The Pickens sentinel. (Pickens, S.C.) 1871-1903, August 16, 1894, Image 1

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VOL. xxiI. .IKES NO. 48. HUSA. AGS TIlE ANDERSON METIN ONE OF THE LARGEST HELD DURINC THE CAMPAIGN. Evans and Ellembo (1o for A Eah Ot r and their Parirzns Applannt Theum. The Senatoial (iendidates ae Very 11Mid. ANDE101SON, 8. C., August. 7.-Two thousand live hundrcd people sat on an old cotton platform, with a contingent perched in Ihe trees near by, to hear and whoop up the day's performance. Ellerbe gave Evans a sheolic drubbing, and the slight but manifest preponder ance of the crowd was apparently in sympathy with him. The two elements were not altogtthier friendly with each other, and they howled mutually and all in a jumble in entertaining antago nism. Governor Tillman bpoke last. The candidates, without exception, had departed, leaving the field to him, the reporters and the unanimous, voluble and jolly Tillman boys. About 500 however, of the audience had left. The Governor and the remainder had a roy al old time together which they enjoy. ed immensely. Jcsh Ashley composed a large portion of the audience and was heard voluminously. CANDIDATES FOR THE STATE OFFICES. Gen. Richbourg spoke first, and was willing to admit that "lie was wrong in permitting his name to remain on theillaskell ticket in 1890." Four or live cheers hailed Gary Watts, who stated that "he had been criticised and even black-balled for doing his duty and being a Tillman ito." Next came Jones, Whitman, Keitt, Yeldell, Wilborn and Grayin the order named, with scintillations interpolated from Joshua Ashley. Gray stated that his own county convention had endors ed hii'candidacy. THE GUBEUNATORIAL CANDIDATES. Mr. John Gary E4;vans was made su premely happy by long continued cheers when be was introduced. Evans 7 read an anonymous note inquiring if he had not said or intimated that he would oppose W. A. Neal for re-elec. tion to his present oflice. Evans as serted that Neal had come to him and asked him to lead his light for superin tendent of the penitentiary and he had done it. Now he had heard that Neal was fighting him, and (passionately) "I will fight any man that lights me." This raised the ire of one Josliu Ashley, standing twenty feet in front of the stand, who insisted loudly that Evans should "return good for evil." Evans: ".Josh and I are together." The crowd howled and counter-howl. ed. Josh appeared inflamed and blared sonorously. A citizen near the tstand: "4You shut up, Josh," A remark which he repeat ed several times with trim mings. Finally the chairman begged for quiet, and Evans explained that Neal had sent him word by his (Evan') brother th at he was not lighting him, and that he would support Neal as he had always supported him, so long as he was true to the IRerorm movement. Evans referred to the fact that Eller be owned a plantation and store, anti shouted, "All of you who have paid a lawyer $50 hold up y our hands." Two hands were raised (a symptom that law is cheap in Anderson.) "Now.' said Evans, "all of you who have paid a merchant $90 or $100, hold up yours' and a good sized forest of them rose and the shriekers shrieked. Mr. Evansended with the usual hand primary on the opening of the dispen sary, with the same old iesult. The entire audience did not vote; it never does. Mr. Evans closed, antlI an1 enor mous bouquet hurled from the crowdl narrowly missed crushing him. Dr. Pope declared that lie diti not want to be elected if he had to appeal to passion and prejudice. This he fol lowed with hard blows in advocacy of the constitutional convention, emphai sizing the necessity of a solution of the negro question by the passage of a limited suffrage provision. H~e defond ed the sub-treasury valorously. Miy friend Evans, said Dr,. 14; mais es ii of what I have~ said, lie talks like 1e could grease a mian'r ears ande swallow~ him whole. I'm not this sort of' a man. .Here ,Josh Ashley's hands clapped to gethier. Mr. T.iindlai, after going in t he his tory and theory or iae Reform move mont and impressing the importance ofi education, assertedl that lhe had come into "the race to cringe and crawl be fore no man ." lie had fought in the ranks for Reform in the dlays when its friends were a minority, and now that all its objects have been accomnilished, they talk about turning us o1(1 horser * out. ,"1 don't believe you are going tc do it,~ he said, with a confidenta air. Touching the dispensary ho said, that it should not be a partisan qluestion) because thousands of Conservat~ivee favored the law and many Rteformert opposed it. it Wyas rnot Originally e Reform demand, it was a moral ques tion anid could not be enforced with sentiment divided, but the great ma jority of the pecple were behind it. 