The weekly Union times. [volume] (Union C.H., South Carolina) 1871-1894, June 23, 1876, Image 2

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( o! i;>ii to Your Org.iui/Uion ! .? ? > i |.i? V i'l* ''I r 1 )V mi- | ?* ?I I" ?0 1?M!i r ;n. ;->i" it t!i? oi-jruni/i- ' i, ill. t- i! | i- m i! i?it*I h'm! mc.t-uiT In * I'll i' 11 l* Hi'ifv i|i JUl'itir.l! llll|i||i^l|? Till' I t inn i > .i ii'\ -r,i i|u> in*. . <*.iiy i*l iliormi^li | I II i II IIII I UIH'i'll! j! I ilf^ CM'I 'ten lo "I'flll'i' s?t:t"i?-ii!'ni-:il |i|'i-s|m riiv. an l im man who wishes la s, .to I ;>i t.iil tu riT.. jin/. I lie fact that I - 'I'tn i i' I'lirin ilic secret ?r siim'ss in j anv I'.imiiii-iii of 1 iI? . lint when we cmmi In 'if I nil iti-. a strange l illlilT seems In ? , - n.ill j : ,11 | II,nv know they ought tn -i -I; tl'in li.iw a Intent liii|?o IImi they will -:ii v I, .if. i m i they fall tn use the menus nee ?s-ny tn make it certain that of thorough an I ctmipii't i j ini/'ttinn :>ttil constant .ami tinint-Ti .ij?t I ! ut until the bt niggle terminates la ' tin- I'eiiiucrncy in Smith t'arnlina fail t ' n ::i/e what is tni mt hv thnrmgh nrjani/a i -ti. I ntil recently v. c ha I 'nil one political | nr'y in the State, tnni our elections consist. i i-i.t v in a i hni.-e men, which was ?le? i 11 I ' . the | "i - mal popularity nf the e=?tfli l'li II i 'i'. then wm in i,i . ? ??!y |hr pnliii ?' tjin'.- itinii in I party Iri 1' an l li-a-i . | Ihit i ;rr il i h ing. has taken |ila.-<\ till 1 tin Hi", firm tin- jnum l war': nf political ' in If mi will nnly siu ly tin- campaign.-* in other 1 . . . i v | ii uv> iiior nvriMM|.?rr ex:--. 1. w I'-inihil fail !.> see ilrit wean.- fatally <! !' ',<iivi> in or?ntti/aiion. In ?f!? - * Static vie:--- 'in: taken in cirn sellout ?Ii-ui? t ami town !.:)> i" ax'-'itain an I cnf"ll ( vi'vv man who mi' vote tlit* beiion-ratic lieket. Tin* -aine -I?*|is ati- laliin :.i a-.rrta:.i? an 1 enroll i-vrrv man wlm Mi';! vole tin- |lej>iil>!icaii tirket. \t the same litr.i- lu't'iira'e li.-t is imule of Mteli men as j may !>. narke-1 ihutlitfnl.' Tlmse 1 i~t-. havI i en j i-? j in- 1 with yi eil care, a?-r fill! an 1 complete they an' - 'iii t.i h. i I >|iiartefs ami from tlictn tin? heelers leu ii I lit-1> hiiive sircii?th of the j'.irt! . an I at what points tint battle 1 Tan-: ' " m- i,-e 1 t . ensure success. All this is k.hoWlt an! I I'll' weeks l?efnr-* tilt* cirri inn, ami hence tiir ! nlrfs . !' tin. two parties know just , m'.-vi '.i m >i k an I 11 im i . u irk, nu 1 to tint \ '? tln-r .lov-iir tlirnisrlvi-s. nphehl ami sus- ' tail r I t ;. every man of ilu-ir party. Arrant, in i'li'-i' m it.- Mr tnl tli" parties -o thoroughly i > 1 ami - i Mr-' 'li-riplilie 1 that n man fails |.? vote J'.r tin- n.iiiiinatii n. All that is re<|iiircil ( !' t! muuiin-c is an hitie-t faith in ti-.c crccl tliat lie pr .fr-srs. In a w r-1. | 'lilies. in thc?e Statn?. i- a .ii !' t!ir lui-im-s . !' life ami it is rC'l".' " t t'i I J"M fret s.V- trill. I'.itt Mr nroil mil leave i:r own Stale to see what Di^ ini/ .in.ii ran are"tiii>li?li. We have c.nlv t.i -nelv : !i political oppn-;ii.?n that lias la eti ariaye'l ar .i:'-t us i'.ir the (cist eight year-. We In ?.si our suj.i'rii.r intelligence; we own an 1 p,,. ...< I lie property of the Sine, airl we feel t thai mc have a right to rule, ami vol every cain| at-rn has eu le.l in our ilefeat. W hy is iliis V? j It i- I .1." : -i - ' . . v ..iv "|'|".-ihhi is iiiui'. :gmy i.'cl and we are not. When the election comes ! 1 !io .1.j.osifi?>r? votes to a mriii and \ fur the i party nominees while many of llie I'ctnorraey, lrom one cause or another, ju/muin su huinc and others most vote a "split tWtet." W4th all our j lmn-te I intelligence. we haven't got intelligence enough to >ce the nvec-sity of voting for the ; party nomination : we havn't got intelligence enough to see that every v te withlichl front the nomination is giving direct ahl to the enemy : ' vve hav til got intelligence enough to see tiiat a. smaii |iitta!iee of our boasted property. well ; used during t'.; political campaign. would lie tlie , very best investment that we could possibly J make of it. We say, then, to our l*ciuocratic friends, go , forwar I and coiitidete your orgatii/.ations. Unroll every man in each township. It is the part ' r.f wis 1 >ni to know your own strength the strength of t he enemy, and to know the doubtful men. I'utt vot? inu>i not tie guilty of the folly of guppp-'it.g that :i? soon u. imi have a long Jj-i ,.f ?n:ivV that vott have tiuished your labors. It , would he just a- sensible in the fainter to supi 1 >?e that his labors are tini-he I vvlien lie puts . Jiis see 1 in tfce ground. Hut experience has 1 J 'aught ' iin better, lie knows he mn~i work in Hutieidtic and in 'hade, bv night and by day, if hi* harvests reape I an I hi- granaries are tilled. s Indeed, won iiave oti'v got readv lor ibo ? .. j i' f \ ii*. 'V1 s'-.W II1.HI "I.' AW *. \ou rued t ue "' pi n spate ne'etfort. and you must use every lege mvte means to eu-iite success. ? /.'/"-.v. JM.I. ? -V o 11!v:; i tin. Ut t-i oil* w Voir. It i- wot consider:tig th^t. if th" St. I.oitis t'oiivcnii should iioiui; ate Tildclt, as |, e.v seems like the l?m rati'- party w ill enter the approae'.ii COttte-t with a can li?1ato wh.-e abilities a iielii'-vi ti nls rseite a- much admiration a I; u v a- i: ' ] i ll prai e from one pill :i- I In: liter. > :i' ! <* a man :is Tielrti - -arc! tier ! :>> I." *|nhir, in the * ? <iin ??-v sen>c the \v..r 1. II.- :i'ii iiiie- are .? > -til.-tautia!. I aclii' ' m- ; . k.-iii-i* : ii 1 i?'.vi i . - , i h ii tli Colli).el it'll -li 'II if i ft'-;.tel. :ili I oven hl-t j.i tie:.?