The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, September 13, 1894, Image 2

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NS SENTINEL PIcCFNs C. it., S. U. 1GUS & CO., liroprietors. at Pickens Postolico as Second Class ~~zzzzMat 'er. ISORPTION PRICE, UM.50 per Year mvaria "bly in advance; for !ix moitths, 75 cents. Aivertisoments inserted at one dollar per square of one lioli or less for the first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequient insertioli. A Iberal discount made to merhiants and other trertisingfor six months or a year. WF*POSITlON ADVERTISSMENTs P081 TIVICLY NOT TAKEGN. Obituary notices exceeding flve lines, tributes of rebpect, colnmtmicatiozts of a personal character, when admissable, will be charged tbr as advortinints THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1894. CONCORD ALLIANC1C 1IfEETING. I On the 6th inst., the meeting was called to ordor by President W. T. . O'Dell at 11:30 a. M., and at his re. quest was opened with prayer by IRev. G. W. Singleton. The President: "We are to dis cuss alliance iSUes. I Im sorry sjo I few are present, The meetings which i the worthy lecturer has held cver the I county have not been well attended. t The busy season has commenced. I t take pleasure in introducing to you a Col. D. K. Norris." Col. Norris said in sub."tance: "I know the causes of this small audience. The people have ben sur feited with such meetings-not ex actly like this, but practically so in character. Those campaign meetings 'were strictly political. This only partly so. No one not having tho foundation principles of the alliance at heart would come hero today as I have, after having Spoken iat so m1any1 campaign meetings. But I am not hore for votes. All those have been i caught. I comc to discuss 0ur inter ests as alliancemen-as farmers. I am just going to talk facts and fig ures-oflicial census figures. I shall] mano no attempt at or atory or rhet- I oric. I In the '80's, as you all remember, i as our crops were marketed and did a not pan out as in years previous, the t newspapers said 'overproduction.' That there was more wheat, corn, cotton, &c., than was needed for cou sumers, hence prices have gone down. If there are twenty overcoats V in a town or community whero only ten are neededl, the twenty must be hold for less than their intrinsic value. We were confronted with this con-di tion in farm prodlucts. It was bad. About 1888, some said that the State was responsible for it. On that idea the farmers movement was born. Wo I mado a college for farsn the basis of our light. Ric'hardson wan d to be nominated. IHe sulc!cededl. We lost. But I am oil' of alliance mast - ter's and you might rap mie dow'n, but I want to show you what led uip to thei acetion of the alliance. As I saidl, we lost on the college b~asis. In 1890 1 weo met to consider whether to dr'op1 the fight or no, on the bad condition i of tihe farmers andl en the establish mnent of a farmers' college. We warnt edl another plank in our platfor'm. 1 'On that platformi we won the Stato 1 aind have held it since. W'hiaf we have e accomp1lished? We have broughit ennl didates for tile U. S. Senate, tile it highest oflice in the gift of a State,i face to face with the people. Bult one of tile best planks we had we hav'e not stood upon yet. r " We have reapportionod the rep~re- J sentaion of fbe various counties inll the~ house and Senate on an equal f and just basis. We have mnade rail- I