The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, April 27, 1870, Image 4

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ltira i. e? .> asea are eleen la bte owa | sajtgbetb tu ?f brit,?-Fror. wBatyonaad other mea lil?) Ht, fer my siegle ttl/, " aot be*>af Uv* ta aa a Iblaf aa I myself.-iMaisjware. awe)* gov ora other?, Int ihoald ba .fl* biaaaalf.-?/a**inqer. _ ?ark rieosaes of tba mind, i bap Mt ro?ame read aa? ?kind, 1? a lee sad simple, gnat and imall, aad leading principle ia all; batatar name we ?all ijrtat, Self, U all la sM.-Okmrekilt. do noaa aaat their gentle looka 7 Iba beat* tba? woald marp their dan. a? Baad b that tba foraat bear doth lick? 1 tba* ?polia bar youDg before ber faoe. '.lapM UM lurking serpent's mortal stlog? tbaitatsbU foot upon ber beek. smell??? worm ?Ht torn, being trodden on t will peek, lu safeguard of their blood. Joanna BaillU Suppose a neighbor should desire fe light a candle at joor 8ro, ?.vv Woula it deprlro your flame of light, Beeac?? another profluby 't J-Lloyd. A ' ? ?Taairer tba passion, knowledge, fame, or pelf, , ITel ene will change bis neighbor with himself. ,">. Pop?. v;: ; (eek not tbyiolf, without thyself, to dud. KS .'"?. Dryden. t?y Salf-lora thu? posb'd te social, to divine, . jBlvee thee to make thy neighbor's blotting thine. >?; ?? Ia ibis toe little for the boundless heart? ?stend lt, let tby enemies hare part. * v 'Cl rasp the whole world of Reason, Life, and J'Y \" ?8r ,0? .-. Ja ono elote system of Benevolence: Happier ts kinder, in whate'r degree, ; And height of bil? but height of Charity. - Pope. fUSlCAL<k"BliVH*APPBOPRI.lTION The Charleston News has epitomized the celebrated "sell"-Appropriation I Bill, of ibo Last Legislature, which we /propose to keep standing in our columus . lor 4 time, iu order that our readers, .' Bod the eountry generally, may famil? iarise' themselves with it, and explain it to the colored people. From this epitome we take, (ur the present, the ? following items : The "Code of Procedure/' or copy of | the Now York Codo, cost thc State ?. $10,500. ' TheStato constabulary cost $30,000 and $1500 salary for Chief Constable ? Hubbard. * Why is it necessary to give $9300 as contingent fund to the different depart? ment officers of the State ? The expenses of the general elections of 1870 are set down at $1 ??00. Four years ago 91000 was cnongh. The whole expenses of tho State Gov? ernment this year (exclusivo of inter? est,) aro Jour times as much as they . were three years ago l'* The total appropriations for oarrying ^ on the State Government were $420,600 - io 1866, aod are $1,070,000 for 1869 in duding interest. The legislative expenses in|1867 were set down at $43,00). The session just closed cost, according to senator Leslie, about $200,000. Is there not a press? ing need of reform ? Tho Citizen's Party vote Aye 1 ; The "extraordinary expenses" of the ' Slate Government this year are set down at $140,000. This is just ouo hundred sod forty thousand arguments on the ' aide of retrenchment. This alone will draw thousands of voters to the Citi? zen's Party. In 1867 thc salaries of the State offi? cers and judges amounted to $1)0,800. Thia year they amount to 8167,800. Under this'head the cost of the State Government is more than trebled in three years. Tax payers, mark this ! Governor Scott's militia is to cost fifty thousand dollars this year. Win? chester rifle law is a leetle dear. Why ia thia thus? Does "his Excellency'' expect to fork his candidates into office - with Winchester rifles and bayonets? The Adjutant General of the Stale has a salary ofj82i)00 and a contingent account of $2500, and tho spending of $50,000 for militia purposes. Hcsidcs this, he draws his pay as speaker of the House, and has a gratuity, or extra