- > >u > iii in neither. Hi* mc<. i^. ? : the ;*' ! : i .?now i i In?:? I in Ann i'm, an.I t!iey line attr.aeie.l imieli attenti alii* .a i. iii- ho! I i.n the l;e; nMiean vole s )l?|et liilio J'ln.'li n.en il in ~ -triet a I'eiHoei Twice n?>w he ii i-. irrie-l the State of N"w Y a^ii11-; riea I I- . an 1 ho l>. it a . iin. 11 : i ii c. ti In iii-. he 'liveiiei a la ] i of the , n lie.u'vote t.. hitn-clf l>v filer.- -:reli_'t!i 1 11 i - nTlfl*. i.c eali <1 > it ajifl Ii ? - iii 11 ? ' '! il at i .nj ai he i- the iii i ..ii-i'i' i, in- i. . ate in j.ttlilie life o!" wit t he ).. ' "e i.-iM hi i I "hat'I t '.n - \ lain- .If. a: i tho oli VIV at tie l'i:':!i \ Velllle I n''|i.l|.e, that Villi!. .! I'.I a lei if lie e.'ti! 1 let "ft 1". . jw i.. inie i Iii leu : an I 11.i- preference i of. ete I -viiti ri.n ,.e.| it|>).laii- ff.jiu nearly >j half :i.i- .i-.-tinetively l!.|.iil.lii iii jatherin,: Mr. \ ; .. iy'i. ha M e.\ ;e't" "e-1 iii-.te ne.'ii ly full I'? .fta -i" ;: men: tin-e nmity if he 1 j.'ii t >veri.>ir I'ii"len lir-t on the li-t of men fciriV.e. tlii- tij "ii way of uiinotiliriti;. . j.rel'er.vie e f..r 1 li'leti. lliotijjh i; was lnit n ."fCv.1. i i Ii ' \ a llt'i'iililii a?i to Hejiiililiei "1. W- 111. . .-!! .lie 11 il'l lioVel'llof TlMl'll taken ..II ! lie .".Vet n- .f ihe l?e.-t element lie .Iitry. te. II- lie'i of |ok It V. There iolliei' i". ii >1 la: e that lint St. Louis I *t>n ven' i* : I:I:i; u ii ? v. ..? 11.1 \ >n n^ it ??j Ilea it mi | | ri, A iit'c !oii^ I'liinitral of ?:iicic ' - !i > 1. 11:iiuo< 1 tin lor V iu ti >i':i? V, lijiit. In: iii ilw.iv- coiiiln ilniivl tin twill i i lit-, |itu- i n| |.oiii i.m, in. i whom i r: ini- 1 ii i i'iili li'lilll' I'i'l' .'trice lie li.i- In Jin: if flli'i'' \ > I ? -' ll In- ui-ii' m,in In li: II I'IM' wnuM l.ul l I III' III in .I'l'nMr !; i.I.; i !! ' Iht. m lii!? hi- l!i ] iiM i :i ;i i i \ ..! t\, Ii. i li ;r I \v rk I" | i i vi ni i n. ui' vi:in | I n I li" -iili- ill!' In .M i- .11 | !' Hi,ill I ijl ? ii\ni ili<' i.. i' N ? ! iIn: hour linti "iii hn rin i !. i .ii. . wi inii ii\i/>ix. "J"I! S I'll . I 1 1 1 ! . I'lic ):il';i?'!<f 11 I 'I ill 11ll- I. it I" I Sl'lti' -us 11||. I IIV'I, I ":il nil. 1. 11 j > 1 v u . i '.ii I Iii! Iii;i'l nf I'.ni r i 'r ii.ji i i t rk ... iii.- i nil* r.ivi'i'. i in-rx.-u t <!ii ?! > ?.i this,-r nilw.ii I jr.rint vm-iIi v t:i..' . t.iit iii li'it 4 s. iucihint* over f< . . l .I hi li 'ii'-!> r \ -i.i KriiiciM"' |,: In', ill- I., i i nil " :!.f'!:t < iii ri.r.i'CHtnl i i : i it ti 1 i.'titi t.tiitil. ii ive j?iveil tin* t ; : i Tiii'irt' rnin. Mr Crniiicr, t ti .! ti ' n f '.vitli oi.'l.t iticlios (if the \ t. i.i ti. 'ifrfc..' of fl." tro", cut. or slri| i iti,. r :1 ,t i I .j without f'o tlit: ti' . I in -I- ; '.oC't's ui'i* I l'f i'i'l fi'i'iy ' .1. iiu I v In ti 11 ;t..'/i>tli'-t in I'liil i-lc!|*l:it I 'i : i i i.! .in-' in I'll- l'.v?Mitv I'fiM liijfli. l!i i ?!! c .'?iin-l ? <il" < i!il"n'li. i -limi'ii ! I ! - i" ii - I ? l.v- tI V i2I|t| :i| jirnjii i:tl<:|{ I i: i't"l * * !'. . <.1 \ Mi iiiii.ui i . - Alt i'k L(i? tin in in wini I i'll** l Mr. .1 ill ii Mui'plr l.vii' i '11jr. ''ii ni111 I' iIn- I' !Ii of ,\i I.i<f. w i i .i i no . ,f >'111111 r Ii-i f 11.1-iv. Ii< . 11. :i1 i. i's'ij i-: I'm (*! .. .-Iicri!: I ! i i I ! < ; i ! ;! ? I.. I| ' irc <.!' ? vrtl v |,i i> | i i .. . u i in !'i' .! iii ! ; ..i|c lioiir I i li ' if i i' i-iiiif I i Hi f - 11111 v 'i i i'iM Jin \\i i - . i.l 1 ii|. ! '; .ii- ?i-i v1i-c? \mi ivii-i ii iiii" I"r. Mu rllil-v wi'i'C n I In- I . i* u i- It'l l ii i I- I ii iii .1 ! I III' ||||"|ih' I Ii II. i 1,1 ! I li'-JJt. ... hi! " "I 11 l'i II ll'li'l Ii i \ !.. i i . | ,v iii . Ii" hi- I. 11 ii it I iii it ((. i'ij '1 i- i'ii., Ii < r ivlii'v ii ii lrr tin' ii'ioso. fhc (Hileohlij (ilnion cTimefi. ; If. >1. STOKKS, Killlor. I NluN. I'KlhAY, .11 NKlM. isT'i. TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. I i in \tiv.\si r.. S:i.oo ' ' jilt'N Vi';l|*, " " ."? VI " " ' " " II.IHI III " -JIIOil ADVERTISING. < Mi'-M|ii;iri'"IK'ini'li, flrM iiivrtiini, - - fl.OO Mioli -nlwi'<|iifiit iti-nrtion, ------- 7."i l.|l? in! Intnl.- to inoicliaiits ami oilier* ail vol- i I' in,; r? i -i\ montliN ?.r l>y tlic jn-ar. uliiiti.iry Ni'ticsul I'-ii lino.. ??r lea*. inserted free. I "I'T ton Iiiioh,rliargitl uAiiverti.NO unlit*. ? tti.i- Jn |ior oi-ni additional fur advertisements noli red n -I to appear in conseeiitivr issues. I> j.! ' llcv. <>. S. Aii'lcrson will lielivor :i Cctiiviini.-vl Discourse :tl Ml. I.clmuon Church, on the " I Sunday in July next. - . II. II. Hobo, of Spnrtaiibiirg and J. II. j Him. of Winnslior'i. arc in alien lance at < this wick. The trial of J. 1'. F. t amp , brought in- friends A. II. Kirby, i. Hlnss in-une. ? l!ichnr<lsou iiii<l A. Tullesoti front Spar-i-tillHire; :ls witnesses. t> A in! I theft was Cntinnitlcil a day or two ago. Iiv a e-i'.orel 111111 named Henry Thomas, wlm went in Mr. .1 >lin Men hir's lichl ntel stole ^ two slo.vel plows, two heel screws a ml two bolts from a pi >w stock. The articles were I'otiii 1 in hi< 111 n; - o. and lie confessed I lie crime. I . ' We learn that the notorious Bill Sartor , is at his oM tricks. A few ilays tijro he was seen on the farm of Mr. Slicltlfsworth and thntJ iiijrht Mr. s's lior.