The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, July 20, 1870, Image 3

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b#ehterr?d wt?^t?lMlsmia?. 6uti.rt.tWw tr* also peyabW la eavanee. smf Appllewttoa* ?** Work will be aUft; .t tb? ornee? UffM, B. B*e*raas- ? f i tdfc ^^^^^?^^^?^^ " < Our monotonous ca octa aa ?ru inva? ded, * few da j? ago, by a tempting array of oak? and other refresh m en Ut, fro? tho nuptial celebration of Jjr. T> J. TuoMKY, definite notice of wbioh WM publish ed Io oar last iua?. W hilst expressing appreciation of tbs) courtesy, our kindest congratulations are extend -cd to the newly Married pair. WOBTH ATTENTION. The notice ia our advertising columns, to day, headed "A good ohaoce to make -money," ia worth the attention of those to whom it ls addressed. The oppor? tunity is no doubt a good one for tome ?energetic ?nd competent practical far? mer. -->?->?? - . J UDOR C4ETENTBB TO OJ*WAK AT S I.TIT BB. We loam that Judge Carpenter and General Butler will addreaa the citiieos of Sumter, in the interest! of the Re? form Moveaieut, at an early day, of which timely announcement will be made. ?OlTH CAROLINA sBANK St TRUST | OOMl*ArlT. This institution, located at Columbia, is under successful operation, adding materally to the commercial facilities of j that city. With a view to facilitate the business of Sumter, our merchants, and bther oitisens, we learn, have suhsor ibed to the Stoek of the Company, with the view of locating a branch of it here: Oar community baa long felt the need of a Banking Institution, and we there? fore trust the present movement may porve successful. ABHVILLB S7 RM Al. HO COLLEOR. We are indebted to Rev. ?lamos S. Kennedy ?. M., Preeident, for copies of the Annus! catalogue of the Ashville Female College, located in the salubrious and delightful town of Ashville, N. C. The Faculty of this excellent institution is fully organized and constitutes a corps of accomplished male anti female professors and teaohers, With eighty eight students and pupils in attendance. The sessions are semi annual, commeno ing (Fall Term) Thursday, August 4. 1870, and (Winter abd Spring Term) Thursday) Deoember 29,1870. Vacation in summer only, during June and July, with a recess in Winter from Christmas to New Year, 'tho spring term and Collegiate year will end May 18, 1871. DAVIDSON COLLEGE. A correspondent of the Charleston Kevot, of Thursday last, gives an inter? esting account of the Commencement. Exercises of Davidson College, Which took place on tho 29th and 80th of | Janet Tho attendance of visitors waa very large, and the occasion, throughout, highly satisfactory, and gratifying to the numerous friends and patrons of that excellent institution. Our'muoh beloved friend and fellow eititen, Rev. DONALD MCQUEEN, is notioed, by the correspondent alluded to, in this connexion, as follows : "Tho exercises of the first day were oponed with a sermon from the Rev. Donald McQueon, of Sumter, S C., bo? fore the "Williems's Inquiry Associa? tion" of the college. Mr. McQueen's reputation as a preaoher ia too well established to require any commendation ou my part. Suffice it to say that tho reverend gentleman secured the entire attention of his audienoe in an admira, bio discourse on "Man's Agenoy in the Work of Redemption?' vsr DAVID DICKSON'S Great Book on Farming now ont. No farmer's library complete without it. Bound in cloth, extra, $4; Sheep, $4.60; Balf Morocco, 85. Orders reoeived at this offico. Good canvassing agenta wanted. For terms, apply at this offico. "OOD HELPS TUOSB WHO HELP THEM SELVKg," therefore, ye afflloted ones, take SDMTBR Birra ns and be eared of Dyspepsia* Indigestion and Heartburn. There ls little sane lion for levity io the treatcet of disses* The ano, moon and .Uri ara solemn ? tba ocean and all Inanimate sature are solemn | and maa ls ? one of sor re wi, ?nd acquainted with grief." Tai sotanee bas done mach towards alleviating (hose ills, and the " Old Carolina Bitters" will be found * perfect " god send " to al 1 who sa Oer the martyrdom of dyspepsia. 