compensation, at thc end of each session. MOUNT A ll A RAT* Mr. Freshfield, in a recent work which haajnet with great favor at the hands of English critics, has the following graphic description of Mount Ararat: "Ararat is a huge, gracefully sloped mass, rising to a height of 10,1) 1G foct, from a base of about 3000 feet. It stands perfectly isolated (rom all the othcr ranges, with the still moro perfect cone of little Ararat (12,840 feet) at its side Seen thus carly iu the season, with at least 9000 feet of snow ou its slopes, from the distance and height well calen- ' luted to permit tho eye to take ia its true proportion.?, wo agreed that uo aingle mountain we knew presented sud) a magnificent and impressive appearance aa the Armenian giant. I can only eompareit to ?ho popular idea of Alla? -a huge hoad and shoulders supporting the sky. One is ready immediately to admit that the Ark must have grounded there, if it grounded anywhere in these parts." ?QT According to Pliny, fire was a long time unknown to some of the and oient Egyptians; and when a celebrate astronomer showed it to them, they were absolutely in ruptures. Tho Per? sians, Pcenioians, Greeks, and several other notions, acknowledged that their ?ancestors were once without tho uso of fire, and tho Ckincso confess tho same oftheir progenitors. Pompanion, Mola, ' Plutarch, and other ancient writers, jbeak of nations who, at the timo whee wey wrote, knew not tho uso of fire, or had just learned it. Facts of. thc same . kind aro also attested by several modern ira fit >?? i Thc inhabitants of tito Marian I Islands, which wero discovered in 1551, ?vhad no idea of fire. Never watt-astonish rae et greater than theirs when they saw j it on the desert in one of their islands. At first they belicvod it was some kind o4 animal that fixed to and fod upon ?rood. The inhabitants ol' the Philip . ftUiii and Canary islands wero formerly equably ignorant. Africa presents, oven . Ut Wir day, tribes in this ututo. Sume of the most stirring mon in She world, persons in the thick of business of ?ll kind*, und indeed with the buaioess of tho world itsolf on their "* hands, have combine!" with their ?other energies, the areal rsi love of books, and , found no reorWiou bi once so wholosome [und po uacfuh -Baltimore proporea to erect m moo om en? to George Peabody, to ?oat j .160,000. -Csu a man who ?B?S flowery len- | go ?ge be called ? mealy-mouthed fel? low?" -A Michigan husband agreed to] leave bil wife upon payment of aereo dollars. She mortgaged her cook atore and paid him. - "I hare not loved lightly," as the man aaid when he married a widow weighiog three hundred pounds. - "I hare turned many a woman's head," boasted a young nobleman of] France. "Yes," replied Talleyrand, "away from you." - A schoolmaster, on being asked what was meant by the word"fortifica tion," answered, "Two iwentyfioations make one fortifiotion." - "What branch of education do you have chiefly in your school V "A willow branch air: the master has used up almost a wholo tree." - A little girl being asked by her Sunday school teacher, "What did the Israelilies do after passing through thc Red Sea?'' answered, "1 don't know, ma'am, but I guess they dried themselves." Why not? - A precocious student of astronomy, under t. 