-e was stolen front the stable. | I: is strange that no one can learn of his where- ' ah nit- until after he has committed some crime, an 1 then it is iliscovcreil that he has been seen ami talked to bv numbers of persons a 'lay or tw ! before. Mr. .lames Wilson, the engineer who j was kille I by the accident on the Amlerson branch of the tireeuville tuwl t'oliiinhia railroad, v is well known aid highly respected yi ttiKi i town ami along the whole line of the Spartau- j. burg ami Union llailroad. For many years lie* was att engineer on our road, ami lost his artn J by the accidental discharge of a gnu at Alston, l'oor.lim, lie ileserve<l a hotter fate. y* As some few eases of liytlropliobia have occurred in this section among dogs ami other . mucus omen uy tneni, there is considerable pnt|uirv concerning a euro for thai terrible dis- I case. A much respected nte-liea! gontlcnian of this town informs us that a water or vapor hath at lli?? Fahrenheit has often proven in effectual remedy for the disease. It should he given as soon as the symptoms appear and as often as the paroxysms come on. Tho Republican Nomination. After seven ballot*, ill whieli the tenacity "f Pluine'* supporters wa* liillv t ~t ?t. (tie witumil Itejml'liean ' party, tp'ouch t 1 i _;;> ni' iim ill have in...I. I lie loltowillg l:illl|e|!',.|.| |J Have*, leiverll-.r of Ohio, for President. William A. Wheeler, of New York, for Vie.. I'r.M.leiit We i a11 Ii. 11\ < . i:. ?, our lietiei that a more jmlieiou* iioiuiuati eoiiM not have In .-n made l.t lie- ItepuMi. an I parly. I. ry oilier i m till lie for I *r? *i I. lit for. I le i out hi inn eoiiM hat** 1 ilefi at. <1, \i u p. i -fiial iiupopularitv. in.' ! -n I _^flaHV^^Iieetitl, i| rerllv or llldir-. |lv, w itlAoiaiiV ILJ^W^^,, .. , , _^|^^u.l all ol I lie odlol net* i li.ue i|i? . tallll'lV alel lll.ltel weaken,(1 die ii.irlv .11^^^^^ , ... ^^^PP>n_' II* 1110*1 le,tie.I an,I ill" *i|p|?>l I I'- Pol ^^fl^^^Phelo-te tie i>-1* 11 > *.it?;it em |.,r t li to tie ami llie peoplo have i| his nurrouS^W^^W^^Tufi VH11 d tillliy ami corrupt eharaeter. ami ?e will not have t It" I power to p-irifvllheiii. II. i . . C-vjy" lii a dangerous position. W e are ii forme.1 that on Sunday l:i*=t ? >tne colored nu livino near I'isli I'ata l'errv, atteiuj ted t<> n ill) ~ 1 1 r I 1 - , I H* >l.\ 'II II 'H .->r> Ill II WTU IKI (.It- b?|'J? '>1 ng si-ie if i'.r oa i liiver I'imih the liit:nit dang' 11 J of being ned, ax |lie wal?rs h id a-i -n roilii led them that there was not I woiiiy 111:1 .;v low! nl' land vi^iMc aroiiii'l 111o111. To rescue! "! animals it was necessary for the men to .-u the river wiiii ilie horses. The di-mineo w over a i|u;u ler of a mile, aii'l one of I lie in n,. became so exhausted thai in- omM iiol swiint ri whole distance an 1 w;>? in great danger of I '".!l ing drowned. II.- ?li iI'j? 1 In i-lr -ly down I . siri-niii, forliiiiiiti Iv in the l ank of the riv ilk where he grasped I he limb of a willow Nee a lie ehing in it. The river was running madly, a ' lie saw no prospect of hcl|> reaching him. this peiiloti-- position he lo.j^l for a iiinh hi; osi cr up, when a ten-fold greater horror met 1 itli view. .Ins| above him, on a limb of the sa ; trei. ! iv two large Water Muc.isiii"St.akcs, li Iter . , , , . . m , lir ingi .nke I tongues at him in the great ;is. apparel.i rage. In this situation lie remaii v,i< for s line h-itire until his frit-mis came to his "L" 1 lief. If any one ran imagine a inure tin pic jj ' ant dangerous Sik. I he plaee I in their iinagi iuid ii 'li em rake up greater horrors tlian ot le that's all. r a ! > a , litv Ihiiivillo \'a.) A'--"-' says: Kvwjf ins, cent Southern man otves it to himself niiil has native land to iliseontiiiiic his patronage of sin Ne-.v Vnrk ll-rihl lis recent infamous alia in, upon I lie | pie of l.otii-tiitna ami Missis-i| in.ii and i: eager readiness to seize ami proinnl: tub- every lying ami scurrilous sensational si ub? IP iir section \< concerned. stamp it a j I II - i I i * MlPlllV -tllP llll?P>l It II < I lllnM VlMllll III ! .. .Smith-haters. r>t<i|> ii, and lake I In* A'mo. vvl vi-r ' 'I'" luanline-s in l.o, ul least, impartial ; ,.| ;l vv It it- It i Ii iio'sl enough in its lies in.i Iy to In- an i.jipii an I avowed foe. lieUe .ii ' : ii ii* i it. i in ill ii- able o'li'int-, t bnn a Turnl ..t1.1 a : < 111 in ili" _'!r'i >il' nonlr ilitv or indept .-it. < . I,laI.vvi iii i. i mi I! tor -Memphis, Juno ( Sum Anderson, colored, who was arrested I last Monday fur at11-ii11 t injr an outrage mi ' ni'l- ^ augbin, of I to Soto futility, Mississippi, ii'.n- ' 'Iii 'I " lu'ollier, Ica\iii oi-k doail. was lakon t'roiii llio officers yeslei j morning l,y n body of armod citizens and In i nut "'s lather, eh urge-1 with being uccossory to uiy- 1 nttctiinlcd iiiiii-dor. is in jail uiy, ' " thi-. A call lias liocn made lor a convent in con- S uit hern Colored men to i..c-t in Augusta, > re- on tlic2']th instant. The purpose, nsexprc von I in the circular, is "to confirm a final depnt pped ; fVotn the Republican party, with itsjonth.Ring corruption, and I'm-ever hereafter to cast feel vote for better men and a better party." i will | In l ir.K is .Vri.tsn. -On'Tuesday night in - :iii I I ni'-i. ti'i , the to i-ii - hintr store u! J. T. Rich y ar- 1 caught i-ii fire and was destroyed, together | the two stores adjoining, occupied by Me McN'niiglil .S: Si;mitrlas a liuriiwui -yen cry. ' nhoitl ?:"0,(MK?, with heavy iiisuirfnice. '..t Vfc an ii I.'*i>" Miix. K. Um iiarkx it??|>pcIhilly in I hi* l.aiii'J <>f I'liini lo i i? - j .< < ( the hpuu .! \i:\\ Ml 1,1.1 N'KKV which she lin ten, .I. ; ( eivc'l tin |i:t?i week. Iler mmiihi are uvt i- nis V Moore .v l i s. I?rn,; Store, lie sure it i i ' . j . le i . lit Six iln.o- in I yonirr Mn I were lecontlj in | -?ri I in a -treein (i iliiii u v to ISioiul t in I v- j.'