The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, June 08, 1870, Image 3

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MT Alt Tra?.l-l Adearaja^a^t?. ??? J?** Aepllctlou. f57ob Work wlU bo med?, tUlavj?r??ewipU^ ?V ber AdrertUloTf'-"?* 8?) "S?wl?d to ..adla ??ir fcvere ootlator-thaB. atoaday. SST We acknowledge, .witt) much pleasure, the coartesy of au io v i tat too to be preset)! at the celebration of tho Clarioaopbic Sooiety, of the South Gar olio? University, io take placo OD Tuesday evening, Jub? 28, at 8 o'clock. ItST Oar read er a, wo are bu re, found pleasure aod profit from th? perusal of the interesting original sketch, by "H/' entitled "The Sideboard' aod Decanters or a True li istory of Harry 0./' a? pub? lished on our first page laat week, it is no romance, b?t a veritable history. We trust that our es|eonied contributor will continue his favors. KEW SODA "FOUNT. The New guda Fount ot A. ANDER? SON & Co., ts now regaf?og our citizens with its delicious draughts. TJU1E CONCKllT By Mrs. OREEN aud Mr. Kory*-, OD Mouday evening last, waa well attended, and the performances in.the highest de? gree satisfactory. PB1DB OF^DUnnAW, THE PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE has Bent the Watchman Omeo iour origioal packages of Pride of Durham Smoking Tobacco, manufactured by Z. J. LYON & Co., Durham, N. C. Our kind aod liberal friends seemed disposed to malee the whole office smoke. THE GROWING CHOP Of this seotion ia geuerally . promising The late raies have brought up.a second staod of cotton, which will give tho planters some trouble. They arc DOW, too, engaged in mortal combat with Gen- green. The General musters a strong forco and will make a stubborn fight ; but the war is to tho death, and his myriad host? will be slaughtered OD many a field. Geo. lazy is also present in some strength, io support of Geu green. . > "COOL" XHEAT.1IENT. Our friend, Dr. J. S. HUQHSON, sent us, from his Family Grocery, the other day, a box of ioe. Wo dont object to acts of cold kindness, whoo they come in this shape. We have learned that it is tho inten tiou of the Doctor to keep ice for bale, regularly, during the sum? mer, at u moderato prioe. We doubt not he will be liberally patronized. "BITING.'* A case of veritable, matter of-fact, "biting," occurred iu our town, 00 Thursday last, between two colored men of the masculine gender. WILLIAM DOBSON actually bit off the nose of PAUL REARDON. The "noseless" individual was taken into the drug store of A. ANDERSON & Co., where his olfactory ptotuberaoce was restored to its natural form and locality, lt is hoped that it will "stick," and that thero will be no more such to reo ord soon. "Let doga delight to bark and bite." Gen. M. Ol "IJUTLER, ot Edge field, has received and accepted the appointment of General Slate Agent, for South Carolina, of the Carolina Life Insurance Company, o| Memphis, Tenn., of which Hon. JEFH&SON DAVIS is the President. This* C?uipany will be represented by a moal'aglnt ac Sumter, and our friends wijl have an opportunity of securing policies. It is bused upon solid capital, and the name of JEFFER* SON DAVIS gives it a wider range of popularity aod greater strength thai? that of any other Southern Company. COLimBSA F BM ALB COLLEGE. We are requested lo that a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Columbia Female College will bo held io the City of Columbia, on Wednesday, the 22nd June, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Tho expenses of members will be paid, and