The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, March 02, 1870, Image 3

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yvTYTp?XT?? . - W8INE88 MANAGER. ^?*-"AII Trao?teot AdrartUameoU, a?d jofwork ?Mt b* paid for I? ?Mb. TbU wl" b?ob?er?ed without distinction. Subicrtptlona .re aUo payable ia adranoe. ar Appltcatlooa foTJob Work will ba ?ada, fc?tbeoa.eo,toTaoB. E. *^"""?,?in!n, of W. Tba WATCH HA? bookaar? io tba k#Wl?? W? Y. flato?. who will receipt for mooie. dot .nd .tteud to all ?altere connected wifb lb. Adrar. tiling or 8uA>e?rlptlon dapartmaou. jaw Oar AdrerlWlog Meade ara reowJt.d to ?.odlp tbalr faror? aot tatar tban Monday. Liberal Inducements NEW SUBSCRIBERS AND TO ADVANCE PAYERS FOR TUE SUMTER WATCH? MAN. THE EXCELSIOR MONTHLY\ MAGAZINE-An Excellent House? hold Magazine, Will be "nt FREE FOR TWELVE M0NTH8 to all new .ub*criber? to tb? SUMTER. WATCB ?An, aud to all who will pay in advuuco for tba ??me for twelve montba. The "EXCELSIOR" ia a 82 page Journal, ?iib illustration* and ?bout one tbirdUrfcer than ?0 ordinary double-column Magazine; ia of tb? highest toned morality, nnteectarlacor partiian, tod extend* to all the hand of lora, sympathy tot friendship. It aim? to stimulate and pro *oko to g??d purpovee and 3?i.k-uvore J to be Pure, Fascinating, Instructing, Novel, yet trna, Pungent, Wide Awake, Ohuttte, fitted for the Christian Home ; to intoreat aleo and entertain, ?nd still be faithful in proclaiming the truth. We also o flor the SUMTER WATCHMAN, "Excel? sior Magaiine" and the following, at the price* named: Kural Carolinian ......v..v.?..95 00 Deworest*' Monthly .?..>*. 6 00 (Jodiy's Lady's Rook.v 6 00 ivie rum's Muxtcal Monthly. ? 00 XIX Cen'.ury.6 ot) And tiny other Magasine or Periodical pub ??bed, in like ratio.__^ jjjajr Wc announce, with deep regret | and sympathy, the death of Mrs..MARY ANN SWINTON. This afflictive dispen? sation of Almighty God, ocourred at the residence of her brother, at this . place, ou Friday lust, and her remains were interred in the same grave with her devoted husband, whose lamented death occurred but a short time pre vious. --4.?SB??- - GUN. R% If. AN Iii: It SON. We announce, with much pleasure, that this distinguished citizen has de? termined to make his residence in our . town We welcome him, and hts family, cordially, to our midst. Tho "Garden Plow and Marker," invented and patented by our worthy fellow citizen, HENRY HAYNESWORTII for many years our faithful Post Master -is generally approved. We are pleas? ed to notice that he has started ? manu factory of them at Sumter. SST We have learned with much pleasure, that Mr. G ai ney, a very worthy mechanic, at Muyesvilie, was entitled to tho credit for constructing the "sweep" exhibited recently by Mr. B. JA Wilson, at this place. The Wilmington Star continues tobe one of the most spicy and accept? able of our daily exchanges. We arc pleased to sec, too, thc marks of pros? perity it reflects on its bright pages. "GOOD TI .Uli.?? We certainly appreciate the attention of our fricod C. T. MASON, lie has given us *'a good time" piece, which, as wo write, smiles upon us from its ellip? tical face, making music with its merry click to thc scratch of the pen, while marking the moments as they fly. FIRE. We regret lo learn that the dwelling of Mr. HENRY D. MAHON KY, about 15 miles from Sumter, with all his house? hold and kitchen furniture, family sup? plies, clothing, &o., were destroyed by fire, on the morning of the 20th ult. Any contributions to this destitute tami ly will be greatly appreciated, if left at this office. The origin of the fire is unknown. Special care had been takeu with tuc embers leif in the fire place, and about 4 o'clock in the morning the family acre aroused by the flumes, with scarce? ly time to escape. PROVOKING. We learn that, one ol the packages of The Sumter Watchman, of tho 10th inst., sent to Muyesvilie, did not reach its des? tination. Wo now send fifty-four copie? of the Watchman regularly to that office, and, us these ure divided and put into three puckuges, about eighteen copies of our paper, of the duto mention? ed, failed to reach tho hands of subscri? bers. Thia -is provoking, and our Mayes ville friend* have a right to complain about it, aud we hope such a thing will not occur a" soon. DARING THEFT* A horse, belonging to Mr. Win S. SCARBOROUGH, was stolen at BARNETT'S Store, Carter's Crossing, io this County, oo Saturduy last, 26th ult. Tho animul was hitched