| ii tiiiihur^ county. Other li'.ci iniheS ate to he ' ii J j ' i i I with sli.vt utel other liili \ \ -Ur The Wtoli of Rain The news we have received from all parts ef the futility gives us melancholy accounts of the det-t ruction of crops, washing of land and wrecking of bridges. For seven consecutive "ltys the rain fell almost incessantly, ofteiv?j> t\rrcp.'s and accompanied by strong winds and nail.? The creeks and rivers were higher thanTiid been known for many years, while the lands ndjoiuitig them were so completely overflowed that corn five feet high could not l>e s ^v.HThJ overflow continued for at least three drti^^td in some casesjllK' waters have iiotjretlrot^^^^1 A gentleman of voracity informs us that vvtyit is known on the I'acolet river as Ilio Norris l.ami, containing four liun<lrc<l acres of tlif finest "liuitntn laud ' of that section, on Snmlay morning last was one vast slicet of water?lie ?1 i 1 not helieve there was one acre of it that could he seen, lie also informs us that the hridgos %t Trough Shoals ami Hurricane Shoals, in is par tanliiirg t'onniy, wetc'eojiipleiely carried aivi^, Murphy's, Heaty's and (list's Hridgcs, on Tjrger IJivcr in this county, are all gone, and tfie liottom lands along their banks completely ovtrtlowcd. The only bridge on Fair Forest that has bfcen carried away is that of lliee's. The destruction <>f grain is truly lamentable. The wheat in t hc^lmck lias sprouted in every instance, ami not less than one-half the crop,is i-ilher totally destroyed or so seriously injured that it will hardly make Hour tit for use. The oat crop also has hecn so seriously damaged that not morn than otif quarter of t promised two weeks ago will he niaoT. ^ The coin on the hut torn lands will, in muosi every case, have to he replanted ; but it walldn three or four days from ret n note before much ol the land will he in condition for replanting. Where corn can he straightened up from tin ground, the plant is so brittle ftvn the amount of sap in it lint it breaks off; white more of ii is found dead at the heart, from being undci witter so long. Another sad efleet of the t(jrri hie rains is the ruin of much of the finest hot loin lands by washing. From all that we chii learn from friends in al parts of the County, the destruction was s< great that the prospect^ f<>. crops of every kite arc truly alarming. Had the oat crop bcei saved it would have been of incalculable value as food for stook ; but now those who bad relie< upon that crop will have to buy corn until llicii own corn 13 matured, and that will be much la, |W6PMW^lM|* Mho Joascaiiiiot bo cat i *?a I e( lrtrlollnr* ts. ' ? TI1K RAII.IIOAOS?NO M A fl.S. The Spartanburg anil Union Itailroad .stand all right, and the trains have been utile to rnt tegularly. Through the watchfulness niitJJticcs sant work of Mr. Andrew Murdock, thest^uT visor of llridges and Trestles, the bridge acros, liroud Kiver stands uninjured' We arc iiilbrinc* t hat Mr. Murdoek, with I ho hands under his Coin maud worked all day Sunday in Hats and kep the masses of drift wood, It 11 con tiuually floated downi^bpa^^^er front t.'iers <> ,'IC risk to their livca^fr ree, I'mr feet in diameter and uhniS k, feet long, -lruek a wooden pier with trcineW "" force, and would have carried tiie lutletLiv "" lint l>v estraoflinarv exertion it vas ?fui< I v : * . . . .,1 dislodged without doing any injury. Alilm :u the river was very high on Monday, an ett; pa-sed safely over it. As there werr^jto If "* | mi i \ in" from Columbia to Alston, it was I hot I prudent t? kecj^ the artym lie-| river and send the mail and pn.ssj ngTrsite on a hand ear until the water subsided and , 1 true eotiditi"ti of the bridge could le a> mine I. It is now considered sajfe. No trains ps*?e I ovetMhe 11 rdtMjHle >N I I Vl'^lcrii.lV,- - 1 ;l V. Wi; Iglll'tl I lint ii<. ri>:.'l is I filv damaged, ami it will he siJtne ,heftro ft'n'.'sn" traits ill lie t>? ] nss. |lC \ i' v ;m M'. I j,? Wo regret t > -iuf that last 1'riday a sad'lent occurred as the train was passing' IS|| a I Way trestle. 'ill the Anderson hram l.,, tin- ( . an I I'. K I'... 1 v wliieh .laitp - Wilson I ,t.. Ilngineer. a fireman an 1 tln? < 'ondticior |lC killed. i Since (lie ahove v. i- put in type tIn- (jpwi n l A"c.' el' Sninl iv lias c ano thrugh, ami in. i,,| find tin' 'leiails i I" tlic disaster, from wliic I ? lake tip- following: r||. I lit* A ndrrsnii I rain I'T'trlcil f >r Ami f. I with engine ati-l Imjrjrs.jrf car ? _? 1 v, atu^ '] Amssing .over Uroadway trestle all ivfijiy., distance of or till feet, tini'icr.s an I ilrif ck- ilcrncatli IO ur l*> feet. Mr. I.nfoy. the cm ,.si ti r. an I Mr. Kitsinger, baggage ina-trr. l(, I I'mtnd nne hundred yard* hciow in ilic i mangled ami dead. The bodies of Mr. \\ 1 c" the engineer. ami one fireman, Allen as- col., aic still miller the wreck partially r.i na- hy water, ami eatinot lie taken nttl ttntilTl its l!'"" ,s li'Hi'C way, which is Ivn | limbers. Iinili the engine an 1 tcmlcr being jj'jin upwards. tj | Tttr. aikmnr It OA 11. Ii'is I We hear that much 'l.una^e has hcvn 'le the this roa I, by washes ami laml slides, am one or two live- hay keen lost No train? iit'e ' I "' """I ,,ver the roa I sjn^p ptst 1'riday, ory yesterday. nili-i Tilt: maii.s. all We have received no mails at this jilact "eh ,1|1V ?inct. Just Saturday, and tl njj_ | counts we receive of the diaaster.s are neci r a ly very meagre, an i probably, in sotini i4st tkiK I exaggerated. * ? Hid- j litSA.'TritS IN SI'A It'l'A N III tin. The following li-t of disasters from the ' we take from tlie Spartanburg j>n|t* i*.