the attendance of every mem? ber of the Board, as far as possible, is urged. Tho following ore the members of thc Board : Clerical, J. W. Kelly, (chair? man,) p. M. Kennedy, A. Bk Stephens, W. C. Power, 8. Leard, ?. J. Cauthon, 0. A. Darby, E. J. .Meyqnrdic, D. . JT Simmons; Majoring Brown, T. S'Daoiei, J. A. Zimmcruj?u. Laymen : Robert BryoeV-Geo; W^WlltaWsi'A-A. Gilbert, R.D. 8encf, W. Glatt?, J. H. Stelling, Josoph Lauhon, *W. L. J. Reid, E. T. Rembert, J. H. Kinsler, Robert Moor? man, H. T. Wright. OHIO DErtOOHA?Y. . The Ohio Democratic State Convention liss recently assembled and put forth a platform of principles for tho approach i?g fall elections. The question of ne? gro mff rage has benn-dropped and will cot be made an iesuo of tho election oppsition to the tariff, the internal rev enua'ua, and the general corruption, fender and extravagant* ot the party io power will constitute the main ques? tions of the canvass. HAMILTON MCMILLAN, ESQ., has become ?a^l?ted,* editorially, with the Kobetcntaii, ove of the most acceptable J'our North Carolioa exohaogos, pub*' ".ned at Lain berton. -.. 'i l *.. tr it ? 11 .f? ? . . .'?(?> *i ?fae i> /?* ?fa, '._ . . ?'. P' wi Pr th Pi Tl J. It wi nc Cl di oti WJ ali wi po in on di T< M Cl ne ud pr i h re, W ell co mi no pu 00 ar< of th an ?BUB TOUT U****. MA******* jB^Ublislied lie t. The work is beingpro? Oduted with yigot&and tho right Min n haye hold of th? enterprise, aod seem detewiged to wako quick -wojk of it. ^le?rr?, says the Baruweil Journal that about oleteo hundred hands aro employ, ed at Work ou th* Jjn?. The iron is beintf laid ai thc rate' of half a tn ile n daybed the work it progressing at both ends at the same time 'fha contractors ?re 'io much eocouraged at the progress which ia made that they confidently hopo to have tho entire route completed aod io running order, by ibo middle of Septem.' ber. . . . . LA DI KS? neND.nENXAL" ASSOCIA TION. Pursuant to tho call of tho President > "The Ladiea' Monumental Association of Sumter District" met tili? day in the Law office of Chas. Mayrant, Esq ID the absence of the President, Gen. Richard H. Anderson, 1st Vice Predi? lect, assumed the Chair and explained the object of tho meeting, which was to iiear the report of the Commit tee dele? gated to select a site for the proposed xonutueut abd to act thereupon. Col. Jas. D. ^landing, Chairman of taid Committee, reported, that tho com? mittee hod Inquired ?nd ascertained ?hat trie lot, containing one acre, shun? ed north pf the Aoaderay lot, could bc procured for the use of tho Association, br the price Of Four Hundred and Twcn y Dollurs-payable December next ind that tho Committee recommend the >urcha6e of said lot, as most suitable aod expedient. Ou motion the Report was adopted. On motion of Capt. J no. S. Richard^ ion, Jr. Resolved, That the aforesaid commu? ?e, of Col. J. D. Bluoding, Wm. F. B .1 ainsworth, Esq., and Capt. E. <!. 3rcen, be, and they are hereby author zed to purchase and secure tho said lot or the uses and purposes of "the Ladies' < onumentul Association," agreeably to On motion, Resolved, That the Sumter Watchman, md Sumter Neves, in addition to their nany favors, be requested to givo place n their columns to these proceedings No further business presenting itself, tn motion, the meeting adjourned sub? ed to the call of tho President. RienAiiD II. ANDKRSON, 1st Vice Pied., L. M. A. lien AH?) D. LEB, Seo. MAIMON. MR. EDITOR :-Wo have just conclu led a pleasant visit, of a few days, in he town of Marion, S. C., ol