1_ Children ery for Wireman's rCrystalised Worn c-.jjj el?. ? -. ILLS THAT F L KS H IS H li IR TO. Scrofula or King's 'Evil, Rheumatism, Neara! t??? Swelling of tba Glands and Joints, Brnp I'ons of the Skin, Secondary Syphilis with all its train of ?vii*, Impose Blood, Female Diseases, *.<>? Spirits, Liver Complaint, Nervousness, Ac, Jo., fall to th? lot of mankind. Bat, happily, I ?oey have thal* antidote. DR. TUTT'S SAB. 8APAR1LLA aa? QUERN'S DBLIOHT pac ?lies tbs qualitiestaaxpei them from the system, rsitore perfect bent* and proa?oe happiness, ?here all waa misery. The many friends of Mr. THOU A8 HAIR rtspestrslly announce bim sm ?a loge-mad?s!? .udWete for a seat in the X^Uvare sumter County, and solicit for bim the sepport . THE CITIZENS. April 13,1870. LATEST Q?OTATiyg gffi^ Co+,ect*dw**fy b9* 4'*?V*1U&1 Broker, No. 25 J?n^ *ra* JULY 1 UT?. . "^f u^&n- jti^n itt* -?Mi Charterten eaA Bavaaaaa, ~Z3[TV CearUu., Colombia sad Angjwta, -?IT; Ckorawaad Datliagto**, -?J ; greenville tad aataa) ?7(?-; Northeast*T, ~-(??S: Sovaa .ak aad Charteste?, (lat MM?) -M; do, (State , RAJUMA* STOCCO-Charlotte, {Mambla aad Aa^*4a,~?t&; Growvllto and Colombia, - ?? j Merl* a? ?teen, AU ; Savannah and Chariee ton, -@35 j Booth Carolina, (whola .hat?*) -GLU ; do, (kal/da) -(?IO. Bjccaaaop, ?e- Haw York tMl, | off pur) Gold, lOtqillSl S?lrer, 104@108. urn oAaoLiKA nm stu*. .Baak of Charloaton.............. ~- @ - .Beak of Newberry.....MMM... Baak of Cajnaen......... ".?0@ Baak Of Georgetown........@7 Batik of Sooth Carolina.M.l?? Baak of Oboatar........ ................~7@ - Baak of Hamborg-?MN,.. IO? Bank of State af 8- 0. prior to 1861.........MA Beak af 8 toto of 8.0. laos* 1841 and IMS Mfi I .PUn ur.' aa? af evhaaks' Bank of Ch art aa-fi | .People'* Baak of Charleston.... fi I .Union Bank of CbarUaton......<5 - . Booth we*t*ra K B Baak of Charleston, -u> (old)............-?l .South weeteni R B Bank of Charleston, -61 (BOW) ."^."..."...-tf Farmer** aad Exchange Bank of Charlee-(jj > Exohange Baak of Colombia.......15(5 Morekaata' Bank of Choraw. 6@ Pla*tars' Bank* of Fairfield . State of South Carolina Bills Receivable...**. Oil/ of Charleston Change Bills.97. .Billa marked tkas (.) are being redeemed at tho Baak Counter* of eaott. Ja? 12 . ly SPECIAL NOTICES. This valuable Family Hedioine bas been widely and favorably known in onr own and foreign Countries, upward? of THIRTY TEARS I It has lost none of Us good name by repeated trials, but eontinnas te occupy a prominent post tlon In ?very family medicine ehest. It is an external and Internal Rcmody. For Sommer Complaint, or any other form of bowel dlioaso in children or adult?, it is an almost esr tain euro, and hss without doubt, been more saeeessful In curing the Tarions kinds of CHOL BRA than any other kown remedy, or tbs moat skillful pbysielan. In India, Afrioa and China, Whare this dreadful disease ts more or less prove, lent, the Pain Killer is considered by tba natives, aa well aa European residents in those climate*, a ?ar? remedy ; and while it ia A most ettolont remedy for pain, lt is a perfoetly safe medicine sven in unskillful bands. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 ots., 60 ct?., and $1 per bottle. Health's Beat De renee. "The weak oatsth herbs," says St. Paul, so that eighteen hundred years ago the value of modielnal plants was appreciated. In the Old testament botanical remedies aro repeatedly re commended, but in no passage of sacred history is man recommended to swallow calomel, or blue pill, or any other mineral preparation. The sick were directed to eat'herbs to strengthen, them to purify them, to baal them, to restore them. In that day tho art of making vegetable extracts was unknown. The herbal mtdioines were mero loferions. It was reserved for a later ago to unite the sanitary essenoe* of tonio, aperient and aotlbll lons roots, barks, and plants, wltb an active stimulant, and thus soeure their rapid diffuiion through the