<*: ' re On I'iu'ulrl Kitcr; the Foiling \| i 11 In it di? 11 urrieane SlioaF: Colter's Fold ; < in |> and Prosperl ; M< Mi^iin's. l'ini j On the Tygcr : llenxon's; Suoddy'9; \ ' I *y J Frank Anderson's ; O.iut/.lcr's. "'I!' ! On Ktiurcc : .1 nines Anderson's ; 1 ><-nnc lie | Tin-<" tnv l'oi ! bridge on Fair Forest, u , bridge over Ferguson s frock, we learn, n | gone. ii of l Wo also learn tlint the (.lain at ilic I 15a., ; Mill, Hell's Mill I a in, (lie at Divin sseil ' ami tlie <lam ai iUngerville are all br >kei lure <"? ibni W. !l 1\> tor's Saw Mill on Pac<> oiiie A. iml ,1. .lacksoii K mi!) on Obid'a ('re our i washed n\vi?y. , It is said Itiut the Howard's (lap bridge j Orecii Kiver, in Nortli Carolina, one of ill \ j - ? -1 bridges in tlil? country, linn been ? berg away, and we are infaruied I bat great willi | lias been done to Or. Me A boy's and tli ssrs. ! farms in 1 lint section. ?c.? * .? r V \xcr;? I'* tin^^ui 'A. II. Vance we' naled as t lie Conservative candidate for (n ii . i ... ,i . viios nri!i!iiin(ui\iy on me ni si nmoi. 1.1. willful r'"K "'iin en?l of tin; Stale to I lie t li the people s iniiri lieen pliiced ill I'iC I 11 the people, nii<l will lead lit* people to 1 j next \ovpi.ilier. 'I'Iiii iioiniiialio:i of acui and for tioveriior ol I lie Stale ot North Tirol a unanimous vote is soineilitn{rJ(o*Kiiri I the polities of I lie Slate, and endnti^w u r i|r* oinen fir good. It shows il?e iitki.Tiiii r, in ' ileleriiiiiiaiion uliiili pervades ' ulli ; presages an o\n a lr lining victorvV? C\ t H,>n i { V * , ?j , . i . . . . , , |. |.., ? - - i i Proceedings of Court The June term of Court for this Coiiuty cm- , vened last Monday about 12 o'clock, Judge L I t C. Northrop presiding. j In consequence of the heavy rains, hy which < many of the bridges were carried away, sonic of t ' the (irnnd and Petit Jurors were not in attend- ' < ance, aud some time was consumed in filling ' their places. Alter tlie (jraiul Jury was im- I panelled, the Clerk read in open Court the com- i ' mission of the Judge from Coventor Chamber- < lain to filLyut tlie unexpired term of ox-Judge i "Aloses. I The foreman of the tirand Jury presented the ! following petition i 7'" Am /tounr ./?/</</< \orlhro/i: | i In view of the disastrous Hoods which have i visited this County during the past week, :ic- ' 1 cessarily putting a stop to all agricultural ope- i rations at the time when harvesting the grain j crops re(|iiircs the attention of every farmer, and believing an enforced attendance at the Court would at this lime do much to complete the disaster, we would respectfully suggest the dismissal of the Juries for the present term. : lies peel fully submitted, J. W. McLUIlK, Foreman. j The Solicitor opposed the dismissal of the Jn- ' rics, mainly upon the ground that it would t>c unjust to the prisoners then in jail, who were entitled to speedy trial, and upon the further ground that he had many cases that ought to lie , acted on by the tirand Jury, at this term. Anxious to he just to all parties the Judge , ; informed >he tirand Jury that h> j tlu-iii to of I lie jrpaWui by"Vfic Solicitor te tii'clock at thevwoi^^^^^^^P^'l^ I An'il the next day at l'J o'clock, M., to mtfkc t heir , iTr^sentnient, when they should be discharged. In the meantime he was willing to excuse from j serving this term those Jurors whose interests . in the crops demanded their attention. Cpon I this aiiiii'iiueeiiiiMit a number of jurors from the I country were discharged and citizens of the vil- I lage chosen to till their places, upon both the tirand and Petit Juries. The Judge then dci livered an elaborate charge to the (Iran J-i^try, ' I whieli was listened to with close attention j throughout, and gave general satisfaction, i Til.. r 1?:11 I ^ ? r. " null' j niailc 1 v the tirnii'l Jurv : ( Slate vs. Kansum t'nslle, I'liai^c* l'risock aiul i Ike Kubanks?drawl l.arr. ny, True bill as 1 I In Hansom t'nstle. j. Same vs. Lewis Hawkins?llurghiry awl draw! ? f.Hirrni/. f Same vs. Julius Havis--yf/frpaf Voting. w. .Same Same vs. \V. Kocliclle?.\*tranft~ (llirf 1) I'trry will. s '/ i/i'il'/'i/ icrojioil. I i Same vs. Kelly Sims?drawl Tatrrrn;^. ) Same vs. Ailum Gist? , f - **** g' . ; Same vs. I.oomi* Jeler ami Kicli.ii'l like fdrawi s | l. irrrnt/. I I | Same vs. W. Huunaway? MaHmu." 7" ' /?/ .*. , Same vs. \\ ilsoii Silas?driwl l.arr.-m/, i I Same vs. .John (ifl'lis? 1,'a/n. - j Same vs. Hamuli Netliers ? dniii.l<.-,t.j, Same vs. .1. I\ie ' "No Hill was ^ftuniel upon a nuu^ier [ his j cases. ?ay, j Tlie ease of the Stale vs. .1. I'. I', t'ainp, e rklv | Treasurer of Spnt-taiiluirj; futility, for refusii 111*jf11 ! tn turn over monies helnin.'in^ to tlie ?"?nini v \\ fine ealle l mi .Moiulay ntieriiuon, ami tin- inve?iio aiiis tiuii eniitiiuie I until Tues'lay evening. Tli K?? ' " I *? ^udtrrfofiioii tor ii change <f venire, mi l was hot r^-^pTniT~alti y fought mi ii illi *! I Ii c j tiling an I I". II. I> !> #, of Spurtanhur'.;. n j ( e: icii - > ing I'-ir i lie Stair hi I Sliand ? Miim i and Mn I ru .\ MHiiro I r i!i,* In |i*iii *. Ii ? a. iv.-a In*.- the Jury a'liiul II > eloi*!. i**i V. ( ! til-- I i : in , rdtv ing. v\li ?, after a -truggle of leu limit*. nhmii ilie ' cluck ui iii^lii rei irii?: l :i verdict "I' guilty lays Ai?"?lher cue ii'.'iiiu-! t'iiiui*, l'ii* refusing ' turn over Ii :in*l illiT property in his si [ * cssnr is mi ilio ducket, hut u continuance w icct- grant c 1. fever, These e.i-es excited nun li intcre-t in ' fli of' i 11111.1111 i i \*, as hcing the |i:,i ol tin* ki:i I c , ilie lrii-1 in this t' .iii*t. anil probably tut ease v were 1 ever eon laete 1 wiiii iimre skill :m 1 l n*l mi In | sides. tfi'ie ' Many til.iui|i'ii'1 anI rases on ilu* .** .*--i ins .In j, W(, 1 el have heen -lis|?<isi- I el'. |ji w I .In l^e Northrop is u Working man, and? , pcurs determined In elcar away as inueli of rr.soi* ' 1fash fir ihere are u largo tiiiiuhci' nf Ira.* w lii^iflf eases mi tlie LmJ^Mrin|K>s',il?l*p'' uk tliitkOf! 