quoudum icinory, situated on thc Wilmington nd Manchester Railroad. Tho pnpulu ion is about ono thousand, and thc olitical condition better than in some titer parts ol thc State. Ry un effort io white voto predominates, though ke other portions of tho State, hut little iterest is taken at thc polls by thc hiles. There arc two papers published in io town, the Star and Crescent. Thc inner flourishes, tho latter is tempo trily suspended ou account ol thc lute tsastrous fire, which consumed so largo rid im poi tant a portion of thc towt), ho office, press and typo of the Cres ml wore consumed to the amount of ?out three thousand dollars. Rut thc iterprising publisher, Siducy E. Mc [ il Inn, is already in a new office, with steam power press, and will soon ratify his long list of subscribers by nu trly issue. Success to tho Crescent I id may she reappear, niter thc fiery -deal through which she hus passed, ?astcncd aud improved in all the swee: inabilities at.d virtues of lile, shedding br soft gent?o rays of light, ns she oves on' her mission of glory mid >OfulD0S8. Tho population of Marion has in? cased considerably since thc war, arid ic heavy losses from thc Into fires will urcely stop tito progress, as already portion of the void spaces have boen pplicd with new buildings, and thc omise is, that tho wfiolo empty area ?ll soon bo filled with new and im oved buildings. There aro in tho town two colored and roc white churches. Tho lutter are rcsbyterian, Baptist and . Methodist. Ito pulpit of thc first is filled'by Hov. H. Dunlop, the second by Rev. Mr, iee,'and last by Rev John A. Porter, nose efforts to i tn pro Vc his people will it be without fruit. Thc Methodist lurch in Marion, with nil her losses iring the war, is, in material means, e of tho strongest in tho State, and th her wealth, n corresponding liber ?ty, her energies iu full pluy, and thc tole field under culturo, hus it in hoi wer to reap an abundant harvest. Tho Sabbuth School is a most pntonl Btruroont-is large and interesting d how cac it bo otherwise under itu rcction of such men as Maj. J. R N mhet, Superintendant, und .Maj. S. E c M il lan, who lends the singing. As another grand auxiliary, thc lurch of Marion needs a total nbsli noe temperance organization, wilji st ult and juvenile department, AO as tt odueo a healthier publie sentiment or e usc ot'alcoholic stimulants-this wi ?ard SS a d?ciderai ii m. The school taught here by W. Il ?throw, Esq. aud Rev. Thomas M itch I, after years of usefulness in flail mmunity tn the culture of tho young uptains an unrivaled popularity, am w 'numbers more thao a hp nd rei pila. You can form some opinion of th umeroial status of Marion, when yoi i informed that the Dumber of bale cotton passing through the hands o e merohants ia about three thousand d through the depot much larger. Yours, ?co., ?. c ' Tlio Grset PamUy MoJicia? of ibo Ag?. . .THIRTYYEARS Hure ?Jnpsrd ?ince thttntr^j^jtf lb? P?lo Hil lor to tbb publie, and yet ?lij?te W**??4 time it U wyro'popul?r. ?ad co romands ? larger ?ala than aver before, tu popularity Ls"rv,t confined to ibis cojyitry alone ; all over tho world tte ben? eficial effects if fearing the 'ills that nosh is heir t"," ar? kcUnyitrBd^edjnncl appreciated, ?id m PSIS H 11.1, r. K i (it Tn me ii limit ed to no country, sect nor race. li needs only to be known to be prised. ?J Ai j . TftittTT YK A ns is cor tiiiu ly a long tauig* time to prove tho effie noy of any modlcine, and that ibe rAia KILLBR is deserving of"ul 1 its proprietora c 1 H i ir. for