'The people came to me two years age and told me that I was t heir choice for their next Governor. If I have been wheedled out of the oflIco by trump cards played by political workers in the State, I can't help it. Ellorbe was introduced and a cheer was given rivaliing the Evans demon atration.' There were counter cheeri for Evans. Ellerbe promptly began the span~kinog process and the Evand crowd became restive. They jeered, Mr. Ellerbe repeated his usual attack on Evans, but spoke wIth unusual pow er. Ellerl-e people on the right yelled and Evansites on the loft shrieked. The chairman advanced but Ellerbe repolled him saying: "I can handle jhis crowd." The fuss was kept up for several minutes, Ellerbe and the crowd dividing time about equally. Noise grew louder as Ellerbe's lick became harC'ar., Joshua Ashley was frantic with delight. Evans Is making the "Iletsy andl the h~ar claim,"exclaimed the[speaker. Gov. Tillman told him at W innsboro that hle had nothing to (10 with refunding the State debt and now he is going around claiming credit for. Evans interrupting: "Governor Till man did not say it." Ellerbe, emphatically: "H[e did say it. lie is here and can speak for him self." Evans entered another denial. Mr. Elierbe asserted that he had uin. derstood that Eyans represented the sgndicate in the bend purchase and not the State an( that pvanis wits to receive several thousand dollars for it. Ellerbe alluded to the Glovernor hav Ing attempted to get Evans to with draw front the race, and declared that he would not, have entered it had he not been ass.ired that he would not, have to scramble for it. "(an you plow ?' asked a m an. "Yes, get a mule and I'll teach you something about it." (Great cheers.) "When Evans says .L withdrew from the Alliance," continued Ellerbe, he knows he does me irijustice and tells an untruth. Evans: "You were given a demit. I didn't say you withdrew." Etlerbe: "Well, why didn't you say so at 11 rat." Mr. Ellerbe next denounced as falso the insinuation that lie avoided the Governor during the Darlington riots. "I was at the mansion," he decl ired energetically, "I found Mr. Evans there with the Governor- He was the scared est fellow I ever saw In try life. Ills face was pale as death. Instead of go ing to the mansion to defend the Gov ernor and his family he was seeking protection himself." The remaining remarks of Mr. Ellerbe regarding the Alliance and a variety of other mat ters, the public are already familiar with. The band played and the boys were exuberant for Tillman. TIE SENATORIAL CANDIDA TES. Senator Butler waited until their noise subsided. "When I was elected to the Senate In 1876, I never expected to obtain my seat. I should prefer to have died on the field of battle than to have gone through what I did then with my mouth closed and my hands tied." The Senator declared that he had never been identified with either party in State politics and never ex pected to. The papers of both sides criticised his conduct. The Conserva tives had criticised him for standing by his principles of fifteen years held long before the Alliance was born or thought of, in his fight against the re peal of the Sherman act. le denied the slander that Democratic Senators had been bought. The newspaper re porters and editors, he said, had not done the Senate tariff bill justice and had failed to giye the bill's true pur port. Then he declared that the bill was one of tLe best ever presented, and announced himself in favor of the re peal of the 10 per cent, tax on State banks as a measure of financial relief. As Senator Butler drew towards his conclusion there were intermittent cries for Tillmand and sit down. The Senator said he had intended to close, but since they were so impolite as to interrupt him, lie believed hc would speak half an hour longer (More cries for Tillman.) Senator Butler began to speak again and the crowd howled. The noise par. tially subsided and the Senator closed. The band broko into "Dixie" and the crowd cheered. The Governor was introduced, hats waved and the Tillman ovation was given with a vim. It was some miii utes before the Governor could quiet the enthusiasm. "I've got a good voice and a brass throat. You can all hear' me If you'll sit down." The Governor, defending the August convention, asked: "You want for Governor a man as imuch like me as you can get, who will keep the wagon in the middle of the road. Now, do you want to give the An-Is a chance to come in and dotermine who of the Ito form candida'es shall govern you? If that Reform coimittee, which meets in Columbia tonight, should be so treacherous as to call off the Reform convention, then you will have to watch andl pray, too, to save your selves." 'Thbe Governor put. in a few wordr' for the nispensary, c:haracteOri'inlg its en actment its a comnpromnise beotween "comnmon sense and~ ' fanaticism ," and e-xplaining his reasons for reopening it. The Governor- dliscutssed the price of liquor, and said the dispensary expect edl to sell a cheaper wvhiskey, 81) per cent. insteadl of 100) proof at $2. .Josh Ashley: "(live itt o us for $1.50." TUillman: "Yuon shan't have it at that prlice." (A pplause.) Th'le Governor ini talintg on 11he suh t reasury askedl when had sub-treas urv t'ver wvon a lilht.. lie said thet ptoliticians are In league with thle littler men(0 t o elect men to the Legislature on the ()cala andi sub) treasury platform. A fler they get to the Le'gislat tire they will vote for l1utt ler. Voice: "'liut we have got our eyes open." The Governor assertedi that ii T'om Watson andi other Southern leaders will tight right and use juidgment, thme whole Sit wvill be ready to go to the WVest in a body in a short, time. The Governor saidi there is a bribery fund of a half ilion dlollars to boat himt. The crowd shou~it.ed that it couild