debilitated or disordered system. The crowning triumph of this effeotlve mode of concentrating and applying the virtues of medi? cinal vegetables was achieved in the production of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Never before bad a perfectly pars aleoholle stimulant boan oom bined with the expressed juice* of the finest ipeclflc* of tho vegetable kingdom. Nover yet, though eighteen years bare elapsed sines its introduction, bas this groat restorative been equalled. It is taken at all seasons, In all clime?, as tba most potent safeguard against ?pid?mies, a* a protection against all anhoaltby exhalations that produo* debility on bogot disease;as a remedy for intermittent and other malarious fevers j as an appetiser j as a sovereign eare for dyspepsia; as a general tonio and Invigorant ; as a gentle, painless aperient ; as a blood d?purent ; ss a nervine; as a euro for bilious affections; as a harmless anodyne; and as the BRST BXPBHCB or HEALTH under unfavorable oireumstaneet, snob as ssdentary pursuits, undue bodily or mental exertion, hardship, privation and expo iure. pm- The "Phoebe Bake?" Salve 100 years a secret Care* as by magie AU Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sore?, Ulcers, Caaeers, Sore Nipples, and Broken Brear U, Chapped Lips and Hands, Bruptlons, Chilblains, Bites or Stings of Insects, Ac. A Wonderful euro for piles. Sold everywhere. Ask for Phoebe Baker's" (and Uko no other) "Costar's" Bat, Roach, Ao. Exterminator?. "Costar's" (liquid) Bed.Bug Exter. "Costar's" (pure) Insect Powder. Use this (only pure) losest Powder for Moths io Furs and Woolen*, for Bed. bags, Insects, Ae. "Co?tarV (only ?are remedy) Corn Solvent. SOLD everywhere. A*k for "COSTAR'S" (and take no other.) tl $2 ft aad $5 sises sent by express. Address "COSTAR" CO., IS Howard 8*., N.T. KOS KOO ! Prepared by Dr. J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated P. TSioiAK aad cn KU 1 ST, Norfolk, Ve., I* a BAV<, PL? AS AMT and ??Lt ABL? remedy for AU. d liesse* CA OBED by TORPIDITY OF THE LIVER, IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DISORDERS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, DERANGEMENTS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. It roaims and BBBIOBBS the BLOOD, aaa foaaa tko uvaaand BI***Y* to a healthy ?.ovio*, AIDS DiaasnoK, BBOCLATXI tho BOWBLS, and ta VIG?RATE* the asavoot araran. It U ROT a Patent Medicine. FOBMPLA areand each bottle. Kiraoafa* by ?A* ??? Pkyrteia*$. Tho aoat rorcxAa M??Mm? 4* NM. DB. LAWBBMCB is een?lastly In rseaipt of ea Avar CL letters aad TBSTIMOBIALB of BBWABBA. SUI COBB? perforned bj Kos a CO. AU letter* answered and advice given-rar.?. KOSKOO for sale bj Druggists everywhere at ow? DOLL AO PBX loTrLB. For ?ale by J. V?W. DeLorme, July S?-ly gumter, S. C ET Lip TJR. 6000 POUNDS BACON. 100 BUSHELS mm HILLING CORN JUST RECEIVED BY Earles H. Moise & Co,/ Planters' Warehouse. k GENERAL ASSORTMENT -OF Buggy and Coach Just Received by CHAS. H, MOISE & CO., 'LANTERS' WAREHOUSE. 'Dexter" Jars. -FOR 'reserves* Pickles, Fruits, AND HtESH VEGETABLES. 30 CENTS PER JAR. $3 00 PER DOZEN. $15 00 PER CASE (6 doz.) For Sale by ?HAS. EL MO?SE & CO., PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. July 13 tf the tieadsM??, Uk? M ... ff ?or AbUI ty, Volee, < TIM Press ti- Mp mia?Jil wnm??i?t* i?j?vifrUyBi "!** rtnrai iilb??Mi KlHtt?; PrinUd, Ably Edited, Wifely 01 mit ted ?? ? HeertU j WdMWl Paper, M ? whola, which MW ?ad* Ils wey ?mong IM; Pewpl?.