'animation, gave the following astonishing answer to tho question, ..What is thc milky way?"' "The milky way is a collection of white clouds in thu sky culled tho trade winds, or thc aurora borealis." '* - What have you doue with your doll, Amy ?" '.Lock it up, papa ; dolo' to teep it for my ittle dui when I get brg, jus' Uko mamma." " Ah, but if you shouldn't have nny little girl ?" "Never mind, papa; then I'll give it to my g'anchile !" AN ORDINANCE To Establish a Uniform Tax or License for all Parties selling Goods or Aler' chandisebg Auction from Stores. BE IT ORDAINED by tho Intendant and Wardens of the town of Sumter, in Counoil assembled Thnt all purtles soiling gonda or Merchandise of nny kind (rom stores ur un tiny pulilio square by Auction, eli ill pay n license of ilfty dollars per year, or ton dollars por month. To bo pani in advance. Ratified in Council .issetnVtloil, this 31*t day of j March, A. D., 1870, under the limul of tho Intendant and thu seal of tho Corporation. E. C. GREEN, Intendant. J. S. HtronsoN, Clerk mid Treasurer. April 13-3t New Advertisements. (HST Y lil.ISSI IO 1830.) WELCH & GRIFFITHS, SAWS! AXES! SAWS! SAWS Ot all descriptions. AX KS, BELTING ?md M ILL FURNISHINGS, CIRCULAR SAWS with Solid Tooth, or with PATKNT ADJUSTABLE PuINTS, tuperior to nil lu*erted Teeth Stile?. ^.fitPUICES REDUCED. "86^ ??S" tiena for Price List and Circulars. AV li I.TH & GRIFFITHS', sloaton, maws., or Uutrolt, Mich. Af nivCnnvan-iinc Dook? aoiit free, SECRETS OE INTERNAL REVENUE, Hy a Prominent Officer oj thc Trcnnnry Hervice, showing up the secrets and inner workings of tho Revenue Department, tho Whiskey Ring, Gold Riug, und Drawback Frauds, Systematic Rob? bery, Depredations, Conspiracies and Raids on tho Government, Malfeasance, Tyranny and Cor ruplion of high Officials. Tho most starling anti Important, book published. Containing about 500 well-filled p igcs, spiritedly illustrated. AGENTS WANTED. Canvassing Bouk nnd completo out? fit sent froc. Address WM. FLINT. Publisher. Philadelphia, Pt. ; Chicago, III., or Cincinnati, HOW TO GET?-& $10 worth of splendidly illustrated bouka niv? en forovjry 10 subscribers to thu N. Y. MUSI CAL PIONEER for 1870, n monthly journal: nf 16 pages of dioico Music und interesting Miscel? lany. Only 50 ets. per annum in ndvnnco. Circu? lars with list of premiums and specimen copy <. Pioneer sent on recoipt nt stamps. F.J. HUN? TINGTON Ai CO.L459 Broome Street. N. Y. 908 PRIZES ?K'? hooks, awarded to subscriber* ar.d ngents fo* WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, the largest nnd bost Dollar Monthly in tho world. Similar pr?tes lr? bo repented soon. Full particulars in March Number. For salo by all Nowsdonlurs, or sent with Catalogua of Premiums nn icceipt nf 10 oents. Address8. S. W>OI>. Newburgh. N. Y. KIDDER'S PASTILLES. KSXT%? IO cents l.y mail. STOWELL A CO , Charles? town, Mass. The Purest, Best and Cheapest WITHOUT Spoetnclcs, Doctor ?r Atcuieiiie. Sent post pa iii. nn receipt of 10 eta. Ad? dress Dr. K. II. FOOTE, (nuthor of Modiciil Com? mon Sense) No. 120 Lexington Ave., cor. East 28th St., N. Y. AWAY WITH Uncomfortable TRUSSES, Comfort ami Curr for the Ruptured Sont post paid on receipt of ten conta. Ardross Dr. E. D. FOO I B, No. 120 Lexington Avo., Now York. _ EVERYBODY READ THIS WE WILL PAY AGENTS $25 per week ant expenses, to ?ell tho Greatest Discoveries o? tho Ago. Address WHKATUK, HKNUV A Co. .Marshall, Mitch. Agents! Read This WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of $30 per week nnd expenses, or nllow largo eon m liston i lo sell our new Wonderful In? vention*. Address M. WAGNER & CO. Marshall, Mich. Qt*0?* A DAY!-40 now articles for Agents ty/CO Samples free H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Mo. LIST OF 2,500 NEWSPAPERS FOR ONE.STAMP. G. P. ROWELL A CO., N. Y._ BRIDE and BRI I) KG lt 00 M -Essays fur Yoong Mon, freo, in sealed onvdopes. .HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadel? phia, Pa._ MANHOOD und the Vigor of Youth Rc stored in Four Weeks Sucrosa guaranteed. DR. RECORD'S ESSENCE OF LIKE restore* monly power, fros? a hi tarer causo arising. Tho effects of ?arly pernicious habits, self abuso an I climate, give way at unco to Ibis wonderful medicine, if taken regularly noe..r<lilig ttt direr Huns (which are very simple sud require no re? straint from husinrss or plea.uro). Failure ls Imposable. Sold in Imttlds al $3, orftmr qm,li? tios in on?