it, is amply proved by the unperalelled popularity it basattalnod. ' It ls a aoaa ead BP rhOTira remedy. Sold by ell Druggist?. Price ?5 els., 50 els., sod $1 per bottle. Directions accompany, eiieh bottle. * K O ?KOO! Prepared by Dr. J. J. Lawrence, the celebrated p Ys ici v N und cn nw fcT, Norfolk, Vu., ir n s AK , i'i.K ASANT und RELIADLE remedy fot ALL diseases DA UH ED by TORPIDITY OF TUE LIVER, IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DIS OKI) KU.. OF TUE URINARY ORGANS, DERANGEMENTS OF TUE NERVOUS SYSTEM. It rum KI s and ENRICHES the BLOOD, RD8 roRKS the LIVER and KIPNKYS to a healthy VCTION, MUS DIGESTION; RBO.ULATBS tho DOWELS. md INVIGOUATKS thc NBnvous SYSTEM. - It ie NOT H Putout Medicine. FORMULA around each bottle. ENDOIIBSD by the leet Phyeician*. Tho MOST POPULAR Medicine in uss. DR.* LAWIIKNCB is constantly in receipt of IRATftPUL1 totters and TESTIMONIALS of HEM A UK A ILK UUHES porformod by KOSKOO. All letters answered and advice given-KUKU. KOSKOO for salo by Druggists everywhere at >NK Hot,LA lt PKR BOTTLK. For salo by i. F. W. DvLormc, July 28 -ly Sumter, S. C, New Advertisements. FANNINGS PATENT KID FITTING Skleton Corset. Tills Corsot is ootistruo'od . n nn entirely new irinclpto, being open, und thereby allowing the rc M circulation possible, besides giving perfect use und comfort to tho wearer, und at the sumo imo possessing till tho advantages of (lie com non Corsets in givlug support lo iho body. For lloaltb, Unico und Comfort they uro un ivatled in thu market. They nro particularly BdUimcnitod for cu miner wu ir. nnd vmrin di ? lutes, although equully woll nduptcd lo all sea ons of iho your. Thov aro highly reeniuuioilded y ?nodioul und scientific mun. For eulo by nil rsl class dealers. For < irctilurs. prices, ?te., d.lrcss ibo WORCESTER SKIRT CO., AVor ester. Muss. (IM AIIMSIII I) 1830.) ?7EL0H & GRIFFITHS, SAWS! AXtSI bAWbl AWS ot ul) descriptions. AXi-.S. BELTING nd MI LT, F I) RN IS1IINUS, Cl Itt'U LA lt SAW'S ii ll Solid Teeth, or willi PATBNT ADJUNTADLE ?1NTS, ?iiperinr to nit Inverted Teeth Sn icu. ;?MT- Plt 10KS I! EI)[?CED. "3^ ^.fif-Scud for Price l.i?t mid Circulara. t5-^ W IM ll Oe (Jill I ITHS, _Wowtoii, Binga., or Ile trott, .illili. PATENTS. Inventors who wl*h to luke out Letter.- Patent o ndiised to counsel nilli MUNN A CO., eui rs of ibu Scientific Auiorlonn, who have prose lied claims beforo the Putout Offico for over wonly Yours. Their American mid European tient Agoncy is tho most extensive in tho jrld. Charges less thnn any other reliable 'ency. A pamphlet continuing full instructions inventors is sont gratis. MUNN A CO.. 37 Park How, New York. ? MODEL, HOUSE. [.lng a cripple. I hnvo miidu bouso planning ce hil study Ore built last soason hus |iroved nioilol nf con veiiienco, benni*, und economy, rsoriptivo clroulars'of Plans, Views, etc. "iib Moral infoniiTjiion of valuo to nil, sunt free. I>lress (willi >"Str|iQt> or script if convenient) KO. J. COLpy^rolilteet. Watorhary .Vermont ?1 A?m/\Ti Wanted in n paving business. ctiei?ii*t;n s. KENNEDY, 41a ci>es 11 Street, Philadelphia.-. 'Vj ?\ Human .Machino. New Hunk. Froo (or ? 4*0^mp. TARRANT A co.. N. Y I00ER% PASTILLES. cents hy mail. STOWELL A CO , Charlcs wn, Muss. Y rm etta s? li aa r?rcod to grow in six A.UU?LctL-IIC? weoks. Tteeipo sont for its. Address H. RICHARDS, Bo* 3986, Now .rk P. 0. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. All women know that lt is beauty, rathor than nius. willoh ull generations of mon havo wor ippod in tho sex. Can it* bo wondorcd at, MI, that so much of woman's time und alton n should bo directed lo tho moans of dc\elop. ; and pfcierving that beauty ! Wi,mon, know >, thnl when men spenk of tho intellect of men,'they speak critically, tamely, coolly ; t when they como to speak of tho charm? of a i ti i i Pu I women, their langnngo mid thuir eyes idle willi an enthusiasm which shows them bo profoundly, If nut, indeed, ridiculously in 'nest. It is purl of iho natural rugucily of ufen to perceive ul) this, and oiuploy 9ry allowable liri lo become tho goddess nf thal oration. Preach to the contrary, as we may 11nst I lie uris eiuplojcd by woman for cullane ; their hen II ty, lhere still stands (lie eternal t, thal thc world doos not (trefor tho society in ugly woman of genius to that of n beauty loss intellectual acquirements. Tho world has t allowed no higher mission to women lhan to I,emu i l ui, and il would seem that tho ludios of I ho prosoni ago oin currying Ibis iden of tho rid to greater extremes than ever, for nil wo. u now to wli,>m munro bus deniod (he lalsinan [lowcr nf beauly, Supply the duficioncy by tho i ol' a most delight ml toilet article, known ns i "Bloom of Youth," which hus beon lately roduced into this country hy GBOROH W. inn, a delicate boautlflor, which smooths out indentation.*, furrows, scars, removing tan, ?kio?, and discolorations from tho skin, loav. : tho complexion clour, brilliant, and bountiful skin soft and Smooth. With the assistance of i new American trick of n Lady's toilette ro? le boauly ls destined to play a larger patt in ae^nlration of mon nnd tho ambition of tvumon n all tho arts employed sinoe her creation, if. 0. F. Chandler, Chemist io the Metr?poli. Board of Health, bat recently prepared a inion I analysis ofthisdellgntrul toilet propor ion, omi reported ihairp?iBloom of Youth," i harmless, oontalniogniiiEnTng Injurious to the lib. Ladles ncod havo no fear of using this aluable tollot acquisition, d by every druggist and fancy gooda dealer in ?n,l^<'^"tepet, 5 Gold Street Newark. riT: r^r-'-"...y ?T #2 60. . 300 Sacks i?^^s?t, AT C2 &0. ?OOO Bushels Cora, AT U TO; 20,000 POUNDS BACON, FROM 10 io 20 ota. 200 Barrels Flour. ' FROM ?7,00 to 810,00, GREEN. WATSON & WALSH, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE; May'? COTTON SHIPPED. Wo have made arraogomcota to ship COTTON To No? York, Baltimore or Charleston, making Cash Advances in samo when delivered, and huv ng it held at EITHER POINT ie long oe maj be desired. iVo will receive Cottou at Sumter, Lynchburg, il uy es ville or Manchester. Breen, Watson & Walsh, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Canned Meats, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, AND FISH, in great variety, ORANGES and LEMONS. ALSO 'lour, Lard, Sugar, Coffee. Bacon Crackers, Candles, Cutsups, Pepper Sauce, Sec., ?cc , &c< Almonds'und Raisins, Fino Segars and Tobacco. lolted Meal and Grist: FRESH FA M II. Y SUPPLIES. Received every week, at JOHIVS. HUGHSOX'S, Under thc Photographic Gallery Moy 25 JOO'TS ; SHOES, MADE TO* OR DER. THE GUBSCRIBERS 11AV lng removed from Manning, and located 'themselves in f SU M TEH, S. C. i (at the Old Telogrnph ofBco.) CORNER MAIN A DUGAN STS., o prepared to furnish BOOTS and SHOES of Air own manufacture on short notice. They guarantee satisfaction in every respect, d from their long experionco in tho business, .I assured thnt thaxo who onco patronixo thom ll not full to call again. Orders solicited, which will bo flilod with mopiness, and in workmanlike manner, Shoe