roand banks list their pr'oper'ty for c texation same as citizens. (Voico Pull- o rilanCar Co. niot en yet.) We hav'e ire. a funded the State dlbt at a saving of l $80,000 per' annumul whilo tile debt C lasts, ill spite of the asser'tiomn that it it would not be done. We are not here is to backbite each other, but how cani a the opposition deny these things. Another thing which of itself is ni suifficient to compensate for' evr sac rifico we have maide. We hlave built tl a college where poor boys can pro- si cire all education as well as the rich. ci I-had two brothers educated at tihe 01 fMuthi Carolinia College.. I had thleir' i bills to pay. $300 is the minimiium n for board and tuitio~n, besides spend- 0 ing money on to1) of that. A boy ' can go to Clemnsoni for $100 or less. 'n Many wvho cannot spar'e $300 will be f< able to pay.$100 to senid their boys to 'n Clemson. Since this college has been p 'built, Columbia is advertising board tl at $8.00 per mfonth. (: Th~ere is an->thler thing which wvill 3 earry the name of reform shting downi C 0o- posterit.y. 14 is tile college for o womens at Rock 111h. The highest l and best interests of~ the mnother's of t -this country- has been overlooked' ( 6'otn 1804 to the present. This glo1 t'y was left for the reform movementt .to regdeo itself with. We 'hatre also, settled the vexed qu'estion of a Stte constitutional con.. vention. *There has always been op. > position to it' It is a matter of great h-importaince. .Bome of our pledges atmot be redbhemed till the constitti is changed. One is biennial ses dus of the logitilature. Otdt of for S9 tate#Ml ? sixB1 have arnius Paah9Qnpsooe Under our present constitution, ou: ree Schools are Starved. Schools il )ities are not affected, because thei idd to the two mills, and run thei1 sohools for nino months. But th -ountry only has the two mills ait hat divided with tho negroos. Ther ire 234,000 taxpayers to support ii chool 431,000 pupils, and 55 pei ont. of them negroes. This wil carrant, every sacrifice. The people by their representativoi tavo endorsed four educational insti utions, not to mention tho negr< ichool at Orangeburg. We arn Iledged to them. Now what hav< ve done? Fi'e bo il o( hundre( eo the ilsido of a college. Nov dhat have you done for your boyi id girls? Under this administration ther ins been generally increased indut rial activity. This has been denie< n figures and newspapers, and it ha lcen stated that capital is sliuntair ho State oil account of tho reforr ,overnment. This is not true. tate here to refuto it that factoric Lro doubling their capacity, chartei Lro being issued to newi' colpani md one-third of tho railroads bui n1 the United States in theI lae *welNve months, was bililt in Sou Jarolina, and Texas is largo enioug to innke nin of uis. These tre sol >f the doings. Now I revert. A rarmers, not as reforimeis, we foui otton going down, down. W het mid othler i.oducts doing th 1n1111 l'o alliance came. The reform : )rotglt corrected and cured alse! >it it did not answer the great que: ions. "Whaf, is th Iimatter," sail lie South, and the Northwest al wered. We camle together in St Jo(i-s. Is it thriftlessness? Thos io said it ire ashtliIed to sayN it tanl, 10ore. Increased production decnie What is it? I'll give you fach nd figures as I see my friend is put ng Me down. The peoplo aire industrious. Crop re miarvelous, hence we are chargea ith overproduction. This lils beet higed in tho last fewv weeks. I