to a tree near by, and a considerable number ot pcrsoos were present, in attendance upon an exhibi? tion of some sort. The tracks were followed as far as Swimming Pens. We trust the thief will bo caught, and Mr- SCARROROUOH recover his horse. TRE st u i icu BOOK #TORF. wes begun to be established us a penna Dant ?euture of our business community, to be gradually developed as tho wants of this section of the country indicate. We are pleased to bo enabled to say Mut the enterprise is meeting substan J??! encouragement, whilst we solioit for H tho support of all who would see an Institution ot the kind flourish in out *??d?t. Books of any description will be Promptly furuished, if not on band, at publisher's pricos. A BOO FIOHT, Ou the public square . f? w daje tine?, j ia the mid. . of (be accomplished resto* rateur$ which there rendevous, produo- I ed a deeided sensation, in that element. Fiuallv, a lusty eon of Africa rushes imo the midst, leaps high ap over the canino combatants, who seemed just thoo io deadly grip, sod let?fall his ponderous carcass upon them. Just here it may not be amiss to ob? serve that that rendezvous upon the public square is fast becoming au in? tolerable nuisance. The most shock? ing obscenities are oot unfrequeotly obtruded upon the ear of those that pas? that way, aud muoh else ocours that of? fends the public seuso of decency and propriety. PUBLIC DOCUMENT*). A too--more or less-of books, all carefully wrapped io paper of superior quality, arrived at this Post Office, last Week, from the late Coogressmau Whit-1 temore to his Couiiituems. Many ol these books were addressed to names of I doubtful idontity, and probably three fourths of them to persons who caa neither read nor write. But as this is probably the last "turn" from thia par tioular source, we will say nothing more on this subject now MANIPULATKD GUANOS. The Phanix stands first on thc tist oj | G uanot. I used, thin year, Phoenix Oaiano, Soluble Pu I eil c, Baugh's Raw Raw bone und .Stupes Plius phatev Where Ibero was 200 Iba. Pheonix Guano it ia hard tu discern any difference between it and 300 lbs. Soluble Pacific. The Phoenix stands Om on tho list of Guanos with mo. From present prospocU I think it will moro thnn double the yield ol cotton this year. MIKE McUEK. Anderson Co., S. C., August ll, 1860. Intellectual superiority occasions little difference in manners or condiiot. Nulure guarantees a gu ne ni I similarity of action.* Opin? ions aud fancies, whothor more or less within the province of human control, and an idontity of which ls not essential to the purpose of existooce, I admit of an indefinite variety. But thoro is ono {subject on which all unito, that is, in praiso of tho efficacy of the "Old Carolina Billers." Safe, reliable, sure, Wireman's Worm Candy, NIX DB?PERANDVN, NOrJB! Hundreds ot cuses of Scrofula, in its wornt stages, old cases of Syphilis that have defied tho skill of eminent Physicians, Rt elimatta who have beon suffcrors for years, and tho victims of the injudicious use of Mercury, have buen radi? cally curod by DR. TUTT'S SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT. It is tho m?8t powerful alterative and blood purifier known. It j is proscribud by very many Physicians. MARRIED. SNOWDEN-GAILLIARD-Or. tho evening of the 27th January, at the residence of tho bride's father, St. John's Berkeley, by the Rev. W. B. rV. Howe, TRKOIIOKB G. SNOWDEN to Miss HARRIET P., eldest daughter of Mr. James Gaillard, Jr. On Wednesday afternoon, the 23rd ult., at Bethel M. E. Church, by tho Rev. John T Wightman, WILLIAM II. ANDREWS, of Sum? ter, S. C., to Mis? MARY S. duughter of Mr. R, W. Burnham, of Charleston. On Thursday evening, tho 24th ult., ot tho residence of tho bride's lather, by thu Rev. J. W, Murruy, Mr. T. J. CUMMINGS to Miss JULIA A. duughtor of Mr. Leonard Brown, all of Sum? ter District. O?ITUARY. DIED, in Sumter County, on the 16th Feb., MKS. SUSAN TISDALE, in the Ztflh year of j tier age. She had been u momber of tho M. E. Church. South, for ulioul thirty years, and during her latter days, her life was exemplary ns u chris? tian. In her last mmnents she roqucslod those who conversed with her to meet her in Heaven. Her friends and kindred ontertnin a good hopu that she has gone where the "wicked cease from troubling, nod wbcro the weary are at rest." J. W. M. MASONIC. r|MIE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMUNICA X TION OP GLARE* ONT LODGE, NO rt4, A.*. F.*. M.