not be bought. The Gover nor advised the crowdl not to let any nub-freastury man who is willing t~o swallow the courthouse come in and( try to0 ~iat himi. Terriblie Ear#thqui~ake. ILOND)ON, Aug. 8 -A dispatch fromn Rome to the Central News Agency says that many personis have been k illed and an enormnous amiounit of damage (lone to property by an earthqujtake, which visited Sicily this afternoon. The Rome correspondlent of the Ceon tral News telegraphs this evening as follows, "The earthquake centered in the province of (Gatanmu,. rThe towns of Fleri, Aci and P'isane were tot ally de stroyed and great dam age was (don1 in Rtennissi and Safarana. Fifty persons were killed and scores were severely injured. Hundreds of villagers lied from their homes into the open coun try, abandoning everything. The gov ernent offlcials are sending supplies an l surgeons to the distressed dhis. Hung by ils Eyebrow. NonnTSTrOWN, P a., Aug. f.-li rn Supple was the victim of an agomz',ing accident near Merion Station last even ing. H~eis the of Mark Supple, and was standing upon a box feeding coWs. In making a spring to Juimp from lis perch, his head struck an iron hook used for holding the lantern. The sharp point of the hook passd umnder his right eyelid and came out above the eyebrow, suspending bim from the grouind. The torn and bleeding fleah was strong enough t~o hold, but -lhe almost fainted from the dreadful torture. Seizing a beam ablove his head, young Supple pulled his body up so that the hook slippsd from tha Wond - TlE LA1' S1MErING OF THiE CAMPAIGN HELD AT ABB' VILLE ON WEDNESDAY. 'l lu Fts al asi aUnit a O it plrem t (h Urt wel, litt 'in. '. P'a'tliotle .Sieech---Thesf (4 ii.nerna torinl (OAusdletistes Havn Titelr U- nal LJvey but (1o0d N.,41 m rt Tilt. ABnEVILLE, Aug. 8.-Dawn in a shadv hollow under big pines and pop lars, 2.500 to 3,000, soeio say 3,500 peo ple including (00 Georgians from Mi bPrton most1y Tillmanites, generally nicely dressed and well behaved, and many pretty girls, sat and heard the reverberation of the campaign die away. Senator Butler (lid not speak more than live or ton minutes. The Georgia visitors are said to have bean Populists. It is certain they were not for Butler, or at least t hey did not ap. plaud him. TILLMAN AND BUTLER. Chairman Bradley tallied the crowd, begged that Abbeville's reputation be preserved and that attention be given all the speakers. le introduced the Governor, who advanced and began. Not a sound was heard. The Governor, alter a few remarks, observed that he had more friends in South Carolina than any man. (Whoops, short, sharp and loud,) The Governor enumerated what has been done by Iteform that is of value to the people and State, beginning with the choking of Coosaw into submission and going through other things as fol lows: Giving the people the right to see candidates before vot ing for them; making Railroad Com missioners elective by the people direct; reapportionment of the State; primary elections; refunding the State debt; building Clemson Coliege and the Wo. man's College; collection of railroad and bank taxes and maKing corpora tions obey the law after a hard light; calling a constitutional convention, and, last and greatest, the Dispensary law. The Governor was applauded as he went through this list and spoke strongly and forcibly of the various achievements of the greatest of all movements. When discussing the scarcity of mo ney there were many sharp comments by the crowd. Tie (Gvernor asked what is money ? Voice: "We haven't seen enough of it to know." (Applause.) The Governor begin to skin and stew Cleveland. Voice: "Roast the old devil." (laughter.) Tillman: "I'm just getting realy to give him his medicine." (Applause.) le was more than usually bitter on Cleveland and Congress and repeated his charges that Congress had been bought, referring especially to corrupt and bought up Senators. The Gover nor's pet plan of getting the South and West together, politically, was given a good deal of attention by him. lie in cidentally said that he had seen nobody against him because he was against the sub-treasury. lie declared that there are hundreds of men in the Alliance who will swallow a court house or any thing else to get to the Senate. I t was thtese men who were kicking up all this row. The politicians had always been against him and nov have knives up their sleeves for him and will con tinue to kee. ulhen op there, hitt his strongtl lay with the coimon people and wool-hat boys. (Great, cheering.) Ito said the Alliancei inl Georgia fol-. lowed Toi Watson ouf and was lying in a ditch with it's neck broke. ( l'ho boys split teio air.) "I'liere are some men in l he Stat,"' shouted the Giover'nor, "whoi want, me to get. on the Ocala platform ithh all fours. Some Of t hiosei men wmild~ s wallow anything t.o get to the U1nited States Senate." 