oietimes charge this iyself. W, r cert prod'Icing)' too niitch fol he present rat of coistiuniption. I f wo mtake 9,000,000 hales of coltot 11d only 8,(!00),('00 are needted, ther too much. Blut give us the aiclil l the country will coisutno 10, 00 000 hales. You believe there i tothing inl overpi;rod nc Lion and yol .rc right. When the Urni ted States mado al lost 10 bushels corni per apita ii 880, it was 95 cents per bushel. I, 885 it was (3 bushels per catpit an bie priie wast 77 cents. In 1890 i as 0 busheols per caplitai and1 th<i rice was 83 cents. In 1 893 it wt .ot quite (3 bulshels per caplita ami1 he price wvas 53 cenlt;. As the eroj lecreaised the price decreaised. In 18801 thio cot ton crop was 51 ounds per capiitta at 10 cenls peo oundl; in 1885 it was 50 pounds pe apitta at 10.0 pe pound; in 1889 9~ pounids at .099 p~er p~ounid; in 1891 was 70 pounuds, at 10 cents; ini 189: was 4I01 uds at 7 cenlts5. Tih, se figures coni rovtovert Orpre ucotioni. What theni? Produce miore 'his was the queistionl in 1889 in St souis. Col. Polk said: "We protes vith roverenieo that it is not God' ault, nor the fault of the farmeri. t is the linlancial systemi of ourgov rinmlent."i This is the1 conluior~) f the alhiainco. The system is usec ad worked in the( interest of thk ton ey classes. We have p)romiulgat (1 principles to coimbiat this usage o The prtiniple of the subtreasur' to put all en satme footiing. Yii nid I should be att no disadvantag< 'ith men of large fortiuines. Mounic ion buy bonids, deposit them it ashington and~ get, 90 per ceint oi ieii to carry home to circulate ati ichi advantage to thiemselves as the in1 squeeze out of us. They pay~ io por cent tax. Government gives ino tenths to them as capitatl. It, is it right to give themi this advantagc ocr us because wo arO not favored, ho0 poor1 peopl)1 who aro dienied thit ould be the first iln the army to (1. mid the couintry, and add 1mor1 to itt onlith than all the bankers. Thc ick, tihe hammer, the sawv, the hoe 10 plow, add to our wealth. Baink r's do not. 6,000,000 farms suipporl 0,000,000 1)eop)1 and furnish 74 por ant of our exports. "Morton is an ther Cleveland. Hie is one of hit ig fish. .Borrouighs of Mich. said here has1 been 30 billions added t( ur wealth sinice 1800. Whi'oe hat t goneT4 Henry Grady said iln on< tecade in Georgia, the0 country losi 10 per cent and the townis gained 5(t mor cent. Look at Nowv York,. Chica go,. Boston, how they glitter. I def' y'on to find any of that iln tile country Aro we over to be puppets? I hav< dlono wvell since thle war, but for th< tast fivo yoars I would have fare, bettor, had I dono nothing. Th Northwest has lost millions. Th it-ops brought money, but whore hn b gonet The final roport on the orc of 1893 shows sume facts which I I I i want to burn into you, that you may tulk see how the crop was sacrificed. Corn will 37J cctsi, Wheat 04, Rye 51, Oats weel 28, Potatoes 07, Tobacco 74, Cotton our < 1 .009 against .084 in 1892. Products bett< I without an exception gone down. of tl t You know know flour is. The best thin, : patent flour at the mills $2.70 per is tb L bbl. How can they live? I intend- ty fc ed my speech to be all figures. In of k 1888 agricultural interests employed od. 44 per cent of the population and Kin had twelve billions invested and mado The 3 two billions profit. All other inter- od. 3 ests had $2,700,000,000 invested and mon I made $5,G00,000,00 profit. Our in- of t como was 0 per