*. will bo held on Thursday evening, March 17, 1870, ut 7 o'clock, P. M. Brothers will tukoduo notice and govern them selves accordingly. E. C. GREEN, WV. M.-, T. V. WALSD, Seuretary. Jun & COMMERCIAL.. SUMTERJ4ARKET.JMARCH 2. Our Cotton Market has been deeling pus' week and closes ut from 17 to 21. BACON-Rib Sides, 19J@00 ; Clour, do., 20 @00 ; Shoulders, 1 6(0,00 ; llama, 25. LARD-20@25o. FLOUR-Per bbl. $7@$I2.. COFFEE-Laguayro, 3U@li2; Java, 45@5u; Rio, 22@?0. jyp_$'?50 SUGAR-Brown. 1?@00 ; C., 17@l0; A., 18 @ 19 ; Crushed, ltf@2l>. BAGGING-Best, ?0($32{ Gunny, 2S@30. IRON-TIES- I0@I2. ROPE-I0@I5. 11ATESV1LLE SHIRTINGS-Per hale 121c. YARN BY THE BALE-*2,10e. For bunch LATEST QUOTATIONS OP SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, S. C., Corrected tcee/cty by A. C. KA U FM A JV, Broker, No 25 Broad Street. FEBRUARY 22, 1870. STATE SECURITIES-South Carolina, old, -@ 82; d 'new,-@82; do, regisl'd stock, ex int -@7?. * CITV SBCORITIKS-Augusta, Go. Bonds. 83@ 84; Chorlepton, S. C. Slock, (ex qr int) 64@6d| do, Fire Loun Bondi, -@76; Colunitdu, S. C Bonds, 65@70. RAILROAD BONDS-Blue Ridge, (first mortgage) - (ii,60; Charl iston and Savannah, 58(W)80; Charlotte, Columbia and. Augusta,-(toOO ; Cheraw and Darlington, -80; Greenville und. Columbia, (1st morl) -?76; do, (Slate guur unteo) 62@ - j Northeastern, 80@84| ; Savan? nah ond Charleston, (1st morl) -80; <lo.(Stnie gu?ranlas) -@64; South Carolina, -@82 ; do, 12 ; Sparlanburg and Union, - @54. HA II,mun STOCKS- Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta,-@55; Greenville and Columbia, 1} ia,2 ; Northeastern, 7(?)8 ; Savannah and Charles ton, 23(a)2b ; Sotitl. Carolina, (whole shares) J8(a>4&; do, (half do) 11<(?)-"'1 EXCHANGE, Ac-New lork Sight, g off par; (?old, 1|0@I21; Silver, 1I3&115. SOUTH CAROLINA DANK DILLS. ?Bank of Charleston.-@ - *Bank of Newberry.- (g) - Bank of Camden '.4ii(<o - Bank of Georgetown.- (<ij? Bank of South Carolina.10(?> - Bunk of Chester.5(g) Bank of Hamburg-.3(y) ?nnk ot Stute ot S' C. prior to IMS I.55(# Bank of Stale of S. C. Issue I SC I and 1802 1 Orv^ - .Plantera* und Mechanic?'Bi nk of Charles-@ - ton.,.,.,.- f(0 - .Pfoplo's Bank of Charleston..-(rt) - Minion Bank of Charleston.- (?3) - 'Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, -(a) - (old)._(?>-. ?Southwestern R R Bank of Charleston, -Oh (new). .- (?J) - Farmors' and Exchange Bnnk of Charles-Go ton. .--('hi Exchange Bank of Columbia....,.10(a) - Merchants' Bank of Cheraw. 8(a)- - Planters'Bank of Fairfield . State of South Carolina Bills Receivable...par. -tty of Chariest? n Change Bi ls.par. ?Bill? marked thus (.) are being redeemed at the Bank Cou mers of ere h. J?n 12 lr SPECIAL. NOTICES, ba E?{ai*r .ducal; Moilug ot lb? Board .r Stewards of Sowter (Station) Ji?ilwdlft Cbareb, will bo held at th? Parsonage OB) Wed DMd?y ?vening, 28rd, at 7 o 'clock. A prelimi? nary BMI log, for tb? accommodation of th? memben of th? Board whon-iid* la tb? country, will be bald at th? office ot th? tiumter Watch? man, at 12 o'clock sam? day. Members will pleas? ?om? prepared to report collections for th? month of March? J. II. DI?OLE, Chairman. P. A. FOLSOM, Seoietaryt March ?nd, 1870. * . THE REASON AND ITS DA NOBBS* Tb? bama? body U chiefly composed of tissues and fibres as sensitiv? ia ?very change in th? condition of th? atmosphere aa the moat delicate electrometer, or tho qnlcksllv?r !a a barometer tube. Th? stomach, th? skin, ibo n?rvea, th? lungs, and th? excretory organs ar? especially liable to be affected hy these variations, and th? best de? fence against their disastrous tendency is to 'iecp (be digestiva aachinery, which feeds and .mur. Isbes tue whole system, in good working order. If tho stomach ii weak or disordered neither the blood nor the bile can be in a healthy stat?, and upon the fitness or these two important fluids for tb? effires assigned to them hy nature, and the regularity of their flow, health in a gfeat measure depend?. I Wben the air is heavily laden with chilling vapora, as it often is at this season of th? year, the digestion should bo an object of peculiar care. If it is week and languid, the whole physical struoturo will he enervated. If it is vigorous, tho entire organisation will be strong to resist the nu'oward and depressing influence of a damp and vitiated atmosphere. A pure and poworfut tonio is therefor? espe? cially needod as a safeguard against the diseases most common in the spring, and Hosteller's Stomach Bitters being