'T'he Governor spoke oii in lis usutal plc turesque style and the boys kept uip itheir commlents. A young man just, beneath the standl got into an old1 time camp meeting hurrah and yelled histor ically. Whien the Governor endied the usual demonstration occuredl. I t was Whlen General lHuler was itroduced lthere wvas seime dliscourtesy toi him as, "we don't want to hear you," "go home" etc. Chairman Blradley as-ked tor' q uiet and the tusai subsided. Gen. Blutler welcomed the Georgians thanking them for thu aid they gave us in '7fl. lie spoke of his record andi declared tht his happiness did niot de p~endi on his return to \Vashington, anid lie was readly t~o bow to thle will of the p~eopl', if lhe was retiredl without the agency of political rings and cliques. In closing the General appealed to the people that whatever their political differences might bo that the bond which held old soldiers together wouild not be0 forgotten. 1 ill voice dropped low and trembled with emotion and the last words were, "My fellow country mlen), I wish you all the choicest bles sings of God." A small cheer followed interrupte I with a whoop for Tillman. Sheriff Nance arose just as the Sena tor was departing and( readI the Alliance dlemandls, asking the Senatorial candli dates what they had to say about them. Senator Butler returnedi and said( that he had givein his opinions~ on the (de mands in a letter' to Secretary Mitchell. ile thought all the demnan'lt, except two had good D~emocracy in them. TVillman got up and reviewed his po sitioni to these demands, opposing the sub treasury in his customary wordis anid manner, lie saidt he didn't want any warehouses around to store corn and cotton in nor a system which would give t lia party in power a millioni ment. Tlhe crowd graduaillly broke after the two big skyrock~ets had exploded, but 2,500) remnainmed to see the four l1~mian candtlehs go oif. Vt'ii' C, Elii1i:iRnEi, TINDIA r, A ND EV A N3. i)r, 'epo argued stronighy for the coa st ituitionatl convenft ion, and diefended thme sub treasury as "the best of the Al liance dlemtandis." ie criticisedl the re Opening of thea dispensaies and e'e clared if respect for the courts was not maintained anuarchmy would ensue, i~e attackced thme I {elormn convention and exclaimied, "1 believe a great (heal of p rejudice hmad been inijectedl into the .eform movement to place cert am men in ofiee." lie closed with a plea for harmony and said that the AntIs dis-. li ke(l him as mnucha as they did( anyl of' his competitors. lie badl foulght them butlhad never struck below the belt. As he sat dlowni the shrietters shrieked "N v ans." Ellerbe remarked that the campaign had been pleasant andi instructive, lie thought as much of his competitors now as when he wetit.tecm paign. lie made his "farmer for Gov ernor" speech and said that all the He form lawyers were for a lawyer Gov ernor. On this he took a hand primary and none of the one, two or three thousand Reform lawyers present wanted a farmer Governor. Continu lig on this line he aroused a sleepy lit t le yell, and another when he desired to come back and meet Gen. Bob Ilemp. lill on the new county question. lie favored the new county. Aito was in favor of all the Alliance deiaands and "I'll stick to them," he shouted, as he waltzed oil the platform to a carriage. Eilerbe obtained just enough applause to show that the crowd was not unant mous against him. Mr. Tindal referred to a speech lie made lait year and talked in his usual vein. "You've got more votes in this coun ty than you think," said a mar. "I doubt that John." said another. Col. Tindal declared that when your own newspapers and leaders begin to slander and abuse each other the unity of the teform party is in danger. lie spoke vigorously for party harmony and magnanimity towaids the con quered Antis." "Your friend, Mr. Iemphill," he said, "made the insinuation, a mean insinuation, that from my speech at Itampton he believed that I had an understanding with the Antia. I said no such thing." Favorable comments from one portion of the crowd were several times interjected. Col. Tindal made his dispensary argument. Voice-If you are Governor, and I believe you will be, will you enforce the dispensary law ? "I will to the letter," replied the speaker. (Cheers.) "I believe I am the only man who can enforce it," he said, "because I can unite more of the moral forces of the State in its support than any other man." (Cheers.) "Trot out little John," was the ceio rus from the colonels. Mr. Evans came forward and was welcomed with twice or three times as much applause as any other gubernatorial candidate for Governor, but not nearly equal to Tillman's. Evans said this race started out with four horses. Voice: "We have 'em yet." Evans: "No we haven L. Pope bolted the track, Tindal sees spooku and Eli erbe is sprung in the knees." (Laugh ter.) Ile shot a good deal of lits ammu nitIon at Ellerbe for attacking him and at Pope and Tindal for trying to do away with the Reform convention. le asserted that tne Conservatives were playing 'possum and showed where they are still alive and scheming to kill the Reform movement. lie refer red to liaskell's letter of a few days ago. Senator Evans said that the peo ple pay merchants more money than they do lawyers and took a hand pri mary on it. Voice: "Now ask all who haven't paid merchants what they owed to hold up their hands." (LAughter.) Ile charged that the newspapers all hate him. The News and Courier won't . even publish his speeches. The correspondent of it told him that it does not print what he sends down. Ile said that no matter whether the Conservatives like the Dispensay law or not It is going to be enforced if it takes the whole State of South Carolina