cent. The income of 27tli i tho others was 200 per cent. Here ston we are devoted to this government. Wli Are we going on at this rate? Now him you see whero your money is going. Nor 1 It is going to thu glaro and glitter of witl s the towns. Your childron have a vore . school two months. Town children Thu i go to school all the time. They atr mar I educated. Yours tire ignoramuses. mar - "In the last campaign people asked solli -S the candidates this, that and the oth- buy , or question, but did not ask the im- dot lt portttant gio3tion. 'The Alliance the t had projected a scheme-the Sub- tect hi treasury,the principal of which is this wou h1 goverinint shall not favor one set of we i e mn more than another. If wo can are s inake it safe, why should not the gov- cori (I ormient lend money to you and me? wha . Soine pc(ple are Opposed to the gov- T . erimtuent lending money. I (10 not joul it cnre whet.her it. lends it or not so it ;, treats all alike. If withlield from 0 Ol ne it should be withheld from ill. o I This is the sub treastiry scheme, to get ionvy out of the control of the M batiks and have it issued direct to the people. It is right, correct and just and inmu1st prevail. This is till that is contended for and it is bound to come. I have it -word of censure but cannot u1s13 it here- you do not deserve it. ( Farniers ill other places havo stood by ad1(l done nothing. We have six of our men in Congress and one inl 1 the Senate. I censure (a-, A lt., 'ex., La., Ark., Miss. Cleveland was ma11tde President only by seven votes. If 0oni of thiose States ha1d stood by South Carolina lie would not be pres ident today, Cleveland is the friend of caupitil. Carlislo turned agamust i the people after devoting twenty years - of his life to their service and went s into Cleveland's cabinet, also a friend I of capitl. Morton was appointed to overlook te in terests of thirty million - /firnmrs, and11 the first ting he did in the taricult ural dIepar-t ment was to lower its digniiityv, for which we fought amnd for which Aiken fought, by cutting down its expenses $3G ),000 He[~ is goi-)g to trim it down. The fairmters of republ icani Now Hamip shire aked the Presidenit to remnove htimt. Not a sottherni state but a state nestling in the motutains of Sthe North. WVhen I go to the national alliance, r I shall see that derelict States are broug~t upi. Wh'Ien that is done, you -3 will see such chantges in wvashiington Sas will make you think this is a gover-nmient of tihe people. -Joel .H. MuIiller, the worthy' lecturer, was tltben presenited. Hie said: "I will nlot take upi muach oif your time. I want. to call atteintiont to a few things The sub-treatsury has been well ex plained. TI.he altlianneo thinks tho gov' ernmen3itt should owvn the railroads. The newsparpers tell us of great tan nloyanco beitweenl the railroadls aind their emuployes. Thle go~ve rnment -would stdop. thaut. 'Mumch trouble to 'the c'ounttry woul thus he spared, and1( it would bo better for all con cornted. We aullow puiblic roads to pass over pieople's land because theirj use is for. the public. Itailroads get tihe use( of laud the~ samte way. .Uecause it ist for the( pubilic goodl. Then if it is for thle pub)lic good, let, the govern mtent own) andi operteut( the railroads. Years augo whlen Chicago was burn ing?, they took (dynamtite and put it under peop~le's houtses andio stores ando b~lew thtem to pieces to stop) the firo because it was for' the public