* for $tt. To bo hud only of tho solo appointed agent In America, HERMAN OERl TRN, M)5 Third Avenue, Now York. Moustaches week?. Recipe sent for so .-t.. Address II. RICHARDS, Box 308?, New York P.O. * march SUM TEH TUE und.r?lgoed would moat rssptetAilly an Doune? to th* people of Banter ?nd mr? rounding country h M he bay? ju? received a SPLENDID LOT OF MR rTo 1 ot .od U BOW preparad to receive and execute or- j der? of all kinda io bli line, with neatness and dispatch. IRON RAILING FURNISHED TO ORDER. W. P. SMITH, SUMTER, S. 0. NTO- IT_i?_' STOVES. Manufacturodgby Harbeck, Conklin & Willis, j Manufacturers of Stoves, Tin and Japaned Ware, And Agents for Kaoline and Enameled Ware. For enle by L. P. LORING, Agent, Juno 9- Suinter S. C. 1S70. 18TO. MATESVILLE, S. C. J. A. MAY?S & CO., WILL CONTINUE DURING THE YEAR TO KEEP ON HAND A FULL 8UPPLY OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE, CONSISTING OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROG ERIES, iL SS ?KG?IS!.9BS,i and hope to merit a continuance of the liberal pnlronago thoy have bom receiving. We desire to call particular attention to our trade in FLOUR. It is our sim to keep for sale only good quali? ties of FLOUR, and families may rely upon our j stock as affortling tho best glades of Extra and Family Flour, to be had in tho mnrkcts. Our groceries generally aro all FIRST-C?LASS GOODS, nud our DRUGS and MEDICINES nro wur? ran tod to bo pure and gonuino. Besides tho usunl stock of DRUGS and MED? ICINES, wo keep always on haud, wo offer two | invaluable preparations of our own manufacturo. Anti-Malarial Specific, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF Chills and Fevers. TONIC BITTERS, an admirable combination of TONICS adapted to nil oases needing Tonio .Medicines. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in Br. RT ER fur goods nt fair prices. J. A. MAYES A CO. Jan t, 1870 _ _ly New Hardware Store, Main-st. under Sumter Hotel. L. P. LORING, -AGENT KO? Messrs. King & Huppman, HAI.TMIOKI:, m. I>. Would respectfully announce to his friondsand j tho public, thnt bohns received and opened, at tho above establishment n Stock of Hardware andi Family Utensils, embracing every artillo in this lino of business, which bo intends to soil nt the LOWEST Piliers, voit CAS?. Ho will koop always in st oro, a complote assort incut of Collin's Axes, A mes'Shovels and Spades, Traoo Chuiiis, Hoes, linkes, Pitch Forks, ti i nin Cradles, Scythe Blades, Guano Selves, * Pocket anil Table Cutlery, BM?.? Preserving Kettles, Tin Wnro, Window Gla>s-all sizes. Porsons in want of tho most convenient and economical Stoves, cnn bo supplied with tho latest improved pnttorns at prices which cannot fail to givo on tiru satisfaction. May 20 SHAW'S" COTTON SEED HULLER. I A gm is-Mt om H & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. Mn rub 30 ly For Sale. 'PU AT VALUABLE PROPERTY, * called Brookland, Situated in Sumter County, about ono mile from Sintosburg, and which was tho family residoneo of tho late John Bradley. It oonsists of a largo and Uno Dwelling Ilonse, with 10 rooms, (8 unusually largo,) Briok Hitch cn, Stable, Barn, Carriage House and other nec? essary out buildings, all in thorough repair, and about 140 acres or and. l'lnce entirely healthy. Pries $?000 00 and terms acoomodatlng. Fdr other particulars, apply to tbs undersigned, at Marietta, Ga., or to J. S-. G. Richardson, Biq. at Sumter H. Q. Kan 23-tf... ELLEN BRADLEY. Li T??? GREAT Constitutional FORTIFIER --AND Vegetable Appetiser. THE BEST TONIO YET OFFERED. Rocky mountain Bitters, Pleasant to the