The Sumter watchman. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1855-1881, January 12, 1870, Image 3

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The Sumter Watchman. yfrVTPAXT?N_ . ? B08INES3 MANA9EK. AH Tr?o?l?n* AdvertUemcnu, ?sd all jabWurk must be paid for in oath. Tbl? ?ill to observed without distillation. Subscriptions ut aiiy payabl? ia advene?. re- Application* for Job Work will ba ?tad?, -i ibo office, lo T*oa. B. FLO wan?. Tb? WATCHMAN book? ara io tb? keeping of W. Y PAXTON, who will receipt for montea doe aud gi't.nd t" all mattera connected witb tb? Adver? tuiog er Subscription departments. Our Advertising friend? are requested to undia their favors not later ?han Monday. g4f .Subscriber? ?bo ara indebted to na ara aero?itly requested to eall and ?ettie up: We beg that (bey will out negleet thia mattor. Unless ptrmeot bo mail?, ne aball bo, reluctantly* com? pilad to er-so a number of name?. ?fg? Dr. 8- M. DINKINS, as will beacon from ?or advertising columna, baa removed bia Dental Operation Kooma to an apartment in tb? eame building witb Ibo Photographic Gallery, where Jie will pleased to seo bia frlonda. pjf Mesara. ULANDIT A RICBARDSON offer jeveral valuablo farms adjacent to Sumter, and two bouaea and lots in town, for ?ate, in our ad fart bing columns. It DOW in running order, and will grind every div, from sunnite until aun.jet. 'I'll IS COURT Continues lu session-now on it? aeoond week, and, we believe, atilt on the sessions side. Tbe tirand Jury-composed of eleven negroes and tbrco vrliite men-bavo found truo bills against ten of our boncst, industrious and rospoctable citirens, upon charges oooneetcd with the burning of ibo ?tores of Robertson and Dubose, ?nd thc ?.ce will bc trier! on Thursday. We vi iib hold further nolico of ibo matter ut this timo, than tbe statement that wo bavo been informod that the reliable ovidonce showing the innocence of the parties thus arraigned, will be full and satisfac? tory. HUGH'S UAW BONK SUPISR-PHOS rii vn; op LIME. Mr. J. N. HODSON, solo ugont for South Caro? lina for this Fertilizer, now so much esteemed, informs our readers, tn our advertising columns, that be is now receiving bis supplies, and is pro pared to fill all orders. Messrs. PATE A TATLOR Aie tho agouti* for Sumter County. WANDO FERTILIZER. Mr. ELISHA CARSON, so long and so favorably known to our planting community, is tho Agent, for Sumter County, for this nativo fortlltser/and will be found ready to supply all demands for it. The value of the Wundo, and tho economy of Its uso, when compared with any other pro psritioa which bas been tried, bas b?on fully do. laoostruted in this section, a? Mr. CARSON is pre? pared to show. REMOVAL. Mr. J u.MKS M. CAI.DWKI.I, has romovod his Hool ami Shoe Stock to the Brick house, occupied for sumo timo past, by Mr. J. F. W. DKLOHXK as u Drug Store, and the latter bas removed bis sleek of Drugs, Medicines, Ac, to tho on th? corner of ltcpublicnn and Main Streets, lato ly occupied by tho former-a friendly strap, as it were, of locations. Success to both parties. MAYES Sc COOPER. Our planting friends ofMayosvIlle and its sur? roundings, are offered, by Messrs. Mayes A Cooper, an extended list of ferlil'-zers, from willoh to thooto, for application to their crops tho pres? ent your, as they will soe, by reference to our ad? verting columns, and we take much pleasure in om UK ullin;; thom to a liberal patronage. -.> . ? . ?? J, A. MAYES Sc CO. This very worthy and reli.iblo house, at Mnyca ville, hoist their banner for 1870, tn columns, with renewed onorgv, and, we aro pleased to say, under encouraging prospects nf a growing and success full business. They keep a general variety of Drugs Hint Medicines, Groceries, best family Flour, Ac. Their goods are all warrantod, and their medicines muy al ways be relied upon aspure. Oar bist wishes attend thom. Ol It STOCK QUOTATIONS. Thc great fluctuation and uncertainty of raluo attending tho commonest securities, sinca the war, render reliable and regular quotations of great interest to tho public. Wo are, therefore, glad to bo ublo to announce, among tho other features of improvement and attraction which we ?hall endeavor to bring to our columns, on en? tering upon tho now year, that we have made arrangements with Mr. A. C. KAUFMAN, of Charleston, to furnish us willi weekly reports of those Securities of most importance to our readers. Mr. KAUFMAN'S) Quotations of Southern securi? ties appear io tho "Financial Clironiclo" and '.Wall Street Journal," of Now York, and the Charleston "Courier," three of thc leading finan? cial und commercial pupors of this country, and ma; bo depended on as strictly accurate, for the day on which they aro mado. ntl) Ht llAV^ AKOLINIAN. Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken, one of the leading plumers of this State, has become associated with Messrs. Walker, Evans A Cogswell as joint pro? prietor of this valuable agricultural monthly. In his notice announcing tho connection. Colonel Aikon says: "in thus uniting myself with tho enterprising firm of Mossrs. Walker, Evans & Cogswell, moro than a singlo motivo will ofcoursu bo hld ut my door j but cbiof amongst the in? ducements is tho earnest desiro to lend a helping hand to ilovclop and publish tho development* of thc agricultural interests of our beloved South. Whatever of agricultural advantages I may have gained after a practical plantation oxporioneo of noar twonty yours, snail be given to TUB lt URAL CAROLINIAN for tho benefit of others." Messrs. Walker, Evans A Cogswell stnto that Colonel Aiken "will dovoto his tlino to travelling through the Southern Slates, gathering practical Information from all ecctionR for tho benefit of our readers, enlisting correspondents, establish? ing agencies and extending our subscription list. Thc January number of TUB KURAL CAROLI? NIAN has intrinsic morit rarely equalled, and must sccur?a favorable consideration for tb? BCW firm. Arooog tho contents wo especially nolico tho arti? cles on Fish Culturo, Loibtg and Agricultural ChouDtry, Facts and Figures for Farmers, Agri? culture of Russia, Tho Moa Island Cotton Quos, .ion, und Tho Culturo of tho Olive-all of which ?to first-class article? of practical interest, ami evidently writton by men thoroughly conversant with tho subjects of which they troat. The illus ".aliona of this numbor aro numurous and hand 'ou?e, und in appearance, us well as in contents, .be January number of Tua KURAL CAROLINIAN can fairly challongo comparison witb any other .S'ieultural inaguzino, North orSoutb. NRW ADV.l;HTlSI{yiENTS. COI,, 0. W LEE.-Agent at Sumter to sell JO** II. SAituY'H "Soluble Pacific, "Phospho lcruvlan," ftc, und "MnpuV Fertilizers. THF SUMIEII DOOK STOUE.-New Dooks cil?e?.nd 0,bM iiru,,'0.. Fancy Articles, Ac, re A. A. Oii,??nT-Sumter Ciroult Parsonage for sale. . ? Du. J. S. IIIIOIISON-Olass nhd Crockery Warb, taney und Family Orocories, Fruit and Coi.feo "'"icry, Ac. j. N< ,Sj)ftnn "junngor. Under Pho .''graphic, (lullcry. Tb* proprietor* of tho XIX CERTUBT MAOAZMB have Ibo plea*aro to announce that io tb* February aaaaber will, bo siren tb? opeatag of o sow Boothera Rom ?nco, entitled "Th* Storm and th* Sunset," bj Colonel Bear?; Cleveland, lb* talented eather. Wo bardi* need tatt who Colonel Cleveland ty to tho poWk whore he, I* known to well. In |Mt bo gav* np a largo lair p radio* to booonio polltloal odltor of tho A a gui ta (Qa.) Conititutiohulttt, and wa* * del-gate to th* great Democrslio Con veo tiona of that ?oar. Ho only left that paner when the Sooth ?ailed her ?oas to tho field, and {tart when a prl*on*r) ho wa* a told 1er from tho Ant raontb of tho war to tho last, moa tty lo field ?err Io?. At tho close of tho war bo retired to his floe plantation OB tho Georgia Railroad, and la I860 pobUabed a bio? graphe of Viee-Pr*aid*nt Stephens, which bad B largo sa!?. Ur. Cleveland was ono of tho odltor* of "Appleton's Journal" lo tho first half jaar of it" existence. The X?X Century, now *o well eatablUhed anil ao popular, ba* on its lists tho host writer* in tho Union, and at 93-60 a year, or 85 cants a cop-, is cboaper than Harper'? or tho Atlantic ifouik fy. It ia high toned, e?en in advertisements, and does not beg for patronage, but d**?rve? it. Long Uro tho "City between the Rivers" and it* M agu* i u e. - Ch ar Ut ton Courier, Vee. 27, 1669. ! WEBSTER'S US ABRI nor: D DICTIONARY - Inun - TRATED EDITION.-No pain* or labor could bare been spated in making this edition what it ia. Wo think this Work, now, is all that we ooo ox peet in s dictionary! We give lt our unqati?ed commendation, and hope to (CO B oopy of it in every school-district, and in avery editor"* room, and in every family lo Pennsylvania.-Prtibytt . ia H Standard. _' _SPECIAL, NOTICES? SUITOR, S. C., March 28, 1802. Dr. WH.JECSON, Dear Sin-Please tend mo a further supply of yours. 8. S. Itt J quite as popular hero, If not more so, than Ur*. Winslow'*. Many who; use Mr*. W'e,?Bsist that yours is tkosnmo prcpa ration. Your* truly, _(Signed) JOHN THOMSON. COHEN'S MBDICAL DEPOT, CaAnxcaroH, B. 0. Sept. 9th, 1809. Dr. Wu. JEUSON, Dear Sir :-I am pleastd to lonrn that you ore ro-lntroduclng your Southern Soothing Syrup, which was used with so much bonoflt In this city provious to and during tho war. From A know lodgo I havo of somo of tho ingredients, and tho benefit that Ihavo known derived from its uso,. I deemed it the best preparation over used for tho diseases of children, not only rolioving pain, but invigorating tho stomach and bowels, correcting acidity, and giving tono to tho system at largo. When Sherman introduced his Lozongos, ho headed his advertisement "Children cry for them," you with grout propriety might bend yours "Mother* cry/or it !" ns it gi vos thom pOACO and happinoss ic checking tho crying and suf? fering of thoir children. Several fumilics aro anxious to obtain somo