the most wholesome and potent medicine of the olnss at present known, a course of it is particularly advisable at this pe? riod of the year. The stomach will thereby be t dried and strengthened, the liver and bowels regulated, the nervous system braced up, and nu turo put in a Stateof active defence agaiust the miasma willoh superinduces intermittent and remitlont fevers, rheumatism, nervous debility, hendacho, hypochondria and other complaints which aro apt to assnil the untonod and unforti? fied organisations. The body is strengthened without oxciting tho brnin, and consequently no unpleasant renction follows its toviving and renovating oporation. March. Bronchitis or Throat Discases? THOSE AFFLICTED WILL FIND A REMEDY IN ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM, BE CONVINCED BY POSITIVE PROOF, AND TEST IT YOURSELF. JANESVILLE, OHIO, February 20tb, 1860. Messrs. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Cen tienten 1 have been afflicted for ton or twelvo years with Bronchitis in its worst form, nnd have tried everything that I could buy recommended, but with little or no relief, until I used your ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM,. shied gave tue relief in u short limo. I believe' it is tho best preparation extant, for all diseases cf the throat and lungs, und I feel it my duty to sny this much for my own case, so that others tony try it mid get rollef. Respectfully, MATHIAS FltEMAN. Wo know Mr. Frvmun well, mid his statement above ls correct. W. A. GRAHAM A CO., Wholesa'o and Retail Druggists, Z-meivilte. Sold by A. ANDERSON A CO., Druggets. Sumter, S. C. [Mundi. REDIVIVUSM The S- S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON'S Original SOUTIIKHN SOOTHING SYRUP rmi CHILDREN TKETHIICG, is again rc suscitated ! I It is a Corriyent of tho Boxed diturdem contingent upon Ibis period ; a grate? ful Carminative ? n nutrition* Syrup; und a yeur.? Anodyne, Inducing eulin and refrcthiuy re po-e. without tho pernicious und distressing re? actionary disturbance of tho norvous- system timi refaits from the exhibition of most prepara? tions-erpremfy mode fur children. Its use in lho?outhcrn Status, as fur buck ns 1802, estab? lished its reputation as a Southern Institution, anil, as a medicine unrivalled, and IIB being the bett und ?<?/c?t preparation fur children teething, enauriug RKST to MOTHERS and NURSES and re* licj and it re ny th to their Infants. It is therefore nuncio medicine, and needs nu advertising where lt is bust known. Every precaution has been token to preserve und protect it from fraudulent counterfeits. It is manufactured only at the Lnlurntory of CotTB, TOMPKINS it HutlD. mem? bers of, und success rs to, tho old established Sown lt RN Dnua HOUSE op HAHRAL, RISLKT A KITCHEN, 141 CHAMBERS St tis ET, YEW YORK, to whom all orders should bu nddrossed, and is for SHI? to tho citizens of Sumter and surrounding country by the following first, class and respecta? ble Druggists : A. ANDERSEN A Co., J. F. W. DKLORMR. Juno 16 - ly K O S K O O ? Prepared by Dr. J. J. Lnwronco, tho celebrated p YsiCMN und CHEM ST, Norfolk, Va., is a SAP , PLEASANT and RELIABLE remedy fur ALL diseases CAUSED by TORPIDITY OF THE LIVER, IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, DISORDERS OF THE URINARY ORGANS, DERANGEMENTS OF THE N E R V O U S SYSTEM. It PLMIIPIS and ENRICHES tho OLOon, RES? TORES the LIVER and KIDNEYS to a healthy ACTION, AIDS DIGESTION, REGULATES tllO DOWELS, and INVIGORATES ibo NERVOUS SYSTEM. li it NOT u Fuient Medicino. ?foHMIitM nroiind each bottle. KNDOIIHED by tfye bent J'hyniciaut. Thc MOST Dort LA rt Medicine in ute. Dn. LAWRENCE is consinntly in receipt of OR.MBF UL letters and TESTIMONIALS of REMARKA? BLE crin-:- performed by KOSKOO. All letters answered ond'advlco given-PRES. KOSKOO for sale by Druggists everywhere at ONE DOLLAR TER DOTTLE. Fur sale by J. F. W. DeLormo, July 28-ly Sumter, S. C, TO CONSUMPTIVES' Tim advertiser having been restored to imalth in a fuw weeks, by u very simple reiuody, alter having suffered several years with a severo lung affuctlun, and that dread disenso, Consumption - is anxious to inuko known to his fulluw-suffursrs the moans of euro. To all who desire lt, ho will sond n copy of tho prescription used (free of clinrgo), with the directions fur preparing and using the saino, which thoy will find a smo Cure far Consump lion, Asthma, lironrhitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending tho