Taste, impart? ing VIGOR and STRENGTH to the constitution. A thorough Purifier of the Blood, a regulator of NERVOUS force, and a powerful sustainer of Health, against the encroach? ments of disease. .i Dyspesia or Indigestion is speedily cured by the use o? this TONIC, also for Liver Dis cases, Disorders of the Kidneys, and loss of Muscular Power. Il will be found a specific, and as ii preventive of Fever and Ague. or a restorer of the natural pew ers, when broken down by con tinued Ague attacks, it has nr. equal. A curative for the in valid and preventive for the wei that cannot be surpassed. Females whose Consti tutions have become NERVOUS am debilitated through sedentar . habits and close confinement t< household and other domcsti duties, will find this TONK possessed of intrinsic virtuel able at all times to establish healthy standard and bestow new lease of pristine healtl cheerfulness and alacrity c spirit so necessary to the happi ness of woman. The genuine is put up in QUART BOTTLES, handsomely wrapper! with d rections in ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMA? Manufactured only by the Rocky Mountain Bitters Co SOLE PROPRIETORS, 207 FULTON ST Yew York. For talb by t. A. M'KAGEN, S?MTRH, 8. April?. Sn ? .I?R[Sii[i;?i#ioAft Omet B.M.RHODES &C0. .82 Spurn BALTIMORE.,. SOLUBL.? SOUTH SEA GUANO. Rodes' Ground Gypsum. ?ff Circulars with detailed statements fur? nished on application to tho General Agent, B. S. RHETT & SON, Charleston, S. C. Or to OREEN, WATSON ? WALSH, Jang28-3m]_Agents at Sumter, 8. 0. Old Carolina Bitters. . A Delightful Tonic. WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN OF FERING THE OLD CAltOLIiV V BITTERS to the public They ero compounded with great oare, aud contain some of tho best Tontos in the Pharmrtoopiii. As ovidence of the superiority of our BITTERS over oil other?, wo have certifi? cates from many of tho leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their prac tice. The Old Carolina Bitters | Will be found invaluable for WANT OF APPETITE, GENERAL DEBIL ITY, CHILLS AND FEVER' AND DYS? PEPSIA. We do not offer our BITTERS ns a euro for all I diseases, but ns an Aromatio Tonio, they have no | equal. For sale by Druggist and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, Goodrich, Wineman & Go,, Importers of CHOICE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Fob 16-ly_Cbnrlestun, S. C. St. Joseph's Academy. CONDUCTED DY TIIK Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, SUMTER, S. C. THE .Collrginto Exercises of 4hisl First Class Institute, will be resumed Bon tho 1st of September. A prompt ^attendance is requested in order to | facil?talo tho progress and arrange mont of the classes. The now buildings are spacious and elegantly finished, furnishing ao comraodntions for ono hundred bonnier*. The extensivo grounds and pinzxas aro ample for open air exercise, and young Indies aro thoroughly instructs! in English Mathematics, Fronch, Ita? lian, Music, Drawing, Painting, Ac, Ac. Locution healthy, air pure, waer good, and terms reason? able. For particulars apply to tho Superioress of St. Josoph'8 Acadomy, Sumter, or to the Supo rioross of tho Sifter* of Mercy, Charleston, who will endeavor to meet tho pressure oi' tho times. Nov. 10 _ " MUSIC "LESSON^." Vocal and Instrumental. Tho undersigned hnving taken his residence at Sumter, will givo lesson? in Kinging and on the PIANO and VIOLIN. He will likowise give in striations in FRENCH, GERMAN and ARITH METIC. TUNING OF PIANOS ATTENDED TO. For further particulars, apply to him at his residence in Harvin Street. II. C. M. KOPFF. Feb 2-If WOFFORD COLLEGE. SPARTANBVKO C. H., SO. CA. FACULTY: REV. A. M. SHIPP, D. D., President and Professor Mental and Murnl Sci- nee. DAVID DUNCAN, A. M., Professor Ancient