of it immediutoly. Respectfully yours, Ac, (Signed) -P. MELVIN COHEN, M D. RE DIV I VUS ! ! The S- S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON'S Ordinal SOUTHERN SOOTHING SYRUP FOU CHILDREN TUETIUNO, is nguiu re? suscitated ! ! It is a Corrigent of tho Hoted disorder* contingent upon this pcrlo? ; a grate? ful Carminative; a itutritiou* Syrup / anti n gent.'c Anodyne, inducing calm aild refreshing re poso, without (he pernicious and distressing re? actionary distut banco of tho nervous system that results from tho exhibition of most prepara? tions-cjcprcttly made for children. Its uso in tho Southern Stntos, as far buck as 18t>2, estab? lished iU rtipotntion as a Southern Institution, and, as a mcdiciuo unrivalled, and BS being the bent and tnfett preparation for. children teething, ensuring HKST to JJOTIIKUS aud NURSES and r?? tir/ and etrength to thoir infants. It is therefore no new medicine, and needs no advertising whore it is best known. Every precaution has been nikon to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counterfeits. It is MrtNti/Vtctiirect only at flu Laboratory of Com:, TOMPKINS A Iii;un, mem? bers of, and successors to, the old established SOUTUKRN Daua IIocsB op IIARRAL, RlSI.KV A KITCHIN, M I Cn A M II K US STU K KT, YEW YolIK, IO whom all orders should ho addressed, and is fur salo to tho citizens of Sumter and surrounding country by tho following first class und respecta bio Druggists : A. ANDERSEN A Co., J. F. \V. DBLORMK. Juno 10 -ly LUT corta .TI ON M;\M: DI?CIDI:. What is tho rational modo of procedure in cases of goneral debility and norvousproslrnlion? Docs not reason loll us that judioious stimulation is required? To resort lo violent purgation in such a casu is as absurd as it would bo to blood a starving man. Yotitis done every day. Yes, this stupid and unphilosnphical practico is con? tinued in tho tooth of tho great fact that physical weakness, with all tho nervous disturbances that accompany it, is moro certainly and rapidly relieve* by Hostotter's Stomach Bitters than by any lA?ior medicino at present known. It is true that general debility is often attended with tor? pidity or irregularity of the bowels and that this symptom must not bo overlooked. But while the dischargo of tho wasto mader of tho systom is expeditod or rogulated, its vigor mutt be recruited Tho Hitlers dn both. They combine aperient and anti-bilious properties, with extinordiiinry tonic power. Even while removing obstructions from the bowels, they tono and invigorate tboso organ?. Through the stomach, upon which tho great vege? table i)|>ec??c ucla directly, it gives a "neal thy and permanent impetus to every enfeebled func? tion. Digestion is facilitated, tho faltering circu? lation rogulated, tho blood reinforced with anew accession of tho alimentary principle, tho nurvos braced, and all tho dormant powers of tho system roused into healthy action; not npnsmod ?cally, os would bo the caso if a moro stimulunt wero administered, but for a continuance. It is in this way thntsuah extraordinary changes nro wrought in tho oondition of tho fooblc, ctdaciatod And nervous invalids by tho use of this wonder* ful corrective, alterativo and tonic. Lot com? mon sense ilcoldd between such a preparation ami n prostrating cathartic supplemented by a pois? onous astringent, like strychnine or tjuinia. .fun. CURE FOR CONSUMPTION! What thc Ddctor? wy'i Amos Woolley .'M. I)., of Kosciusko County, In? diana, suys : "For Ihroo yours past I havo Uiod ALLEN'S Leva BALSAM extensively, in my'prue tice, and I nm satisfied ibero is no bolter nindi cine for luitg diseases in USO." I nae A. Doran, .M. I)., of Logan County, Ohio says : "ALLEN'S Levi HAL-AM not only sells rap? idly but gives perfect satisfaction in every casu within my knowledge Having coufidcuco in it and knowing that it poscsses valuable medicinal properties, i freely uso it tn my tinily practice and with unbounded success. As an expectorant it is most c .'Mainly fur ahead of any preparation 1 havo over yet known." Nathanial Harris. M. !>.. 4f,Middlebury, Ver? mont, says : havo no doubt it will soon bccoinu a elasictil remedial tigout for tho euro of all diseas? es inf tho Throat, Bronchial Tubes und tho Lungs. Physicians ?lo not reconiund a medicino winch IHM no merit-, what they say about ALLEN'S LU NU BALSAM, Can ht? taken 'as a fact. Lot all afflicted teat it nt one*. Sold by A. Anderson A Co., Sumter, 3. C. Jan._i_ ~ ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Prematuro Decay, nud alt tho effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,' annd froo to nil who need it, tho receipt and directions for making tho Him? ple romilly by Which ho was cared. Sull'crcrH wishing to profit by tho advertiser's oxperiorioe, can do ao by addressing, in perfect conti leal :, JOHN B. OGDEN, Juno 2 No. 42 Codar et., N. Y. KOS KOO! Proparca bj Or. J. J. Lawrence, tho celebrated p VMCIAB and 4BKM ST, Norfolk,, Ve., le ? ?Ar \t l-LEASAXT c nd BK LI ABU reoiedy fer AU, disease? OAUBBD by i T /I Oil PI DIT Y OF TUB LIVFB, IMPURITIES^-OF TUB BLOOD, DISORDERS OF TUB URINARY ORGANS, DERANGEMENTS OF TUE NERVOUS SYSTEM. It fun IPI s and E.IRICUBS the BLOOD, nrs TOnKS Ibo LIVER and KIDXKYS to a healthy ACTIO?, AlftB OIOMTIOX, HBO' LATIS ibo BOW?LS, and istf taon ATES tie Minvous IYSTSM. 