* Tel. SUI. heglM Jr ly J. Try ttl Only $1 .te per voleare pt M ? o ea ber?, orl?pfr yew. Law to ?labs. Sabeertb? Nowt Addie*? | P. P. T. MOOBI. UL Perk Hew, Hyw York. *U PER DAY, AGENTS WAWTTB? Tn every loton, Connty and State to canvdu for Henry Ward Beecher's Great Paper WITH WHICH MM OITBN AWAY That ?uperb end world - renowned work of art '.MARSHALL'S HOUSEHOLD BNOBAYINO OV WA8HINOT0N." The beat paper and th? I grandest engraving in America. Agenta report "makin? $17 lo half a day." "Salea eeaier than , booka, and profit? greater.'' Ladlee or gentle? men dealring imm?diate and largely remuuerativa employment; book eanvaasera, and all solloliiog agenta will Had more money .in thia than any? thing oleo. It ia something eotiroly new, bslog an unprecedented combination nod rory tabing. Send for eirenler and tarma to J. B. FORD A 00., Pobllehere, 89 Perk Kow, New York . fm f? A will pay for tho New York f?J\J fJJ|JgtWEKKLY DOLLAK SUN from now to January I, mi. ONE DOLLAR will pay for the SEMI? WEEKLY do. do. 60 oenta a month paya for THE DAILY SUN. Addreaa, - I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, New York. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR PUNCHI? NELLO.-The great original Illustrated comio weekly paper. The first 10 numbera aent on reoelpt of 60o. ; singlo numbera 10o. Liberal terma to agenta. Splendid Obromo Premi?me to aobaoribera. Addreaa Punchinello Publishing Co., 83 Naaaau at., N. Y. Post-office box 3,783. Newspaper Advertising. A Book of 125 closely printed pages, lately Issued, contains a list of the best American Ad? vertising Mediums, giving the namos, circula? tions, and fall particulars concerning the loading Dally and Weekly Political and Family News? papers, together with all those having large cir? culations, published lo the interest of Religion, Agriculture, Literature, Ao" Ao. Every Ad vcr-1 tisor, and ovary person who contemplates be? coming auoh, will find this book of great value. Malled free to any addreaa on receipt of fifteen cents. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Publishers, No. 40 Park Row, New Yurk. The Pittsburg (Pa.) Ltadtr, in Its leane of May 29,1870, anya : "The firm of G. P. Rowell A Co., which issues thia interesting and valuable book, ia the largest and beat Advertising Agency in the United Suites, and we ean cheerfully recommend it to tho attention of those who deslro to adver? tise their business scientifically end systemati? cally in such a way : that is, so to soeure tho largost amount of publicity for the least expendi? ture of money." PATENTS: Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent j ere advised to oountol with MUNN A CO., edi? tors of the 8olentine Amerlonn, who have prose? cuted claims before the Patent Office for over! Twenty Years. Tbetr American and European Patent Agenoy ts the most extensive in the world. Charges less than any other reliable agency, A pamphlet containing full Instructions to inventora ia sent gratia. MUNN A CO., 37 Park Row, New York. (1'STAIIMSIHD 1830.) WELCH & GRIFFITHS, SAWS I AXES! SAWS! I SAWS of all descriptions. AXES. BELTING I and MILT.FURNIS1IINOS, CIRCULAR SAWS rith Solid Tooth, or with PATENT ADJUSTABLE POINTS, ettperior to all Interted Teeth Sata. ?lB* PRICES REDUCED.-tts^ ' Sond for Price List and Circulara. "tfeSt WELCH et GRIFFITHS; Mouton, ma??., or Detroit, m loh. 2TOOLS IN ONE.-Pooket Rule, Ruler, Square, Bevel, Serew-Driver, Chisel, Coin Sasses, Soiasors, Button-Uolo Cotter, paper Inifo, Eraaer and Penoil Sharpener. Sample (polished ateel) by mall, with torma lo agents 60 oenta. Silver plated, $1. Gold do., $2. COM HI - NATION TOOL CO., V3 Meroer atreet, N. Y. YES! IT IS TRUE! That the Beat Mowers-the Best Droppers the Best Solf-IUkera to be found in the world are the Original and Reliable Double Motion Aitna Maohlnes, made by tho 7KTN A MANUFACTUR? ING CO., of Salem, Oblo. Send for Pamphlet containing particulars. _ floleamen Wanted in n paying business. DAlGSWeil S. KENNEDY, 413 Chos nut Street, Philadelphia._ KIDDER'S' PASTILLES. S?S 40 cent? by mail. STOWELL A CO., Charlct town, Mass. _ PROMPT. HONORABLE. RELIABLE. AGENTS WANTED In every olty, town and v il Iago for the largest and most successful DOLLAR HOUSE in tbe country-ONLY ONE endorsed by tbe leading Papers and Express Co.'s of the United States. Our gooda give universal satisfaction, our premiums to Agents eannot be exoellod, and our chocks are free. Having two houses-Boston and Chicago-our faoilitlea are unequaled, and our business exoeeds In amount all other concerns in this trade oom I bined. SEND FOR CIRCULARS and FREE CLUB to S. C. THOMPSON A Co., 13S Federal"fitreot. Boston, or 168 State Streot, Chioago. BRIDE and BRIDEGROOM.