'wi; nrrTer llial the qp|>orlatit oasew may he read ' ' iiii l disposed of with proper deliberation. Il'llic- , . wore opening *il (he I ourt the Judge i reek," iinet**I thai llic daily sessions would he froi ilson, i to 1, from f! ! ? 7, and from half past eight u 'Ti'."'; j midnight, if necessary. In this way the .In ,1 7e en- .,'xl"'c,"i 10 reduce the expenses of the pro.* ig on ''ourI very inaierially, hy pushing through bott* one day the work that heretofore lias oceit) 1 the t'oiirt three days: and after this term i hopes to permanently keep the expenses di no oit . , , i toasaiislaeiorv aiuounl. 1 tha$ * , ?) e are pleased to state that the Judge i have i made a very favorable impression upon Ill) (l[ ; members uf tin' liar ami tlie community a: la > I In li^hitcrcuiirsc with all connectc 1 with from ' * ',c 's tlignilicl, courteous aid pati lie no* | wc ',c nl" became a very accept i .1 ii>1 jrf when the link's.-f the ollice benlliic : .8sai^_anccs ! '^miliar 1" him. A Now York lettju' ?itys; ' <>}>|> .i tittiity fur know y *cri r.'ijni fewer city families going intu the feounlry I season than has been the cn.?e fur "fa^h.v y . I past. I'.coiioinicul con.shlcrnlions tfre ha i more weight in these matters than hereto ' '/ an'l the i'lea that it is .piite possible for on 1 J | he as happy in his comfortable city homo :i '' ! rural hoimling houses, is mot with more p , j ral aeceptanee. A tripor two to the < 'enleii i Li he i ' he re lore, will probably be the extreme 11 in eeBh ' w''*'* ????y worthy eili/ens will bo incline 11 "? j push their ?ii iiner recreations, who have I tntit i '"'ore ileeineil it an imlispensable social .In v,.*? i boat some of the fashionable watering n | .luring -Inly ami Aug,,-!. ' 2 6"^ ' A t. r*itMfii. ? Mr. John \ Jolituo " *'" l.dgoriohl <ouniv, writes unout me nrange < tlio Ahheville Vrihum. lie says that "no !oS8 filial fariiis and attends to his liUaiiios lias ? nigh- , ejClls0 |,|iyinjjr cum, wheat or oats. [ artieiM ((|anson lives at home, an<l is this year rui 1 "J"1 / ! u | wn hure Car ill with one huirl red a let til'ly e 0 in wheat air I oats, twenty-live in earn uirl ninl t wetily-li .e in eottoii. lie has route. . . halnnce ol' his Ian.Is out for one-third of c i tiffini .,T,| (lll(. f.,ni-t)i of com planted, or, whey I renter prefers, one thousand pounds of : cotton to the mule, or I hut . ? . end t?y \ |,ny in (ionrgia was recently f.uiid do: vielory stream of water into which lie had got ididutc i iihc just lifter eating. The jdiysieians ?i inn hy died of epilepsy, induced l?y hashing on i I "f sioinueh. tily nil j ly and Kcv \V. Wallnoo Duncan, agent for W. |y, Hnd College, ol.tained during I'm; late cnnfcivi harlotle \ Kingstroe sjnie $"?"? in honds to raise a I dotvnienl fund of WotloiU College f 1 ? Primary Elections. On our first page will lie found an excellent irticle front the Camden Jour/ml upon the subect of nominating candidates for t'ounty ofii" . ers at the primary meetings of the people.? IVc invite a careful examination of the plan as explained by the Journal. We regret thai wc have not paid more at tenlion to the matter before this, as the plan com mends itself to our judgment. By it a majority jf the people of the t'ounty would really nomi aatc the candidates, and the delegates to the County Convention from the various townships would be chosen lo count the voles of each canili late ami iiumiunec the choice of the people, as expressed in their primary meetings. Such a procedure would produce many very desirable results: li would draw out the voters to the primary meetings ; it would disarm croakers of the charge that the "village clique made the nominations it would prevent logrolling at (lie Comity Convention, and what, to our mind, i< more important, it would unite the people upon a ticket of their own making and give no chance for so-called Independent candidates to distract the party. The choice of candidates having been thus made l?y a majority of the people, at their primary meetings, the man who would presume to run sis an independent candidate would opeulv oppose the expressed j^lies of the people, and could have no other | aim 'J^aii to defeat their nominations, and must be claflB, where lie truly belongs, wiUi the ^MfcHcar the time is now too short before the t^nWi^whicetiugs arc held, f>r the plan to be si.lliciently known and understood throughout the County to ensure a fair test of it, but we sugge-i that where there is a full meeting of the citi/ciis of a town-hip that a vote of preference for all county ollicers he taken. Wc are anxious to remove every obstacle that stands in the way of obtaining unity of action in the I'cinoeratie^Tnks.' Wo would have the nominations made to suit the people, uot to please those who want ollice. - PRESENTMENT OF THE GRAND JURY run .irsr. tkiim or 1 S7?J. /b imx. /.. r. xtmrimor, .Jit'/jc til Ihr 7lli Circuit, I'rrsiiliii'/ : Owing to the pressing necessity lor every lilIcr ol I lie foil ?lo which cl:i? the (irand .Jury, in large pari, belong,?to return u> his occupalion as speedily as possible, to ia?tcao, no far us lie might., thedately inundated crops from ruin artd ^a.s'u'cc that your lie ., ... nmnL. ^?ve We have l',c c ire that t short time a'.i^V"cd by the c\T^"ei?s of the en wouhl pcimit^^alhe otlices ami I ks""ofyiie i'oii iv i ?!ihjy-^*T n it?l we are gratified to simile that " | find liiem in neat, business-like conli ion, givi renewed evidence ol tbc ability an I fitness those who a Iminister the public a Pairs of i o ., i i on lily. He have also inspected the I'uhlic linildin an I tin I the Jail in want of a new roof, then ings overhead in the prisoners' rooms, riop.'