Prescription is to bene? fit i ho n fllk-ird, and s [ir end Information which ho concaves to be invaluable ; and bo hopes ovary sufferer will try his remedy, ns lt will oost thom nothing, and may provo a blessing. Parlies wishing the nrescrlptiun, will please addreM Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. June 2. E lt U OU s OP YOUTH? A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nurvuua Debility, Prematuro Decay, and all tho effect ? ?r youi h fu I indiscretion, will, Cor tho sake of suffering humanity, sond free to nil who need it,.tho receipt and directions lor making the sim? ple remedy by whioh he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's cxperioneo, can do io by addressing, in perfect conti.'.?nee, JOHN B. OilDKN, Jane] No. 42 Cedar ?t"N. Y. WITH A VIEW TO THE PURCHASE OF A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF Spring AND Summer GOODS, -OFFERS Superior Inducements For tho Salo of FALL ANS WINTER Now remaining on hand. -CALL AT SOUTH EAST CORNER Main and Liberty Sts.j Feb 23_ i8?o. ism MAYESVILLE, S. C. J. A. MAYES & CO., WILL CONTINUE IUI Kl NO THE YEAR TO KEEP ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY OF GOODS IN THEIR LINE, CONSISTING OF DRUGS, MEDICINES, GROG ERIES, il 15B ?>B0?IS?0?8S. nnd bope to merit * continuance of tho 1 ?bural patronage they have bei n receiving. We desire to call particular attention to our trade iu FLOUR. It in oar aim to keep for sale only good quali? ties nf FLOUR, and families may rely upou our stock as affording tho best grades of Extra ami Family Flour, to be had in tho markets. Our groceries getierully are all FIRST-CLASS GOODS, nud our DHUG8 and MEDICINES aro war? ranted to bo pure and genuiup. Besides the usual stock of DRUGS and MED? ICINES, wo keep always on hand, we offer two io val un lile preparation* of our own manufacture. Anti-Malarial Specific, FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF Chills und Fovcra. TONIC BITTERS, un admirable combinai ion of TONICS adopted to all coses needing Tonio Medicines. COU N'T UV PRODUCE of all kinda taken in BARTER for goods at fuir pri?e*. J. A. MAYES ? CO. Jan 1. 1870_ ly TO THE Planters of Maysville and surrot niling Country* G KNTI.BJIEN; We most respectfully offer you Ibo following manures: PERUVIAN GUANO, direct from the agent, FARMERS PLASTER OR GYPSUM, up to standard, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, for oomposi ting with cotton soed, DISSOLVED BONE A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FLOUR OF BONE, BAUOH'S RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, CAROLINA FERTILIZER, THE NAVASi'A AMMONIA'. ED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE of Wilmington, &-0" cash orders solicited. MAYES A COOPER Agents. Jan 5-3m For Sale. THAT VALUABLE PROPKRTIT, * called Brookland, Situated in Sumter County, ?bout one mile from Statesburg, and which was bc family residenco of tho late John Bradley. lt consists of a iorgo and fine Dwelling House, .vitb 10 rooms, (8 unusually large,) Brick Kitch? in, Stable, Barn. Cnrriago Housoand other neo usury out buildings, nil in thorough repair, and ibout 1(0 acron of land. Plaee ? nt i rely healthy. Price $5000 00 and lei ma neoomodatlng. For >iber purticulurs, apply to the undersigned, at Marietta, Ga., or to J. S. G. Riohardson, Esq. it Sumter S. C. Feb 23- tf._ELLEN BRADLEY. BUSINESS, VISITING, AND WEDDING OABDH, Neatly oxeeuted at tbli Office. ISAAC A. M'EAGEN, THE ADVERTISER BK08 TO CALL AT TENTION TO Ul* STOCK OF TUB OBST AND PUREST C H EMI GALS, Drugs, -1KD PATENT MEDICINES* A PINE ASSORTMENT OF PERFUMERY, SOAPS, TOILET POWDER .nd Chalk, Patt* Boxea ?nd Puff?. Shaving Croan and Brushes, Mair Brashes, Infant Brushes, Tooth and Nail Brushes, All at McKAOEN'S. PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED CAREFULLY AT ALL HOURS, By I. A. McKAOEN. ins BEST BRANDY, OIN, WHISKEY and WINES, Sold at McKAOEN'S. ALLSPICE, * Cloves, Cinnamdh, Ginger, Mae?, Nutinega and Popper. _At McKAOEN'S Drug Store. KEROSINE OIL, Lampe, Burnere. Chimneys Wicka. Ao., At McKAOEN'S. LARGE and FRESH SUPPLY OF GARDEN SEEDS For ?nie by McKAGEN. MILLER? ALMANAC for 1S70 At McKAOEN'S. A FINE SEGAR CAN BE HAD Feb 10_At McKAOEN'S. REMOVAL. HAVING REMOVED to Corner of Main and Republican 8troots, and thoroughly revised and renovated my Stock, I can offer to toy customers and the publie generally, cs fine AN ASSORTMENT OF WELL SELECTED Drugs, AND - General Medicines, As ean be found