to do it. (Applause.) Ite said if there is any back down on the Dispensary it is good-bye to Re form. lie said the Darlington war was premeditated and asserted that 300 riles were shipped to Darlington from CUarleston on the day before the constables went to I)arlington. This was a plain evidence of premeditation. lie said, in response to a remark, that he is going to "step into Tillman's shoes as sure as there is a God in heav en." notwithstanding the newspapers of bo0th sides have been stabbing him in the back. RUTm OUR1O, W ATTs, ETC. The small tir ecrackers entertained the people who remained to see their gyrations. Theme was a spat between General ltichbourg and Colonel Watts. A man in the anience asked Colonel WVatts if lie had always been a Tillman ito. lie answered that in 1890 he voted .for General Bratton for Governer. Colonel Watts made the usual charges agamnst General ltich bourg. TVne latter answered that Colonel Watts was not at the IExecutive Man hion when Governor Tliliman was in dlanger' and asked why (did Governor Tiillman relieve Watts of the command or the troops at the Penitentiary and put him (ltichbourg) in command'? 'rho Governor, ho said, had more conil dlence in him because he was an old soldier. 'This ended the speaking,and the cam paign of 1894 passed into history, this being the last meeting to be0 held. An Attempted1 Aseann. L OwNDIESV ILLEC, Aug. 9.-On last IFriday night, Mrs. King, a widow, who lives about five miles from here, was attacked by a negro. P'eter Barner, who made a desperate attempt ta ray ish her. Mrs. King lives alone with her small children. Biarner went to her house, quietly raised the window, and slipped in without awaking any member of the family. Jiefore enter. ing he had taken the precaution of re moving his shoes so as to reach his victim before an alarm could be given. lie wandered about in the house for some time before reaching the bed of Mrs. King. Mrs. King at first thought that JBarner was one of her children walking about in the house and aske d what was wanted. The negro then ap proached the place from which the Sound of Mrs. King'd voicecame. Bar ner at once tried to intimidate her by threatening her life if she made an alarm. She caught Darner in the col lar of his coat and defended herself bravely. She began to scream and call for assistance. Several neighbors heard her distressing cries and immediately started at Mrs. lKing's house and do mandled the door to be opened. lBarner realized the dangerous position that ho now was in, and quickly escaped from an opnen window. D~iligent search is being made for him, and if caught, his body will be suspended from the llrat tree that is found.-State. A Man Trap. K A NSAS CITmY, Mo., Aug. 7.--Dewitt Mciowell, a prominent business mans andl his wife were imprisoned in t~heir folding bed Suinday night, caused by its accidentally closing up. They were ex tricated with difliculty after being in their perilous position for several hours. McDowell died yesterday from the ini juries received and his wife is seriously hnrt. THE POLITICAL PRO BLM. THE RESULT OF THE GUBERNATO RIA. RACE IN DOUBT. The silent Vote an Unknown fu,)astteY-A 'rediction as to th1e Restalt by Ui"nuntles Many sBhomnais lel-orted ilroViIng t-1 Da. feat Tillanan. Co1MnIhA, S. C, Aug. 10.-A few days ago I said in the llegister that the man who pretends that he knows who is going to be nominated in the lReform primaries on Saturday for Governor was afflicted with soda water on the brain. I am still of that opinion and beliave that lie not only has water on the brain but is full of the new cheap grade dispensary whiskey. I have been in every county in South Carolina since the campaign started and have come in cl ae contact with the Reform leaders and voters. I have watqhed the drift of tiings during a speaking and have talked with the rank and tile of the Reformers after the meetings were over. I have done every thing possible to try to reach a conclu sion of what will be the result on Sat urday. The more I talk and the harder I try to solve the problei the more enigmatical it becomes. There are so many phases to the situation as it now stands and so many combinations that it would take a Richard Croker to fig ure affairs out. I have been vain enough to believe I knew something of politics, but I will now surrender that vanity and leave some fellow who has not been out of his county to tell the public after it is all over that "I told you so." At the outset I have no hesitancy in saying that on the surface the indica. tions are that the Aiken Game Cock is going to be nominated, but there is an undercurrent of sentinient and a silent vote which even Tillman, with all his astuteness cannot measure. It is this not to be estimated undercurrent which will cut a big figure Saturday. "Miss Alliance," as Senator Evans speaks of the Farmers Alliance. is at the bottom of this and she Is worrying the politi clans and the prophets a great deal more than the public imagines. I have watched the crowd of men after Gov ernor Tiliman got through berating the sub-treasury to see what would be the effect of his remarks. I have watched his hand primaries on this subject and have seen what might appear to the average person to be the moat enthusi astic endorsement of his remarks, but