1 It is HOT a Patent Modieine. FOUXCL.V around oach bottle. BMDORBKD by the Ult Phyticiani. Tho MOST POPULAR' Medicine in use. Dn. LAWRKSCK is constantly in receipt ol OUATBPUivlcttors aud TESTIMONIALS of BBKAHBA OLE CURES performed by KOSKOO. All letters answered and advice given-FREE. KOSKOO fur salo by Druggists everywhere at o.vK DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Fur sale by J. F. W. DcLornio, July 28 -ly _Sumter, g. C, TQ CONSUMPTIVES THE advertiser having bceu restored to health ia a few wtoks, by a very simple remedy, after having sufforod several years with a severe lung affliction, and that dread disenso, Consumption is anxious to make kuown to bin fellow-sufforara ibo moans of euro. To all wbo desire it, ho will send a copy of tho proscription used (freo of charge), with tb? directions fur preparing and using the same, wbich tboy will Mud a sure Cure for Consump? tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, oto. The objoot of the advertiser in sending the Proscription is to bene? flt tho afflicted, and spread Information which ho con?oives to be invaluable; and ho hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, und may provo a blessing. l'unies wishing the proscription, will please address ROY. HOWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, Noir York. June 2. . New Advertisements. EXECUTRIX SALE ! FINE ART COLLECTION. OF THOMAS THOMPSON, ESQ,, By II. U. LEEDS A MINKE, Auctioneers, Art Galleries, 317 Broadway, N. Y.. cointuon - cing Feb. 7, and continuing day and ovoning until sold. This collection is tho most extensive and val? uable ever owned'in the United States. Valued about $500,000. Comprising nearly two thou? sand pictures from celebrated European artiste, iront tho l?th contury to tho present time, (in? eluding ninny originals of great value,) also Pointings from celebrated American artists. Tho outiro collection will bo sold without re? servo or limitation, to closo tho estate Cataloguo i'..rwarded on receipt of 25 cents. Addro.-s tho Aucllonuor*. A GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE "PEN LETTER BOOK" For Copying Latter* without Prc?? or Water. This is tho greatest timo, labor and monoy sa? ving inventiou of tho ago ; und none seo It, but to prniso its simplicity and convenience, os you havo only to placo tho written letter under Ibo copying loaf, and to rub ?vi th tho lin od. An agent has but tu show it properly, und it sells it? self. Adaptadlo every kind of business. It di es r>ot play out, us tho first sale is only a beginning. For funiculars, address P. GARRETT A CO., Phllu., Va._ FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. Wo will send a handsome" prospectus of our NEW ILLUSTRATED FAMILY Bl ?LE tu anv honk agent, free of charge. Address NA? TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Pbllrt , Po., At? lanta, Ga., or St. Louis. Mo. '_ 100,000 AOUVrSWANTKD FOU PRIEST <& MUN Apply ut unco to CRITTENDEN A MCKIN? NEY, 1308 Chestnut at., Philadelphia, Pu. ^.xxs.?^*te ur CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE. TO TUB FLOWER AND K1TC1I?N ?ARDEN. 2 Mi edition ol' liiis popular work, wliich bas met with so much favor in tho past, is now rea? dy. It has been rc-written ami improved, prin? ted with new type, ?md on tino paper, illustrated with ii beautiful Lithograph, und many other tino Engravings from nuturu. lt contains full description nnd thc culturo ol' over 1500 tending varieties of FLOWERS and VEGETABLES) al? so, descriptive list of tho novelties ot thu present eason ; to which is added a collection of 200 choice FRENCH HYIJRID GLADIOLUS This wurk, wo feel confident, will comparo fa? vorably frith any similar ono. From Levi Bartlett, Warner, AT. //. "I havo received a copy of your superbly got ten np Amateur Cultivator's (luido. I think it far ahead of anything of tho kind ever beforo is? sued fruin tho American press." Sent t<> any address upon receipt nf 25 cents for paper cover, and 50 cts. for tastefully bound in cloth. WASHBURN A CO., Boston, Mass. 1870TTH? NURSERY 1870. The bost, cheapest und most r?elily illustrated Monthly Magazine fur Children. $150 a year in advance. Sample number 10 oonts. Subscribo NOW, and get tho Ia?? number of I860 FREE. Address JOHN L. SHOREY, 13 Washington St., Boston. ' 1 O'.OOO' ~A?; I?NT8 WA I,NOOK RETROSPECTION. The lin? t t.l-.ngi av i og III the market. Apply CRITTENDEN A MCKINNEY, 1308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa UMl'IIRuALil. THE STAR IN TilE WEST, Cincinnati, 0., is tho old established Western Univorsnlisl news