Findings every description on hand and for salo low. B@r* Terms strictly Cash. Bult man & Wells, March ?IO . ' 3m SUMTER KEW BOOKS -AT Sumter Book Store. WE are constantly recoiving additions to our ?ck; somooftbo latest, as follows: Qntcs Ajar, Hedged In, l.itilo Women, Tho Old Fashioned Girl. Of those uorks tho Bookseller's (luido for >ril, snyB that tho salo is prodigiously largo, lounting to noarly 60,000 oopies of euch. Saturday Night, by -'Brick" Pomoroy. ho Runs tho World A woy. Hummer A Rapior, by liston Cook. Hilt to Hilt. . Kodas a Ruso is She. Diary of a .Medical Student, hy Warren. Tho Roon way Mutch, by Mrs. Henry Wood. The Lost Will, ?? The Gipsy Daughter. J'l/ephine. by Gr*oe Aguilar. The Hidden Path, by Mariou Harland. Sunny Dunk, M Phemle'a Tomptotlon, *' *' Hnrpors' ? Leslie's Illustrated paper?, Every Suturdny, an English reprint, Wiiich is hoing published Dickcn's Now Novel, e Mystery of Edwin Drood. Kpril 20_A. WHITE A CO. ?LVEHI PLATED WAKE, JUST RECEIVED CASTERS, NEW PATTERNS, BUTTER DISHES, GOBLETS,.CUPS,' CALL RULLS and various artlolos for [tIDAli PRESENTS. . ^ Marchi , , 0. T. MASON.' UNS AND PISTOLS >K l'A I RED BY AN BXPERIBNCKD j UK M UN, If loft nt 0, T. 'MASON'S JewelryStore. ilareb 0 COTTON SHIPPED AND LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE THEREON. Eichange on New York Sold. THE S?BSdR?Bti?t ??S JtjST RETURNED J^O>? Hf? SECOND TRl? NORTH AND now offers to bis trjeiida and tho publio generally A SBOOND SUPPLY OJP* AS toS STR?Ck THE J??MET WBLEN GOODS WBRB LOW AND BUS?N???S DOLLIN New York, he flatters himself that he has bought his goods so that he can sell them CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THIS OR ANY OTHER PLACE. HE DBF?BS COMPETITION. _ HE IS NOW OFFERING THE CHEAPEST AND PRETTIEST ASSORTMENT OF ?RESS ?r001>8 EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN T?t? MARKET, CONSISTING PARTLY OF BLACK AND COLORED GRENADINES, Lf??O CLOTHS, - - - - from IO to 25cts. COLORED LAWNS, IF GREAT VARIETY, - - from 12 l-2 to 25cts. A FINE VARIETY OF COLORED FRENCH MUSLINS, - - , - - - from 25 to 60cts. TISSUES, BAREGES, &c., &c, &c. Also, a beautiful Line of WHITE GOODS, of every description, PARASOLS, FANS AND FANCY ARTICLES GENERALLY. LACE SETTS, LACE COtLARSj RUFFLES, &c., all of the latest styles. Special attention of the ladies is called to our DRESS GOODS AND FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. A lot of Misses' and Childrens' LINEN AND PIQUE READY MADE SUITS. A Large assortment of Dots and Sflxoes. LADIES* PHILADELPHIA SHOES, GENTS' HANDSOWED PHILADELPHIA SHOES, L ad i es'a nd Misses' Lasting Gaite rs ,.&c.,.&c GROCERIES, IN EVERY VARIETY. Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Bacon, Corn, Lard. Canned Goods, Soap, Starch, Candles, &c, &c, 200 BARRELS FLOUR, all grades, just received. For pretty and cheap goods come to May 17-lm_; _ J. T. SOLOMON^ J L O T H I?? Gr, CLOTHS, Spring Stock. D. J. WINN, Agent, IOW has ia Store a Largo and Careful? ly seleotod Stock of Spring and Summer Goods, ?men na GUARANTEES AS RBPRE* SENTED, SUCH AS CLOTHING-Fine, Medium and Common, Cloths end Oasslmores, Shirts, Drawers, Books, 8uspondors, Gloves and Crarats, Under Vests, Fine Lot Tweeds, Brown Linens, Ac. hieb he pledges himself to sell lower than any her house in town for ooah. April 20_ OPENING OP THE PRING FASHIONS. LATEST STYLES OF lillinery and Fane; Goods, MRS. M. J. ZERNOW, SUMTER, 8. C., having reoently returned from Now York, ahnounoea to her friends and the nubile of Sumter, and