good1. Thtus millions of propeorty was dle stroyed. Anlothe(r reason. John Slher. man said the reid cost of the rail roads in tihe United States was $2, 000,000,000. Now tI'ey tare wvateredi iul to $7,000,000,000. If that he so all who have p~rop~erty are helpitng to pay div'idends on $5,000,000,000. Otherwvise we would have to pay on I$2,000,000,000. Forty-five peor cent. of the railroads are already ini thio hands of receivers, so tho goverfmmnt - has posses-ion of nearly hlalf now. Itailroadls owe tile goverinent mnil lionsB of dollars today for theuir equip.- o inents. Lands have beeun donated to gluis them-about 211,000,000,000 of acres hp to fifty-eight road1s. They owe ihe of fi -government $25,000),00J0, and the itn(ets 3 terest nowv runus the sum up to $45,- (lare 000,000. Olney, the attorney gee- . l i, the railroad attorney, has asked Newt 0 the government to lend them the Co money 100 years. We can get these -court aroads now. Jutt close them out like P Jw' are closedL out whnn we nan't nay im glad Col. Norris came. is will put us to thinking, then we talk. The meetings held this were to put us to thinking for wn salvation. We could all vote ,r tomorrow. It is not the fault is State that we have not these a. Our people are not posted, o reason we have not the majori r the right.' Hosea says for lack nowledge my people are destroy Read the 10th chapter of 1 s. It was then like it is now. ee are great questions to be solv The Queen of Shoba tried Solo with hard questions. The secret Le whole thing is in the 26th and . verses, by his making silver as es and codars as sycamores. m sho heard it so ca'no to prove with hard questions. One thing -is did not touch. The farmor one balo of cotton should be fa ,I as much as one with a millioni, s lie could sell on a protected ket as well as buy on a protected kot. But it is the opposite. His ng market is unprotected and his ng market protected. Lawyers, ors and other professions have sub-treasury by which they pro their fees. Our sub-treasury Id mako us the same way. When vant law, we have to pay what we asked. Wheni the peoplo want and cotton, they should pay t we ask." lie meeting nias thou declared ad ed. ino fat mackeral, three for 25c. at ris's. en May Come AND (o Away, But E ARE HERE I IlERE TO STA~~ We can Print any thing from a visiting card to a Bible, and do it as cheap and as neat and artistic as the best. You Need Anything in the way of Noto Heads, L e t t e r Heads, Bill Heads, En velopes, Circulars, Dod gers, or anything else in the first-class Print ing line, we are hero to cater to your wishes. A trial is all that we ask. Estimates given on Law Briefs, and all kinds of Book Work on app~lica tion. ckens Sentinel Job Print inthrop Stato NTormal Colleg0, COLUMBIA, 8. C. en to white gir-ls over 17. Bes'ion be Sept. 26th. Graduates secure goodl ens: Each county given two scholar. -one worth 8150.00 a sssion anid one' ac tuttam. Filrst scholarships now van in counties of Abbeville, Aiken, An n, Barnw~ell, Beau fort, Charleston, nd~on, Chest er, Chlesterflehl, Florence, aville, GJeorgetowvn. Hampton, Halrry, saw, Laurcasnter, Laurenis, )Lexinugton,. asry, ()conec, Orangeburg, Pickens, and, Sumter, Spartanburg, York. npetitivo examination July 17th at Il onse of 'each coumnty, Add re'ss, D). B, JGllNSO0N,. President, Columbia, . C . T-MW-O PAPER For One's Price. BY SPECA.L ARRANGEMEN] WITH THE ATLANTA VJEXLI CONSTITUTION We arc enabled to offer it with '1'l] SENTINEL