paper. It gives current religious and secular news, ?ind is a bright und cheerful home visitor. Right largo pnguS reading matter, giving ''some? thing for everybody!" No other paper needed in ibu tinnily ! Send $2.50, and get it one year. Specimens free. Premiums to new subscribers. Clubs wanted. Address WILLIAMSON A CANTWELL, Cincinnati, Ohio. . CTIA8. A. DANA, Thc chrspput, ?m?rtest, anil bet New York newspaper, Kveryliody likes it. Three ?dition?! DAILT, Sjlli BIM* Wi s a ir. (Y?, ?nd WrSm.Y, t31 ayear. ALI Tili Nsws at helf-prlre. Full report? ofmarket?, agriculture, Farmers' and Finit OrnwoiV Club., anil a complete ?tory In SVtrf weekly and Semi-weekly number. A pre?ent or vahiabla pNnUand vine? to everv ?ntnerthcri Inducement* tn ean ranacra iinniri>a.aed. SI A? Life Iomirancea, (tram! Pianos, Mowin* Machine?, Parlor Organa, Hawing Machines, ?e., among Ihn premiums. .pecfiasas ead lira fie*. 8an.d . ***** 'L W. KNOX A1TI?, PeblUher Bee. Kt* Tort. _ 10,000 A Cl KN TS tv AKT Vt? VOft Wallis and Homes of Jesus. By RevM? MU RC A, D. Dr, -author of "Night Sectio*, of tho Bible." Ap,rt,ynt'onco to OntTrKN DKN A MCKINNEY, nos Chestnut st., PhlladeL phiii, Pa. COMMON "SENSIT WANTED-AGENTS. $250 por month tn sell l'o onlv GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON ! ENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Price orly $|M. Orval inducements to Agents. This ls Ibo moxt popular Sowing Mi . hine of tho day makes t li o famous ''Elastic Lock Stitch"-will do nny kind of work that cnn bo dono on any Ma? chino-100,000 sold and tho demand constantly increasing. Now is the timo to take an Agency. Scud- for circulars. ?if- Beware of iufrln gars.'?HJ?f . Address SECOMB A CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pu., or St. Louis, Mn. The Purest, Bost and Cheapest SOM) nv AU CtROCERS. ' LOBILLARIM I ls .n excellent ?rtlcl? "EUREKA" I sss?aa'a BewofcUx T?He?>- I t? ?W?n^y ?d mired It u pat op In bandaeose mu si I? Wn In wUafe orders for Moerieb???* Pip?* ar? daily pick*? V \ UHT UL ll B .m^tolij&SS SmokUMK Xobucea j tb? Nlootlno bat bee? extracted; it te?TM no disagreeable taste aim smoking; U ia Terjr mild, Han? ka eoler ?nd weight, bene? on? pound Will Tnt ta lew g W f ?4 ordinary tob?ceo. Ia thia brand we alto paek ordera every day for flrat quality Meoraehkaa Pipet. Try it ?nd eon Tine? yearaalvot li ia all lt elatina to be, "the Anett of tit'* LOBILtAHDS I Thu brand of Pia? Cut MiWI'lllll/ I chewing tobacco baa oe I i> \ I I equal or auparlo* any Clic wtujr Tobacco | where. It ia without doubt tb? Mat chewing tobaeco la tba country. lOBlLLARDS I faa?? no? boen1 ta. general fllTltrP? I ?a?ia tb? Uni ted States ores 9X1 UriD I 110 years, and ?till ?ck no w I edgod "the beat" wherever used, If your atorekeeper dose not ' ba?? the?? arti olea for ?ale, ask him to get thom; tbey ar? acrid hy respectable jobbers aimost everywhere. Circular of prioes mailed on applieation. P. LORILLARD A CO., Now York. \\/ I i 'Hu UT Spectacles, Dudor or Meuieine, 7T Sent post-paid, on receipt of 10 et?. Ad. dress Dr. B. B. FOOTE, (author of Medical Com. mon Senso) No. ISO Lexington Ave., ear. Baal 28th St., N/f._ AWAY WITH uncomfortable TRUSSES Comfort and Cure for the Raptured. Sent pout paid oo receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. B B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington Ave-, New York. $ ? 9 9 f ^ 1 vc TO TUE WORKING CLASS.-We sr? now prepared lo furnish all olnsses with constant em? ployment at home, th? whole of th? tim? or for tho spare moments, Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from ?Oe to $5 per evening, and a proportional aum by devoting their whole time lo the business. Roys and gill* earn nearly aa much as men. That all who see ibis notice may aend their ad? dressed test the business, wo make this onpar alleled offer: To such as arc not well satisfied, we will sand $1 to pay for th? trouble or writing. Full partioulurs, a valuable sample, wMoh will do to coiumonce work on, and a oopy of The ."to ple'e Literary Companion-one Of the largest ?nu best family newspapers published-all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, prof* itublo work, address E. C. ALLEN A CO., Av GUSTA, MURK. ASK your Doctor or Druggist for SWEET QUININE-it equals (bitter) Quinine. M Td by STEARNS FARR A CO., Chemists, New York. ^mT---KNIT~-KNIT. A UK NT 8 WANTED everywhere tu sell the A MK Kl CAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Maehine ever invent? ed. Frico $25. Will knit 20,000 atitchea per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTIN'O MACHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo WANTED ? Agents iu every town in tb? South and Wast for tho LARGEST 0.Mi DOLLAR HOUSE in tho country, to whom w? offer tba ??oat liber? al inducements. GOODS SENT C. 0 D. Scud for Circular?? S. C. THOMPSON A CO., 130 Federal St. 163 State 3t. Boston, Muss._Chicago, III. lt. WHITTIER, ? Wylie St., PKlsburgh, Pu., Mo., of Union Wido reputation, trouts uti venereal diseases j nlso, seminal emissions, impotency, Ac, tho result of talf-abuse. Bend 2 eta nips for sealed pamphlet 50pp. No matter who failed, stato ease. Consultation free IySVOIIOMANOV, FASCINATION OR . SOUL CH ARMI?O-400 pages; cloth. 