Languages and Literature. KEV. WHITEFOORD SMITH, D.D., Professor English Literature. WARREN DU PRE, A. M., Professor Natural Scionco. JAS. II. CARLISLE, A. M., Professor Mathe? matics. REV. A. II. LESTER, A. M., Professor History and Biblical Literature. Tho Preparatory Schcol, under the immediate supervision of tho Fuculiy, Joo. W. SHIPP, A. li., Principal. Divinity School-Rev. A. M. Phipp, D. D. Rev. Whitefoord Smith, D. D.j Rev. A. H Lester, A. M. Tho Grst Session of tho Sixteenth Collegiate Year begins on tho first Monday in October, 1 dAll. tho socond Session begins on the first Mon? day in January, 1870. The course of studios and tho standard of scholarship romain uncbangod, but the Faculty now admit irregular students or those who wish to purdue particular studies only. The Schools also open nt the samo timo. Tuition per yoar, in Collogo Classes, including contingent foo, $54 in Specie, or its equivalent ii Curronoy. Tuition por yoar, in Preparatory School, includ ing contingent foe, $44 in currone;. Bills payai/^ one half in advance Board, pe Month, from $10 to $15 in currency. For farther particulars address A. M. SHIPP, President. May IO_ly JAMES CALDWELL. WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL DEALER IN Boots* Shoes, Hats, Opposite J. T. SOLOMONS, Sumter, So.Ca. Fob IA tl oct. The State of South Carolina IN THE COMMON PLEAS. COUNTY OF SUMTER, Edward A. Edwards, Assignee, ] Pill to Foro. V". > ?lose Mortgage Samuol Furraan. j of Land. IN obedience to the order of salo made in this oase, dated 16th January, 1870, I will oller for sale, at publio outory, at Sumter Court Houso, on Salo? Day in May neat, for cash, tho mortgaged premises mentioned in said Bill, consisting of all that piece or paroel of land oontatnlng about seventy-five sores, situate lying and being In Sumter County, whereon the said Samuel Furmaa formerly resided with the mossuates and buildings thereon. Bound? ed oa tho South wost by the road leading from Stateburg to the Bradford Springs, on the North east by land formerly of Joseph B. White ead other sides by lands now or formerly of Oharles M. Vurtnan. Parohaier to pay for papers and stumps. O. W. REARDON, 0. 0. P. Apt? 0-4f PHOEHTX GUASO, Wilcox, Gibbs ft Co '? M4NIP?UTKD GUANO. Pr rp* re* mt Savannah, ????, ?a? Csaortaatoa, S.O., wk. I ck ha? provo* In abo ?oil alie bool Ria, na re 1* aa*. FOR SALK BV WILCOX, GIBBS 1 ?CO, IMPORTEES ft DEALEBS JJT 99 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. 04 BAST BAT-ST. CHARLESTON, 8. 0. 141 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, QA. Also, by.Agent. WE ALSO KEEP Par? No. 1. PERUVIAN GUANO. ? DISSOLVED BONE. ? LAND PLA8TBR. For further Information, address SI ?bore for olroulor, or subscribe to Southern AgricuUmritt, published by W. C. Macmurphy A Co.. at Au? gusta and Savannah, Ga*, at the low price of 26o. per annum. Dec 8_4mos PHOTOG UAH HS, AT REDUCED PRICES. JESSE H* BOLiL.ES' FINE ART GALLERY, NORTH-EAST CORNER King and market Street?, CHARLESTON, S. 0. PROCELA IN LIKENESSES LIFE-SIZE PORTRAITS, Tn Oil, Water, and Pastel Colors, Taken in the ES SU UK KT PEMFB0T1O3P10F ABT. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. Feb In-om_ AIWA R'S SARRACENIA -OR FLY-TRAP BITTERS The Great Southern remedy for DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DISORDERS, GENERAL DEBILITY, Ac. Prepnrod by Cr. W. Aimar, Chemist and Druggist, Charleston, 8. C. * SAVANNAH, OA. { March 9th, 1889. j Mn. IV. 0. Am Art-Dear Sir:-A member of my family suffering long from Dyspepsia, bas experienced moro relief from your SARRACE? NIA BITTERS than from any other medloine she has ever tried. It is most excellent for in? vigorating the system and creating nn appetite. I regard it ns decidedly ibo most beneficial of all