if any man has looked carefully into a crowd during one of these votes he must have seen a large number of old, sedate and intelligent men who took no uart in the primary and in the hur rahing which invariably followed. In noting this I want it distinctly under stood that I do not mean to say that these old men will light Tillman be causeof his views. I believe that they love bim too well to knife him even for the sub-treasury, but they do not have the same feeling of love for some of the younger politicians, and sub treasury is going to be felt in the gub. ernatorial race if not in the Senatorial. These old men are Alliancemen and hold firmly to the sub-treasury, and they are the men who count on election days. They are.the fathers and uncles of the young men who do t' 3 hurrah ing, but who do not amount to a great deal when the time for working arrives. On Saturday you will see these old men turn out and begin to work. They will take some of' these same snoutrs and vote them j st ris they please. If these old men have settled on any par ticuilar man or men to vote for Gover nor you can look out for this man or men to show up on Saturday. I am giving all this to show at leastl, one element of uncertainty ini the st ruggle of a few (lays hence. In my own mind I have figui-ed outl what -candidates will get thisa almost undefined vote, and putting everything together have made tip a table of what, I candidly belIeve will be the result Saturday. No partlin feeling has; guided the make uip of tile table andti have not asked suggestions from any body about it. I frankly confess that the chances of Secretary of State Tin dhal have puzizled me lie is not regaird ed by the public as being in tile race, but lie will show more strength than anybody supposes. I f lie had the pri mary for Governor that lie has asked for on this stump lhe wouldi be "in It"' to a good extent. Nearly every bod y thinks that the race is between IEllerbe and Evans. TIhiis has ai tendiency to hurt T1indal, because hundreds of mon won't care to "throw away their votes," as it is called, and will vote for either IEller be or Etvars. llere are my figures of the counties each of the candidiates will carry. Tihie doubtfuli counties and the coulnties whtich will go for T1indai F have put elsewhere. The figures represent the number of votes each county will have in the Refor m convention: Abbevlle...................... 1 A iken ...... ..... ...... ..... .... Jiarnwel-....... ........ ......... 12 Bleaufort................. ........12 Edgeileld.................. . . Greenville.......... .......... .. Georgetown.,........,... ....... 1" Laurens........... .....,..... .....8 Lexington...................... Orangeburg........ ..............12 Spartanburg-..............-...... 1 Totals.........- ......-...-.... I 20 Ellerbe. Anderson-..-...-...-.-...-...-.....12 Chester......................... 8 D~arlington........ ........ .......8 Fairfield-...................-.....8 Florence......... ......... ........8 Hlorry .......... .......... ........ K ershaw ......... ......... ....... Lancaster...................... M arion......... ......... .........8 Newberry................ ......,.8 Oconee........................ Sumter...................... ......... 12 Williamsburg....................12 Y............................. t 1.12 Mr. Tindal will get the followving counties: Clarend on, fi Votes, Chester field, (1 votes. The doubtful counties are as f'ollows: hlerkeley, 10 votes; Charleaton,22 votes; Colleton,'10 votes; 11am pton, 6 votes; U~ni on, 8 votes; IRichland, 10 votes; to tol 56 votes. While Charleaton is pos sibly doubtful it will likely get into the 'Evans column and go far toward swell ingr the vote ot the (lame Cok, e chances are that a majority of the oth er doubtful counties will get into the Ellerbe column. It would not surprise me to see the Tindal delegates hok1( the H' balance of power In the State conven tion. There may not be many of them, but after all they may have at pienic of their own and on a big scale. Ac Senator Butler offered to bet at An. derson the other day that Tillman will not be the next I Inited States Senator. , The ofter lie made was $500 to $250. lie made this offer to a warm admirer 1 of Governor Tillman, but It was not taken probably because the man did not have t he money at hand. There are hundreds of men, however who stand fr ready to take all such bets and even to W reverse it by betting two to one on Till- 8P mian. I do not know what grounds ' General Butler has for offering to make wli stich a bet. It cannot bo on supposition ral that Tillman will not get a majority of for the white votes in the State, for lie is qu cercain to get that. I have heard a iy number of suspicious things which g make me believe that the opposition to Tillman is counting on beating him in some way make public. They may hope . to do this by an independent movement s aind by a coalition with the negroes. I wi have even heard it boasted that Till- ha man will not be seated if elected to the eX Senate; that .a contest will be brought wi and that he will lose his seat by Repub- at lican and Democratic Senators voting wi againsthim. I am absolutely cetain on that a big scheme for the defeat of kn Tillman outside of the regular channels WI] has already been