'I'liis wonderful book bas lull instructions to eu ablo the reader to fascinate either sex, .or any animal, nt will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and hundreds of oilier curious exporitnonts. It can bo obtained by sending address, with postage, to T. W. EVANS A CO., No. 41 South Eighth S'roet, Philadelphia. Iii the District Court of the United States. FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF SO. CA. In the matter of William & Hudson, Bankrupt* Ex parte Eliza M. Col? clough. BY virtue of an order In the above stated ease issuing nut of the Honorable, the Distriot Court nf tho United Statos, for the Distriot of South Carolina, and to ino direr ted, 1 will oxposo to public ,-ulo, nt Sumter Court House, on MON? DAY, Fcbrurary 7. 1870, at tho usual hour of yule, tho following real ostato, nainod in schedule of said hnrikmpt to wit : 1. TH KEE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ACRES OE LANI), in Sumter county, bounded North by Lynches Cronk, East by lands of Otorgo Trnliick, South by landofRcuben Welsh and land of Dr. Richard Kirby, und Wost by lund of Dr. Richard Kirby. 2. TWO HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND, In Marion District, bounded North by land now or formerly of James M. Graham, East by land of John Hntcholl, Suuth by tho boundary lino of Marion and Darlington Countios, and Wost by land of James M. Graham. TERMS :-One third ensb, and tho balanco en a credit of one und two years, lo be socurcd by bond nf tho purchaser and ? mortgago of tho premesls sold. Purchasers ta pay for papers and stamps. D. J. WINM, Assignee Jun 5 it In the District Court of the United States. FOR TIIE?DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA In the matter of John Q. Heriot, Bank rnpt-Ex Parte David J. Winn. BY virtue of an ordor in tho above stated caso, issuing out of tho Honorable, tho District Court of thu United Statos, for the District of South Carolina, mid to ino directo!, I will expose to public salo, nt Sumter Court House, on MUN? DAY, February 7, 1870 nt the usual hour of .-?ile, tho following Real Estato, nainod, in sched? ule of said Bankrupt, tu wit : Hin interest, during his natural life, in enso ho survives his uifo, Mary E. Heriot, in n Tract nf Land, in Sumter County, 8. C , containing Four Hundred and Eighty-ihreo Acres, moro or less, bounded North by Rocky Rluff Swamp, East by lands of Judge F. J. Muses, South by lund of Judgo Moses and land of estate of W. L. nrtin sun nnd of oainuui Watson, formerly ostato of Moses Mooro, under deed of John O. Heriot, to J. C. Hay nsw. omi and 0. W, Millor, Trustees, dated 1 Ot li Dec, 1842, recorded in nlucoof Reg. Momo Conveyance, I oak L" pages 368 omi 8t)9. Terms:-One hali cash-the bnlanco on acred it of ono your, to bo sueurod by bond of the pur chaser und ii mortgage of tlie promises sold. Purchaser tu poy fur papers. Jan 6-4t_D. J. WINN, Assignee. 1. H. ALEXANDER. DENTIST, BROAD STREET, CAMDEN, S. 0. Evory description of work executed witb promptness, and in tho most approved nnd dur?, blo stylo. Sots of Tooth furnished at vory mud erato rates. REFERENCES: O en. J. R. Kershaw, Camden, S. C. T. Harnell, M. D.. ? L. II. Deus, ? '? J. M. Davis, Esq., ? ?? .Inn li_Hm WEDDING AND' ENGAGEMENT RINGS, MADE to order and engraved at tha ihortos notice. Order* by IMI| promptly attended lo. C. T. MAS0.V, CLEAN BICK IN BARRELS, 6?t*X AND FASilflT FLOUE, WIsTX* CO?N IN SACKS, CHOICE 8EBD WHEAT, MESS POBK, AND FAMILY BEEF, McLaurin, Solomons k CO NoTtmbtf 10 THE llRSIGNED Having moved into their New (Brick) Warehouse, ?ill take oa STORAGE AND COMMISSION, Produce to be sold in this or otbei market*. Will order OD Planters ?coount all SUPPLIES THEY MAY REQUIRE, with assurances of large saving to them upon ouch purchases.*) Land Agency. Parties wishing to sell LAND trill have thc benefit of our CATALOGUE, issued monthly, and regularly exchanged with Northern and European Land Agencies. Persons desiring to Parchase Land will be afforded every facility of doing so, on application td WcLaurin, Solomons & Co. Reduced rates for Fertili? zers on Cash Orders, E ti wan No. 1. at $54 formerly $G0 per Ton. Etiwan No. 2. at $63 formerly $70 per Ton, Baugh's Raw Bone Phosphate. Also orders taken for Pure Peruvian Guano. MCLAURIN SOLOMONS & co. Nov If_ Just Received, Fall and Winter Stock, -AT J.E. StA?ES. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOTHING, Together with a variety of other Goods. Old Rye Whiskey. The Subscriber wishes to aonouuee that he will be in constant receipt of the COPPER DIS j TILLED MOUNTAIN PURE and UNADUL? TERATED WHITE & COLORED RYE WHISKEY, Direct from the Distillery at Hnnuisville, Berk? ie/ County, Western Virginia. -ALSO Brandies, Gin, Wines, Porter & Ale, AU of the Best Brands. Also A CHOICE LOT OF SE G ARS. J. E. Suares, MAIN STREET, WEST SIDE. Sept 28_ Sumter, S. C. Furniture --AT TUE SUMTER FURNITURE WAREROOMS, A LARGE LOT OF Bedsteads and Chairs, AND Cottage Setts, The Subscriber is receiving and will continue to receive a stock of FURNITURE. direet frogs the manufactory, consisting of almost ovory arttcle in that lino. J. E. SUARES, Main Street, epposlto tho Expross Office. Sept 29_Sumter, S. C. "MERCER & JOHNSTON. COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 Bowly's Wharf. Baltimore, Md. IM IK undersigned acting ns Agont for tho . above Arm, respectfully solicits Consign? ments of Cotton, upon which ho will nd vance throe fourths of its market value on thc doy of ship? ment lu OAS!!. Cotton hold over if desirod. dm in, Potatoes, Bnoon nnd oilier orders pjompt ly filled upon sntisfaotury tenn?. Oood rofereneo given if required. Requesting your patronage. I reniAin, yours truly, THOMAS T. U I'S ll UR, JR. Dec 22-lin_ _ Notice. rpHK SUBSCUIBEIt bovin? mot with n very L serious loss In getting his orop of COTTON burnt up, hos como to tho determination to offer bis servlcos to the peoplo of Sumter District, as a SURVEVOH, and believe* thal hi? experience for the last thirty years ns Surveyor, will enable him to give satisfaction, for competency and promptness. Reforenoe may be had lo ?ll the old Judges of (be Court tn this Stat?, and tb? Attorneys of Lancaster Bar. JAMBS D. McILWAIN. ?.y H_ ?MOM. ESTATE NOTJOE? ALL persons hnvlng demands against the ca? tato of Samuol J. Bradley, docenred, will present thom proporly proven within tho time re? quired by law, nnd those indebted to said estate will make payment tr'be undersigned at bet r?sidence in Stuteburg, or to har attorneys, Messrs. Richardson A Moses, ?18usaUr B. V. BLl?ABHTH K. BRADLEY, fjteoatrlxi Die 15-if STORES -AKD FOR SALE LOW. 300 mU FL0UR, ??rion? brand?. 10,000 psuuds B*MH S LOM Md SheoUeea. ~ St Bbl? Molasses. 6,000 pound? Sogar, tarr?ouJ ?aalitie*. 10 Saet? Rio, Lagoeyra and Java Oeflee. 3? Bbla Cracker?, diff?rant Made. 100 Keg? Nal lr, ?nor ted titer. 200 Sackt Liverpool Salt, In larg? sask*. 4,000 poonda Colton Ti et. 9 Vafes Heart Bagging? M Bosos ia jail y, and toilet S?ap# 11 Bom Starch, Si Boxes Choioe Ch?eeie. ? Bbls Choice Leaf Lard. SO Boxes Candios. ? Firkins Choioe Gosh?* Cotter. And a full assortirent of Canned Fruit*/ Oyster*, Lobster?, Sardines, Hyson and Black Tea, Fepper, f pi??, Oieger, A?. A. A. Solomons, Cor. Maia k Liberty-Streets. Oct 20 TO ARRIVE 300 BUSHELS Black Seed Oats, -ALSO SEES WHEAT and EYE. For sale Jby A. A* SOLOMONS. Cor. Main & Liberty Streets. Oct 20 ---i-? NEW STORE -IN SUMTES. S. C. fJIHB UNDERSIGNED announce, lo the citisens of Sumter County that h? bas opened a Store at th? old stand of WHITES & LESES, CORNER OF MAIN AND REPUBLICAN STREETS. That b? intends te devot? biiasolf to bot ono branch of trade, that ef BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, and Trunks, &c, &c* of which he will keep a lsrga and varied assort, mont of tho best quality. That having mado nrrnngcm.nts fer a eon. rtant supply direct from tho largest and best MANUFACTURERS In this enuntry, he will sell Aol only nt Retail but Wholesale, AT A LIBERAL DISCOUNT He hopes hy attention aud LOW PRICES, lo obtain a felt share of publie patroling*. Ho roquosls an inspection of his stork. JAMES CALDWELL, lute Of tim (ii tn of I JAMES Mt CALDWELL ? SONS i Charleston, S, & Ont. 0-iut. New Hardware Store, Main-el wider Sunter Hotel; L. P. LOBING, ' Aaajrr yo*.??. .i . 3 ?ACTU10BK, M. Jim" ?J . WevldrospwctfnUy HM?IN to bi? fri??*? ?nd UM pabilo, tnt ba aaa received and opened, at tba above ?stablUfaueat a Stock of Hardware and Family Utensils, I osnhraelaa a vary artic la la tel? Una of business, welch be lateada to ?ell at tba LOW HST r KICKS, FOB CASH. Ba will koop al wa j? ia atora, ? complete ??trott, meat of Collin's Axe?, Ance/flborelc and Spades, Traca Cheine, Hoe*, Rakoa, Pitch F*rkC, Urala Cradle?, Scythe Blades, Quino Salve?, ?? Pocket and Table Cattery, . Brat? Preserving Kettle*, . Tin War?, Window Clara-all ?lae?. Parcont in want of the moat convenient and ? economical 8 to vt?, can be supplied with tb?-] latest Improved patterns at prices which cannot' fall te ?iv? entire satisfaction. May!?_ SUMTER THl ARBUE YARD THC andereigned would at ?et respectfully aaaouneo to tho people of Sumter nnd sur? rounding couutry that they have jun received a SPLENDID LOT. OF M?a rbi ? ? and are now prepared to receive and execute or? ders of all kinds in their line, with nearness and dlspatoh. SMITH & BARENTINB, SUMTER, 8. C. Nov 17 MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods. MISS E. D. BRITTON HAVINt* returned from the North is pre. proparod to offer her friends ana patrons a HANDSOME AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Fall and Winter Millinery, F A Pt CY GOODS? &C. Carefully selected by herself. She will continue to get fresh supplies every three or four weeks, so should anything new occur in the styles of HATS and BONNETS, later in the season, she will be furnished with the very latest. ELEGANT BRIDAL HATS AND BONNETS, .sale to aria* on ebert notice. Coeatry criers will receive strict attontlon. Oct?