-Essays for Young Men, freo, in sealed envolopew. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadel phla, Pa._ PSYOHOM ANCY, FASCINATION OR SOUL CHARMING.-400 pagea j doth. Thia won? derful book bas full Inatruoliona to enable the reader to faaoinato either aex, or any animal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and hundreds of other ourlous experiments. It oan be obtalnod by sending address with 10 oents postage, to T. W. EVANS A CO., No. 41 South (Eighth St., PhtaMphU. _ AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early indiscretion, cunning nervous debility, premature decay, Ac, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, hes disoovered a simple means of self.eure, whieh he will send free to bis fellow-sufferors. Addreaa J. A. REEVES, 7* Nassau st., N. Y. NEW MEDICAL PAMPHLET.-Seminal, Pbyaioal and Nervous Debility, Ita eifeots land ?ure. Pri?e26 cents. Address SECRETARY Mosenm of Anatomy, 818 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE. TUE VALUABLE FARM OF ONE HUN? DRED ACRES, illumed or.? mlle Weat of Banter Conrt House, now tb? property and resi? dence or Mrs. BOND KNGLI8H. On th? prom? ises la a comfortable two-story dwelling, and neoeasary ont building?. Convenient for UM, ta one of the flneat aprlnga of water In all thia ?ca? tion of eountry. About forty aores are now un? der cultivation, twenty acr< i In old field, aud the balance ls valuable wouu, o J. und pine. For terms, Ae, apply to. A. A. OILBBRT, Sumter, S. C. Joly fi.-tf. A$0 iF?VCt GOODS, IN GREAT VARIETY. Tb* l?dio* ara par liocfarly invHad to Mil and examina th? many novelties of tb? season, ?hieb eannot fall to please the fashionable and those of good taste. Qood? ara much cheaper, and ?111 bo sold on very reasonable terms-to salt the times. Call at tba fashionable Millinery establishment of yjiv. * . ? MISSE. ?. BRITTON. Jan e 22_ 1870. 18TO. MAYESVILLE, S- C. J. A. M?Y?S & CO , WILL CONTINUE BURING THE YEAR TO KEEP ON HAND A FULL 8UPPLY OF 000D8 IN THEIR LINE, CONSISTING OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, ? SB as, and hope to merit a Continuance of the liberal patronage they hare been reoelvlng. We desire to call particular attention to our trade in FLOUR. It is our atm to keep for sale only good quail ties of PI.OUR, and fanilies may rely upon our stoek as affording the best grades of Jbixtra and Family Flour, to be had in the markets. _ Our groceries generally are all FIRST-CLiASS GOODS, aud our DRUGS and MEDICINES aro war? ranted to bo pure and genuine. Boaides tba usual stock of DRUGS and MED? ICINES, wo keep always on hand, we offer two invaluable preparations of our own manu loo turo. Anti-Malarial Specific, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF Chills and Fevers. TONIC BITTERS, an admirable combination of TONICS adapted to all easos noodiug Tonio Medicines. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in BA HT KR for goods at fair prices. J. A. MAYES ic CO. Jan 1, 1870__ ly PROVISIONS. J^JEAVY CITY MESS PORK, DRY SALTED Shoulders, hbds. and boxos ; Dry Salted Sides, libds. and boxos; Smoked Western Shoulders, hhdx. ; Smoked Western Rib Sidos, hlids., Breakfast Strips, Hams, cov? ered and naked. LARD-Puro Prime Natural and Extra, in tiercos, bbls. and tubs. Extra Fine TABLE BUTTER, tubs. Best Factory CHEESE. Siinaries. COFFEES-Java, Lnguyra, Rio, all grados > FLOURS-all grades; SUGARS-all grados ; MOLASSES and SYRUPS-all grados ; CRACKERS, all kinds, in bbb. and boxos ; RAISINS, Choice Loui? ons and Oranges, Bottled Ale and Porter, En? glish and Ameri? can, in CUBOS and bbls. Chewing Tobacco, caddie?, quarter and half boxes ; Catawba Wine, Choioe Scupper nong Wine, California Hock Wino, Clarets, Rasberry Syrup, Black? berry Brandy, Jollies, Es? sences, and Grocers Drugs, Lyo and Potash, 'and a genoral as? sortment of Liquors, Groceries, Segars, Tobacco. For sale at wholosalo only, by ADRIAN oVVOLLKRS. juno 22 s> SPRINGS, EIGHT MILES FROM SPARTAN BURG COURT HOUSE, S. C. New Furniture-Hotel thoroughly Reno vated-New Bedding-Nsw Baths Bowling Alley, and other modes oj exercise for guests will he ready for visitors, June 1st, 1870. Board per month.