planned or is being we planned. It will develop before many vo months. While mentioning the subject of bets I have found that the odds inI the bet-. wi ting on the gubernatiorial race are of fered on Evens, but a good deal of even money is going up, and Eilerbe's ev friends have been getting more conil. bu dent every day for the last two weeks. ca It has been a jolly crowd which has co gone the rounds of the campaign, and eri at Abberville Wednesday there was a be gederal handshaking and a lot of sin- is cere farewells. There hais not b~en an wi unpleasant incident in the party from th beginning to end, except" that between Butler and Tillman at Union, and that un was to have been expecto-i sooner or later. The other candidates have been Lih brothers, dwelling in peace and har. mony. The candidates have been kind m to the newspaper men and many pleas- d! ant and never-to-he- forgotten acquain- fe tances have been formed. Bad luck will ta be the misiortun of some of the best and c1 truest men who went aroutil on a campaign. The newspaper men would wish, if it were possible, that every one [ of their candidate friends could get an 8l office, but as that cannot he they will n sympathize with those who are left and congratulate such of the victorious fellows as they think are worthy to hold the position.s they have asked for and have gotten. THE WEATHER AND GROP3. t C TheI a'renlting Westkly Iulletin, Or lita ei Nate Huranu. 8 t( lor the week ending August 611 the t teiurature deviatod but little from a 1,h1e norm:tl, bitt up to and including n Friday the 3rd, a ninimuim of 50 hav- n Ing been reporLed from N. Mattaews u (n 8itanday; elsewhere the lowest was G b1t 59, wleiI the higheaf, temperature for Cho week,96, was repor.ed froi o (ireen wood an(l Spartanbuirg on Yurs - pi day the 2nd. 'he week began an(i en(l- lit ed witih cloudy weather and gave only gi from two to three entirely clear days in lthe inlterio~r, wiletu along the southern , coast every (lay was clouidy or partly N clidly ; northwardi along thle coast, in ot tihe vicinity of ( aargeto wn, theore was h mlore ounsinei, amounting to about the "I average. U I'Te rainfall f'or th~e week was ex ri cessive. Until the 4Ith, showers were rt scattered and although 'heavy in places ti not generally .so; in fact some portions at of the State were dry and needing rain, but, du tring Sat~uirday afternoon heavy showers occulrred in many counties and by night of that dat~e a general heavy li1 ralin sit tn, and~ the rainl contitied~ fall- tt. ing steadil.V, or with short intervals tr through to) Mondoy night at which I time the wveather st~ill looked threaten iin 11ng. The rainfall over the entire State lh< during this period varies from two to p1 live Inches the exact measurement not re being available at this writing. The ou ('lfects of this heavy rainfall on ground fll already too wet for the best (develop- it ment (of most crops cannot be fairly gi estimated blit1 will be reflected in the m tone (Of next week's brilletin. I njury is he already apparent (due to frealhets which 11 have su bmnerge~l large tracts of fertile I blottom lanlds hIghly cultivated and tt coveredl with most promising fields ih of corn anid cotton as well as grass for at hay and~ pastutrage, 11lIllside crops atus. in lined injury fiotiu the washing rains. ttl DIr)ning the week cotton has fallen off cc int condItion, or at best, had failed t.o M take the gains it shoulti at this season. di Few correspondents4 buit that reported sj excessive shedding of' fruit or else grow lng to weed and fruiting too little, with a (decided yellowish color onl light sandy soil that showed an unhealthy si iondilon of the plant; rust also noted A In manly localities; many fields laid by tr in grass. Tfhe falling off in condition is It estimated at from I10 to 40 per cent. ye There are pourtlons of the State where ac the cr01) Is In the most ex aeilenut con di- f< LIon. Co)rn c-nt innect t o do well except on ri bottomr landls whlere it is tireing to tile al injttry of the fodder and possibly to the ir ear. IFodder pulling will soon become 11 general, but the weathler Ia unfavorable ii for curing. em ILIch flat vest hats begun in a small fi way and the entire crop is hleading very ci we'll promisiang from fair to very golul . i yield. T1hie sugar cane and sorgh umn crops b promise to be large onies; some syrup has been mnadle; yield good. All root crops growing rapidly. GAen erally too wet for peas. Turnips being ri sown fin large qutanities, weather favor- e able. Tobacco curing has begun; the crop a is of very goodl quality and at. least tup t to an aveaatge in (luantity. A second cr01p of straw berries report-. ed( from IDarlinlgton coun~ty. Ilaying begun wvithi large crops in I sight out wveathier unfavorable for a51 curing it in good condition. Melons still ptlentifli. Cabbages rotting o wing to wet weather, .J. W. BAURRU, Drotor. Columbia, . C.( Anu 7th 18o14 110 WIL1L BE GOVERNOR'T 3W THINGS STANDs AT THE CLOSE OF THE FIGHT. r(ordirg tes the Ooiu0nbta 4egister and lovernor Tillinen the Race for Gliver aor is Nip and Turk Between Evans and alletbe. UOiTUMnrA, S. C., Aug. 5.