_tf STOVES. Manufactured it Harbeck, Gonklin 6 Willis, Manufacturer* of Stoves, Tin and Japahcd Wura,1 And Agents fer Kaoline ana enameled Ware. Fer ?alo by I?. P. LOllIXG, Agent, June 9- Sumtor S. C. "FALL AND*1MTD~ CLOTHING, CLOTHS, D. J. WINN -?AGENT FOU Shipley, Roane & Co., HAS now In Store a lnrge and fine ?lock of Fall and Winter dunda, consisting of PINE D lt ESS SUITS, Business Suits, Heavy ?Ordinary Clothing, Fina Cloths, Ca*?im%re?, Cloths for Indies' Cloaks, Salem N. C. Jeans, Shirts, Drawers, Merino Vests, flacks, Suspenders, Cravats, Ac. Possessing unusual ndvantagot, and being in this lino only, ho can and wl'l ?ell clothing nnd cloths, chcapor than they cnn fie elsewhere bought. And all he asks ls a careful inspection and this will bo demonstrated. Oct 6_ . tf PUKE WI11TK OKANlTi: " DINNER S fi T S. 134?,,IKCKS $so>??. ALSO A--. 1 assortment of ORANiTKby tho | icco, l eas and ?otTeos In sets, Coveroed Dishes) Glan War., IMA A vory go'?d assortment of LAMPS, * Lntest Style?. Nov \ J. n. F. ROOXB. French China 44 PIECES for $12.50, at HOON K'S. Notice. IMARTS. HAWKINS, wlfo of J. W. ||?". kins, of Sumter C<-Vtniy. State nf South Parn? 1 .nu. do hereby give nott CO that at the oud nf ono month from tho first, publication (,f |hi4 nol?cu .ho will trade ?* lota trade - In all butinais t.or t?late* b? e>%M??f *? th* plantation formerly owned by.I. W. Hawkin?, In Sumior County rUat? of South Carolina? " J. TD i, G?^IGr, Upholsterer, Manufacturer, AND DEALER IN ., F URN ITU RE, J^ESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS friend* ami patrons thai ho U oow, prep ired to furuUh them wita Furniture, etc, of tho ilifft rent STYLUS ?n i PATTERNS now in use. Mst h KS newwii hand o supply or BED ROOM 'AND ffiOTf AUK SETS. CANE AND WOOD SEAT CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS,, . TABLES, -UttKAUS, CRIBS,. AC; AC SAMPLE PLATES frort th? lest Miiiiufuclit. rersof Bolton sod New York-will bo shown to Surcbuscra and ?ny stylus prefer red, not un und, will be ordered for accommodation of pat? rons-all of which will be sold ut prices to mit tho times. ./. .. I FURNITURE made to order, lu any stylo and ot short uotieo. Manufacturing, Repairing and Upholstery MIOOO promptly, and iu a neut und workuiuuliko manaor. ' Chairs re'cntcd with cane and made a.* goud a i now. Picture Frames of nil si/o?, ROTO W'i.i.l, .U Ut, >nd plain mouldings, mudo lu order, and Looking Classes sot in frame?, und f?rralo. FUNERALS promptly attended to In Town or Country, mn! Metullio, Mahogany, Walnut, or Common Coffins, furnished us required, ut short notice. _J>ec. 8_ _ 6. F. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO P.W?T.-a'WMTBB, .SO.. OA. ?y^'OUtlC)"' respectfully lu?orin lils friends and:tbe puhl'ro of Sumter, and adjoining conn??JF, tluit ho has. recently received ii choice selec? tion of " : i- ?1 . . LADIES* AND GENTLE M ENS' Wat olios, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, &c, Iii? stock embraces nil ;tho laicat styles, and will be sold at nwrtooablo ratos. _Sopt2? _ _. PICTURES, IN THE . HIGHEST AND LATEST STYLES OF ART, ARE NOW TAKEN BY WILDER & WHEELER, At tho Gallery in Sumter, lately kopt by H. B MoCALLUM, such as PHOTOGRAPHE, IVORYTYPES, AMBROTYPES, FERROTYPES, Ao FRAMES or nil sizes furnished. PICTURES colored, und old pictures clcanod and remounted. STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS for salo. NOT. 8_ C. T. MASON. WATCH MAKER AND Si;M TER, S. C. Hos just received ?nd keeps alway? on hand Now and Beautiful Styles of JEWEUtY, F VE li LA SK KS, &0. WATCHES, OLOOiCS and JEWELRY RE? PAIRED WITH DISPATCH, Marchai N?.~8 GROCERIES. til li ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House IN TOWX rji II E u N D ii R ? r a Kn u BEING DULY Authorised to continue 'lie huidiiats of tho Into linn of CHANE A EBER HART, begs leave tn pall tho ll Melt Mon ol his Irldtids mid tho publio goner.illy lu his NEW AND WELL SKLEOTED STOCK Ol' Keatfy and Fancy Groceries Which ho rifler? low f..?* CASA ONLY. ?^.?t- All articles ivwrniutod ns recoil nicitdo ;?->8* Puro Miiillclnnl Lh)VU'rs kept consiiiiitly ?II hand. J. ll. KUKU HA KT. ... Sun iring pm titer. Doc 10 fr F> H?LT0M FOLSOM. 3 ? ? KfW V. it r* ^i jjs^r' ri REMOVED TO J Wi Dar^ar/s ?oufrc(ionery,' One. tfunr Norf fi <>/tin- /'J.ffnr^n (ij)hc Where lu. Is prennrod to A* ult work In lib linc WATCHES. CLOCKS lind JEWEiillY liu.nly repaired and minrxm fd \. hu hnnnitlv nail !'aiiii ?ill.v done. Thankful for pi*, lihcnil pu . .'.I .,'<., h-, |pi||. A I . iitcvil .