$30 00 Per week. 10 00 Per day. 2 00 Tho water is Chalybeate, n? d is oool and pleasant to tho taste. Has provan efficacious In curing Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Kidney Dis? eases, Gravel, Dropsy, Diarrhoen, Cutnnoous Affeolioos, Chill and F?tor,' Qenortil Debility, and many othor ills of a kindred natuio, The table will bc provided with the bost tho country affords ; and every attontion given to visitors, oalouluted to mnko their stay pleasant. CABINS TO RENT. R. C. OLIVER, Proprietor, Spartaiiburg Court House, S. C. June i, 1370. ?_ General Life and Fire INSURANCE AGENCY. SUMTER, S. C. THE following Companies having cotnpliod with the Law, and deposited $20,000 onch with the Comptroller (loncral, odor .protection to households against loss or damage by fire > Pheonix Fire Insurnnco Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Gush Assois, 81,700,000. Southern Lifo Insuranco Company, of Atlanta, Ga., Gen. J, B. GORDON, President, M. C. Mourns, Seo'ty. Seonrity Fire Insuranco Company of Now York, Assctts, $2.017.800 81. German Firo Insuranco Company of Now York, Assetti, 1.?G3.05.4. 61. Georgia Homo Insurnnoo Corn pliny, Columbus, Ga., Assoit?, 4G8.781 10. Richmond Banking Insurance Co., of Virginia, Assctts, 270.540 24. A. WHITE, J une 22 Keife |L^B^ 'J?f^^??? 1 Would respectfully^ sollciV tb* jateen"?*?' of hit friand? and tho public. s" ' '". BU.B?m&?*? A Crj^tETte' Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils, embracing *r?ry arltrlo ie thia linc of-nosiness, wbUh h. 1 ti io II d? to ?all at th* LOWESX pmCES, FOg CASH. Ha will ke*p always ia ?tore, a oomplet,o assort meat of Collin's Aa?*? Ames' Sbo veli and Spades, Trace Chain?, Hoes, Itakas, Pitoh Forks, . Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Quano Selves, ' Pocket ?nd Tablo Cutlery, Bruis Preserving Kettles, Tin W*r*,*vYlndow <!>\H>S-nil sites. Person* in want of th* most convenient and economical Stoves, ean be supplied with the latest improved patterns at prices which cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. June 16_ . _ Pate & Taylor HAVE RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BOUGHT IN NEW TORE BY ONE OF THE FIRM AT THE RECENT DECLINE. THOSE DESIRING TO PURCHASE SHE AND CHEAP HAD BEST GIVE THEM A CALL. Tlicy ?re prepared to serve all in the best manner, and respectfully solicit a continuance of tho favors hertofore so liberally bestowed. March 28 OPENING OF THE SPRING FASHIONS. LATEST STYLES OF Millinery and Fancy Goods. MRS. M. J. ZERNO"', SUMTER, S. C., having recontly returned from Now York, annuunces to hor friends and the pabilo of Sumter, and tbo adjoining counties, that sho hus opunod at tho abo vu es? tablishment a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Millinery Goods, Including all the LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTIE8. Satisfaction guaranteed as to the price and quality of Uoods purohnsod at this cstnblibbmcnt ^.g.. Orders from tho oountry will receive prompt attention. April 20_ BOOTS; SHOES, MADE TO ORDER. L THE SUBSCRIBERS HAY ing rumovod from Manning, and located themselves iu f SUMTE lt, S. C (ut^liQ Old Telegraph office,) CORNER MAIN A DUGAN STS., are propnrod to furnish BOOTS ?nd SHOES of their own manufacturo on short notice. They guarantee satisfaction in overy respect, and from their long experience in the business, feel nssured thut those who onco putronizo tlcm fill not fail to cull again. Orders solicited, which will bo Ulled with promptness, und in workmanlike manuer. Shoe Findings of every description on hand and fur 6iile low. t<?5* Term? strictly Cash. Bnltman & Wells, March ?10 _3m Fresh arivals, -AT-i