for oneyear for $1.50, clubi bing subscriptions to be sent to this oll r11d accompanied by cash. LIBERAL PRIZE OFFER" Every subscriber to this remarkable club ing proposition is entitled to enter TV( PRIZE CONTESTS, sending his guesse; For the $1,000 Cotton Crop Contes1 In which there are FOUR PRIZES offere for the NEAREST ESTIMAT'1'ES of ti size of the cotton crop of 18913-4, now hc ing marketed, and award to be made a soon) as the New Orleans Cotton Exchan announces the oflicial crop figiures. $401 IN GOLD for nearest guecss to thle crot: $200 prize for second, $~200 prize for third |$ 100 for fourt h, $100 f,:r L fth. Crops for recent years have been a follows: In 1 888, 7,017,707 bales; in 18891 (;,9;15,082; in 189(0, 7,313,726; in 1891 8,655,518; in 1892, 0,700,365. In addition to thei above every clubbing subscriber can enter our combination FOR JULY-AUGUST, Supply the missmng word in the follow~ ing senitence: lie crept to this pla5ce and wvaited aLf veratble opportunityv. It came at onc~e, f( the keen cars of the guard heard some un usual sound as TIhurabi crouched belbma the---- - ONE FOURTIH of the net, subscriptio1 rceipts of those entering this contest wil bie divided among those w~ho supply th~ correct word in the blank in the above sen tence. Thus, if there are $5,000 one fourtl would be $1,250. If ten suppl~)y the corrc wordl, each would receive $125, if 100, cael $12.50, &c. Both of the above contests free anid ini add(1 ion to TW O PA PERIS Vor the Price of One. [las a cIrculatIon of 156.000, a' P~EOPLES PA PERI. It favorsr orm, an Inldividlual Income Ti: lExpansion of the Currency to ~icient to meet the legithnato niundcs of tho country, It covers theo news of thie week, having news correspomuk nowa centres of the world. We oI~er you TIE ENS SENTINEL a ATLANTA WT CONSTITUTTION per year. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. L (PIEDMONT AMR LINE.) Routo of tho Groat Vostibulod Limitod. CONDENS1o SeliEDULP Og PASSCNGE r TIHAINS, Ili Efert Au1gist Ist, 1894. - Vt-. Ifa je' L tI Mai17' Nor'tlbounti. N :.18 No, . 1t " iiDa'ilyt''' 'tny " Atho t (i 1 .N "im v . 1 pi . '%Ill 66 W itNt.t1 .t ii; 0 1 W CI tl 911 pil' N ore 'os ... ....3.... .... . t I.:i A lItit'or.1........ .... 11.6 m ti I At Ile. ".15 u 11.: A it1 I 'tIll:7 . i . li . . ....till " t i y ...... .. . . . . . . . . . I IIA .) o " N L T ry ...... . ... .. . . . . 1 .1 i " V lt ; . .. .......... Sl Ile ., i i. i. t. .i . . l t;, 1 p l Cel itrI..... .. 4 i 1 . r vpill.... " I: r ia.I . I.lit " (.- . ... . 4', ill "!1 x:t.,. . r .. 1 p. I n 1.11 "(a~stonhl A r.('h:1-;,11 . .I it !1 1 fi i Ar. 'tt i - - 1 Ar.i n -t i 4 il' .;: '' . . . jug ill titttttad (lt . 3ui N t tit it In I1 Iiul 01 Yo: r:a' 1 . i,. - " . ' . . . . .i. ...1... No . . 12 ... 8.10A atn Ft6 '.i.tiid ut .It! ]),I t 1 .-'; i utl A VIA n."n ~oLI 7I i- 7t' ;'T i, d I , ...... tn o A11.19 ani Cvw~1211 pitii .....I. p .- n ,-:1:I .- l l W .i .al- 1!y billt xl t.t1 ..' anti... 1i 1i' . l . . . . ~ ~ ~ .I . . . . . . . &illt .. . .....i ......... . . . t. p il ' .... ....- .o1 ill' Ain tiii on'tttlL, ay .i:l a - A~ ~ ~ rI A11 , ;wI I it'(pitt i [;it tr I CS" for1-- t~it ii o gv itla W.Ir T.I D A I 01 : (IC , X, -,x Now 0r. , .J. *, . '.l( AN -i'. 's L tit an '7i : 1'.'AN *A Zt'. t tii \Vii' iiit~ II toll~~121 and vi .w :a;I. Nos. 1 .til l 12e'j C\ I:- w;, ititi T " or ar... i:i:' la l t i l S tratIlt'liw l'I. tl :I. No. t N * t'(tlti. thw L' l''. , '. 