the Adjoining counties, that sho has opeuod at the above os* bllshment a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF Millinery Goods, all tho LATEST PARISIAN OVELTIES. Satisfaction guaranteed aa to tba nrioe and ality nf Qcoda purohaaed et this establishment ^aa> Orders from the country will receive oinpt attention. April ffl_ MILLINERY : RICfi AND BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF PRING .MILLINERY ANO FANCY GOODS, . IN ORBAT VARIETV. tb* ladlee ar* particularly loVtted to eall and amine tba many novelties of the season, which .wot-fitflfo please th* fashiooablo anu^oM of od usu. Soods aro muon cheaper, and will be sold os ry renton ab!? terms-to nit th? Hut**, lall at tho fashionable Millinery .ctabllabment MISS B. D. BRITTON. Iprtl 18. Georgia Home Insurance Co,, Incorporated 1859. Capital $350,000 OF COLUMBUS, GA. ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1870 ........ .....$408,071,42. PREMIUMS RECEIVED ANO .LOSSES PAID SINCE 1865. PREMIUMS. 1.03RK3. Received in 1805-6;.$103,960 63 Paid ib 1865-6.?.$69,880 88 Received lo 1867.UM, 144,881 18 Paid In 1867 . 73,342 12 Reciered in 1868 .;.. 159,663 tl Paid In 1868. 06,283 01 Received in 1869 .i. 220,001 80 Paid in 1869 ..'.. 98,763 17 Caan dividend January 20tb, 1870, $10 per ahare. Amount Premi?me received nineo organisation of Company.,.,...$1,148,086 30 Amount Dividend? paid elbe* organisation of Company . ?... . 370,000 00 Amount Loisoi paid ?Ince organisation of Company ..... 519,016 17 Polloies Issued ob all kind? of insurable property, and at rates adequate to the hasard. AzonU at all prominent poluta ia tho Southern Stu tes, to whom'apply, or to . D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary, , Columbus, Georgia. May 11_AA^?njTJv^Agent, Sumter, S. C. Ci J. E. SU ARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Room.s HAS ON HAND A LA HOB 8TOCK OF jfUR NITUKi;, for less than ono be obtained In any Southern merket, saving beth freight end rlek of breakage by Railroad. With experlenee la tbla braoeli of buatneai In the City of Oherleaton, for twenty-five yeera, and hading the advantage* of the best Manufacturer*, ha la offering Bret ela*? work of wbloU every erttela sold ie warranted. The Kock oon*l*U of Borea, Side Boards. Book One**, Wardrobes Wasbsteuda, Bureaus, CotUge Setts, What noa Bxtonslon Tablea Mahogany,Cnnetnd wood Beat Rooking Chalrt Mahogany, Caa* aud Wood Beat Sotting Chaire Cribe, Oradlee Traudle Bedsteads and Coting* Be J#teade Every etyle i.nokltig Olaore? und ftleitrasie?. FIVE HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES Jost rcocivod, together willi ? lot of W A lil. PA? PER AND KOUD BU INO. Main Street, opposite Expr?s* Office, UP STAIRS, SPECTACLES EV EG b ASS RS a LORSCHS VATENT IKTEKC1IANADLE LENSES. . Oataraet and Colored Laase*, of ?ll Shades. Marek t 0? T. MASON. J? E. Suares, Feb 1%-ti AND--?. BUSINESS, VISITING, AND WBDDXKQ CABD8, J* D. CRAIG, Upholsterer, Manufacturer, AND DKALER ?N FURNITURE, jj^ESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS friends ami patrons (bat be is now prepared to furnUh them, with ./V Furniture, etc., of.?h?:4lSirent STYLES ?nd PATTERNS now in bia, ile baa now on hand a snpply of USD ROOM AND COTTAGE SETS, CANE AN'D WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, TABLES, BUREAUS, CRIBS, AC, AC. SAMPLE PLATES (tum tb? best MuiuuVlu rera of Boslun and Nuw Tork -?will bo ?bowu to Eu ru h Khars sn ' I any styles preferred, nut on and, will tic ordered for accommodation ot put' rons-all