Sumter Book Store. Wild Lifo under the Equator, by DuChaillu. Stories of tho Gorilla Country " " Curiosities of Literature, by Dclsrnelli. I.othnift, DoLrnelli's last new novel. Tennyson's Complote Poems, neut olition, At $1,25. E. A. Poe's Complete Works. The Southern Gardner, by \V. N. White. G-irdoning for profit, " Henderson. Presbyterian, Mothodift and Baptist Hymn Books. Prover Books. Bibles. Drawing Paper. Planing Paper. Commercial Noto Par-or, nt 10 it- 15 o'r pr qr, Fools Cnp Paper, nt 16 ots " '. Envolopos at 6 cts pr bunch. English Quills, Sleol Pons, Ink, Scaling Wax, Red Tape, etc A. WHITE A CO. June 11th. Bottoms' Horse Power, FOlt GINNING, THRESHING AND PLANTATION MILLS. nilliS Labor saving Vachinc is boinjj JL put up by Mr. W. S. Ileneroy, nt Charleston. Those' wishing to purchase can send their orders to W. S. Hon or ey, Pounder ami Machinist, Charleston, and their ovcrers will bo promptly filled, Hero is an opportunity to savo hall'(ht number of mules, mid do twice thc work. Prico 1'25 dollurs. A. A. ALLEN, Agent. June 15-lm* MUSIC LESSON*. Vocal and Instrumental. Tho nndorslgned havln? talton his roMiTonr* al Similor, will Rive lessons In Singing und on thc HANO pnjLYJOHN. Ho will flkowlso give Iii. stnictlons in f?t BNOH, GEKM AN and A KITH MK TIC. I TUNING OF PIANO* ATTI?ND1?D TO. For fur th er particulars, apply to him ?a lid residenco in Harvin Street. I H. C. M. KOI'l-T. Pob 5 tf ASSETS, - - ? ?836,U9.<fc. . . . v? V. ? .". . '- " ;* . Jara . . .. -?"; " . ; ?. sr .. . i/Mi ..* ?? tV. J. WICKS, Pirat Vieri President. \ . ? 4: T. PETTIT,.. V^e RrWMtt?? f? W. P. ItOY?.K, Secretary. J. II.' Ktf.MO^D^, ?>.<??r?i*.A^c^. .-. ? . " - . . ' . - . *J-v-i- >???'>v |B A definite cash surrender raino ls jraaratiUo l on ?ll f>nlicies lapped by nnn nuM nf piom- * ?um, which ii mount will, nt the option of the policy holder, he paid him iu wish ?rt i'm ?vuenHeiy.tV lils policy, or I omi ed to bim nt ?ix per cent, interest to pay his future premium*, ihejchjconihih- . ; iag.hls policy in force for the full amount- . s ' -?v - - ? . . - With 'auQcleut oapital for entire socurltv, no I.ifj insurance Company oftprs jur?ilor ?dyun-. ? tage* so ?haCarolina. ' .' '. '?"<V* All ita proflis ar? dividod among its policy holder;), lu dividend*. ?ri th? ??ntrlh?flup^plau,/ No restrictions on IMCOI or resilience in iho United Stutet, Cntladu or Europe. ' ?.. ?'..*.">' , All policies non forfcitablo niter sevnd ?eur. ?.?'.-"' .. - ? AU ['vases paid promptly In cash. * ' * ' *v M. C, lrtJTLISlI, ' - .' " GENERAL ?STATE AGENT, COLUMBIA, S? . June 16-3m ? MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Articles. A. ANDERSON & CO.. Apothecaries and Chemists, SUMTER, S. C. ' Are receiving constantly a full supply of Pure Drugs nnd Chemicals, ntl?! n well sulcuiod flout of Fancy Articles and Perfumery. -ALSO A groot variety of Tuilot Soap*, Extracts fur tho Handkerchief, ' Fino Colognes, Foreign and Domestic, Surgical Instruments, Trusser, A e. All Medicine's warranted genuino and of tho very best quality. . PHYSICIAN'S PBRSCIUPTIOXS, Care fully compounded night or dny. To be found ut night at tho residenco of Mr. Anderson on Mnin St. A. ANDERSON, - A. J. OMINA, Itt". "D R 13 MOV A t". HAVING REMOVED to Corner of Mnin and Republican Streets, mid thoroughly revised and renovated my Stock, I can ofl'or to my customers and tho pnblie generally, ns Ano AN ASSORTMENT OP WELL SELECTED Drugs 5 AND General Medicines, As cnn bo found iu this market. Comprising most of the popular Patent Medicines, -SUCH AS Rolndalit, Philutokcn or Fournie Friend, Mystic ?