6 r .l i A II.n P i Id 11 ! ') Ull'I'h''.f.. ot . 1 i -ai'c P oti Iit- ... Pn nit. -%iciiue tvl t sI W1. on iO Iadr 1 is W. leA n 4t! ... T UI o'.'. III t ICIC . " ~iil -s . A,*. A -*' U i r lI iAn , , n"".N0-r exingn , n. , i 'A liaso: Ai (111t ethwt nv "J.he n ,- l.r cont inm Bne W .1 ( lf . .... ... -I 1 (arte Asla.. CogrsioalC g in Fytecut, e nteh en rl. .I. . 1 - l in ClDrk . ri. . iC in" Gantto. h7e N. oed frmhi.ore syngh hAs Ataing 1-thre stb n th- rat C as ecapd.\: n edlo~l Schoulo, In llect Aug. 16t, 'j4. Tra . run by 77d-h Moritllan Tno. SIA'T-ON- -- .... ... ... ... ... ... .. 11 t1.......... :1 Nt x Still).__ 3.10___ w . 26 S x . --....... .. . ( , .'a i l 1....... .r..- ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110. 3. ......................... Ai . 1- - - -- .... . ..... . Ahovi- - 1 1 O l (- - - ... . . . . . s . O lhll a - - - . -----.. .. .. ....... . 3 - -. ........ 1.1. Ab .'.u v -.- - . - - .- 11 .......... . 4 L b - : . *::- ----. (;r.n.. .. .. . 12.3 e.N i etv-.x...-.- .... 2. -.. . .. . . 4 1 "r..r.. y............... . 2. e1 wer --adei' I il 111 11 1,1 11111( l o V ----y. --- ii I tbDatily, DE SI ST.\TIONS 1.1o ) !t. n .i I... W III~ I lll. r st o. , . 1 '. iap l r ... (~ recolvile---- 1.... m' .%.0i and Ashevli 3.1 .1.... . .m1 p~ Lvi ,z.h l 'ill A 10 lt.45atn'1... -) - - I 1 1 Un '.1 ,m 't 4 5 r 3'0 atn)i 1.... II. " 'Ph 3)111 h .11.3I~u )111 32 S'I t" I-: ni il:\ A lvEliu'~ 1'~ O in)t 3.Q. -MN ' I tI i in " ..~l r hlo. .. tt-t.opi C .1( .l" 7n t 10pin .M .1)oa . 111 o .o tsvle "1(.8 i 12.4( '2 piani 7.,-113 1 I " . I' "I c t . .. !t 10.:t:pin 12.21 -I I I . r I- ilrt'b'g'Lv 10.O. (Iul 1p il.! ....... .> bi I t 'h'g A r 10.l3itIp) 1.3( 1 V-t! N n .\ rAshei)Z l ljI l no riln .41. N., I md 12 iirc bliit trains betietn Ciar : !.I l \\allut~la. SIpi a ti i.ri,;anhmr;. A. nlm I C. divis r:h nl .(tI! -. Inl.. I. I p- inl., .2211. m .. (A mi int oil. 1 hi uln.m., 1.01 .. 11; . est ihtI.lId .lbite t): W, 11 W. N. C. -lhi In, 8.15 p. mil. forl ient T'ns 'catve G rnville. A. und C. Divis ,r;:i i :!i m. I 0 1) Inl.. Mind 5,"t pam.,(iT ,10!Ac 1.1:nitvtdt: semnihbouni. 1.52a. mi., 4.1, 1 ..i m it ., I \'V stil>:t .t M itt . TI 'ave n n.A. l C. aivision, no01 S -i1. 1;a. ml. wil 1.3.> P. m.; southlbounti, I a id . .-1 I) 1I'' 11.M AN IIAW1 IVE. C ' in Ih in, 'or oi Tratins -(1 :7.:t ud :;-.< n ,t\.:mid C'. D)ivisiotn. Ta I. - :.nlsi la k ; rry l'kut ii tt bleepors ln.,; nti - ltln i.(A.> pealug. . 1. ; . J. &M. CULP, I ~ .' T~'r C Traille Mg. h!?I-!q . n D. C. . .' ati-pt.. (;I Al t IIII . S. C . A.1.' . 11 I At1)WICK, .(;(n 1 Pass. Agt.. \V . il-n 4.!1 1). C. AIlanta, Ga. CEATLANTIIC COAST LIN"vWA a nt hetnertn ('ltrht-ston mnd Columbi -1 e's r N t-th Gathit andc \\estetnx Nort ;' d ' .); A tIhon; 1.,1 al inta. Condelsing % . Going 'I - . T.\T lO S. *Noll . .... hV th ie t n S.-' .. R .........\.. '... b ............. . ..herrrl a f A-... ...... e nil ..........10 inna Iii'y. No . ' d:3 i3 sol id Itains between hIrle.lttf ' (1111d ('idntrtbbl, ii. VA. II . -M F.RlsON, A ..'t G.en'l l~'atsenger A gent. R. : \: !.Y T. '. i.:M 1.:lsox, Ge'rt' l Mne.TricMage 11llon, at Murris'.. I s(ll as gootd goods, as manlfy of ('m) for as lit ile montey, and mxake lift lo fuss'i aboult it as anybody. A. T TENTION YOU WANT TO BUY GOOD) PIANO, ORGAN R SEWING MACHINE, CALl li US OR WRITE, dIexander. Bros. & Co reenville, S.9C 4 Corrodspsystles. of5nunhet dose ~ - GO CENYS3 PER GO0 L.E -MF VMLUACLE (NFORMATION PUEE, a SAL. 13 DyrUGnGISTS