.r to be renewed and fircugtlicuc I. for ihe bei .security of the prisoners ; an I all of tlie pris i s ro< ins are in want ol' whitewash. 'I'iie gruiiel al-o around the I'oiiit lbmse : ' Jail wouhl he much improved by the crcclioi lis . . a subslaiitlai letice. i 1 The Public Well is n.t in very gum! on ' * | ami i^A^^i'li used ii should have a cl " and sffi^^iiekei or buckets. put upon a ir " V. iiell.i-s, instead of the present arrangenu n All !' wl.ieh we reeonim-lid the ('utility <" ' mis d-tuei's should have done as early as po-'si A mmiiii e !r >iii our body vi-iiedthe I il >u - an I fiiiin 1 it, uiid" r the mating. uici the e\ee.lent >i:periiit?u lent, in a pi -| ei e 'olni -u. The inuiaies for wli .se bench! le- . . . . , _ iU) Cotl'llIClc I, IIUill >01* I WPtiiy 'i ijini, I ami apparently coiufnrt.ihle sin-1 coiiicniel. ilicir I.?!. j- thcv pay more ilrm hall' the ex I. is . .Inures >; the i n.-t it in i<iii. Ihrv an? in i fi.'V i now, It .vvcvor, <.r four or live Milch t'ows, ms , , , , . I we re :u\icti 1 dial die < mimy < .iniiiissio obtain l i i to in. it' the finances el' tin* 1 ain'.y ' at ail permit the outlay. We helieve il w he a profitable in vestment in tin* cml. > _ V.'c present \V. K. V. li-te- for selling 1 i< (j 'without a livciyfH*. atnl name \N in. llocV A nil out Tate as witnesses. "it pleasWio*?o. know, that there are ie>l ?'"m? li'luor felling cstahlislitiienls in the fin ' rfttfsvk* offtieurpuralO'l towns. lu eoiiclitsi >u we beg to express our ackr c-loftneuts t > Your Honor for 11. kindness in .t r mil e*on*iileration which have marked votir i , ,, j course with oitisehcs. ' 'n i .. * # All of which is i expect fully submitted. .1. \Y. Mi'Ll'llK, Koreinti "M i K?r lie* Tii he Sad k'ewi from Cross Keys jtvn ' <1 unt* 11, Is As oui'looi work is suspende.l on necoti |,as I he excessive rain, I thought it wouhl n the amiss to'hop you a line Iroiu <T<>as Key ioc. wish I liivl something encouraging to conn the cate ; hut I am sorry lu stale that I have ent, seen the farmers in this section more <k ab!e \ 'lent. Haiti has been tailing almost inccs? norc ?inee Monday morning. The Haltering pis , of a line crop of coi n on bottom lniels is lih ' A courier just IToiu Kimrecrepori^tlmt on '."J-V +*+>. of a to w?>ua4kfi*ciiii be seen. The gr this rn pi Uy taking possession of tlio col Ion cr cars M .| ?f fhV \Vheat ami dais u r?,?M|feiig^ held-. The question now comes upfront (> ( ( lilln of tii'- soil : "What shall we ilo ? is in I'his i? a s.i | picture, hut it it overdraw! [etic- is only the he/inuiiig of our sorrows.'1, win |?. out <' in case of a fur.treat il to , I ,0 with no market It what cotton t< inane, u icre- half enough <?l" In cu t ?titll< tn siij'^ly lint iy ' > muni. \\ hut (mii In- i| iiic to keep ?t:ir < s ft Tn lull' tlijuf-, Nothing hill il v-iliihillOtl I r among luriiii rs can avert -noli :t calamity. n, of hoj-e i-i that every gravity cotton liuM (iiii<! rs in me many) will he planted in corn, as soon l"',n , land is dry enough in work. Much of tin h!e land might he |ihnilcd in I'efts, in ining Sweet I'utnto croji should he enlarged to I acres most. Such a course would save tvu ini ' aiiioiint of siillering. 1 I the _r * s| '"lo.s I.KulnN.- We are re<|tic: ^ I-notify ihe survivors of the Hampton l.egi 1 the sixth niiiiiint reunion of the snirvh 1 lli.o'l it Texas l!i ijja.le, Army of .Norllior ? ! ill ,V'H he hcM !l1 '',c Town of title io Texat, on \\ i.' iiii i'lay, .Inly 12, 1H7. an i I lie ' l,M'y '""s' I . illy ami fraternally r i fill! f I <o alloii'l Ml I! lilroa'ls liavc inii'lu cxi rales, ami me liosj Utilities of ilie town v tvisitors. The Tc.vms at o all ft >if iril i? no ti aoiiin I he no'ilo men of Sm,;l? (' ice al W'lio Mowl l<y llieiil mo Ion-'. The iiivitftl n on- foruarili'l by Itohen Horns, Secretary j'lexaM Iti igxilo Ansociiiiion. i ] For A ' High Old" MeetingFiui:m? Storks:?Saturday last 1 took ilio liberty, with a friend, of attending the radical meeting at the (Sold Mine (colored) church.? This church is used by the colored people for their religious, political and any other meetings they may call, in aid of the Itadical cause. 1 was informed by .lolui Norris, a colored man, that Col. I. (?. MeKissick and .June Mobley would be there and speak, but 1 found but few of the faithful present and the speakers mom After a little parleying Norris invited the crowd into the church, and as we were a part of thnt crowd we followed the leader and went in.?5 Norris then told the assembly that the meeting was called to get the voice of the colored peojf pie of that township upon the school lax. Although 1 am never surprised at any "under-' hold" the radicals take tmw-a-days to carry a point, this did raise my suspicion. Jordan Jones was called to the chair, but declined the honor, feeling iueoinpiMciit. Peter Stevens had no such low e->iimato'*of his powers as a presiding otlicer. so took the chair, but upon informing the meeting that lie belonged to Spartanburg, he was relieved, and Simon Voting assumed iho portion. As Norris was the only Kadioal present who could write, he was chosen 1 Secretary. J The meeting being thus organized, Norris friend, Mr. Asa ^^nttli, know t^ot home in J lie on ho is to oApurtunity to do a good for bis county, sialic responded to the call a n in a few wortls told (lie colored men many wholesome , Norris then delivered himself oflVlong speech, in which he urged the colored people to guard well their interests and rights, attend the meeting next Saturday and vole for the school tax. A1.the close of his speech he called for a vote ! . ... I uiwii iiic ia.