lu this market. Comprising most of the popular " Patent Medicines, --SUCH AS Rosadalis, Philotoken or Female Friend, Mystic or Female Regulator, Jayne's Expectorant, Jayne's Pills, Avar's CLerry Pectoral, Wistar'a Balsam Wild Cherry, Hemhold'a E: tract Buohu, Simmons' Liver Invigorator, Sandfurd's Liver Invigorator, Hnll's nair Renovter, _ Barry's Tricopherous, 'Tarrant's Aperiont. Stafford's Olive Tar for ?olds, eoaghs and consumption. Mra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Russell's SuotlHug Cordial, without ano dyne, Holloway's, ? Vim Douson's and Hurley's Worra Candy, with all tho Vermifuges. A complete assortiront of PERFUMERY. TOOTH BRUSHES AND TOILET ARTICLES. A choice nrtinle of COLO UN K, of our own manu fncture, which we can sell cheap-with all other articles which should be found in a Well Regulated Drug Store. Jan 26-tf J. F. W. DKLORME. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Toilet and Fancy Articles. A. ANDERSON & CO.. Apothecaries and Chemists, SUMTER, S. C. Are receiving constantly a full supply of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, ami a well seleoted stool of Fancy Articles and Perfumery. -ALSO A great variety of Toilet Soaps, Extracts for the llnndkercbiuf, Fine Colognes, Foreign and Dotnostio, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, do. All Medioines warranted geflniua aud of the very best quality. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully ootnpounded night or day. To bo found at night at the residence of Mr. Anderson on Main St. A. ANDERSON, - A. J. CHINA, M. ? Jan 0 O. F. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO I HOYT, SO. OA. "Y^T0UI,D respectfully inform his friends ind thc public of Suiutor, and adjoining counties, that ho has recently rccoivod a choice selec? tion of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S' Watc Hes, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, &c, His stock embraces all Itbo tutest stylos, and viii bo sold at reasonable rates. Sept 29 TO ALL OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. -$1.500 to$3,000 per year con ho realised hy inergotlc mid intelligent mun, in securing ut unco in AaK'UV for tho Host und most popular HOOKS ever published. Thi* U a raro opportu lily lor MAKING .MONEV and doing good. Clergymen, Disabled soldiers, and all olhors ranting an Agonoy will please apply, fur further lartioulars to J. C. DERBY, Southern Publishing Agency, Cor Roynolds und Jackson Sim, Augusta, (Li. Feb 23 2t Tor Sale* pill': Hnuso and Lot. in the Town of Sumtor, JL owned and held by Sumter Cirouit, as. a ,'ursonag*. The houso is cnuifurlable, with am. ila lot for gardon, Ac, and uecessary out build ogs. For terms, Ac, apply to A. A GILBERT. Jan 12-tf ARB NOW READY TO FURNISH TO PLANTERS, TB ANY QUANTITY, CAROLINA FERTILIZER, O. C. Coe'e Phosphate, Vitriol Phosphate, Dissolved Bones, Land Plaster, Soluble Pacifie Guano, Compound Acid Phosphate, Flour of Bone, Baugh's Raw Bone Phos. Peruvian Guano, Lime. LIBERAL CASn ADVANCES ON Consigned through them to either NEW YORK or CHARLESTON. A FULL STOCK OF O00D8 alway? oa hand, At Lowest Market Prtce*. Jan 6_tlOm Change of Base F. A. FOLSOM'S CHEAP VARIETY STORE -AND CONFECTIONERY. IRESPECTFULLY notify my friends and tho citicens generally, that I hevo taken the ad. joining Stand, and om now prepared to offer Greater Intlucemeuts than Ever* Continuo to sell Cheap Gooda and nothing elae. Bargains in Fancy Articles Particularly. LADIES BEAK THIS IN RUND. CONFECTIONERY. MRS. FOLSOM has returned this department in ?arno eland, and informe her friend* and the publlo, that ?ho will bo constantly supplied with tho bett of CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, CAKES, CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS, PICKLES, Ao TBA ! TIE.-A. ! Z TBE BEST MADE, at $1.7$ per lb. Aud a splondid Article at $1.2$. F. A. FOLSOM. Jun 26_ NO. 3 GROCERIES. TUE ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House IN TOWN rp II K UNDERSIGNED BEING DULY Authorised to ronttnwe the business of tho lat* tl rm of CRANE A KBERHART, begs learo to 0-11 the attention of his friends and tho publio generally to his NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF ' Heavy and Fancy Groceries Which ho ?