Dyspeptic remedies. Yours, very respectfully, N. J. DARRELL, Sold by all Druggists. General Agents RISLEY A Co., No. 141 Chambers Street, New York. AGENTS AT SUMTER. J. F. W. DeLormo. A. Anderson A Co. Nov 3_ 6m A. lt. STILLMAN, (Formerly of Fogariles A Stillman,) -DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Hosiery, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS &c. 281 King Street, West Side, FOURTH DOOR UK LO IV WENTWORTH ST II E KT, Opposite the Ililbers House, CHARLESTON. S. C Terms Cash or City Acceptance. Feb 16-3m HkXH Especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession and tho Family, possessing those lu trinsio medicinal properties which bolong to an Old and Puro Gin. Indispensable to Females. Good for Kidney Complaints. A delicious Tonio. Put np in cares, containing one ctbaen bettles eaoh> and sold by all druggists, grocers, Ao. A. M. HIN INGER A CO., Established 1778, No. 15 Beaver St., N. Y. r>ine23 ly GEO. Z. FRENCH. Commission Merchant -AND REAL ESTATE AGENT WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL PUBLISH, August 1st, for Free Distribution, a Catalogue of LANDS FOR SALE IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. Sond in a description and prico of lands. No charge unless a salo is effeoted fIBLOOP PURIFIER l\ I Fer TMtiaoiith, MS "Beoatlis Alain*' ht tais ym.IS I FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I XJ)r. J. J. LAWRENCE ? CO.,Jr "%^S^. PIIOPBIETOBB, yW^* ??Je^61 Ezohaaue ?.?.^TS? CLEMENTS & CO., - O /WA/AY1 Wi T -v NCOM FORTAB LE ) (Tm TRUSS E'S.(KS J. COMFORT AND CURB FOR THE RUP TURBD-Sent post paid on reeelpt of 10 its. Address Dr. B. fi. FOOTE (Author of Med. loa) Con.mon Sonso,) No. 129 Lexington Avenue, Wow York. _ AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. Old eyes made new, eaiilv, without dootor or medi? dnos. Bent post paid on reoeipt of ?0 cents. Address Dr. E. B, FOOTE, ISO Lexington Aven io, New York. ' " Rfmwm oHiLDLkss sent frat on receipt of one letter stamp. Address Dr. _ . FOOTE, 180 Lexington Avenue, N. Y. FIRE AND mm' -*? ' 11ST S TJ JR ^ 1ST G ?|| OBA8. H. MOISE, Insurance Agt^fj SUMTER, S. O. ; j LIVERPOOL AND LONDON NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE Cfcg A VD GLOBE: -. 1 This Company having complied ?it? 1 Insurance Company. tDeprov?iloB,?f tbe recent ?Boa? iw-i Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fonds, j tn Gold, ?18,400,000. P?8?i" Ael? 18 Pr?P?r?d *o ww? . 1 Lire or Endowment Polities, Eighteen Million and Four Hundred Awr M#VOMt J_il Thousand Dollars-IN GOLD. 0H "?8T to?, Having ' I Invested in the United States, Two Mil. ' Thirteen Muttons of Dol?an lions of Dollars. $2,000,000. . _ in Assets, perfect security is goarest*! Risks in Sumter, token at Charleston t0 the insured j while Us immense rates. . . . oonstantly increasing income enables il ) Residences in the Country Insur* td deolaro llbertl dividends. ThM . ed at LOW hates. 1 Polioy io thia Company is steadily UH Losses paid promptly in Charles- creMiog io value> ,tll 00tl lA???k? ! ton. m oreases with every annual payment. On the payment of Ten Years CHAS. H. MOISE^ premiums in CASH, a perjpet- N Iosursnce Agent, , *3 Sumter, 8,0. ? ual policy will be issued. Feb s?8 Piedmont and Arlington LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THOSE TWO STAUNCH COMPANIES, THE PIEDMONT AND "ARLINGTON" HAVE COMBINED UNDER THE ABOVE NAME, AND PRESENT, IN THE SHORT TIME OF TWO YEARS, A LIST OF OVER \ Eight Thousand Insurers and a Capital and Assets of o ver One Million and a Half of D lars, ATTAINING TO A POSITION ND IMPORTANCE AMONO Life Insurance Companies never before reached in so short a time. ? Rights of Policy Holders in both the "Piedmont" and ''Arlington" will remain unchanged, and the same as before. New and advantageous features in the new Company, will be allowed the old Insurers co-equal with the new one? There arc Branch Offices in cadi State, where funds accruing tm invested, and not taken beyond State limits. -o-. Branch Office in this State at Columbia, LEAPHART, JEFFERSON AND RANSOM, Managers. J. S. HUGHSON, Agent, Sumter, S. C. REFERENCES : Capt. A. A. Gilbert, Capt. E. W. Moise, Capt. Jno. S. Riehardioi 0=t 6 * ..tM.IM|.?t<?..I.M.