\, warn ii uui mi i.i mi uic coiorcu men Voted lor I In* tax. Norm, during Ins speech, attempted to riiliJ culc John Hardy, ii good old colored man, who i was tree he Tore (lie war and who lias always voI ted the Democratic ticket, much to the annoyI mice and disgust of the said Norris. Norris said that Hardy had never paid any tuition for i his children; iliat he wus.a widower and couldn't ' get a wife in llogansvilloTowuship. This brought Hardy to Iris feet, and his venerable head fairly I quivered, lie jj^y.ied the cliarcet 'J**fs> | to get a wife, ' 'l J generally be picked tip. m I So closed John Norris' meeting, and 1 report ^k 'lL it to let the tax payers sec who will vote the tax IS*" on thein, if they do not attend the township " meetings next Saturday, the "Jlllt. ^^^k nvc km; ruKsr.NT. ' * mk I W.I.N till. i It III t.ll N AM> Sot Til'"r j i.r.N 1'ici a.n ^ jans.?Tin* following resolniions, pi csctiti Talniage, were adopted by (be tleneral AssSBlly North, \V i:.\s. All past atieinpts to establish fratenia! relations between what is popularly eallcd^^^H^^H the (inula! Assembly South, is called the Assembly h a and whereas, in no ell the pa.-TV mi thc^^H^H^HH wcN' r i' t III! a !:i the * soi.^jjl s^^MTiristTa n "t I i?e Southern .?, v tlu-1. ,.,c. M ,': ' !, 1. That we hiirv in one ^*i> a|| " UiiM.ndcrstamlillgs ail I dllfei ern es, nii'lBl " * ' |irc>sii>iis tiiai have been interpreted a/[<tilcri' r ~i\? Ir-twcen tin- two sections . t ihe I'fos' \tcriil of :l" 1 hitrcli, :m I in llii' name > I lIn* \/f.i>| Jisus ' i( i tu .-I site"ill both li .lli hands'of invitnli in, asking our Southern brethren unite with us " l> in fraternal relations. si re | 'J. 'Unit we rei|tu-st i|it> (ioiii-i n! As.spuiWv, |tv uow in session in Snviiniiali. mi the receipt of iliis resolution, tu send m? delegates |? '' " inevtinjx in r.iiniklvsi, tclegraphing ns of the iced .Ic|.;iiiiire ut' tlinsii Inotlircti. ami that on the reami cci| t nt that telegram we immediately . end two / tiers delegates to meet tlie A'si'iiilily in Sfwaniiah. so - wjH 1 that neither the Northern nor Southern Assemble shall adjourn until the Church on earth ami wuld iti Heaven have begun a jubilee over the glorious coiistuii matioii. |iior J ijll" ! *1*11 K I.A-T I'llin I.AM ATlllN.? I'rOf l? IllUl iott*x I have lieen issued hv tioveriior Chamberlain offering a reward of Sl.UtMl lor the apprehension * N "lily of Joltn II. McUevilt, the defaulting treasurer J i uly, of I'.dgelield County, ami a reward of $200 tor i any one of those cotieerneil in the lynching of io\vl i l',c 'Ia,'inon nnirilerers. The first reward is a sntlieienily large stun to induce one to go to Can1 nn ' ada, where Mehcvitl is said to he, ami procure titer- his arrest. I id ge field county is in a state of f bankruptcy, owing to his depredations. *"* As regard the lynchers the proclamation is B 4 brrtum Mu'tn. A u hole community cannot be ^ '" arrested and tried, ami the lynchers acted in such a way a? to disperse the responsibility of """ the deed. Whether the summary punishment ! inflicted upon the desperadoes who killed the ' ' Harmons was right or wrong, we have probably nit of heard the last of it. The (Sovcrnor is right in T ot l?e Jising ad eflbrts to vindicate the majesty of the but neither he nor the grand jury, assisted ' ' '.^ras tfley may be by Judge Cnrjtenter, can treat uutii- , ||1L, lynching albiir as an ordinary murder. If never ; one of tlie lynchers were arrested, we doubt if s'-oii- the Shorill of lldgrfiehl County could keep him , in jail one night. The member* of anv civilized i,mi iv i * * >mmilliiIy should allow the law to lake its Xpert , c.(,n|.se, but when they feel that more summary rsted. proceedings are necessary, they are generally to iin. prepared to light the i-suc through to the hitter J ' J oii11. ? Journal. ^ ... - .o. ? 1 I Allfil MKSTS Til iT ARI". A llsritll. ~Wc Confess' ' ' Jld\px ive ar? tumble In comprehend (he system of e\ .3 lnjrie hy whic'i iliose who ( nteinl (lull ilie Dcmi.rials cannot gain control of ilie Stale gnvcrni and "K,,,'i bring 'htinsclvi" to such a conclusion.? ' ' If ii were contended tiiat llie Democrats <lo not { c.sire ami will not rmlravor lo gel possession kgj i wnrn%C tlie government lliey support, ami 113' which ml not 1)103* are ground down and Iiiimili:iIe>l, there . __ ' Would lie S'liin' 1 mem. Hut in snv ilial tit U Hi'I intelligent vovnlion 1 ers, who own nincdenllis i?f llie land and iiro^ ell'orl erty in llie Slate cannot wrest the reins of gov- B Our eminent from the hands of llie carpel hnggcrs II I - 4 wloi are kepi in udice hy the voles ot 1H',(WiO ig 1,11 nornut and deluded negroes, who arc dependent as ilie upon the properly holders lor the very bread ^ e stub* ' 1 lint sustnins iheni, is the veriest absurdity, and B ml the 's "ot believed for a moment by any one who * ] ,| , . Ims a spark of mnnhouil in Ids bototii. HiicIl ' ! arguments, we believe, arc made ia the in Iciest JjH 1111 o 115e ,,( a coiiliananee of llie present party in potvor. ? " " ? . 1....... io <i to .oil. tin v i.f ii I'liuiice it ia I inconsistent and cowardly in those who prcAcnd "leil to I In desire to work against it l?y raising up mi (lint I other obstacle.*, instead of trying to remove * rnr* of I iliose which already exist.?Merchant and Farmn \ ir- | cr. yim in 'I "l ||,.lt 1 Tlic only obstacle now 11-ft in Mr. Tilueu a I [ ijiiest- . way to the I'residency is the two-third* rule.? fJ uii m'iii llefuse in aih'pt t liai, and the l>euiocrnl.s uiay i vili he i count ii|mn certainly electing the next President. y M in\t nis I Itcndopi i; and defeat tuny he our reward- The M aroliiut injustice which would thereby have hern donr it Una is j in Mr. Tildrii would result in no fr"od to 0 S llood a ! party or to the country, / '/mom/