(Tors low for CASH ONLY. ^ftt- All articles warranted as recommendo ?Sf Puro Mod?cinal Liquor? kept eonstantl> on bund. J. It. EBBKHART. Surviving partner. Doo IO_If New Hardware Store, Main-st. under Sumter Hotel. L. P. LOBING, ? - ACKNT ron Messrs. King & Huppman, HALTS.HOICIC, Id. D. Would respectfully announce to his friends and tbs public, that lie has received and opeued, at tho above cstubli* liment a Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils. embracing every nrtiele in this Hue of business, wliUh he Intends to soil at tito LOWEST PRICKS, FOR CASU. ile will keep alway, in store, a complete assort, ment of Collin's Axes, Ames' S-vvels and Spades, ? \ Trune Chnin*, Hues, Rakes. Pitch Forks. ti ruin Cradles, Scythe Blades, Guano Suives, Pucket ?ml TiiMo Cutlery, Brass Prcntirving Kettles, Tin Ware, Window G la? a-all sites. Persons in want of the most coavonient and munomical Stoves, cnn bo supplied with the ntost improved patterns at prices winch cannot 'ail to (five entire satisfaction. May 20_ _ MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS E. D. BRITTON AYINt? returned from tho North is pre. prepared to offer lier friends ana patrons a H HANDSOME AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Millinery, FANCY GOODS, &C. 'uri fully Selectol by herself. She will continue o gul frosh supplies every three or four weeks, io pli tiilil anything new occur In the styles of HAT- und BONNETS, Itter in ?he season, she rill be furoished with the very latest. ELKO INT BRIDAL H A TS ANO BONNETS, nado tn ordor on flinn notice. Country urders will receive strict attention. Oct ? tf Vehicles to Hire, Hauling, &c. THE SUUSCRIBEK begs to inform the ell'., tens of ^uniter, and tho puhlio generally, bathe is prepared lo transport Tit AYELEltS, in i comfortable and commodious Vtbiole, to any mint in this or the gdjul ng Counties. lin will furnish pleasure parties desiri ot; an iveuiug i'nle or a trip Into the country, with a .onveuiont vehicle, g?od horses and trustworthy Irlver. Ho is also prepared* tu do any kind ot muling, either by the day or by sp.elal eon tact. Order? left at tho P. st Office will bo >r-mp?ly attonded to. Feb 2-if T A. Fl? BSON. FIRE A? I NS xra OSAS, ac MOISE &U ? TE li . . 3P XWL B - LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AMD GLOBE Insurance Company. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds, tn G?hl, $17,700,000. Seventeen Million and Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars-IN GOLD. Invested iu the United States,Two Mil? lions of Dollars. 92,000,000. Risks in Sumter, taken at Charleston f ratea. Residences in ito Country Insur? ed at LOW Hates. Losses paid promptly in Charles? ton. On the payment of Ten Years premiums in CASH, a perpet? ual policy will be issued. J. E. SITARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -AND Chair Ware-Rooms. HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF FUR? NITURE, for IM. than OED be obtained in any Southern market, savlug both freight and risk of breakage by Railroad. With experieneo in thia braneb of business in (bo City of .Charleston, for twenty-fire year., and ba*lug tba advantage, of tbe beat Manufacturer., be ia offering fir.t cia*, work of which every artlole ?old is warranted. Tbe ?tock e< n.Ut* of Sofa., Side Ilea Ja. Book Wardrobe. Washstands, Bureaus, Cottage Sett., Whatnot. Ks tension Table. Mahogany, Cana and Wood Seat Rocking Chair. Mahogany, Cane and Wood Seat Setting Chair* Crib., Cradle. Trundle Bedstead, and Cottage Bedstead. Every .lyle Looking Glasse, and FIVE HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES ju.t reoeived, together with a lot of WALL PA? PER AND BORDERING. Main ?Street, opposite Express Office, UP STAIRS. J. E. Snares, Fob is-tf_ LUMBER ON AND AFTER TUE FIRST OF FEB. KUAKY, we offer FOR SALE LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT Our Mill only FOUR MILES FROM SUMTER Having CRKATLY REDUCED the cost of our Lumber to the public, wo ask an examination of our PRICES TERMS CASH. BEAMES, CHANDLER St, CO. Feb 2-tf THEATRE OPEN. Business before Pleasure, A NEW PLAY? ACT 1. SCRNR l.t. Scene, Ute Store, cornor of tho OM Hotel next the Court House-KOBWKRIN behind the counter- Euter a Countryman. Cor NTH vu A x. Are you the man that aoll. STORE CLOTHES .o ?heap ? ScnwKRiN. Yes, Tm th? mar. 80 If your clothe, are worn out, or ruined by Inorln', There', no use in <-n??iV bulgo right to ?iehutrin. C. What! Go to-?teenrlu'f Look bera, my friend, if that', the wuy you talk, bow do you expect to prosper, when tho Biblo .ny. "Swear not at all ?" S. You don't understand ino, I mean cometo Me; and Til fit you out with a now ?ult, inside nnd out.ide My ?um? 1? Hvhwfin? C. Oh! That', il, Lit ? Well Its a ?us?