>ll>?.?I I? I.|.MI?|ll|W.tU|MilA|MtWf'?l'll'^r'wn.|'<,n|f>t|f?MHlIN|l|.rNf'<iWr?.f'l|MM^,Wif<rfSA? It is a preven? tive of Chills, a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Cholera Mor bus, Indiges tion, Nervous Debility, a de? lightful Bever? age, a pleasant tonic, an inval? uable traveling companion. NO BITTERS equal to them. For the weak. : For the pals. For the sickly. For the agei For females. For sering ute. Ali usc it with wonderful suc? cess; Brings color to the pale white lip. THE BEST IN USS. . , Recommended by the Highest Medical Authority TO the State. See Circulan raound each Bottle. If you want to be cured of Dyspepsia, If you want to be cured of Chills and Fover, If you want to be eared of Debility, J If you went to be cured of Indi- estibo, If you want to be oured of Weak Sto m*ch, If y ou wan t to regain your Appetite, If you want ii good Stomachic, If you w.nt the BEST TONIO, \ TRY THEM. USE NO OTHER. Ask fori SUMTER BITTER8. Sold by Druggists sa? Grocers. See that our signature is over the cork or euch bottle. . D0WIE, MOISE & DAVIS. PROPRIETORS AND WHOLESALE DR?GOI8TS, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. For sole by A. ANDERSON A CO., Sumter, and SPENCER, SCARBOROUGH" * CO. j Feb 16-3m Bishop?!?^. B;n% ?^HI?|.?1l.l.?....?|.l.?..lMlt.||???.l??....|l.l.??l?l..t^..?t,?.|.?.?W Purchasers of musio will consult simply to Introduce our new musro their own interests by subscribing to the masloat world. Our sub to PRTBRS' MUSICAL MONTHLY. It soribers sing and play the muslo we is issued on the first of eaob month, give them. Their musical friends and give.'all the T^T7*nnT7*"ri Ol De*r *he m0.,,?' latest and best PETEKS like lt, and boy Music, by snob X M~J -U***^ lt|0 .heet music authors as Hays, Kink?), Thomas, form, where we make oar profit. Bif>hopr Dank?, Beoht, Frey, Keller, Remember I every yearly subscriber , Wyman, ?le. Every number con- gets, during the year, at least lo* tains at least Twelve Pieces of new pieoes of our best tousio, all of and good Muslo -m ?r w T n y f\ A T which we after printed on fine M U SIC AL Jg* Jfi* J white pupor and soeet rora? ana from full site music plates, every sell for over $60. It ls published al pieoe of v/hinh is afterwards printed the Mammoth Musio Store of J. L. In sheet form, from the same plates, Peters, Mr* Broadway, New Yojstr and sold at from 30 to 60 cents each, where every thing io tb > muslo line eur JUS MONTHLY magazine is 39 XUVlllllliX " yo" or. oent a copy, $3 a year, $1.60 for der, lt will be promptly attended io. six months; and we guarantee to every yearly subscriber at least 432 pages of choice new muslo, by the . . - t best authors. Sample copies can oe seen at $60 FOR $3. thc o?ecof this paper. We do not expect PBTKRS' Music- A AL MONTHLY to pay us as a Maga- J tine, beoause we give too much J muslo for the' money. It la issued ___^^*sf? 1 MILL POND & CHANNEL.] jp A VIL 1 OM HO TBL? OYSTERS. SUPPLIED in auaatt'tM to ault purchasers Orders from all*M of the Interior soliciter" address Thoa MsOfady, Agent, P. O. Box 339, Charleston, 8. O. R?f?rences.-James Adger A Co., HOB. J. B. Campbell, Dr. St. J. Raven?), David Jennings, MeOrady A SOB, W. 9. Dingi?, John 8. Ryaa, Hov. IT CHARLESTON, 8* Cs BOARD, PER DAY. ?8.00. ?OBT. HAKILT0?,, aras. s. *. as^aaTaasy JtfeTfjflaariss'