of Vhicb will bo suf i u price? to ault the times. FURNITURE made to order, lu any style and at abort not leo. .ianofnotwrtnjt, Repairing and Upholstery done promptly, ?ad lb a beat and workmanlike manner. Chain reseated With cano and made HS good'ai aew. ' Pietare Frames of all alzaa, Ros? Wood, Gilt, ?nd plain ru o ul. I In g.?, made to or. 1er, and Look in tr Glasses ?et in frMiuo-, und for s?le. FUNERALS promptly ettsn^od ta in Team ?rCeuauy.aad Meuitle, Mahogany, Walaa?. >r Common Cv?ni, furnished cr uoulrad? at ihnYt notice. I-V"^ De? 8 . * PRHP A RBD- ^'B^ ALL8P1ciS??. Cinj[n*^Mac<s-v^QSi? IC1 wu A 01L' L?rB'I>i' j^ILLBR'S ALMANAC f?-;M*T^^^ AFFINE S?fclAK ; . '] ; ' TTAViN? BEMOVBD.*1? ??ttto?:?t:???^M XX. ?ad Republican .Streets, nod thoroughly . 9J revncd and renoroted aiy Slook, lota offer lo.' ^ my customer* nnd the pnb.i>> generellr, ?a fino,. ,<j?q AN A SSO RTM BNT; OB^tjELL SELECT Kl) ^ Gr end ral Me d i c i ?e ?rM . At can be found tu UHs luarkot.-^ ; ComprUlng most of tho popular . * ;v>tfv;- V /''j* Patent Med i cilt HoMdaiUr; ? .' ' ' .. ' ? Phtlotoken or Female Friend, ?J ^ My it lo or Female Regulutur, ; y ' Jayne'* Kipeotorant, . \"Vv* .-ri ? Jayne's Billa. ' ' vii . . ? ?* Ayer'e Oberty Pectoral, . \ffl WUtar'? Balsam Wild. Cherry, . 'rv? - Hetabfcld'a Br traot Bucbu, . . 7..' Bi ra moo?' Liver In vigora tor. ;- V ; 'i" 8andford'e Liver Juvigorator, ,* Hall's Hali" Renewer, ' Han y's Trloopherou?, ?1 Tarrant'? Aperient. ?> Stafford's O?TO Tar for ooldi, cough? and loniumption. o . ' "'? ' Mr?. WJnaloVa Soothing Syrup,, .?- >'. . 4 Ruiaell'a. Soothing Cordial, without ano- -:n lyne, . Wk Holloway's, Van Don eon'? and- Hurley's fi .Vorm Candy, with all the Vermifuges, : . ' ,A complote nesortioent offV ' ' - / \>'-' Laen PERFUMERY, TOOTH BRUSH ES ' AND iii TOILET ARTICLES. *W --Aiao-- . 39 l choice ar tiela of COLOG N K, of Bar own' IWBU. 'L? u otu re, which wo can ?ell eltonp-wt lb all other' C ?fl rtiolos whleb should be found iu ?; . ; ,.; F ' ' H Well Regulated Drug. Store.' *M J*n2g-tf 'j. P. W. pBLOrtM^f. . HEBIClKEtS, CHEMICALS | Toilet and Paney Artietej?. * jj 1. ANDERSON & CO.. j Apotaet.'arlea and Cheirrists, SUMTER, S. C. Are receiving constantly a full mpply pf Pure, rug? andChuaiicklsl and a well ??ole?te I itoo-W r Fancy Artiolos and Perfumery. ? " ALSO- ^ A great variety ofT??Hi.t fionna, Extract* far. the iianukoi chief, ,.? ' Fine Ciitngues, B'?rulgn nnd Domcatie, ? i Surgical Instrument*. ThifiW, Ap. './ All Medialaos warranted genuine and of /tba fry best quality. ' 'l PIlYsrCTAVS PRESCRIPTIONS.!Ct\r?fully ,. impounded night ur day. To be fourni nt ni^ht the rosldenio of Mr. Anderxoi? 4in .\i?ii|i ,J>t. . AS?ICIMO.X, - A', J. < IIit\rA, nr. t> Jan tl - J m : NO. 3 *. GROCERIES. ? h Tiffi ONLY STRICTLY S| frc ry and Liquor Itoitvo J IN TOWN I I VU? H N D E ft S I G ,N E D , have lo 9 L call tho ntteiill-wi of hin friulidit und ti.o . B hilo generally to lila ? N K \Y A X D W U LL Hi: I. KCT |?J ?) ' | STOCK OK d oavy and Fancy Groceries bi?ih be bfferataw for' CASU ONLY. ; ^-'Su AU article? worran ted as recoainicnd?>d { f?r Pure Modlflinal* kept constantly A haul. J. II. E DER HAUT. $ April 13 - '.; ' ; Mit COPARTNERSHI P lK-tw??n tW V??^ '!. . ilcrKiffiu d in (ho prn< lien of l.ftw HOI: e<(nirv, tfvir 1 he name ut R(r;liAUDRON A M(n>W, 4 I beor? diiriulvod by nitf i?iil'cX^iHMH. ' f\ J. H. fl. RICKARDf'ON', . k .' M. '. . ^ti?%yn,^ .^.^^._ - ... MIK UXDKU?IGXKl) li**n. il.i/ day'A<flf>o t, Ji I?S? fiMi^Kx" 4R^.^.J oe tin^>sah? Jf>^<?"''KI