-avery bad ?auo, any how. But I .'posoyour go- do ?re none the werta for thai, and I soe hon you might MI mo with a suit fnifsiV/e from your stock ol' Hats, Boots und .''hoes, Coati, Vests and Pant?, Shirl., Undershirts, Drawers, Socks, C'Mllar., llnnilcrehlvN, Ac, Ac, but bow can you ii me to iv suit tutlite, hey? 8. Why, I'll toll you. Some of my oxeellor.l GROCERIES thor? would ?ult?/un itttidt to ti T.. wouldn't they ! C. Ye., they would, timi's a fart, smno of youl Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Flour, Molasses, Canned Fish, Cyders anil Lobster., Chow Chow Pickle*, Ac, Ac 8< Yes. I sell my Dry Goods HIM) Wei Good*, Groceries. Clothing nnil other articles toi numerous to mond?n, very CHEAP KOK CAS ll. . Small Profit* and Quick Returns" is my motto. Exit Countryman with a bag full, n basket full und II bundle full. Sept 22_ ?ni Lynchburg Female School THE FIRST TER M OF THIS SCHOOL w ll opuu 1st FEBRUARY, mid continue 20 weeks, to bo taught hy MUS. WILBUR, (late of Davenport Female College.) TERMS : For First Grad?.$H 00 For Second Grade. 12 00 For Thiid Grade. 10 00 Muiio on Piano. )0 00 Payment for Tuition required Quarterly. Board, Washing and Light, ean bo bad at $1(1.00 lo $12,00 per month. For further particular, apply to K. SPENCER, Chairman Board of Trustee?. Feb 1-41_Lynchburg, t*. C. Estate Notice. AALL p. rsom having el.ilm* ngaiu.t the K? Isle of W. W. M ? Cu leben, dteaa.ud. will please present thew duly proven. And ?ll per son* indebted will pl.s.e make paymeut ie . H. Vi MoOUTOHEN, AdiuV. (faa 10-tf iD UFE Y i, S. C. . Il IP NEW YORK This Compacy having oot the provisions of tho 'recant***! poeit" Act, i* prepared io italie f*J, Life or Endowment IN ON TUB MOST %FAVORADt?% iluviug Thiiieen Millions of io Assete, perfect security is grnita to the insured j while its iiutnou constantly increasing tuctituo onafc te declaro liberal 0 i vi Jo nd*. . Policy ia thia Company i.i gtcadiW ttt'ffiflBj creasing in value, at a co*t wliioh'?i?i^^B oreases with evory minimi Puy,ll0.t,^>|?^^^^ CHAS. JJ. MOISK, Itisurunco A gobi, ~r,*3jSK ?u:utor, H. ?t'-^jj J . D . C Ii A X' l^^l Upholsterer, Manufacturer^ AND DEALER IN ' ^?lij FURNITURE, rim J^ESPECTFULLY INFORMS IIIS friended >^ am) patrons that ha ls now preparad to furnish thuin with ... . '. Furniture, etc., ; ^ of tho i tiff, rent STYLES ami PATTERNS '''nOT?3??5 in use. He has now un hand a suppl jr of ? RED ROOM AND COTTAGE PETS. ' ,'r>M| CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, , W<jsM BEDSTEADS. 7^2 TAULES. V . v^.S BUREAUS, CRIES, -V*^ AC, AC. j v'.'^lS SAMPLE PLATES fron tho beet Man niacin. V** rers of Roxton and New York -will bo shown lo '$.{ purchaser* and any stylus preferred, not ?fTV,w band, will lie ordered for acoomujodiuion of pat runs-all of v. hieb will bo sold at prices to suit tho times. ' ' ^'?f? FURNITURE modo lo order, in uny eljlo-nud g .t short notioe. Manufacturing, Repairing nnd JTphoutcr&J?l done promptly, and in a neut uud workmanlike, ' manner. _ S jggg Chairs moated with cano and mado M good as raj new. . W Piolara Frames of all sites, Rose Wood, Gilt, and plain mouldings, mado to order, and Lqdktng Qlassos'set lo frame', and fur salo- ' y; FUNERALS promptly attended to Jn TWn'.-^j or Country, and Metallic, Mnhogutiy, Wwlnut,'.Vw or Common Coffins, furnished us required, ?t y? short notice. - - 3? Dee 8 . I SUM TE ll fTMlE undersigned would most iesp> cl fillip v^ JL HI,nomico to tho pvoplo of Sumter alni sur* J' rounding country that bo hnvo jo?i received* SPLENDID LOT OF TSIOL a r"bi o. |j and are now prcpar-d tn receive and ex?cuta or* .. .'' dcrs of all kinds iu hi? linc, whh ucuinossund/. ;'?] dis] m l oh. . IKON RAILING Ft'RNISllL'D TO CF. DE H. AV. P. SMITH, BUMTLU. S. C. N yo* 17 'if* C. T/^riSON^ VffSSrt** >"B1L"V- *.' .-ivie' "'tl WATCH- MA| A Xl.) . . 'X?-M Hus Just received ami kcips n.n.ij* UK i..n.d *? . ' New and Beautiful Styli i nf ?^*f 'JKWEi.ltY, F\'K'(??,.\: S?:.^. &0: WATCHES, BLOCKS and .M: W ?: Ml Y 'R E- ' ; ,? PAIRED WITH DlSPAlCli: March? I u ii wm IN T:IS HIGHEST AND ?,\TKST ST,\M^V OF AKT, AUH N )'.V TAKEN l.Y WILDER Ss WIIT:i:L3iM! At tho Gallery in Sumter, landy kv pl l.\ ll. h MCCALLUM, such as PHOTOGRAPHS, IVOUYTYP????, ? .ME RCri VPE/. r?:?:>t" t^. Flt A ME? of .?ll sia?r foVnUlii'ii ' PICTUHE* eo|..rv??,.?mt old plum.** CI-MM .nd maouvied. vrA^"?0"'01'1^ MKR:.:V?:C.,F^.V VlWW? fai Hot