>r Female ltcgululor, Jayne's Expectorant, Jayne's Pill?1, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, Wistur's Kulsam Wild Cherry, Hcmhotd's Iv tract lluchu, Simmons' Liver ?nvigorator, Sandford'* Liver Invigorator, Hall's Hair H?nower, Barry's Tricophcrous, Tammi's Aperient. Staffard'* Olivo Tar for colds, coughs mid consumption. Mrs. Winslow's S?nlhlng Syrup, Russell's Soothing Cordial, without ano? dyne, Holloway's, Van Deusnn'." and Hurley's Worm Candy, with all tho Voimifugos. A complete, assortment of PKRFUMKUY. TO?) i'll DR USU KS AND TOILET ARTICLES. ? -M.80 A choice article nfCOLOUNli, <>f our own manu filOture, which wo cnn Sell oliuap-with ail oilier articles which should bc fourni in a Well Regulated Ont ff Store.. Jun 20-tf_J. V._ W.'p ?LO ft M K. dinned Meats, VEGETABLE?, FRUITS, AND FISH, in great variety, ORANGES and LEMONS. v A I SO Flour, Lard, Sugar, Cu ?Too, J?ncon Crack oft*, C-unllos, CatsMpa, Voppcr Stiuoo, ??te., ito , .I'c. Almonds ami rtai?ina, Fine ^o^ars anti Tubneoo. Bolted Meal and Grist. FUFSII FAMIuV SUITJilKS. llocoivcil every wi ck, :tt JOHTV 3. MJJttllSO.VS, l'iule i'(he i'holographic Gulley May Tho State of South Carolina, S ? MT KU COUNTY. Hy C. M. Unruly Judge of the Court <t> Prohn fe J or said Cintu/y. WU KV. HAS A Ic.f iiiihr DoiitvhtH npp'.ioil lo mu (ur I. 'ii".* nf A liuinislriiiivir. with will annexed, ?. t? all a'"I singular ?II foods'ntiij , chattel** rigide niid crqdils of Oz) us M;,(?MS, HOOe'iised, of said County. Tli'oso aro therefofo !?> cite and ndtnotil'h an ' ?ind singular, ld? kindred nnd creditors nTihc i ?aid dictated, lo ho and tippoar before me. at .>>ir I next Court of Probate for the s?i?d Cnilri'y, to Ut holden nt ."-'uniter Court lfou/0, on tho 211ls liny ol June," to phew Cun>p, il* any, why thu >'?M Administration should mt bo grunted, tliven miller in y Hand and S?lti ofi.fOeo. Ililli Dili day of June, in (hu year of our Lordi one thousand night hundred uiid Seventy, JIM! in tile 5*lth vear or American Indeiiend?iice, c. ii. Tl?itHT;, June 8-it] ' Judge of (he nit of Probat.? KODE HT B?OUX, \ Architect, County Surveyor, -AM?--> Mechanical Engixicev, WILL ATT P. Nit 'IO A*;Y 111 >i\v.? '< i:v Irtisled to hint with neeiire'e\ and tUspiiUli llofars lo V0U.4 till Plllh.N'Dd, Addi . ? l.<'nl?i, Pl, t". mi?K ADV KU Tl.* KU OHOS TO O A Ti li AT X TKN tlOX TO U??l STOCK Ol' TU ii UKST A ND PURK.-iT . C II E M IC iUiS , Pl TENT M IO D S CI N KS. A FINE A SSO UT ll K.N? . OK . PERFUMERY, S3 A PS, TOILET. POW DE? and Clinllc,. , PiitT lloxos and PnfT?, J . . ? Shnvinv Cronin ntid Uru?fioa, . :-" . . Huir J'.i ii eli ff, -] ...'>.' I o I ?un Urnsiii.1*, . . n . Tooth uud Nuil Drnslic*. All ut MoK A (JINN'S.'. PREPARED CAR HF ULI A' AT ALL HpUUS, Dy I. A- M< KAOISNv T??il? BEST X BRANDY, nr.w Will fi K EY ? ml WIN ES, Sold ni Muk AO UN'S? A~LLSPICi:,. Cloves, Cinnamon, . Ginger, Maco, XiitincgH and Pepper. _At AlcK A ?1 Ii N'S. Drug Btote> KEROSINE OIL, Lumps, Humor*. Ohfmney Wick*, Ac, At MoKAOKXl&r *JL LARGE and FR USU SUPPLY OK ' GARDEN fcKEDS For sal? by Mr KAG KN. MILLER'S ALMANAC tor IS70 At M flt AtlKN'd^ X FINK SEC. XII .V~ . " CAN UK HAD Toll IO At MuKAOKX'S, CLO THING, CLOTHS, Sprigg- Stock. D. J. WINN. Agent, XuW lias ?II .Stoic it La 17(0. oii.l (.';iit f'ill? ly R?lcclctl S!o< k Spring and Stinunor Goods, WHICH. II!; G l'A MANTLES A.< IMiPltK. RENTED, Sl'C.II AS I CLOTH INO-Fine, M IM! lt. in M.U <~<>u,i;ioii, Cloths and Cu*?'ittvrp?, Shirl?, Drawer/, Sett;*, Sii.-ipfiidi-r*, Ol.ives nr..I t'im-nt.". < Under V'I-K' , Kine FJ t T?t< 'V, llrewu I.iiK nv, .t c. j nlilt'h li* pfi'i|.j;>!< liliu.H'if |.i sell lo.Vii I linn, ti ny ! |S4)IIK(I la t..wu fur, rnidii { Apiil 20 N?. ii ? HO CERI RS. . j TH li ONLY STl?l?Tl.V i (Grocery'aiid L?^nov ISOUKC I N T < ) NV x ''S'? il li ll N I) li K s t <; :.' i?, i. i. M i "? j t ?-.ill lim H. . ii ol !.!. frit i. I ..;.| tt.a i pu'.'' . gent r?ll; t. hii 11 N!?iw AND A. KJ::.:; . ;;,>" ? STOCK Ol ! Heavy and Paney Gi.oeorioa Which hy uft'ors lou roi- CASU <'M %if?, AH nrtiolcs, whir nii l i,-, rei ..(i ivciuli " ' . Pure Mod.'clnal Liqut.r* Urp| i?fm*lunO? on li ?iud. , ' J. H. RU'Kl?llAll i'. April l;l . - ,; KKSIIFCTFULI/V OFPTKS Iii : J.?^IO? S j Land Siirvoyoi:, ki r lev ??'&i?y< 1 . All Ij.h'iN?o lli'il If ia .1 .. . ?. v ! |MSi|?|^.( llli.1,1 ll j! lill I '..(. |#l i ?-W \', \<rrtkU*i> i .:...?.:'.'!' ' >' 1 W ::*>,,. :.. . ?.. : v. . ? '.. Sd T ^ ' I At