-The Lister of today prints the following in its cumpaIin correspondent, Mr. W. Price, who has followed the akers all over the State: i'he people are trying to fl-ure (ut to is to be the next Governor, or her who is to be the Reform nominee that place. This now perplexing Bstion will be answered in a few days the people of the State. There are ig to bo some surprises, is a predic. a E make Vell, the fact and the straighl fact .i*s: The man who says he knows o is going to be the Reform nominee i soda water on the brain and needs untation. Governor Tillman agrees ,.h me. I spent Friday night with hin Clemson College, and in conversation ,h several persons he said the race is ) with as much doubt in it as he ever sw. lie declared that nobody knows o will be the winning man. le even ut so tar as to say that there is a quiet to in the Reform ranks which cannot guessed at and that the weight of it, I be felt. This Is the vote which the mnds of Ellerbe and Tindal claim. It's all muddled. I have now been in sry cruutv in the State except three, L the nearer I get to the end of my npaign work the more muddled I be ne o: this question of the next Gov ior. U ie day I think it :s going to Ellerbe and the next I think Evans thu winner. I do not believe there i1 be twenty votes dilarence between i in the Iteform conventimn. It may :n out that Sscretary of State Tindal's ends will hold the balance of power in 5 convention. (1 veroner Tillman made a statement his speech at Pickens which was un ratoot by some to have indirect re rence to General EIlerbe. Ile was king about the efforts being made to lange the Colleton plant convention to pimarv and said that the friends of beaten" candidates were responsible r all trouble. In view of the impres on nearly everywhere that the Gover )r is a friend to. Senator Evans, It is Dt to )e wonidered that the remark was iken as a slap at General E lerbe. - I amarke - to the Governor at Clemson ;ollege that his words had a peculiar ound or significance. lie said that he al no reference to General Ellerbe, and hen proceeded to eulogize Ellerbe as ne of the best and strongest men in the ,eform ranks. Ile warmly compliment 1 the Marion Swami Fox on his partanburg speech. The Governor up > now has not seemed to appreciate that te conditions are such at this time that most anything he may say which is :t dellnite and explicit will be likely to ore than one construction. The sit ition is delicate and I am satisfled the overnor is chafing uinter it. Since the Unian row Governor Till an and Senator Burler have let each ,ber severely alone. They were getting 'etty "chummy" before that exciting ,tle incident. They used to ride to ither in carriages and wDuld joke each her on trhins and everywhere. They >i to be as thick as school boys and as ty with each other as two-year-olds. ow they avoid each other andl 'to hear ie of them speak you would not think knew the name of his rival. I heard (reenville that, they refused to ride to e speaking place in the same car tge together. This may have been a mior. At any rate it is not probable at they will refer to each other on the umip this camp~aign. Whlakey's WVork. JDE3 MOJNiCS. Iowa, Aug. 8.-The tle village of Charlton, near here, is mornig was the scone of a horrible agedy. At 10:30 o'clock W. D. Jen ne, night baggage man of the Burl gton lioad at that place, entered the me of his betrothed, Miss Julia Mur iy, and after a bitter quarrel drew a voiver and shoet her. He then turned i her sister, Mrs. Josle T1ownes, and ed a b~ullet into her, killing liar almost stantly. Mrs. Murphy, mother of the rie, rushed into the room only to eet with a bullet from the revolver id b~y the apparently Insane man. or in juiry is such that the physicians ivo little hope of her life, Jenkins en tuirnedl the weapon on himself and 'ed a bullet into his brain. Hie died hour later. Jenkins had been drink g for several days and it is believed e nmrder and suicide was the out. 'me of a qu arrel between himself and les Murphy over his intoxicated con tion. The women were highly re ected and in goodl circumasances. A Young Murderer., MONTOOMEiRY, Ala,, Aug. 8.-.A eclal to the Advertiser from Opelika, Ia., gives an ocoount of a deplorable agody near that Place tis morning. appears that Roll Love, the thirteeni ~ar old son of Mrs. Sam Love, had me trouble with .i mmett Brook's, the irteen year old son of Mr. Charles rooks. Tile result vias young Brooks 'colved a load oif duck shot in his omiech and is thought to be fatally Jured. The fathier of young Love de vered his son to be anthorities. The ttle fellow does not appreciate the rormity of his offense and talked eely of' the difliculty. lie says Ursooks traed him and then attempted to as mit him with a heavy stick. The irents of the children are neighbore, atween.whom existed frIendly relation. T,'e saving Ojel.Jg. I'ECNSACOLA, Fla Aug. tLg ight the futll rigged lNor wegian steam. r, Stephenson, stranded on Santa Rosa siand, nearly two miles from the lire aving station, while trying to enter his harbor. A terrible southeast gale was blowing at the time. The govern. nlont disbands the life saving station rom May to September, leaving only .he captain in charge. Capt. Broad. )ent, with the assistance of his three laughters and one man, hauled their tpparatus nearly two mflea, IIred the, Ife line and rescued'the crew of the' r'essel. The vessel is in seven teet of later andi is rapidly going. toa~o