; ' ' NEVER- BEFQRS CQQA4.SDOrand Free Hippodramatic BKMEMUER! ONLY ONE TICKET required f GREAT SHOW OF T OIJR HUPEBIOIIITY OVER A.IVY The Wonder* and Iicatitle* of Nature! Ten Thousand Oen t of the Pampas ! Superb Display of Arentle Pi Rivers aud Jungles of India, Afrlea an He Challenger, the. World to Equal 01 * $100,000 Worth of Golden Tableau Cars and Chariots lik OHILDRI a* * TV - ? ' ' : v 1 r > i wmi ift(Y/v//\Y?nrr? L A illtf n I? \ OTNTj M1I?L.: = W. W. CO LE ' S NEW AND GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. ZOOLOGICAL AND EQUESTRIAN EXPOSITION!! NAQERIE?MUSEUM?AVIARY?AQUARIUM AND TRAIN! T TICKET FOR A EE THURSDAY,OCT Coming- 011 42 Railroad > Alj Cars, IIorsoH it 11 in Fino C-oimI t tion. lipflj ALL RAILROADS ItUN TO AND FROM K^SThis New & great Show l|M| AT CHEAP BATES <T0 ALL. \ Congress of Bewildering Attractions! f ' 10,000 Separate and Distinct Novelties. ->> The Earth, tl?e Sea, the Sky, are all represented in a ? VAST WILDERNESS OF EXHIBITION TENTS! GEANT EVER SEEEM ! ] Curiosities, Magnificent and ' |?. Knights, Body-Guards, ^ ? j iJVvC' BABV tile-Men^ Horse- BABY LEND OR JSmK 3 -affiiiBMf i i . ??*. a Street Pageant! . ?,** 'or all advertised exhibitions of the """ HE WORLD w -yjrjf r*r \i 17 HHOw IIV AMERICA. XA/ W; I ]( I I .U\ The P an Marvels I The ilaucho Horsemen V>r A^J A,J? i,n3 for < rowess t Monarch* of the ' ore of p id Sonth America. "rOOj^lCtor, lainable ir Great Show. "!VF?n*?a cr*#a-w? therewil o Mountains of burnished Gold in Sun- _lL^ RATIO, anwpirector. A Mr 5N UNDER 9 YEJ0OS OE AO r w - m KRTIKEU SHOWS! ^LIVING OCEANIC LIONS! o/AsTTm ('lhc only specimen of Ileal Fur Seals ever upon exhibition.) IIAIiV n^l'IMXTS, ISAIIY CAMELS. toiA,/ liAHV !>!?!?* 2-:i>AKll<:N, ItiHYMONUKYS, \7?i?A15I JSAI5Y TIUKIIS. ISA IS Y LKCIVAUDS, ISA IS Y SKA LIONS, ?I)EN OF MONSTER SERPENTS s^itsr ... ? .. . , ..some ol w!;icii are ou loci in icngin.j |lj*^ i)rov<^ <>r liacti'ian Camels ! A Sea Elephant, S. A. Hippopotamus, Walrus, &c. IJ PERFORMING WILD BEASTS lit Has been made a specialty in tliis great Show ao Cnjfi'n, Doiim uit<l Corrnln ol* ltnre tin <1 Oui'ioitM AninuilN. IIIE25,1877. Living Alaska Oceanic Lions (The only specimen of Ileal Fur Seals ever upon exhibition.) ELEPHANTS, I BABY CAMELS, DROMEDARIES, | BABY MONKKYS, LIONS, | BABY TIGERS. LEO PARDS, | BABY SEA LIONS. [>F MONSTER SKRl'ENTS, A SEA ELEPHANT, Seine ol which are f>0 feet long.) (Captured in the South Sen.) niMJ ftp lu/WDiiU nmi'lii Till.' U'AI.III'U l/? I'l vr V?1 IH r<I^'? j ? ?# .? <ii?atv?>, I TKAINKD AND PERFORMING WILD RD OF ELEPHANTS. I BEASTS, ),UOO J4IPVOPQTAMUS, I (A Specially in (his Great Show.) Oajfes, X>eiis'iand Corral's of Har<5 iind CurioiiN AnimalN. roprietor of this vast and unparalleled consolidation of interesting and attractive features Ihe season of 1877, through a life-long experience and a lavish outlay of money, the pleasilaoing before the public the GRANDEST EFFORT OF HIS LIFE, by procuring all the atnovellics of the RRUTE CREATION fiom all quarters of the world, and in connection ;h will be found the most conspicuous RIDERS, GYMNASTS, GROTESQUES AND ACROMALR AND FEMALE ARTISTS, to be found in any part of the world. mmoth Museum! Stupendous Menagerie! Famous Circus! JE, HALF PRICE.